ChromeHounds - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Santurio']2 new updates:

1) It seems we have a few new memebrs on the members list so they need to be added to the end of the lottery list. So instead of starting over with me on Tueday that day will got to Mr Wahoo. I don't know the other member so he will have to step up and speak so we can know who he is.

2) The current War ended and I changed the affiliated nation to Morskoj. If this makes it harder for some to join the squad, I apologize, but we had to move on. This will open up more weapons and cockpits and such for better and bigger HOUNDS. I know Wildwop was trying to join but there may be others. If you can change nations try that if not we may have to come back and pick you up after the this war is over.

Updated OP with Nation. I'll sign on in a bit and try to get the rest of the names of the new members, their XBL tags anyway.

EDIT: Been working on a HOSTILE CAG sig... Here's a preview:
Here's the schedule for the week. We have an 11 man squad now :D
  1. flybrione - BigMes - Sunday 8/6
  2. Crowbb - Crowbb Live - Monday 8/7 (TODAY)
  3. ?????? - Mr. Wahoo - Tuesday 8/8 (TOMORROW)
  4. ?????? - Rx Man 911 - Wednesday 8/9
  5. Santurio - Ramo Z - Thursday 8/10
  6. Swift900 - swift fix - Friday 8/11
  7. Maximo1324 - Saturday 8/12
  8. LinkinPrime - Sunday 8/13
  9. Brak - Brax0r - Monday 8/14
  10. Ultimate Matt X - Tuesday 8/15
  11. toper - Toper331 - Wednesday 8/16
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Updated OP with Nation. I'll sign on in a bit and try to get the rest of the names of the new members, their XBL tags anyway.

EDIT: Been working on a HOSTILE CAG sig... Here's a preview:[/QUOTE]
Thanks for keeping on top of all the changes and the lottery pick list.

That sig is looking good. You should make another that looks like that faceplate they gave out in Japan.
I did not check CAG this weekend and missed my picks yesterday. No big deal because of the change in schedule I will be ready next week!

BTW RX Man is a friend of mine that picked up the game this weekend. He will not play that often because he is a busy guy and has a crazy work schedule. He will probably play once or twice a week. We played on Friday and he did enjoy it.

Plus good to see my buddy Wahoo and Matt X online Friday night as well.

I will let him know about the lottery and hopefully he can get his picks in. He usually works late at night and does not get home until after 10:30pm cst so I will try to get him to take his picks before work.

He usually only plays on days off or if he is running the morning shift.

I also might have another friend of mine who would like to join the clan. GBMAN he does not post on the board but I might be able to get him to start. He just finished single player and wants to get into the online game.

I see we switched nations again. Can we stay with this particular nation for three seasons this time so some of us new memebers can get the achievement?
[quote name='flybrione']
I see we switched nations again. Can we stay with this particular nation for three seasons this time so some of us new memebers can get the achievement?[/QUOTE]
We will eventually but right now I think parts and better HOUNDS are a bigger priority. I hope everybody takes advantage of buying parts from the nations we have already been with. They all have their specialty parts like Sal Kar has lighter less powerful weapons and faster chassis so they focus on speed.. Morskoj has heavier chassis with stronger weapons they do hella damage. Tarakia is ther most balanced with very powerful weapons which are decently weighed and average chassis. Once everyone has most of the parts then we can stick with a nation for 3 or more seasons. The main reason I choose not to do so now is because it takes much longer for the wars to end now. It would be 3 weeks before we would see another nation.
Loven the sig linkin that thing is pimp Ill be on tonight Hopefully from 7 cst and on. Is anyone else gonna be on tonight? Ohh and thanks for giving me the saturday pick. I love saturdays.
[quote name='Maximo1324']Loven the sig linkin that thing is pimp Ill be on tonight Hopefully from 7 cst and on. Is anyone else gonna be on tonight? Ohh and thanks for giving me the saturday pick. I love saturdays.[/quote]

I should be on this evening as well, Maximo.

BTW, Linkin, the sig is looking bad ass. You've got skills.
[quote name='Warlock TCK']Can I join you guys? I would like to play this bad boy online with some people while I have this game in my possession.[/quote]

Definately, every CAG is welcomed. Look for us online tonight.
Hopefully I'll have resolved the router issue by the next season (or over the next two weeks). I wasted my allegiance hop to jump one behind you guys (Sal Kar) so I'll be putzing about in Free Play for awhile.

Perhaps I'll just buy a Linksys in the meantime... they're supposed to be less problematic than Netgear when it comes to XBL...
Holy fuck. I would have never expected Hostile CAG to blow up as big as it has. Does anyone know the number of new recruits from earlier this evening? I think Santurio or Maximo mentioned 6, but I can't be sure.

Anyways, one thing is for sure - we have got to figure out a more organized lotto system. I'll leave that up to Linkin and Santurio; since they have been doing a pretty good job so far. I will make a suggestion or two though... first of all I think it would be a good idea if we make a lotto restriction. For example, one must first reach the rank of a Private before earning the privledge to vote... this way members have shown that they are dedicated players and they will be more likely to use whatever they are bidding for online. Another suggestion would be to have more than one person bid per day. Although those are just my thoughts, do what you guys feel is best.

See you guys tomorrow.
Whoa! What a day for us ChromeHounds, we had an addition of 5 new members today.
Welcome aboard: Kingyellow64, Warlock TCK, IGNIGKNOKT, Dr.Starkweather, & Andyseous. I updated the OP with the new members. If I forgot anyone let me know. Also, I don't know your CAG names. Please post here or PM me with your CAG username and XBL gamertag so i can properly update this thread. Thank you.

I really like the idea that Swift threw in for the Lottery, make it to Private rank and get into the lottery schedule. I'll have to wait to see what Ramo says, for now here's the modified schedule:
  1. ?????? - Mr. Wahoo - Tuesday 8/8
  2. ?????? - Rx Man 911 - Tuesday 8/8
Since we now get 6 chances, we will be splitting them up, until further notice. Each user will take 3 picks each for their scheduled day.

EDIT: Finished the signature, if you guys want to support the Squad or just show your pride use this:


Replace LinkinPrime with your gamertag and wrap code in

Or This one:


Replace LinkinPrime with your gamertag and wrap code in
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Whoa! What a day for us ChromeHounds, we had an addition of 5 new members today.
Welcome aboard: Kingyellow64, Warlock TCK, IGNIGKNOKT, Dr.Starkweather, & Andyseous. I updated the OP with the new members. If I forgot anyone let me know. Also, I don't know your CAG names. Please post here or PM me with your CAG username and XBL gamertag so i can properly update this thread. Thank you.

I really like the idea that Swift threw in for the Lottery, make it to Private rank and get into the lottery schedule. I'll have to wait to see what Ramo says, for now here's the modified schedule:
  1. ?????? - Mr. Wahoo - Tuesday 8/8
  2. ?????? - Rx Man 911 - Tuesday 8/8
Since we now get 6 chances, we will be splitting them up, until further notice. Each user will take 3 picks each for their scheduled day.[/quote]

First off, Thanks Linkin for the Sig it looks awesome.

Next, we actually had 7 picks at last I checked after the final addition. We have to figure a way to decide on the uneven split.

I do like the idea for the lottery that Swift brought up since we have so many members now. It would help in making sure that the new additions will actually play and not disappear after a day or so. But I'm not sure how long it would actually take to level up in rank for most players. Some, like Warlock probably only have the game for a few days or so since I think he rented it.

If we proceed with splitting the daily picks by 2 members with 3 picks and maybe give at least one to a recruit so they aren't completely left out. This is just idea and is not settled yet. I need more feedback from the rest of the Squad.

So where does that pull the Kills total from? I strongly doubt I've killed 1645 things... is it based on some point value associated with a kill? Do I just have no concept of how many things I'm shooting in this game? And where do the medals come from?
[quote name='WildWop']

So where does that pull the Kills total from? I strongly doubt I've killed 1645 things... is it based on some point value associated with a kill? Do I just have no concept of how many things I'm shooting in this game? And where do the medals come from?[/QUOTE]

"Kills" is your gamerpoints score
"Medals" represents your Gamer Rep
[quote name='flybrione']"Kills" is your gamerpoints score
"Medals" represents your Gamer Rep[/QUOTE]


Thank you for addressing my now-so-retarded question... methinks I should take a vacation; my mind has turned to jelly.
Im on right now probly all night. So come on in and lets rock. I made a new Hound, want to test it out slash get some feedback on the vets.
I'm willing to get in on that Gamespot tournament if 4 others wanna play. I know I'm probably not the best, but I think I can work within a team effectively and I'm a good coordinator. Though if others are better suited I'm fine with that.

Also, if we do the tournament we should consider trading gear at least temporary to make sure everyone has the best stuff.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']I'm willing to get in on that Gamespot tournament if 4 others wanna play. I know I'm probably not the best, but I think I can work within a team effectively and I'm a good coordinator. Though if others are better suited I'm fine with that.

Also, if we do the tournament we should consider trading gear at least temporary to make sure everyone has the best stuff.[/QUOTE]

Ill never trade my big cannon.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']?????? - Rx Man 911 - TODAY (3)
Santurio - Ramo Z - TODAY (4)[/QUOTE]

RX Man is a friend of mine. He just picked up the game and I told him yesterday was his day for the picks as posted earlier in the thread.

I think he took his three picks yesterday afternoon before he went to work in the evening. I'll ask him about it later this evening.

I also had another Friend of mine join the squad yesterday evening GBman. I might have one more friend who is interested. She is currently in her own clan but might consider joining us.

After that I will have no more non-CAG people joining. Sorry I just had a few friends that wanted to get into a squad. I hope this is not a problem.
[quote name='flybrione']RX Man is a friend of mine. He just picked up the game and I told him yesterday was his day for the picks as posted earlier in the thread.

I think he took his three picks yesterday afternoon before he went to work in the evening. I'll ask him about it later this evening.

I also had another Friend of mine join the squad yesterday evening GBman. I might have one more friend who is interested. She is currently in her own clan but might consider joining us.

After that I will have no more non-CAG people joining. Sorry I just had a few friends that wanted to get into a squad. I hope this is not a problem.[/quote]

Oops I did F'up. Here's the real one:

Santurio - Ramo Z - Today 8/9 (4)
Swift900 - swift fix - Today 8/9 (3)

Highest rank takes the extra one. I think that's fair if you guys have problems with it LMK.

Bigmes - ask your buddy to join CAG, that way he can be part of our discussions. Also anyone who invited outsiders, try to get them to join CAG so that they can be updated on squad stuff.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Oops I did F'up. Here's the real one:

Santurio - Ramo Z - Today 8/9 (4)
Swift900 - swift fix - Today 8/9 (3)

Highest rank takes the extra one. I think that's fair if you guys have problems with it LMK.

Bigmes - ask your buddy to join CAG, that way he can be part of our discussions. Also anyone who invited outsiders, try to get them to join CAG so that they can be updated on squad stuff.
Yes, RX man did take 3 picks yesterday.

Please do have them join CAG if for nothing else than this thread.
I'll try to update the OP with our ranks. New rule, you will not participate in the lottery until you reach Private rank. The original members discussed this and we all agreed on this. I apologize if it seems harsh but we're just trying to make things smoother and fair for everyone.

When you reach private or a new rank PM me or post here and I'll update the thread as soon as I can.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I'll try to update the OP with our ranks. New rule, you will not participate in the lottery until you reach Private rank. The original members discussed this and we all agreed on this. I apologize if it seems harsh but we're just trying to make things smoother and fair for everyone.

When you reach private or a new rank PM me or post here and I'll update the thread as soon as I can.[/QUOTE]

I will try and get them on CAG. I can keep them updated myself [RX Man and GBman] because I talk to them almost everyday. Very close friends of mine. GBman might be a little easier to get to join CAG than RX. I will do my best but also keep them informed. I will shoot them an email and a link to the forum.

Quick question. I am just about to rank up from Recruit. I need 101 more points, is private the next rank? I think it is from what Wahoo told me yesterday evening.
I think it should be the 2 guys that have their turn on the looto pick. it can either be highest rank takes the extra one or gamble his pick and they can go into free battle or something and settle this. 1 vs 1 Winner takes all. LOL
[quote name='flybrione']I will try and get them on CAG. I can keep them updated myself [RX Man and GBman] because I talk to them almost everyday. Very close friends of mine. GBman might be a little easier to get to join CAG than RX. I will do my best but also keep them informed. I will shoot them an email and a link to the forum.

Quick question. I am just about to rank up from Recruit. I need 101 more points, is private the next rank? I think it is from what Wahoo told me yesterday evening.[/quote]

Yes Private is the next rank.

Don't mean to be rude or anything but wouldn't it be easier to split the squad? It seems that you and Matt are real close to the people you guys invited, and we barely know them and its kinda getting hectic in the lobby and with the whole lottery thing... Just throwing it out there, not sure if anyone's with me but it seems like it was more team work oriented back when we were smaller.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Yes Private is the next rank.

Don't mean to be rude or anything but wouldn't it be easier to split the squad? It seems that you and Matt are real close to the people you guys invited, and we barely know them and its kinda getting hectic in the lobby and with the whole lottery thing... Just throwing it out there, not sure if anyone's with me but it seems like it was more team work oriented back when we were smaller.[/QUOTE]

This is up to you guys. I like being part of the Hostile CAG team. I thought the more members the better. If this is a problem guys please let me know. I do not want to cause problems at all. I only invited two of my close friends into the squad and a lot of people have joined up in the past week not including them.

I will be online tonight. Playing a little more story mode and then I will probably jump into the lobby around 8pm cst.

I really want to play Dead Rising but I think I'll wait until the weekend when I can really sink my teeth into it.
Another heads up to CAGs that registration for the the Chromehounds tourny on Gamespot is now open. First round is Mon-Tues, 8/14-15.

It's on an individual basis so you don't have to have a full team (5 people) to join and only need to be a GS complete member to sign up for a timeslot.
I'll probably be able to play late tonight.

My work schedule is absolute trash.
[quote name='flybrione']This is up to you guys. I like being part of the Hostile CAG team. I thought the more members the better. If this is a problem guys please let me know. I do not want to cause problems at all. I only invited two of my close friends into the squad and a lot of people have joined up in the past week not including them.[/quote]

I can see where Linkin is coming from, but I personally am not sure as to how I feel about splitting squads...

To sum up my thoughts as briefly as possible, I think it is awesome how Hostile CAG increased its roster so rapidly. It is much easier to find squad mates to play with, etc. Although the large size of our squad does create some unforeseen problems - most notably the whole lobby issue. Then there is the great lotto system which is a pain in the ass itself.

So flybrione, while more members is better, we are finding out that the game itself is not very friendly when it comes to clans that are larger than 6 people. I'm not saying that Hostile CAG should split, but I do think it is something that the vets will have to discuss.
Just a suggestion: I think we should also come up with a roster that shows our "preferred" RT for our hounds. That way, we don't end up with 6 soldiers or 6 snipers heading out for a mission. It would also help when you check your friends list to see who's playing whether to jump on or not (ie If I'm a "soldier" hound and I see the squad already has 2-3 of them online, I probably wouldn't jump online at that point). Thoughts?
Great games yesterday. Since I deployed 50 times on Bi-ped the other day I decided to build a new tread based hound.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to make a treaded hound go a little faster? Is there a specific base that is the quickest and a mobility chip you would suggest?

My hound moves around 130 and is pretty slow I would like to get it up to 150-160 if possible.
Yeah I feel you on this on toper. I think people should set them up at least one of each RT's. This would solve alot of issues. If you jump in a game and there is already a scout then heck go to the saved hounds and load up your soldier. I hate being outnumbered because 3 of the scouts ar dead.
[quote name='flybrione']Great games yesterday. Since I deployed 50 times on Bi-ped the other day I decided to build a new tread based hound.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to make a treaded hound go a little faster? Is there a specific base that is the quickest and a mobility chip you would suggest?

My hound moves around 130 and is pretty slow I would like to get it up to 150-160 if possible.[/QUOTE]

What are you trying to build a RACECAR? JK I used to guve ramo crap about that. This is all trial and error Big mess. I really dont care about speed i care about firepower. Lose some of the guns or find the lighter guns, and set diffirent Mobility chips there. That is all i can say.
[quote name='flybrione']Great games yesterday. Since I deployed 50 times on Bi-ped the other day I decided to build a new tread based hound.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to make a treaded hound go a little faster? Is there a specific base that is the quickest and a mobility chip you would suggest?

My hound moves around 130 and is pretty slow I would like to get it up to 150-160 if possible.[/QUOTE]

If you're looking for just the fastest, Sal-Kar has the treads with the highest base speed # (61 I think.)

Personally, I think the best treads readily available are the "Custer" ones from Tarakia- base speed is 52-53 and the load/durability are much better than anything Sal Kar offers. The Meade experimental treads from Tarakia are even better but hard to win since so many people go for it in the lottery.

The Morskoi treads do offer a slight edge in load/durability but really take a hit on speed.

Realistically, you're looking at best a max speed of just under 150 for most any hound with treads unless you keep the load well under the limit and/or use that experimental super speed chip (Neumann) from Tarakia.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']If you're looking for just the fastest, Sal-Kar has the treads with the highest base speed # (61 I think.)

Personally, I think the best treads readily available are the "Custer" ones from Tarakia- base speed is 52-53 and the load/durability are much better than anything Sal Kar offers. The Meade experimental treads from Tarakia are even better but hard to win since so many people go for it in the lottery.

The Morskoi treads do offer a slight edge in load/durability but really take a hit on speed.

Realistically, you're looking at best a max speed of just under 150 for most any hound with treads unless you keep the load well under the limit and/or use that experimental super speed chip (Neumann) from Tarakia.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info. I have lots of weaponary on the one I have right now but I might make some adjustments. I'm not looking for a racecar I'm looking just for a little more mobility. I was moving at about 180 with a bi-ped and I was told by a friend of mine you can get a tread based hound to about 180 as well with the right chip and configuration.

My main concern is that when I am fighting enemy solider bosses they can walk circles around me and I have not yet mastered the art of firing some of the multiple missile launchers.

After I finish the next story mission Heavy Gunner I think I'll get the hang of missiles. I'm almost there I just need a little more practice since I did not use multiple missile launchers at all on my previous bi-ped hound.

I also have no problem with having more than one hound ready to fight. I only have two solider hounds and one tread based so far. I need to configure a few more variations.
I usually put my missles in clusters of 3 more accurate. If that guy you are talking about is in the clan, he can actually give you his set up. Just go under trades.
bread's done