Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

This chick playing Selina Kyle's eyes just seem... weird. Too far apart maybe? I don't know what it is but it's kinda weirding me out.
You mean you for some reason want to put things in Helvetica on a picture of her and don't know why?


I think she fits the part quite well, and does have an odd cat-like quality to her. It's definitely something about the eyes. Someone on IGN pointed out that she looks vaguely like a young Michelle Pfeiffer, and I have to say that I agree with that. Hopefully she has the acting chops to pull it off.

Honestly, as big of a steaming pile as I expect Gotham to turn out to be, all it'll take is a couple of well-done recurring/peripheral characters to keep me watching. I'm generally easy to please when it comes to comic book material being adapted for TV, but at the same time, I'm a harsh judge of anything related to Batman's world. Donal Logue's Bullock is my primary reason for wanting to watch the pilot as of now. If Bruce, Selina or Penguin's storylines end up being interesting enough, it might keep my attention for a couple more episodes. I never would have known how awesome Arrow turned out to be if I had given up after those rough six or seven episodes which followed the pilot.

Admittedly, though, I would have preferred if Paul Dini's and Kevin Smith's "Shadow of the Bat" had made it to air.

As far as comics go, I finally finished the first volume of Knightfall. Interesting stuff. I'm totally unfamiliar with Jean Paul Valley, but by the end of it I was genuinely interested in seeing what else his armored Batman would do. Not sure if I'm looking to buy any further volumes yet, though. I still have to read the rest of my Death and Return of Superman omnibus, and then I might look into Hellblazer.     

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I know I'm late to the party, but did anyone else think the ending to Death of the Family was kinda anticlimactic?
It was, but I think that was due in part to Damian's death looming so close overhead like a month or two later in Batman Inc. Though I still thought it was a damn good Joker story.

It was, but I think that was due in part to Damian's death looming so close overhead like a month or two later in Batman Inc. Though I still thought it was a damn good Joker story.
Yeah, the thing about the ending DotF is that ultimately it was just another "You can't kill me no matter how much you want to, Batsy!!" and [SIZE=11.818181991577148px]
Joker doesn't actually kill anyone anyways.
So the status quo really doesn't change as much as you would expect it to, except that the rest of the Bat-Family distrusts Batman. Everything before the ending was awesome.[/SIZE]

At least the actress playing Catwomangirl looks like a cat in the sense of if you were to put a picture of a cat's head over hers with a thin opacity, I feel that they'd be rather symmetrical. The show sounds like garbage though.
Gotham City is only interesting because of the Batman effect. All the villains, with the exception of probably Penguin and the Falcones, exist solely because HE does. So I just don't see the point in a show about Gordon, as great a character as he is. It's ultimately just going to be a procedural cop show because you don't get to use any of the super villains anyway. It'll just be him and Bullock dealing with gangsters and an annoying street rat Selina Kyle.

Just wanted to point out that X-Files Season 10 is on sale at comixology. Just bought the first volume for $5. Green Arrow comics are on sale as well - including the Arrow tie-in (I think) and various other issues featuring related characters.

I read dotf and thought I was an asshole for not getting the point of it. Cool joker cut his face off...
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So I could immediately tell the artist on the new Ghost Rider is the guy who did Luther Strode, Tradd Moore. Love his art. As long as the storyline is solid I'll be into this book.
Well, I'd say that abysmal Gotham pilot leak has now been confirmed as legit, considering this recent Riddler casting where he
is a forensic scientist working for GPD who also happens to speak cryptically about his findings. Let's hope it got a rewrite or two since the leak!

Then again, it's April 1st so who the hell knows.

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Just finished Damian: Son of Batman. Lives up to its reputation.

What the fuck was up with the talking cat that, like, took Alfred's soul?

Just finished Damian: Son of Batman. Lives up to its reputation.

What the fuck was up with the talking cat that, like, took Alfred's soul?

Man, I thought that book was done causing human suffering. I'm sorry, brah. Welcome to the support group.

I don't have a fuck clue. Not a single one. This about sums up my feelings on the whole thing.

Seriously though, I thought the cat idea was clever at first because I thought it was chalked up to brain damage... except they show the damned thing sitting at the bat computer several times, and weeping as it sees Damian getting his ass kicked over the live feed.

I just... don't know, man.

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Well, I officially dropped All-Star Western. I definitely didn't expect to be reading it for this long - I originally only planned to pick up the "WTF month" issue with Booster Gold, but that started such a crazy and hilarious story that I couldn't skip what followed. Jonah Hex is barely himself after these last couple of issues, though, so I'm out. I just wish the end of this arc wasn't such a whimper, although the journey to this point was great. 
But first they dtiched his uniform, and now they've fixed his face - and the new artist makes him look like a generic blonde pretty-boy. That's a bit disappointing.

In addition to my regular comics, I also bought the first volume of L'il Gotham. Heard a lot of good things about it. I've only flipped through it so far, but I definitely dig the art - though the coloring isn't exactly my cup of tea.

All-Star Western will almost certainly be cancelled before the end of the year so I guess you're gettin' while the gettin's good.

All-Star Western will almost certainly be cancelled before the end of the year so I guess you're gettin' while the gettin's good.
That's what I've been hearing. I'll likely pick up the issues I've missed if the "finale" turns out to be good, but for now I'm not at all interested in the direction the series is going.

Haven't caught up with it yet, but it looks like they're finally wrapping up the "Doc Ock as Spider-Man" story this month.  As the Superior Spider-Man ends this month.

I just finished DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe. I've never been a He-Man fan at all aside from when the 200X cartoon first started, but the concept piqued my interest back when this was first announced. I was pleasantly surprised! This was a really fun story, and I LOVE that the
God-like big bad ended up being Orko. 

It turned out to be more of a John Constantine/Justice League Dark story (in my opinion) which was great as well. I do wish Zatanna would have been involved (she featured prominently on the cover for #4) but that's a minor complaint. If I wasn't already buried under a massive backlog, I'd definitely pick up DC's main He-Man comic.

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I Just got done watching that commercial. Yeah, Quicksilver looks so bad, that it really makes me worried for the overall quality of the film now.

That's... yikes.

So, I finally read Mega Man #34. It was promising. What's up with #35, though? I noticed it wasn't shipped with my recent sub books, and I looked online to try to find it but it's nowhere to be found. I tried to see if it was officially delayed but I can't find anything definitive. Best I've been able to find is that Midtown Comics has both #35 and #36 set to release on April 16th.

That's... yikes.

So, I finally read Mega Man #34. It was promising. What's up with #35, though? I noticed it wasn't shipped with my recent sub books, and I looked online to try to find it but it's nowhere to be found. I tried to see if it was officially delayed but I can't find anything definitive. Best I've been able to find is that Midtown Comics has both #35 and #36 set to release on April 16th.
I keep asking those assholes on archie comics what's going on with #35 they won't respond but they did retweet someone saying they got their issue last week so I have no idea I haven't gotten mine either

I think it's lame that people are already forming their opinions on X-Men DOFP. It can have ugly character/costume design and still be a good movie.

I keep asking those assholes on archie comics what's going on with #35 they won't respond but they did retweet someone saying they got their issue last week so I have no idea I haven't gotten mine either
Well that's kind of shitty. I like Mega Man X and all, but there are other comics with consistent ship schedules that could fill that slot in my pull list. I suppose I'll wait until the 16th to see if Midtown's info is correct.

And you're right, someone did get it. I was just able to find a review from April 1st. Apparently they skip quite a bit about X's origin, which is already another irritation to me. I'd still like to read it though...

I think it's lame that people are already forming their opinions on X-Men DOFP. It can have ugly character/costume design and still be a good movie.
I am waiting until the movie comes out to form my opinion. I've seen all of the X movies in theaters up to this point. It's kind of a tradition. I'm not letting the trailers fool me, though. Both Wolverine movies had fantastic trailers, and I was disappointed by both.

Some of the costumes are definitely terrible though.

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Anyone read Suicide Risk? I was looking into it earlier and I think the third TPB comes out pretty soon so I was wondering if it was worth looking them up.

At least we know that it'll be funny.
He looks like a slightly younger Rainn Wilson AKA Dwight from The Office with a terrible wig. Unless Quicksilver has a beet farm and abunch of hidden weapons in an office and helps CPR victims by removing the organs, I'm expecting groans everytime he appears on screen. Meanwhile on the other spectrum, Blink looks awesome, which will be all the more disappointing when a Sentinel vaporizes her.

He looks like a slightly younger Rainn Wilson AKA Dwight from The Office with a terrible wig. Unless Quicksilver has a beet farm and abunch of hidden weapons in an office and helps CPR victims by removing the organs, I'm expecting groans everytime he appears on screen. Meanwhile on the other spectrum, Blink looks awesome, which will be all the more disappointing when a Sentinel vaporizes her.
See, Blink is who I'm looking forward to the most besides Mags. I figure she's in it for all of 3 minutes before she dies, though. Gotta be a heavy body count.
That's... yikes.

So, I finally read Mega Man #34. It was promising. What's up with #35, though? I noticed it wasn't shipped with my recent sub books, and I looked online to try to find it but it's nowhere to be found. I tried to see if it was officially delayed but I can't find anything definitive. Best I've been able to find is that Midtown Comics has both #35 and #36 set to release on April 16th.
My comic came in today

yeah came in a plastic bag no backing to protect it
Ah, yeah. I had a Deadpool subscription from Marvel for a year. Those issues technically had a backing board, but it was nearly as flimsy as a sheet of glossy paper and was an ad for more subs. Decided not to order from the actual companies anymore after that, too many of my comics arrived damaged.

^How damaged were they?
The very top was usually pretty mangled because the backing board was just a tad too short. Most of them were nothing major, just irritating. One was nearly folded completely in half, like the mailman put the comic in first and then crammed everything else on top of it. Was pretty pissed about that one. Didn't help matters that we had a fairly small mailbox.

I never complained too much because I got my sub during a halfway decent sale, if I recall. It still bugs me just because I love the Deadpool/X-men story Daniel Way did, and that arc happened during my sub, so they're not in the best shape.

You're lucky that's the worst you got from Marvel's subs. Back in 08/09 I had subscribed to Ultimate X-Men and Spidey and nearly every single issue for 8 months was ruined. I complained to Marvel soooo much, but at the time they had a policy to only replace 3 issues a year and I hit that mark pretty quickly. Worst part was that the customer service was absolute shit. I didn't get any comics for 3 months at one point because they just put mine in a part of the warehouse they never visit. I don't know if they're any better now, but after the shitty service compared to the great service I got from DC, I'm probably never going to order comics from Marvel again.
Amazon has announced it will acquire cloud-based digital comics platform comiXology. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, though the acquisition is expected to be finalized and executed in the coming months.
And Amazon owns Audible, which has that Ice-T narrated Dungeons & Dragons audiobook coming out. Amazon trying to get that sweet, sweet nerd money. In short "motherfucker's be talking like yoda and shit."

Just finished Batman Beyond: Batgirl Beyond. It was... average. I like the new Batgirl, and the fact that
Dana finally knows Terry is Batman, and can now stop whining about him never being around. That's a major improvement. I also liked the role that the Metal men played.
The second half was very basic story-wise, though. Another Spellbinder appearance, another Inque appearance. It was funny how the art got progressively cartoonish as it went along, up until the last couple of issues looked almost exactly like the animated series. It was kind of cool seeing everyone back in their original style, but it also made it seem like an entirely different book. This volume definitely didn't live up to 10,000 Clowns

I can start delving into my Batman Beyond Universe backlog now, though. Hoping for something a little more interesting.  

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Okay, can I just gush about how great X-Files: Conspiracy was? The only real low point of the mini was the Crow issue, in my opinion. There just wasn't much reason to care about that particular iteration of The Crow. I almost skipped the Transformers issue just because every TF comic I've ever read has been nothing but a mess of nearly identical robots with a convoluted continuity... but I'm glad I went ahead and got it, 'cause it had the best artwork of the whole event and only three transformers were actually present
(Optimus, Bumblebee, Ratchet)
- plus I think it's a separate continuity from the main TF books. 

The TMNT issue, though. It ROCKED.
It features the return of Luke Wilson's traveling vampire town, making it a sequel to my absolute FAVORITE episode of X-Files. This issue alone made the mini series worth buying for me.

Maybe I like it so much just because it ended up being the perfect storm of everything I love from the individual properties (The Crow aside) but I can't help but recommend it to any X-Files fan. Mulder and Scully are barely present (Mulder gets some decent time in the final issue, though) but the focus on the Lone Gunmen makes up for that completely. The ending was unexpectedly depressing, but I feel like it's true to the show too so I'm not complaining. The cheesiness leading up to it was perfect.

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I was pretty happy with the Deadpool wedding. It was nice to see throwbacks and most of the other characters had little appearances (Blind Al, Taskmaster, Big Bertha, Squirrel Girl, etc.).

I was surprised how much Copy Cat there was though. Her spirit/ghost to multiple stories about her. The lack of Outlaw and Agent X (aside from the one side story) and Weasel was kind of weird I thought.

bread's done