Call of Duty Black OPS

I'm not a fan of "realistic" military FPS games. I honestly don't understand the popularity of Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, Modern Warfare, etc. They're all boring and the palette doesn't extend beyond brown and gray.

If I'm going to play an FPS I want it to be unique and different, like Borderlands or Left 4 Dead.
Wow, mine was delievered from Amazon at 9:14 am this morning per UPS tracking. Odd as my UPS stuff usually comes between 3 and 5 pm.

Oh well, moot as I'm swamped at work and probably won't get to fire it up until 8 or 9pm by the time I finish up and run some errands etc.
Me unless it's completely different from MW2 and from what I've seen, it's not. I hated MW2 and thought it was the biggest waste of my money. I'm hoping it's more like W@W, but I've seen the videos. They have all that crap on the screen which I hated.
[quote name='2DMention']I'm not buying it either. Haven't played an FPS since Doom on PSOne. I don't like them, and I am not good at them.

I don't understand how these games can stay so popular for so long when games from the same era like Beat em Ups, 2d shooters, and fighting games have all but died out and become so niche you have to import $2000 Japanese arcade boards.[/QUOTE]

The reason these games stay so popular is because of the mass marketing appeal. These games are a Hollywood movies that are interactive. How many horrible ( plot ) driven movies are out there that we have all gone to see just because we wanted to see big baddam boom? I figure the same thing applies here.

Also, I am just pointing this out and not calling you out on this.

[quote name='2DMention']I don't like them, and I am not good at them.[/QUOTE]

Another aspect is that there is SOME skill to these types of games and that can be a draw too. I am still lingering on the fence with this game. I want a good game for competitive playing with some friends and Halo Reach doesn't feel like that kind of game to me. I will not buy this game until after a little while. Plus, I want to see how bad the cheats/hacks are in this game before making my ultimate decision.
Oh crap. You are right. Guess I was looking at one the 9.0 scores that they gave them. Now it's a joke that waw got that much of a higher score than ops.
Hmm judging by the reviews so far I think my original theory of "no matter how good this game is it won't get MW2 scores" may be true. I haven't played it yet, will get it later today, but this is the theory I have. People tended to overrate the IW made CoD games and needlessly shit on the Treyarch made ones IMO. World at War wasn't really worse than the Modern Warfare's, I mean the difference was so small. But you wouldn't be able to tell that by the way people treat it compared to the Modern Warfare's. Black Ops Metacritic score will be I'm guessing at least 7% lower than MW2, which I'm guessing will end up being a crock.

But I haven't played it yet so I will wait and see I guess.
My copy left UPS facility today at 7 am and it's currently a little after 11 pissing me off.

I need to ask them to start shipping FedEx, I just passed a truck on my street as I was pulling into my house.
[quote name='cgarb84']Hmm judging by the reviews so far I think my original theory of "no matter how good this game is it won't get MW2 scores" may be true. I haven't played it yet, will get it later today, but this is the theory I have. People tended to overrate the IW made CoD games and needlessly shit on the Treyarch made ones IMO. World at War wasn't really worse than the Modern Warfare's, I mean the difference was so small. But you wouldn't be able to tell that by the way people treat it compared to the Modern Warfare's. Black Ops Metacritic score will be I'm guessing at least 7% lower than MW2, which I'm guessing will end up being a crock.

But I haven't played it yet so I will wait and see I guess.[/QUOTE]

There's a reason for that though. Its because IW does all the leg work (COD 4/MW 2) and then Treyarch adds little to nothing to the games. All they do is touch up some mistakes and add Nazi zombies. So you are essentially playing the same exact game with a patch and different setting. WaW was literally the same game, as COD 4, with a different skin and a terrible single player. They take zero chances and just churn out a cash grab for Activision. If Call of Duty WaW and Black Ops weren't Call of Duty games they would be considered run of the mill shooters. The only reason this game has the hype it does is name value and Activision is going to ruin that fast with the way they a pushing these games out. All the reviews I have read for this game say the same thing: Lots of explosions, linear, and crappy AI. Sounds like MW2 with a more cleaned up, in place story. WaW was COD 4.5, and BO seems like MW 2.5.

MW2 was a lot of fun, but unfortunately either Activision or IW or both got their heads too far up their asses and neglected a beta which severely crippled it. COD 4 had a beta, was well balanced and a lot of fun.
Passing because I despise the COD multiplayer. Will pick up or rent a cheap copy eventually to play the campaign, but no way in hell I'm giving activision $60 for that.
[quote name='hustletron']My copy left UPS facility today at 7 am and it's currently a little after 11 pissing me off.

I need to ask them to start shipping FedEx, I just passed a truck on my street as I was pulling into my house.[/QUOTE]

You think that's rough?

My copy came from Kansas (I'm in NC) - goes to one warehouse about 15 miles east of where I live. Then it takes an hour to go an hour PAST where I live, 15 miles to the west, to another warehouse. Then it goes out for delivery. :whistle2:# UPS does this every time...

FedEx apparently has a shipping location here in my town... Though I haven't gotten anything FedEx in years.

Oh well. I also got an avatar flight suit (the SR-71 Blackbird suit), randomly, from GameStop... :lol:
[quote name='hustletron']I didn't get the flight suit code but I got the email about the promotional credit, "100 Amazon points is equivalent to $20"[/QUOTE]

Yeah, went ahead and tried it... automatically applies to orders at checkout.

There's also a big "sale" on a ton of 360/PS3/Wii games that makes them all $10 off, and if you buy two, you get $30 in credit back... Still $100 for two games, though. :whistle2:#
[quote name='cgarb84']Hmm judging by the reviews so far I think my original theory of "no matter how good this game is it won't get MW2 scores" may be true. I haven't played it yet, will get it later today, but this is the theory I have. People tended to overrate the IW made CoD games and needlessly shit on the Treyarch made ones IMO. World at War wasn't really worse than the Modern Warfare's, I mean the difference was so small. But you wouldn't be able to tell that by the way people treat it compared to the Modern Warfare's. Black Ops Metacritic score will be I'm guessing at least 7% lower than MW2, which I'm guessing will end up being a crock.

But I haven't played it yet so I will wait and see I guess.[/QUOTE]

CoD 3 and WaW both had fucking terrible SP...the common link? Treyarch. I didn't bother with CoD 3's MP, and WaW's lag seemed somehow worse than COD4's. Beyond that, the maps were worse, and the attack dogs killstreak award absolutely broke that game.

Everything I've seen of BO looks amazing though, but CoD3 and WaW got what they deserved in terms of criticism.
It's been the thread about Black Ops.................just saying....................wish my copy would get here.......................
Won't be getting it. Loved COD on PC but I have issues with the short SP and all the hacking on the PC side. I can't control the game console controllers as well as a mouse so therefore I don't enjoy these type of MP games.
The thing that burns my ass after playing for a few hours after midnight launch, the spawn points are fucking awful. You would think after how many iterations of multiplayer, Treyarch would fix the shitty spawn system. It's worse than MW2...
[quote name='Ronin317']The thing that burns my ass after playing for a few hours after midnight launch, the spawn points are fucking awful. You would think after how many iterations of multiplayer, Treyarch would fix the shitty spawn system. It's worse than MW2...[/QUOTE]

That sucks, I'm personally tired of shitty spawns as well, from MW2, to Reach, I was hoping this would be better.
[quote name='Ronin317']The thing that burns my ass after playing for a few hours after midnight launch, the spawn points are fucking awful. You would think after how many iterations of multiplayer, Treyarch would fix the shitty spawn system. It's worse than MW2...[/QUOTE]

Maybe enough people will complain and spawn invincibility will make it into a patch. That's the only way I can see them fixing it.
I've done about 5-6 missions, its typical and generic like usual. I can't really play online because my uni connection sucks too much, but I can guess it'll be fun playing up to around level 30 or so then it'll start sucking like most of the others.

Man Call of Duty 3 was the best.. I want that back.
[quote name='Rhett']Maybe enough people will complain and spawn invincibility will make it into a patch. That's the only way I can see them fixing it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah whenever the boards come back up from their indefinite "temporary maintenance".......
[quote name='hustletron']Yeah whenever the boards come back up from their indefinite "temporary maintenance".......[/QUOTE]

Everyone who had a hand in the game's development, publishing, or moderation is now on vacation or has abandoned CoD: BO to work on the next one. :lol:
Anyone playing Ops right now? Just curious how many are playing online. Around 10 last nite, there about 266k online and I remember launch day of Reach, there wer like 700k online that nite.
Wow, so whats the word on the availability for this? I nearly had to get in a fight with a guy b/c we were both reaching for the last Hardened edition at BB (only one for 360) I had no intent to purchase, but when I had to wander the store for a few minutes, none in the game section and only a super slim cardboard standup with their remaining copies, I decided to.

The lady I talked to said they had more people there at midnight for anything their store had ever done, rivaling a wrap-around-the-building line like on black friday. Literally all 5 people in front of me had it their hand to check out, I saw 3 people walk out with it as I was walking in..

Do you ya'll think that the supply just isn't out in full force, or could the Hardened / Prestige's actually be limited? It's funny to ask this b/c every BB I go into has plenty of those versions for MW2 still sitting there..
[quote name='Rhett']Everyone who had a hand in the game's development, publishing, or moderation is now on vacation or has abandoned CoD: BO to work on the next one. :lol:[/QUOTE]

They pulled an "EA/Dice"

[quote name='token2k6']Wow, so whats the word on the availability for this? I nearly had to get in a fight with a guy b/c we were both reaching for the last Hardened edition at BB (only one for 360) I had no intent to purchase, but when I had to wander the store for a few minutes, none in the game section and only a super slim cardboard standup with their remaining copies, I decided to.

The lady I talked to said they had more people there at midnight for anything their store had ever done, rivaling a wrap-around-the-building line like on black friday. Literally all 5 people in front of me had it their hand to check out, I saw 3 people walk out with it as I was walking in..

Do you ya'll think that the supply just isn't out in full force, or could the Hardened / Prestige's actually be limited? It's funny to ask this b/c every BB I go into has plenty of those versions for MW2 still sitting there..[/QUOTE]

Maybe people like RC Cars more than they like NVGs?
[quote name='hustletron']They pulled an "EA/Dice"

Maybe people like RC Cars more than they like NVGs?[/QUOTE]

I suppose it'd be harder to fuck up an RC car than night vision goggles...
I think because I had my brother pitbull/box breed dog outside the UPS guy didnt even give me the package. Because I could have sworn I heard a big truck outside and there was nothing there.

Yes, I even checked the mailbox just in case


Man, this is just deja vu from when Modern Warfare 2 came out. Every store selling out of the hardened/prestige versions and everyone believing it actually is limited. A couple days/weeks later, everywhere has them again. I remember between Black Friday and Christmas, amazon was selling the hardened edition for like 30 bucks.

My best guess is don't fret if you want one of these, especially if you are in no hurry. Even has the hardened edition right now for 74.99 and free budget shipping if you can wait that long.
[quote name='hustletron']My copy left UPS facility today at 7 am and it's currently a little after 11 pissing me off.

I need to ask them to start shipping FedEx, I just passed a truck on my street as I was pulling into my house.[/QUOTE]

They shipped mine via Fedex and it's been out for delivery since 8am, still hasn't arrived. Every other time Amazon ships using Fedex, I getmy package before 11. It's 1:30 now and still hasn't come. I'd expect this from UPS as they usually don't arrive until 2, but come the fuck on, Fedex.
[quote name='Dr.Zoidberg']Anyone playing Ops right now? Just curious how many are playing online. Around 10 last nite, there about 266k online and I remember launch day of Reach, there wer like 700k online that nite.[/QUOTE]

Around 10 as in before the game even launched? Maximum amount online I saw last night was 800k.
[quote name='Trakan']Around 10 as in before the game even launched? Maximum amount online I saw last night was 800k.[/QUOTE]

Highest I saw Reach at was only like 350K. :shock:
[quote name='hustletron']That sucks, I'm personally tired of shitty spawns as well, from MW2, to Reach, I was hoping this would be better.[/QUOTE]

It was maddening in Team Deathmatch last night. Spawn, take three steps start shooting a guy and get knifed from behind. Spawn in the exact same spot, get knifed again immediately. Spawn in the same place a 3rd time, right in front of the same fuck crouching behind a crate, and get domed right away. 4th spawn put me across from him, so I was actually able to shoot him then. Absolutely frustrating, and made me want to go and rebuy BFBC2 or pick MoH up.

And just like W@W, the guns feel airy. It's like the guns in MW2 felt sufficiently heavy, but the MP5 in this game feels like you can do nothing but spray and pray. Maybe I just suck.

I need to get used to it. MW2 and Halo have been like second nature to me, but I always sucked at the Treyarch games on multi. I really want to like this game, I really really do, but after the first few hours, I feel exactly like I did win W@W came out - It's good, it's just not as good as it should be. I will say right now that I don't see myself doing a prestige on this game. And just like with W@W and COD4, I see myself selling this before I sell MW2.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Highest I saw Reach at was only like 350K. :shock:[/QUOTE]

Reach was 700K on the night of release day.
[quote name='Ronzilla']Damn these Eco-Cases. My copy came in about 5 pieces. Game Disc is fine but the case aint worth a damn.[/QUOTE]

That sucks. At least the disc was OK. (Kotick was probably behind it! :roll:)

Anyone gonna be up all night or late? Probably not given it's the middle of the week, but I'm just curious. I stocked up on some Monster and, with how late UPS is looking it will be... I'm considering it.

Oh, did Black Ops come with any XBL time? Trial? Month? Just curious.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Reach was 700K on the night of release day.[/QUOTE]

Weird, but maybe its because the highest number I saw was during the weekend (not launch day).
[quote name='Rhett']That sucks. At least the disc was OK. (Kotick was probably behind it! :roll:)

Anyone gonna be up all night or late? Probably not given it's the middle of the week, but I'm just curious. I stocked up on some Monster and, with how late UPS is looking it will be... I'm considering it.

Oh, did Black Ops come with any XBL time? Trial? Month? Just curious.

As far as I know it came with the (usual) 48hr Gold card, but nothing more.

Sometime, FedEx visited the house. We weren't expecting anything, so it was weird... Wasn't my package, but the driver had to be a goddamned ninja to get past my dog without the dog hearing.
[quote name='Rhett']D'oh!

Sometime, FedEx visited the house. We weren't expecting anything, so it was weird... Wasn't my package, but the driver had to be a goddamned ninja to get past my dog without the dog hearing.[/QUOTE]

I just noticed your avatar. :rofl:
[quote name='Trakan']1,800,000 people on right now.[/QUOTE]

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

That is just...insane. Absolutely insane. Talk about a hit franchise. :shock: I guess people did want to get Modern Warfail out of their mouth. :rofl:
bread's done