Child's Play Charity Raffle for Disgaea, KOTOR 2 and LOTS more

[quote name='chickenhawk']This is all professional like now with coordination, standby winners, and winnable packages. :D[/QUOTE]
:cool: I'll do anything for the kids, even act professional for a day or two :lol:

I just did a quick count in the Child's Play Charity thread. About 30 CAGs had posted saying that they gave or were planning to give, and that was before the raffle. Since the raffle started, we've had about 15 new CAGs posting with a donation or a possible future donation. (I'm sure many of these would have donated anyway.)

So in an effort to increase participation, I'm going to take the recent suggestions and spread out the raffle among 10 winners. Hopefully by raising the chances of winning something, this will encourage more CAGs to participate. :D

I'll update the OP later tonight with the new rules. Most likely each winner will get to pick 3 games or gaming packages. I'll also probably include mykevermin's idea of reserving an 'A' list of games.
Wow woobacca, your really starting to put a lot of effort into this. I must say I am impressed. :D Since you're going to pick 10 winners (1st gets 1st dibs, 2nd gets 2nd dibs, and so on I assume?) I'm going to look through my PS1 collection and see if there is anything worthwhile to add. That's assuming I can even find them. Its been so long since I put them in the attic, I don't even remember what games I have anymore.

You might want to put the words "Child's Play" somewhere into your title BTW. Just in case some people might not realize your running this raffle to encourage donations for that charity.
So, I decided to throw in some of my PS1 games since you plan on picking more then one winner. Right now I'm just going to see what kind of responses I get in my PS1 thread. I'll decide what game(s) I'm going to add later based on what people are interested in. Looks like you'll need to edit your OP again woobacca. :)
[quote name='cletus']So, I decided to throw in some of my PS1 games since you plan on picking more then one winner. Right now I'm just going to see what kind of responses I get in my PS1 thread. I'll decide what game(s) I'm going to add later based on what people are interested in. Looks like you'll need to edit your OP again woobacca. :)[/QUOTE]
Cletus that's awesome! I just updated the OP, too, but I'll be more than happy to do it again. I'll check out your PS1 thread later tonight... I'm hoping ultimately that this raffle helps generate more donations than the value of the games alone. :D
I'll search through my games to see if there is anything I'd be willing to part with, though I better not win back my own stuff
I can't give but a few dollars to Child's Play, so maybe I could give a game or two to this raffle, woobacca.
Much appreciated Ikohn and sixers! I may have to change the rules again if we get more games. Ten winners x 3 games apiece won't clear the list, and I'm willing to bet that some titles won't even be claimed. If that happens, I'll probably send those off to the other charity Cheapy posted.
I'll just let the first three winners pick which of my PS1 games they want. It seems easier then trying to decide the games to add to the raffle. Now there is all the more reason to donate to Child's Play.
[quote name='cletus']I'll just let the first three winners pick which of my PS1 games they want. It seems easier then trying to decide the games to add to the raffle. Now there is all the more reason to donate to Child's Play.[/QUOTE]
OP updated. Thanks cletus!
Thanks for the contest. I was planning on donating anyway, but I'm never one to pass up a contest as well. Hopefully more people will donate as we are very close to beating last years total now.
Thanks Ikohn! I'll update the OP later today. Lemme know if you want me to include Wario Ware.

Edit: D'oh... Just noticed Cheapy is closing the fund this weekend. Ikohn, PM me if you want to include your games.
I'll be running the raffle as soon as Cheapy closes the fund. At this point, I count 67 unique users who've posted in these two threads. This isn't the most accurate number, because I'm sure there are some who donated but didn't post. Also, it was hard to tell in some cases whether the CAG actually donated or was just posting a helpful comment.

Anyway, I think the best way to run this will be to randomly assign a number to everyone who posted. Starting at #1, we'll just go down the list. Each CAG gets to pick three games from the OP, plus the top three CAGs each get one of cletus's PS1 games. If anyone declines the offer, we'll just move onto the next CAG.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']Can I donate stuff to the raffle?[/QUOTE]
Sure! At this point, though, I'm assuming that everyone who wanted to donate to the Child's Play fund has already done so. That means any additional games you donate to this raffle will just be icing on the cake for the winning CAGs. If you still want to donate your games, PM me the list and I'll update the OP. I'll be more than happy to distribute them. Any unclaimed games at the end of the raffle will go to Cheapy's other charity, A Gift for the Future Children's Fund.
I don't know if I need to post here for the raffle, but I'm doing so anyway.

Next year I hope to donate much more money and perhaps run some raffles of my own, or at least donate to the raffles going on now.

Thanks to everyone involved! :)
[quote name='Strell']I don't know if I need to post here for the raffle, but I'm doing so anyway.[/QUOTE]
Posting in the main charity thread is good enough, but thanks anyway!
It looks like the Child's Play fund has closed with a whopping $2353 in donations from CAGs. Thanks to everyone who donated!

I count 73 CAGs who posted in one or both of these threads. These CAGs now represent the raffle pool. As soon as I figure out a way to randomly sort this pool from 1 to 73, I'll post the results. Then it'll just be a matter of contacting each winner in succession to see which games they want to pick or whether they want to decline the prize.

Remember if you get picked and want to participate, get ready to forward me a copy of your donation confirmation email or send me a screenshot of your e-receipt (with donation amount blanked out).

Good luck everyone!
[quote name='woobacca']It looks like the Child's Play fund has closed with a whopping $2353 in donations from CAGs. Thanks to everyone who donated!

I count 73 CAGs who posted in one or both of these threads. These CAGs now represent the raffle pool. As soon as I figure out a way to randomly sort this pool from 1 to 73, I'll post the results. Then it'll just be a matter of contacting each winner in succession to see which games they want to pick or whether they want to decline the prize.

Remember if you get picked and want to participate, get ready to forward me a copy of your donation confirmation email or send me a screenshot of your e-receipt (with donation amount blanked out).

Good luck everyone![/QUOTE]

I am sure cheapy knows who donated, so technically he could tell u how many donators there were.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']I am sure cheapy knows who donated, so technically he could tell u how many donators there were.[/QUOTE]
Hm, I read this in my email confirmation: "The Amazon Honor System respects your privacy and does not pass any of your personal information to the recipient." I thought it meant the donations were anonymous and Cheapy couldn't know... I'll doublecheck with him.
[quote name='woobacca']Hm, I read this in my email confirmation: "The Amazon Honor System respects your privacy and does not pass any of your personal information to the recipient." I thought it meant the donations were anonymous and Cheapy couldn't know... I'll doublecheck with him.[/QUOTE]

hmm I thought that meant like shipping info and whatnot. I dont really care that much, I would just like things as fair as possible, ohh and Chickenhawk if I get KOTOR2 its all yours
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']hmm I thought that meant like shipping info and whatnot. I dont really care that much, I would just like things as fair as possible, ohh and Chickenhawk if I get KOTOR2 its all yours[/QUOTE]
Yeah I do feel kinda bad for the folks who donated but didn't post about it. I really have no way of knowing otherwise. Then again, this raffle thread has been stickied for a while, so if they didn't post then maybe it means they're not really interested in the games. Anyway, I PM'd Cheapy about it, so let's see what he says.

In the meantime, I found this cool random number generator website that I'm going to use later:
Wow, that jumped from $1495 when I last checked it to $2353. That's a very impressive amount this year.

Woobacca, Cheapy had used some randomizer site when he picked a winner for his games. He mentions it in one of the CAGcasts and you might want to look into it. Or you could write the names down and pick them out of a hat or something. I'm just tossing out a few ideas.

Let me know who the first 3 winners are (in order) and I'll PM them to see which PS1 game they want. I'm assuming the first winner will want Disgaea too but I'll ask anyways. Otherwise everything else is up to you. You can always PM me with anything else at anytime. This was kinda fun and I like to think we contributed alot by having this raffle.

PS Cheapy mentions this thread in CAGcast 12. Woot!

PSS I've been meaning to say this but I kept forgetting, Battle Angel Alita is one of the best mangas I've ever read. It combined action and philosophy so much better then The Matrix could ever hope to.

EDIT: hehehe It looks like I took to long to write this. Oh well, you still know what I meant.
Yep cletus, I definitely had fun wiith this and want to say thanks for your energy and contributions as well. I'm psyched that the CAG community beat last year's donations by over $800, and I feel great knowing that the kids will be having some extra fun this holiday.

Alrighty then, onto the raffle. I've placed all the CAGs into an Excel spreadsheet and assigned them numbered tickets from 1 to 73. I will now use the web page from my previous post to randomly sort these tickets into a new order. My next post will be the order of winners.

P.S. Battle Angel Alita rocks! :D
  1. mykevermin
  2. jlarlee
  3. Ikohn4ever
  4. Ugamer_x
  5. Quillion
  6. zymase
  7. sixersballernum3
  8. bmulligan
  9. Prepster
  10. dafoomie
  11. Wombat
  12. s1eepinglionhart
  13. capitalist_mao
  14. CocheseUGA
  15. dude2003
  16. Strell
  17. Heavy Hitter
  18. Msut77
  19. uzumaki_star
  20. Moxio
  21. apokalipze2
  22. thatstoobad
  23. marten
  24. b0bx13
  25. dpatel
  26. Jewelz23
  27. KingDox
  28. WhipSmartBanky
  29. zionoverfire
  30. vpr
  31. Graystone
  32. slidecage
  33. starman9000
  34. Koggit
  35. daroga
  36. Lice
  37. energon5
  38. Rig
  39. TC
  40. the3rdkey
  41. Reality's Fringe
  42. cdeener
  43. judyjudyjudy
  44. chickenhawk
  45. radjago
  46. CheapyMom
  47. CheapyD
  48. Trakan
  49. joevan
  50. shipwreck
  51. DuelLadyS
  52. Jedi1979
  54. cletus
  55. chakan
  56. getmeoutofjoliet
  57. evilmojo12542
  58. BigSpoonyBard
  59. Ledhed
  60. ph33r m3
  61. whitereflection
  62. Walt Jay
  63. vietgurl
  64. CaseyRyback
  65. SkyGheNe
  66. daria19
  67. orphicblue
  68. DT778
  69. doraemonkerpal
  70. $hady
  71. redgopher
  72. onetrackmind
  73. reaver18
whoo #3, so how does this work again, I send you the reciept, but then how do I pick, and if I only have one game I can pick and KOTOR2 is still around Chickenhawk can have it.
Well I'll be damned. I'm the first loser. At least I'm the first something... :):D

Thanks to all who donated. Special thanks to those who donated swag to help convince other people to contribute. Seriously. :applause:

Thanks to everyone for helping to make the holidays better for the children who really deserve a great Holiday. :applause:
Child's Play Charity Raffle Order

  1. Wombat
  2. dude2003
  3. evilmojo12542
  4. Strell
  5. cdeener
  6. cletus
  7. uzumaki_star
  8. onetrackmind
  9. SkyGheNe
  10. radjago
  11. Quillion
  12. ph33r m3
  13. sixersballernum3
  14. CocheseUGA
  15. CheapyD
  16. vpr
  17. Koggit
  18. whitereflection
  19. getmeoutofjoliet
  20. WhipSmartBanky
  21. dafoomie
  22. Rig
  23. Lice
  24. starman9000
  25. slidecage
  26. jlarlee
  27. daroga
  28. b0bx13
  29. s1eepinglionhart
  30. Graystone
  31. apokalipze2
  32. reaver18
  33. orphicblue
  34. Heavy Hitter
  35. KingDox
  36. TC
  37. Ledhed
  38. energon5
  39. DT778
  40. doraemonkerpal
  41. $hady
  42. zionoverfire
  43. Walt Jay
  44. thatstoobad
  45. chakan
  46. bmulligan
  47. Prepster
  48. mykevermin
  49. zymase
  51. marten
  52. chickenhawk
  53. redgopher
  54. CaseyRyback
  55. vietgurl
  56. joevan
  57. judyjudyjudy
  58. daria19
  59. Moxio
  60. DuelLadyS
  61. Msut77
  62. Reality's Fringe
  63. BigSpoonyBard
  64. dpatel
  65. Ugamer_x
  66. Jewelz23
  67. Trakan
  68. Ikohn4ever
  69. the3rdkey
  70. CheapyMom
  71. shipwreck
  72. Jedi1979
  73. capitalist_mao
from 3 to 68, thats a bad change. I still think Chickenhawk should get first pick for his double donation, but whatever. Doing good deeds are their own reward.
At least I'm not the first loser anymore.

Woobacca, did you put up the list of the order people donated instead of the random raffle winner order? :)
Here's what I did:
  1. Put all the CAG usernames in an Excel spreadsheet in alphabetical order
  2. Went down the column, assigning each CAG a ticket number from 1 to 73
  3. Used the random number generator to randomly sort the "tickets" into a new order
I should have stopped here. This was effectively like picking numbers out of a virtual hat. The first ticket number was 70, which corresponded to Wombat. The second number was 21, which matched with dude2003, and so on.

My mistake was to then actually re-sort this random number list and the CAGs they matched up with. This basically produced a completely different order and screwed up the results.

Sorry about that guys :oops:
Damn, of course the first three guys that stayed up with me and saw the incorrect list got screwed the most. (Ikohn4ever 3 -> 68, s1eepinglionhart 12 -> 29, capitalist 13 -> 73). Ouch...

Well, congrats to everyone who participated. Keep in mind not everyone in the top 11 may want the games for one reason or another. I'll start PM'ing the winners in order.
[quote name='woobacca']Damn, of course the first three guys that stayed up with me and saw the incorrect list got screwed the most. (Ikohn4ever 3 -> 68, s1eepinglionhart 12 -> 29, capitalist 13 -> 73). Ouch...

Well, congrats to everyone who participated. Keep in mind not everyone in the top 11 may want the games for one reason or another. I'll start PM'ing the winners in order.[/QUOTE]

a 65 place drop, you are lucky this is the holiday season and it was for a sick kids' charity, or there would be one less woobacca :boxing:
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']a 65 place drop, you are lucky this is the holiday season and it was for a sick kids' charity, or there would be one less woobacca :boxing:[/QUOTE]
Personally I think getting shifted to dead last would have been even more insulting. Oh wait... Sorry mao... :lol:
[quote name='woobacca']Personally I think getting shifted to dead last would have been even more insulting. Oh wait... Sorry mao... :lol:[/QUOTE]

Insulting or no, I think my sympathies would lie with Ikohn. He was #3 and would have gotten something, but not now. I, on the other hand, stood to win nothing at #13.

My only hope, now, is that someone will want the swag I have to offer.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']Insulting or no, I think my sympathies would lie with Ikohn. He was #3 and would have gotten something, but not now. I, on the other hand, stood to win nothing at #13.

My only hope, now, is that someone will want the swag I have to offer.[/QUOTE]
Actually I'll bet that as we go through the list and the most popular games get picked off, an increasing number of CAGs will decline their offer due to lack of interest in the remaining games. The best games will probably get picked off by the top 5 winners. I'm curious to see how this goes.
bah, 72...figures i never ever ever ever ever ever ever win anything when it involves a raffle...hell, when i had jury duty i ended up sitting there all day waiting to be picked (basically by picking names out of a box) to be interviewed...down to 3 people(me and 2 others) and they finally finished...but i was ok with that one since i wanted nothing to do with being on jury;)

oh well at least the goal was surpassed:D
[quote name='Jedi1979']bah, 72...figures i never ever ever ever ever ever ever win anything when it involves a raffle...hell, when i had jury duty i ended up sitting there all day waiting to be picked (basically by picking names out of a box) to be interviewed...down to 3 people(me and 2 others) and they finally finished...but i was ok with that one since i wanted nothing to do with being on jury;)

oh well at least the goal was surpassed:D[/QUOTE]

I'm going to take all the good games before you get a chance Jedi1979. Is it my turn to pick yet?
[quote name='shipwreck']I'm going to take all the good games before you get a chance Jedi1979. Is it my turn to pick yet?[/QUOTE]

By the way, I'm still waiting to hear back from Wombat.
bread's done