Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='darkrage']If I dont get in this Im going to cut myself. This is my 3rd attempt to get is this mother.[/quote]

Well, I just hope that I get in. I'm not going to go to that extreme, but yeah.
[quote name='darkrage']If I dont get in this Im going to cut myself. This is my 3rd attempt to get is this mother.[/QUOTE]
Don't be an Owen Wilson
[quote name='deathweasel']Are we supposed to know if we got in by now?[/QUOTE]

They will be sending codes out for the next 72 hours. If you don't get a invite by then, than you didn't get in.
I'm still playing. Granted it's just shy of a week now, and I'll admit it's gotten a bit laggy lately, but if the level cap gets raised and we get to try more equipment and perks I'll still be having fun.

What I've been doing to keep it fresh is trying different loadouts. For instance I am trying to snipe on all maps(except vacant), since I am bad at it. Doing this has made me suck at assault rifles, but I'll go back to them and try them for a bit. Then the SAW and things like that.

Perks really change things up and add entirely new dynamics. I was running around with a sub +silencer with the UAV jammer up. IE I'll never be on radar, ever. You can sprint up behind snipers and knife them, or run through a house blasting people and they never know what direction it's coming from.

Of course this sacrifices range and other powerful perks, but its an option.

I'd most likely be playing it more if I knew more people with it, but it's definately not old yet. Halo 3 beta for me was 2 hours before I got bored...
[quote name='Surferflames']I'm still playing. Granted it's just shy of a week now, and I'll admit it's gotten a bit laggy lately, but if the level cap gets raised and we get to try more equipment and perks I'll still be having fun.

What I've been doing to keep it fresh is trying different loadouts. For instance I am trying to snipe on all maps(except vacant), since I am bad at it. Doing this has made me suck at assault rifles, but I'll go back to them and try them for a bit. Then the SAW and things like that.

Perks really change things up and add entirely new dynamics. I was running around with a sub +silencer with the UAV jammer up. IE I'll never be on radar, ever. You can sprint up behind snipers and knife them, or run through a house blasting people and they never know what direction it's coming from.

Of course this sacrifices range and other powerful perks, but its an option.

I'd most likely be playing it more if I knew more people with it, but it's definately not old yet. Halo 3 beta for me was 2 hours before I got bored...[/QUOTE]

Hmmm now you got me to wonder. Did you suck at Halo 3 or did you have no one to play it with?
[quote name='zewone']Nope.

They will be sending codes out for the next 72 hours. If you don't get a invite by then, than you didn't get in.[/QUOTE]

Ah, thankee.
[quote name='Maynard']To anyone in the beta who got in early are you guys still having fun? Still playing?[/quote]

Lag is quite noticable now, and the sniping def. needs to be toned down a bit, but its fun.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Hmmm now you got me to wonder. Did you suck at Halo 3 or did you have no one to play it with?[/quote]

I wont steer this thread in the wrong direction but I am probably the most avid hater of Halo on this site, and I can confirm that IMO the Halo 3 beta suck asshole. I can't stand Halo's mainstream success it reminds me of Linkin Park. (no offense Linkinprime) :) Bah I know I am going to get flamed for this :(
[quote name='pimpinc333']Hmmm now you got me to wonder. Did you suck at Halo 3 or did you have no one to play it with?[/quote]

Considering I like this and have nobody to play with, that doesn't make much sense. I'm not exceptionally good at this either.

I've said it before but halo just isn't my thing. There have been better games with the same "feel" as halo online, and I don't find it fun. I think its something with how it plays.
[quote name='fullmetalfan720']I just got a email that I was selected to be in the beta![/QUOTE]

Same here!! See you guys online!!! Good luck to those still waiting!
[quote name='Maynard']I wont steer this thread in the wrong direction but I am probably the most avid hater of Halo on this site, and I can confirm that IMO the Halo 3 beta suck asshole. I can't stand Halo's mainstream success it reminds me of Linkin Park. (no offense Linkinprime) :) Bah I know I am going to get flamed for this :([/QUOTE]

I'm with you on the Halo non loving... While I respect it as a series of its own, Halo 1 and Halo 2 don't deserve the praise it got. Halo 3 on the other hand will probably actually be a good FPS, thuogh I will not enjoy it 100%.
Some good news for all of you waiting to get in the beta. I bolded the important news.

Beta Registration Has Ended... More Opportunities to Come!

24-Hour Beta Sign-up has officially ended. I've pulled the final list, and the first batch of tokens are going to start sending out immediately.

Before I let you in on the best part, I want to make it clear that tokens are going to be going out in waves, we're probably going to let in a little over 10,000 people a day to slowly ramp up to the full amount. So even if you are selected tonight, you may not get your token just yet. Be patient. Enough of the logistics, now on to the good part.

I told you that we'd take care of the community, and I'm happy to say we were able to live up to that promise. Everyone who signed up for a chance at the beta via the 24-hour Beta Sign-up, WILL be getting a token!

We're going to send out congrats emails to all of you eventually, but keep in mind (again) the tokens themselves will be in waves. So you might get it today, you might get it tomorrow, you might get it later than that. So be patient, I know everyone would love to be in the first wave, but keep in mind this is a beta TEST, and this is one way were testing our servers performance is by ramping up slowly and tracking how it effects the game, playlist downloads, matchmaking, etc. We're hoping to try and get them all out as quickly as possible, but just wanted to give you a heads up if you don't see a token immediately in your inbox.

As I said, everyone who completed the sign-up over the past 24 hour's will be getting a token, if for some reason you missed the 24 hour sign-up keep in mind we're going to have more chances to get tokens in the future (possibly another sign-up) as well as through, and GameStop, not to mention International users have their very own exclusive tokens / sign-ups coming up.

Thanks again for all the support everyone, once you've all received your token, downloaded the beta, and are online stabbing me in the back on Vacant.... I'm sure it would have all been worth it.
Those of you who got in, who does the email come from? I just accidentally cleared my spam folder without realizing the email could have been in there. :(
If they are letting that many people in per day, I hope they raise the level cap. Otherwise it will get really old with everyone having the exact same load out and perks.
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']If they are letting that many people in per day, I hope they raise the level cap. Otherwise it will get really old with everyone having the exact same load out and perks.[/QUOTE]
Does the gameplay suck that bad that you can't enjoy the game if your opponent has the same weapons as you?
[quote name='zewone']Halo 3 is going to blow this game out the water.

/ joins in on thread derailing[/quote]

I love Halo because of its online play. I could spend hours and hours just going into matchmaking by myself, and this experience gets doubled when I have otehr people in my party. I don't like the single player too much, but with 4 player co-op, its right up my alley!

It helps that the gameplay is my type of game!
[quote name='zewone']Does the gameplay suck that bad that you can't enjoy the game if your opponent has the same weapons as you?[/quote]

Any game sucks when everyone has the same weapon and your other choices are inferior. Play the beta and you will understand. It does start to get old once you hit the cap like everyone else and there is nothing to keep it fresh.

I may give surferflames' techniques a shot since it sounds like it's keeping it fresh for him.
What is amazing is that as active as I have been in the COD4 forums and my rank I didn't get in yet. I know i'll get in but still little frusturating.
just got checked my in...MP3 and CoD4 if people get games going, keep me in the loop (even though the next two days are crazy for me).
wtf I entered in the code and try to download and I get an error.... Status code 80153004.................................
nm, I think I figured out what was wrong, I was on silver and apparently the stupid 48hour trial thing doesn't actually make you gold...... oh well I just used up my last free 3 month xbox live card from zero hour =/.....
bread's done