Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

What an amazing week for comics. Here are my thoughts.

Alpha Flight and Journey Into Mystery continue to be the best Fear Itself tie-ins.

Steve Rogers returns as Cap in a new Cap #1 that is is rather entertaining.

Hal Jordan is stripped of his power ring by the Guardians, but saves the Corps. Funny how that works out. Sinestro is also a Green Lantern again. Weird.

The new Ghost Rider series is off to an amazing start as well. The new Ghost Rider is an interesting choice and lingering presence of Johnny Blaze could some good work for the book seeing how popular he is.

Three excellent books from Aspen Comics (Lady Mechanika, Charismagic and Executive Assistant Orchid). I've been waiting for Mechanika since last year it seems. The wait was terrible, but the book delivered so well on so many levels).
[quote name='cindersphere']So I scanned the first few pages but didn't see anything that resembled an answer for me. So I just gone done watching Batman The Animated Series and I want to get into reading the comics. I have just finished reading Batman Year One and it was really good, but I am at a loss of where to go from there. What TPB's should I get both because they are good and will hopefully get me caught up with what is currently going on.[/QUOTE]One of my favorites is the Vampire Trilogy.
[quote name='JP']I finally decided instead of getting single issues to get trades instead. I tend to read in sets and I just really don't have the patience for bagging/boarding and storing them. With the trades, especially hardcovers, they are ready for the bookshelf as is. I just got my order from Very pleased with the quality and price of all the books. Got 31 trades from them
Ultimate Fantastic Four HC Vol 01
Ultimate Fantastic Four HC Vol 02
Ultimate Fantastic Four HC Vol 03
Ultimate Fantastic Four HC Vol 04
Ultimate Fantastic Four HC Vol 05
Ultimate Fantastic Four HC Vol 06
Ultimate X-Men HC Vol 07
Ultimate X-Men HC Vol 08
Ultimate X-Men HC Vol 09
Ultimate Spider-Man HC Vol 11
Ultimate Spider-Man HC Vol 09
Ultimate Spider-Man HC Vol 10
Ultimate Hulk Vs Iron Man Prem HC Ultimate Human
Ultimate Comics Iron Man Armor Wars Prem HC
Ultimate Six Prem HC
Ultimate Comics Avengers Prem HC Blade Vs Avengers
Ultimate Wolverine Vs Hulk Prem HC
Ultimate War Prem HC
Ultimate Comics Avengers Prem HC Crime & Punishment
Ultimate Iron Man II Prem HC - Sale 60% off
Ultimate Origins Prem HC
Ultimate Comics Captain America Prem HC
Ultimate Comics New Ultimates Prem HC Thor Reborn
Ultimate Comics Avengers Prem HC Next Generation
Ultimate Comics Thor Prem HC
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Prem HC World According
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Chameleons Prem HC
Ultimatum Prem HC March On Ultimatum
Ultimate Comics Doomsday HC
Ultimatum Companion HC
Ult Comics Spider-Man Prem HC Death Prelude

I used to only get trades, but recently started getting single issues because I like looking forward to them every month.

How do people store the singles though? Bookshelf doesn't seem ideal...

Also am I the only one who's liking Flashpoint?

Seems like a lot of people aren't really liking it.
[quote name='whoknows']I used to only get trades, but recently started getting single issues because I like looking forward to them every month.

How do people store the singles though? Bookshelf doesn't seem ideal...

You can buy a comic book box or use a priority mail "medium flat rate box". The PO boxes hold about 50 comics.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']Please tell me you don't store them like that slowdive... The collector in me nearly had a heart attack.[/QUOTE]

If they are in old bags and boards (meaning I bought them from someone else) I alternate the bindings and stack em. :booty:

I don't do it with keys or expensive books and it is mostly a temporary solution. (Really you could just put the box on it's side, if you keep the stack upright.

I do store my "sell piles" in them, because it makes em easier to ship once they are sold.
[quote name='gargus']Am I the only one who is tired of marvel and dc stuff?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I get a bit tired of it too. I've been branching out to non super stuff. In fact I like it more than my Marvel stuff. When I get my stack every month Walking Dead, Fables & Locke & Key are read almost instantly. As for Mahrvel I like it more when stories are doing their own thing and not forced to tie in.

[quote name='gargus']I just get tired of reading these interesting stories that are built up and then suddenly in like half a issue suddenly resolved really sloppy and then its over. LIke all the trouble they went to in secret invasion and then
out of nowhere mr fantastic shows up with a gun that shows who the skrulls are, they fight and its over in like 10 pages.
I guess I get tired of marvel trying to make everything always seem grim and depressing.[/QUOTE]

There have been some good major events but for the most part your summery is spot on. It's not like they're terrible reads but it's all very run-of-the-mill and defiantly a story telling pattern is obvious. These major events are put in place to set up the status quo for the next year.

I started reading the new Mega Man comic by Archie and really like it. It's a great homage to the series and throw in nice little easter eggs for fans paying attention. I wonder if this will eventually be an epic like the Sonic comics have become. I'd like to still be reading this 10 years from now.
im just tired of all these "big events" that sometimes fizzle into nothing or get in the way of regular more interesting storylines. still wondering if ultimate spiderman will stay dead or not but this past bit on it i wont like i started to cry a bit.

this story with wolverine is kinda interesting makes sense hed have more enemies than hed know about and im still waiting on the reveal on the shatterstar/longshot connection.

kinda tired of this whole magical hammer shit but i like the new loki alot.

oh yeah i still like the whole superman walking series some of the issues were meh but it was and still is a cool concept to have him walking around seeing the world from the ground. not happy with them shoe horning in a villan and all but its definelty a cool way to show his human side more than showcase his powers.

btw wtf is with bane wanting to
go after batman and his people again ? with all the allies he has now and his new protection business hes a fucking moron to think he will succeed but it will be cool to see damian kick some ass. i get bane pulled off some amazing shit beting him but in all reality he only won because he was souped up on drugs and batman was dead dog tired from catching villans that had escaped. i hope jason todd gets in the mix with this too the guy has got some skills.
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[quote name='Rodimus']Yeah I forgot their was a Shatterstar/Longshot connection. They were about to reveal it then BAM, distraction. Such a tease.[/QUOTE]

and they teased it a few issues back but again they just let it drop. i really want to know that secret.
[quote name='lokizz']im just tired of all these "big events" that sometimes fizzle into nothing or get in the way of regular more interesting storylines. still wondering if ultimate spiderman will stay dead or not but this past bit on it i wont like i started to cry a bit.

this story with wolverine is kinda interesting makes sense hed have more enemies than hed know about and im still waiting on the reveal on the shatterstar/longshot connection.

kinda tired of this whole magical hammer shit but i like the new loki alot.

oh yeah i still like the whole superman walking series some of the issues were meh but it was and still is a cool concept to have him walking around seeing the world from the ground. not happy with them shoe horning in a villan and all but its definelty a cool way to show his human side more than showcase his powers.

btw wtf is with bane wanting to
go after batman and his people again ? with all the allies he has now and his new protection business hes a fucking moron to think he will succeed but it will be cool to see damian kick some ass. i get bane pulled off some amazing shit beting him but in all reality he only won because he was souped up on drugs and batman was dead dog tired from catching villans that had escaped. i hope jason todd gets in the mix with this too the guy has got some skills.

I'm pretty sure Gail Simone just wants to end Secret Six with an all-out brawl. The series is easily one of DC's most popular so expect an amazing ending to the amazing series.
[quote name='GhostShark']I'm pretty sure Gail Simone just wants to end Secret Six with an all-out brawl. The series is easily one of DC's most popular so expect an amazing ending to the amazing series.[/QUOTE]

well if hes going to try what hes thinking the end should be sick with him on the losing end.
[quote name='gargus']Am I the only one who is tired of marvel and dc stuff?

Everytime I turn around with marvel some big event is going on that really has no point to it. Aside from its spinoff titles nothing really matters outside the main story thats like 6 issues long and at the end of the story they pull something out of their ass that fixes everything within the last 4 pages. I just get tired of reading these interesting stories that are built up and then suddenly in like half a issue suddenly resolved really sloppy and then its over. LIke all the trouble they went to in secret invasion and then
out of nowhere mr fantastic shows up with a gun that shows who the skrulls are, they fight and its over in like 10 pages.
I guess I get tired of marvel trying to make everything always seem grim and depressing. Even the good stuff like ultimates ongoing that millar writes is incredibly forgettable. Whats worse is they use bendis for every damn thing. He isnt a bad writer but he is very mediocre and the fact he writes so much makes it worse because he doesnt concentrate on anything, its more like he is in a contest to write the most stuff.

DC I used to like but everytime I turn around a series is restarting or some big thing happens and is somehow magically erased and everything then goes right back to where it was. The dc universe also seems character centric. It all used to be batman, wonder woman and superman. Now wonder woman is gone and green lantern is the replacement. Everything is also so disconnected nothing fits together or makes any sense at all.

And they both suffer from only using the good writers on stuff that is main character based. If its not a core title or big event all the non major titles suffer from boring to bad art and even worse writing. And of course anytime someone dies they arent dead and are back within a year and its always some crazy way to come back that either makes no sense (batman for instance) or its just plain stupid (captain america).

Maybe Im just jaded to the big publishers anymore but I find it harder and harder to find any excuse to pick up the books they release. I used to blow like 30 to 40 bucks each week on new stuff, now if I pickup 2 issues thats a lot.[/QUOTE]

I dropped comics a couple of years ago for some of the same reasons (along with the cost factor...cover prices just seem too high to me nowadays plus add in the fact what would have been a single issue storyline 10-15 years ago seems to be stretched out to at least 4 issues). There was a period of time where is seemed like all the writers could do was bring back a character from the dead that most considered dead for good (Jason Todd, Bucky, Barry Allen, etc), give a character a son/daughter (Hulk, Wolverine, Batman), or reboot things/create a revisionist history (Brand New Day, Green Lantern: Rebirth). I understand some of the stated reasons for this (more creative freedom by not being tied to messy continuity, hollywood, so the next generation of readers can enjoy these characters, etc) but don't necessarily agree with them. I know some good stories have come out of these changes but ultimately it has gotten to the point where I feel like the next writer is just going to undo what the last writer has done for the sake of a "bold, new direction" (I know I'm being extreme with this statement).

I do miss comics sometimes but then I check Newsarama for a little industry update and find more reasons to not get back into it than the opposite...I thought it was pretty funny when I checked Newsarama a couple of days ago for the first time in probably 9-12 months and read all the DC reboot stuff.

I know there are still good comics out there, I just don't have the patience (or the money) to find them.
Cap'n_RDM;8675414 said:
There was a period of time where is seemed like all the writers could do was bring back a character from the dead that most considered dead for good (Jason Todd, Bucky, Barry Allen, etc), give a character a son/daughter (Hulk, Wolverine, Batman), or reboot things/create a revisionist history (Brand New Day, Green Lantern: Rebirth).

Or take a hero or villain and make them the opposite sex (Lady Bullseye, Loki, X-23)
I think they've done that gimmick with just about every character some way or another. Seriously is theere one that hasn't been turned into a female, an alternate version or a wannabe version.
i like x-23 more than i do daken that fucker is too damn annoying. i get it he wishes he could be his dad kinda makes me think of the guy from silence of the lambs maybe someday he will make a wolverine skin suit or something lol.
TFAW has a special where you can get all 52 new DC #1s for half off. ($80) That does not include shipping and/or bag and boarding.
A friend and I were having a discussion about digital copies of comics, kind of curious what everyone here thinks. It basically boiled down to if you own either the single issue or a trade collection of books, is it okay to get a digital version from "alternate" sources? Now both big companies have not quite embraced the digital world all that well. I could be wrong, but from what I've seen in the past they haven't really got there yet.

I'll admit I'm torn on the matter. I'm one of the people who will buy a DVD or bluray now, and rip it to a network drive so I have a digital copy that I can access in different ways. Being able to access my media at any time is very useful. However, I'm not sure if comics fit under that category to think of it as fair use.
Just caught up with Ultimate Spider-Man. Wow, Marvel is really destroying that Ultimate universe. After killing off some popular characters in Ultimatum. They decide to go next with splitting up the Fantastic Four and turning one of them into the new main bad guy. Then they go on to kill off probably their most popular series in the Ultimate universe, Spider-Man, in an drawn out battle. Now they're rebooting the issues, again(twice in 2 years). This time with a new X-men series with no main big people, since they killed most of them off. Then Spider-Man is getting a new 13-year old hispanic/african-american character being Spider-Man. Which seems so stupid, as most people feel Peter Parker is & always will be Spider-Man. Feels like Marvel copping out to kids, when it's adults that actually buy this stuff. At this point, it feels like Marvel should just kill off that whole universe. Because if it were a person, Marvel's already shot it in the head and lit it on fire with how they've ruined that universe. Now it feels like they're just poking the body just for fun with these reboots. Feels like the only good thing that came out of that universe was the Marvel Zombies and even that got milked too much until no one paid attention to it anymore. Sorry about the rant, it's just annoying to see how badly Marvel has screwed up that universe.
[quote name='crazylikeafox11']Unless you're looking to get it signed, I believe last year you could order the SDCC variant from Previews at a later time.[/QUOTE]

Well... Image tossed it up in their solicitations for November. 11/2 to be specific. It's got a Diamond # already (SEP110457), so if you still need it now would be a good time to get in line. I emailed Rob and he said the SDCC convention exclusive is limited to 2500.
[quote name='JP']A friend and I were having a discussion about digital copies of comics, kind of curious what everyone here thinks. It basically boiled down to if you own either the single issue or a trade collection of books, is it okay to get a digital version from "alternate" sources? Now both big companies have not quite embraced the digital world all that well. I could be wrong, but from what I've seen in the past they haven't really got there yet.

I'll admit I'm torn on the matter. I'm one of the people who will buy a DVD or bluray now, and rip it to a network drive so I have a digital copy that I can access in different ways. Being able to access my media at any time is very useful. However, I'm not sure if comics fit under that category to think of it as fair use.[/QUOTE]

I will tell you that this is exactly what I do. I will physically buy the book (singles) and then obtain the "digital" version from an unsavory place. ;) I would be all for spending an additional buck to get the digital version when buying the single but "F" them if they think I'm gonna drop double the dough for a digital version as well.
[quote name='blk00civicsi']I will tell you that this is exactly what I do. I will physically buy the book (singles) and then obtain the "digital" version from an unsavory place. ;) I would be all for spending an additional buck to get the digital version when buying the single but "F" them if they think I'm gonna drop double the dough for a digital version as well.[/QUOTE]
i agree with you they should do what companies are doing with blu rays toss in a digital copy. course thell have to polybag them so no one steals the codes
[quote name='bhk']TFAW has a special where you can get all 52 new DC #1s for half off. ($80) That does not include shipping and/or bag and boarding.[/QUOTE]

or you can order:

Written by VARIOUS
Cover by JIM LEE
On sale DECEMBER 7 • 1,216 pg, FC, $150.00 US
In September, DC Comic will launch 52 new #1 issues starring the World’s Greatest Super-Heroes! In December, to commemorate this incredible event, DC is collecting every one of these debut issues in a once-in-a-lifetime massive hardcover that includes:

JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee
ACTION COMICS #1 by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales
BATMAN #1 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo
GREEN LANTERN #1 by Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke
SWAMP THING #1 by Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette
STORMWATCH #1 by Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda
TEEN TITANS #1 by Scott Lobdell and Brett Booth
And 45 more!
Need a little advice. I'm not sure what to do about my X-Men fix now that the title is getting split up. Used to be I would just get Uncanny. I'm not buying 2 X-Men books since I'm not exactlly a huge fan. I haven't read any of Schism so I'm not sure if it's been good.

Any suggestions? I wouldn't be past just dropping it all togther and getting my mutant fix from X-Force and X-Factor. But I have very much enjoyed X-Men in the recent past with Messiah Complex and Second Coming.
[quote name='Dante Devil']or you can order:

Written by VARIOUS
Cover by JIM LEE
On sale DECEMBER 7 • 1,216 pg, FC, $150.00 US
In September, DC Comic will launch 52 new #1 issues starring the World’s Greatest Super-Heroes! In December, to commemorate this incredible event, DC is collecting every one of these debut issues in a once-in-a-lifetime massive hardcover that includes:

JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee
ACTION COMICS #1 by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales
BATMAN #1 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo
GREEN LANTERN #1 by Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke
SWAMP THING #1 by Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette
STORMWATCH #1 by Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda
TEEN TITANS #1 by Scott Lobdell and Brett Booth
And 45 more![/QUOTE]

Jesus, they're releasing a hardcover compiling all 52 #1s? That thing is gonna be a fucking beast of a book...
[quote name='Rodimus']Need a little advice. I'm not sure what to do about my X-Men fix now that the title is getting split up. Used to be I would just get Uncanny. I'm not buying 2 X-Men books since I'm not exactlly a huge fan. I haven't read any of Schism so I'm not sure if it's been good.

Any suggestions? I wouldn't be past just dropping it all togther and getting my mutant fix from X-Force and X-Factor. But I have very much enjoyed X-Men in the recent past with Messiah Complex and Second Coming.[/QUOTE]

I would wait until those team reveals are finished and then decide based on that. 8 X team books seems rigoddamndiculous. Here's whats been revealed so far (i'll just put the link so people who are avoiding it aren't spoiled). I think I'm going to go with Wolverine & The X-Men, Uncanny and X-Factor.

Blue - Generation Hope/X-Men/Uncanny X-Men/New Mutants

Gold - Uncanny X-Force, Wolverine & The X-Men, X-Men Legacy, X-Factor
Thanks for the links. But WTF is
Nightcrawler doing on X-Force? When did he come back to life
, that was quick. But judging from the books and thier rosters I might also go with Wolvie and the X-Men since Aaron's done some good Wolvie stories in the past and I've always enjoyed Bachalo's art.
[quote name='Rodimus']Thanks for the links. But WTF is
Nightcrawler doing on X-Force? When did he come back to life
, that was quick. But judging from the books and thier rosters I might also go with Wolvie and the X-Men since Aaron's done some good Wolvie stories in the past and I've always enjoyed Bachalo's art.[/QUOTE]

That's Age of Apocalyse Nightcrawler on X-Force.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']That's Age of Apocalyse Nightcrawler on X-Force.[/QUOTE]

i was really hoping some of those guys would come back into the normal universe ( mainly jean , nightcrawler and sabertooth) would have been cool to see them interacting with everyone.
I'm all about some Infinite Kung Fu and Loose Ends at the moment. I've tried to get back into the typical hero in tights, but that's not going so well. Watching the big 2 from the sideline right now. Looking forward to The Strange Talent of Luther Strode and the fresh start of Haunt coming from Image in the next month or so...
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If you read Flashpoint 5,
the red-hooded lady towards the end (double-page spread)
is going to be very significant going forward. In fact,
can be found in every new #1 issue from DC. The placement is very subtle, Where's Waldoesque.
[quote name='neocisco']If you read Flashpoint 5,
the red-hooded lady towards the end (double-page spread)
is going to be very significant going forward. In fact,
can be found in every new #1 issue from DC. The placement is very subtle, Where's Waldoesque.[/QUOTE]

That's fun.

Edit: Where is she is JL #1?
[quote name='whoknows']That's fun.

Edit: Where is she is JL #1?[/QUOTE]

First page of the football game. Middle panel on the right. Right above the dude face palming.

So yeah, I bought and read the new JL. I haven't bought a comic since I was like 7 (I'm 21) so I'mma stick around for a while and see how I like it.

I'll probably be picking up Detective, Action, JUI, and Green Arrow tomorrow.

I'm still confused on how continiuty works in comics, with characters
appearing in multiple comics. Do these run concurrently? Is there a specific timeline? Does DC just look the other way on this?
[quote name='diddy310']I would wait until those team reveals are finished and then decide based on that. 8 X team books seems rigoddamndiculous. Here's whats been revealed so far (i'll just put the link so people who are avoiding it aren't spoiled). I think I'm going to go with Wolverine & The X-Men, Uncanny and X-Factor.

Blue - Generation Hope/X-Men/Uncanny X-Men/New Mutants

Gold - Uncanny X-Force, Wolverine & The X-Men, X-Men Legacy, X-Factor[/QUOTE]

I take it that those are the "affiliations" as well? Some of the silhouettes are dead-giveaways too. Really surprised they're keeping the Unstoppable Colossus around too, but hey, whatever.
[quote name='advanced']I take it that those are the "affiliations" as well? Some of the silhouettes are dead-giveaways too. Really surprised they're keeping the Unstoppable Colossus around too, but hey, whatever.[/QUOTE]

I used to love X-men and I can't tell who most of these characters are... even the reveals.

Saw Colossus dressed as Juggs so I wikied him and found out he's pretty much the new Juggernaut. Aren't the powers pretty much the same? Seems like a waste of a good character (Juggs).
[quote name='Indignate']

I'm still confused on how continiuty works in comics, with characters
appearing in multiple comics. Do these run concurrently? Is there a specific timeline? Does DC just look the other way on this?[/QUOTE]

There are 2 timelines for these new 52 books and eventually you will have a few different universes for some of the titles. I think I read that
Batman is the current book and Detective takes place 5 years ago like the Justice League.
[quote name='Bloodbooger']I used to love X-men and I can't tell who most of these characters are... even the reveals.

Saw Colossus dressed as Juggs so I wikied him and found out he's pretty much the new Juggernaut. Aren't the powers pretty much the same? Seems like a waste of a good character (Juggs).[/QUOTE]

It was for Fear Itself. Basically,
Juggernaut is supposed to serve only the god/whatever that gave him the powers, but when he picked up the giant hammer, taht had him serving a second god/whatever and the first god didn't like it. Colossus' sister was going to take the power, but Colossus did instead, and thus Unstoppable Colossernaut.
[quote name='diddy310']...I...kinda would have wanted to see what JuggerMagik would have looked like.[/QUOTE]

that could have been interesting but a kittjug would have been a sick combo unstoppable and able to phase through things.
[quote name='diddy310']I would wait until those team reveals are finished and then decide based on that. 8 X team books seems rigoddamndiculous. Here's whats been revealed so far (i'll just put the link so people who are avoiding it aren't spoiled). I think I'm going to go with Wolverine & The X-Men, Uncanny and X-Factor.

Blue - Generation Hope/X-Men/Uncanny X-Men/New Mutants

Gold - Uncanny X-Force, Wolverine & The X-Men, X-Men Legacy, X-Factor[/QUOTE]
Keeping in mind I've been out of the loop a long time, when did
apparently become the Juggernaut?

edit- And I see it's been answered already.
Finally Wolvie's team is revealed:

Looking through many of the DC 52 books this week reminds me of the 90's. The art is bad on a lot of them I really do not see lots of people that cannot wait to see what happens next in O.M.A.C. Some of these book choices just do not make much sense when other better series were not brought back. I also found it funny that Green Arrow is basically wearing his Smallville outfit, beardless and all.
[quote name='Owen']Looking through many of the DC 52 books this week reminds me of the 90's. The art is bad on a lot of them I really do not see lots of people that cannot wait to see what happens next in O.M.A.C. Some of these book choices just do not make much sense when other better series were not brought back. I also found it funny that Green Arrow is basically wearing his Smallville outfit, beardless and all.[/QUOTE]
I thought maybe I was nuts thinking it looked similar to the Smallville design.
Does anyone on here use the iPad comic apps? I'm slightly confused by the Comixology 3.0 app, as it apparently has Marvel, DC, and other comics on there. Is there any way to sync collections or ratings between these apps, or any incentive to use one over the others? Also, it seems like Comixology has a ton of free comics available through it.
[quote name='Owen']Looking through many of the DC 52 books this week reminds me of the 90's. The art is bad on a lot of them I really do not see lots of people that cannot wait to see what happens next in O.M.A.C. Some of these book choices just do not make much sense when other better series were not brought back. I also found it funny that Green Arrow is basically wearing his Smallville outfit, beardless and all.[/QUOTE]

yeah im not really liking this at all aside from static shock getting his own comic again alot of these changes are confusing or completly retarted looking ( like green arrows new look) i was enjoying green arrows current run before this whole 52 deal now im pretty much meh.

same thing for marvel the spider island thing is enteresting but the fear itself is running too long for my tastes. kill off who you need to kill off and bring back whoever but get on with it already.

when its all said and done i wonder how many people will end up keeping their spider powers. that issue with
robbie roberts getting powers
was very cool and the ending was sweet.

and its funny to see diff heroes get the powers and how they deal with them.
So far, I think, the new 52 launch has just been OK. I picked up Justice League, JLI, Swamp Thing, Batgirl and Animal Man.

Justice League is ok, but it's kind of hard for me to read this and understand that these heroes don't know each other.

JLI was a steaming pile of doo doo.

Batgirl was pretty fun, but the more I read it, the more I want Stephanie Brown back.

Animal Man and Swamp Thing were amazing. Good, solid titles there.
bread's done