Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='Javery']Sorry if this has been addressed already in this thread but what app do you guys recommend for reading comics on the iPad? Comic Zeal looks cool but it's $5 - is it worth it or should I just use Stanza or something free? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

I use Comixology.
[quote name='bhk']I use Comixology.[/QUOTE]

Can I transfer comics from my computer to be read in the app or am I tethered to whatever they are offering in their store?
[quote name='Javery']Sorry if this has been addressed already in this thread but what app do you guys recommend for reading comics on the iPad? Comic Zeal looks cool but it's $5 - is it worth it or should I just use Stanza or something free? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

I use ComicZeal and it's entirely worth the $5. I paid $8 for it and it was worth even that. It's got dropbox capability so you can upload your books to your dropbox and d/l them on the go to ComicZeal. Plus you can upload via iTunes as well.

Comixology I believe is limited to what's in their store. I've never been able to figure out how to load my cbr/cbz's to the app.

~~side note as well - Just grabbed my SDCC 2012 tix today. So flipping excited.
FYI - ComicCon tickets are on sale. Edit: I see it was already mentioned above. I got a pair of 4 day tickets + preview night for me and the girlfriend. Now after lunch to start looking at flights, hotels, and other arrangements.. Maybe I'll try to stretch it into like a 10 day vacation or something.
[quote name='Dokstarr']FYI - ComicCon tickets are on sale. Edit: I see it was already mentioned above. I got a pair of 4 day tickets + preview night for me and the girlfriend. Now after lunch to start looking at flights, hotels, and other arrangements.. Maybe I'll try to stretch it into like a 10 day vacation or something.[/QUOTE]

Start looking now... My buddies and I started this adventure in September right after they announced the dates. I travel weekly for my job so I snagged airfare & rental @ no charge due to points, and we totally lucked out on a hotel that didn't realize the weekend. We got it booked for $70/night. As of today same hotel, same week $209/night. I can only imagine it getting higher as we get closer.

If you're ok with driving you might have to get on the outskirts and then drive to a trolley stop and ride that into the convention center.

Here's the trolley details for this year. It's $15 for the week and it's definitely worth it to ride this rather than fight parking next to the convention center.

Good luck with your bookings.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']I use ComicZeal and it's entirely worth the $5. I paid $8 for it and it was worth even that. It's got dropbox capability so you can upload your books to your dropbox and d/l them on the go to ComicZeal. Plus you can upload via iTunes as well.

Comixology I believe is limited to what's in their store. I've never been able to figure out how to load my cbr/cbz's to the app.

~~side note as well - Just grabbed my SDCC 2012 tix today. So flipping excited.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I'll probably cave and spend the $5. I just spent a while searching for something and ended up downloading Pulp Reader (it just came out in February and is free for a limited time according to the website) and it kind of works. I like that you can create folders and stuff for different series but I have no idea how to use the "Smart Collection" feature. The graphics are nice and it does the whole pinch to zoom well and there is no loading between pages. So far so good... I've only been playing with it for a 1/2 hour though.
I have ComicZeal on my iPod Touch and it was nice. Since I got my HP TouchPad though, I've been using the comic app for that (I forget the name now though). ComicZeal was the best I found on the App Store and was worth the $5 or whatever for however long I used it.
Is anyone currently reading Animal Man or Swamp Thing? I plan on picking up the trades of these when they come out, but I'm wondering if I should skip them and read the old school ones by Alan Moore and Grant Morrison. Does anyone prefer the new 52 over the originals?
[quote name='combatrhombus']Is anyone currently reading Animal Man or Swamp Thing? I plan on picking up the trades of these when they come out, but I'm wondering if I should skip them and read the old school ones by Alan Moore and Grant Morrison. Does anyone prefer the new 52 over the originals?[/QUOTE]

Both books and both volumes (New vs. Old) are amazing. Having a little bit of understanding regarding Moore's run on Swamp Thing is helpful in my opinion (especially with regards to Abby and the Arcanes etc), but not necessary. Morrison's Animal Man, while great in its own right, isn't really necessary to understand whats happening in Lemire's run.
[quote name='advanced']I have ComicZeal on my iPod Touch and it was nice. Since I got my HP TouchPad though, I've been using the comic app for that (I forget the name now though). ComicZeal was the best I found on the App Store and was worth the $5 or whatever for however long I used it.[/QUOTE]
Have you loaded Android onto the Touchpad? I'm curious to see how well ComicRack for Android would work on the Touchpad.
I downloaded ComicShelf for the touchpad last night. $2. It works well and no complaints. Anyone know where to buy digital trades? I haven't seen many , mainly looking for .cbr so I can read them anywhere.
Most cbr or cbz files will need to be torrented. The places that are selling digital trades (iBookstore, comixology, etc...) require the use of their proprietary apps. Demonoid is a great place for older books (and current releases) PM if you need an invite.
[quote name='combatrhombus']Is anyone currently reading Animal Man or Swamp Thing? I plan on picking up the trades of these when they come out, but I'm wondering if I should skip them and read the old school ones by Alan Moore and Grant Morrison. Does anyone prefer the new 52 over the originals?[/QUOTE]

I think the new ones are awesome. I have no knowledge of the old ones.
[quote name='JP']Have you loaded Android onto the Touchpad? I'm curious to see how well ComicRack for Android would work on the Touchpad.[/QUOTE]

No. I don't mind WebOS. Its not the best, but its better than trying to do something that I have no knowledge of.
[quote name='combatrhombus']Is anyone currently reading Animal Man or Swamp Thing? I plan on picking up the trades of these when they come out, but I'm wondering if I should skip them and read the old school ones by Alan Moore and Grant Morrison. Does anyone prefer the new 52 over the originals?[/QUOTE]

I love,love,love Morrison's Animal Man run. I haven't read Moore's Swamp Thing yet...shame on me.
Regarding Animal Man, remember what I said about Morrison hitting it out of the park? Animal Man is one of those books. But you have to pick up all three tpb's to get the full experience. But you wont be disappointed. One of the best character arcs of all time IMO.

And with Moores Swamp Thing, its probablymy favorite thing Moore has written. Beautiful, but haunting story.
[quote name='4thHorseman']
And with Moores Swamp Thing, its probablymy favorite thing Moore has written. Beautiful, but haunting story.[/QUOTE]

This is my first post in your comic thread, so hey guys! Regarding your Swamp Thing recommendation, would this be Swamp Thing or Saga of the Swamp Thing? I looked it up on Amazon and am thoroughly confused as to which to add to my wishlist.

I have cut way back on single issues in the last 5 years. The latest added to my pull list is Image's Saga by BKV. I'm pretty excited to read this when it comes out.
[quote name='combatrhombus']I downloaded ComicShelf for the touchpad last night. $2. It works well and no complaints. Anyone know where to buy digital trades? I haven't seen many , mainly looking for .cbr so I can read them anywhere.[/QUOTE]

I bought that too for my touchpad.

I think it was on sale and it works great.

[quote name='blk00civicsi']Most cbr or cbz files will need to be torrented. The places that are selling digital trades (iBookstore, comixology, etc...) require the use of their proprietary apps. Demonoid is a great place for older books (and current releases) PM if you need an invite.[/QUOTE]

I would like to get my old comics that are in storage....

Wonder if you'd part with an invite to me?
[quote name='Whedon']I have cut way back on single issues in the last 5 years. The latest added to my pull list is Image's Saga by BKV. I'm pretty excited to read this when it comes out.[/QUOTE]

It's pretty weird. Vaughan is doing some really off the wall stuff in the first issue. If you enjoyed Y: The Last Man and Ex Machina don't assume you'll enjoy Saga. It's nothing like either of those series. I'm not saying you'll hate it, just be aware that it's quite different and somewhat bizarre.
[quote name='neocisco'] If you enjoyed Y: The Last Man and Ex Machina don't assume you'll enjoy Saga. [/QUOTE]

The worst that can happen is $3 gone, the best is a new series I love. I am just looking forward to finding out! I can't even remember what prompted me to pull it, I think it was Warren Ellis on twitter.
[quote name='combatrhombus']Is anyone currently reading Animal Man or Swamp Thing? I plan on picking up the trades of these when they come out, but I'm wondering if I should skip them and read the old school ones by Alan Moore and Grant Morrison. Does anyone prefer the new 52 over the originals?[/QUOTE]

Snyder is a superior story teller and his Swamp Thing is just as impressive as Alan Moore's take on the character. Animal Man is another great title.

I want to add I, Vampire to that list. I was in a comic shop in Portland, OR and picked up the first 6 issues. I was impressed and I am putting it on my pull list now.
I'm completely overwhelmed by all the comic books that I want to read. I have all the essential batman trades, animal man, swamp thing (old first, then new when they hit TPBs), chew, uncanny x-force all on my pull list. I'm always looking for something new weekly and I've been eyeing The Manhattan Projects #1 by image comics lately.I'm currently reading The Walking Dead and Y: the last man, so I have plenty of reading to do before I get to my pull list.

I'm currently torn between buying individual issues or just getting the TPBs and collecting. I really wish there was a way to buy digital comics that I could read anywhere (like my PC and touchpad). I like collecting stuff I just move a lot and it's a pain in the ass to be moving it all the time, so I do like the digital idea. It's much easier to read on a tablet as well. My dilemma is do I just say fuck it and download it, or do I buy trades which take up space and be more of a hassle. I feel guilty downloading stuff as I prefer to support the artist involved, and I like having a physical copy. I completely contradicting myself...and kinda just ranting.
[quote name='Dante Devil']I want to add I, Vampire to that list. I was in a comic shop in Portland, OR and picked up the first 6 issues. I was impressed and I am putting it on my pull list now.[/QUOTE]

I love I, Vampire. Don't know if I love the art or the story more. Excellent book.
[quote name='DestroVega']I love I, Vampire. Don't know if I love the art or the story more. Excellent book.[/QUOTE]

I think I have the 1st issue signed by the artist and write from a con. It was a Vertigo title right?
[quote name='Whedon']This is my first post in your comic thread, so hey guys! Regarding your Swamp Thing recommendation, would this be Swamp Thing or Saga of the Swamp Thing? I looked it up on Amazon and am thoroughly confused as to which to add to my wishlist. [/QUOTE]

Pick up the Saga of the Swamp Thing, and there should be 6 volumes of it. There's more, but the ones you want to read are from Alan Moore. The regular Swamp Thing that you might see could be the current series. I'm not sure how good that is, but with Scott Snyder writing, I don't think it could be too terrible.
[quote name='slowdive21']I think I have the 1st issue signed by the artist and write from a con. It was a Vertigo title right?[/QUOTE]

No, I, Vampire is a new 52 book.

Edit: I doubt you're talking about the parts that appeared in the early 1980s at a part of House Of Mystery. Vertigo didn't start until 1993.
[quote name='slowdive21']I think I have the 1st issue signed by the artist and write from a con. It was a Vertigo title right?[/QUOTE]

I, Zombie is a relatively new Vertigo book. Maybe that one?
[quote name='neocisco']It's "iZombie" (to get all comic nerd on you).[/QUOTE]

You know, I didn't even think of Roberson & Allred's iZOMBIE (even further with the nerd) when that person mentioned having the first issue. Lol.
I just started "Invincible" over the weekend and I love it so far. This is exactly what a good superhero story should be like. It's just impossible to read everything but I'm realizing that for the most part comics tell way more interesting stories than anything on TV or in the movies. I can't believe I gave them up for 20+ years.
[quote name='Rodimus']I asked for the Invincible Compenduim vol.1 for X-Mas but didn't get it. I'll get into it some day.[/QUOTE]

If only Amazon shipped my copy during their FUBAR like 2 years ago. Alas...

In reality, I have the entire run and really liked what I've read. Waaaaaayyyyy behind.

Somehow got the BONE one though.
[quote name='slowdive21']I think I have the 1st issue signed by the artist and write from a con. It was a Vertigo title right?[/QUOTE]

Whoops! It is "American Vampire" #1 that I have signed.
[quote name='combatrhombus']Has anyone picked up "Saga"? I've heard good things and probably going to pick it up after work tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

I did but have yet to read it.
[quote name='combatrhombus']Has anyone picked up "Saga"? I've heard good things and probably going to pick it up after work tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

went out to pick up a copy today and couldn't find one. might try a couple other places tomorrow if i have time.
If you're inclined to try out Vertigo books I would definitely recommend Saucer Country. The first issue is out this week and it was certainly interesting. Paul Cornell is the writer on it.
I'm looking for suggestions on something to read next. Even though I started reading comics 2 years ago, I still consider myself pretty new to this so I don't know what to go for next. So far I've read:

The Watchmen
Alien vs. Predator Omnibus 1 & 2 (I'm a huge Predator fan)
Batman Year One
The Walking Dead (I think I'm up to 90-something, close to current)
Y The Last Man

I really liked Y The Last Man and The Walking Dead since they aren't superhero stories and they have a more mature theme. Anything else like that out there?
[quote name='blindinglights']I'm looking for suggestions on something to read next. Even though I started reading comics 2 years ago, I still consider myself pretty new to this so I don't know what to go for next. So far I've read:

The Watchmen
Alien vs. Predator Omnibus 1 & 2 (I'm a huge Predator fan)
Batman Year One
The Walking Dead (I think I'm up to 90-something, close to current)
Y The Last Man

I really liked Y The Last Man and The Walking Dead since they aren't superhero stories and they have a more mature theme. Anything else like that out there?[/QUOTE]

If you like the more mature, non superhero themed books, pick up Preacher by Garth Ennis and Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis.
"Mature" has always been a misnomer when applied to certain material of any medium. Content that is labeled as mature is, ironically, frequently teeming with immaturity. You probably already know this but I'm just putting it out there as general information.
I do this thing where I read comics for a few months, lose interest and go back six months later completely lost and buy different books than I was buying six months prior. This makes my collection incredibly random. The last phase I was in was hands down the shortest. I had been missing Secret Avengers and Iron Man and I was interested in Future Foundation since I was never able to get into the FF.

I made a special trip to the shop and bought Future Foundation on my lunch break, read it and just ...nothing. I haven't been back to the shop since.

I love Runaways though, anything new with Runaways? Has the team shown up in any other books? There was a Young Avengers/Runaways thing around Secret Invasion ...I think? I'm guessing there are no new developments there.

I saw the posts above mine and I have to say I also love Invincible. Great stuff. I'm way behind on that also. I think I have the first four trades.
[quote name='neocisco']"Mature" has always been a misnomer when applied to certain material of any medium. Content that is labeled as mature is, ironically, frequently teeming with immaturity. You probably already know this but I'm just putting it out there as general information.[/QUOTE]

I think it comes from it originally being "for mature audiences" and people just end up calling the material mature instead.

I just figured you guys would know what I meant. Don't think that I believe I'm more of an adult for playing Duke Nukem and reading comics where they drop f-bombs. :lol:
[quote name='combatrhombus']Has anyone picked up "Saga"? I've heard good things and probably going to pick it up after work tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='houdinilogic']went out to pick up a copy today and couldn't find one. might try a couple other places tomorrow if i have time.[/QUOTE]

I tried to grab one Wednesday after work and the two stores closest to me were sold out.
[quote name='blindinglights']I think it comes from it originally being "for mature audiences" and people just end up calling the material mature instead.

I just figured you guys would know what I meant. Don't think that I believe I'm more of an adult for playing Duke Nukem and reading comics where they drop f-bombs. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I figured you did know, it's just a pet peeve of mine when things that are labeled mature are some of the most immature things to be found.

"Wait, so if my book is labeled 'mature readers' I can show a lot of boobs and curse like a 14 year old playing Halo hopped up on Mountain Dew? Yeah!"
[quote name='neocisco']I figured you did know, it's just a pet peeve of mine when things that are labeled mature are some of the most immature things to be found.

"Wait, so if my book is labeled 'mature readers' I can show a lot of boobs and curse like a 14 year old playing Halo hopped up on Mountain Dew? Yeah!"[/QUOTE]

I believe the proper response is "Bite Me Fan Boy". ;)

[quote name='Clak']My local library just go in a copy of this:

Cool seeing the notes and all.[/QUOTE]

Huh, my library has it too. I haven't gotten around to reading Sandman yet, but this will be the version I do read.
bread's done