Call of Duty Black OPS

[quote name='woodcan']So, I encountered some bullshit I've never seen before today. I was playing Domination and some guy shot me in the back and upon respawn (in a corner across the map mind you) I was immediately killed by the same guy knifing me. I saved the match to take a closer look and apparently there is some glitch where you can knife a recently killed enemy's dead body and immediately kill them as they respawn. It's basically like the knife goes through your dead body. I watched the whole match following this guy and he does it to every dead enemy body he is close to. I have made a clip as evidence to show you guys the CHEATER:

Cheater's gamertag is: iPhantom Acesi
I already filed a complaint 1) for ToS violation in his profile and 2) for using in-game exploit[/QUOTE]

So, what does your killcam feed show for the second kill? Him knifing the body?

That's some serious bullshit, I gotta say.
[quote name='woodcan']So, I encountered some bullshit I've never seen before today. I was playing Domination and some guy shot me in the back and upon respawn (in a corner across the map mind you) I was immediately killed by the same guy knifing me. I saved the match to take a closer look and apparently there is some glitch where you can knife a recently killed enemy's dead body and immediately kill them as they respawn. It's basically like the knife goes through your dead body. I watched the whole match following this guy and he does it to every dead enemy body he is close to. I have made a clip as evidence to show you guys the CHEATER:

Cheater's gamertag is: iPhantom Acesi
I already filed a complaint 1) for ToS violation in his profile and 2) for using in-game exploit[/QUOTE]

First time I had seen that. Weird glitch.
I posted this in the MvC3 thread, but I figure I might as well post it here as well to see if anyone could help me out. It's becoming a huge annoyance and problem when it comes to playing anything on Live or anything on the PC. Anyone here happen to know anything about networking?

I just recently got internet, and it's all going fine except for the fact that it randomly spikes at points, leaving webpages hanging and causing disconnects on Xbox and PC games. I think I'm going to call our ISP support soon because it's becoming a huge problem. My connection just skyrockets randomly and I'll start lagging to hell on Xbox voice chat and in-game, and then on PC games I'll get disconnected from the server. Are there some ports I can forward on my router, or do I have to buy a new router, or what?

I had been pondering whether it was because of peak times for the ISP or something, but it happens at all different times throughout the day. Doesn't matter if I have a bunch of things using bandwidth (Xbox, PC, other laptop), as it has happened when I'm just browsing the web. For a while, I thought it might just be our router, but I direct-connected it to the modem a little while ago and it still spiked. Bleh.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']For a while, I thought it might just be our router, but I direct-connected it to the modem a little while ago and it still spiked. Bleh.[/QUOTE]

I had almost the exact same problems about 10 years ago with a new comcast internet connection. The first time I talked to tech support they tried to convince me it was just network congestion, despite me telling them I experienced it at all times, like 2am.

Anyway, I eventually got hold of a tech who was competent enough to help me (and ended up giving me a few free months for my troubles with the other idiots). He either had me run 'traceroute' or 'ping' or maybe both to some distant site. Whichever one I used, if I let it run long enough, there was clear indisputable evidence of the spike problem - it was no longer an anecdote. Response times would be normal and then bam, shoot way up or get lost completely. The problem ended up being due to the installation tech failing to properly cut and cap the new coax line.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Ugh. Was hoping it was something that could be solved without having to have them come out here.[/QUOTE]

Given that you've ruled out a software problem (it happens with 3 different machines) and a router problem (happens when connected directly to modem), the problem seems to be either with the modem or somewhere between the modem and your ISP.

One other thing you could try is dropping in a different modem, registering it with your ISP and see if the problem remains. You might get lucky and a hardboot of your current modem might help (power off/unplug, leave off for 1 minute, plug back in).

As for the line, if you're feeling adventurous you can inspect the line yourself. Look for wires showing through the line's insulation, extreme bends in the line, make sure all connections are tight, remove any splitters on the line at least temporarily. If you're really desperate/handy you can replace the caps on the line yourself. Could be as simple as a loose connection between the line and modem.
remember when i talked about a glitch where my guy would pull out his 2nd weapon (launcher) right after reviving someone? Well now its been happening once in a great while when i put down a claymore. I can remember this happening twice now, i put down a claymore and he brings out the launcher right away. I have enough bullets in my first gun, i dont press the swap guns button. Its just strange. But it doesnt happen a lot.
I wish they would fix these games that get dropped. Tonight ive been a part of 5 games that lose connection and we end up losing our points. Most of the time its right near the end. Its not fun when you spend 15 minutes playing a game just for it to cut out at the end and screw you over.
What i find annoying is how i turn a corner and shoot a guy, but his claymore kills me and he lives. Yet when i do the same thing, the enemy always kills me before the claymore kills him. Just seems unfair.
[quote name='The 7th Number']What i find annoying is how i turn a corner and shoot a guy, but his claymore kills me and he lives. Yet when i do the same thing, the enemy always kills me before the claymore kills him. Just seems unfair.[/QUOTE]

Connection FTL?
I wish they would give like two or three slots for the emblem. That way if you made two or three you could switch them easily instead of having to go back through and make them all over.
When you are using the chopper gunner and its beeping like someone is locking onto you, is there a way to know who is doing it? A few times i get shot down really quick because i dont know who is shooting. I try to aim for the red diamonds, but that isnt good enough all the time.
[quote name='The 7th Number']When you are using the chopper gunner and its beeping like someone is locking onto you, is there a way to know who is doing it? A few times i get shot down really quick because i dont know who is shooting. I try to aim for the red diamonds, but that isnt good enough all the time.[/QUOTE]

Spot the missile. A lot of people who shoot things down use Ghost Pro, and don't show up as diamonds, so you have to look for the missile and smoke trail.

I know that's one of the major reasons I run with Ghost Pro and Strela with all my classes. (Except my knife class.)
[quote name='woodcan']Yeah, we had 2 matches in a row last night where someone was host on the enemy team dashboarded/powered off.[/QUOTE]

I wonder if that is not always the case. Because when I was having issues hosting, it would just kick me and freeze up my internet. Those in the party/game with me also got kicked as well..
You know im not really the guy to call people no lifer, but last night i saw a 15th prestige who logged in over 31 hours of game so far. Now i play a lot and am only around 16 hours, and i have been called no lifer for that. LOL.

I also ran into some guy who was a douchebag, but his KD was 3.5. I dont understand how anyone can have a KD that high unless they have a way to getting host every match. That seems a little too good to be true. Though he could just go into headquarters and play deathmatch to boost his KD pretty easy.
[quote name='The 7th Number']You know im not really the guy to call people no lifer, but last night i saw a 15th prestige who logged in over 31 hours of game so far. Now i play a lot and am only around 16 hours, and i have been called no lifer for that. LOL.

I also ran into some guy who was a douchebag, but his KD was 3.5. I dont understand how anyone can have a KD that high unless they have a way to getting host every match. That seems a little too good to be true. Though he could just go into headquarters and play deathmatch to boost his KD pretty easy.[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing you mean 31 days, which is pretty crazy. Why was the guy a douchebag?

I have a 3.11 K/D and my buddy Thi has something crazy like a 4.58 K/D. It's easily possible.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I also ran into some guy who was a douchebag, but his KD was 3.5. I dont understand how anyone can have a KD that high unless they have a way to getting host every match. That seems a little too good to be true. Though he could just go into headquarters and play deathmatch to boost his KD pretty easy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's called Dashboarding. Most high K/D players on youtube along with my high K/D friends, do it all the time.

They also check the lobbies stats to see if they're playing against noobs or tryhards and back out if they think they're being matched up against higher skilled players.
Yeah sorry i meant 31 days of playing time.

The guy was a douchebag because he was acting all tough, bragging about his kd, and told some guy he would have his account reset within 36 hours or so because they were jawing back and fourth. 3.5 KD guys team lost, so i guess he had to brag about his KD to make up for it.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah sorry i meant 31 days of playing time.

The guy was a douchebag because he was acting all tough, bragging about his kd, and told some guy he would have his account reset within 36 hours or so because they were jawing back and fourth. 3.5 KD guys team lost, so i guess he had to brag about his KD to make up for it.[/QUOTE]

31 days is ridiculous, I'm at less than 5 days and my wife already complains that I play too much.
[quote name='Ronzilla']Yeah, it's called Dashboarding. Most high K/D players on youtube along with my high K/D friends, do it all the time.

They also check the lobbies stats to see if they're playing against noobs or tryhards and back out if they think they're being matched up against higher skilled players.[/QUOTE]

There are plenty of people that can have k/d's higher than 3 simply by being on a good team. I have always had above a 2.5 k/d from COD4 and on (excluding W@W because I barely touched MP), but I have played against players better than myself. If I never went for certain challenges or started playing game modes I didn't care for I easily would have had over a 3 k/d. Hell, I started an account on COD4 when I was bored and made it to 7th prestige with over a 3.50 k/d. I had a 4.12 or something around there, but decided it was a good idea to play it drunk one night... it was not a good idea.
I really like the famas and aug as long as i dont have a suppressor on it. When i have a suppressor on it, it just feels like it doesnt do much. Without it they really kill instantly in hardcore type games.

I made it to 13th prestige tonight and started to use the fammas as soon as i got it, mainly because im so tired of using the m16. I love that gun but the burst fire gets old fast. I usually stick with the same gun until i max out the challenges for kills. Then move to another one. Though i usually rock the warlord perk and get challenge points for both a suppressor and red dot. But with the famas im using slight of hand and just the red dot.

Should be able to get to 15th prestige in maybe 8 more days depending how much i play.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah sorry i meant 31 days of playing time.

The guy was a douchebag because he was acting all tough, bragging about his kd, and told some guy he would have his account reset within 36 hours or so because they were jawing back and fourth. 3.5 KD guys team lost, so i guess he had to brag about his KD to make up for it.[/QUOTE]I played a guy about a month ago who was maxed out prestige wise and he had logged around 30 days at that point. Another guy was playing with him and he was a 13th prestige. My buddy was sure they were cheating at first cause the other guy was so good, but as the match went on it became apparent he just was really insanely good, probably helped by great hand eye coordination and a great connection. Next couple of matches all four of us were on the same team and between the four of us noone died more than 3 times a match (which says something if I die that rarely while not playing as a sniper). Lobby closed up fast.
Connection makes the biggest difference in this game, bigger then reflexes or guns or perks or team or anything else. If I were to pull host 90% of the time, I would easily be rocking a 3-1 or higher K/D ratio. I pull host maybe half the time, depending on lobby and on those matches its not uncommon to see 5-1+ K/D ratio. Connection makes too big of a difference IMO, host advantage is massive in Blops.
[quote name='The 7th Number']When you are using the chopper gunner and its beeping like someone is locking onto you, is there a way to know who is doing it? A few times i get shot down really quick because i dont know who is shooting. I try to aim for the red diamonds, but that isnt good enough all the time.[/QUOTE]

Ghost pro, that was a problem I had yesterday, we were doing CTF hardcore on Nuktown, we had 7 on 7 going, and only 3 diamonds would pop up on there respawn cycle, and I would always get the lock on warning, the only remedy I found was spraying the spawn points which is pretty easy on that map, it can be a pretty bad problem on big maps.

Ghost pro has been on all of my classes for awhile though, it's pretty beastly.

I'm watching your clips to, some of them are pretty awesome, should name them differently though. ;)
[quote name='Dr.Zoidberg']I wish they would give like two or three slots for the emblem. That way if you made two or three you could switch them easily instead of having to go back through and make them all over.[/QUOTE]

I would like that as well, but you can imagine how many people would have a regular emblem and a penis emblem to switch back and forth from. I imagine it would make it more difficult to enforce rules against offensive emblems.

Here is a nice Tomahawk kill i got on Array this morning.
[quote name='Amblix']Ghost pro, that was a problem I had yesterday, we were doing CTF hardcore on Nuktown, we had 7 on 7 going, and only 3 diamonds would pop up on there respawn cycle, and I would always get the lock on warning, the only remedy I found was spraying the spawn points which is pretty easy on that map, it can be a pretty bad problem on big maps.

Ghost pro has been on all of my classes for awhile though, it's pretty beastly.

I'm watching your clips to, some of them are pretty awesome, should name them differently though. ;)[/QUOTE]

Ghost Pro is a beast, but so few people have it that its not really a problem IMO. Ghost Pro takes a lot of grinding to get.

P.S. SAM Turrets DO NOT work as "destroy sentry" kills. I knifed two last night but it didn't work. :( It used to work when I did it my first around.
[quote name='azngtlman']31 days is ridiculous, I'm at less than 5 days and my wife already complains that I play too much.[/QUOTE]

same here...31 days??? my wife would divorce me and leave me with just my games

edit-...wait...thats not a bad idea
A quadruple grenade kill I got last night to start the match on Nuketown. You can see GuilewasNK make a cameo :)

Also, I've been practicing my no-scope sniping
Better :D:

[quote name='The 7th Number']Got my first human kill with the strela-3 rocket launcher today. :D[/QUOTE]
That's pretty cool. Too bad you died in the process.

[quote name='GuilewasNK']Here is a nice Tomahawk kill i got on Array this morning.[/QUOTE]

Very Nice

[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah sorry i meant 31 days of playing time.

The guy was a douchebag because he was acting all tough, bragging about his kd, and told some guy he would have his account reset within 36 hours or so because they were jawing back and fourth. 3.5 KD guys team lost, so i guess he had to brag about his KD to make up for it.[/QUOTE]

I had above a 3.5KD for the first month or so until I started experimenting with other perks and guns beyond the M16 and exploring the maps more :D. Although, 31 days played at this point is just sad. Highest I have ever seen was 24 days and the guy was awful as they usually are.
Knifing is reeeal inconsistant in Blops. Either you can be RIGHT there and "miss" the knife (and die) or you can knife (and more commonly be knifed) from 40 feet away. May have something to do with connection, but saying connection is the problem for anything sounds kinda stupid (even if it is true).
Yeah, but the most bullshit part of that video is Second Chance.

I really, really hate Second Chance. I'm seriously considering stopping reviving people, just to make them stop using it.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Here is a nice Tomahawk kill i got on Array this morning.[/QUOTE]
My favorite part is the "Matrix" style missile dodge at the beginning.
[quote name='woodcan']A quadruple grenade kill I got last night to start the match on Nuketown. You can see GuilewasNK make a cameo :)


That was an awesome grenade multi-kill. :D

[quote name='jdawgg76']My favorite part is the "Matrix" style missile dodge at the beginning.[/QUOTE]

Crazy thing is that I didn't even realize that RPG was flying by me until I checked the replay.
I still wish they would do something with second chance. Its nice that they reversed the kill/assist from before. But i think they need to make second chance less cheap. Something like second chance gives you the ability to be revived, but cant shoot. Like how Gears 2 has it. And Pro gives you the ability to shoot back. I dont know, its just so cheap. Today two guys ran at me and i could have easily had them both, but one fell into second chance, so i had to shoot him twice giving the 2nd guy the time to shoot me before i could shoot at him. Its just so damn annoying. Another time today i shot two guys and both went into second chance and i died. When i shoot i try to shoot high, so when they fall into last stand most of the time i dont see it because im too focused on moving to the next point, or shooting another guy. Its easily the biggest problem i have with the game, if they could just remove that shit id be happier than hell.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I still wish they would do something with second chance. Its nice that they reversed the kill/assist from before. But i think they need to make second chance less cheap. Something like second chance gives you the ability to be revived, but cant shoot. Like how Gears 2 has it. And Pro gives you the ability to shoot back. I dont know, its just so cheap. Today two guys ran at me and i could have easily had them both, but one fell into second chance, so i had to shoot him twice giving the 2nd guy the time to shoot me before i could shoot at him. Its just so damn annoying. Another time today i shot two guys and both went into second chance and i died. When i shoot i try to shoot high, so when they fall into last stand most of the time i dont see it because im too focused on moving to the next point, or shooting another guy. Its easily the biggest problem i have with the game, if they could just remove that shit id be happier than hell.[/QUOTE]


And somehow, someway, stop corner camping. I can't seem to win against it. I check corners, somebody runs up behind me and shoots me, I don't, the camper shoots me.

How is it fun to wait for somebody to run in front of you? I don't get it.

Also, make it so we can vote to change the host. I'm tired of getting laggy games. I had one where all but two people were yellow bar, and it STILL didn't change the damn host. It's like playing in stop motion.

I swear, I try to have fun with this game, fucking around with the Stakeout and dual Skorpions and the Ballistic Knife, but the bullshit can get to me. And yet I keep on playing. Go figure.
Oh i also remember another thing i wanted to talk about..... i wish they would put in a vote system to kick a person on the 3rd offense of team killing. There have been a few games where i accidentally shoot someone, or they run in front of me while im shooting and i get kicked. It would be nice for the person i shot last to have a choice of letting me stay in the game if he knows it was an accident. Its one of the reasons i never use napalm strike, mortars, or any such killstreak.

I prestiged from 13th to 14th in about 25 hours of playing time. Thats not bad considering when i used to play hardcore TDM exclusively, it would take me around 36 hours. Man i really cant wait to get to 15th prestige.... just because it will be the last time i have to get pro perks.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I still wish they would do something with second chance. Its nice that they reversed the kill/assist from before. But i think they need to make second chance less cheap. [/QUOTE]

Not to mention the near pin-point accuracy of the pistol during second chance. I've been shot from across maps like Stadium.
[quote name='faceturd']Not to mention the near pin-point accuracy of the pistol during second chance. I've been shot from across maps like Stadium.[/QUOTE]Yeah, that's an issue. Once, I was playing WMD and got downed by a sniper on the catwalk and I was at the broken wall on the other side. Lined up the sights got several hits with a ping at the end for a headshot (which was the last xp bonus to go pro for me at the time). It was pretty funny, but I'd have been pissed if I was the sniper.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Yeah, but the most bullshit part of that video is Second Chance.

I really, really hate Second Chance. I'm seriously considering stopping reviving people, just to make them stop using it.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree. :applause:
I've taken on a don't revive random strangers role as well here lately... You either die trying or feed the beast and they wanna keep doing it. Just the other night I gunned down 2 guys then as I reloaded 1 of them in last stand killed me of course and got the game ending kill cam of me dieing and proceeds to talk shit in lobby... Next round he was on my team and of course he goes down and crawls to me for a revive.... I proceed to teabag him and jump on him over and over. Multiple times this happened during the round he was pissed and our team kept laughing at him.
Second Chance is overrated by most people. 90% of the time you can't even get kills with it, and as far as shooting two people and one goes into SC, I don't consider that a problem. People often fall into SC with an M19 pistol, thats extremely weak. In my experience, when I'm shooting at two people and one falls into SC but the other is still alive, I just move around a bit while shooting at the standing foe.

The biggest problem SC users seem to have while shooting on the ground is moving targets. If you move just a little bit and don't walk forward in a straight line, the SC user won't kill you.
[quote name='faceturd']Not to mention the near pin-point accuracy of the pistol during second chance. I've been shot from across maps like Stadium.[/QUOTE]

Yeah ive been trying to snipe lately because im bored, and more than enough times a dude in last stand can snipe me with a pistol before i can snipe him with a sniper rifle. Go figure that one out.
bread's done