Chris Benoit kills wife, 7 year old son and then self.

Thanks for the updates guys, I can't watch video online at work. I'm deeply saddened by what transpired, it's harder to digest than Eddie's passing due to the circumstances.
Man, this is just unreal. I mean, you have a guy who was losing it over his friend Eddie's death, then he kills his own family? I feel numb at all this. And then the Bibles? This is some creepy, freaky shit. At this point I just feel empty.
Uhhh, yeah.

I'm just gonna say I'm sorry for being an ass throughout part of the ordeal. I kind of overreacted. Well, not kind of. I did overreact. I used to love wrestling, and I always thought Chris Benoit was one of the best. But now, I just hate him. He took three lives. One of them was a 7 year old boy. As much as I used to like him, I just can't respect him as a wrestler anymore...

I'm sorry for being such an ass.
I don't know that I have much else to say about this. He is a murderer, and identifying a motive may prove difficult without a suicide note. It may eventually be found - toxicology reports will confirm or deny what substances he was taking, but they will not explain why he did what he did, and why he did it now.

It would be foolish to suspect that any of the drugs he was on are things he was unaccustomed to, leading to such a rage. We may find out, and we may not. I think that, with far and few exceptions, we know all we're going to know about this for several weeks (barring some family member coming forth and saying that, say, Nancy planned on leaving Chris and taking Daniel).

[quote name='v0yce']Whatever you say "Professor Murder." :roll:[/QUOTE]

That's me. If you're going to take issue with me, take issue with what I say. I don't engage in name-calling, toots.
[quote name='Sporadic']Love the picture they are using on CNN :roll:[/QUOTE]


This one? I guess if you weren't familiar with his work, he'd look pretty damn creepy.
Kevin from the minority report sums up my feelings.......its over I will never discuss this again


You know.. As i sit here this morning i still cant believe what has happened with Chris and his family. As wrestling fans sadly it has become the "Norm" to expect early deaths and tragedy with our heroes and favorite superstars. Whether its the hard lifestyle of constant road travel and family isolation or the overdoing it of pain pills and steriods. Its like an epidemic that keeps us wrestling fans in a constant state of sadness, because we cant seem to go a few months [if weeks] at this point without hearing of yet another senseless and early death and its beyond tragic for most of us who love this sport.

I can remember how i felt when my all time pers favs and hereos died or were killed like the great Bruiser Brody who was murdered in 1988 and all 4 of the great Von Erich Brothers that all passed away within a few years of each other due to depression and suicide. And Brian Pillman who i had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know some before his untimely death in 1997. Those deaths [and many others] still haunt me till this day and i still tear up on occasion when seeing them on old tapes in the ring. And now another 1 of my favs Chris Benoit and his Lovely wife Nancy [aka Woman] who i had a crush on since 1983 when i first saw her in florida championship wrestling in her debut year as a valet for kevin sullivan. And if its proven that Chris did murder his wife and son, and yes its looking more and more like he did this every minute. Then its probably the absolute worst thing ive ever heard of in the wrestling biz and ill never look at many people the same way again.

Its not easy being a wrestling fan for many reasons but im going to continue to try to always keep the faith. Because i love wrestling that much and even after 27 years as a fan and being close to middle aged, i still wanna believe in certain other Heroes and Legends..and theres nothing wrong with that.
I just hope that they dont let us good folks who believe in them and admire them down anymore.
Dare to Dream i guess.


Kev Castle
[quote name='SMMM']This one? I guess if you weren't familiar with his work, he'd look pretty damn creepy.[/QUOTE]

No, it was him in WCW days next to woman, looking really surly, w/ a black eye and bruised face.
I thinks it pretty easy to see that after killing Nancy and Daniel, Benoit probably thought about what he had done for a good while before finally killing himself. He was probably distraught with disbelief and finally in his own insano way, decided that it was better for the son to be with his mother than without both his mother and father.

I guess there'll never be another Eddie/Benoit match up again, even amongst the clouds.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Man, this is just unreal. I mean, you have a guy who was losing it over his friend Eddie's death, then he kills his own family? I feel numb at all this. And then the Bibles? This is some creepy, freaky shit. At this point I just feel empty.[/QUOTE]

I now notice that ever picture of him looks creepy.

We don't have a motive. But the blood trickle behind his wifes head sorta leads me to believe a domestic dispute turned into murder. Didn't want his son to grow up without a mom, and then axed himself. but the murder on friday/saturday says he thought a good long while about it.

[quote name='naes']Uhhh, yeah.
I'm just gonna say I'm sorry for being an ass throughout part of the ordeal. I kind of overreacted.[/QUOTE]

I think all of us in this thread has at one time or another. I think a group hug is in order.
if you stop and ponder as to the timeline of all this..

so they are saying he killed nancy saturday? son sunday? and himself on monday?

how he managed to stay alive for 2 days knowing what he had done is crazy
[quote name='guyver2077']if you stop and ponder as to the timeline of all this..

so they are saying he killed nancy saturday? son sunday? and himself on monday?

how he managed to stay alive for 2 days knowing what he had done is crazy[/QUOTE]

No, the press conference said wife friday, son saturday, and himself Sunday. I think sunday night because the text message were sent at 4:30 am. Which is monday technically but eh whatever. They might have also read the report wrong. but the timeline is super creepy.
i guess what makes this all harder is that i grew up watching him.. he was in wcw throughout all those days that i was a big fan...

i was never a true fan of his so this doesnt hit me anywhere near as eddie's passing which i got emotional for.. but he gave that impression that he was well liked and just an all around hard worker...

this is probably the worst wrestling related news ever.

so what happs on ecw now? do they totally ignore it?
[quote name='Graystone']I now notice that ever picture of him looks creepy.

Everytime I look at one I wonder what the hell is going on behind those eyes.
[quote name='BustaUppa']did the conference shed any light on what went on between the two murders? Any insight as to where Daniel was that whole time?[/QUOTE]

nope, thats what doesn't make sense. Only thing I can think is that his mom was killed while the kid was asleep, and then in the morning Chris killed his kid.
yea i was thinking .. what if his son saw all of this... or some crazy shit like that.. he probably didnt answer the house phone for those 2 days...
[quote name='BustaUppa']did the conference shed any light on what went on between the two murders? Any insight as to where Daniel was that whole time?[/quote] Daniel was murdered in his bed.
I think a coupel pages ago someone said that Metzler said that ECW/SD would be just matches this week with no story line and that only those who wanted to wrestle woudl.
[quote name='Graystone']nope, thats what doesn't make sense. Only thing I can think is that his mom was killed while the kid was asleep, and then in the morning Chris killed his kid.[/quote]

he had to be fucking nuts man... what did he go to sleep as well? after killing her? he must of been in a real psychotic mood that night
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Everytime I look at one I wonder what the hell is going on behind those eyes.[/QUOTE]

same, I go from looking at picture that I thought made him look like a badass wrestler a year ago, to a guy that proly needed help but was afraid to get it.

I think Chris in Cali said it best when he said. "I knew something was wrong with that man we he had all that money, and never got his tooth fixed."
I'd not like to be in the announce desk tonight for either show.

I'm not even involved with any of it and I'm just as weak as can be right now.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Someone on SA brought up a good point about the religious aspect of this:[/quote]

That's a good point, especially with the bibles by his wife and son and not him.

I'd have to think he accidentally killed Nancy (why the binding?) and then, as has been said, went on to kill Daniel so he wouldn't know, then himself. At least, that's the explanation that's easiest to handle, for me anyway. Easier then he just went insane and killed them for no reason.
If he accidentally killed her, I don't think he'd be distressed about the kid growing up without a Mother, but because of that AND knowing his father did it, then him having to go off to jail because of it and just keeps piling up, doesn't it?
[quote name='Psykoboy2']If he accidentally killed her, I don't think he'd be distressed about the kid growing up without a Mother, but because of that AND knowing his father did it, then him having to go off to jail because of it and just keeps piling up, doesn't it?[/quote]

yea i thought about worrying about him growing up with no mother so let me just kill him now
Now I forget... what is KNOWN about Benoit missing that show?

Did Benoit himself inform a WWE official of the "family emergency"? In other words, was there any contact between Nancy and a WWE official?

Any confirmation in general about the "family emergency," other than the (very) early reports about coughing up blood (which many people are saying never happned at this point).

I'm just wondering because if there is no actual evidence of the emergency in question, it makes this look more premeditated. As pointless as it is now, I really WANT there to have been an actual phone call summoning Chris home...
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Here's the Benoit CNN photo - [/QUOTE]
... that'll work.
[quote name='guyver2077']any transcripts from the conference?[/quote]

I typed this up as it was happening. It's not 100% of everything that was spoken but it's a good summary.

[quote name='neocisco']Lt. Pope has basically confirmed the theories that have been out there are accurate. They're saying Chris killed both Nancy and Daniel then hung himself. Lt. Pope is descrbing it as "death by asphyxiation". A reporter asked if Daniel was smothered, with a pillow for example. Pope would only confirm "death by asphyxiation". Pope would not divulge the contents of the text and did not name who received the text. Anabolic steroids were found in the home. Nancy was found in an office area. Daniel was found in his bed. Chris was found in the weight room. DA Scott Ballard confirmed there was a Bible placed next to Nancy and Daniel's bodies. It's believed that Nancy was killed Friday and Daniel on Saturday. Lt. Pope also stated that there was no suicide note.[/quote]
Here is Wade Keller's report of the conference as broadcated on Fox News.

[quote name='Wade Keller']WWE News: Press Conference on Benoit - Nancy tied up, Bibles placed next to bodies
By Wade Keller, Torch editor
Jun 26, 2007, 14:35

-Shepherd Smith on Fox News, when introducing the press conference, referred to Chris Benoit as "this Chris Benoit character," ran down the ways each died, and said now steroids are suspected as having triggered his actions.

-Lt. Pope said after a call for a "welfare check" prompted by WWE, they found all three bodies in the home mid-afternoon. He said autopsies have been performed and it is being considered a homicide-homicide-suicide. They said he murdered his wife by affixiation as far back as Friday, then his son Daniel the next day, then hanged himself likely on Sunday. He said toxicology reports can take up to several weeks to obtain. During questioning, he said there was no suicide note. He stuck with the term "asphyxiation" for the way both Nancy and Daniels died. He said Benoit was arrested for DUI in the past. He said there were no calls to his current residence for domestic abuse. A reporter asked if steroids or illegal substances were found. He said a lot of prescription medication he received from doctors with what they believed were legal prescriptions. When again pressed on whether steroids were found, he said he can't give them a list yet. He then said there were anabolic steroids when asked a third time. Regarding motive, he said they would not go into that at this time. Regarding the text message, he said he text messaged a friend and the friend saw it several hours after it was received by his phone. He would not go into the content of it. According to the doctor, several hours passed, no more than a day, between the son's death and Benoit's suicide by hanging. The wife's body was found in the office area, Daniel in his bedroom, and Benoit in the basement home gym. He estimated close to a full day between killing his wife and son. He said there was no evidence of Nancy resisting. The doctor from the crime lab estimates Nancy died some time on Friday. He turned questioing over to Fayetteville County D.A. Scott Ballard.

-Ballard said he is struck by the fact that a seven year old boy is dead. "I don't think we'll ever be able to wrap our minds around it completely," he said. He said the timing was bizarre because of the time that elapsed between the deaths of the two victims and the suicide. "It struck me as somewhat bizarre that he would even be in the home with their deceased bodies for some time, but we don't know that; we haven't verified it." He said there was a Bible placed next to the bodies of each of the victims. He said Nancy was bound by her feet and wrists and there was some blood under her head in what he felt was a family room upstairs. She was wrapped in a towel. There were no such body treatments of the son, who was found in his upstairs bedroom. He said he had no idea about the motive. "I'm baffled why anyone would kill a seven year old baby. I have no idea about a motive." He said there was no evidence he was trying to hide the bodies. No 9-1-1 calls came from the house. He said he didn't know anything about Chris telling WWE he had a family emegency to deal with. He said at this point they are all pretty confidence it was a murder-suicide, they will "alert to any evidence to the contrary." He said they will reexamine everything when the toxicology reports comes back. He said it would probably more than two weeks, though. He reconfirmed steroids were found in the residence. He said he didn't know if there were firearms in the house.

-Fox News anchor Smith then summarized the press conference and what it reconfirmed or revealed. He said he missed "one of those PPV things the WWE folks do." He added: "We have reason to believe he was a steroid user." He said steroids were present in the home. "With a doctor's prescription - you bet - but they were there." He discussed the situation with reporter Trace Gallagher regarding "roid rage." He wondered how long it can go on and how long it can last. "We're look at three separate incidents of roid rage over the course of three days," said the reporter. Dr. Steven Garner was interviewed. He said roid rage can cause such incidents. He said there are very few documented cases, but there are strange stories related to steroids. He said, "There people develop psychosis and that's a total break with reality. They don't know what they're doing. They halucinate. They don't know what they're doing. They hear voices in their heads telling them to kill people." He explained that once a user get off steroids, his testicles cannot return to producing testosterone at a normal level and depression can result - leading to suicide with teenagers. A former homicide investigator was interviewed next. He said he has been on scenes where he's seen people trip out due to steroids. "They get this unbearable strength and they seem to lose their mind," he said. "If they drink alcohol at the same time, it adds to it. It's taken about six or seven officers at scenes I've been at to hold a guy down who was flipping out from roid rage." Smith said: "Think about this guy. This guy's sitting in his hosue with a dead wife, then he's got a dead kid, then he's dropping Bibles all over the place. Then he's killing himself. You can't even process that." The doctor said steroids mixed with other prescription drugs make it much worse. They went on to note that "60 wrestlers" have died under the age of 45. "It's astounding. Astroniomically astounding. Nobody really focuses on it because wrestling is kind of a circus, an athletic soap opera. We don't really care about the players, apparently, because this is a continual cycle or drugs, road shows, alcohol, and they're travelling 250 days a year. The more wild your show is, the more money you make. That in the end turns out to haunt you. The doctor said typically wrestlers take more steroids than their should. Reporter Trace Gallagher and Shep Smith agreed that WWE is "under the fence." They brought up the HBO Real Sports interview where Vince McMahon got mad at the subject being brought up. "I know it's entertainment and it's not regulated the same way professional athletics are, but somebody is going to pay hell if this turns out the way we think it is."[/quote]
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Someone on SA brought up a good point about the religious aspect of this:[/quote]

Interesting, but in his state of mind I don't know.
- He discussed how authorities had received a phone call from WWE at 2:30pm yesterday out of concern when they couldn't get in touch with him. The police searched the Benoit home and discovered the three bodies. At this point, the autopsy has been completed and the investigators are ruling this a double homicide and suicide.

- Going by reports from the medical examiner, it is believed by investigators that Benoit asphyxiated his wife, possibly as early as Friday, then asphyxiated his son on Saturday. Both deaths are currently being ruled as death by asphyxiation. Then it is believed that late Saturday or early Sunday, Benoit hung himself. Pope stated that is was several hours, but no more than a day, between the time of Daniel's death and the time that Benoit hung himself. Toxicology reports are still being worked on, but that is the findings of the investigators at this time.

- There was no suicide note found in the home.

- Daniel Benoit was located in his bedroom, Nancy Benoit was located in an office area, both in the upstairs part of the house.

- Pope said they would not discuss any possible motives for Benoit's actions at this time. Pope also said that they were not able to determine his state of mind as a result of investigating the crime scene.

- When asked if Benoit had an arrest record, Pope noted he had been arrested once on an DUI, but in their jurisdiction they had no knowledge of any arrests or any record of domestic violence. He had no knowledge of any divorce filings.

- Pope stated that there was a lot of prescription medication, which they believe was all legally prescribed. He did not have a full list of drugs, but when pressed by the media, Pope stated that there was anabolic steroids. He noted that there was a prescription for them.

- Pope stated that Benoit did send a text message to a "co-worker" during the weekend, who received it several hours after it was sent. Pope would not disclose the contents of the message or who it was sent to.

District Attorney Scott Ballard then fielded questions from the media.

- Regarding a comment Ballard had made about the deaths being "bizarre", Ballard said that he felt the presumed timing of the deaths of the victims and the suicide was bizarre, as it would mean that Benoit was in the home for several hours with the dead bodies.

- There was a bible placed next to the body of Nancy and a bible next to the body of Daniel. There was no bible found in the room where Benoit hung himself.

- Nancy Benoit was bound around her feet and her wrists (Ballard seemed unsure about the wrists at first), and blood was found under her head. She was clothed, but wrapped in a towel in an office area in the upstairs part of the house.

- Daniel Benoit's body was found in his bed, he was clothed. His bedroom was also in the upstairs part of the home.

- Benoit's body was found in a weight room in the basement of the home. He had hung himself using the cable and pulley system on an exercise machine.

- Ballard reiterated that the autopsy reports indicate that Nancy Benoit was killed on Friday, Daniel Benoit on Saturday morning, and that it is believed Benoit died later Saturday, possibly Sunday.

- The subject of Benoit calling WWE this weekend and informing them that he had to miss the shows due to a family emergency was brought up. Ballard said was not aware of what Benoit claimed the family emergency was.

- Ballard said he had not seen the documents, but noted he had been informed of the order of protection that Nancy Benoit had filed for, but later asked to be rescinded several years ago.

- Ballard noted that toxicology reports will take time, but these are their conclusions to date.

- Ballard did not know if there were firearms in the house.

That ended the press conference, and it was noted that investigators were still at work in the Benoit house.

Taken from another forum.
fuck this dude, I hope all you wrestling fans will not be sporting a Benoit avatar or signature.

This man deserves no respect and should be remembered as a piece of shit.
[quote name='rywateska']Whoever RIP's this asshat really needs to just delete their posts, seriously. This man should not be looked on as any type of role model.[/QUOTE]

Everyones RIP where long before we knew he was a murderer.

[quote name='Rocko']That's a good point, especially with the bibles by his wife and son and not him.

I'd have to think he accidentally killed Nancy (why the binding?) and then, as has been said, went on to kill Daniel so he wouldn't know, then himself. At least, that's the explanation that's easiest to handle, for me anyway. Easier then he just went insane and killed them for no reason.[/QUOTE]

The binding is what doesn't make sense. Did he bind her in her sleep to keep her from squirming while he smothered her.
Or accidentally killed his wife. Then he bound her cause he was going to go bury her?
[quote name='rywateska']Whoever RIP's this asshat really needs to just delete their posts, seriously. This man should not be looked on as any type of role model.[/QUOTE]

The guy was obviously very disturbed (whether it is drug related or some type of injury/physical condition that pushed him over is yet to be know) but that doesn't take away his accomplishments in the ring.

Hands down he was one of the best and it sucks he is gone especially considering the circumstances behind his and his family's demise.
Wow, that recap reminds my why I don't watch FOX News. Shepard Smith is a fuckin' asshole, and one who is speculating as wildly as anyone in forums.
A few notes....

[quote name='']World Wrestling Entertainment will not distribute their three hour Chris Benoit tribute show that aired last night on the USA Network to their international affiliates for airing.

The Score in Canada will also not air the program in its regularly scheduled RAW replay slots.

TNA's website has removed their Chris Benoit death mention.[/quote]
[quote name='Sporadic']but that doesn't take away his accomplishments in the ring.[/QUOTE]

You realize his "accomplishments" were scripted, right?
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']You realize his "accomplishments" were scripted, right?[/QUOTE]

lol wrestling is teh fake rofl

Seriously just get the fuck out of this thread.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']You realize his "accomplishments" were scripted, right?[/QUOTE]

One still needs to be in tip top shape in order to work at the rate that Benoit did. You can't exactly script high performance like that.
bread's done