Chris Benoit's wrestling topic

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[quote name='WeaponX2099']I may have to get chicken tonight. And the wwe would have a black man at a chicken joint.[/QUOTE]

Just wait until SummerSlam when he appears at Jim Bob's Watermelon Stand!
[quote name='ECW_fan']I hope they get the colision detection down. And did you see how your opnent doesn't just disapear during the entrance, they wait at ring side.[/QUOTE]

yea that was implemented in 2006 version
Here's a VERY rough draft of something I'm working on. :lol:


If I can get this the way I like it, I might do some more.
[quote name='guyver2077']anyone know how to save the streaming videos/titantrons from

i used to know how to do it along time ago[/quote]

I use Net Transport. I go to the vid I want, right-click, go to properties and copy the location into Net Transport.

Cleaned the gif up.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I use Net Transport. I go to the vid I want, right-click, go to properties and copy the location into Net Transport.

Cleaned the gif up.[/QUOTE]

worked great. thanks
Well, I think I might pick up some of the Wrestlemania DVDs, but I'm not sure which one I want to get (I don't want to buy the whole set). Should I get Volume 3 (Wrestlemania XI-XV) or Volume 4 (Wrestlemania XVI-XXI)?

Or should I just not buy either?

Edit: I didn't watch any WWF matches until a little after Wrestlemania XIV, if that helps any.
holy sheet, they posted videos! I didn't know that!

But the improvements to the series aren't merely cosmetic. Using a new analog grappling system (featuring both quick and strong grapples), users will be able to control when and where to pickup opponents, then what to do with them once they're hoisted into the air. For example: If Cena decides to pick Angle up in a vertical suplex, simply flick up on the right analog stick. From here, Angle is in a bad way, completely upside down and completely at Cena's mercy. Hold up on the right analog stick and you can keep Angle in the air. While he's vertical, Cena can choose to taunt the crowd or his opponent, even walk to the ropes in order to setup a more vicious superplex. In fact, there are over 40 interactive moves like this where gamers will be in full control of when and how to slam their opponent. Think about rotating the stick for an airplane spin, and you get the idea of the fun that could be had.

This is more or less an idea i've had for years. I can't waaaaaaaitttttttttttt!!

//edit: I hope that first video (not Cena's entrance) is a very very very very very very very very very early draft of the gameplay or something because that looks like some of the worst gameplay EVER. Bad animations, quick moves, wrestlers sliding around instead of walking, etc.. the camera angles, however, were insanely awesome.
Free overnight shipping on Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 @, use code Mania 07

..and then wait more than half a year
[quote name='Sway']It looked like the Boogeyman was trying to stick his thumb in Sharmell's butt when he picked her up.[/quote] Smackdown came on late here so I watched it. Boogeyman looked more like Bootyman the way he grabbed Sharmell, lol.
[quote name='Scorch']//edit: I hope that first video (not Cena's entrance) is a very very very very very very very very very early draft of the gameplay or something because that looks like some of the worst gameplay EVER. Bad animations, quick moves, wrestlers sliding around instead of walking, etc.. the camera angles, however, were insanely awesome.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention some the weapons disappeared after being used - especially the table after the spot Angle did. I do agree the camera angles are just awesome. Almost makes me want to get a 360 (or PS3) for this game... almost.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Not to mention some the weapons disappeared after being used - especially the table after the spot Angle did. I do agree the camera angles are just awesome. Almost makes me want to get a 360 (or PS3) for this game... almost.[/quote]

Isn't this also coming for PS2? EB has it listed as PS2, PSP, and 360, unless I was too sleepy when I was looking and mistook PS3 to be PS2 ;)
[quote name='hopesfall']Isn't this also coming for PS2? EB has it listed as PS2, PSP, and 360, unless I was too sleepy when I was looking and mistook PS3 to be PS2 ;)[/QUOTE]

My bad I thought it was coming out for the PS3... I'm still sleepy myself at the moment.
[quote name='Demolition Man']My bad I thought it was coming out for the PS3... I'm still sleepy myself at the moment.[/QUOTE]

Its for all four systems -

PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, and PSP.
Wow... the PWTorch review of Daniels TNA DVD hit the mark on the problems I found myself (minus the very noticeable compression artifacts).

I'm spoilerizing this for those who don't want to know the outcomes to the matches on the set.

DVD Review: TNA, "The Best of Christopher Daniels;" poor editing decisions hinder collection
By Chris Vetter, Torch Contributor
Mar 29, 2006, 15:16

TNA couldn't really mess up a "best of Christopher Daniels" collection, could they? Well, they tried their best. TNA made several random edits in some great matches, leaving a nasty taste in my mouth.

The most horrific case is the first cage match featuring Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper vs. America's Most Wanted. This match happened in the traditional four-sided ring in Nashville. What was originally a 17-minute, match-of-the-year contender is cut here to a 3-and-a-half minute clip. This is SHAMEFUL.

But, there is a lot to like here, with a three-and-a-half hour running time, and one of the neat features is Christopher Daniels dubbing commentary on one of his first matches. Daniels has been around TNA since the beginning year, and there are matches from each of the first four years this company existed.

The original commentary is left in place, which I prefer. So, Don West & Mike Tenay call all the action. (NOTE: All star ratings are Wade Keller’s ratings, from his original review of these matches when they first aired.)

To the matches!

(1) Low Ki defeats Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo and Tony Mamaluke and Jerry Lynn in an elimination match at 6:22 (July 10, 2002). This is one of many matches that were severely edited, ruining the flow of this DVD. Daniels started with Romeo, and they traded some quick offense. Interesting to note that Daniels did NOT have his tattoo on his chest here. Daniels briefly traded offense with Primetime.

EDIT. We are suddenly down to one on one, just Daniels vs. Low Ki (I'm angry about these edits. It gets worse!) Low Ki chopped Daniels. Daniels hit a Flatliner, an STO uranage, adn the Best Moonsault Ever, and both men were down. They traded rollups. Ki applied the Dragon Clutch, but Daniels escaped. Ki hit the fisherman's buster for the pin.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #714: The match went 21:42. Very good action. It was also smart to book Christopher Daniels in the final one-on-one spot of the elimination match against Low Ki. Daniels is a new face, and booking in the final slot helped establish him as a name to watch. ****

(2) Christopher Daniels & Low Ki defeat America's Most Wanted at 3:57 (March 12, 2003). Daniels now has the tattoo on his chest! Ki & Daniels jumped AMW to start the match. James Storm brawled with Low Ki as Daniels fought with Chris Harris. Harris hit a nice top-rope crossbody block on Daniels. EDIT. Ki went for his cartwheel kick, but Harris nailed a spear! Harris applied a Sharpshooter on Daniels. Daniels was tapping out, but the ref was out of position.

Harris nailed the Catatonic/spinning side slam on Low Ki. The ref took the tag belt away from Harris. Low Ki nailed Harris with the other title belt, and Daniels pinned Harris.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #750: The match lasted 11:55 Above-average tag match. ***

(3) Christopher Daniels & "Primetime" Elix Skipper defeat Chris Harris & James Storm at 6:28 (April 23, 2003). Storm ran to the ring solo and tried to beat up the heels, as Harris was injured and 'unable to compete.' EDIT. Storm and Primetime traded armdrags, and Primetime hit a belly-to-belly suplex. The heels worked over Storm and hit some stomps. Harris ran to ringside at 4:30, clutching his head. EDIT.

Harris is in the ring now, and he was beating up Triple X. Daniels hit the Best Moonsault Ever on Harris. Harriis speared Primetime for a nearfall. Daniels hit a low blow on Harris, allowing Skipper to get the rollup and the pin.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #756: The match went 11:13. The last five minutes were especially strong. ***

(4) Christopher Daniels & "Primetime" Elix Skipper (w/Low Ki) defeat D-Lo Brown & A.J. Styles at 8:55 (May 14, 2003.) Styles hit an elevated guillotine legdrop on Primetime. Tenay & West talked about how good of partners Styles & D-Lo had become in a short time. Styles did a springboard flip off Daniels' chest in the corner, then he hit a clothesline on Daniels. Cool. Daniels hit a basement dropkick on Styles, then the STO uranage for a nearfall at 2:30.

Primetime walked the rope and snapped off a hurricanrana on Styles, then he hit a corkscrew springboard press for a nearfall. Daniels hit an elevated elbow drop to the chest for a nearfall. Low Ki beat up A.J. on the floor. A.J. came back with a hard powerbomb on Daniels, and both men were down. Styles made the hot tag to D-Lo, who hit a wind-up uranage on Daniels. Daniels applied the Koji Clutch on D-Lo, as Low Ki continued to beat up Styles on the floor at 6:30. A.J. made the hot tag back in, and he hit a nice springboard dropkick.

A.J. went for a Pele Kick; I'm not sure if he hit anyone. Styles hit the forward roll dive over the top rope onto Low Ki & Daniels on the floor. D-Lo then hit a top-rope splash to the floor on Primetime, and the crowd chanted "TNA!" In the ring, Styles hit an inverted DDT on Daniels. Styles set up for the Styles Clash, when, out of nowhere, Glen "Disco Inferno" Gilberti hit the ring and attacked Styles. Daniels then covered Styles for the pin.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #759: Very good tag match. Sure, it ended short of nine minutes and had a lame ending, so it wasn’t a match of the year candidate by any means, but it was certainly a fitting conclusion to the show in terms of quality in-ring action. ***1/2

(5) Christopher Daniels & Primetime (w/Low Ki) defeat Chris Harris & James Storm at 3:35 (June 18, 2003). This was the conclusion of a tournament. Tenay's notes & match preview from the original broadcast were kept. This action began in the back, as Triple X beat up America's Most Wanted. In the ring, Daniels acknowledged this show is the one-year anniversary of TNA. The match began, and all four brawled immediately on the floor. Daniels hit a Flatliner on Storm, then some punches and a spin kick. Primetime hit a nice belly-to-belly suplex and a springboard crossbody block. EDIT at 2:00.

Daniels missed the Best Moonsault Ever. Harris hit a spear on Daniels for a nearfall, the he nailed a superkick. AMW nailed the Death Sentence/elevated guillotine legdrop on Daniels, but Primetime pulled the ref to the floor before he could count the pinfall. Primetime hit Harris with the belt, and Daniels covered Harris for the pin. Shameful editing.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #764: The match went 7:05. **1/2. Vetter note: This match could have been left off to make room for edited action in other matches.

(6) America's Most Wanted defeat Christopher Daniels & Primetime at 3:33 in a cage match to win the tag titles (June 25, 2003). Yes, another awesome match edited down to nothing. Someone in the TNA office should be shot for the decision to cut this match down like this. Tenay & West reiterated on commentary that outside interference led to each of Triple X's victories in this series. EDIT before the match began. I'm getting sick to my stomach... because this is a match I really wanted to see again.

Daniels hit the Angel's Wings on Harris. daniels was bleeding heavily. Daniels and Storm fought on the top rope, and Storm nailed a uranage to the mat! EDIT again. Daniels hit the Last Rites/spinning faceplant. Harris hit a spear on Daniels. EDIT again! I'm sick now. Primetime fell to the floor, leaving just Daniels alone in the cage against AMW. Storm hit a superkick on Daniels. EDIT again! Primetime tried to climb the cage to get back in, but AMW shoved him back to the floor. AMW hit the Death Sentence off the top of the cage to pin Daniels.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #765: The match went 17:47. A match of the year candidate. America’s Most Wanted capturing the NWA Tag Titles from Elix Skipper & Christopher Daniels was a confirmation, as if any was necessary, that these are two of the best teams we’ve seen in wrestling in some time. The match itself tonight was just so well put together and executed, a true TNA match of the year candidate, and we’ll see what WWE delivers to compete with it. ****1/2

I am angry. This match deserved to be shown in its entirety. Yes, the more recent cage match from the six-sided ring is on here... but this match shouldn't have been trimmed, just because 'there were two cage matches on this DVD.' If they needed to cut 14 minutes from this DVD to make room for it... they should have cut a match or two altogether.

(7) America's Most Wanted defeat Christopher Daniels & Primetime at 2:50 (Aug. 11, 2004.) Note that we've jumped forward a full year since the prior match on this DVD. There was a montage of their prior matches, and we are told they are beginning a best-of-three series. Storm and Daniels started. EDIT before anything good happened. AMW worked over Primetime. Primetime picked up Daniels and slammed his partner on Storm. EDIT. Daniels hit a nice elbow drop for a nearfall on Harris. Harris hit a hard left-arm clothesline on Daniels. Harris then nailed a spear on Daniels for the pin. Daniels clutched his recently-injured arm in pain.

NOTE: This is an example of a match that could have been cut altogether to make room for the afore-mentioned cage match.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #822: The match went 9:32 *3/4

(8) Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper defeat America's Most Wanted at 2:13 (Aug. 18, 2004). EDIT before the match began. Primetime hit a spin kick on Harris. Daniels hit a standing moonsault for a nearfall. EDIT. Daniels hit a sidekick on Storm, then an STO uranage onHarris. Storm nailed a dropkick on Daniels' injured shoulder, and AMW worked on Daniels arm. Daniels hooked Harris' arm, did a forward roll and scored the pin. Why is this match included here?

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #823: Barely average *3/4

(9) Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper vs. America's Most Wanted went to a draw at 2:54 (Aug. 25, 2004) EDIT before the match began. Daniels hit an STO uranage on Storm. EDIT. Daniels hit a nice hurricanrana, and Primetime immediately nailed a guillotine legdrop on Storm for a nearfall. "What a match, nearfall after nearfall," Tenay said, exasperated in breath. Unfortunately, we were at the 1:30 mark because of all the edits. UGH!

Harris hit a spear and a superkick on Daniels. Daniels avoided the Death Sentence, and he pushed Harris into the ref. Suddenly, the Naturals hit the ring, tossed powder into the eyes of both teams, and hit them with chairshots, causing the draw. This set up a three-way match between these teams... which is not even part of this DVD collection.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #824: Same old match these two teams keep having. **

(10) Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Harris went to a 10-minute time limit draw at 7:23 (Impact taping, Aug. 26, 2004). This match is shown in its entirety... minus the action that happened during the commercial break. This is the first time we see the six-sided ring in Orlando on this DVD. They announcers told us that James Storm was injured in the match the night before, thus, this became a singles match.

They traded punches and Daniels hit a spin kick. Tenay told us to watch the "Fox Box" on the top, but it's not shown here. Harris hit a nice delayed vertical suplex for a nearfall. Commercial break, and we're right back to the action. They fought on the floor and up the ramp. Harris hit a short-arm clothesline, and Daniels crashed on the ramp. Back in the ring, Harris hit a top-rope crossbody block. Daniels hit an enziguri at 4:30, and both men were down.

Daniels hit the Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Harris hit a Full Nelson Slam for a nearfall. They traded punches, and Daniels unloaded several forearms. They blocked each other's finishers and they traded rollups. Daniels hit the STO uranage and the Best Moonsault Ever for a believable nearfall at 7:00. Harris hit a top-rope superplex, and both men were down, when the bell went off, announcing a time-limit draw. Very good TV match.

(11) America's Most Wanted defeat Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper at 10:08 in a cage match (Dec 5., 2004). There were clips shown from the first-ever cage match... that included a lot of stuff cut from this DVD. The stipulation here is the losing team can no longer tag together. "The final chapter in the near two-year rivalry," Tenay said.

Storm and Daniels started, and Storm rammed Daniels head into the cage, and Daniels was bleeding immediately. The heels worked over Harris, and Primetime handcuffed him into a corner! They then beat up Storm in the center of the ring, as Daniels used the handcuff key, grinding it into Storm's head. Daniels hit a nice elevated elbow drop on Storm for a nearfall at 5:00. Daniels accidentally hit Primetime with a flying clothesline. Storm was able to get the key and hand it to Harris, who freed himself.

Harris nailed a flying clothesline on Primetime and a spinebuster on Daniels. In the awesome spot -- shown many times now -- Daniels and Harris fought on the top of the cage, as Skipper climbed to the top on another side. Skipper walked along the top of the cage, before snapping off the hurricanrana on Harris. "No way! You've got to be kidding" West yelled.

Daniels a top-rope elbow drop, and all four men were down. The crowd was going nuts and started their TNA-patented chat, "This is awesome!" There was a four-way tower spot out of a corner, with Daniels on top! EDIT. (A short one, I think). Daniels got locked in the handcuffs in the corner! Storm nailed a superkick on Primetime. AMW hit the Powerplex/combo powerbomb & suplex, and Storm pinned Harris. Excellent match, with a magnificent spot from Primetime.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #838: The match went 21:02. The crowd popped big for the move, one of the riskiest and most spectacular moves ever attempted and executed in a pro wrestling match. A great bloody spectacle cage match. ****1/4

Daniels narrated a segment, saying that with this lose, he went from focusing on the Tag Titles to focusing on the X Division...

(12) Christopher Daniels defeats Buck Quartermaine at 0:56 (Impact, Jan. 21, 2005). Quartermaine hit some punches and a bodyslam, but he missed a guillotine legdrop. Daniels hit an enziguri, an STO, then he hit the Last Rites for the pin. Daniels grabbed the mic and he said he was tired of the favoritism in TNA that protected A.J. Styles. This of course, brought out Dusty Rhodes & A.J. Styles. "On your best day, you cannot beat me," Daniels told Styles. Dusty set the match for later.

(13) Christopher Daniels vs. A.J. Styles went to a 10-minute time limit draw at 7:16 (Impact, Jan. 21, 2005). Like the Daniels-Harris match, this is shown in its entirety, minus the commercial break. They traded armbars and mat offense early. Styles hit a standing dropkick to the face, and Daniels bailed to the floor. Daniels slammed styles into the guardrail, and he hit a backbreaker over his knee. A commercial break at 2:00, and we are back to the action. In the ring, Daniels has planted his knee in Styles' back, and he hit a second-rope springboard moonsault. He cranked on Styles' neck.

Styles came back with an enziguri out of nowhere at 4:30, and both men were down. Styles took over with a hard clothesline, some spin kicks, a flying forearm and the Phenomenon/back flip into an inverted DDT. Daniels hit the Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Styles hit a roaring forearm, and both men were down. They traded rollups, and the bell rang to signal a time-limit draw... setting up their 30-minute ironman match on PPV! Excellent TV match.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #846: Late in the match, Styles attempted to score the pin several times, but Daniels – strangely in a role usually reserved for the babyface – valiantly kicked out before three.

(14) A.J. Styles defeats Christopher Daniels at 32:27 in an ironman match (Against All Odds, Feb. 13, 2005). This is a great match, and it had to be included here, and I'm glad there are no edits! There is a nice montage of clips from this feud, with Dusty Rhodes' announcement of the ironman stip. I really like that the clock is in the corner, counting us down to zero.

They opened with some nice mat wrestling, and A.J. nailed a dropkick, so Daniels rolled to the floor. Styles hit a hurricanrana to the floor, and they traded chops and forearms on the floor. Back in the ring, Styles worked on the left arm, and he hit a spine kick for a nearfall at 6:00. Daniels rolled to the floor, clutching his left arm. A.J. nailed a springboard crossbody block on Daniels on the floor! Back in the ring moments later, Daniels pushed Styles off the ring apron, and Styles crashed into the guardrail.

Daniels took over from there, hitting some kicks to the ribs, shoulder blocks to the ribs, and an Arabian Press for a nearfall. Styles came back with a roaring forearm, and both men were down at 11:30. Styles hit the Phenomenon for a nearfall, and he went for the 450 Splash, but Daniels got his knees up to block it. Daniels then nailed the Angel's Wings to get the first pin at 14:07.

Daniels continued to throw blows to the ribs, and he was quite cocky. Styles hit a backbody drop. Daniels applied an abdominal stretch, continuing to work the ribcage. Daniels hit a gutbuster over his knee for a nearfall at 18:30. Styles came back with a handspring-back-elbow, and both men were down. Styles hit a series of kicks to Daniels' side, then he hit a neckbreaker over his knee for a nearfall. Daniels hit the Phenomenon (Styles' move!), then he hit the Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall.. Styles came back with the Pele Kick for a nearfall at 21:30.

Daniels hit a Samoan Drop, but he missed the Best Moonsault Ever. Styles hit a German Suplex, then he hit the Angel's Wings (Daniels' move!) for a believable nearfall. Styles got a schoolboy rollup for a pin at 23:58, tying the score at 1-1. They brawled on the floor, and Daniels rammed Styles' head into the ringpost! Styles was busted WIDE OPEN, bleeding heavily. In the ring, Daniels punched at the cut on Styles forehead, and he hit an STO uranage for a nearfall at 27:30.

Styles was really bleeding now, and he fired up with a cool series of stiff clubbing forearms. Daniels hit a Flatliner, and he applied the Koji Clutch, with still 40 seconds remaining on the clock! The crowd was going nuts, as Styles held on and refused to tap for that final 40 seconds.

Daniels grabbed the mic, saying he refused to let this match end in a draw. The match continued, and shortly thereafter, A.J. hit the Styles Clash to get the pin. Excellent match.

What Bruce Mitchell wrote, Torch #849: This was a thumbs up show because I though they had a five-star match with A.J. Styles vs. Christopher Daniels. For me, so far this year, that was match of the year. It lived up to everything. These two had worked together, but not in TNA before. Well booked and very well wrestled. ****1/4

(15) Christopher Daniels defeats Chris Sabin at 3:51 (Impact, March 11, 2005). A.J. Styles sat in on commentary here. Daniels jawed at Styles. Daniels a clothesline and some stomps. This was quick action. Daniels hit a Flatliner for a nearfall; he glared at Styles as the ref was counting the nearfall. Sabin came back with a dropkick as Daniels was jumping off the ropes, and both men were down.

Sabin hit some chops, a snap hurricanrana, and an enziguri. Daniels came back with the STO uranage, but he missed the Best Moonsault Ever. Sabin picked Daniels up, trying for a Cradle Shock, but Daniels grabbed the ref to pull himself off of Sabin's shoulders. Daniels then hit the Angel's Wings to get the pin. Good short match.

(16) Christopher Daniels defeats A.J. Styles at 7:50 in an Ultimate X match to win the X Division Title (Destination X, March 13, 2005). TNA has brought out its editing kit again, this time entirely eliminating the first half of this match... cutting out Ron Killings and Primetime Elix Skipper getting eliminated. So, we join this match, half-way through, as it is down to just Daniels vs. Styles for the title.

Styles was out on the mat, so Daniels tried climbing along the cable, but Styles got up and knocked him down. Styles hit a backbreaker over his knee, then he hit the Pele Kick. They fought on the cable, and Daniels fell to the mat first; he quickly speared A.J. so they both were down. In a cool spot, Styles was hanging on the cable, and Daniels dove off the top rope at him, catching him and bringing him to the mat in a GIANT STO uranage! Awesome, awesome.

They fought on the cable, and both fell. They did this a couple more times, as the crowd chanted, "This is awesome!" On the last time they fell to the mat, the referee collapsed, although it doesn't appear he was actually touched. Styles climbed along the cable and pulled the belt down! However, the ref was trying to recover from being hit, and he didn't see that A.J. had the belt. Daniels nailed the Angel's Wings on Styles, and Daniels draped the title belt over himself. The ref turned around, saw Daniels with the belt, and awarded the match (and X Division title) to Daniels. Good match; I wish it had been shown in its entirety.

What James Powell wrote, Torch #853: The match went 24:55. The Ultimate X match was highly entertaining despite the apparently botched finish. I was skeptical of the tag team concept beforehand, but the Triple X breakup was a nice twist. ****1/4

(17) Christopher Daniels defeats Jerrelle Clark at 2:37 (Impact, March 18, 2005). This was just a week after the Destination X PPV. The crowd was loudly behind Daniels, even though he's a heel. Clark hit a hurricanrana and some chops. Daniels hit the STO uranage and he hit some stomps, then an Arabian Press. Clark hit a dropkick for a nearfall at 2:00, then a Tornado DDT. Jerrelle went for the 630 Splash, but Daniels blocked it. Daniels then hti the Angel's Wings for the pin.

After the match, Daniels got on the mic and talked about beating Styles, Killings and Skipper in the same match. "I'm the heart and soul of the X Division. Tonight, I humbly accept the title of Mr. TNA." Primetime walked out to the top of the ramp and made some comments, "I know you, and you know what I'll do to you.”

(18) Christopher Daniels defeats Primetime at 5:31 (Lockdown, April 24, 2005). This match is inside the steel cage, and it’s been edited too. They start with an intense lockup and quick reversals and Primetime hit a shoulder tackle. EDIT. Daniels hit a Best Moonsault Ever for a nearfall. Daniels climbed the cage; Primetime climbed another side of the cage, and it appeared he wanted to walk along the top of the cage again! Daniels saw this, and he immediately dropped back to the mat, and the crowd booed! Primetime dove off the top of the cage onto Daniels and the referee! However, just a short time later, Daniels hit the Angel’s Wings for the pin.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #859: The match went 15:28. Not a show-stealer, but a good match. They played into the storyline that they were so familiar with each other, they could counter each other’s moves. ***1/2

(19) Christopher Daniels defeats Shocker at 1:57 (Hard Justice, May 15, 2005). I’m actually ok with this match appearing in an edited form, as this match wasn’t particularly memorable when it first aired. There is an EDIT to start, and we join the match in progress. Shocker applied an STF with a Crippler Crossface locked on, and he turned it into a Camel Clutch. Daniels bit Shocker to escape. They brawled on the ropes, and Daniels hit an Angel’s Wings off the second rope for the pin.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #862: The match went 11:57. The match never felt special, but it was always good. There was a clash of styles and the 12-minute match never reached that “show stealer” level. **3/4

(20) Christopher Daniels defeats Chris Sabin and Matt Bentley at 12:36 (Slammiversary, June 19, 2005). All three fought early, and Sabin hit a hurricanrana on Daniels. Daniels hit a nice dropkick on Sabin, then a Flatliner and a Koji Clutch; however, as Daniels had the hold applied, Bentley broke it up with a top-rope elbow drop. Bentley hit a powerslam on Daniels for a nearfall. Sabin hit a powerbomb on Daniels for a nearfall. Daniels hit an Arabian Press to the floor on Sabin at 4:30.

There was an EDIT in the action. Trinity and Traci Brooks, who were both at ringside, wound up getting in the ring and having a short catfight. Sabin hit the Cradle Shock on Bentley to pin him at 6:23. The match continued with Daniels hitting an Angel’s Wings on Trinity!! Sabin hit a powerslam for a nearfall and a Soilent Green/spinning faceplant off his shoulder. Daniels fought back with a Death Valley Driver fro a nearfall. Sabin hit a nice running bulldog, and both men were down at 9:00.

Sabin hit a nice cross-arm German Suplex for a nearfall. Daniels came back with an STO Uranage and a Best Moonsault Ever for a nearfall. Sabin hit the enziguri and a Tornado DDT for a believable nearfall. Daniels nailed the Angel’s Wings to score the pin. Good match.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #867: The match went 17:10. The match contained plenty of nice spots, but not enough story. ***1/2

(21) Christopher Daniels defeats Primetime at 12:09 (Impact, June 22, 2005). Wow, this was a much better TV match than I remembered. This was a non-title match. Primetime hid alongside the ramp, and he jumped Daniels as Daniels came out of the tunnel. They brawled around ringside. In the ring, Primetime hit a spine kick and a nice dropkick, and he was dominating the action. A commercial break, then we’re back to the action, with Primetime hitting blows to the chest.

Daniels hit a neckbreaker over the top rope, and he hit a nice back suplex, then an elbow shot to the throat and a standing neckbreaker for a nearfall. Primetime fought back with a spin kick to the head, and both men were down at 9:00. They traded stiff forearms, and Primetime nailed some hard chops, so Daniels ducked to the floor.

Primetime hit a corkscrew plancha to the floor. In the ring, he hit a nice spinning sideslam for a nearfall, but Daniels reached the ropes. Daniels nailed the Flatliner, applied the Koji Clutch, and Skipper tapped out. Good match.

What Wade Keller wrote, Torch #868: Daniels effectively worked on Primetime’s neck and upper back through the match to set up the sound psychological finish of a tap out to the neck vice. Daniels’ offense based on his familiarity with his former tag partner. Smart match.

In a taped segment, Christopher Daniels thanked us for buying the DVD and watching matches from “the greatest wrestler you’ve ever seen.”

(22) BONUS MATCH: Christopher Daniels defeats Danny Dominion at 8:38. This is from Windy City Wrestling in May 1994. Daniels and Jeremy Borash provide commentary, and Daniels said he had about 30 matches under his belt at the time of this bout. Dominion is much smaller here than in recent years, and he wore purple & black pants with suspenders. Daniels came out – with thinning hair – and he work a blue singlet.

Daniels hit a Russian Legsweep, punches and a dropkick, and Dominion stalled on the floor. Dominion tied Daniels in the Tree of Woe and kicked him. On commentary, Daniels talked about his roots in Windy City Wrestling, and he thought it was important to show that a wrestler can make it from these beginnings. In the action, Daniels hit a top-rope crossbody block to the floor. On commentary, Daniels talked about watching Shawn Michaels and Sean “X-Pac” Waltman, and how their offense influenced Daniels.

Dominion hit a second-rope spinebuster. They hit simultaneous clotheslines, and both men were down. Daniels hit a nice springboard spin kick – on commentary, Daniels joked that he can’t do that anymore. Daniels hit a Best Moonsault Ever on Dominion for the pin. “It was still a work in progress,” Daniels said of watching him do the BME.

Final thoughts: The main program on the DVD runs 3 hours, 28 minutes. The bonus match, and a five-minute video package adds another 15 minutes, so there is plenty here to watch.

Can you imagine WWE releasing a “Best of Bret Hart” anthology and clipping huge chunks from the match? I can’t fathom why TNA edited so much out of these matches. Again, some of the edits are fine – the Shocker vs. Daniels match, edited, worked for me. The editing of the first cage match definitely did NOT. If TNA was concerned about length of the DVD, they could have cut a couple of unimportant matches, like the Daniels-Harris match from Impact, or one of the lesser matches in the series with AMW.

It is worth noting that TNA didn’t try to salvage the debacle PPV ironman match with AMW, when Primetime got a concussion, and the match was a mess.

Overall, TNA chose the right matches to air. I can’t think of a quality Christopher Daniels match in TNA not shown here. But the decision to eviscerate many of these matches into three-minute highlight reels was a terrible decision.

Thumbs mildly up. The action is great, I loved hearing Daniels call his own match from 1994, but the editing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Purchase this DVD at for $24.95, or at for $17.95, or buy it at your neighborhood Best Buy store for $16.95.
I KNEW the HoF ceremony would run long. I'm glad I set the VCR (yes, I'm still analog) accordingly.

I'm going to have to call up Bret Har's daughters. Nice...
Man, I know he had a stroke and everything, but Bret just keeps looking worse every time I see him. Such a shame; he's my favorite wrestler of all-time, by far.
[quote name='Scorch']holy sheet, they posted videos! I didn't know that!

This is more or less an idea i've had for years. I can't waaaaaaaitttttttttttt!!

//edit: I hope that first video (not Cena's entrance) is a very very very very very very very very very early draft of the gameplay or something because that looks like some of the worst gameplay EVER. Bad animations, quick moves, wrestlers sliding around instead of walking, etc.. the camera angles, however, were insanely awesome.[/QUOTE]

Damn, that sounds fuckin awesome. Glad that they decided to port it to the 360.:drool:
TNA Impact was damn good tonight... the four way X Division match was great and yes the second part of the James Mitchell video.... okay, just catch the replay Monday night in case you missed it.

I did watch the HOF in between Impact ads along with WWE's webcast during the first two hours. Pretty decent show overall. Sherri's speech went on way too long for its own good however. Did have some funny moments. The crowd reaction to Cena was to be honest very priceless. :D
I missed the HoF thing, somewhat by mistake and somewhat cuz my apartment suddenly filled up with friends tonight. Either way, it's probably for the best, as I'm sure I would've got all misty-eyed watching Eddie get inducted.
final mania card:

WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. Triple H

World Title Match
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton

No Holds Barred Match
Vince McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels

Hardcore Match
Mick Foley vs. Edge

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Shelton Benjamin vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Ric Flair vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. Lashley

Casket Match
The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry

WWE United States Title Match
Chris Benoit vs. JBL

World Tag Team Titles Match
Kane & The Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters

WWE Women's Title Match
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James

Playboy Pillow Fight
Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle

Boogeyman vs. Booker T & Sharmell

and this is very interesting:

Believe it or not, WWE changed the finishes to five major WrestleMania 22 matches as recently as yesterday and remain unsure as to how to book the show. The indecisiveness, mainly on Vince McMahon's part, has made it impossible to plan the post-Mania schedule. WWE's top management is extremely stressed out at this point trying to finalize booking of the show

very curious as to which 5 matches changed

my money is on Masters/Carlito vs Show/Kane, Mickey vs Trish, Benoit vs JBL, Foley vs Edge and Mcmahon himself vs HBK.

Of course, we'll never know for sure.
Oh, and I promise I'll post my WM predictions, as well as everyone else's who has made them tomorrow, whilst my girlfriend shaves her legs, as that will likely be the only time I have a chance. Apparently I've also made the decision to go to the bar and watch the show, despite how uninterested I currently am. Oddly enough I'm probably even less interested in this year's ncaa final four.
My personal predictions:

Triple H (Duh)
Randy Orton (Angle's probably injured somehow and Rey couldn't hold it)
Shawn Michaels (A win by McMahon would mean a drawn out storyline.. don't see that happening.. I see HBK getting in the world title picture)
Edge (Come on, now.. Foley's back for one match)
Rob Van Dam (I hope)
Undertaker (If he loses his first match at Mania to Henry.. ugh)
Chris Benoit
Carlito and Chris Masters (can't wait for their matches on Raw....)
Mickie James
Candice Michelle
Boogeyman (After either an accidental hit to Booker by Sharmell or Sharmell swerving and joining Boogeyman)
You're the most controversial wrestler of the past 10 years.

You're still one of the most talked about wrestlers of all time, and your feud with your former boss is legendary.

You remain so stubborn as to not want to sign a contract with them; you want to use this night, tonight, to say thank you and goodbye to your fans.

You've not been on a major stage in 5 years or more, and it has been over 8 years since you appeared for your hated boss.

You're given a chance to talk about your career, your feelings, and all the controversy. What is it that you talk about?


Bret Hart made the single most underwhelming speech in the history of mankind, short of Admiral James Stockdale's "Who am I? Why am I here?" introduction during the vice presidential debate of 1992. He said nothing of value, nothing that wasn't some boilerplate "I want to be in the hall, and I love the boys, blah blah blah" speech, and his jokes were lame. This speech was 8 years in the making, and it came across like he wrote it on a bevnap while having dinner at "Bennigan's" before the show.

Of the three they showed, Mean Gene's was the best by far. Overall, though, what a crappy show. I hope this year's WM DVD keeps up the tradition and includes the whole HoF.
His whole ponit was for the fan to see him one last time. He has spoke VERY openly in the past about what haapened in various interviews. You could tell he was holding back, and I think he did a very good job. I know a lot of people were hoping he would just go off on Vince and Shawn, I am glad he did not. I is all in the past and he need to just let it go. Although I still think he had something to do with it, or at least knew something of that sort was afoot.

And yes Sherri's speech did go on too long. I think she looked better than she did durring her days in the WWF imo.
My predictions:

Cena (The booking as been so overwhelmingly in favor of HHH, I see Cena winning at Mania and H taking the title on Raw tomorrow)
Angle (Angle/Batista makes too much sense)
RVD (Benjamin 2nd; Matt Hardy - Dead Last)
Mickie James
Torrie Wilson (Either Stacy or Kidman returns)
Booker/Sharmell (something ridiculous like Goldust helps him win)
In a recent interview Bret said he was going to keep his speech as unpersonal as possible. Apparently since his stroke he has had difficulty controlling his emotions, and the last thing he wanted was to suddenly break down and be a blubbering mess in his last appearance.
Whoaa, talk about HoF spoilers! I'm avoiding them. I downloaded it last night. It was 1.04gb.. turns out it was 47 minutes, and not 2 hours like I thought. It's a bad VHS copy, extremely uncompressed. Now i'm downloading a compressed version. It's 360.19mb. Damn it. Oh well. At least I matched the upload for it.

Watching it now. Gene's fucking awesome. I love how they showed Cena and everyone boo'ed.
I guess i'll ask the asshole question - If Eddie hadn't died, do you think he would've EVER been inducted to the HoF? And it kinda gripes me that people like Owen Hart, British Bulldog, Yokozuna, Mr. Perfect, etc. aren't in it. In due time, I guess. Hopefully.

I also hated how the fans kept interrupting Chavo. I mean, yeah, it's out of respect and all, but can't you hold your "LATINO HEAT~!" yell for a few more minutes while he speaks? c'mon.
WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. Triple H

You know damn well this match is getting out of hand, with knocked out refs, blading, chairs and sledgehammer shots. I'd love to see the heel turn from Cena, but I'm not counting on it. Seems more likely that the McMahons will get involved and work against Cena. Triple H wins in about 20 minutes.

World Title Match
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton

I think Lance Storm hit it best in his recent commentary, Vince loves his PR, and he'll get the most if Rey wins. Look for Mysterio to pin Randy Orton at about the 35 minute mark. Bringing about a positive end to this horrible storyline and Mysterio dedicating his win to Eddie. Angle will then turn heel next week and feud with Mysterio until Batista returns.

No Holds Barred Match
Vince McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels

Michaels seems like the obvious choice as McMahon has just abused him throughout this feud. I'm not sure who will help Michaels win (maybe Cean or Hogan), but since it's Vince I expect some sort of strange swerve here. Too bad Jannetty got cut from the feud. 100 to 1 odds McMahon goes for the sharpshooter at least once. Michaels in a blade-tastic 20 minute match.

Hardcore Match
Mick Foley vs. Edge

The match being hyped up as the show stealer. Tough to say though, keep in mind Foley hasn't wrestled in awhile (as usual), but he's capable of still having a good match. Again expect a lot of blading, chairs, etc. This Wrestlemania might set a record for blade jobs... Edge's WM undefeated streak will continue as he scores the pin 15 minutes in. A rematch at Backlash may be in order.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Shelton Benjamin vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Ric Flair vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. Lashley

This could be crazy, and a really good match. You've got some interesting pairings, with Flair and Finlay both about 55 years old, Matt and RVD the high fliers, Benjamin a fairly solid technical wrestler, and then Lashley as your powerhouse. Good chance that someone gets hurt in this one, and everyone blades... I don't see Finlay winning at all, Shelton has the IC strap so that doesn't make sense either. I'd love to see Matt Hardy win it, and the WWE to finally recognize the fans are behind him, then see him face Edge somewhere down the line, but it won't happen. If Ric Flair wins and then uses the shot later in the night to face HHH, I'll go crazy. My money is on RVD pulling down the briefcase in about 25 minutes, as he's been back long enough to start pushing. RVD vs HHH could be interesting too, and it may be time to pull Cena out of the title picture for a month or two following Backlash.

Casket Match
The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry

Taker. 12 minutes. RIP Henry.

WWE United States Title Match
Chris Benoit vs. JBL

With so many probable title changes at the top, Benoit should retain here. I really think this should've been Benoit vs Booker T in a 2 out of 3 falls match, but WWE's creative team has really gone to crap. Benoit wins via the crossface in 8 minutes to open the show.

World Tag Team Titles Match
Kane & The Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters

We're all expecting Kane and Show to break up then, eh? Personally, I think it's a bad move, as they've been dominating the tag division, and the longer they hold those belts, the bigger the win will be for the team that beats them. They do need to defend the belts on TV a bit more regularly though. And where were the Cena, Kane, Show vs Carlito, Masters, HHH matches? Oh well, WWE logic says Carlito isn't in this match if he's not winning it. A Show/Kane miscue sees Carlito/Masters stealing this one around the 10 minute mark.

WWE Women's Title Match
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James

If Trish beats Mickie again the feud will already be put to rest. That being said Vince has pretty much released anyone else who could challenge Trish. Therefore the year long title reign of Trish is probably set to come to an end. The only way I see Trish retaining is if Mickie gets dq'd. Mickie in 8 minutes.

Playboy Pillow Fight
Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle

Who cares? Going with Candice simply because she's got the whole playboy thing going. If this one goes more than 5 minutes...

Boogeyman vs. Booker T & Sharmell

Boogeyman hardly wrestles and win he does, he wins. He's way too over to drop this to Booker. This match "could" open instead of Benoit/JBL. Either way expect The Boogeyman to pick up the win at around the 8 minute mark.
[quote name='Scorch']I guess i'll ask the asshole question - If Eddie hadn't died, do you think he would've EVER been inducted to the HoF? And it kinda gripes me that people like Owen Hart, British Bulldog, Yokozuna, Mr. Perfect, etc. aren't in it. In due time, I guess. Hopefully.

I also hated how the fans kept interrupting Chavo. I mean, yeah, it's out of respect and all, but can't you hold your "LATINO HEAT~!" yell for a few more minutes while he speaks? c'mon.[/QUOTE]

I don't think he would have been inducted into the HoF but thats me. I also think Reys push is 100% due to Eddies death. I never really saw Rey in the world title picture. The only thing I can think of that would go against that, is WWE needing another top guy while Batista is out.
[quote name='Scorch']I guess i'll ask the asshole question - If Eddie hadn't died, do you think he would've EVER been inducted to the HoF? And it kinda gripes me that people like Owen Hart, British Bulldog, Yokozuna, Mr. Perfect, etc. aren't in it. In due time, I guess. Hopefully.

I also hated how the fans kept interrupting Chavo. I mean, yeah, it's out of respect and all, but can't you hold your "LATINO HEAT~!" yell for a few more minutes while he speaks? c'mon.[/quote]

Yes, Tito Santana is in, Eddie would've gotten in too eventually. He was set to win the title for the second time in his career the day he died remember. I'm guessing Eddie would've spent the rest of his career at or near the top of the card. He was easily the most popular wrestler at the time of his death.

I think the reason Bulldog and Perfect aren't in are because of the circumstances surrounding their deaths and that they weren't current WWE employees. IMO Bulldog shouldn't go in anyway, he should go in with Dynamite Kid as The British Bulldogs (one of the greatest tag teams ever) Of course Dynamite still hates Davey boy, making that induction very unlikely. Perfect should go in regardless, easily one of the greatest wrestlers never to hold the title.

Owen is tough... he didn't really have a HOF career, he may have had he lived, but as it stands he didn't. I believe he should be inducted out of respect. Perhaps now that Bret is in, Owen can join him soon.

Yoko, that's another gray area. He was at the top for awhile, then put on too much weight and got moved down, won the tag titles, put on more weight and was eventually released for his own good. It'd be kind of like inducting John Tenta for his run as Earthquake. True Tenta is dying of cancer, but I don't think Vince is gonna put him in.

IMO with the induction of the Fridge into the celebrity wing, the HOF is rapidly becoming more and more of a joke. Maybe Cyndi Lauper can get inducted next year.
Bret Hart's Hall of Fame ceremony speech on the USA Network last night was heavily edited. Only seven minutes of the speech was actually shown. In actuality, his speech was said to be between 30 to 45 minutes. You'll need to purchase the Wrestlemania 22 DVD, which will include the entire Hall of Fame ceremony on a single disc, to see Bret's speech in it's entirety. Also note, the inductions of Mean Gene Okerlund and Eddie Guerrero were not edited.

Go figure.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Yes, Tito Santana is in, Eddie would've gotten in too eventually. He was set to win the title for the second time in his career the day he died remember. I'm guessing Eddie would've spent the rest of his career at or near the top of the card. He was easily the most popular wrestler at the time of his death.

I think the reason Bulldog and Perfect aren't in are because of the circumstances surrounding their deaths and that they weren't current WWE employees. IMO Bulldog shouldn't go in anyway, he should go in with Dynamite Kid as The British Bulldogs (one of the greatest tag teams ever) Of course Dynamite still hates Davey boy, making that induction very unlikely. Perfect should go in regardless, easily one of the greatest wrestlers never to hold the title.

Owen is tough... he didn't really have a HOF career, he may have had he lived, but as it stands he didn't. I believe he should be inducted out of respect. Perhaps now that Bret is in, Owen can join him soon.

Yoko, that's another gray area. He was at the top for awhile, then put on too much weight and got moved down, won the tag titles, put on more weight and was eventually released for his own good. It'd be kind of like inducting John Tenta for his run as Earthquake. True Tenta is dying of cancer, but I don't think Vince is gonna put him in.

IMO with the induction of the Fridge into the celebrity wing, the HOF is rapidly becoming more and more of a joke. Maybe Cyndi Lauper can get inducted next year.[/quote]

Cyndi Lauper would be much more legit "celebrity" entry than Perry, IMO. I'm still wondering why the hell Mr. T hasn't been inducted. He was in the main event of Wrestlemania I, for christsakes.
Time to get in the last minute predictions before I bid the boards farewell until after I've grabbed and watched the event:

Playboy Pillow Fight: Candice, only because she was just in Playboy.

Boogeyman vs Booker T & Sharmell: Boogeyman in a squash, because unfortunately that's the only type of match he can "wrestle"

Trish vs Mickie: Mickie James has to win, otherwise this feud that's been building for months will have been a waste.

Kane and Show vs. Carlito and Masters: I can see Kane and Show winning here, leading to a Carlito and Masters feud over the next few months. The tag belts have lost their meaning, and I see them as a way to reward Show and Kane for the work they've done over the years when creative 'has nothing for them'. If Carlito and Masters were to win, they'd be stuck with nowhere to go and no real teams to take on.

Benoit vs. JBL: I can see Benoit retaining here to try and give the belt some longevity after the whole mess of the past few months. A good match would give JBL a chance to be hotshotted back towards the world title scene, which needs a new top heel right now.

Edge vs. Foley: Edge after a bloody match, hopefully with Cactus Jack to give him a push back towards the title.

Undertaker vs. Henry: Is there any doubt? Taker goes 14-0.

Money in the Bank: I'd love to see RVD win this thing, and I really think it's going to be him or Flair. I'll put my pick on RVD.

McMahon vs. HBK: Shawn needs to win this to keep any credibility as a top star, even if he is going to part-time only after the event.

Angle vs. Orton vs. Mysterio: This match could easily go to any of the three, but I think Rey will end up winning for all the wrong reasons. Hopefully Angle will be kayfabe injured during the match and given some much deserved and much needed time off. A Batista run-in is not out of the question in my mind.

Cena vs. HHH: Definitely one of the five matches that Vince is having second thoughts about. With the reaction Cena was getting last night, I can't see him winning this one. A double turn wouldn't be bad if they could pull it off.

There you have it. Hopefully in 24 hours from now I'll have been able to watch the whole show and see how far off I was.
[quote name='Scorch']I guess i'll ask the asshole question - If Eddie hadn't died, do you think he would've EVER been inducted to the HoF? And it kinda gripes me that people like Owen Hart, British Bulldog, Yokozuna, Mr. Perfect, etc. aren't in it. In due time, I guess. Hopefully.

I also hated how the fans kept interrupting Chavo. I mean, yeah, it's out of respect and all, but can't you hold your "LATINO HEAT~!" yell for a few more minutes while he speaks? c'mon.[/quote]

Yes, Eddie would have been in the HOF. I can think of few people who played the heel or face as well as he did and he accomplished more than Owen, Bulldog, Mr. Perfect or Yokozuna.
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