Chris Benoit's wrestling topic

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First Wrestlemania ordered? I watched III at a friend's house and then ordered IV the following year at my house. I've gotten 75% of them since then but this year it's not even on the radar.
[quote name='mykevermin']So many people said the same thing about Andre: if he wanted to, at any moment, take over the match or end it, he wouldn't hesitate to do so. This would appear to be one of those moments.[/quote]

Hogan admits to being terrified wrestling Andre at WM III, as he wasn't really sure if Andre would do the job or not. Shortly before the match Andre told him "Tonight, you go up", although I can't imagine that would fully put Hogan's mind at ease.
SD & London, Kendrick, Jordan & Funaki Show results:

Dark Match:

Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Sean O'Haire with a small package.


The Gymini defeated Paul London & Brian Kendrick.

Orlando Jordan pinned Ace Steele.

Vito pinned Funaki with an Impaler DDT.


Smackdown opens with Rey Mysterio coming out and saying he deserves his title shot at Wrestlemania 22. He calls out Randy Orton, but WWE World champion Kurt Angle comes out instead. Angle says that his beef isn't with Rey but with Orton, and says that nobody can defeat him. Orton comes out and says that they both suck. He says he can defeat them both, but will wait until Wrestlemania to do it. Teddy Long comes out and forces Orton to leave. He announces Angle vs. Rey as the main event tonight.

JBL pinned Daniel Cross, who is a Harley Race trainee.

WWE US champion Chris Benoit defeated Road Warrior Animal with a crossface.

Paul Birchall defeated Booker T via countout when Boogeyman came out and took Sharmell.

Lashley & Tatanka & Matt Hardy defeated Finlay & MNM. MNM hit the Snapshot on Tatanka but Lashley hit a spear and scored the pin.

The Mexicools defeated Jamie Noble and Kid Kash.

They did a vignette where Booker T was searching for Sharmell but found nothing but worms.

Booker was looking for Sharmell but every door had worms around it. When he finally found Sharmell, she was in a room on a stool surrounded by tons of worms. Boogeyman appeared and laughed.

WWE World champion Kurt Angle defeated Rey Mysterio after Mysterio went for the 619 but was caught and pulled into the ring with an AnkleLock and Rey tapped. Orton hit the ring and he and Angle went at it. The show ended with Angle hitting the Angleslam and locking the Ankle Lock on Orton.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Hogan admits to being terrified wrestling Andre at WM III, as he wasn't really sure if Andre would do the job or not. Shortly before the match Andre told him "Tonight, you go up", although I can't imagine that would fully put Hogan's mind at ease.[/QUOTE]

Imagine where Hogan would be if Andre dead-assed him during the bodyslam spot.
Hogan already tore muscles in his back lifting Andre... he knows though, I believe it was a wrestling biography on A&E where Hogan said that he owes Andre everything for going through with that slam at WM. Their match at WM3 certainly wasn't the greatest match ever (Savage vs Steamboat on that same card!) but it was easily the most memorable positive WWF/E moment ever.
[quote name='JimmieMac']First Wrestlemania ordered? I watched III at a friend's house and then ordered IV the following year at my house. I've gotten 75% of them since then but this year it's not even on the radar.[/QUOTE]

12. After it was over, I went out and rented WM10 and 11 on VHS. 10 was good, 11 blew pretty bad. This year's is going to suck.

Can't wait for the HoF ceremony though
[quote name='mykevermin']Demoman, what's your source on pwtorrents being down permanently?[/QUOTE]

I just threw in the "for the count" part to be funny. :lol:

Glad to see its back up tho. :D
[quote name='Bret Hart']"I've made it pretty clear that I don't want to be around Shawn," said Hart, who also doesn't plan on speaking with wrestlers such as Terry Bollea (Hulk Hogan), Paul Levesque (Triple H) and Richard Fliehr (Ric Flair), with whom he's traded personal barbs in the past but whose presence he will tolerate for one night. "Shawn's different. If I even see Shawn I'll probably get back in the cab and you'll have your April Fool's. I won't have him around. I won't allow myself to be agitated by his presence. If I have to deal with that, I'd rather not even be there."[/quote]

I would have liked to see Shawn and Bret bury the hatchet, especially since Shawn is a "changed man" now.

What is his beef with the Hulkster? Anyone know?

I understand why he wouldn't want to be around HHH, I doubt anyone really does.

Screw Ric Flair.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']

CNNSI has an article about bret going to the HOF. The last page is an interesting read as he definately has some hate for a lot of people (though I can understand why he does)[/quote]

I really think Bret needs to let go, and honestly isn't ready for the Hall of Fame. I know what Michaels did to him was intolerable, but people change. Michaels is a born again Christian now, he's admitted what he did was wrong, and I'm sure he'd be more than happy to apologize to Bret face to face, if only Hart would accept the apology.

It'll be interesting to see if Bret is the "big inductee" this year, like Hogan was in 2005. I'm leaning towards no, as Eddie Guerrero's popularity at the time of his death was still at its peak. Considering the storyline run after Guerrero pased, and my belief that Mysterio will win the title the following evening, it only makes sense to have Guerrero's induction headline the show.

While this WM certainly has one of the worst cards ever, I have a feeling that between the HoF and a potential Mysterio win on Sunday, we could have the most emotional WM ever, and some good WM memories. There's more, but I'll touch on that later when I make my WM predictions.
For anyone that doesnt have Sirius Satellite radio-

Hulk Hogan was on Bubba the love sponge's show today. They were discussing wether or not the rumor was true about how Hogan and Stone Cold were suppose to butt heads at the HOF ceremony etc etc and set up a match for WM. Hogan said thats not true that he knows of mainly because he has to fly out to cali-i believe, for his son drift racing stuff. Hogan got a call from someone, I didnt catch her name but it was mentioned that the Raw following WM, possibly next, its possible that Hogan and Stone Cold will eventually butt heads and get it on.

Hogan then went on to say that nothing should happen at WM because if he doesnt any ppv's he's gotta get paid and since they didnt do any kind of promoting, chances are they werent gonna give him his pay day to do it etc etc blah blah.
[quote name='2Fast']
What is his beef with the Hulkster? Anyone know?

It is one of those I won't do the job situations, I can't remeber if it was in the WWF of WCW.
[quote name='ECW_fan']It is one of those I won't do the job situations, I can't remeber if it was in the WWF of WCW.[/quote]

I think it involved Hogan, Hart, and Yokozuna in some fasshion. I can't remember the details though.
That's what it must be (thanks Guile!) Go watch (if you dare) the main event from WrestleMania IX. Hart has *every* reason to hate Hogan.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's what it must be (thanks Guile!) Go watch (if you dare) the main event from WrestleMania IX. Hart has *every* reason to hate Hogan.[/QUOTE]

He mentions that on his DVD and after it happened he made some comments about being pissed off at dropping the title. Hogan heard something about it and Bret believes that Hogan and Flair both used their clout in WCW to keep him lower on the card than he should have been

Strange. Hart seems to be throwing some playful jabs at Hogan concerning the 2004 Stanley Cup Finals between the Calgary Flames and the Tampa Bay Lightning.

[quote name='Bret Hart']The Hulkster doesn’t look right in blue! Perhaps I need to remind him that the colors he wore as a wrestling champion were, of course, red and yellow! My parting words to The Hulkster are, the Lightning will be excellently executed!
Go Flames Go!

Dated May 29, 2004. I'm sure The Wrestlemania IX thing has something to do with the rift, but I'm thinking it has more to do with something fairly recent :whistle2:k
[quote name='CaseyRyback']He mentions that on his DVD and after it happened he made some comments about being pissed off at dropping the title. Hogan heard something about it and Bret believes that Hogan and Flair both used their clout in WCW to keep him lower on the card than he should have been[/quote]

This is believable, but to be fair, when Bret came in to WCW it was fairly obvious that they didn't know what to do with him. I can't remember all of the details, but I do remember being very disappointed with the way they brought him in. If I'm not mistaken, didn't they tease him turning twice before he even had a match? My memory may not be very clear, but I do know that it would be hard to "repair" all the damage that was done in the way they brought him in, even if Hogan and Flair were his best friends.
There were just too many egos and too much politics for Bret to succeed in WCW. During WCW's run at the top, the only person to break through the politics and ego of the old guard was Goldberg. DDP and Booker T didn't really do much until WCW was already in steady decline.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's what it must be (thanks Guile!) Go watch (if you dare) the main event from WrestleMania IX. Hart has *every* reason to hate Hogan.[/QUOTE]

i remember originally watching that and going crazy for hogan.. i always liked hogan until he got like triple h and always had the belt in wcw..

anyways looking back at it now... i cant believe they actually did that.
I think the WCW and the recent years of the WWE show an interesting story: that control taken to both extremes (too little in the former, too much in the latter) can really be problematic and detrimental to the overally product.
[quote name='mykevermin']I think the WCW and the recent years of the WWE show an interesting story: that control taken to both extremes (too little in the former, too much in the latter) can really be problematic and detrimental to the overally product.[/quote]

Quite right.

They are supposed to have some TNA guys here this weekend for the NASCAR race in Martinsville. I might try to go down but the traffic will be MURDER.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I think it involved Hogan, Hart, and Yokozuna in some fasshion. I can't remember the details though.[/QUOTE]

It was at the height of the WWF steriod scandal. Vince deciding to phase out the muscular wrestlers and give the top spots to smaller, more technically sound wrestlers. Vince felt like Bret would be the guy to make that transition and wanted Hogan to pass the torch to Hart.

Hogan had a problem with this because he felt that Hart wasn't deserving and felt Yokozuna would be better. So in order to please Hogan Vince had Bret win the Title for Flair only to drop it to Yokozuna and then back to Hogan. Hogan was also behind the camera exploding angle causing his loss at KOTR. It was then decided that Bret would then win the KOTR tournament so he could once again hold the belt.

Talk about alot of bullshit just because you didnt want to do the job. I hate when big names do that type of stuff but its happend in the past and it will continue to happen.
[quote name='mykevermin']Never heard of that; what the hell happened?[/QUOTE]

Remember when Hogan faced Yokozuna at King of the Ring 94 i think for the WWF ttitle. Hogan dominated the match pretty much and a camera man went on the apron and the camera exploded in Hogans face which caused Yokozuna to win. It was Hogans idea becuase he didnt want Yokozuna to get a clean win over him. That was Hogans last PPV and he left the WWF a month later i think.
:rofl: I knew that Hogan lost at KOTR, but I remember the WWF didn't play up the match so much (at least in focusing on Hogan). That was Hogan's last appearance in the WWF until he came back with the nWo in 2002 or so, so there was no need to "protect him" by showing how he lost unfairly.

Actually, I don't think they mentioned it at all, instead they hyped the guy who they had on their payroll, Yokozuna, as a fucking monster.

Then the Lex Express happened soon thereafter, but I digress.

I need to see a gif of that; it *exploded*? That sounds far more violent than your everyday flashpaper used in wrestling. Like he got hit with a fuckin' howitzer, kicked out at two, and then got the Banzai drop for the loss. :rofl: *ONLY* fuckin' Hogan, man. :rofl:

"You see, brother, the pickup truck has to fall off the roof, because nobody could believe Yoko could beat me fair and square. Then the army of midgets weilding pitchforks comes out from under the ring and stabs me six hundred times, dude. And then I kick out at two, and Hulk up, but the kamikaze pilot flies into me, which isn't something the Hulkster can withstand, dude. So then I'll do the honors, but only if Cornette hits me with a bazooka load."
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl: I knew that Hogan lost at KOTR, but I remember the WWF didn't play up the match so much (at least in focusing on Hogan). That was Hogan's last appearance in the WWF until he came back with the nWo in 2002 or so, so there was no need to "protect him" by showing how he lost unfairly.

Actually, I don't think they mentioned it at all, instead they hyped the guy who they had on their payroll, Yokozuna, as a fucking monster.

Then the Lex Express happened soon thereafter, but I digress.

I need to see a gif of that; it *exploded*? That sounds far more violent than your everyday flashpaper used in wrestling. Like he got hit with a fuckin' howitzer, kicked out at two, and then got the Banzai drop for the loss. :rofl: *ONLY* fuckin' Hogan, man. :rofl:

"You see, brother, the pickup truck has to fall off the roof, because nobody could believe Yoko could beat me fair and square. Then the army of midgets weilding pitchforks comes out from under the ring and stabs me six hundred times, dude. And then I kick out at two, and Hulk up, but the kamikaze pilot flies into me, which isn't something the Hulkster can withstand, dude. So then I'll do the honors, but only if Cornette hits me with a bazooka load."[/QUOTE]

:rofl: hahaha thanks for making me laugh out loud... im sure the broads in the office could hear me. man that was awesome.
yea i remember that camera man with the camera that exploded or w.e in hogans face... i bet it looked more realistic then.. i have to see it again..

what i really wanna see again is that yokozuna slam challenge where lex comes out and slams him...i loved that moment
:rofl: Pure gold.

Speaking of gold, anyone heard of the movie Blood Circus? It seems so bad that it would almost be good, unfortunately the rumor is that the only known copy was somehow destroyed when Santo Gold was trying to get it converted over to VHS.
I don't think there anyone who has enjoyed as much success in the wrestling business, but is still as bitter as Bret Hart.

It'd be roughly the same as if Shaq said he wouldn't talk to Hakeem Olajuwon for sweeping him in the finals when he was in Orlando, to any of the Pistons, to Kobe (Michaels) and Gerry Buss (Vince) for shipping him out of Los Angeles, and then to Dwayne Wade for failing to help him win one more title.
Are the WWE wrestlers supposed in Chicago for a whole week, or file in before Saturday? Because I saw a wrestlemania truck at a hotel this morning, and if the road crew is in town, maybe RVD is in an area comic book store or Mark Henry is visit all local fast food joints.
[quote name='2Fast']

Finally an announcement on a next-gen wrestling game! Looks like they are going to just go with the Smackdown! vs. Raw (2007) name for both PS3 and Xbox 360.[/QUOTE]

HELL YEA!!!! 360!!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT! THe only reason i really even got ps2 is to have access to smackdown games... This means i dont need a ps3 now for that sole purpose!
[quote name='Scorch']holy fuck, the 360 will get a decent wrestling game?!

That Cena shot is INSANE.


Either the 360 will get a great game, or PS3 will get to feel the wrath of a Raw game.. because that shot reminds me a lot of the first Raw game.[/QUOTE]

Lol fucking celebration time if your a wrestling xbox fan!!! Hope this doesnt bite us in the ass come october/november
This game will be bought day one! MIdway is missing a big chance to get the first wrestling game on next gen ahead of thq.. give me more tna details dammit

I was actually playing raw 2 last night..
[quote name='Roufuss']Cena interview... he talks about getting booed.[/QUOTE]


IGN Sports: Which wrestler will make the worst transition to HD? Will anyone scare the kids?

John Cena: Who is going to scare kids? Chris Masters. The Masterpiece. Forget about it. You can't put him close up in high-def. He's best viewed from far, far away.
You are either rooting for John Cena or you are rooting for Triple H. This isn't one of those matches where there is a good guy and a bad guy.

Um... isn't Triple H a heel? And hasn't WWE gone to great lengths to establish this?

Good job there, Cena.
If Cena turns heel, giving the fans what they want, I think WM might actually end up being passable. I'd turn Cena into a "Ravishing Rick Rude" type of character, playing to the fact that most males hate him, but the women still love him.
[quote name='mykevermin']

I need to see a gif of that; it *exploded*? That sounds far more violent than your everyday flashpaper used in wrestling. Like he got hit with a fuckin' howitzer, kicked out at two, and then got the Banzai drop for the loss. :rofl: *ONLY* fuckin' Hogan, man. :rofl:

It was a bit bigger than flash paper, and sounds violent but was not. As I remember it Hogan sold it like he had salt in his eyes. It was later revealed that Harvey Whimpleman was the photographer.
And now I must confess.....

TNA sucks, WWE rules, Samoa Joe is skinny, John Cena is my hero, I hate Pink Floyd, mykevermin is a troll, I am ordering Wrestlemania 22 for real, I just traded my DS for a PSP, I hate Circuit City, Best Buy is the best store ever, I love buying used games at Gamestop at new prices, iPod is the best thing ever, I now own a 360, Jeff Hardy is the greatest, I hate games that are innovative, I love Fat Wallet, I love Generation Gimmie, Jeff Jarrett is a has been, I can't stand that foul stench no talent Raven, Christopher Daniels is shit, I hate Jushin "Thunder" Lyger, hell I hate everything associated with TNA Wrestling, I'm a man who's really a woman (who in turn is a horse who is in turn a Coke can), I hate Widescreen, I love missing half of the movie just to have it fill my 9 inch Brocksonic TV, I love modern Final Fantasy since old school 2D Final Fantasy is boring, Halo 2 is the bomb, and yes.... TNA sucks and WWE rules.....

.... and happy early April Fools Day. :D

(Even if its a few days early... better early than on time I say lol)

:shock: Watch that video. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Daniels in ROH feud recap. Ever seen Joe take the Angel's Wings?


:shock: Watch this at your own risk. Jimmy Jacobs has gone from being a diminuitive Bruiser Brody to a MySpace stereotype in something that's supposed to be a mockery of itself, but has that "creepy uncle" level of eroticism to it. Jesus!

If you can't use those links, go to and click on the "Daniels vs Joe Preview" link.
[quote name='mykevermin']mms://

:shock: Watch that video. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Daniels in ROH feud recap. Ever seen Joe take the Angel's Wings?[/QUOTE]

I think he's taken em at some point in TNA.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']Are the WWE wrestlers supposed in Chicago for a whole week, or file in before Saturday? Because I saw a wrestlemania truck at a hotel this morning, and if the road crew is in town, maybe RVD is in an area comic book store or Mark Henry is visit all local fast food joints.[/quote]

there have been events since tuesday; here is friday thru sunday(cut from wwe email)


3 - 9 p.m. WrestleMania Fan Axxess Tour
Special Guests 5-7p.m.:
RVD, Matt Hardy, Ashley, Lashley
Woodfield Shopping Center

Schaumburg 4:30 - 6 p.m. Booker T
Autograph Session
Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits
5711 S. La Grange Rd

Countryside 5 - 7 p.m. Torrie Wilson & Trish Stratus
"WWE Divas Do New York" DVD Signing
Best Buy
1000 W. North Ave

Chicago 6 - 8 p.m. John Cena
Autograph Session
601 N. Martingdale Rd
Ste 115


Noon - 8 p.m. WrestleMania Fan Axxess Tour
Special Guests Noon - 1:30 p.m.:
Val Venis, Paul Burchill, Trevor Murdoch, Lance Cade & Animal
Woodfield Shopping Center Schaumburg

Noon - 2 p.m. Shawn Michaels
Heartbreak & Triumph Book Signing
Borders Books & Music
830 N. Michigan, Chicago

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Randy Orton
Autograph Session
Best Buy
900 E. Golf Road

7 p.m. Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Raw & Smackdown Superstars plus
Hall of Famers
*Ticketed Event
Presented locally by: Chicago Cycle
Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will air at 11 p.m.ET/ 10 p.m.CT on USA Network
Rosemont Theater
5400 North River Rd


9 a.m. Bacon, Bagels & Biceps Brunch
Hosts: Joey Styles & Josh Matthews
Special Appearance by Hall of Famer Jimmy "Mouth of the South" Hart
Q&A with such Superstars as: Animal, Maria, Orlando Jordan, Mr. Kennedy,
and others
*Ticketed Event
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
5555 N. River Rd
*Click Here for Tickets

**Sold Out** Noon - 4 p.m. WrestleMania Fan Axxess Tour
Allstate Arena
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']Schaumburg 4:30 - 6 p.m. Booker T
Autograph Session
Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits
5711 S. La Grange Rd[/quote]

Shouldn't Booker have been signing autographs at a chicken joint for WrestleMania 19?
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']Schaumburg 4:30 - 6 p.m. Booker T
Autograph Session
Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits
5711 S. La Grange Rd[/QUOTE]

[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']there have been events since tuesday; here is friday thru sunday(cut from wwe email)


4:30 - 6 p.m. Booker T
Autograph Session
Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits
5711 S. La Grange Rd
Countryside [/QUOTE]

I may have to get chicken tonight. And the wwe would have a black man at a chicken joint.
which match headlines mania this year: hhh vs cena or angle vs rey vs orton

and is there any possibility that the MITB winner uses his shot at mania?
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