Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']if you fire it rapidly it doesn't affect it, but if you are trying to shoot someone at a distance and slowly shooting it does. the usp.45 basically has no recoil in any situation which makes it basically the perfect pistol since it does almost just as much damage as the desert eagle.[/quote]

oh, ok.
I'm getting confused about Silencers and the UAV Jammer. What I originally thought was that in-order to stay off the radar you would need the UAV jammer perk and a silencer so that you're not on the radar while shooting. Also, if you shoot with just a silencer and no UAV Jammer you would show up on the radar right away.

But now I'm hearing from my friends that a UAV Jammer is not needed and that you just need a silencer to stay off the radar. I'm watching these videos of major COD4 pros and surprisingly they don't use UAV Jammer with their silenced guns. What's the deal? Are they just using a silencer for a different reason?
I always thought using the silencer was to stay off the radar while shooting. But if they have that UAV online they will be able to see you no matter if you shoot or not, unless you have the UAV jammer on. Not really sure if you have the UAV jammer on, if you would be seen if you shoot without the silencer. But its really annoying when the enemy has the UAV going and they run around the corner and cut you with a knife since they can see you on the radar.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I always thought using the silencer was to stay off the radar while shooting. But if they have that UAV online they will be able to see you no matter if you shoot or not, unless you have the UAV jammer on. Not really sure if you have the UAV jammer on, if you would be seen if you shoot without the silencer. But its really annoying when the enemy has the UAV going and they run around the corner and cut you with a knife since they can see you on the radar.[/QUOTE]

This is why I work with an asshole class on high levels: P90 Silence, M9 Silence, 3x Frag, UAV Jammer, and Dead Silence. Works well for when I need it.

Edit: (Oh god, the quick edit text box colors are screwed up. Anyways...) Just for clarification, the UAV Jammer prevents yourself being seen on the map when the UAV is called, and the silenced weapons prevent yourself being seen on the map when you shoot. Using both combined will cause yourself to NEVER be on the map.
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What twen said. The easy way to remember is that UAV Jammer only works when someone calls in a UAV. If you're running a UAV Jammer class without a silenced weapon they'll still be able to see you every time you shoot when the UAV is up. So essentially as long as you're not shooting while the UAV is up you're invisible to radar.

Silencers work to keep you from showing up when you shoot. If you're running a silencer with no UAV Jammer and they call in a UAV you'll show up with every sweep of the UAV. You have to run both UAV Jammer and a Silenced weapon if you want to never show up on the radar.
[quote name='xcoax']What twen said. The easy way to remember is that UAV Jammer only works when someone calls in a UAV. If you're running a UAV Jammer class without a silenced weapon they'll still be able to see you every time you shoot when the UAV is up. So essentially as long as you're not shooting while the UAV is up you're invisible to radar.

Silencers work to keep you from showing up when you shoot. If you're running a silencer with no UAV Jammer and they call in a UAV you'll show up with every sweep of the UAV. You have to run both UAV Jammer and a Silenced weapon if you want to never show up on the radar.[/quote]
Hmmm... all this time I was using UAV Jammer for nothing during Search and Destroy games. Thanks.
Is there any gametypes that really give more exp than the rest? Ive played 24 hours now and reached level 36. Most of the games ive played were Team Deathmatch.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Is there any gametypes that really give more exp than the rest? Ive played 24 hours now and reached level 36. Most of the games ive played were Team Deathmatch.[/QUOTE]

search and destroy and headquarters (sometimes) will give you the most points if you are good or on a good team. with headquarters, as long as your team is capturing the headquarters each time, you will get a lot of points whether you get kills or not. for search and destroy, you get 50 points per kill (no respawns though) and 100 points for arming/defusing the bomb, but you have to be somewhat good to get a decent amount of points in search and destroy.

doing the challenges was one of the fastest ways to rank up, headquarters is great for this. it is basically like team deathmatch, except you get extra points from the headquarters. i don't suggest domination since it gives you only 5 points per kill and capturing the flags can be a real pain.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Is there any gametypes that really give more exp than the rest? Ive played 24 hours now and reached level 36. Most of the games ive played were Team Deathmatch.[/quote]
yea, search and destroy is win. 1 kill = 50 points. you rack up 5 kills, and you get 250 points, or the equivalence to 25 Team deathmatch kills.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Is there any gametypes that really give more exp than the rest? Ive played 24 hours now and reached level 36. Most of the games ive played were Team Deathmatch.[/QUOTE]

Yeah team deathmatch doesn't really rake in the XP. I would only recommend Search and Destroy if you're really patient when playing as you only have one life per round. I know I can't do it because I prefer to run in guns blazing and ask questions later.

I would recommend Headquarters as a good option. As long as you're on a good team you should be coming out with at least 300 points before the match bonus. Of course I'd also agree with InuYashafan in that you should work on the challenges as well as they will greatly increase the points you get.
[quote name='xcoax']Yeah team deathmatch doesn't really rake in the XP. I would only recommend Search and Destroy if you're really patient when playing as you only have one life per round. I know I can't do it because I prefer to run in guns blazing and ask questions later.

I would recommend Headquarters as a good option. As long as you're on a good team you should be coming out with at least 300 points before the match bonus. Of course I'd also agree with InuYashafan in that you should work on the challenges as well as they will greatly increase the points you get.[/QUOTE]

not only does it help you rank up fast working on gun challenges, but i personally think it makes you an overall better player. you get a lot more options when you run out of ammo with a weapon basically. if you are only good with a m16 or mp5, going and picking up a sniper or a light machine gun off the ground when you run out of ammo is just going to get you killed. i can now use any weapon in basically any situation, even if i have a preference for a certain weapon on that map.
yeah right now im working on a new assult rifle and machine gun. Trying to get the 75/150 kills. Which is easier to get in team deathmatch. In seek and destroy i only get a couple kills a round at best. Im not sure if i want to prestige yet. I do like medals 4th and 9th. But that would take so damn long to get to. But im not sure yet. I hate the idea of losing all my weapons only to go back through the ranks once again to get the same weapons back. All just for a medal. I think i would rather try beating every challenge and then having all the weapons at my fingertips.
[quote name='The 7th Number']yeah right now im working on a new assult rifle and machine gun. Trying to get the 75/150 kills. Which is easier to get in team deathmatch. In seek and destroy i only get a couple kills a round at best. Im not sure if i want to prestige yet. I do like medals 4th and 9th. But that would take so damn long to get to. But im not sure yet. I hate the idea of losing all my weapons only to go back through the ranks once again to get the same weapons back. All just for a medal. I think i would rather try beating every challenge and then having all the weapons at my fingertips.[/QUOTE]

This is where what IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan said above really comes into play.
Entering prestige will make you learn to be a better player. You will become more
effective using your iron sights and may even get better at weapons you once hated.
I use to loathe the AK-47, untill around the 4th prestige. Now its my favorite assault rifle.
It took me untill prestige 9 to realize the effectiveness of the scorpion.
like i said, i can basically use any weapon in any situation now, but this is my second time going through all of the prestiges again as well. i rarely use the shotgun, but i am actually good with that as well when i use it. my favorite weapons are now the g3 (in 4 rounds playing this one group, i beat them 3 times by myself using it), the mp5 silenced UAV jammer, m60 red dot, m40, and the ak-47. i like weapons that are a challenge to use which is why i didn't include the m16 red dot, but i used to hate most of those weapons. i couldn't stand the g3 or the m60 at first, but after using them so many times, i feel like i am better with these weapons than some of the other ones that i used to love (like the g36c).
[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']like i said, i can basically use any weapon in any situation now, but this is my second time going through all of the prestiges again as well. i rarely use the shotgun, but i am actually good with that as well when i use it. my favorite weapons are now the g3 (in 4 rounds playing this one group, i beat them 3 times by myself using it), the mp5 silenced UAV jammer, m60 red dot, m40, and the ak-47. i like weapons that are a challenge to use which is why i didn't include the m16 red dot, but i used to hate most of those weapons. i couldn't stand the g3 or the m60 at first, but after using them so many times, i feel like i am better with these weapons than some of the other ones that i used to love (like the g36c).[/quote]

i am just awful with the g36c right now.... i don't know why, i would switch to the M4 in the same match, and beast up.

and, do you use the red dot with the G3?
i always use a red dot with the g3 once i unlock it. the iron sights aren't bad, but you don't get as clear of a view across the map like you do with the red dot. the part about the g36c/m4, the m4 is more powerful than the g36c, but the g36c is probably the most accurate full auto assault rifle if you ask me. it is one of the only assault rifles i have got digital camo for every time i have maxed out its marksman challenge since i know i can shoot at the enemies head long range and it will actually hit its target.
[quote name='Khondor']This is where what IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan said above really comes into play.
Entering prestige will make you learn to be a better player. You will become more
effective using your iron sights and may even get better at weapons you once hated.
I use to loathe the AK-47, untill around the 4th prestige. Now its my favorite assault rifle.
It took me untill prestige 9 to realize the effectiveness of the scorpion.[/quote]

Well put. I'm only at the end of my third prestige, but I feel like I've gotten much better with the weapons I used to hate.
[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']i always use a red dot with the g3 once i unlock it. the iron sights aren't bad, but you don't get as clear of a view across the map like you do with the red dot. the part about the g36c/m4, the m4 is more powerful than the g36c, but the g36c is probably the most accurate full auto assault rifle if you ask me. it is one of the only assault rifles i have got digital camo for every time i have maxed out its marksman challenge since i know i can shoot at the enemies head long range and it will actually hit its target.[/quote]

hm... thats so weird. i don't know, i'll just finish it tonight hopefully, if i can bother to get those 40 kills. and then to the dang m14.
Yeah, for some reason I really clicked with the G36c this time and it was actually the first gun I got the red tiger camo for this prestiege. If it weren't for the MP44, it would actually be pretty easy getting the Gold AK...
[quote name='xcoax']Yeah, for some reason I really clicked with the G36c this time and it was actually the first gun I got the red tiger camo for this prestiege. If it weren't for the MP44, it would actually be pretty easy getting the Gold AK...[/quote]

it is going to be very painful for me to try to get, ANY of the gold weapons, except maybe the shotguns :/
the Dragunov isn't going to be too bad. I've already got the M40 and the .50 Cal done and I'm about 1/3 of the way done with the M21 and the R700. The only real obstacle to the Gold Dragunov is the Dragunov itself.
[quote name='xcoax']the Dragunov isn't going to be too bad. I've already got the M40 and the .50 Cal done and I'm about 1/3 of the way done with the M21 and the R700. The only real obstacle to the Gold Dragunov is the Dragunov itself.[/quote]

are you going to start a new account like anarchy once you maxed out everything? or just keep playing?
[quote name='xcoax']I don't see myself maxing out everything basically ever. Even if I did, I'd just keep playing for the fun of it.[/QUOTE]

i personally didn't max out all of the challenges, but i got bored having everything for all of the main weapons i use and started using my fake account as my real one. it was a challenge bringing up a .20 k/d to a 1.89 k/d, but it is extremely satisfying.
[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']i personally didn't max out all of the challenges, but i got bored having everything for all of the main weapons i use and started using my fake account as my real one. it was a challenge bringing up a .20 k/d to a 1.89 k/d, but it is extremely satisfying.[/quote]
man, my K/D ratio sucks.
[quote name='Blood Covenent']man, my K/D ratio sucks. [/QUOTE]

i am just really good at the game, don't let my stats bring you down. if i played alone or with people that didn't really care about stats too much, mine wouldn't be even close to what they are now.
[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']i am just really good at the game, don't let my stats bring you down. if i played alone or with people that didn't really care about stats too much, mine wouldn't be even close to what they are now.[/quote]

ufortunatly, i'm much better at MGO. my K/D ratio is positive, by a landslide, and headshots are 1 shot kills with any gun. and i'm much better at shooting for the head.
[quote name='Blood Covenent']ufortunatly, i'm much better at MGO. my K/D ratio is positive, by a landslide, and headshots are 1 shot kills with any gun. and i'm much better at shooting for the head.

i still need to get a ps3, but i doubt i would pick up MGS 4 since i have personally never really liked the series. the new socom is the only reason i would buy a ps3 at all, but that is what got me into online gaming to begin with (and where i originally started the anarchy clan, though i only have 2 of the original members on my xbox live friends list even). sadly COD 4 headshots are at least 2 shots with anything but a sniper or the m14 as far as i tested in a normal mode, but perhaps you should try hardcore mode if you prefer 1-2 bullets killing someone every time. i don't enjoy hardcore because of the amount of camping, but other than that i think the gamestyle is fine.
when will this be free?? When it first came out, ppl said it would be free by summer. But when it eventually becomes free, this game will be full of 2 much dust.
[quote name='dudedizzle27']when will this be free?? When it first came out, ppl said it would be free by summer. But when it eventually becomes free, this game will be full of 2 much dust.[/quote]
That's the point really. They're trying to get as much money as the can.
[quote name='RudyPants']Well put. I'm only at the end of my third prestige, but I feel like I've gotten much better with the weapons I used to hate.[/quote]

All this talk of Prestiges :cry:....I just started my 2nd Prestige and probably won't get to a Gold Cross until COD5 comes out (not world at war) but then again I only started playing around February and only very regularly for the past couple months. We shall see.

SlimJim, forgot to thank you on the other thread a few days ago for your response on my rant regarding your buddies.
[quote name='woodcan']All this talk of Prestiges :cry:....I just started my 2nd Prestige and probably won't get to a Gold Cross until COD5 comes out (not world at war) but then again I only started playing around February and only very regularly for the past couple months. We shall see.

SlimJim, forgot to thank you on the other thread a few days ago for your response on my rant regarding your buddies.[/QUOTE]

i haven't had a chance to speak to the ones that did it yet. i know trooper was there, but do you remember who else? i'd like to get them there all at once to talk to them about it.
[quote name='shinryuu']I still haven't beaten single-player. Stuck on One Shot, One Kill on Veteran. Ugh.[/QUOTE]

That mission pissed me off for the hordes of guys you have to endure, with a sniper rifle. Assuming you're stuck at the beginning, run to the right side along the buses, learning how the guys come out, kill them to get a gun, and run for the checkpoint -- once you're in the first apartment, it's significantly easier.
[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']i haven't had a chance to speak to the ones that did it yet. i know trooper was there, but do you remember who else? i'd like to get them there all at once to talk to them about it.[/quote]

I honestly don't recall who all was there other than trooper and Blood Covenant and couldn't tell you who said what.
[quote name='woodcan']I honestly don't recall who all was there other than trooper and Blood Covenant and couldn't tell you who said what.[/QUOTE]

well i will make sure to tell trooper not to boot people like that. like i said, a simple "would you mind leaving?" works just as well. again though, trooper has been having a lot of trouble staying connected like you were having (at least i think it was you), so that may have been it and since he doesn't actually know who you are, he may just have missed sending you an invite back when the party was restarted.
I just unlocked the M14 assult rifle. I hate its guts. I cant wait to get 150 kills with it. In the amount of time it takes me to fire 5 shots someone used a machine gun and put 40 in me. Seems like its very hard to kill someone with, especially with the kick back it gives off.

Some of the levels i really like... Backlot, Crash, Showdown, Overgrown, Pipeline, and my favorite is Crossfire.

Some of the levels i really hate....Ambush, Bloc, Bog, Countdown, and Wet Work.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I just unlocked the M14 assult rifle. I hate its guts. I cant wait to get 150 kills with it. In the amount of time it takes me to fire 5 shots someone used a machine gun and put 40 in me. Seems like its very hard to kill someone with, especially with the kick back it gives off.

Some of the levels i really like... Backlot, Crash, Showdown, Overgrown, Pipeline, and my favorite is Crossfire.

Some of the levels i really hate....Ambush, Bloc, Bog, Countdown, and Wet Work.[/quote]
Wow. When I started playing I too had similar likes and dislikes. Too similar. But over time I have grown to love some of the maps I dislike. Here's a few tips for the maps:

Ambush- I still hate this map to this day but I learned that Sniping is not exactly a good choice for this map if you want to rack up kills. I suggest using any assault rifle.

Bloc- Do not use a shotgun. I know this is a CQB map, but shotguns can easily be outgunned due to range. Sub-machine guns all the way on this one.

Wet Work- I have learned that the ACOG scope is the most effective scopes for Wet Work. Any gun is fine as long as you're using a ACOG scope and the gun has a high-rate of fire.(For turning corners.)
[quote name='shinryuu']Ambush is a map that got ruined by rooftop hopping.[/quote]
Tell me about it. I once went against a clan that all split up on different parts of the roofs. :roll:
rooftop hopping is easy to counter now, but it takes time to get to rooftops. if you allow a team to do it, i kind of feel like you deserve it at his point (even though i never use the rooftops).

certain maps are extremely one-sided for spawns, so that may be the reason you hate them. if you had the opposite spawn, you would probably enjoy them more (such as bog or downpour). wetwork is not that good for acogs IMO, it is best for silenced SMG's and for people that lack aiming skills, 3x frag.

the m14 is actually a pretty good weapon once you get used to it, i personally use steady aim with this (i never use it on any other assault rifle) since the kick is so much for hip firing and it is easily a 1-2 shot kill depending on where you hit the person (does the same damage as a sniper).
I'm still playing COD4 religiously every day and I haven't gotten to play with anyone from CAG I think. I might have a couple of you on my friends list but its been a while since I added anyone so I forget who is who.

If you want to play, shoot me an invite and just let me know. I'm finishing up my 6th prestige. I've never been much of a sniper but I think when I hit 10th prestige I may snipe more just because I don't want to invest a lot of time into it.
[quote name='mike.m']I'm still playing COD4 religiously every day and I haven't gotten to play with anyone from CAG I think. I might have a couple of you on my friends list but its been a while since I added anyone so I forget who is who.

If you want to play, shoot me an invite and just let me know. I'm finishing up my 6th prestige. I've never been much of a sniper but I think when I hit 10th prestige I may snipe more just because I don't want to invest a lot of time into it.[/QUOTE]

i would highly suggest using all weapons on your current prestige if you are trying to get to the tenth prestige at a decent speed. it will make you a ton better overall since it helps you gets used to every situation you can possibly get in. i can now run with a g3 and take on any weapon with it. it is so accurate that i can take on a sniper across the map with a red dot on it or i can take on a SMG up close because of having to get a fast trigger finger with it (which also tends to help a sniper using his pistol if you ask me).
[quote name='The 7th Number']Is there a level after the 10th prestige?[/QUOTE]

no there isn't, which is why i have a second account i am using. i got bored with my 10th prestige account since there wasn't really any challenge left.
Damn, im level 51 on my first play through. I dont think im going to prestige, because i want to try to get all the challenges done and get the golden weapons. I have a hard time getting head shots which is going to make that hard as it is.

Today i was using the sniper rifle and it just seemed to not work sometimes. I swear i shoot someone right in their chest and it looks like i didnt even hit them. This happened more than once.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Damn, im level 51 on my first play through. I dont think im going to prestige, because i want to try to get all the challenges done and get the golden weapons. I have a hard time getting head shots which is going to make that hard as it is.

Today i was using the sniper rifle and it just seemed to not work sometimes. I swear i shoot someone right in their chest and it looks like i didnt even hit them. This happened more than once.[/QUOTE]

most of the golden weapons aren't even that good (mini-uzi, semi-auto shotgun, dragunov). the game gets boring to me at least if i don't have a challenge, which it is a little more difficult when you first prestige since you don't have every weapon with everything unlocked for it. one of the people i play with had all the gold weapons, we convinced him to prestige and he has been enjoying the game more since he did, he has prestiged like 4-5 times since we talked him into doing it. i have 2 almost 3 golden weapons on my main account, but i would personally only use the golden ak-47 out of the 2 (i have that and the golden dragunov). the other other one i would use would be the golden M60, but the RPD is just as good if not better than the M60 overall, so that is a stretch saying i would use it often.

as for the snipers, which one are you using right now? the r700 is only accurate if you hold your breath for like 3 seconds before shooting. i can snipe without holding my breath with any other sniper than this one, just because it seems like the hit detection is off on the r700.
bread's done