Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='triforcer']was bound to happen, cod4 is the better game.[/QUOTE]

CoD 4 needs a little more variety, Halo 3 needs a patch to fix broken issues.

Overall, I enjoy CoD4 more.. but I'm going back to Halo when I get bored.

One thing I noticed, is when I do bad on Halo 3, I shrug it off and move on. When I do bad on CoD4 I pretty much log off and come back some other time. It's a much more competitive game for me.
trying out single player on veteran, i've never beaten the singe-player before. managed to beat the record on the obstacle course, i set a 18.75 =D.
[quote name='sasukekun']Fix your DMZ hosting. You shouldnt have problems after that.

Pimpinc333 made a thread on how to do it, but cant seem to find it atm.

Found it.

The DMZ Hosting part is the one you want to do.[/quote]

Wait, even if I have an "open" connection, I still should do the DMZ part? I was wondering why I was having problems... I recently did that for a friend who had "moderate", but I never thought of doing it myself.
Anyone else think matchmaking was shit last night? I mean, every match I played in (Domination) my team was clearly overmatched. I mean, we got our asses kicked, repeatedly. With the same group of players it was almost inevitable that the lower players or new were on the same team, game after game. You could just tell by the ranks.

Even after leaving that group of players, I was put on pretty terrible teams.

It was frustrating to be the second or third "best" player on the team when I know I suck ass.
Last night was the best I have gone so far, 38-8. Went for a 21 kill streak with my M4 Carbine on overgrown. Those three helicopters helped kill atleast 15 guys. Funny seeing helicopter after helicopter after helicopter go on. Playing with some newbies but it was fun. Would of went for another helicopter if it wasn't for the fact that it ended :x


M4 Carbine Silenced w/ Red Camo
Desert Eagle
3x Frags
Stopping Power
Last Stand
Just to update folks on CAGCOD4, I cleared out the inactive folks, opened friend requests back up and promptly filled up the list again. I'll go through and remove folks in a week or so if we have inactives at that point.
Thanks for adding me to the list. Level 39 now and now using Bandolier w/h my Skorpion. If anyone invites me to a game they're already in or in the lobby -- I can't join because of my "strict" NAT. Message prompts me that I am "unable to connect to host". So, pretty much I have to be in a party first or invite someone. Kinda lame, but too lazy to fix atm.
[quote name='torifile']Anyone else think matchmaking was shit last night? I mean, every match I played in (Domination) my team was clearly overmatched.[/QUOTE]

It was fine for me early on 10-11 or so. But the last hour or so I was getting matched up with much higher level people (like people in the 50's on 3rd prestiges).

I just assumed as it gets later only the ratio of hardcore players to relative noobs goes up.
Generally, is the R700 sniper rifle better than the Dragunov? I just unlocked the R700, but already have 30/100 kills with the Dragonuv, but really just want the ACOG scope on one sniper rifle, and dont know which one I should get it on.
[quote name='sasukekun']You know the ACOG scopes are somewhat broken right? And the R700/M4A01 are the best sniper rifles imo.[/quote]When you say broken I presume you mean that you can't hold your breath to steady your shot. What's up with that? I never really sniped for a long time and then I started and my k/d is usually in the 15ish/5ish range since I really do the sniper MO of taking a shot or two and moving to a new position so I have less time to kill and am harder to find. So I started sniping a lot and was really hyped to get the ACOG scope only to find it mostly worthless.
I just got this game today.. I have a love hate relationship with it when it comes to the online mode.. I hate how you have to rank up to unlock things.. but at the same time I love getting stuff for ranking up - once I got the RPG and snipes i had 11 straight kills.. lol
Got a 20 kill streak on Ambush with Skorpion (Bandolier, Stopping Power, Steady Aim). Yay! Sucks though, because my friend had a 21 kill streak and I really wanted to beat that. I was pissed when someone ran up behind me and stabbed me when I was shooting someone else. hehe.
[quote name='jdawgg76']When you say broken I presume you mean that you can't hold your breath to steady your shot. What's up with that? I never really sniped for a long time and then I started and my k/d is usually in the 15ish/5ish range since I really do the sniper MO of taking a shot or two and moving to a new position so I have less time to kill and am harder to find. So I started sniping a lot and was really hyped to get the ACOG scope only to find it mostly worthless.[/quote]

No, you can hold your breath. It's that the hit detection while using the scope/sniping is flaky. Sometimes you'll hit your target, other times you'll shoot right through.
Yeah, the scope/sniper has pretty bad hit detection. It reminds me of Socom 2 when the hit detection was bad. The easiest way to tell and/or see how bad it is, then watch the kill cam of someone killing you with the .50 cal sniper. Today, I shot some guy running from left-to-right and my shot was WAY off yet i still got the kill. Pretty funny, yet sad.
[quote name='yukine']ACOG has always sucked, Red Dot for the win.[/QUOTE]

I keep switching back and forth between them on the M16, I seem to do better with the ACOG. Mainly I get a few more kills from a distance, where I either would have missed the person, or not seen them to begin with using the Red dot.

But what's the "broken" part of ACOG? It seems to aim fine for me?

Edit: Nevermind, saw the above posts.
Whatever you do, do not put an ACOG Scope on a Skorpion. It's quite funny. First, the ACOG Scope is practically as big as the gun itself. Second, almost all the bullets don't travel that far. For example, it's like having a shotgun and attaching a sniper scope to it (just an example). Not going to happen. In an entire team deathmatch of using an ACOG Scope on a Skorpion -- taking advantage of its zooming capabilities, I got one kill. Like, I would literally see an enemy in an open area and just unleash from the chest up and not kill him/her, reload, and then unleash again and STILL not kill the person. This happened several times. Maybe it was because I was too far away, but who knows. With ACOG Scope, it seemed like they were at killing distance. I don't see why they would actually allow an ACOG Scope to be used on such a weapon. Kind of ridiculous I guess.. and Third, unless you wanted to like show-off or something -- and even then you might look stupid as you probably won't even use it half the time, this is a completely useless attachment to this weapon.
[quote name='Chronotrigga']Whatever you do, do not put an ACOG Scope on a Skorpion. It's quite funny. First, the ACOG Scope is practically as big as the gun itself. Second, almost all the bullets don't travel that far. For example, it's like having a shotgun and attaching a sniper scope to it (just an example). Not going to happen. In an entire team deathmatch of using an ACOG Scope on a Skorpion -- taking advantage of its zooming capabilities, I got one kill. Like, I would literally see an enemy in an open area and just unleash from the chest up and not kill him/her, reload, and then unleash again and STILL not kill the person. This happened several times. Maybe it was because I was too far away, but who knows. With ACOG Scope, it seemed like they were at killing distance. I don't see why they would actually allow an ACOG Scope to be used on such a weapon. Kind of ridiculous I guess.. and Third, unless you wanted to like show-off or something -- and even then you might look stupid as you probably won't even use it half the time, this is a completely useless attachment to this weapon.[/quote]

Thats actually funny... I laughed...
I actually like putting the ACOG on the scorpion, I use it as a way to sabotage the other team. They need a weapon and end up picking it up without suspecting a thing.

I did it once just messing around, the whole other team was laughing at the end of the round. Turned into a Mini Uzi/Scorpion ACOG match
I found a couple of good-looking prestige icon pictures on the net earlier, and I decided to kind of put an overview of my CoD4 online reputation. If anyone else wants to do this, I thought it would be cool to update actively. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you are interested in the prestige pictures.
[quote name='ep2011']Thats actually funny... I laughed...[/quote]It looks ridiculous and seems pointless, but I saw a guy do well with it. I saw his name and the skorpion icon for several kills. Didn't see it when he got me, but it looked like he used it to get me a few times. After he got me from the roof of the tall building on Crash while I was sprinting for cover behind the chopper I was a little more wary of him. Might have been a lucky headshot or he had a second weapon with ACOG. . . He also did well with the shotty at distances I didn't think was effective. His aim might just be sick, but his strategy was lacking at least.
[quote name='strdr4']No, you can hold your breath. It's that the hit detection while using the scope/sniping is flaky. Sometimes you'll hit your target, other times you'll shoot right through.[/quote]I tried holding my breath with ACOG again last night and it never worked. Tried it on the M40 didn't try it on my MP5. The ACOG is more steady compared to the regular scope when breath isn't held.

I've noticed really bad hit detection with the regular scope recently. I've hit guys not moving square in the upper chest and not even gotten a damage icon a lot with all weapons, with the least occurring with the 50 cal and m40.
[quote name='HighlightShow']I found a couple of good-looking prestige icon pictures on the net earlier, and I decided to kind of put an overview of my CoD4 online reputation. If anyone else wants to do this, I thought it would be cool to update actively. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you are interested in the prestige pictures.[/QUOTE]

I think I've picked up an enemy weapon all of like 2 times a day. I'd rather use my deagle than most of the guns other people are using.

I hit 55 last night. I didn't realize you had to "level up" on 55 once to do prestige. Ah well.
I figure I'll do prestige once I get there...I'm in the high 40's now

I use a pretty basic setup so I'll have all my stuff back relatively quickly once I start at 1
[quote name='lordwow']I think I've picked up an enemy weapon all of like 2 times a day. I'd rather use my deagle than most of the guns other people are using.

I hit 55 last night. I didn't realize you had to "level up" on 55 once to do prestige. Ah well.[/quote]
Alright, let me know if you want the link to the picture once you hit prestige. I do plan on constantly updating my signature with stats etc.
[quote name='HighlightShow']Alright, let me know if you want the link to the picture once you hit prestige. I do plan on constantly updating my signature with stats etc.[/quote]

Hey Highlight...I would like the pics, that is a pretty good idea you have.

P.S. Got the GC for our trade today, I am going to do feedback right now.
lets see, i am a level 6 prestige with a 2.18 k/d, 2.82 w/l ratio, and i think a 24.84% accuracy. i finally hit 38,000 kills tonight, i usually get around 500-600 kills a night on average though. i think i had one of my best games so far tonight though, i went 30-1 on bog domination with the r700. i had bandolier (sp?), stopping power, and deep impact. i was running up into their spawn with the r700 too, i guess i just had a lot of faith in my team to cover me. my team and i haven't lost a game in 2 straight nights, so if you want to try and end that by joining a room against us, send me a friend request. we play around 10 pm est.
oh, highlightshow, i like how you did that. i would love to have something like that too, i just cant find any decent pics like that (though i havent looked very hard). by the way, i am a little over 40 on my 6th time through, if you are all looking to gain levels quick, play search and destroy or headquarters. i have 2 friends at level 55 on their 10th prestige and that was pretty much all they did. i have a better win ratio, k/d, and accuracy then all of them though! i finally hit over 1,000 wins over losses tonight, so i am quite hyped about how me and my team have been playing. we are like 30-0 for 2 nights of play or something like that. in a ground war team death match we beat the other team 1,000 to 350. in a dominatino, we won 200-92, so we have been on a great run.
As much as I consider winning to be a lot more important then kills, it means nothing but you play with a group of friends most of the time. I lose so many games from playing with a horrible squad of snipers. People who snipe in headquarters should be kicked out of the room(some people are ok at it while rushing but 99% are not)
[quote name='-BigC-']As much as I consider winning to be a lot more important then kills, it means nothing but you play with a group of friends most of the time. I lose so many games from playing with a horrible squad of snipers. People who snipe in headquarters should be kicked out of the room(some people are ok at it while rushing but 99% are not)[/QUOTE]

i agree with this, it really depends on the types of matches you play for this. I wouldn't dream of sniping in headquarters ( i think i am a good sniper), but the win comes first. in game modes like team death match and even search and destroy, kills really do matter though. when you have to capture certain spots, kills only matter once you have captured those points IMO. I sacrifice myself a lot to get a flag on domination like point b is the biggest on that. there is usually a lot of grenades on this flag (any map) since it is the middle point, i will let the grenade blow up on me if i know i have the time to capture the flag. i guess i lucked out since most of the friends i play with are pretty good. we have the ones that do bad in with us, but 3 of us more than make up for it most of the time. me and 2 of my clan members had a combined 64 kills and 18 deaths in a team death match. all 3 of us had at least 20 kills and the highest deaths of us had 12.
I agree. My K/D is about 1.05, but I also play HQ. People who stand around HQ trying not to get killed annoy the hell out of me. HQ is really about storming the base and trying to take out one or two guys, not staying alive. My accuracy is about 19%, so clearly I can play, but K/D really doesn't matter as much in certain modes. You can get a lot more points just by capping and destroying the HQ.
[quote name='2Fast']I am obsessed with kill/death ratio, it's basically all I worry about in this game. I guess mine is decent at 1.34.[/quote]

Mine is finally starting to come up now that I have decent attachments for a lot of weapons. It's up to .91 now. I finally am getting in the groove witht his game after so much Halo 3.

Plus, I play more Team Deathmatch instead of Free-For-All now. That helps some.
I only play HQ really its my favorite game type and my kd ratio is 2.25 I always charge the HQ. Just get kills while doing it unno.
-BigC-, how many kills are you at now? I just passed 38,000 and I am sure I will hit 39,000 tonight. I don't play much other than deathmatch and domination. I rarely play S&D, but the last time I play that, I went like 10-1 (which is very good for S&D), UAV Jammers are great for that type of gameplay. That racked me up like 1,000 points in 1 match with planting and defusing the bomb and getting the win. I don't really care for headquarters and I used to play a lot of sabotage, but it was nearly impossible to actually plant the bomb and win in a decent amount of time with them respawning right by where you plant it.
All I play is Domination right now. I haven't lost in the last 8 games of it I've played. You don't gain that much xp though, that is the only problem I have with it. I went 40 and 5 earlier and only got 289 xp. I was pretty pissed about that.
HighlightShow, how many flags did you capture? 15 points a flag each time you capture it can give you a lot of xp, especially if there are a lot of enemies around that you can kill.
very nice sasukekun. it seems most of the people i play on that level usually dont do too well against decent teams though. they may get high kills, but their deaths are usually right beside it. are you doing this in clan matches? do you quit early a lot? i am just trying to figure it out since most of the people around there usually quit early every time they start losing. what is your win/loss ratio at? i would love to play against some better players, i just cant stand playing against people that quit early so often, about 250 of my losses have been the host quitting early or their connection being unable to hold all the players. i should probably be at around 250 or so losses at this point and most of those should be wins from those people that quit early.
Im just playing with a bunch of CAG people. We end up making the other teams quit early so we get a ton of easy wins.

What sucks is that I used to play a lot of S/D, and it counts each round as a loss.
[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']-BigC-, how many kills are you at now? I just passed 38,000 and I am sure I will hit 39,000 tonight. I don't play much other than deathmatch and domination. I rarely play S&D, but the last time I play that, I went like 10-1 (which is very good for S&D), UAV Jammers are great for that type of gameplay. That racked me up like 1,000 points in 1 match with planting and defusing the bomb and getting the win. I don't really care for headquarters and I used to play a lot of sabotage, but it was nearly impossible to actually plant the bomb and win in a decent amount of time with them respawning right by where you plant it.[/QUOTE]
Last I checked I was around 41k about a week ago. Yea I am not a fan of sabotage it is to crazy for me

Whenever I play S&D its in hardcore so I rarely use a uav jammer. I like them in HQ but not in S&D.
bread's done