CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

Aim assist for the win, am I right? It takes zero skill to "quick snipe" in this game due to the auto lock on. That guy really isn't all that good to be honest, even the ones that look like he is somewhat no-scoping is him pulling and releasing left trigger right as he shoots. I so miss the days of SOCOM 2 and 3 where it really did take some skill to do, but even that could be done by most people with some practice.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Aim assist for the win, am I right? It takes zero skill to "quick snipe" in this game due to the auto lock on. That guy really isn't all that good to be honest, even the ones that look like he is somewhat no-scoping is him pulling and releasing left trigger right as he shoots. I so miss the days of SOCOM 2 and 3 where it really did take some skill to do, but even that could be done by most people with some practice.[/QUOTE]

Not just quick scoping, but hard scoping is bullshit too.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Aim assist for the win, am I right? It takes zero skill to "quick snipe" in this game due to the auto lock on. That guy really isn't all that good to be honest, even the ones that look like he is somewhat no-scoping is him pulling and releasing left trigger right as he shoots. I so miss the days of SOCOM 2 and 3 where it really did take some skill to do, but even that could be done by most people with some practice.[/QUOTE]

It's actually a bunch of different gamers that sent in their best clips and the uploader put the vid together.

How these guys snipe like that is beyond me. Some of the clips almost seem like pure luck lol.
I hate it when people spin around and get a kill, why bother with fancy shit like that? Just get the sure kill. That doesn't impress me, it just makes me roll my eyes.
[quote name='tcrash247']I hate it when people spin around and get a kill, why bother with fancy shit like that? Just get the sure kill. That doesn't impress me, it just makes me roll my eyes.[/QUOTE]

I hate when people fuck off when defusing the bomb in Search and Destroy and the entire team is dead. Just defuse the shit so we can play the next round.
[quote name='Ronzilla']It's actually a bunch of different gamers that sent in their best clips and the uploader put the vid together.

How these guys snipe like that is beyond me. Some of the clips almost seem like pure luck lol.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't matter if it is one or multiple people, that kind of sniping is extremely easy and takes absolutely no skill to do because of the aim assist in this game. I have done it multiple times and it really isn't hard at all, with a little practice (very little) anyone can do this in this game (or COD4 for that matter).
lol once again MW2 screws me over and over. even with damage plus on its still taking me like 30 bullets to kill people when im shooting them in the chest

if that doesn't fancy your wtf meter. i was in a match. i knifed a guy ONLY and after i respawned it gave me an assist on him WTF is that bullshit i knifed him!
[quote name='timesplitt']lol once again MW2 screws me over and over. even with damage plus on its still taking me like 30 bullets to kill people when im shooting them in the chest

if that doesn't fancy your wtf meter. i was in a match. i knifed a guy ONLY and after i respawned it gave me an assist on him WTF is that bullshit i knifed him![/QUOTE]

The only time I have ever seen a knife give an assist is when it was someone that had a bad connection attempt to make the knife kill. My brother runs on wireless and has issues with things like this pretty often.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']I haven't played in months. Does the game still suffer from horrible latency issues?[/QUOTE]

It hasn't gotten any better.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']The only time I have ever seen a knife give an assist is when it was someone that had a bad connection attempt to make the knife kill. My brother runs on wireless and has issues with things like this pretty often.[/QUOTE]
my connection is usually green most of the time. when playing any game i see the other guys with yellows and reds.

i just need to practice on my scoping-into-shooting. it pisses me of how I usually see guys first go to scope him then die, i have only tried to kill people no scoping like a handful of times and failed while unloading a lot.. is there a faster way to scope or should i just scope Before entering a corner.....
Hey, aim assist or not quick scoping is still somewhat of a skill. You do have to have quick enough reflexes to get the scope up before getting lead put in your chest, and you still have to have the scope pretty close to the target. Aim assist is overrated, people think it does everything but it does less then you think.
[quote name='uEih']^^ Sleight of Hand Pro is your solution.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. But if you are using anything but a sniper rifle or an LMG (I think they scope slowly too), I don't think you should really have that problem with scoping too slowly unless you are just slow in the reflex department.
[quote name='timesplitt']lol once again MW2 screws me over and over. even with damage plus on its still taking me like 30 bullets to kill people when im shooting them in the chest

if that doesn't fancy your wtf meter. i was in a match. i knifed a guy ONLY and after i respawned it gave me an assist on him WTF is that bullshit i knifed him![/QUOTE]

LOL, I knifed a guy once a while back that had Painkiller and he survived. Did damage to him, and after the knife kill hit (but didn't kill....) I just finished with the gun. I had to change my pants after that moment though.

I assume it was a lag issue though, because knife hits are OHKs all the time every time.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Hey, aim assist or not quick scoping is still somewhat of a skill. You do have to have quick enough reflexes to get the scope up before getting lead put in your chest, and you still have to have the scope pretty close to the target. Aim assist is overrated, people think it does everything but it does less then you think.[/QUOTE]

ROFL, what was the last shooter you played that didn't have aim assist? It does a lot more than you realize it does. Yes you have to be somewhat close, but when you have a weapon that usually kills in 1 shot and it drags the bullet to the target it is insanely easy. I used to quick scope in SOCOM and it was 100x more difficult than it is in this game.
To be honest, yes there's aim assist that help somewhat but not too much. But you really can't compare socom to a fast paced game like MW2 where it is necessary for some things to be easier to make the game how it is.You need that little aim help for those times where youre surprised by a person coming out of no where. In Socom you don't really run into those situations.
Aim assist for a sniper rifle is an absolute joke. Snipers are not meant to be used in CQC... You are supposed to be sitting back and popping shots and then moving. What is the point of having aim assist, it really takes the skill out of sniping and it is a joke to see people with the golden titles for sniper rifles (especially the Intervention) because any sub-par player can get it by just using sleight of hand.
Ok. This game is driving me crazy.

I don't know if the matchmaking is fubar or what. I play mainly team deathmatch (sometimes mercenary). And my team LOSES EVERY TIME. It's become a freaking joke. You might be thinking I just s*ck. But no, I'm usually one of the top players in the match. I could have 25 kills and 2 deaths and my team will still lose.

Am I just the unluckiest player in the world or what?
All right, I hadn't played this game in a week or so, and when I got into a Team DM game, I saw people literally flying around the screen in the air. Is there another bug out? Or is it a cheat? I checked my connection and lag didn't seem to be an issue unless I overlooked something.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']LOL, I knifed a guy once a while back that had Painkiller and he survived. Did damage to him, and after the knife kill hit (but didn't kill....) I just finished with the gun. I had to change my pants after that moment though.

I assume it was a lag issue though, because knife hits are OHKs all the time every time.[/QUOTE]

I had a similar problem with a riot shield the other night. I meleed someone with it twice and he didn't go down (he didn't have Painkiller, either). A riot shield is always a two-hit kill, as far as I know; that was the first time I've ever seen it take more than two hits.

[quote name='GuilewasNK']All right, I hadn't played this game in a week or so, and when I got into a Team DM game, I saw people literally flying around the screen in the air. Is there another bug out? Or is it a cheat? I checked my connection and lag didn't seem to be an issue unless I overlooked something.[/QUOTE]

Is it related to the super speed issue? There should now be a playlist update out that fixes it:
[quote name='uEih']To be honest, yes there's aim assist that help somewhat but not too much. But you really can't compare socom to a fast paced game like MW2 where it is necessary for some things to be easier to make the game how it is.You need that little aim help for those times where youre surprised by a person coming out of no where. In Socom you don't really run into those situations.[/QUOTE]

You obviously never played SOCOM then, I ran into those situations all the time on SOCOM 2 and 3. Even on SOCOM 3 with the larger maps, that happened due to having more people in the room, but quick scoping actually took skill in that game cause there was no aim assist. It was either your reticule was right on them already and you had your one second to pull the trigger before it swayed or you were screwed. In this game all you have to do is keep zooming in and out and you will eventually hit them, you don't even have to fully get your scope up and it will work.

[quote name='egan311']Ok. This game is driving me crazy.

I don't know if the matchmaking is fubar or what. I play mainly team deathmatch (sometimes mercenary). And my team LOSES EVERY TIME. It's become a freaking joke. You might be thinking I just s*ck. But no, I'm usually one of the top players in the match. I could have 25 kills and 2 deaths and my team will still lose.

Am I just the unluckiest player in the world or what?[/QUOTE]

Are you playing standard team deathmatch or mercenary? There is basically no team balancing in normal deathmatch because parties are usually in there, but in mercenary deathmatch it seems to be pretty random on it balancing. I used to get stuck with either all bad players or all good players except like 1, there was never an in between to make it a fair match (I kept the game fairly close when I was on the bad team, but it was a worthless effort).
[quote name='MSUHitman']So what is this Semtex glitch I read people in the Battlefield thread complaining about?[/QUOTE]
AFAIK, it's like Javelindom, only more complicated and with Semtex. Unless they've found an easier way, it involves some button gymnastics while swapping classes with OMA.
[quote name='Bavgate']Apparently, there's a new hack going around where people run around with four perks and three weapons. Anyone run into this yet?[/QUOTE]

Wow. That is absolutely insane. :/
[quote name='MSUHitman']So what is this Semtex glitch I read people in the Battlefield thread complaining about?[/QUOTE]

It's the javelin glitch, but with semtex. A buddy of mine ran into a few of these morons last night. Couple that with the ice skating glitch and "supposedly" a new care package glitch and I am officially done with MW2 online. Sucks because I really wanted this game to be good.
[quote name='Pck21']It's the javelin glitch, but with semtex. A buddy of mine ran into a few of these morons last night. Couple that with the ice skating glitch and "supposedly" a new care package glitch and I am officially done with MW2 online. Sucks because I really wanted this game to be good.[/QUOTE]

You know, I am pretty close to saying I'm done too. I'm going to give it a bit longer, but if I see more crap I'm going back to WaW and Halo 3. At least with WaW the only glitch is the "map pack" glitch where you have to re-download the maps and/or clear your cache.
I know I mentioned the lag and someone said it's all peer-to-peer, but others agreed the lag has gotten worse. Why? I don't know - I didn't program the game and I don't know much about networks. But the lag continues to get bad.

I had a game last night that was clearly glitched. It was Ground War/Favela, and I shot up into the air and just hung there. I threw my Semtex and killed someone, laughed for a while, and then moved around, falling back to the ground. Then I saw that if I moved backwards, I'd move REALLY fast. Blisteringly fast. This was fun for a few seconds, and then I quit the match.

Other stuff bugs me too, such as people intentionally not capturing points in Domination games, and instead trying to get nukes. But they inevitably die just to try it all again, and end up barely helping the team.

Care Package glitch might have been fixed a while ago, but I swear, all of a sudden one team will just call in about four different air supports, and shit gets real(ly ridiculous). So I wouldn't be surprised if there are glitches out there still waiting to be uncovered/fixed/abused/etc.

I honestly enjoy the MP on this in terms of brainless fun, but it's getting to where I can't enjoy it (same issue I had with SF4 online, where nothing I did was fun). I dunno if I want to get the map pack or not, since I can't see myself playing it too much longer, and I imagine other games will take precedence eventually.

So, I dunno. At the least I've gotten several hours of enjoyment out of it since last November, which is more than I can say for the grand majority of games I've ever owned.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']ROFL, what was the last shooter you played that didn't have aim assist? It does a lot more than you realize it does. Yes you have to be somewhat close, but when you have a weapon that usually kills in 1 shot and it drags the bullet to the target it is insanely easy. I used to quick scope in SOCOM and it was 100x more difficult than it is in this game.[/QUOTE]

OK, whatever, but all I'm saying is that Aim Assist doesn't make a good player/quick scoper.

Looks very, very, very, very, very sexy if I do say so myself. Storm looks huge to me, maybe a sniper-type map I think. Salvage looks cool as well, but I bet runners will do great on that one. The whole map looks like narrow corridors, walkways and paths that run in straight lines. I think Bailout looks like the best out of the three shown IMO. Could go either way with CQC or sniping and looks like a pretty big map as well. Woot!
[quote name='SlimJim0725']

Are you playing standard team deathmatch or mercenary? There is basically no team balancing in normal deathmatch because parties are usually in there, but in mercenary deathmatch it seems to be pretty random on it balancing. I used to get stuck with either all bad players or all good players except like 1, there was never an in between to make it a fair match (I kept the game fairly close when I was on the bad team, but it was a worthless effort).[/QUOTE]

Yeah i believe ive won one game in the last twelve games. Im usually 20-30(Yes with the 7500 point cap) and between 1-5 deaths(i dont care too much about assists at this point) I'll have at least 3 predator missiles, 2 harriers and a Pavelow in a match and i still manage to lose. Jeez. Might try Mercenary TDM now.
just had a match, the game worked fine. funny thing is i had 8 kills while a couple guys had like 40 and I had the most headshots! i may not be the fastest aim'er but i at least go for the head unlike most who go for the feet!

lol and for the 3rd time. it puts the three best players on the same team!

EDIT: lol i think i found the cause(factor) for my bad aim when im shooting right at them. i watched in killcam as the bullets "spread" around him. so its not my fault its the guns (spert distance)!!! :p
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The whole 4 perk/3 weapon thing is a mod. AKA, you would have to download something and put it onto your Xbox. I'm not so hellbent on killing everyone in the game and going 120-0 that I would download some garbage and cheat that badly.
[quote name='RobMinhas']Yeah i believe ive won one game in the last twelve games. Im usually 20-30(Yes with the 7500 point cap) and between 1-5 deaths(i dont care too much about assists at this point) I'll have at least 3 predator missiles, 2 harriers and a Pavelow in a match and i still manage to lose. Jeez. Might try Mercenary TDM now.[/QUOTE]

The problem you are having is that you are probably up against at least a party of 4 or more and all the people that go solo or just have a "wingman" are getting paired up with you. At least with mercenary deathmatch there is no parties, so you should have a slightly better chance with a little better balancing.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']The whole 4 perk/3 weapon thing is a mod. AKA, you would have to download something and put it onto your Xbox. I'm not so hellbent on killing everyone in the game and going 120-0 that I would download some garbage and cheat that badly.[/QUOTE]

Which is why I said it's a hack on the previous page. Regardless, this is a major problem and needs to be dealt with. Unfortunately, modders are just going to find more work arounds when there's another update, so this is probably never going to stop.
after only using Sleight of Hand Pro for an hour(or two) my kills have been steadily increasing/improving per match. in other words im winning more duels
[quote name='LordKefka06'] is a go.


B:BC2's take on random grenade spam.[/QUOTE]

Yep, and BTW what did you guys score on the test? I scored a 90%, but in retrospect for some reason I thought there were only 8 maps in the game (there are 16!) Maybe its because I only play like 8 maps in a whole night LOL.

And isn't BFBC2 unique with their grenade spamming PSA. Its not like I haven't seen that before (F.A.G.S....remember?)
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']And isn't BFBC2 unique with their grenade spamming PSA. Its not like I haven't seen that before (F.A.G.S....remember?)[/QUOTE] cereal?
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Yep, and BTW what did you guys score on the test? I scored a 90%, but in retrospect for some reason I thought there were only 8 maps in the game (there are 16!) Maybe its because I only play like 8 maps in a whole night LOL.

I feel like I only end up playing the same three or four maps everytime i play. I havent played Favela or Sub Base for the longest time.
bread's done