Call of Duty Black OPS

[quote name='AlphaPanda']Oh man, Hacker Pro booby-traps the package AND gives you what's inside?

The enemy just gets a package full of shrapnel? That' Would hate to be on the receiving end of that.[/QUOTE]

It gives you what's inside only if you continue capturing it (I guess so that, if you wanted something REALLY GOOD in it, you could still get it). It probably disappears if you booby trap it (faster than capping it), THEN capture it. Sadly, I thought it made all killstreaks from it hostile to the enemy's team, not explode. :(

AK47 has a lot of kick, it seems like.. even with a sight. I loved using it in MW2, though. I'll have to mess with it some more. Commando definitely has what seems like the least recoil. I might have to play around with those two in CT before I spend any more money on them.
[quote name='hustletron']LOL the sad part is that the vast majority of players on XBL think that the only game having host has an impact on is Gears of War. I've gotten into debates with grown men because they didn't realize every game on XBL is done with a client/server set up, except 1 player is the server and everyone else are clients.[/QUOTE]

I agree, but no game comes even close to the bullshit that is Gears of War's host advantage.
[quote name='Trakan']I agree, but no game comes even close to the bullshit that is Gears of War's host advantage.[/QUOTE]

Gears is up there on the bullshit meter but there are other games that are almost as bad if not as bad, it just depends how well the developers can hide the lag.

Trey does a very good job at hiding the lag but people see the difference between the kill cam and what they see on their end and know somethings up.
Is there a way to use a lower perk before a higher perk? I hate having to use my mortars before i can use my spy plane. It would make more sense to use the spy plane first!

BTW what is the grim reaper? I dont even see it in the perks, but you get it in care packages sometimes. I guess its a launcher for people who dont have a launcher as a secondary weapon?
[quote name='The 7th Number']Is there a way to use a lower perk before a higher perk? I hate having to use my mortars before i can use my spy plane. It would make more sense to use the spy plane first!

BTW what is the grim reaper? I dont even see it in the perks, but you get it in care packages sometimes. I guess its a launcher for people who dont have a launcher as a secondary weapon?[/QUOTE]

Those are killstreaks, and yes, the Grim Reaper and Death Machine are exclusive to the care package.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Is there a way to use a lower perk before a higher perk? I hate having to use my mortars before i can use my spy plane. It would make more sense to use the spy plane first!

BTW what is the grim reaper? I dont even see it in the perks, but you get it in care packages sometimes. I guess its a launcher for people who dont have a launcher as a secondary weapon?[/QUOTE]

Just gotta make sure you use your spy plane first before you get the next couple kills to get mortars. Sometimes it's impossible, if you get a double or triple kill, but that's the only way to do it.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Is there a way to use a lower perk before a higher perk? I hate having to use my mortars before i can use my spy plane. It would make more sense to use the spy plane first!

BTW what is the grim reaper? I dont even see it in the perks, but you get it in care packages sometimes. I guess its a launcher for people who dont have a launcher as a secondary weapon?[/QUOTE]

The Grim Reaper is a four-barreled rocket launcher that can also lock onto aircraft. It can fire 4 rounds before reloading (I think it come with 12 total rounds), and, I think it's mainly for clearing out rooms or clearing the skies.... not sure.

No way to use a previously gained killstreak that was earned (but not used) before you gained another one, sadly. I usually either wait for a spy plane to come up, or look at where the main areas are that my team doesn't inhabit (or objectives).
I feel like people will only fall for the Hacker Pro booby traps for a little bit until it's not new anymore.

Once people realize what a booby-trapped package looks like color-wise, they'll just leave it be. Knowing the Xbox Live community, though...probably not.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']I feel like people will only fall for the Hacker Pro booby traps for a little bit until it's not new anymore.

Once people realize what a booby-trapped package looks like color-wise, they'll just leave it be. Knowing the Xbox Live community, though...probably not.[/QUOTE]

They are different color? I know a few times i got a care package and ended up getting nothing. Maybe these were booby traps, but since i killed the guy who set it up, it couldnt go off.
[quote name='The 7th Number']They are different color? I know a few times i got a care package and ended up getting nothing. Maybe these were booby traps, but since i killed the guy who set it up, it couldnt go off.[/QUOTE]

Check that video up at the top of the page there. After he booby-traps it, it changes the color of the package, unless I missed something. That makes sense, though. Gives the enemy a warning before they grab it. If you had absolutely no idea if your package was a box o' boom, it could get pretty frustrating.

Spent ~8 hours yesterday going through the campaign from start to finish. Definitely had some good twists, although
I could see the whole Reznov-isn't-real thing coming. Were Reznov and Dimitri in World At War? As soon as I heard those 2 names I thought they sounded familiar, I just never finished the World at War campaign.

I thought the "You tried to make me kill my own President!" "Tried?" was pretty clever as well. I suppose it's a good thing there wasn't a mission that involved Mason sniping JFK, that'd be a little tasteless.
I think I've finally hopped off the Black Ops wagon. I am fucking sick and tired of doing good then losing ALL my credits because I lost connection to the host. I just went 23-3 in a match and have nothing to show for it. Every aspect of matchmaking is broken imo. I haven't even been able to join a game when my party has 4+ players in it.
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I just finished the campaign, I'm level 39. I'm thinking about trading the game back to Amazon for $40. I feel like I've seen what the game has to offer. 20 hours worth of fun times she-bang.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']I just finished the campaign, I'm level 39. I'm thinking about trading the game back to Amazon for $40. I feel like I've seen what the game has to offer. 20 hours worth of fun times she-bang.[/QUOTE]

I am in the same boat. I beat the campaign, level 45ish (maybe? Thats how little I pay attention to level) and I am already getting into a rut.

Sprinting around levels trying to shoot people is only fun for so long. I just wish there was a better reward system that would force people to stop playing objective matches like a variant of TDM.

HQ, Demolition, Sabo, all these I like but they are completely ruined by the fact that everyone just uses them to boost their K/D.

The other day I had 7 defuses and 5 plants in a game of demolition and in doing so died about twice as much as I killed. No one else on my team had a single plant or defuse, I came in like 8th overall. Barely anyone even tries to play these modes the right way and thats because the score systems is so out of whack. It should take 40 kills to get the same amount of points as a plant/defuse.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Check that video up at the top of the page there. After he booby-traps it, it changes the color of the package, unless I missed something. That makes sense, though. Gives the enemy a warning before they grab it. If you had absolutely no idea if your package was a box o' boom, it could get pretty frustrating.

Spent ~8 hours yesterday going through the campaign from start to finish. Definitely had some good twists, although
I could see the whole Reznov-isn't-real thing coming. Were Reznov and Dimitri in World At War? As soon as I heard those 2 names I thought they sounded familiar, I just never finished the World at War campaign.

I thought the "You tried to make me kill my own President!" "Tried?" was pretty clever as well. I suppose it's a good thing there wasn't a mission that involved Mason sniping JFK, that'd be a little tasteless.

It changes from who's perspective though. The guy who booby trapped it or the enemy?
[quote name='hustletron']It changes from who's perspective though. The guy who booby trapped it or the enemy?[/QUOTE]

Hmm...good question. Personally, I'd assume that it'd change just in general. It seems they invert the colors when it's booby-trapped, so it'd be black on red for the care package's opposing team, and black on blue for the team with the guy who called it in.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Hmm...good question. Personally, I'd assume that it'd change just in general. It seems they invert the colors when it's booby-trapped, so it'd be black on red for the care package's opposing team, and black on blue for the team with the guy who called it in.[/QUOTE]

I personally thought it changed from the perspective of the person who booby trapped it to let that person's team mates know it's booby trapped. I don't know why, but I also don't know why it would give away that it's booby trapped to the other team so obviously, kind of defeats the purpose.
You know whats great about this game, there isnt one map in this game that i hate. MW2 had a few i hated, Halo reach has a lot that i hate, but black ops seems to have pretty good maps IMO.

Right now im level 45 i believe, makes me feel like im wasting my time trying to get these pro perks, since ill just prestige once i hit 50. Im guessing id have to unlock them again once i prestige, right?
It'll be one hell of a day when I get legitimate internet and it doesn't take 15 minutes for a 1 minute, 53 second video to load.

Candy, that was a pretty sweet minitage. Although, that Summit camping bastard. :lol: Music was pretty damn catchy. That knifing segment at the end, though.... You weren't nearly within knifing range of those guys. Lawd, ya killed the air between you and them. :whistle2:k

All in all, very nice.

[quote name='The 7th Number']You know whats great about this game, there isnt one map in this game that i hate. MW2 had a few i hated, Halo reach has a lot that i hate, but black ops seems to have pretty good maps IMO.

Right now im level 45 i believe, makes me feel like im wasting my time trying to get these pro perks, since ill just prestige once i hit 50. Im guessing id have to unlock them again once i prestige, right?[/QUOTE]

I semi-agree with you on the map thing, I haaaate Array and I'm not a big fan of Villa. Otherwise, I think they did a really good job.

I believe that you'll have to get all the Pro stuff again after you prestige, yeah. There really isn't any incentive not to prestige, is there? Everything's based on you prestiging besides the weapons, so if anything they want you to prestige as fast as possible.
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Anyone hear ice cube get all mad when teammates kill each other and then get booted? I seen two of my teammates get booted right after each other, and cube was pissed, it was pretty funny. Wonder if i can find that game and make a video of it.
They have commentary for that? That's awesome.

His voice acting was actually pretty good. I mean, it wasn't spectacular, but I liked it. I mostly just don't like how much of an effort he made to sound badass. "YO THEY DESTROYED YOUR EQUIPMENT" in that tone of voice of his.

He was Bowman, right?
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Spent ~8 hours yesterday going through the campaign from start to finish. Definitely had some good twists, although
I could see the whole Reznov-isn't-real thing coming. Were Reznov and Dimitri in World At War? As soon as I heard those 2 names I thought they sounded familiar, I just never finished the World at War campaign.

I thought the "You tried to make me kill my own President!" "Tried?" was pretty clever as well. I suppose it's a good thing there wasn't a mission that involved Mason sniping JFK, that'd be a little tasteless.

Reznov and Pachinko (Something like that) were in World at War. Pachinko was the player's character, and Reznov was your buddy. The bit where Reznov said the other guy should have been hailed as a hero for all he went through etc etc was because during the dramatic end of the Russian campaign (Possibly the game, don't remember) you get shot planting a flag.

I thought this Call of Duty had the best story out of, hell, any of them. It was silly as shit of course, but since the series has always been about fancy setpieces and battles going up to 11, I thought the route they took worked well for what they were going for. Still very much a Call of Duty game, but I had a bit more fun with it than other CoD campaigns.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']
Reznov and Pachinko (Something like that) were in World at War. Pachinko was the player's character, and Reznov was your buddy. The bit where Reznov said the other guy should have been hailed as a hero for all he went through etc etc was because during the dramatic end of the Russian campaign (Possibly the game, don't remember) you get shot planting a flag.

I thought this Call of Duty had the best story out of, hell, any of them. It was silly as shit of course, but since the series has always been about fancy setpieces and battles going up to 11, I thought the route they took worked well for what they were going for. Still very much a Call of Duty game, but I had a bit more fun with it than other CoD campaigns.

Ah, so it was him. I remember Reznov yelling "Dimitri!" happily at one point during World at War after you fall off a roof/jump out of a window or suttin suttin.

This campaign actually made me really feel for the characters. I thought they did a damn good job with the storytelling. Felt bad when Bowman died, would've felt more bad when Woods died if he hadn't died off-screen. Getting shot in front of Mason would've added an extra sense of oomph to it, but that's just my opinion. I found Mason to be a bit annoying, actually. Not sure why. I liked him as a character and the voice acting was phenominal, but towards the end I was getting irked by how he acted. I guess that's the point, to deliver emotion.

Can someone please explain to me the bit when you're stumbling through the hallway after punching Hudson in his stupid face, and all of a sudden the roof comes off and a missile launches? I seem to have missed what the significance of that was.
[quote name='snowhite']I have seen the trailer and it seems to be a very promising one!
Action thriller.. Looking forward for see that...[/QUOTE]

Think you might be in the wrong thread, brother.
[quote name='snowhite']I have seen the trailer and it seems to be a very promising one!
Action thriller.. Looking forward for see that...[/QUOTE]

umm....okay :lol::lol:
Woot! So glad they are on top of these updates! Seems like they get them out so fast they dont have to do MS whole approval process.

# 11/17 (full title update)
# · Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster
# · Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions
# · Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby
# · Improved party system to ensure that parties don’t get broken apart
# · Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games
# · Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads
# · Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
# · Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions
# · Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect
# · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire
# · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses
# · Additional online security enhancements
I'll still believe it all when I see it (hopefully soon).

I can't imagine the idea of playing more than 4 games per hour with a party of 5 or more. I thought I payed $60 to play lobby with friends all night :cool:
I don't see any mentions of hit location issues but maybe some of the lag issues being patched will fix that? I guess time will tell.

Holy crap footsteps are fixed. Ninja perk is finally worth using.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I don't see any mentions of hit location issues but maybe some of the lag issues being patched will fix that? I guess time will tell.

Holy crap footsteps are fixed. Ninja perk is finally worth using.[/QUOTE]

Hit detection has a lot to do with how many bars you have. I've been getting 3 bars 90% of the time. In MW2 I almost always had a solid 4 bars. Hopefully the host fixes lead to better connections which will lead to better hit detection.
[quote name='The 7th Number']They are different color? I know a few times i got a care package and ended up getting nothing. Maybe these were booby traps, but since i killed the guy who set it up, it couldnt go off.[/QUOTE]

Funny that you bring this up.

I was playing Combat Training last night, called in two care packages. Ofcourse I died before I got the second one. Bots swarmed to it... then I heard the weird noise that occurs when someone steals your care package, but the icon was still there.

Your team cannot see that a care package is boobytrapped unless someone on your team did it to an enemy care package. If you booby trapped someone else' care package, it'd change colors to denote that it's trapped and shouldn't be stolen.

But yeah, if your care package remains after you hear that noise, it's been trapped. I was surprised a bot pulled that off. :|


And yay for patch! I was getting sick of awful hosts on Ground War (and Wager matches, ugh! I had continuous FPS-deteriorating lag in a couple matches... which barely even makes sense).

Curious to see how Ninja stacks up as a T3 perk now.
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Looks like server migration/rage quitting issues still exist. Already saw this as have my friends - Server blah blah disconnects exceeded and kicked everyone back to a party room where the new host was the host of the party. wtf?
Have just started playing this (both SP and MP). I agree some of the maps are really good, but overall I think Reach is the better MP game. It is the little things that Bungie does that Treyarch doesn't do that gives my nod to Reach.

For example, I think Halo does a better job at ability matching in MP. I played a game (I'm lvl 3 at this point) and everybody else is lvl 30 or higher. Really, Treyarch, you couldn't match me up with some others at roughly the same skill level?? I know skill is just based on rank, but that is a pretty wide disparity in ranks. Put me at a huge disadvantage when I am going up against people with perks that I am nowhere near unlocking.
[quote name='ufskenney']Have just started playing this (both SP and MP). I agree some of the maps are really good, but overall I think Reach is the better MP game. It is the little things that Bungie does that Treyarch doesn't do that gives my nod to Reach.

For example, I think Halo does a better job at ability matching in MP. I played a game (I'm lvl 3 at this point) and everybody else is lvl 30 or higher. Really, Treyarch, you couldn't match me up with some others at roughly the same skill level?? I know skill is just based on rank, but that is a pretty wide disparity in ranks. Put me at a huge disadvantage when I am going up against people with perks that I am nowhere near unlocking.[/QUOTE]

All the perks are unlocked at the start, you just have to pay for them.
[quote name='BREVITY']Woot! So glad they are on top of these updates! Seems like they get them out so fast they dont have to do MS whole approval process.

# 11/17 (full title update)
# · Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster
# · Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions
# · Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby
# · Improved party system to ensure that parties don’t get broken apart
# · Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games
# · Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads
# · Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
# · Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions
# · Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect
# · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire
# · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses
# · Additional online security enhancements[/QUOTE]

Didn't get a chance to play yesterday but these sound damn good.
The changes regarding matchmaking aren't very noticeable, I'm still getting knifed by guys who apparently bought the Commando perk from some secret perk store AFTER they run through a hail of gunfire that includes a head shot ping.

There's seriously no fucking reason why headshots shouldn't be 1 hit kills. I constantly get screwed by this. I shot a dude multiple times in the head with the M16 before and he just ran away in the game I just got out of.

Then I ran into a sniper that was camping in a corner. I killed his team mate and got a burst of M16 off on him, including his face which including another headshot ping noise, he shoots me once with the L96 I think and I die. I respawn, of course on the other side of a wall from him, I throw a semtex, I get a hit marker, I fire at him, no hit markers, he shoots me once and I die. Respawn again, in the same spot as prior, he picked up a FAMAS apparently, 2 bursts from my M16, I die again. Finally land a semtex on him as I respawned in the same place yet again.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']All the perks are unlocked at the start, you just have to pay for them.[/QUOTE]

Not all perks unlock until lvl 4. My point was that I should have never been matched up with them. They had access to many more unlocks (perks, weapons, kill streaks, etc) that I was no where near being able to access. If you add my combat training and MP ranks they were still about 2 - 3x my level.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']They have commentary for that? That's awesome.

His voice acting was actually pretty good. I mean, it wasn't spectacular, but I liked it. I mostly just don't like how much of an effort he made to sound badass. "YO THEY DESTROYED YOUR EQUIPMENT" in that tone of voice of his.

He was Bowman, right?[/QUOTE]

Treyarch did that for WatW also. Nothing like hearing Jack Bauer say "get that son of a bitch out of here" when team killers got booted.
Am I just crazy or is this ridiculous? This dude ran around with akimbo CZs and an L96 with standard scope, he didn't snipe a single person. When he did try and snipe people he was terrible at it and didn't hit anyone. He went 19 and 11. I like the CZs so I'm gonna try this but really, is this what COD has devolved to?
[quote name='hustletron']Am I just crazy or is this ridiculous? This dude ran around with akimbo CZs and an L96 with standard scope, he didn't snipe a single person. When he did try and snipe people he was terrible at it and didn't hit anyone. He went 19 and 11. I like the CZs so I'm gonna try this but really, is this what COD has devolved to?


Akimbo weapon in CoD have always been like that. Get anywhere near them and you're screwed.
[quote name='DarkRider23']Akimbo weapon in CoD have always been like that. Get anywhere near them and you're screwed.[/QUOTE]

I know the 1887s and the Glocks were but not regular pistols.
[quote name='hustletron']I know the 1887s and the Glocks were but not regular pistols.[/QUOTE]

Turbo controller? It looked like the guy was firing awfully quickly for being standard pistols?
they need to fix this fucking game. EVERY time im in a party its a lag fest. Im getting multiple headshot dings and dying only to see the kill cam with me not shooting.

just now i leave a lobby like that, play a game on my own and its a whole different experience. shit is SO frustrating.
I had a clip of this, but it wasn't really worthwhile, so I took this pic.

I shot this guy in the head with a crossbow, and the guy behind him came out of nowhere, jumped out infront of him, and jumped ontop of him, basically. The facial expression is like: "Ow. Brain damage-amage-amage-amage~"


The new matchmaking is definitely improved... I did feel a LITTLE lag, but it's not as common as it used to be. I also love that you can only play a level twice in succession (same mode), before it's grayed out.

I'm almost positive I'm never host in Ground War, as EVERYONE would have a pretty bad ping, so it'd be very obvious. I actually had a match earlier that was very close to playing offline in terms of hit marks and a near-identical representation in the killcam. I was pretty shocked. (it was actually the match this picture came from)

Oh, and apparently the Rolling Thunder can go through buildings and floors/ceilings. I didn't know this (but I've definitely felt it, while being underground in Crisis, and getting killed).
bread's done