Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='Rodimus']I'd sit there for a few minutes on each page looking for them. This one is from the last issue I read. It's blatently easy to spot, but still a good one. Don't worry, no spoilers.

I felt like a complete jackass after looking at that for 10 minutes and not getting the easter egg and then just happened to just snap in there. That should've only taken me a minute tops. This also means I need to pick up Chew. I've spent more on comics since regularly checking this thread.
Just started reading Animal Man (thanks to you guys) and wow, that's a good comic right there. Thanks to everyone who said it was a good read. Adding it to my list. :D
Someone just recommended that I read The Strange Talent of Luther Strode. It is a 6 issue series from last year published by Image. Here's the description:

Luther Strode was a pretty average teenager until he ordered The Hercules Method, a bodybuilding course that promised to make a man of him. It didn’t just make him a man, it made him a super man.

Now Luther has to deal with the strange talents that the book has awoken, the attentions of a girl who might be just a little too much for him to handle, and an ever increasing pile of bodies that seems to be building up around him. Luther’s life will never be the same….

If he survives.

Sounds pretty cool and I like that it is a 6 issue self contained story so I'm not left hanging and it doesn't take forever to read. I'll let you guys know how it is once I've had a chance to finish Morning Glories and probably Chew after that... so many comics... not enough time!
Strode is awesome. It's actually coming back soon in a new run called "The Legend of Luther Strode". It's totally worth the read. Shouldn't take too long to burn through those 6 books. The trade just release las wednesday so it should be pretty easily accessible.
[quote name='combatrhombus']/\ nice, I will definitely have to start reading Chew.

Picked up Saga #2 and it was amazing("I want more"), felt short but I was spoiled after #1 was a double issue.

Also I was going to pick up the new Batman#8 since they're about to do a cross-over with Nightwing(I"m assuming)?? Have people been reading both these books or just strictly Batman?[/QUOTE]

I've been reading strictly just Batman, but the crossover for the Owl stuff is spreading to just about every Bat-book with the lone exception of Batwoman. However, you don't need to read all the books that the Court of Owls will be in to get the whole story, just Snyder's Batman.
[quote name='DestroVega']Agreed, Strode was fucking awesome. To me, seems like the perfect book to spin into a movie. Looking forward to the Legend.[/QUOTE]

Put me down as the 3rd person saying that Strode was excellent. Pick it up when you get the chance.
I'm almost caught up all the way on Daredevil. Just have about half of 10 and then 10.1 to read then I'll be moving onto The Punisher.
Anybody else reading Fraction's Defenders series? The reviews have been middle of the road but I'm starting to dig it, though it needs to pick up the pace a little...
[quote name='Tronny']Anybody else reading Fraction's Defenders series? The reviews have been middle of the road but I'm starting to dig it, though it needs to pick up the pace a little...[/QUOTE]

I picked up the first two issues and didn't really like it. The art was fantastic, but the dialogue from all characters sounded the same. Everyone was witty and sarcastic when some of them shouldn't have been. I've been following reviews so if they get better I might pick up when they eventually release a paperback of it.
[quote name='Tsel']I'm almost caught up all the way on Daredevil. Just have about half of 10 and then 10.1 to read then I'll be moving onto The Punisher.[/QUOTE]

Punisher was great and you can read it all in just over an hour. Read it last Saturday.
I don't know if anyone uses Comixology, but they're having an earth day sale on the old Swamp Thing comics. Issues are 99 cents each. You can pick up the Alan Moore collections for about half the price of their cost on Amazon. (volume 1 on Amazon is around $14 and I think it has 7 or 8 issues.) Also, they have the first Swamp Thing comic for free. Enjoy!
[quote name='GhostShark']I picked up the first two issues and didn't really like it. The art was fantastic, but the dialogue from all characters sounded the same. Everyone was witty and sarcastic when some of them shouldn't have been. I've been following reviews so if they get better I might pick up when they eventually release a paperback of it.[/QUOTE]

This was definitely true for the first three issues, but issue 4 was a lot better.
[quote name='m3talst0rm']I don't know if anyone uses Comixology, but they're having an earth day sale on the old Swamp Thing comics. Issues are 99 cents each. You can pick up the Alan Moore collections for about half the price of their cost on Amazon. (volume 1 on Amazon is around $14 and I think it has 7 or 8 issues.) Also, they have the first Swamp Thing comic for free. Enjoy![/QUOTE]

Just to save some time for others its not showing this sale on the Kindle Fire App. Pick them up on the web store.
Still professing my Chew love. Everyone here should at least attempt to read it. (Collection below - Trades missing due to being loaned out, 19 & 24 Convention variants en route back from CGC, also read a preview of 26 today, courtesy of John)






Shit, I guess I should have bought walking dead 61. I remember when Chew #1 came out and I looked everywhere for it.

I don't know if I posted this or not, but I found a walking dead 25 signed by Kirkman, I must have gotten in a Dynamic Forces special back in the day.
[quote name='DestroVega']Punisher was great and you can read it all in just over an hour. Read it last Saturday.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I actually did read every issue in just over an hour. Really great stuff.

Now I'm onto The Incredible Hulk and then possibly The Mighty Thor.
Just finished Saga#1... I'm going to keep going. I love the art for some reason. I just got back from the comic store with AvX #2. My daughter bought Dorothy of Oz #1. Pretty good trip. I need to stop spending so much money.
I was visiting relatives this weekend. Had extra time and went to a local comic shop where I found a third printing of Saga #1 and #2 (1st printing). You seem to get a lot of story for $2.99.
[quote name='Javery']Just finished Saga#1... I'm going to keep going. I love the art for some reason. I just got back from the comic store with AvX #2. My daughter bought Dorothy of Oz #1. Pretty good trip. I need to stop spending so much money.[/QUOTE]

Still trying to find the first two issues of Saga around here. No luck
[quote name='Tsel']I'm in love with the latest iteration of the Incredible Hulk. Really good stuff there.[/QUOTE]

It's an interesting story, but i hated how they switched out Silvestri inside art with some worse Silverstri copy art.

Like i wouldn't notice that.
[quote name='ppself']It's an interesting story, but i hated how they switched out Silvestri inside art with some worse Silverstri copy art.

Like i wouldn't notice that.[/QUOTE]

I noticed it too, but I can overlook it because I'm really enjoying the story thus far. Sad to see the Banner/Hulk arc finally come to an end, but I'm excited to see where they go from here.
Anybody here read I, Vampire? Jesus, the Rise of the Vampires crossover was horrible, due totally to the Justice League Dark issues.

That's quite a rambling, nonsensical book. And the difference in the artwork is laughable. I, Vampire probably has the best art around right now.
I thought the JL: Dark issues were the best part of Rise of the Vampires. I've been with both books since launch and JL: Dark is better, but not by much. I like the art on I, Vampire (even if it totally rips off Jae Lee's work), but the dialogue just seems way off balance.

I think I'm done with I,Vampire for now. Andrew Bennett just isn't nearly as engaging of a character as he should be.

In better news, Animal Man and Swamp Thing this week. Easily the best new 52 books. It would be awesome if Batman was a week one (of a month) release too.
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I'm reading through Red Robin (the Tim Drake 2009 series that ran for 26 issues) right now and through 5 issues it's pretty great. I'm a sucker for anything Batman-related.
[quote name='GhostShark']I thought the JL: Dark issues were the best part of Rise of the Vampires. I've been with both books since launch and JL: Dark is better, but not by much. I like the art on I, Vampire (even if it totally rips off Jae Lee's work), but the dialogue just seems way off balance.

Oh well. Agree to disagree.
[quote name='GhostShark']Anybody picking up any of the new books that are part of the second wave of the New 52?

Dial H, Earth 2, etc.[/QUOTE]

I'll be picking up all of them for at least the first issue. Most interested in Dial H.
I picked a up a 2nd print of SAGA #1 at a comic store just to see what the hype is about...Then I saw a 1st print sitting on the shelf at another comic store and I picked that up too. :lol:
[quote name='blk00civicsi']Anyone else picking up Mind the Gap today??? So eager to read this.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't aware this existed. Will pick up the first issue and try it out. Thanks for the heads up.
Picked up Dial H #1 today just because I've read Mieville in the past. It was a pretty fun read. The dialogue is a little clunk and inbalanced at places, but it's an interesting idea.

Animal Man and Swamp Thing continued to knock it out of the ballpark this month. These books just keep getting better and better.

Avengers vs X-Men finally got really good this week with Round 3. Great to finally see some dialogue and less action. Eager to see where it goes from here.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']Anyone else picking up Mind the Gap today??? So eager to read this.[/QUOTE]

I did not pick up Mind the Gap yet, but I may pick it up next week. I don't think my local shop received it this week at least that's what their weekly email indicated. But definitely going to check this out.

[quote name='GhostShark'] Avengers vs X-Men finally got really good this week with Round 3. Great to finally see some dialogue and less action. Eager to see where it goes from here.[/QUOTE]

Glad to here AvX is good, I was about to drop it from my pull-list. I thought the first two issue were boring and round 3 and AvX VS #2 were going to be my last hurrah with the series. Also from the tie-ins to this series I really enjoyed Uncanny X-Men and Secret Avengers, I really enjoyed the art work and a good story as well. I may pick this up as TPBs in the future.
Typical Saturday consists of lunch with the boys, followed by a trip to the LCS. Will be bringing son along so he can get his share of freebies and then hitting a matinee of The Avengers. All while trying to avoid the obnoxious traffic from the cinco de mayo partiers/festivities.
Was planning on making the long drive to the comic store and picking up comics.

Don't know if that is happening anymore s
I'm hitting up two comic book shops tomorrow. Metropolis Comics in LaSalle, which I've never been to before, and Acme Comics in Normal, IL. Acme is also having a 25 cent sale on comics so I'll probably pick some of those up to go along with the freebies.
[quote name='Tsel']So what's everyone doing for Free Comic Book Day tomorrow?[/QUOTE]

Going to comic shops to get free comic books, duh! And picking up my subscription comics from the one too.
[quote name='georox']Going to comic shops to get free comic books, duh! And picking up my subscription comics from the one too.[/QUOTE]

Haha, well I didn't know if anyone had any special plans for the day or if anyone's comic book shops had anything cool going on.
Our store is doing all back issues $1 ($5 and under), 40% off wall books, and 25% off all other books. No artist signings this year but they just had rob guillory and John layman in town for comicfest. The place is packed with cheapskate parents looking for handouts for their spoiled children, so it's in and out on FCBD for us.
Mark Bagley, Joseph Michael Linsner, Tom Feister and Paul Jenkins will be doing sketches and signings (gratis to boot) at the local store.
All I've been told is that there's going to be a 25 cent sale. No word on what the sale actually consists of. I'm assuming it's just some older back issues and the like. I'll probably wait for the annual 10 cent sale though.
30 cent sale at one store that will have quite a few artists (nobody you guys will know more than likely) and probably Jason Aaron since he's a local writer. Though I'm not sure if he's in town or not. Then of course the free books and head to the second store and get free books there, my subscriptions, and hopefully any sales they have.

Then get some errands done. Pick up some paint and primer then head to my nieces birthday party.
[quote name='Tsel']All I've been told is that there's going to be a 25 cent sale. No word on what the sale actually consists of. I'm assuming it's just some older back issues and the like. I'll probably wait for the annual 10 cent sale though.[/QUOTE]

hhmmmm. Give me a head's up when they are running the 10 cent sale. I may have to make a roadtrip. Find out if they do the comic cons too while you're at it! :D

I'll be hitting a couple of stores...One is the store I used to buy comics from that screwed me over on a large supplies order, so now I only go there for FCBD stuff. The other is an old school store that has nice high grade books at decent prices.

I also have garage sales to hit in the morning and I have some BB coupons to use up from the April @gamer mag.
bread's done