Can Wii function as your only system for a hardcore gamer?

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Its really too early to say that the Wii will not have a "huge genre ___" game.[/QUOTE]

The last time Nintendo had a huge game in any genre was the Super Nintendo.

I think we can all agree the Super Nintendo is their best console: even people who don't love Nintendo LOVE the Super Nintendo, plus as one CAG said, Super Nintendo is the most gangsta console name ever.

So maybe that's what we should ask..

Will the Wi be as good as the Super Nintendo?
[quote name='sarausagi']
So maybe that's what we should ask..

Will the Wii be as good as the Super Nintendo?[/quote]

Again, its too early to answer that. They're certainly trying for it.

The DS really didnt have any monster RPGs on the horizon until Square stepped in recently.

Unless someone comes up with a Bushido blade style game, it seems that Namco/Capcom isnt about to step in with a fighting game.

Racing we are at least guaranteed a Mario Kart and possibly F-Zero.

Its up to the marketshare and development costs to woo the 3rd parties into making these games. Despite a strong initial showing, its still too early to tell whats going to happen.

Maybe everyone will go HD and realize that they've been fooled by Nintendo's gimmicks ;)
I honestly can't see a whole lot of true RPGs showing up for the Wii, which means it'll never suffice for me. ATM it's my sole next-gen system and will probably remain so until PS2 stops providing my RPG fix. Then it'll be up to whichever other contender has the RPGs.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Again, its too early to answer that. They're certainly trying for it.

The DS really didnt have any monster RPGs on the horizon until Square stepped in recently.

Unless someone comes up with a Bushido blade style game, it seems that Namco/Capcom isnt about to step in with a fighting game.

Racing we are at least guaranteed a Mario Kart and possibly F-Zero.

Its up to the marketshare and development costs to woo the 3rd parties into making these games. Despite a strong initial showing, its still too early to tell whats going to happen.

Maybe everyone will go HD and realize that they've been fooled by Nintendo's gimmicks ;)[/QUOTE]

HD isn't a gimmick though, it's a standard = )

I'd like to see some serious games, perhaps Sega could team up with Nintendo to make a real racing game...I'm so anxious for Forza 2 and Gran Turismo 5 and already have PGR3...F-Zero is good [wish it was on Xbox] but I wish there was a more definitive racer

Fighters, I can't see any coming out on Wii. Problem is Wii is not a graphic power house, so if a fighter doesn't take advantage of the Wii controls, then there's no reason why it should really be released on Wii other than to be nice to Wii owners. I know there will be some novelty fighters [Naruto, Smash] but doesn't seem there will be anything by the real fighting game developers

Nintendo, historically in the new consoles, has never really released any good RPG. Fire Emblem was a nice treat that I'll play once a Gamecube is around $30. Paper Mario is decently made [I just don't like Mario, but the battle system is simple yet thought out] The only real RPG series Nintendo has is Mother and Pokemon, neither which has seen a proper console release [I'm sure either one, fully fleshed out, would be a system seller on the level of Halo or Final Fantasy]

I think the thing about the DS is that the graphics are VERY GOOD for a handheld, so if a game doesn't take advantage of the touch screen, it's okay, using the two screens and the processor to its full potential is worth it enough and way more than anything a handheld has ever offered us. The DS offers something the PSP and any other competitor can't: a steady stream of incredible first and third party games.

I love my DS, that's all I know, I've bought six DS games in the past month alone....that's more games than I've ever bought in one seems every month there's another two must haves for the DS
it will be my primary system for the coming generation. I also plan to use it to play all the gamecube games i never bought since they will be coming down in price
No, it's fine for a more casual gamer like myself, but the great games will be too far apart to keep a hardcore gamer satisfied.

The Wii60 is the way to go for hardcore gamers.

Best of both worlds for less than a premium PS3 with 1 game.
I love the Wii, but I say no. The 360 will have a few big exclusives, but lots of games will share ports with the PS3, and vice versa. The Wii will get some excellent exclusives as well, but I would never select a Wii port over a 360 or PS3 port of the same game.

Wii60 for me. Eventually I will have a PSWii60, but not yet!
no plans on bumping up to HD, I can get graphics and gameplay comparable to 360 with my pc, almost any game I want to play for the 360 is a pc port. And on the pc, shooters just control better, that's a fact.. No reason why the WII can't be a main console for someone like me.
If you're not a hardcore gamer yourself, chances are that you know one. He (or she) is the one who knows the exact day the next Miyamoto game is due out. He proudly wears t-shirts that say "Pwnd" or "Mushroom power." He may eagerly pay a small fortune importing obscure games from Japan and enjoy quoting Will Wright the way one would Confucius.

--Li C. Kuo, Gamespy
Guess I'm a hardcore gamer. :applause: I can hardly contain myself. WiiS Lite here I come!!
[quote name='sarausagi']HD isn't a gimmick though, it's a standard = )


No HD isn't a gimmick, but if you think it is a "standard" in this moment in time (or the forseeable future) your insane. Let me ask a question of you people that keep calling this motion sensing stuff a gimmick. Why did the PS3 add motion sensing on? If it is merely a gimmick, why would they do this?

To answer the question, I think I'll get a 360 when the first price drop happens, but I will most likely only use it to play online baseball games (did that with the original xbox and never got tired of MVP 05). But hell, that might even be called into question if they get the controls right on a WII baseball game. Might not be worth going back to standard controls. So YES the Wii is a damn good enough system for me.
[quote name='schuerm26'] Why did the PS3 add motion sensing on? If it is merely a gimmick, why would they do this?

Because it's only a gimmick if Nintendo does it. Nintendo=Gimmick, remember?

Sony "Gimmick"=an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, esp. designed to attract attention or increase appeal.

Nintendo "Gimmick"= equip or embellish with unnecessary features, esp. in order to increase salability, acceptance, etc.

Thus sayeth the intertubes.

Also remember that the PS3 has something else; that new, highly -proven sony format. Bluray player! ZOMG! I GO SEX FOR PUSSY!
[quote name='schuerm26']No HD isn't a gimmick, but if you think it is a "standard" in this moment in time (or the forseeable future) your insane. Let me ask a question of you people that keep calling this motion sensing stuff a gimmick. Why did the PS3 add motion sensing on? If it is merely a gimmick, why would they do this?

To answer the question, I think I'll get a 360 when the first price drop happens, but I will most likely only use it to play online baseball games (did that with the original xbox and never got tired of MVP 05). But hell, that might even be called into question if they get the controls right on a WII baseball game. Might not be worth going back to standard controls. So YES the Wii is a damn good enough system for me.[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm assuming it's because they lost the rights to force feedback and the only way they could "make up" for it is by adding something the competitor has. I mean, the 360 wasn't designed with HD-DVD spec in mind, but in order to compete with the PS3's offer of Blu Ray, it was added on. Blu Ray on PS3 is part of the PS3 spec, but motion sensing is an add on to compete with the market. When the DS adds an internet browser and multimedia features, I am pretty sure PSP will try to add some sort of touch screen technology.

I personally could have lived without the Six Axis. The other day at Target I saw a controller for PS2 with "motion sensing tilt technology" [a third party trying to cash in on Wii/PS3 hype]

However, HD is a standard, even "consumer" sets are starting to be shipped with ATSC/QAM tuners and in less than a few years, SDTV will no longer be a viable production. Small HD crt tubes and budget flat panels will be the way people watch TV.

As for the Smash Brothers novelty comment: I'm sorry. That's what it is: a set of characters who have nothing do with each other than being made by the same company [the novelty] put into a fighting game. Realize that, I didn't call it a mini game or a party game; I called it a fighting game, but it's a fighting game with a novelty.

And if you seriously believe it's anywhere near as complex or thought provoking as Virtua Fighter or King of Fighters, that's where you're wrong. It's more like Power Stone or Saturday Night Slam Masters than anything...

The first Saturday Night Slam Masters game was played like a traditional wrestling game, only the game used a view similar to that commonly used in the fighting game genre. Each character was given a lifebar and had three buttons to push (an attack button, a jump button, and a grapple/pin button). Each character was given two special attacks to use in the game (one used normally outside of a grapple and one that was performed during a grapple, commonly known as a finisher). When an opponent's life is depleted, he must either be pinned for a three-count or forced to submit. Defeating all of the other wrestlers results in winning the championship belt, which must then be defended against the entire roster.

Hmm...sounds like Smash Brothers to me..replace pin/grapple with the shields, replace belts with the cups/trophies, get rid of the word "wrestling"..and that's Smash Brothers.
Is it my only system this generation? No

Could it have been? Yes.

I really like my 360, but I could have lived without it if I hadn't bought one. Now that I have a 360, the Wii alone wouldn't satisfy my gaming wants. Had I not owned a 360 I probably wouldn't think twice about only owning a Wii.I must say that I am a big fan of Nintendo and love their games. I am not a fanboy though. I can see the mistakes of the company and I don't jizz my pants everytime anything comes from Nintendo HQ. Sometimes it seems like it, because they have had a lot of good news lately.
Not to beat the "hardcore" thing to death (which, let's face it, already is dead), but hardcore means different things to different people. For example, I typically play three hours tops on console games any given week. I don't play any PC games at all. By most people's idea of what hardcore gaming is, I'm not. I do however have 80+ DS games, all of which I play. I am perfectly happy with just a DS as my only gaming console and would be considered a hardcore gamer by pretty much anyone.

Ultimately, it's different strokes for different folks. The Wii will have a Zelda like game released every quarter or so with a smattering of A- to B+ titles in between. For some people, one big game every three months is enough, especially if it is a Zelda or a Mario Kart or a Smash Brothers or a Fire Emblem or an Animal Crossing and so on and so forth. Other people need their A- to B+ titles to have a ton of length to them or can only play A+ titles. Taking the 360's line-up, there's been only three-four games on the level of a Zelda (Oblivion, Viva Pinata, GoW, and maybe Dead Rising/GRAW).

By most people's definition in this thread, a 360 is not enough because the vast majority of the games aren't up to snuff. What the Wii doesn't have in graphics, the 360 doesn't have in control. While the 360 does have Live, it doesn't have the connectivity with the DS. You could draw up a bunch of arguments why what is what and if its worth owning this, that, or the other things. If you want to make the argument that the Wii is your secondary system because of graphics, why can't the same argument be made that the 360 is your secondary system for control?
[quote name='sarausagi']
As for the Smash Brothers novelty comment: I'm sorry. That's what it is: a set of characters who have nothing do with each other than being made by the same company [the novelty] put into a fighting game. Realize that, I didn't call it a mini game or a party game; I called it a fighting game, but it's a fighting game with a novelty.[/QUOTE]

Two things.

1. Have you ever played any fighting game ever? The storylines in most fighting games are horrible, Soul Calibur/Tekken/Virtua Fighter/Street Fighter included. I love Virtua Fighter and am buying a PS3 for 5, but the story is awful. The only fighting game where the story was decent was King of the Fighters and guess what? That's SNK lumping together their fighting game rosters together for no apparent rhyme or reason. The only reason that a story exists is because SNK published a good deal of it fan guides.

2. Since when is the entire concept of video games not a novelty? They're a form of entertainment for 99.9% of the population. The other .1% either work in the industry, make money off of games somehow, or have serious problems. The best games are the ones that are the most entertaining, period.
[quote name='furyk']Two things.

1. Have you ever played any fighting game ever? The storylines in most fighting games are horrible, Soul Calibur/Tekken/Virtua Fighter/Street Fighter included. The only fighting game where the story was decent was King of the Fighters and guess what? That's SNK lumping together their fighting game rosters together for no apparent rhyme or reason.

2. Since when is the entire concept of video games not a novelty? They're a form of entertainment for 99.9% of the population. The other .1% either work in the industry, make money off of games somehow, or have serious problems. The best games are the ones that are the most entertaining, period.[/QUOTE]

When did I mention story? Was not one of the key reasons Smash Brothers was such a success because it brought together dozens of Nintendo characters like never before? Essentialy like a HUGE comic book cross over

In all the fighting games you mentioned, there's a story to wrap up the whole package, but the key ingredient that is selling is the FIGHTING. You know what Smash Brothers without Nintendo is called? Shrek Super Slam. Even if Smash Bros never came out, Shrek Super Slam would have been a flop, a budget title. The first Smash Brothers title sold because it was Nintendo, and it was Link beating Pikachu up while Mario jumped on top of Star Fox. That and it was one of the few non platformer games for the N64.

Unless people buy Smash Brothers because of the complex parrying system or super cancels, then they're buying it because they love seeing Mario drag Pikachu across the floor and Snake pop out of a cardboard box.
I took a chance on the Wii. If a good FPS with online multiplayer doesn't come out in the next 6 months I'm selling it and getting a 360. I was hoping for an FPS to take advantage of the controller but they're just not getting it done.
[quote name='smalien1']All video games are novelties!
Thats the fucking point!

Sorry the Wii isn't more practical.
Have fun with your blu-ray player.[/QUOTE]

Videogame systems need to come with custom additions. Instead of a Blueray player, sony should let me get a Statistics calculator so I can do Regressions in HD. 1080P Econometrics?! Cell-Processed Differentials?! FTW.
[quote name='sarausagi']

Unless people buy Smash Brothers because of the complex parrying system or super cancels, then they're buying it because they love seeing Mario drag Pikachu across the floor and Snake pop out of a cardboard box.[/quote]

Um, I buy it for both. If you don't consider SSBM a deep enough fighter, then you really haven't played SSBM.
Personally, I don't think it will be able to be my only console.

I love it, and it and the DS (and unplayed PS2 games) will be more than enough for 2007. But once Xmas rolls around again I'm hoping 360 will be cheaper. But then again, it's been out for a month. I'll give it some time.
A novelty fighting game is the Family Guy game.

The biggest selling game on the Gamecube, and what will undoubtedly move systems in Japan, is not.

By your logic, Halo is a novelty game because PCs did FPS games waaaaaay before it.

But I wouldn't expect airtight logic out of Sausagechan over there.
[quote name='rickonker']I took a chance on the Wii. If a good FPS with online multiplayer doesn't come out in the next 6 months I'm selling it and getting a 360. I was hoping for an FPS to take advantage of the controller but they're just not getting it done.[/quote]I would sell it now while you can profit off it then. We'll be lucky to get any online game in the next 6 months, I'd be surprised if it's an FPS.
[quote name='botticus']I would sell it now while you can profit off it then. We'll be lucky to get any online game in the next 6 months, I'd be surprised if it's an FPS.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I thought about doing what you're saying, but I decided it's worth the cost to try out Zelda and some other games like Elebits now.
It's a great system but it is NOT for the hardcore gamer. I ONLY have a Wii but I work and go to school full time so I don't have time for games.

If all I did was stay home and do nothing then I'd probably get a 360.
[quote name='sarausagi']In all the fighting games you mentioned, there's a story to wrap up the whole package, but the key ingredient that is selling is the FIGHTING. You know what Smash Brothers without Nintendo is called? Shrek Super Slam. [/quote]

Tuned out right about here.
I was honestly *this* close to going in on a 360, but just can't in good conscience do it, even though I'd really like to play Viva Pinata and Dead Rising. Maybe when the massive hardware problems are confirmed to have gone away and the price drops, I'll consider it again.

For now it looks like I'm going to go straight Nintendo this gen. The Wii looks to have more than enough fun games to satisfy me along with my last gen backlog and the DS.

Wii? Woo!!!
[quote name='The Crotch']I was with you on the Power Stone thing, but what the fuck? Except for it being a 2D game with a couple of special moves, FNSM sounds nothing like Smash Brothers. Here, watch:

It is my position that Hitman 2 and Halo 2 are virtually the same. See, both have guns. Both let you shoot in first-person. And see, you have a ton of health in Hitman, right? That's Silent Assassin's equivalent of Halo's rechargeable shield. And you can dual-wield in Hitman 2, just like in Halo 2. Both games have sniper rifles... and pistols... and sub-machine guns... and swords... Also, you can get stealthy kills in both games.

See? See what I did there? How do you replace grappling with the SSB's shields? How does depleting an enemy's life bar then pinning them equate to building up damage and knocking an enemy off the level? I'm not getting it.

But back on topic: I for one am hoping this will be enough for my gaming needs. I'm a little bit too cheap at this moment to spring for a 360. Hell, I haven't payed for a game in about two years now.[/QUOTE]

Well, if you take the word "wrestling" out, knocking off the stage is similar to pinfal, or even fighting games where you lose if you get out of the ring.

And as for shields = grappling/pin, once again, it involves taking the word wrestling out. If Saturday Night Slam was about, I don't know, cowboys, then "grappling" would become drawing a pistol or roping.

But it's still very similar in mechanics..considering how OLD Saturday Night Slam-Masters is

Then again, I have no logic according to Strell...and apparently my name is Sausage, so what the hell do I know?

I should just shut up and accept that the majority opinion of CAG more closely resembles that of Nintendojo

Thank god there's more 360 owners here..if only we were equally vocal.
[quote name='sarausagi']
Then again, I have no logic according to Strell[/QUOTE]

Well since you choose to not believe me, let me make it a little more clear.

Comparing Smash Bros to Shrek Super Slam is a bullshit comparison.

The person making the comparison is full of bullshit.

In this case, that person happens to be you.

Therefore you are full of bullshit.

If you need me to clarify this long and twisting road of logic for you a third time, please let me know.
Last generation, I owned an original XBox, Cube, and PS2. With my wife getting laid off, this is the first generation of consoles where I can only financially afford to support one company. I opted for Nintendo, since their hardware and games are the least expensive and their online service is free. So far I can say yes, the Wii and DS are enough for me. The DS has dozens of excellent games, while the Wii is off to a great start. Zelda will keep me plenty busy for the next few weeks, and the wife and I are getting a kick out of Trauma Center and Wii Sports. If Nintendo can keep their third party support and keep pumping out AAA titles, i don't think I'll miss the 360 or PS3.
[quote name='Strell']Well since you choose to not believe me, let me make it a little more clear.

Comparing Smash Bros to Shrek Super Slam is a bullshit comparison.

The person making the comparison is full of bullshit.

In this case, that person happens to be you.

Therefore you are full of bullshit.

If you need me to clarify this long and twisting road of logic for you a third time, please let me know.[/QUOTE]

"From Activision and Shaba Games comes Shrek SuperSlam for GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox. This colorful 3D fighter attempts to marry the lovable characters and recognizable locations from the Shrek franchise with the four-player-friendly brawl mechanics of Nintendo's hit Super Smash Bros. series. In some ways, SuperSlam is a success."

Quoted from IGN

Like Nintendo's Super Smash Brothers series, Shrek Super Slam's gameplay consists mainly of getting a motley crew of characters from assorted fairy tales and pitting them against each other in cartoony combat. Each fight is book-ended by a story and tells about an encounter between two characters, such as Puss n' Boots versus The Gingerbread Man

Quoted from Gamevortex

REVIEW: For game that could easily be written off, Shrek SuperSlam is a pleasant surprise. It's a brawler in the tradition of Super Smash Bros., and while Smash Bros does remain the more polished game, Shrek SuperSlam actually manages to do several things better.

Quoted from Globe and Mail

If you don't already own Super Smash Bros Melee, and all Blockbuster's copies are already rented, Shrek Super Slam just might fit tbe bill.

Quoted from Whamgaming

But Activision and Shaba Games now bring Shrek SuperSlam to the PlayStation 2, GameCube, and Xbox. And, in a break from the norm, it’s a fighting game similar to Super Smash Bros

Quoted from Gamershell

Apparently, I'm not the only one, and at least I'm not telling anyone they're full of shit.
[quote name='sarausagi']When did I mention story? Was not one of the key reasons Smash Brothers was such a success because it brought together dozens of Nintendo characters like never before? Essentialy like a HUGE comic book cross over

In all the fighting games you mentioned, there's a story to wrap up the whole package, but the key ingredient that is selling is the FIGHTING. You know what Smash Brothers without Nintendo is called? Shrek Super Slam. Even if Smash Bros never came out, Shrek Super Slam would have been a flop, a budget title. The first Smash Brothers title sold because it was Nintendo, and it was Link beating Pikachu up while Mario jumped on top of Star Fox. That and it was one of the few non platformer games for the N64.

Unless people buy Smash Brothers because of the complex parrying system or super cancels, then they're buying it [/b]because they love seeing Mario drag Pikachu across the floor and Snake pop out of a cardboard box.[/quote]


That's the worst post I've read in a while. Thanks for the late night laugh.
I have no problem saying that none of those people understand Smash beyond the most basic level, but then again, most people dont.

Strell seems to, and he's not even good at the game :p

A fighting game is measured by its mechanics, which require an incredible amount of tweaking/balancing. I really dont think they were looking to make a competitive grade fighter with Shrek. And thats the difference. They may seem the same to the untrained eye though.
In my honest opinion can (only as a console, not a system) it can't. You see if you are a FPS or action game fan, the Wiimote is perfect for the job, but while thats awesome, face it the other consoles also have some damn good games too. It isn't like last gen that I can miss games like Ninja Gaiden because I have a cube. It is more well Nintendo has some great games, but well so does the 360 and of course I should have both to get the best of both worlds. Whenever I see a Gears of War tralier, I start to drool like I would for Metroid Prime 3. If you hate the whole genere though, and you don't need a hd machine to see the players sweat in sports games the Wii can be your only console (you need a DS, sorry to say that but if you just are doing the Wii, buy yourself a DS also because the DS got some great games the Wii wont and visa versa).
What was the point of this thread again? Oh right, whether or not the Wii is sufficient for hardcore gamers. Doesn't this all come down to semantics and the subjectivity of words like "gamer" and "hardcore"? Personally, I fucking hate both of those terms. I just know that, eventually, every system is going to have games I want to play. Whether or not this makes me hardcore, I have no fucking clue.

But can the Wii function as one's only system? Why the hell not? If it has the games you want to play, then have at it. Just don't be preoccupied with whether or not the system is "hardcore." Play what you want to play; own what you want to own. In the words of the great Bobby Brown, "It's my prerogative."
[quote name='sarausagi']
Apparently, I'm not the only one, and at least I'm not telling anyone they're full of shit.[/QUOTE]

No, but I am, because I damn well know you are.

I'll do you one better - why don't you go to this link and watch the movie presented for you there, and then come back and tell me it is the same as Smash Bros.

Because that kind of bullshit you are spewing must be here for some reason, whether it gives you a good hair day, keeps you warm at night, or gives you quick download speeds. What the f*ck ever.

If you aren't smart enough to realize that marketing bullshit buzzword speak, then you are completely hopeless. That first quote is purely that, and the second merely entails "gosh, these games both have characters with which you can play.

Reviewers always compare something to something. Brute Force was supposed to be the next Halo. So was Black, so was Killzone, etc etc. But none of those other games measure up in the minds of gamers because they can't.

So sit back there on your bullshit because you have nothing better to say about it, and then turn around and hide behind your pathetic excuse bullshit defense of "oh gosh STRELL U R FANBOY."

Then just stfu, you've proven yourself to be completely clueless in this particular discussion, and I don't want to de-rail this any further.
[quote name='Strell']No, but I am, because I damn well know you are.

I'll do you one better - why don't you go to this link and watch the movie presented for you there, and then come back and tell me it is the same as Smash Bros.

Because that kind of bullshit you are spewing must be here for some reason, whether it gives you a good hair day, keeps you warm at night, or gives you quick download speeds. What the f*ck ever.

If you aren't smart enough to realize that marketing bullshit buzzword speak, then you are completely hopeless. That first quote is purely that, and the second merely entails "gosh, these games both have characters with which you can play.

Reviewers always compare something to something. Brute Force was supposed to be the next Halo. So was Black, so was Killzone, etc etc. But none of those other games measure up in the minds of gamers because they can't.

So sit back there on your bullshit because you have nothing better to say about it, and then turn around and hide behind your pathetic excuse bullshit defense of "oh gosh STRELL U R FANBOY."

Then just stfu, you've proven yourself to be completely clueless in this particular discussion, and I don't want to de-rail this any further.[/QUOTE]
Do you really that some of the appeal of Smash Bros. isn't the mash up of recognizable characters? The gameplay is fun, but not what you would call deep by any stretch of the imagination.
[quote name='zewone']Do you really that some of the appeal of Smash Bros. isn't the mash up of recognizable characters? The gameplay is fun, but not what you would call deep by any stretch of the imagination.[/QUOTE]

It is if you know what the fuck you are doing.

Your statement is equivalent to "DOA4 is just a button masher."
[quote name='Strell']It is if you know what the fuck you are doing.

Your statement is equivalent to "DOA4 is just a button masher."[/QUOTE]
No, it's not. And you didn't answer the question.
[quote name='zewone']No, it's not. And you didn't answer the question.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it is, if you play it for more than 5 seconds and get past the fact that there are more hidden techniques beyond the smash and special attacks. DMK knows more about this than I do, as I am only partially versed in all of them, but they separate people into tiers rather quickly.

Beyond that, there is appeal in the character selection, yeah, which is the most obvious thing about the game. So congratulations on pointing that out.

But pretending that is the only worthwhile thing about the game is amazingly short-sighted. So congratulations on that as well.
[quote name='Strell']Yes, it is, if you play it for more than 5 seconds and get past the fact that there are more hidden techniques beyond the smash and special attacks. DMK knows more about this than I do, as I am only partially versed in all of them, but they separate people into tiers rather quickly.

Beyond that, there is appeal in the character selection, yeah, which is the most obvious thing about the game. So congratulations on pointing that out.

But pretending that is the only worthwhile thing about the game is amazingly short-sighted. So congratulations on that as well.[/QUOTE]
Notice I said the gameplay is fun. Nowhere did I say the characters are the only appeal. So congratulations on reading.
bread's done