Call of Duty Black OPS

[quote name='mvp828']I know what you're saying Dmaul, but I am talking about people who are expecting something that was never even talked about being there in the first place.

For sure, but at the same time developers shouldn't be lazy and should add things to improve on genres.

Like CoD4 added a ton by having a rank system that unlocked new perks, weapons and attachments etc.

Or Halo Reach with the daily and weekly challenges to get extra credits and rank up faster, giving you incentive to play daily etc.

Otherwise you get crap like sports games that add next to nothing from one year to the next aside from an updated roster etc.

Again, I thought MW2 added enough to be worth a purchase with the Spec Ops mode etc. So I agree with you in this argument. I just wouldn't go as far as you are with it as I lose interest in game series quickly if they don't add much for sequel to sequel to keep it fresh.
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[quote name='Rhett']You can play with friends in the 'Ante Up' wager matches, but nothing above that. Private matches MAY allow enough customization to set up a 'Gun Game', but I'm not entirely sure. 'Ante Up' is probably the lowest wager amount, like crasy joe said.

Private matches have an immense amount of options, too, so it's not something to sneeze at. :D

Party chat is also allowed in all other non-wager modes excluding Search and Destry, as well. Vahn says they can change that at a moment's notice, if people want it so.

I saw a video of bots, too, last night. Indeed, you can't use bots (at the moment) without being online. Lots of people are complaining, though, so we'll see if that changes. Bots are pretty decent (not sure what difficulty it was, though). They use custom weapons, too.[/QUOTE]

Ah thanks for clarifying crazyjoyguy and Rhett, sorry for the misleading info AlphaPanda.

And that's pretty cool, those modes sound like insane fun, you hardly ever see that in console games.
[quote name='JUDOHAWK']If Halo reach was switched with Halo 2 all of you would be nostalgic over Halo Reach right now.[/QUOTE]

If halo reach was a remake of halo 2 half the complaints about reach wouldn't exist. Zing! Pow!

[quote name='Trakan']Halo 3 was the MW2 of the Halo universe.[/QUOTE]

Okay reach is the stimulus pack for MW2.
[quote name='mvp828']I would be willing to bet that 99% of the people that bitch and moan about MW2 hated it because they sucked at it.

Yea the glitches early on were frustrating but at no point in the past 360 days was the game "unplayable".[/QUOTE]

Hi MVP! :)

The game IMO was nearly unplayable for me from Dec.-Jan. because of the javelin glitch and then in Feb. for all the other various glitches happening that I just played the Bad Company 2 beta in Feb. Then in March/April I played BFBC 2 as my shooter and when I was ready to give MW2 another chance in May, then the $15 map pack bullshit came down and I said fuck Activision/Infinity Ward and I traded the game in and got $35 off Red Dead.

As you guys know, it was mainly I am not at the level you, Flesh, Khondor, Hamster, Ender, Mortific, Bulbasaur, and Topher are on so I can't overcome the people glitching with my limited skills. I even quit before the wall hacks started happening. I really hope all this shit is fixed now and I have confidence in Treyarch since I really enjoyed both of their offerings (yes even CoD 3 which is what I played when everyone else was playing Gears 1) but we'll see what happens. I did get to the point where I could prestige so I'm not 100% terrible, just 75% terrible at the game.

Plus it's freed me to play so many other games. I've beaten 18 games since MW 2 came out, most of them fairly long single player games like AC 2, Alan Wake, Dragon Age Origins/Awakening, Valkyria Chronicles, Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil 4, and Alpha Protocol.

It's sucked though not playing multiplayer with everyone outside of those that had some combination of BFBC 2, SSFIV, and Red Dead so it'll be cool to be with everyone again.
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Yeah, we look forward to playing some COD with you again Hitman. I imagine we'll be splitting up into several groups once it comes out given how many people will be playing it.
[quote name='hustletron']If halo reach was a remake of halo 2 half the complaints about reach wouldn't exist. Zing! Pow!

Okay reach is the stimulus pack for MW2.[/QUOTE]
ODST anyone?
[quote name='MSUHitman']
It's sucked though not playing multiplayer with everyone outside of those that had some combination of BFBC 2, SSFIV, and Red Dead so it'll be cool to be with everyone again.[/QUOTE]

Yeah same here. Playing with some of the guys (and gal) again a little with Halo Reach and the past couple Gears 2 extra XP events was a big part of my deciding to get Black Ops.
Will also have it release day, thanks to Amazon. Sadly, I'm at like the end of UPS's god-damn run! (so... 4-7PM EST receival :()

Nobody wants to play with us, Hustle, because we're too real for them. Aww yea.

I dunno who Hustle has to play with, but I've got maybe 4 people, including 2 CAGs to play with. Definitely don't like big parties or people who talk loudly about nothing.

If nothing else, I'll get cozy with some bots and some zombies. :bouncy:
Yeah I had the same trend with UPS, they used to always hit my neighborhood at the end of the day around 4 or 5 but they've also showed up like at 1 or 2 in the afternoon before.

Rhett I think you added me or I added you and MVP so we can get down, I'll have a lot of people playing BO already on my friends list I'm sure, but only a few of them I actually play with.
[quote name='hustletron']Yeah I had the same trend with UPS, they used to always hit my neighborhood at the end of the day around 4 or 5 but they've also showed up like at 1 or 2 in the afternoon before.

Rhett I think you added me or I added you and MVP so we can get down, I'll have a lot of people playing BO already on my friends list I'm sure, but only a few of them I actually play with.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I added you.

I bet that's pretty frustrating. Luckily nobody on my list has it already...
[quote name='Rhett']Yeah, I added you.


Tryin not to pay for this game and get it from YF360G! For me, it's all about Nazi Zombies. Does the Hardened edition come with more nazi zombie maps?
[quote name='becuzimbrown']Tryin not to pay for this game and get it from YF360G! For me, it's all about Nazi Zombies. Does the Hardened edition come with more nazi zombie maps?[/QUOTE]

The answer to your question is in this thread a few pages back, but since I'm bored with a beer in my hand I'll tell you the hardened comes with 4 extra maps. More than likely they will release the maps as DLC on the marketplace but it hasn't been announced officially yet.

2 more days yewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[quote name='hustletron']The answer to your question is in this thread a few pages back, but since I'm bored with a beer in my hand I'll tell you the hardened comes with 4 extra maps. More than likely they will release the maps as DLC on the marketplace but it hasn't been announced officially yet.

2 more days yewwwwwwwwwwwwwww[/QUOTE]

Multiplayer maps or nazi zombie maps?
[quote name='becuzimbrown']Multiplayer maps or nazi zombie maps?[/QUOTE]

Hardened comes with the 4 zombie maps from World at War. Presumed to be DLC later on.
[quote name='Rhett']Will also have it release day, thanks to Amazon. Sadly, I'm at like the end of UPS's god-damn run! (so... 4-7PM EST receival :()

Nobody wants to play with us, Hustle, because we're too real for them. Aww yea.

I dunno who Hustle has to play with, but I've got maybe 4 people, including 2 CAGs to play with. Definitely don't like big parties or people who talk loudly about nothing.

If nothing else, I'll get cozy with some bots and some zombies. :bouncy:[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I really hate that. And some guy on my friends list ignores anything constructive I have to say about anything. For example I was showing my Forge map off, and he pays no attention to my plans at all and destroys a Wraith I had there. And everything he says is cursing (I join a party, he says nothing, FUUUU**!! Come on you little BAST***D!!!).

But now I'm just ranting. Anywho, I'm probably getting it release day too at GS, feel free to add me.
[quote name='The Holy Pretzle']Yeah, I really hate that. And some guy on my friends list ignores anything constructive I have to say about anything. For example I was showing my Forge map off, and he pays no attention to my plans at all and destroys a Wraith I had there. And everything he says is cursing (I join a party, he says nothing, FUUUU**!! Come on you little BAST***D!!!).

But now I'm just ranting. Anywho, I'm probably getting it release day too at GS, feel free to add me.[/QUOTE]

It's either him, or a carbon copy of him but with a much higher pitched voice. :roll:

I'll go ahead and add you... pretty bored atm. Nothing I feel like playing! argh!
[quote name='mvp828']I know what you're saying Dmaul, but I am talking about people who are expecting something that was never even talked about being there in the first place.

That would be like going to an action movie and then complaining because there weren't any good romance scenes... Did it say there were going to be romance scenes... No. Okay, than why are people complaining.[/QUOTE]

Man, and you call people ignorant. Let me get your argument straight. As long as a game developer doesn't tell you they're going to add anything new or exciting to a game, then it's okay that they don't innovate at all? You want the same rehashed shit every time? You can only complain about missing features from a game if the developer said they were putting the features in, then took them out? You can't complain that one game (MW2) hasn't adopted many of the great innovations of another game (Halo 3), such as theater mode or online stat tracking?

(If you can't tell, I think your argument is retarded.)

And your analogy of action movies missing romance scenes is just plain stupid. Did I ask why there were no real time strategy elements put in to the first-person shooter MW2? No, I complained about a lack of a theater, among other things. That's not an element from a different genre, as your action movie romance scene analogy implies. It's an element from a different FPS. The more accurate analogy is: Avatar was filmed in 3D, why isn't the new Star Trek movie also filmed in 3D? That's an accurate analogy.
[quote name='Rhett']It's either him, or a carbon copy of him but with a much higher pitched voice. :roll:

I'll go ahead and add you... pretty bored atm. Nothing I feel like playing! argh![/QUOTE]

I'm sorry I'm not up to your standards!
Can't wait for this to come out. Halo Reach is a major let down, so this call of duty should be fun for a month or two. Then maybe I'll have to switch to Killzone 3 ;)
Cool TOMAHAWK Ricochet Kill


Anybody else finding any early COD:Black Ops videos? Just looking for some to tide me over til release :bouncy:.

The way that was done/edited.. I wonder if Treyarch really did allow players to upload clips to Youtube through the game? It was rumored, but I haven't seen it confirmed. That'd be sweet.

I've seen tons of videos. Easiest way is to look up "Call of duty black ops" and click the upload date filters so it shows newest first. Otherwise, videos have been actively hunted down and removed by Activision until release.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']LOL.

I love the "if you hated it you must have been terrible at it" logic here. I loathe Gears of War 2 MP with a passion yet last I recall I abandoned that game with an off host 1.3 K/D in both Execution and Wingman. Funny how that shit works, eh?

At 9th Prestige with a 1.2 K/D and a nuke or two under my belt I'd like to think I've probably played the game long enough to surpass any average player's asinine requirements to bitch about it, but I guess you learn something new everyday, huh? :roll:

FYI: Balance issues are main reason I no longer enjoy playing it, but still do on occasion for friends. Now I'm 99% positive that doesn't qualify as "unplayable" either but shit I wasn't the one jumping to conclusions was I?[/QUOTE]

No offense, but a 1.2 K/D is terrible.

[quote name='mvp828']As for Treyarch's additions, the only thing that I can think of that is original is the wager mode. The credit system was used before Reach in another Treyarch game, Quantum of Solace. The recording mode has been in Halo as you said, and the character customization has been in other games as well.

So can you really say that Black Ops is innovative? I would say no. Is it new to Call of Duty... Yes.[/QUOTE]

I know that you really enjoyed MW2. Don't get me wrong, I did at a time too, but you gotta admit, it had its flaws. I don't think you have to defend it anymore.

Also in regards to innovation, outside of the wager matches you already mentioned, I think Treyarch is really stepping up and trying. Removing stopping power/juggernaut and removing stacking killstreaks is really enough in and of itself. They've also added the currency system and character customization, both of which are new to the COD series. They're also changing up the gameplay itself, adding the dive to prone mechanic.

While none of these are brand new to FPS games in general, they are to COD, and to say that's not innovating is a bit foolish IMO.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Man, and you call people ignorant. Let me get your argument straight. As long as a game developer doesn't tell you they're going to add anything new or exciting to a game, then it's okay that they don't innovate at all? You want the same rehashed shit every time? You can only complain about missing features from a game if the developer said they were putting the features in, then took them out? You can't complain that one game (MW2) hasn't adopted many of the great innovations of another game (Halo 3), such as theater mode or online stat tracking?

(If you can't tell, I think your argument is retarded.)

And your analogy of action movies missing romance scenes is just plain stupid. Did I ask why there were no real time strategy elements put in to the first-person shooter MW2? No, I complained about a lack of a theater, among other things. That's not an element from a different genre, as your action movie romance scene analogy implies. It's an element from a different FPS. The more accurate analogy is: Avatar was filmed in 3D, why isn't the new Star Trek movie also filmed in 3D? That's an accurate analogy.[/QUOTE]

My argument is this... If a developer doesn't come out and say, "We added ______, _______, and __________." Don't bitch about it not being there when it comes out. You are clearly bitching because it didn't have something that you wanted. Furthermore, don't buy the damn game or even bother playing it.

As for playing rehashed shit... You should really talk. Have you looked at your played games list. Let's see Halo Reach and ODST both within the past 6 games played. So were those not rehashed, or do you go in those threads and cry too?

[quote name='Trakan']
I know that you really enjoyed MW2. Don't get me wrong, I did at a time too, but you gotta admit, it had its flaws. I don't think you have to defend it anymore.

Also in regards to innovation, outside of the wager matches you already mentioned, I think Treyarch is really stepping up and trying. Removing stopping power/juggernaut and removing stacking killstreaks is really enough in and of itself. They've also added the currency system and character customization, both of which are new to the COD series. They're also changing up the gameplay itself, adding the dive to prone mechanic.

While none of these are brand new to FPS games in general, they are to COD, and to say that's not innovating is a bit foolish IMO.[/QUOTE]

I know that there are some flaws in MW2, but like you and I agreed on before... I would say just about every single one is manageable and the things that are overpowered can all be countered.

As for the innovative comment, that's why I said that it was innovative to Call of Duty, but not to FPS games in general (with the exception of Wager Matches).
[quote name='mvp828']My argument is this... If a developer doesn't come out and say, "We added ______, _______, and __________." Don't bitch about it not being there when it comes out. You are clearly bitching because it didn't have something that you wanted. Furthermore, don't buy the damn game or even bother playing it.[/QUOTE]

See, this is what I'm talking about, you are the one displaying ignorance. You think a complete lack of innovation is okay as long as the developer doesn't want to innovate. I can't believe how stupid that sounds.

Let's apply your theory to Call of Duty. What if Infinity Ward didn't want to innovate in CoD4? They wouldn't have pushed Activision for a modern setting (Activision wanted another WWII game) and they wouldn't have created the XP leveling system for the multiplayer component. Now, are you telling me you would have loved playing a CoD3.5 instead of CoD4? I guarantee 100% you wouldn't, so don't get all pissy just because I think there wasn't enough innovation in MW2. I didn't want CoD4.5, and I feel that's all MW2 was.

[quote name='mvp828']As for playing rehashed shit... You should really talk. Have you looked at your played games list. Let's see Halo Reach and ODST both within the past 6 games played. So were those not rehashed, or do you go in those threads and cry too?[/QUOTE]

Seriously, you are probably the biggest fucktard I've seen on these forums. I'm not going to sit here and defend each and every other game I've ever played. I played MW2 too, and I was disappointed with it. Deal with it. If you like the game, then fine, but realize that there are plenty of people who disagree with you.
[quote name='BingoBrown']See, this is what I'm talking about, you are the one displaying ignorance. You think a complete lack of innovation is okay as long as the developer doesn't want to innovate. I can't believe how stupid that sounds.

I didn't take his last post as saying that, so much as people who want innovation shouldn't buy a game that doesn't offer any, and then hop on line and bitch about it.

And I can respect that. Why we get so little innovation is idiots go out and buy say Madden every year when it's usually little more than a roster update. Or by every CoD game that changes very little.

If you don't like stagnant games, don't buy sequels. Vote with your wallet and don't buy games you feel don't innovate enough. Go out and buy indie games and other games that are doing innovative things.

It does little good to give them your $60 and then spend time bitching about lack of innovation on forums, as the publisher doesn't care how much you bitch as long as you keep buying their games.

Myself, I'm kind of in the middle. Lack of innovation gets old. But I'm also kind of of the mind set of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." I like FPS games and the genre doesn't need a lot of innovations for me. Make a great FPS with a decent single player mode and good online play and I'm there even if it doesn't offer anything really innovative.

But maybe that will change. I used to play the shit out of platformers and JRPGs and finally got sick of those last gen and have played few this gen (and no JRPGs).
[quote name='dmaul1114']I didn't take his last post as saying that, so much as people who want innovation shouldn't buy a game that doesn't offer any, and then hop on line and bitch about it.

And I can respect that. Why we get so little innovation is idiots go out and buy say Madden every year when it's usually little more than a roster update. Or by every CoD game that changes very little.

If you don't like stagnant games, don't buy sequels. Vote with your wallet and don't buy games you feel don't innovate enough. Go out and buy indie games and other games that are doing innovative things.

It does little good to give them your $60 and then spend time bitching about lack of innovation on forums, as the publisher doesn't care how much you bitch as long as you keep buying their games.

Myself, I'm kind of in the middle. Lack of innovation gets old. But I'm also kind of of the mind set of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." I like FPS games and the genre doesn't need a lot of innovations for me. Make a great FPS with a decent single player mode and good online play and I'm there even if it doesn't offer anything really innovative.

But maybe that will change. I used to play the shit out of platformers and JRPGs and finally got sick of those last gen and have played few this gen (and no JRPGs).[/QUOTE]
For me personally any online game can get stagnant if I dont have any good friends who are also playing the same game. A good example would be World at War, I know many people hated that game but I loved it. Maybe its because going into a game with a full party is always more fun then going in alone.

Modern Warfare 2 was less fun for me because of that exact same reason, many of my friends and XBL friends didn't get it, so I ended up going in games alone.

I guess for me it doesn't matter whether or not the game is innovative enough or not, if enough people on my friends list get then its a must buy(if I enjoy the series that is)
[quote name='dmaul1114']I didn't take his last post as saying that, so much as people who want innovation shouldn't buy a game that doesn't offer any, and then hop on line and bitch about it.[/QUOTE]

I don't really understand this argument either. So now I'm only allowed to buy games that I know are innovative? I can't have really enjoyed CoD4, then naturally been excited by the release of MW2, only to come to realize after months of playing MW2 that I'm disappointed it didn't offer much new to the series? Let's remember, the critics adored MW2 when it came out, as did practically everyone who played it in those early weeks. Dissenting opinions came much later.

This isn't the same as sports games, which are practically the same product year to year. There was a huge leap from CoD3 to CoD4, and there were some neat additions in CoD5 as well (the popular Nazi Zombies, for instance). I'm expecting more from each CoD than the addition of quarterback hand towels in Madden 10. Additionally, Infinity Ward was the developer who created the massive jump from CoD3 to CoD4, to assume that they wouldn't have pulled it off again in MW2 would have been counter to the evidence we had at that time.

Activision and Infinity Ward knew they were going to have a winner in MW2, no matter what they did. And it sold really, really, ridiculously well. But they were incredibly lazy and rested on their laurels earned from CoD4. They didn't beta test the game and they didn't really innovate (except for the incredibly minor innovation of death streak perks). They pretty much churned out CoD4.5 and called it good. That's what bothers me.
I get that, but reading reviews, previews etc. I knew I was pretty much getting CoD 4.5 from the outset.

Now the gripes about all the glitchers, hackers etc. were legitimate, and that's mostly want all the bitching that came later was about.

I think most knew from day one that it wasn't going to offer much new over CoD4, and really just be more of the same.

I'm not saying it's ok etc., just that it was clear from previews etc. that they weren't really adding much new, so people who didn't just want more of the same had fair warning. It's not like they misled people into thinking they had added a ton of new stuff.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
I'm not saying it's ok etc., just that it was clear from previews etc. that they weren't really adding much new, so people who didn't just want more of the same had fair warning. It's not like they misled people into thinking they had added a ton of new stuff.[/QUOTE]

Well, I don't remember it that way. I was excited about the game, read lots of previews and such, but didn't feel it was only CoD4.5. Additionally, Infinity Ward wasn't as forthcoming about MW2 as Treyarch has been about Black Ops, and Treyarch is stilling holding back some info. It's not like we knew exactly what was in MW2 before the game shipped.

And you bring up the issue of being "misled" again. I don't think misleading your fans is the only way for a developer to screw up. Simply not incorporating features that should be standard in a AAA FPS title (theater mode, online stat tracking) is enough for me to say that a developer has disappointed me. Whether they promised such features or not is irrelevant.
I assume this game has four-player split screen versus mode like all the other CoD games? Every time I try to look this up, all I get is stuff on the two-player online split screen.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Well, I don't remember it that way. I was excited about the game, read lots of previews and such, but didn't feel it was only CoD4.5. Additionally, Infinity Ward wasn't as forthcoming about MW2 as Treyarch has been about Black Ops, and Treyarch is stilling holding back some info. It's not like we knew exactly what was in MW2 before the game shipped.

And you bring up the issue of being "misled" again. I don't think misleading your fans is the only way for a developer to screw up. Simply not incorporating features that should be standard in a AAA FPS title (theater mode, online stat tracking) is enough for me to say that a developer has disappointed me. Whether they promised such features or not is irrelevant.[/QUOTE]

I agree. But the previews listed all the features. It was readily apparent that the only real new additions were the death streaks and the Spec Ops mode if you were reading previews etc.

I read a good bit as I wasn't sure if I wanted it as I had gotten burned out on CoD4 and had skipped WaW after not digging the MP beta much (hate WW2 guns), so I knew what I was getting into with MW2.

Again, I do agree developers should do more to make sure their games offer something new, and at least offer the key features other major games in the genre have. i.e. I'd love it if Treyarch found a way to add daily challenges like those in Reach to Black Ops.

But at the same time, it's up to consumers to read up before buying and make informed purchases and not waste their money on games they think don't offer enough new to warrant a purchase etc. IMO. I still sometimes go wrong and end up not liking something I bought. But then I just ditch it on Goozex, recoup some of the cost and move on. People do way to much bitching and moaning over stupid shit like games.
Well, after reading some posts from people who have the game, it seems like there is already a care package glitch, super speed lobbies, and 15th prestige lobbies.

Gotta love no public beta.

Here's the 15 prestige emblems.
[quote name='BingoBrown'] See, this is what I'm talking about, you are the one displaying ignorance. You think a complete lack of innovation is okay as long as the developer doesn't want to innovate. I can't believe how stupid that sounds.

Let's apply your theory to Call of Duty. What if Infinity Ward didn't want to innovate in CoD4? They wouldn't have pushed Activision for a modern setting (Activision wanted another WWII game) and they wouldn't have created the XP leveling system for the multiplayer component. Now, are you telling me you would have loved playing a CoD3.5 instead of CoD4? I guarantee 100% you wouldn't, so don't get all pissy just because I think there wasn't enough innovation in MW2. I didn't want CoD4.5, and I feel that's all MW2 was.

I guesss I don't really need to respond anymore seeing as Dmaul reinforced what was meant and broke it down for you since your reading comprehension isn't quite all there.

[quote name='BingoBrown'] Seriously, you are probably the biggest fucktard I've seen on these forums. I'm not going to sit here and defend each and every other game I've ever played. I played MW2 too, and I was disappointed with it. Deal with it. If you like the game, then fine, but realize that there are plenty of people who disagree with you.[/QUOTE]

And you say I'm the ignorant one... Keep resorting to name calling when you get flustered buddy. I'm sure it will get you far in life.

[quote name='yankeessuck']I know there is no campaign co-op but is there co-op besides Zombies?[/QUOTE]

Supposedly there is split-screen for multiplayer (ala Halo).

[quote name='Trakan']Well, after reading some posts from people who have the game, it seems like there is already a care package glitch, super speed lobbies, and 15th prestige lobbies.

Gotta love no public beta.

Here's the 15 prestige emblems.

I didn't realize the servers finally went live? When did that happen?

I like the Prestige emblems too.

P.S. Don't worry Trak... I am done cluttering up the thread.
fuck you Treyarch for not having a public beta, and also fuck YOU Micro$oft for having such an easy console to mod/hack. I cant believe there are already freaking 15th Prestige lobbies, and all the other mods ALREADY !! WTF !!

that is why I am switching my preorder over to the PC :D
Gameplay of Zombies and dude using unlimited ammo, I would assume on the 360 because the X action button comes up but that could be while using a 360 controller on the PC too I believe.

EDIT: Some people are claiming that unlimited ammo is done by altering codes in a command prompt so that would imply it's on PC but I'm still not convinced. I couldn't find much on actual MP glitches.

Care package glitch is allowing people to get 4 to 5 extra CPs after their first CP.
[quote name='Trakan']Well, after reading some posts from people who have the game, it seems like there is already a care package glitch, super speed lobbies, and 15th prestige lobbies.

Gotta love no public beta.

Just looked into this a little more and apparently the prestige lobbies and speed lobbies are all things that have been foiled already. Apparently they are only allowed in Private Matches and on the retail copy. Supposedly there will be a title update upon connecting to Live and the lobbies will not be able to be created.

I guess if the lobbies are there I don't care as long as Treyarch actually takes action to remove the people from the leaderboards.
bread's done