Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

I'm not a big fan of his art (outside of covers), but that looks pretty awesome. He also did a sweet Variant cover to Young Avengers #1.
DC will be cancelling Deathstroke, Team 7, Ravagers, Sword of Sorcery, Savage Hawkman, and Fury of the Firestorm in May and replacing them with two political comics, The Green Team and The Movement. Luckily I don't read any of those, but I can also say that I won't be reading the new additions either and I can't imagine politics is what comic readers are looking for nowadays.
Yep, looks like they pretty much just got rid of all the pure shit. I am still great upset that I, Vampire is gonna be gone. Everyone goes out and buys the shitty Batman and Superman books, but nobody reads I, Vampire. Pretty pathetic.

On what was actually cancelled, I actually kinda liked Sword of Sorcery, but DC has always been pretty terrible at trying to sell a genre (high science-fantasy) that they've never really done outside of Justice League Dark. That only sells because it has the Justice League tag on it.
I'm pretty heartbroken that I, Vampire and Team 7 will be gone. Loved both of them. Sword of Sorcery was good too, but I just didn't like it as much as either of them. Oh well, that's two books gone that I actually bought every month, so yay for money saved.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Know some Scott Pilgrim/Bryan Lee O'Malley fans here, but he's doing a collaboration with Mondo to create a limited edition Battle Royale poster for Alamo screenings of the film. I Find it pretty awesome, especially in comparison to the film version of what Kitano drew.


That's awesome, I'm a huge fan of both (although I'm mostly a fan of the Battle Royale novel, the movie is alright). I'd love to have a print of that.

[quote name='GhostShark']On what was actually cancelled, I actually kinda liked Sword of Sorcery, but DC has always been pretty terrible at trying to sell a genre (high science-fantasy) that they've never really done outside of Justice League Dark. That only sells because it has the Justice League tag on it.[/QUOTE]

Demon Knights kind of falls into the genre, although I've been kind of mixed on that series, there are parts of it I've enjoyed and parts that have just been kind of awkward. We'll see were it goes now that the plot is going in a new direction, although I'm not really sold on this new plot so far.

I was also enjoying Sword of Sorcery, like everyone else I'll agree that it wasn't a totally amazing book, but it was certainly enjoyable.


I'm almost to the end of Y: The Last Man which I've been reading through. I'm really enjoying it a ton so far and I'm really interested to see how it's going to end. Honestly I think the book kind of made it clearer to me why I adore Brian K. Vaughan's works so much, and it's that he knows how to write relatable and interesting characters, and he relies on those characters to really create the story rather than trying to craft a story which has characters in it. Which is actually the exact same reason my favorite literary author is John Steinbeck, I feel like Steinbeck totally understood how to create characters who could be totally felt and understood to the point where even seemingly mundane actions seemed important and interesting because of how close a relationship I felt to them as a reader.
[quote name='DestroVega']Damn I loved I, Vampire. Not so much now that the artist left, that book was fucking beautiful.[/QUOTE]

If you like Andrea Sorrentino's work, then you should check out Green Arrow #17. Jeff Lemire is in the new writer and Sorrentino the new artist. It's pretty good and the pencils and page organization is fantastic.
[quote name='bardockkun']Wait, I thought Gail Simone was fired from DC yet she's working on The Movement?[/QUOTE]
She kept her job after fan outcry.
[quote name='GhostShark']If you like Andrea Sorrentino's work, then you should check out Green Arrow #17. Jeff Lemire is in the new writer and Sorrentino the new artist. It's pretty good and the pencils and page organization is fantastic.[/QUOTE]

That all sounds awesome cept I couldn't care less about Green Arrow. Really no interest in the character.
[quote name='DestroVega']That all sounds awesome cept I couldn't care less about Green Arrow. Really no interest in the character.[/QUOTE]

And so did I. Until I read this issue. My only previous knowledge of the character was Diggle and Jock's Year One series several years ago.
I just finished Y: The Last Man and I think it's probably my second or third favorite series ever. I literally broke into tears while reading one of the pages of the last issue. I could see why some people are really turned off by the ending, but I think it actually fit perfectly.
So, reading through my Walking Dead Compendium and just finished the first one (issues 1-48). Completely soured me to the tv show. I don't think there's any way to even come close to match expectations with the book now considering how the prison story ended in the comic. Holy shit.

Also, as a news story, Geoff Johns is ending his long run on Green Lantern at issue 20 to focus on Justice League (and I'm sure other projects). I guess it would be asking too much to have Grant Morrison on the book now, which has been a dream of mine for a while now...
I Think Grant Morrison has already done all that he wants to with the Justice League considering his run on JLA in the 90's. Meaning I have no idea how he can top that.
Geoff Johns departure on Green Lantern has long been overdue. I loved it leading up until Blackest Night and a little afterwards, but then it just grew stale and boring.
[quote name='GhostShark']Geoff Johns departure on Green Lantern has long been overdue. I loved it leading up until Blackest Night and a little afterwards, but then it just grew stale and boring.[/QUOTE]
It got better after they introduced Baz, though. He's awesome.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Think Grant Morrison has already done all that he wants to with the Justice League considering his run on JLA in the 90's. Meaning I have no idea how he can top that.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, should have clarified. I want Morrison on Green Lantern. Instead I think it might be Keith Giffen or Abnett and Lanning due to their cosmic work from Marvel.

I cant say im disappointed with Johns leaving. Liked everything through Sinestro Corps War, then Hal played dressup up through Blackest Night, War of the Green Lanterns was horrid IMO, then Sinestro and Baz took the spotlight. Havent been thrilled for a while.
So I just read Batman 17 and while it was still a great issue, it didn't have that jaw-dropping revelation that I was kind of, sort of expecting. Still a fun read and another great arc.
[quote name='4thHorseman']Sorry, should have clarified. I want Morrison on Green Lantern. Instead I think it might be Keith Giffen or Abnett and Lanning due to their cosmic work from Marvel.

I cant say im disappointed with Johns leaving. Liked everything through Sinestro Corps War, then Hal played dressup up through Blackest Night, War of the Green Lanterns was horrid IMO, then Sinestro and Baz took the spotlight. Havent been thrilled for a while.[/QUOTE]
I Would love the hell out of Abnett and Lanning writing Green Lantern. All of their Marvel sci-fi stuff they've done has been nothing less then amazing.

As for Johns, I kinda feel he's been stretched way past thin after Blackest Night. With him basically overseeing the whole DC universe and having a hand in writing nearly every character, I think he should focus on one or two books a month. Green Lantern itself has been kinda boring to me and the threat of the Third Army seems so miniscule to me both in design and execution. So I gladly welcome a new writer.

Though on a side note, as much as I enjoy Johns' work I still hate the fact that he brought back Barry Allen and now Wally West is no where to be seen. Barry is such a goddamn boring character. You'd think with his character being endowed with memories of both the old DC universe and the new 52 that he'd be interesting, but nope. Still boring as hell and not touched up upon at all.
[quote name='icebeast']I just finished Y: The Last Man and I think it's probably my second or third favorite series ever. I literally broke into tears while reading one of the pages of the last issue. I could see why some people are really turned off by the ending, but I think it actually fit perfectly.[/QUOTE]

Y is great and is in my top 5.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Would love the hell out of Abnett and Lanning writing Green Lantern. All of their Marvel sci-fi stuff they've done has been nothing less then amazing.[/QUOTE]

You might want to check out their Hypernaturals from Boom then. I'm enjoying it.
Anyone read Mega Man? I just read issue #20 "Rock of Ages". Even if you're not collecting the series I'd recomend this single issue for any Mega Man fan. It foreshadows some big up coming events by having Mega Man jump in the future. Really fun read.
[quote name='neocisco']You might want to check out their Hypernaturals from Boom then. I'm enjoying it.[/QUOTE]
Awesome. I'll be on the look out for it next time I'm in my shop.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Would love the hell out of Abnett and Lanning writing Green Lantern. All of their Marvel sci-fi stuff they've done has been nothing less then amazing.

As for Johns, I kinda feel he's been stretched way past thin after Blackest Night. With him basically overseeing the whole DC universe and having a hand in writing nearly every character, I think he should focus on one or two books a month. Green Lantern itself has been kinda boring to me and the threat of the Third Army seems so miniscule to me both in design and execution. So I gladly welcome a new writer.

Though on a side note, as much as I enjoy Johns' work I still hate the fact that he brought back Barry Allen and now Wally West is no where to be seen. Barry is such a goddamn boring character. You'd think with his character being endowed with memories of both the old DC universe and the new 52 that he'd be interesting, but nope. Still boring as hell and not touched up upon at all.[/QUOTE]

Morrison was technically the one who brought Barry back, Johns wrote the series.
[quote name='Squall835']Morrison was technically the one who brought Barry back, Johns wrote the series.[/QUOTE]
Ugh, I don't feel any better about either of those two after reading that.

And Batman #17, was a rather safe ending for that arc. I Was kinda expecting something more over the top, but still enjoyed it none the less it just didn't reach the levels that Court of Owls had in story telling. Eitherway I'm still digging Snyder's Batman.
So, this week's comics were really good.

Star Wars #2, Fantastic Four #4 and Katana #1 were pretty good. However, Batman #17 was amazing. The single best issue of any comic I have ever read. It delivered on all aspects (writing, pencils, colors, etc) and did exactly what it set out to do from day 1. As much as I love Brian Wood and Jonathan Hickman's writing, Scott Snyder is by far the best scribe in the business. I can't wait for The Wake, more Batman, his Superman book with Jim Lee and the return of American Vampire.
Haven't read Batman #17 yet but issue #16 was amazing. Creeped me out considering I was reading at 2AM. Honest to god I dreamed about the creepy faceless Joker trying to get me that night.

@GhostShark: I've always been a big FF fan so it pains me to say this comic isn't a fun read. I'll hang in for a couple more issues. I've only read up to #2 so far so prove me wrong.

Going to my local comic store tomorrow. My wife owes me a Valentines day gift....
My only problem with Fraction's Fantastic Four is that pretty much everyone else plays second fiddle to the tension between Reed and Sue. The positive there is that the dialogue and action between the two is fantastic.
Does anyone know if Scott Snyder charges for autographs? He's going to be at Wizard World Comic-Con in Chicago this year, along with Greg Capullo, and I'd like to get my Death of the Family arc signed.
[quote name='Tsel']Does anyone know if Scott Snyder charges for autographs? He's going to be at Wizard World Comic-Con in Chicago this year, along with Greg Capullo, and I'd like to get my Death of the Family arc signed.[/QUOTE]

I'm no expert in the matter, but I would think he probably wouldn't charge. Is this common practice for people to charge for autographs? I've only seen the guest stars who are brought in by one of those 3rd party services charge before or the like c-rate stars at conventions looking specifically to sell some autographs i.e. Virgil from the WWF.

I only have gotten a handful of autographs over the years though. Kirkman signed a few things for me, Mark Waid, and Jhonnen Vasquez are the most recent.
[quote name='Tsel']Does anyone know if Scott Snyder charges for autographs? He's going to be at Wizard World Comic-Con in Chicago this year, along with Greg Capullo, and I'd like to get my Death of the Family arc signed.[/QUOTE]

im going to say no but im thinking its going to be a little difficult because he probaly will be all over the place, you should find out different autograph times for him, he might be at different booths. Greg will be different because i think most likely he will have a table at artist alley ( not sure). Just do your homework ahead of time of the autographs you want they usually post it on the site or you can go to the creators page
Yeah, that's what I figured. Greg was in the artist alley last year, but I happened to miss him every time he was available. I can't imagine Scott would charge, but I just want to know for sure. Most of the people that charge are celebrities/wrestlers and what not.
[quote name='Tsel']Yeah, that's what I figured. Greg was in the artist alley last year, but I happened to miss him every time he was available. I can't imagine Scott would charge, but I just want to know for sure. Most of the people that charge are celebrities/wrestlers and what not.[/QUOTE]

yeah the only thing i see is you probably will be waiting on line for a while, i know what you mean about greg, last year at nycc, when i went to see if fiona staples was at her table she wasnt there so i stop going and just waited when she signed at the image booth. Same thing with justin jordan but never got his :(
[quote name='Tsel']Yeah, that's what I figured. Greg was in the artist alley last year, but I happened to miss him every time he was available. I can't imagine Scott would charge, but I just want to know for sure. Most of the people that charge are celebrities/wrestlers and what not.[/QUOTE]

I missed him too. I need to remember to bring some Spawn books for him to sign.

Wagner and Perez are really nice and do not charge.
What are the other websites that deliver? Peter Panzerfaust was out cause I went to my normal shop late and midtown was out.
Good luck getting PP 9 now. That beast was sold out weeks before it released. Unless youre willing to pay 30-50 for it on ebay. All the stores in my area were cleaned out Wednesday upon opening. It is going to 2nd print though, so you'll only have to wait a few more weeks.
[quote name='slowdive21']I missed him too. I need to remember to bring some Spawn books for him to sign.

Wagner and Perez are really nice and do not charge.[/QUOTE]

Are you going to be there this year? We should try and meet up or something. The only thing that sucks is that I go with a friend who doesn't really read comics, but just likes to go for the atmosphere. I've tried getting him into them, but he gets overwhelmed every time he tries to find a jumping on point, which I completely understand. With Marvel Now and New 52 in full force, now is as good of a time as ever.

He is about halfway caught up on The Walking Dead though so there's something and if he's willing to read something where he's over 100 issues behind, catching up on some of the New 52 or Marvel Now series shouldn't be a problem.
What's another good site to order comics other than midtown. I wasn't able to get something this week and midtown is already sold out.
Tfaw or gmart is where I'd look. But if you're looking for pp 9 you won't find it at a comic store online already looked at the major ones. eBay is unfortunately the only way to go for that one.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']Tfaw or gmart is where I'd look. But if you're looking for pp 9 you won't find it at a comic store online already looked at the major ones. eBay is unfortunately the only way to go for that one.[/QUOTE]

Haha that's exactly what I'm looking for. I'm always at my shop right away and this week couldn't go until Friday and I knew it would be gone. Ugh.
[quote name='Tsel']Are you going to be there this year? We should try and meet up or something. The only thing that sucks is that I go with a friend who doesn't really read comics, but just likes to go for the atmosphere. I've tried getting him into them, but he gets overwhelmed every time he tries to find a jumping on point, which I completely understand. With Marvel Now and New 52 in full force, now is as good of a time as ever.

He is about halfway caught up on The Walking Dead though so there's something and if he's willing to read something where he's over 100 issues behind, catching up on some of the New 52 or Marvel Now series shouldn't be a problem.[/QUOTE]

I should be at C2E2 and wizard world (CCC) this year. I am trying to get both conventions on the radio shop show again this year. I have to call them this week about C2E2 because the tickets are much cheaper when they get them. I'll post it in the Chicago thread if they are on the show. ( )

Yeah that would be cool to have a mini meetup. I think weaponx2099 and mrrosowo go too. I'm usually with my brother and my Dad, but they tend to need breaks anyway.
Did anyone manage to get SD Comic-con tickets the other day. The whole site went fubar instantly. Seems like it was even worse than last year.
Got mine back in August. Bro in law said it was glitchy for the first few mins but he still got in at a decent number (34k) and was able to buy his with no issue.
Any CAGs heading to WizardWorld in Portland next weekend?

Wanted to go to Emerald City Comic Con, but my in-laws live in Portland and the money I save on a hotel room means I can spend more on comics and hardcovers.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']Got mine back in August. Bro in law said it was glitchy for the first few mins but he still got in at a decent number (34k) and was able to buy his with no issue.[/QUOTE]

I got mine back in August, but was unable to get preview night. I tried the other day again and the whole thing just went to hell right at offiicial time and I couldn't get anything to load (except for error pages) until it finally said waiting room was full.

I will try again for the last bunch to see if I can get the preview night - since that was honestly my favorite time there.

Also, as I stated in that other thread, I don't know if my gf can go this year. So if any CAGs who can pass for an asian girl might be invited.
bread's done