Call of Duty Black OPS

[quote name='SlimJim0725']

Sounds like you are unlucky, trying running with a decent group and when you run into a better group hold your own and try to join up with them. I was running with some average people before and held my own in a Sabotage match going 6 and 6 with a quick plant before we got overrun and lost cause the rest of my team went negative. Been playing with these guys since and we don't lose pub matches (might get into something more on MW3 if I even get it, but I doubt it). If you are mad about teammates that don't triple cap though, I think that is one of the worst things to do in Domination as it usually flips things where you can get double to triple capped yourself so I only do it if necessary.

As for seeing more cheap stuff in MW3, the only 2 really cheap things left I would really want removed are ghost and second chance. Keep something like flak jacket and I have no problem with grenade launchers as long as there is no OMA/DC combo like MW2. Even cheap little things like the motion sensor can be countered by hacker pro (or even just hacker to know where a person is camping and hit them with a grenade launcher myself). I am betting there will be something cheap that everyone will complain about though, it wouldn't be Call of Duty if they didn't do it (going back to when perks were first out on COD4).[/QUOTE]

Yeah i think that is a good idea. I have been playing so many pubs and friends dont log on anymore. May have to join with you guys so i can actually enjoy these games. I hate when people triple cap. For instance i just played Strike and we had B and A capped and all we had to do was spawn rape at C. We were only ahead by 35 so it was still a small margin. If we held A and B we would have won but 3 team mates decide to go and triple up C, Spawn flips, they take A, and then quickly take B since most of us are trying to regroup and protect B. Well that sucked as they did what we did to them. The other team was far from organized but we just had greedy players wanted to get the extra 150 points. Its why i cant stand pubbies anymore.

Yeah that should be given huh lol. The one thing i really hope for is that they reorganize the perk slots and make it so players have tough choices to choose which perks they are going to play with. like Ghost wasn't a Op'd perk, but the other perks just didnt make players sway to use them. I dropped Ghost in a minute for Flak Jacket/Hardline/Scavenger as they became even more useful to me. But to many others, Ghost is the only perk worth choosing.

well here's hoping that IDW will beta test the heck out of their game and see through the possible cheese(which is a pipe dream, I know)
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']Out of the map packs is there a clear best one for just the maps? Not counting zombie maps as I don't play it.[/QUOTE]

I would probably go with the first map pack. MP1 has Kowloon, Berlin Wall, Stadium, and Discovery. I like all those maps especially Discovery. The 2nd map pack is by far my least favorite as i only like Stockpile. Hotel, Zoo, and Convoy are just annoying maps to play because they have too many corners for campers or odd places to camp. The third pack is not bad. Hanger 12 is the best map, and its really fun. Silo is pretty good, sniper tower in that one. Drive in is small like Nuketown but has a LOT more camping/hiding spots. So its not as fun. Hazard is pretty much a sniper map. Half the time im scared to even move because if i do im gunna get sniped by someone i cant see. So in order i would say 1 is the best, 3 comes in second, and 2 is the worst map pack. Then again i ONLY play Team Death Matches, so i cant tell you how good these maps are based on objective type games.

Today i just noticed that the MP40 is not in MP, only in Call of the Dead. Damn i really like that gun, wish i could use it in MP. :(
I can't speak for the third map pack, but the first one is awful and the second one is worse. The only map I enjoyed from the first map pack is Discovery. Kowloon is a ghost user's paradise and Berlin Wall is Rundown from MW2, except they made it worse.
It is handy, but they definitely made it slightly less useful with the last gameplay update. I shouldn't die from a smoke grenade with flak jacket on. I still have it on half of my classes.
Today i hacked two care packages that were right next to each other (both ammo) and both of them ended up killing an opponent. Unfortunately the theater wasnt working so i couldnt load the video to capture it yet. I dont understand how anyone can go for hacked packages, because you always can tell its hacked if the item contents changes.

Really getting annoyed by the COD Lag Ops lately. Seems like every game there is at least two or more instances where i shoot across someones body, right on them, or they run through my line of fire... and they go untouched, only to shoot me dead after the fact.

Oh yeah, i was playing a Hardcore TDM when i was 7-0, one away from a black bird. So im camping, and a teammate runs past me. Then he comes back, looks at me, and then shoots me. :bomb: :censored:
Picked up World at War today on a lark, and I've gotta say that I really like the game. When there aren't hackers. And I can get into a match, since it just boots you whenever a DLC map pops up. It's a shame that I didn't buy this years ago, because I think I could have played it a lot.

I need to try playing when it's not 3:00am, hopefully there's fewer hackers, but I'll likely go back to Black Ops, since the only thing more annoying than Second Chance is somebody you literally cannot kill.
[quote name='Ziv']It is handy, but they definitely made it slightly less useful with the last gameplay update. I shouldn't die from a smoke grenade with flak jacket on. I still have it on half of my classes.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they definitely weakened it a ton. I should not die by a single semtex when I have full health and am barely in the radar of the grenade. I find it funny that I have been seeing people with ghost taking grenade launcher and rocket shots with almost direct impact at their feet, but I get killed by a regular type of grenade that is not even that close with the perk that is supposed to reduce explosive damage. Looks like I will be using more lightweight classes now since I hate ghost (only have 2 classes for it out of 10), scavenger is useless, and unless I have a quick match I don't really need hardline either since I usually get a decent amount of streaks with my highest being 8 (blackbird) in an average game which isn't hard to get.
Lately ive been running with lightweight and marathon with an SMG, but i still end up getting killed by a lot of claymores. I was under the impression that you would be too fast to get killed by them and run past them before they actually blow up. I know its happened against me, but it hasnt worked for me.

Claymore battle :)
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So I have a new hatred of a weapon that I think is more overpowered than even the famas and it is worse than ghost or second chance. It is the knife... I put a stakeout shotgun barrel in an enemies chest that was running at me (spawned right by me) and pulled the trigger. He ate it like I tried to tickle him and then he knifed me. I really wish they would do 1 of 2 things with it. 1) Take it out of the game, if you want a melee weapon it should be a primary if it is going to be an instant kill or 2) Make it a multiple hit kill or a 1 hit stealth kill (meaning you have to catch them in the back).

It is just getting so absurd now. Lately all my deaths are coming due to 3 or 4 people in second chance at the same time all together, a whole team of ghost, someone falling into second chance and while falling either hitting me with their primary or knifing, or last just someone eating bullets and panic knifing. At least with a game like Gears of War if you were shot you had to restart your melee, that would be another option to fixing the knife issue, but I highly doubt they care since it is the only way horrible players can get kills with an aim assisted instant kill.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']So I have a new hatred of a weapon that I think is more overpowered than even the famas and it is worse than ghost or second chance. It is the knife... I put a stakeout shotgun barrel in an enemies chest that was running at me (spawned right by me) and pulled the trigger. He ate it like I tried to tickle him and then he knifed me. I really wish they would do 1 of 2 things with it. 1) Take it out of the game, if you want a melee weapon it should be a primary if it is going to be an instant kill or 2) Make it a multiple hit kill or a 1 hit stealth kill (meaning you have to catch them in the back).

It is just getting so absurd now. Lately all my deaths are coming due to 3 or 4 people in second chance at the same time all together, a whole team of ghost, someone falling into second chance and while falling either hitting me with their primary or knifing, or last just someone eating bullets and panic knifing. At least with a game like Gears of War if you were shot you had to restart your melee, that would be another option to fixing the knife issue, but I highly doubt they care since it is the only way horrible players can get kills with an aim assisted instant kill.[/QUOTE]

I agree with everything you said.

There is nothing for me to add to this. ITs just too bad the last patch update is the last hurrah for Black Ops. What we got now is what we have to deal with. Apparently, Treyarch is rumored to be working on the next black ops after MW 3. only source i have is Hutch(from Machinima Respawn)with him having a discussion with David Vondahar and Von told him it was a last hurrah for Black Ops...which only assumes that they are going to start on another CoD.

just imagine, in the next 5 months playing black ops....everyone will be using AUGs with ghost and second chance lol.
[quote name='integralsmatic']I agree with everything you said.

There is nothing for me to add to this. ITs just too bad the last patch update is the last hurrah for Black Ops. What we got now is what we have to deal with. Apparently, Treyarch is rumored to be working on the next black ops after MW 3. only source i have is Hutch(from Machinima Respawn)with him having a discussion with David Vondahar and Von told him it was a last hurrah for Black Ops...which only assumes that they are going to start on another CoD.

just imagine, in the next 5 months playing black ops....everyone will be using AUGs with ghost and second chance lol.[/QUOTE]

Well I hate to admit this, but I have become a big "noob tuber" because of ghost and second chance. If I get killed by a ghost that is camping I pull out the grenade launcher AUG to deal with them (if they run and gun I don't mind them as long as they don't use second chance). Sad thing is that it seems that either the grenade launcher has been toned down damage wise or ghost now = flak jacket as well.
I think we'll see one more patch. There have been rumors of another map pack in September. So they'll need at least one patch to prepare for that.
Someone said in a lobby i was in, that they removed second chance in hardcore flags. I wish they would remove that from hardcore all together. Tired of shooting a guy, then i get shot dead, while he falls into 2nd chance. If he wasnt using that id be 1-0. Or ill have to shoot at the 2nd chancer to finish him off, and end up missing another 2-3 kills because of him. One game i remember i shot a guy into 2nd chance, then he killed me. So i ran back and flashbanged him dead, but not before he could kill me again. So i lost 2 lives because of his 2nd chance, when i should have been 1-0, not 1-2. At least it wont be in MW3, but im not even sure ill get that.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Someone said in a lobby i was in, that they removed second chance in hardcore flags. I wish they would remove that from hardcore all together. Tired of shooting a guy, then i get shot dead, while he falls into 2nd chance. If he wasnt using that id be 1-0. Or ill have to shoot at the 2nd chancer to finish him off, and end up missing another 2-3 kills because of him. One game i remember i shot a guy into 2nd chance, then he killed me. So i ran back and flashbanged him dead, but not before he could kill me again. So i lost 2 lives because of his 2nd chance, when i should have been 1-0, not 1-2. At least it wont be in MW3, but im not even sure ill get that.[/QUOTE]

They cant fall into second chance if they are hit by a grenade launcher, just saying...
[quote name='The 7th Number']Someone said in a lobby i was in, that they removed second chance in hardcore flags. I wish they would remove that from hardcore all together. Tired of shooting a guy, then i get shot dead, while he falls into 2nd chance. If he wasnt using that id be 1-0. Or ill have to shoot at the 2nd chancer to finish him off, and end up missing another 2-3 kills because of him. One game i remember i shot a guy into 2nd chance, then he killed me. So i ran back and flashbanged him dead, but not before he could kill me again. So i lost 2 lives because of his 2nd chance, when i should have been 1-0, not 1-2. At least it wont be in MW3, but im not even sure ill get that.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SlimJim0725']They cant fall into second chance if they are hit by a grenade launcher, just saying...[/QUOTE]

Tomahawks always work well too.
Well seeing as flak jacket is weak and sucks now, it shouldn't be a big deal anymore sadly. Just use sleight of hand and even if they have flak jacket (pro) it shouldn't make a difference. You could always throw in a china lake or rpg for some back up explosives if you feel the need (I don't go that far, I prefer a pistol as a secondary).
[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah ive been using a noob tube lately, but ive been running into people who use flak jacket pro + 2nd chance. uuhhgg![/QUOTE]

Well seeing as flak jacket is weak and sucks now, it shouldn't be a big deal anymore sadly. Just use sleight of hand and even if they have flak jacket (pro) it shouldn't make a difference. You could always throw in a china lake or rpg for some back up explosives if you feel the need (I don't go that far, I prefer a pistol as a secondary).

[quote name='JasonTerminator']And shotguns.[/QUOTE]
Shotguns do not do that well against second chance users unless you get a headshot which any gun has that chance. You really need an "insta-kill" that doesn't allow them to fall into second chance.

[quote name='mvp828']Tomahawks always work well too.[/QUOTE]
True, but so does the knife and ballistic knife if you want to go that route. I prefer to keep a grenade, so it is very rare for me to use a tomahawk. Tomahawks also don't help much against multiple enemies where a grenade launcher will damage and/or kill one or both and you just have to tap Y to be able to shoot again instantly if you really need it.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Shotguns do not do that well against second chance users unless you get a headshot which any gun has that chance. You really need an "insta-kill" that doesn't allow them to fall into second chance.[/QUOTE]

Every kill with a shotgun cancels second chance. It's been that way for a while now.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Every kill with a shotgun cancels second chance. It's been that way for a while now.[/QUOTE]

Didn't know that. I pretty much never use a shotgun since people run through mine like it is nothing (which is ironic since I seem to die 1 shot every time from shotguns). Oh well, I will stick to my grenade launcher on an assault rifle, gives me plenty of range and helps with those pesky ghost/silencer corner campers.
I used to hate Hazard. Until i broke out my noobtube attachment! I also use the china lake as my 2nd weapon. Works great knowing pretty much everyone else is going to be using Ghost on that map. Now i love playing on that map, its so much fun. LOL
[quote name='willardhaven']Kind of off-topic but is there a lot of cheating in CoD 4 on Live?[/QUOTE]

A ton. I stopped playing it completely since you are almost guaranteed at least 1 person a match doing it now. One of my friends was playing it the other day and wanted me to join him, needless to say I sat in a party listening to him bitch about someone either floating in the sky, being underneath the map, or some other form of cheating almost every time he was killed (because everyone else that doesn't cheat is basically horrible and cant kill a good player).
Man lately when i get a RC car in a care package, ive accidentally killed my own teammates with it because no name shows up above the guy.

Also ive been using 2nd chance lately, helps with those bigger killstreaks, and there have been a few times where ive been shot and never fall into 2nd chance. Even on the replay, i hear the sound that it makes when you fall into 2nd chance... it has a special tune. But i just fall straight dead without even looking like i go into 2nd chance.

Yesterday i was doing really good all day. Today it seems like my bullets just go right through people, even when im in 2nd chance i shoot a guy in the chest up to three times and no hit markers. WTF!
if he likes using the knife he must have a hell of a time playing

im done for today; after i saw a guy, I knifed, i missed, but then got an assist for it
And that is one of the reasons I hate the knife. This guy is running through so many bullets in these videos and getting insta-kills. It really isn't that hard to do, especially against the people he was doing it against (none of them were even first 50's). Now I will say the tomahawks were pretty impressive, kind of curious how he managed to hit all those throws so easily.

On a side note, the connections seemed terrible earlier when I was playing. Not that I did bad or anything, but had a lot of wtf moments where I died and it shouldn't have happened. Especially when I knifed at a guy standing still when I had no ammo, went right through them and then they lunged the opposite direction to knife me.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']And that is one of the reasons I hate the knife. This guy is running through so many bullets in these videos and getting insta-kills. It really isn't that hard to do, especially against the people he was doing it against (none of them were even first 50's). Now I will say the tomahawks were pretty impressive, kind of curious how he managed to hit all those throws so easily.

On a side note, the connections seemed terrible earlier when I was playing. Not that I did bad or anything, but had a lot of wtf moments where I died and it shouldn't have happened. Especially when I knifed at a guy standing still when I had no ammo, went right through them and then they lunged the opposite direction to knife me.[/QUOTE]

yeah....some of them looked staged when they were in the EXACT SAME SPOT 4+ times on that snowy map(dont have BO, dont know the map names)
Well he is playing core, so you need a lot of bullets to kill someone, so running through the bullets isnt that much to grasp. Plus he keeps getting behind them a lot. The tomahawks are just something that is bound to happen since he is playing domination? IDK what gametype it is, but you pretty much know where guys are going to be sitting at, so throw the tomahawk in that general spot and you will eventually get some kills! That opening sequence with the 5-6 kills was insane, is he playing against blind people? Dude is just running and sees two of his teammates get stabbed and keeps running until the dude turns around and stabs him in the face. LOL. WOW! I wish i played with people like that. If that was me, i would have been killed by the first guy he stabs probably. Its pretty cool though.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Well he is playing core, so you need a lot of bullets to kill someone, so running through the bullets isnt that much to grasp. Plus he keeps getting behind them a lot. The tomahawks are just something that is bound to happen since he is playing domination? IDK what gametype it is, but you pretty much know where guys are going to be sitting at, so throw the tomahawk in that general spot and you will eventually get some kills! That opening sequence with the 5-6 kills was insane, is he playing against blind people? Dude is just running and sees two of his teammates get stabbed and keeps running until the dude turns around and stabs him in the face. LOL. WOW! I wish i played with people like that. If that was me, i would have been killed by the first guy he stabs probably. Its pretty cool though.[/QUOTE]

My point is that if he is playing core the knife should not be a 1 hit kill. It makes ZERO sense that someone can run through a barrage of bullets just to swipe you once with a knife and you are instantly dead. I am pretty sure that if I got shot even twice I am not going to be able to just run at a guy, knife him in the shoulder and him fall over dead. The knife should be a 2 hit kill in core and the motion should be stopped if you get shot unless it is a knife in the back (stealth kill) and is fine staying a 1 hit kill in hardcore since that is basically 1 hit kills with almost anything.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']My point is that if he is playing core the knife should not be a 1 hit kill. It makes ZERO sense that someone can run through a barrage of bullets just to swipe you once with a knife and you are instantly dead. I am pretty sure that if I got shot even twice I am not going to be able to just run at a guy, knife him in the shoulder and him fall over dead. The knife should be a 2 hit kill in core and the motion should be stopped if you get shot unless it is a knife in the back (stealth kill) and is fine staying a 1 hit kill in hardcore since that is basically 1 hit kills with almost anything.[/QUOTE]

LOL WTF. if the knife isn't a one hit kill, you'd rarely kill anyone. the only way you get knifed is if you dont pay attention and dont look at your surroundings.....isn't the knife broken in this game anyway?
[quote name='yahoosale14']LOL WTF. if the knife isn't a one hit kill, you'd rarely kill anyone. the only way you get knifed is if you dont pay attention and dont look at your surroundings.....isn't the knife broken in this game anyway?[/QUOTE]

Really? That is the only way you get knifed? Well, you must be one of the lucky people that gets to drop a person in 1 bullet every time. I can't count the times I have had 3 to 5 hit markers on a guy only to be knifed by them (pretty sure the phrase "don't bring a knife to a gun fight" does not apply in COD). You shouldn't be able to kill a person in 1 hit of a knife, I know plenty of people that have survived being slashed by a knife, I can't say the same for a person that has been shot (especially multiple times). I suggest you watch some of the videos in this thread, there was a whole thing on "knife bs" where another user who is pretty good at the game was shooting people a ton and just gets knifed as well.

I wouldn't have any problem with someone knifing me in the back and me being instantly dead, that would be my fault for not checking my surroundings. However, if I have seen and shot the guy at all, I can promise you he would not still be running at me through my bullets and kill me with one slash of a knife, especially if he is falling into second chance and knifes me in my ankle. I am not your "run of the mill" COD player that can barely maintain a 1 k/d, even against good players I average around a 1.5 and my pub match k/d is almost a 3 with a 7+ w/l and I mainly played with average players or solo for the majority of that. Imagine the amount of damage you do with the knife as it is, if you knife a person once, 1 to 2 bullets should be enough to kill them, so a 2 hit knife kill sounds plenty fair in core mode IMO.
If the knife only 1-hit-killed via backstab, like the TF2 Spy knife, people would just complain about getting backstabbed instead of two-stabbed in the insanity of battle.

That said, I think that's what the knife should be changed to. Still panic knifing, but you'd probably follow it up with some hipfire or a second slice. The standalone knife secondary should remain a 1-hit-kill from any direction, but we don't know if it's gonna be a standalone knife in MW3, or something like MW2's tac knife attachment. Not sure I would support 1-hit-kill knifing with that.

The biggest problem with the knife is that we don't use dedicated servers. I'm kinda hoping Battlefield 3 kicks MW3's ass this year just because I want the CoD after that to have dedicated servers, and they might actually do it if Battlefield bitch-slaps them in sales.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']If the knife only 1-hit-killed via backstab, like the TF2 Spy knife, people would just complain about getting backstabbed instead of two-stabbed in the insanity of battle.

That said, I think that's what the knife should be changed to. Still panic knifing, but you'd probably follow it up with some hipfire or a second slice. The standalone knife secondary should remain a 1-hit-kill from any direction, but we don't know if it's gonna be a standalone knife in MW3, or something like MW2's tac knife attachment. Not sure I would support 1-hit-kill knifing with that.

The biggest problem with the knife is that we don't use dedicated servers. I'm kinda hoping Battlefield 3 kicks MW3's ass this year just because I want the CoD after that to have dedicated servers, and they might actually do it if Battlefield bitch-slaps them in sales.[/QUOTE]

I don't even really mind the ballistic knife being a 1 hit kill since you have to give something up for it. I personally haven't liked the knife even since COD4, but like in that video you can be getting shot up like crazy and then run through 4 enemies without firing a bullet. If someone doesn't call that overpowered then they have a bias of using the knife. I just saw a video where a guy knifed from the ramp of the truck on Nuketown to the other side of the truck after he was being shot by like 2 enemies, made no contact and still got the kill, I think I have said enough on the subject from there.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']If the knife only 1-hit-killed via backstab, like the TF2 Spy knife, people would just complain about getting backstabbed instead of two-stabbed in the insanity of battle.

That said, I think that's what the knife should be changed to. Still panic knifing, but you'd probably follow it up with some hipfire or a second slice. The standalone knife secondary should remain a 1-hit-kill from any direction, but we don't know if it's gonna be a standalone knife in MW3, or something like MW2's tac knife attachment. Not sure I would support 1-hit-kill knifing with that.

The biggest problem with the knife is that we don't use dedicated servers. I'm kinda hoping Battlefield 3 kicks MW3's ass this year just because I want the CoD after that to have dedicated servers, and they might actually do it if Battlefield bitch-slaps them in sales.[/QUOTE]

LOL? maybe in pc sales...but overall sales? not even close. i thought mw3 was bringing dedicated servers this year??
bread's done