Call of Duty Black OPS

I don't know about you guys, but I can unload a whole M1911 clip into an enemy immeadiately after I fall down in Second Chance(I've only used it in the Default Class with it) And 7 pistol bullets is enough to kill someone, and for the majority of the time, the person manages to injure me and just finish me off with a couple of pistol shots.
[quote name='Trakan']

I hate Treyarch.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to personally thank you for showcasing the main reason why I've been avoiding BO multiplayer these days. The last time I fired it up I had that exact scenario happen to me for five games straight on multiple occasions from panic knifers. 90% of the time they were knifing during their descend.

If the next COD has any version of Last Stand in it there's a solid chance I won't touch it for quite a while.
Wow i accidentally did the knife glitch where you kill someone and knife their dead body and kill them again. In this game a dude comes around the bush and tries to knife me, so i shoot him, and since he tried to knife me, i knifed his dead body just for kicks, and bam i got a 4 killstreak reward... i was like what? Never did that before in my life.
the next CoD should have a wrist guard.

you wanna knife me, swoosh block. i mean really we're talking about 2 well trained military men and getting killed my a simple knife stab. the men wear gear to stop bullets but not knifes!
So I hopped on Black Ops for a bit yesterday, after being away from it for almost 2 months. Needless to say I got my highest killstreak just 3 matches in. I also tried the Famas and wow that thing drops people so fast. I wonder why I didn't use it before.
[quote name='timesplitt']the next CoD should have a wrist guard.

you wanna knife me, swoosh block. i mean really we're talking about 2 well trained military men and getting killed my a simple knife stab. the men wear gear to stop bullets but not knifes![/QUOTE]

the next CoD shouldn't have knife while in second chance. or in fact commando all together.
I'd rather just see the knife gone period. Or at least make it a 2 hit kill like meleeing in Halo. Maybe an assassination move if done from behind like in Reach.

It's a shooter. I want to shoot things. Not knife and be knifed.
I used to say this all the time in the MW2 days since I hated commando but I still think they should have a Chain Mail perk that prevents you from being killed by a knife or at least takes more than 1 knife swipe. How about make Flak Jacket Pro do that in place of the grenade reset or fire proofness?
So I got a XIM3 in the mail today... I think I've played with a controller exclusively for so long that my keyboard mouse days are long gone. In other news these things are rather impressive in what they can do if you devote enough time to get dominant with the setup. I once was long long ago raping pc gamers. Then my video card died and I went ps2. No big loss they cost $150 but I'll easily double my $$ on eBay. I knew when I bought it I'd prolly prefer the contoller after all these years but I knew going in it was easy profit.

People complain about the knife an awful lot, but I don't see a real problem with it. A Chain Mail-like perk could be cool, but knifing is supposed to be a deadly attack. If you're close enough to knife somebody, then you're in the danger zone simply as that. Now, teleporting knife kills are something else entirely.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']People complain about the knife an awful lot, but I don't see a real problem with it. A Chain Mail-like perk could be cool, but knifing is supposed to be a deadly attack. If you're close enough to knife somebody, then you're in the danger zone simply as that. Now, teleporting knife kills are something else entirely.[/QUOTE]I get what you're saying, but being shot at point blank range is a definite danger zone and being able to run to someone who is shooting you point blank and stab them is utter bs. Maybe if you're being shot you shouldn't be able to be stab at the same time ala Gears and the chainsaw.
The knife really annoys me when I'm using the Stakeout and somebody eats a point-blank round to knife me. When I'm using my Galil, it annoys me much less. Go figure.
[quote name='jdawgg76']I get what you're saying, but being shot at point blank range is a definite danger zone and being able to run to someone who is shooting you point blank and stab them is utter bs. Maybe if you're being shot you shouldn't be able to be stab at the same time ala Gears and the chainsaw.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that would be an easy fix for it. That's the only time it annoys me. One shouldn't be able to shrug off bullets to knife someone.
The problem is fixed, at least it seems so for me.

Treyarch bullshitted it as "Some people are having problems with connecting online" as opposed to "our servers fucked up", since it seemed pretty universal on the forums.

Also, I found a new camper type I hate, people who lie prone in doorways on my team. Camping in general sucks, but some asshole sitting in a corner doesn't affect me, some guy sitting in a doorway so I can't pass really pisses me off.

And I really wish the game wouldn't spawn people near you if you use ghost, since it ruins the whole goddamn point of the perk. And I've been killed because it spawns somebody behind me, so I hear him and spin around, and some guy comes up where I would have been looking and shoots me. They could also make Ninja Pro make allies footsteps silent. I'd use it again if they did.

And people need to stop walking in front of me when I'm aiming down the sights somewhere and about to shoot an enemy, and instead what happens is the enemy gets a double kill.

Honestly, sometimes I think bots would be better teammates.

And it's official, I'm done reviving people in Second Chance. I don't care if the other team gets a kill, I will not support "Enhanced Death".
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Also, I found a new camper type I hate, people who lie prone in doorways on my team. Camping in general sucks, but some asshole sitting in a corner doesn't affect me, some guy sitting in a doorway so I can't pass really pisses me off.
And people need to stop walking in front of me when I'm aiming down the sights somewhere and about to shoot an enemy, and instead what happens is the enemy gets a double kill.
And it's official, I'm done reviving people in Second Chance. I don't care if the other team gets a kill, I will not support "Enhanced Death".[/QUOTE]

Preach it brother! One CAG we play with sometimes is well-known for blocking doorways. Also, I've died more times reviving someone in 2nd chance than not. I always ask first "where did they shoot you from?" and "is it clear?".......75% of the time they don't answer and probably 20% of the time they say it is clear even though they know damn well they didn't kill the guy right around the corner who put them in last stand. If you're going to be a bitch and use 2nd chance don't also be an idiot. I personally like to leave someone in last stand that I snipe out in the open in the hopes that a teammate will come to revive them giving me an extra kill.

[quote name='JasonTerminator']They could also make Ninja Pro make allies footsteps silent. I'd use it again if they did.[/QUOTE]

Sit Rep Pro in MW2 made allies footsteps completely silent so it was very disorienting to me when I used Ninja Pro in Black Ops. I also feel that Sit Rep Pro made enemy footsteps louder than Ninja Pro but then again footsteps in general are much quieter in Black Ops vs MW2.
90% of the people who play this game have no idea what they doing.. i really only have fun if i play with my boys

i dont revive second chance either.. most people who use it are god awful anyway
[quote name='aleraiders']same here...31 days??? my wife would divorce me and leave me with just my games

edit-...wait...thats not a bad idea[/QUOTE]

How in the world are you a Giants/Lakers/Raiders fan? That's the oddest combination that I've ever seen.

Giant's fans are usually always Niner Fans, Raiders fans always get grouped in with the A's. And Giants fans usually hate everything about LA? What gives?

The fans of the 3 teams you have listed usually hate each other. Yet you're all 3!
Well looks like the servers are being stupid again. I keep getting kicked out of a game now. And i really wanted to prestige tonight, not going to happen if this keeps up.
What is going on this weekend...there are like 2.2 million playing BO and I haven't seen those kinda numbers since the release of the new map pack.
[quote name='icandy']Hilarious commentary.
Check it out.[/QUOTE]

Its funny because when you see dominating matches like that you think "that guy has the skillz!?", but the scores tell the story of why he was so successful. He's got skills, but he won by a pretty large margin and everyone knows that if you're raping as far as scores go, your K/D should be pretty high.
[quote name='azngtlman']How in the world are you a Giants/Lakers/Raiders fan? That's the oddest combination that I've ever seen.

Giant's fans are usually always Niner Fans, Raiders fans always get grouped in with the A's. And Giants fans usually hate everything about LA? What gives?

The fans of the 3 teams you have listed usually hate each other. Yet you're all 3![/QUOTE]

long story short....i grew up in LA....lived in the bay area for over 15 yrs....cant a guy just support local teams???....

anyways.....does anyone know why the hell i play better on the ps3 than the 360?? (and dont say "cuz the 360 is better")

is there a logical explanation???

[quote name='reddjoey']

Saw this on Reddit, thought I'd share[/QUOTE]

on man....that is literally disgusting....who the hell would stay and go 8-200+??????? something aint right
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[quote name='reddjoey']From what I understand it really only happens on Domination. Still ultra crappy to have to deal with if it happens to you[/QUOTE]
You mean demolition? and yes I watch some clans on JTV do exactly the same thing described in the video. It was really boring to watch to say the least.
I am officially done with this game for a while. Namely, until I switch internet providers to FiOS. I am sick of people killing me before I fire more than 1 round, according to killcams.

And honestly, this game's spawns fucking suck balls. People say it's good in Team Deathmatch, but not when I spawn and die 5 seconds later. Or people manipulating the spawns, especially in maps like Nuketown, which people keep voting for even though they suck at the map (Although they likely suck in general.)

I hate that most of my friends play this the most, because I likely would have gave up on the game by now, but I'm giving it this last chance...
i am done with this game for awhile myself, I am sick of seeing people first and then dieing first, IM also SICK of having my crosshair fly around the target like its a bee, YET the opponent has a crosshair that is like glue.

someone explain this bullshit ::: this guy was shooting me and my crosshair was going up. yet everytime i see the killcam they are taking damage and THEIR crosshair isn't flinching at all
[quote name='integralsmatic']So here is the reason why that beast score went up. you get to see the other team's point of view this time.[/QUOTE]

Definitely fake now that I see it from that view.
I reached prestige 15, level 25 and ive really lost my drive to play this game. Maybe because i finally reached prestige 15? Maybe. It does get annoying when i shoot someone first and end up dead. Maybe once i give it a rest ill come back and be more into it.
[quote name='aleraiders']long story short....i grew up in LA....lived in the bay area for over 15 yrs....cant a guy just support local teams???....

anyways.....does anyone know why the hell i play better on the ps3 than the 360?? (and dont say "cuz the 360 is better")

is there a logical explanation???

on man....that is literally disgusting....who the hell would stay and go 8-200+??????? something aint right[/QUOTE]

Just thought it was an interesting choice of teams, that's all. Growing up in LA I would imagine being surrounded by Dodger fans and thus hating the Giants. I thought it was funny that you adopted the Giants but not the Warriors/A's/Niners... 2011 World Series a coincidence? Just messing with you.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']Definitely fake now that I see it from that view.[/QUOTE]

yeah just seeing the opposing team just running forward was enough for me. What a joke.

[quote name='The 7th Number']I reached prestige 15, level 25 and ive really lost my drive to play this game. Maybe because i finally reached prestige 15? Maybe. It does get annoying when i shoot someone first and end up dead. Maybe once i give it a rest ill come back and be more into it.[/QUOTE]

That is all i see you playing on XBL lol. You do need a break.

yeah i hate when net connection becomes the reason you die no matter how much of the advantage you have in fight.

I too will take a prolonged break from this. I started to knock off the backlog being Fable II first. Now on to Fable III.
Even though the video is fake, it's pretty disgusting that people can literally spawn in front of you in this game, and especially that it's possible to go in that corner and have people spawn with their backs to you for easy knifing.

And I think my post last night may have been rash. I just need to stop playing during the wee hours of the morning, since I think I end up playing against people in other countries, which would explain the shit lag. Still planning to switch to FiOS, just not gonna stop playing Black Ops until then.
Yeah it is pretty insane to see that type of spawn if all the choke points are filled. At least this should give treyarch attention to fix their spawn system for ALL gametypes.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Even though the video is fake, it's pretty disgusting that people can literally spawn in front of you in this game, and especially that it's possible to go in that corner and have people spawn with their backs to you for easy knifing.

And I think my post last night may have been rash. I just need to stop playing during the wee hours of the morning, since I think I end up playing against people in other countries, which would explain the shit lag. Still planning to switch to FiOS, just not gonna stop playing Black Ops until then.[/QUOTE]

I was playing early in the morning with FiOS and it seemed good to me.

I was playing against a British guy this morning and he was acting like a douche. He was getting pissed off because I kept going in the range of 25-5ish and blamed it on me camping. I don't camp but rather play smart and use the radar and sounds to know what is around me. He was just yelling and saying shit but no one could understand him. Then when he beat my team but I was still the top player he would talk more shit thinking he beat me. No, you beat the kid that went 3-17.
This game drives me mad sometimes, I play with a spy plane, counter spy plane and black bird. And I can have outrageously good individual efforts, and still lose. Just last night, I got my kill streaks all twice, nabbed a couple of counter/spy planes went 23-6 in TDM, yet everyone else on my team went like 3-17 and we lose. HOW THE fuck DO YOU DIE WHEN YOU HAVE A BLACKBIRD UP! It's actually like impossible to do that, you know exactly where they are and where they are pointing towards. It makes me so annoyed, I like to play the killstreaks that benifet the team, so I run those but when I end up like these games I get so annoyed.
[quote name='RobMinhas']This game drives me mad sometimes, I play with a spy plane, counter spy plane and black bird. And I can have outrageously good individual efforts, and still lose. Just last night, I got my kill streaks all twice, nabbed a couple of counter/spy planes went 23-6 in TDM, yet everyone else on my team went like 3-17 and we lose. HOW THE fuck DO YOU DIE WHEN YOU HAVE A BLACKBIRD UP! It's actually like impossible to do that, you know exactly where they are and where they are pointing towards. It makes me so annoyed, I like to play the killstreaks that benifet the team, so I run those but when I end up like these games I get so annoyed.[/QUOTE]

It happens. I get the terribad team mates too. I stick to Dom so at least my games can last longer and if my team if screwed..i can atleast get the benefit of a good score to at least make it up to myself.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']New patch, where they continue to address nothing.

Carry on, nothing to see here.[/QUOTE]

nice. The frustration continues. hate is starting to brew for treyarch.
edit: not hate but frustration. should choose better words.
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Looked at my network settings on my Xbox today and noticed they had switched to being automatically assigned again, so I imagine my poor network performance has been partially caused by that, but I still think Time Warner is the core problem.

Soon the time shall come to switch... Soon...
bread's done