Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

I was pretty happy with the Deadpool wedding. It was nice to see throwbacks and most of the other characters had little appearances (Blind Al, Taskmaster, Big Bertha, Squirrel Girl, etc.).

I was surprised how much Copy Cat there was though. Her spirit/ghost to multiple stories about her. The lack of Outlaw and Agent X (aside from the one side story) and Weasel was kind of weird I thought.
I haven't read it yet because I'm pretty behind on my reading, but I'm glad to hear that it was good. Do they at least do a recap of Gauntlet? I thought those infinity issues were too expensive, so I skipped 'em.

Can't say I'm surprised (or happy) about someone like Weasel continuing to get swept aside. Seems like every Deadpool writer is intent on distancing him from his most recent groups of "friends". I miss that Kelly-era supporting cast, along with Hydra Bob. This complaint aside, I'm loving this run of Deadpool.

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So, Son of Batman (the animated movie, not the shitty comic) was pretty good - in my opinion, anyway. It was always going to get mixed reception just because of the fact Damian Wayne is tough to like, but a lot of people seem to think it was boring as well. Can't say I understand that part.

I do wish they would ditch this art style. The character designs look a lot better than in Justice League: War, but it's still similar. 

And Nightwing did in fact take Tim Drake's place as Damian's first Bat-family rival, so that's unfortunate. I don't even think there was a Tim Drake suit on display anywhere in the batcave, which doesn't bode well for future appearances.

I'll go ahead and paste my Amazon review here under a spoiler tag for anyone who might be interested. There aren't any massive spoilers, though.

Son of Batman is quite good. Being a big fan of Grant Morrison's run on the Batman comics, I thought I knew what to expect but avoided officially released clips all the same in order to prevent any surprises from being spoiled. Well, let me tell you right now that this is not a particularly faithful adaptation of Morrison's "Batman and Son," the original story arc from which the titular character of this animated feature was created.

The basic gist of the plot is there: a lover from Bruce Wayne's past, Talia Al Ghul, emerges from the shadows with a startling revelation: Batman has a 10 year-old son he never knew about. What follows that premise is an origin story for the latest Robin which is drastically different from the one from the comic, yet just as good - if not better.

I was wary at first, as the movie opens with an assault on the primary League Of Assassins' (or League of Shadows for you Nolanites out there) compound, leading to a brutal, action-packed sequence which, in my opinion, was a little over the top. I felt as though they were trying too hard to make Ra's Al Ghul look "cool" by exaggerating his ability to deflect bullets with a sword, but the ending of this sequence eventually won me over - as did the rest of the movie which followed.

This is a bloody cartoon, for anyone not aware. People are slashed by swords, blown away at extremely close range by shotguns, stabbed and just generally beat all to hell throughout. It never reaches the level of animated gore as seen in The Flashpoint Paradox, but it's not very far below it either.

Don't be surprised to see a 10 year-old boy wielding a sword and brandishing a handgun, either, because it happens often - and Damian uses these weapons to full effect. Additionally, the level of brutality this character endures is also quite shocking, so depending on your feelings about violence this movie may not be for younger viewers.

For the rest of us, however, this is a solid experience with only a couple of missteps. The vocal cast is generally pretty good, with Morena Baccarin (Talia), Thomas Gibson (Slade Wilson/Deathstroke), and Sean Maher (Dick Grayson/Nightwing) being the standouts. And while I have disliked Jason O'Mara's Batman voice in past features, he finally seems to be settling into the role quite nicely.

I suspect the voice of Damian Wayne himself will be divisive amongst fans of the comic book character. This Robin, more so than any other, is a complex character who can either be a sniveling little snot in one moment, or a noble warrior in the next moment. Being such a fan of the character, I was initially thrown off by Stuart Allen's voice performance, as this Robin has a particularly proper manner of speaking and, in my mind, I always read his voice on the page as more mature with a slight English accent to it. However, I am happy to say that Allen's performance completely won me over by the end of the movie, and he consistently hits all the right marks while portraying the character's youthful energy and extreme inner rage.

As for the visuals, the animation is fluid and oftentimes beautiful during the action scenes. The heavily stylized (and anime-influenced) character designs can sometimes look odd during the more still scenes, but I'd say that this movie fares a little better than Justice League: War in that regard.

All in all, this is a pretty adult tale presented in animated form for fans of the Batman mythos. There are a few instances where the content is unsuitable for younger viewers (for example: it's implied that Talia drugged Batman and had her way with him, which resulted in Damian's birth) so I would keep that in mind. The story is coherent and is a great take on Robin's origin, and anyone who recently became a fan of Deathstroke (Slade) through the Arrow tv show will also probably find a lot to like here.

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Well that looks... underwhelming, to say the least.

If this is indeed supposed to be set in the Arkhamverse, I can't figure out the timeline. It can't be in the Origins era 'cause Waller wasn't that fat, Harley and Joker seem to have had some kind of falling out, and Deathstroke is nowhere to be seen. 

In Asylum and City, Harley was all head-over-heels about Joker. It can't be set after City because, well... you know.

Well that looks... underwhelming, to say the least.

If this is indeed supposed to be set in the Arkhamverse, I can't figure out the timeline. It can't be in the Origins era 'cause Waller wasn't that fat, Harley and Joker seem to have had some kind of falling out, and Deathstroke is nowhere to be seen.

In Asylum and City, Harley was all head-over-heels about Joker. It can't be set after City because, well... you know.
I wouldn't worry about the connection, it's probably just to cash in on the success of the games.

I wouldn't worry about the connection, it's probably just to cash in on the success of the games.
As of right now, it does sadly appear that way. I can forgive that, though, if it's a good movie. But this is (from what I can remember) the first DC animated feature that doesn't interest me at all from the first trailer.

Anyhoo, I picked up the Zero Year Flash tie-in and Detective Comics #30. I like what I've read so far, and that last page definitely makes me want to pick up the next issue. I just recently added Batman Eternal as well as Batman And... to my pull list though, so I think that's enough Batman per month. Still debating on whether or not I should get the rest of the DC Icarus arc or just wait for the hardcover instead. That art is definitely worthy of the hardcover treatment.

Reading the 21st issue of Batman and... right now, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

Damian may be my favorite Robin, but I'm loving this comic a lot more now that he's dead. The issue featuring Jason was really cool.

Reading the 21st issue of Batman and... right now, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

Damian may be my favorite Robin, but I'm loving this comic a lot more now that he's dead. The issue featuring Jason was really cool.
Sweet. I just recently added it back to my pull list with the final issue of the Two-Face arc. Didn't know what was going on story-wise, but I just wanted the Steampunk variant. The Aquaman issue was really good though.

DC released a new animated short for Batman Beyond, as they've been doing animated shorts for the 75th anniversary of Batman & Superman.  It also has a nod to the "His Silicon Soul" episode of TAS. 


Sadly, this is probably the only new animated material we'll probably see.  As DC seems more focused on adapting the more recent comics of Justice League, Batman & Superman to animated movies.

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DC released a new animated short for Batman Beyond, as they've been doing animated shorts for the 75th anniversary of Batman & Superman. It also has a nod to the "His Silicon Soul" episode of TAS.


Sadly, this is probably the only new animated material we'll probably see. As DC seems more focused on adapting the more recent comics of Justice League, Batman & Superman to animated movies.
That short was fantastic, I loved it. Strange Days was okay too.

You're right though. If we ever see Batman Beyond again (which is what I personally wish would make a comeback), the only hope is probably as an animated movie based on one of the recent comic book arcs. 10,000 Clowns would be a great choice for that, I think. It'll likely never happen though.

I'm hoping at some point during all this 75th anniversary celebration maybe we'll get an official look at batfleck's costume. Hell, I'd settle for a peek at the cowl at this point.

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I Find it weird and slightly disturbing how little of a shit I give about Batman of Steel 2 Electric Boogaloo. I Tried watching Man of Steel again and I couldn't even make it into an hour, that movie just straight up makes me furious and I still got nothing against Affleck, but him being directed by Snyder just doesn't make a lick of sense to me.

So. New 52 Wally West.

Grabbed this pic from a comment on comicvine. So, no more red hair and green eyes. Awesome. It's not enough just for certain characters to no longer have the same personality as pre-n52, but some of them also have to be unrecognizable. Nice.

This should put any speculation to rest regarding Wally (in relation to the rest of the West family) in the Flash TV series too, because DC clearly will be taking a page from Marvel's book and make changes to characters in order to better reflect the (in this case possible) live-action versions. I hate it when Marvel does it, I'll hate when it when DC does it. I suppose we'll see if Wally is indeed introduced in the Flash series early on like Roy on Arrow, and how he's portrayed. 


So I just saw an article that said a Chew TV show is coming - it is going to be animated but there are also talks of a live action show being developed as well.  I hope they do a good job with it...

Ending of the Walking Dead Negan arc was king of "meh" in my opinion, but in my opinion the whole comic has been kind of "meh" for the last 3 years. I get much more excited about Invincible than Walking Dead.

I saw some pictures of the upcoming covers for Avengers Undercover and saw Nice with a zombie Alex. I wonder if they are actually going to dig him up since I don't think he has been mentioned for probably like 8 years or so.

The reveal of the Batman Eternal baddie kinda feels as seminal as Black Goliath getting killed off in Civil War. Like I feel they think it's a big deal, but it kinda comes off (at least to me) as "huh, no one else to spare?" His douchey shirt doesn't help either.

Ending of the Walking Dead Negan arc was king of "meh" in my opinion, but in my opinion the whole comic has been kind of "meh" for the last 3 years. I get much more excited about Invincible than Walking Dead.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one. It felt a little anticlimactic, but I guess it's a change of pace?

They killed off Glenn so fuck em all anyways.
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The reveal of the Batman Eternal baddie kinda feels as seminal as Black Goliath getting killed off in Civil War. Like I feel they think it's a big deal, but it kinda comes off (at least to me) as "huh, no one else to spare?" His douchey shirt doesn't help either.
They've got another 49 issues, I don't think this is THE bad guy just yet.

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They've got another 49 issues, I don't think this is THE bad guy just yet.
The mind games thing and the first issue skipping into the future with Bruce without his cowl tied to the Bat Signal makes me think Hugo Strange is going to make his new 52 debut. Even than the baddie of the moment doesn't feel like he deserves the near Joker levels of gasp and shock. Especially since the only presence he's ever had is really in just two mini-series and really nothing else as far as I can remember.

The reveal of the Batman Eternal baddie kinda feels as seminal as Black Goliath getting killed off in Civil War. Like I feel they think it's a big deal, but it kinda comes off (at least to me) as "huh, no one else to spare?" His douchey shirt doesn't help either.
I feel the same way. It's just stupid to use him. I'm sure Kite Man could have been used just as well.
I feel the same way. It's just stupid to use him. I'm sure Kite Man could have been used just as well.
Hell, they could've just made it an original villain instead of the hope that people read those two series and felt he had such an intimidating presence (he didn't) that he's suppose to be a big deal. Like really, I don't know who they're suppose to appeal to with that reveal, fans who got into Batman via new 52 won't know dick on who he is, while everyone else is really just shrugging relentlessly. Though I am for the return of Kite Man and his razor sharp kites of death taking over Gotham.

Hell, they could've just made it an original villain instead of the hope that people read those two series and felt he had such an intimidating presence (he didn't) that he's suppose to be a big deal. Like really, I don't know who they're suppose to appeal to with that reveal, fans who got into Batman via new 52 won't know dick on who he is, while everyone else is really just shrugging relentlessly. Though I am for the return of Kite Man and his razor sharp kites of death taking over Gotham.
It does seem stupid. Even in the Long Halloween I didn't really care about him. He seems especially lame to show up after 90% of Gotham is controlled by insane super criminals. They should just have someone kill him within the first 5 issues. It's soooo stupid to have him prancing about trying to be a badass in that world. He isn't Black Mask.
kite man sounds like a future mega man boss

(if mega man was still making games)

so what have I missed in the x-men world? Haven't kept up with much since battle of the atom, is wolverine and the x-men done?

Also disappointed in the X story in the mega man comic I thought it was getting its own comic its just the back pages of the current mega man story. Booo shit won't be done until Jan of next year

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Anyone with a comixology account should sign in and check their account balance. I got an email saying I was given $5 to celebrate the launch of their new update. Sweet. What's not sweet is that it sounds like, if I read things correctly, our payment methods will now have to be on our comixology account and paypal is no longer an option. I don't know for sure yet, haven't bought anything.

Anyhoo, does anyone know if Teen Titans: Year One is worth reading? I noticed it's on sale at comixology. I'm also considering getting the remaining issues of Danger Club, because I only ever bought the first one.  

Anyone with a comixology account should sign in and check their account balance. I got an email saying I was given $5 to celebrate the launch of their new update. Sweet. What's not sweet is that it sounds like, if I read things correctly, our payment methods will now have to be on our comixology account and paypal is no longer an option. I don't know for sure yet, haven't bought anything.

Anyhoo, does anyone know if Teen Titans: Year One is worth reading? I noticed it's on sale at comixology. I'm also considering getting the remaining issues of Danger Club, because I only ever bought the first one.
Danger Club hasn't had a new issue in like over a year. It's pretty frustrating and by now I went from loving the fuck out of what I read to really indifferent. It also ended on a pretty big cliffhanger.

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Danger Club hasn't had a new issue in like over a year. It's pretty frustrating and by now I went from loving the fuck out of what I read to really indifferent. It also ended on a pretty big cliffhanger.
...Well that sucks. I think I'll forgo that purchases until the cliffhanger gets resolved, at least.

Hey all.  Pretty new to comics.  Been collecting for the last year or so, but mostly HC and only a few books per year.  Started out with Walking Dead.  Then collected a few Invincible, Kick-Ass and Fables volumes. I haven't read any of them except for TWD, which I'm up to Book 4....ya, I seem to collect for the sake of collecting. 

Any advice on which series to look into?  With FCBD coming up this saturday I've been researching a bit.  Hellboy peaks my interest so I'll probably pick up 1 or 2 of the Library Editions and maybe BPRD Omnibus 1 and 2.  Powers is another series that seems interesting so I hope to purchase a few of those. 

Also, where do you guys usually purchase your comics from?  I recently found
InStockTrades and CheapGraphicNovels
, which seem to be pretty cheap and have good reputations.  What are the usual sale prices during FCBD?

Thanks an advance and sorry for the long (newbie) post.

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FCBD has certain comics that are freebies that are made for FCBD. Some stores may have limits on the free books. Some stores may offer sales on their current stock. It all depends on the owner.

Need to see how this season of Arrow is gonna end!!!
My only real complaint over last night's Arrow is Isabel's headgear. Otherwise damn good episode and with all the shit happening Manu Bennett should be in season 3 technically, right? Since the island stuff is no where near reaching the point of closure with all this shit happening in modern day that I don't know how within that they have the time frame to "kill him" and put an arrow in his eye.

I got Marvel Unlimited so I've been reading a lot lately. I read House of M and some of the tie ins and enjoyed it all. Ultimates 1 was pretty good aside from some of the characters being jerks and the pop culture references.

So, Evil Within is getting a prequel mini series. As disappointed as I was by that last trailer, I'm still looking forward to the game and I'll definitely check out the comic. 

In other news, I may be dropping Deadpool. GASP! I didn't realize it got bumped up to being a $3.99 book. I just... I don't like that. I love comics. I've loved the hell outta this run on Deadpool. Four bucks is a lot of money to ask for a comic, though, and the fact that they hiked up the price mid-series bugs me. At the rate Marvel cranks out trade paperbacks, I think I'll just go back to trade-waiting and end up saving a few dollars in the long run.

Amazing Spider-man 2 was anything but. That movie literally felt like executives writing it while jerking off thinking about all that Avengers money.

bread's done