Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='GhostShark']So, Matt Fraction and Salvador Larocca's legendary run on Invincible Iron Man (started around Civil War) came to an end yesteday. I'm gonna miss this creative team probably more than any other creative team on any book. It also really sucks to see Hickman leaving both Fantastic Four books and Brubaker leaving Cap.[/QUOTE]

Did you read the Fraction/Allred FF preview in the Point One issue? Holy crap, I'm excited and I worship the ground that Hickman walks on.
Yeah, it looks nice, but one of the reasons why FF was so good was the interactions between the kids (all like 20 of them) and the kids between their future selves. This new FF just seems like Diet Fantastic Four. And there is nothing wrong with that because it will probably be a decent hit, but I will miss the crazy conversations with all the kids of the FF.
If anyone has some spare time to browse, they have a bunch of mostly Marvel bargain book graphic novels. They define bargain books as new, overstock books that have a slight mark or stamp on the edge identifying them as such. My personal experience with their bargain books is a black sharpie line across the top. If you don't mind that, there are quite a few books that may seem interesting. Start here for bargain book Comics & Graphic Novels. You can start browsing there or select Graphic Novels on the left side to filter the list. You can also filter it further if you select Superheroes. I only linked without the filters because I'm not sure if I missed any titles that weren't correctly categorized by Amazon.

There's more than what's listed here.
Secret Invasion $12.00 (paperback)
The Thanos Imperative $8.00 (7 left, paperback)
Invaders Now! $10.00 (10 left, hardcover)
Ultimate Comics Iron Man Ultimate Collection $12.00 (7 left, paperback)
Spider-Woman: Agent of S.W.O.R.D. $10.00 (18 left, hardcover)
Thor: Son of Asgard $14.00 (4 left, paperback)
Heroic Age $10.00 (5 left, paperback)
Fantastic Four: The Masters of Doom $8.00 (paperback)
Black Widow: The Name of the Rose $10.00 (hardcover)
Spider-Man: Origin of the Species $10.00 (hardcover)
I know when I asked nobody really mentioned following Journey Into Mystery, but HOLY SHIT this final Kid Loki issue is probably the single most heart breaking comic I've ever read. I've seriously never hated a villain for something as much as I now do adult Loki. I mean I'm interested to see what happens next and I was already excited for Young Avengers (although I'm kind of unsure now, like I love the Young Avengers, but after this JIM "kid Loki" scares me because he isn't the character I love he's one I now despise). I mean
why did adult Loki steal away kid Loki and Leah, two of my all time favorite Marvel characters :cry:, especially when he seemingly admits that kid Loki is right and by stealing kid Loki's body combined with his previous actions he's proven that he is always going to be the villain even if he tries to leach off what kid Loki did to clear his own name.
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Since you're a fan of Journey Into Mystery (I was at first during Fear Itself, but afterwards I fell off of it), are you interested in the Marvel NOW! relaunch (of sorts) of JIM with Sif? I'm interested because I am all for more Solo books.
I'm going to check it out for sure, I honestly don't know that much about the Thor support cast, although I'm a bit more familiar with it now having followed JIM through the entire kid Loki arc (and some of the cross over and intro stuff from the Thor series), but Sif didn't really appear much in what I read. If this new creative team handles Sif with close to the same level that kid Loki got then I'll probably stick with it and thoroughly enjoy it. I'd like to say I'd be interested in seeing if kid Loki appears as part of the Sif story... but well like I said, he isn't the character I love anymore (if for some reason the actual kid Loki comes back though, that would make me super happy).
Any of the new DC comics that anyone recommend? I stopped reading after I read issue one of all of them and got burnt out. Think I am going to pick 2 or 3 of them and go back and read those.
I'll vouch for Batman, Batgirl, Batman and Robin, Green Lantern, and Animal Man. Those are probably my favorites, but Nightwing is pretty good too. I still have plenty of ones to catch up on so if I didn't list it, it's not because I don't think it's good, it's probably because I haven't read it yet.
Batgirl and Batwoman are the only two I've somewhat kept up with. I keep meaning to get into a few others, but I buy/read too much Marvel to add any other books.
I've kept Justice League, Red Hood & the Outlaws, Nightwing and Suicide Squad. Justice League might get dropped soon. I read a ton of Marvel/Image so DC gets low priority on my list. I had Green Arrow, Teen Titans, Superman and Superboy for a while as well but I dropped those.
Sorry to change the theme we've had here, and I know I'm extremely late to the party, but I just got finished reading the first hardcover of Invincible by Robert Kirkman and, wow, I love this book. I wish I had read it earlier, as I'm sure Invincible would be my favorite hero if I had read it in high school, but damn this book is good. I'll have to put in an order for the next few hardcovers so I don't run out in the middle of the night like I did with the first one.

In before "Holy Run on Sentences, Batman!"
[quote name='sleepydumbdude']Any of the new DC comics that anyone recommend? I stopped reading after I read issue one of all of them and got burnt out. Think I am going to pick 2 or 3 of them and go back and read those.[/QUOTE]

Batman and I, Vampire. Animal Man and Swamp a thing teir 2.
Hey CAGs I just started on comics today, I made an order at a local shop and I will be getting the my little pony friendship is magic comics. I was wondering if you have tips for how to store comics? thanks for any help
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[quote name='200STM']Hey CAGs I just started on comics today, I made ordered at a local shop and I will be getting the my little pony friendship is magic comics. I was wondering if you have tips for how to store comics? thanks for any help[/QUOTE]

Your local comic book store should sell "long boxes." Just ask them.
[quote name='200STM']Hey CAGs I just started on comics today, I made an order at a local shop and I will be getting the my little pony friendship is magic comics. I was wondering if you have tips for how to store comics? thanks for any help[/QUOTE]

Get bags and boards, always. And then store them in long boxes, and then never buy My Little Pony comics.
Thanks I remember really liking Animal so that is a sure thing. Going to try Swamp Thing, Justice League, Green Lantern and at least 1 Batman title. I always read too many titles that take place in Gotham and get sick of it quick.
[quote name='sleepydumbdude']Thanks I remember really liking Animal so that is a sure thing. Going to try Swamp Thing, Justice League, Green Lantern and at least 1 Batman title. I always read too many titles that take place in Gotham and get sick of it quick.[/QUOTE]

The one batman title should be Batman. Period.
For those on the Barnes & Nobles mailing list, just got an email for a random (10/15/20/30/50%) discount revealed during checkout. I got a 20% one but it doesn't appear to stack with their DC B2G1 free sale. The link to the list of items for the DC sale seems to be broken atm so it might stack once it's back up.

Since the discount is random, I assume it's a unique code. My code starts with FLB, can anyone else post the first three characters of their code?

Seems like the B&N site is broken as a whole. Getting a no results page on pages like the graphic novels bestsellers list or just doing a search.

*Edit x2
Looks like the code won't stack if the B2G1 sale is in effect in your cart but you can buy a single item that is eligible for that sale and the discount will appear.
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Planning on clearing out my pull list from my local store and moving online. It's down between DCB, TFAW and Midtown. Anyone with experience of the 3 I would appreciate some thoughts. Looked back on the thread and seen some, but anyone have any recent recommendations.
[quote name='JP']Planning on clearing out my pull list from my local store and moving online. It's down between DCB, TFAW and Midtown. Anyone with experience of the 3 I would appreciate some thoughts. Looked back on the thread and seen some, but anyone have any recent recommendations.[/QUOTE]

Always have been happy when I order from midtown.
Does midtown for when start subscriptions you see the first you are getting? I was looking at tfawand their subscription list shows the next, in my case first, book from I can see what other stuff I need to pick up that I might miss in my switch from my local store to an online.
[quote name='JP']Planning on clearing out my pull list from my local store and moving online. It's down between DCB, TFAW and Midtown. Anyone with experience of the 3 I would appreciate some thoughts. Looked back on the thread and seen some, but anyone have any recent recommendations.[/QUOTE]

I used DCBS for about a year before deciding to move strictly to trades and I thought they were great.
I think I'm going to do this initially to get a taste of all 3.

Marvel books I'll pull from Midtown since they require 10 and I've got that number.
Image books I'll pull from TFAW.
DC books I'll pull from DCBS.

This way I can see all costs and packaging and make a determination from there.
Got Metabarons yesterday. I thought it wasn't coming out till 2013 so it was a complete surprise.

Read the first 80 pages or so and holy shit it is amazing. Everything I want from a comic. The art is fantastic, its action packed with nudity and violence, this is like Conan in space so far! I'm sure it'll bog down with some narrative as I continue on but I have high hopes.
[quote name='JP']Planning on clearing out my pull list from my local store and moving online. It's down between DCB, TFAW and Midtown. Anyone with experience of the 3 I would appreciate some thoughts. Looked back on the thread and seen some, but anyone have any recent recommendations.[/QUOTE]

When I was doing Midtown they were pretty good. As I started to whittle down the amount of books I was subscribing to it became less cost effective. Basically, if you're right at the 10 book per month minimum then the shipping charge is likely gonna make it not worth it. When I was up around 18-20 books a month I was saving a decent amount of money with them.
[quote name='JP']Planning on clearing out my pull list from my local store and moving online. It's down between DCB, TFAW and Midtown. Anyone with experience of the 3 I would appreciate some thoughts. Looked back on the thread and seen some, but anyone have any recent recommendations.[/QUOTE]


Used DCBS once, secure shipping and was the most reasonable shipping costs. Showed my LCS the invoice and they went ahead and gave me a 40% off all my monthly titles as long as I have a pull of 10 or greater. Now I can get my books weekly without getting killed on shipping costs.

I used to use Heroes Corner which was awesome service and the best online experience I've had. However, they stopped doing online orders for books (I think they only do figures now). My cousin swears by TFAW.

I don't know if you want to try what I did, but my shop was happy to have me back even at that steep discount. It's worth asking before you jump ship just so you can save on the shipping costs and get the books weekly if that's your thing.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']When I was doing Midtown they were pretty good. As I started to whittle down the amount of books I was subscribing to it became less cost effective. Basically, if you're right at the 10 book per month minimum then the shipping charge is likely gonna make it not worth it. When I was up around 18-20 books a month I was saving a decent amount of money with them.[/QUOTE]

I figured as much so that's why I'm using my Marvel pull list there. I've got 16 books I pull from Marvel so it should be alright.

[quote name='Multibeaster79']fwiw....

Used DCBS once, secure shipping and was the most reasonable shipping costs. Showed my LCS the invoice and they went ahead and gave me a 40% off all my monthly titles as long as I have a pull of 10 or greater. Now I can get my books weekly without getting killed on shipping costs.

I used to use Heroes Corner which was awesome service and the best online experience I've had. However, they stopped doing online orders for books (I think they only do figures now). My cousin swears by TFAW.

I don't know if you want to try what I did, but my shop was happy to have me back even at that steep discount. It's worth asking before you jump ship just so you can save on the shipping costs and get the books weekly if that's your thing.[/QUOTE]

I'm not switching to online because of costs really. The savings will be nice to have but the main reason I'm switching is because of the attitude of the employees at my local store. They have this you are beneath me attitude. When I first started going in there, I wasn't sure on a lot of things in regards to collecting comics and they weren't all that helpful and had the attitude of I didn't belong. I chalked it up to the fact that I came around after a big comic book movie release, Green Lantern I believe, and they probably got a lot of jackasses coming through the door. I also didn't want to do online yet as I wasn't sure if I wanted this to be a regular collection I put money in. It kind of steadied off but once I got a regular pull list setup it started to be a pain to get my comics. Some of the books I had on the pull list, about half of my Image and Marvel lists, they give me crap about every time I come in to get them. I get it dude, I don't know quality, shut the hell up and give my shit.
[quote name='JP']I figured as much so that's why I'm using my Marvel pull list there. I've got 16 books I pull from Marvel so it should be alright.

I'm not switching to online because of costs really. The savings will be nice to have but the main reason I'm switching is because of the attitude of the employees at my local store. They have this you are beneath me attitude. When I first started going in there, I wasn't sure on a lot of things in regards to collecting comics and they weren't all that helpful and had the attitude of I didn't belong. I chalked it up to the fact that I came around after a big comic book movie release, Green Lantern I believe, and they probably got a lot of jackasses coming through the door. I also didn't want to do online yet as I wasn't sure if I wanted this to be a regular collection I put money in. It kind of steadied off but once I got a regular pull list setup it started to be a pain to get my comics. Some of the books I had on the pull list, about half of my Image and Marvel lists, they give me crap about every time I come in to get them. I get it dude, I don't know quality, shut the hell up and give my shit.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad I have pretty much the exact opposite experience here. I have two comic book stores within a few miles of me and I've had a lot of luck no matter which one I choose to go to come Wednesday.

I will tell you that some of the attitude you might be getting is there has been a general tension, for lack of better way of describing it, in my area, because local stores have been generally been suffering in this economy. All the triple A movies and such have done little to really bring in regular customers and the owners have been really busy trying to figure out how survive when they keep losing regular customers who just do not have the money.
Iron Man #1 isn't so good. I've never been a fan of Greg Land's arts, and it is lackluster for the majority of the issue. And this feels like a poorly done version of Extremis. At least the dialogue is pretty good, but it needs to step it up if it is to stay on my pull list.
The Legend of Luther Strode has been announced for December! I loved The Strange Talent of..." so I'm hoping this is just as good.
[quote name='GhostShark']Iron Man #1 isn't so good. I've never been a fan of Greg Land's arts, and it is lackluster for the majority of the issue. And this feels like a poorly done version of Extremis. At least the dialogue is pretty good, but it needs to step it up if it is to stay on my pull list.[/QUOTE]

The way Greg Land draws his characters makes me want to punch them in the face.
Read Deadpool 1 while recovering from my wisdom teeth removal and, while it could have been the meds, that was a really good issue. I like the direction Duggan and Posehn are in with Wade.
So, im looking to get into the Marvel: NOW series. I'm kinda only wanting to get maybe 2 or 3 series going. Are there any of them that stand out so far? If it helps, i've been an X-Men fan since childhood. Favs are Gambit and Rouge. I'm not even sure which ones have been released.
Gambit has his own monthly now. Rogue can be seen in Uncanny Avengers. There's a few X-Men titles a part of it too. Wolverine and the X-Men is focused on Logan's new school and there's All-New X-Men which features Magneto, Cyclops, Emma and Magick (I think). That's supposed to go into the new Uncanny X-Men (volume 3, because they decided they had to relaunch it twice now) in February 2013. The last X-Men title that's part of Marvel NOW is Cable and X-Force.
[quote name='Javery']The Legend of Luther Strode has been announced for December! I loved The Strange Talent of..." so I'm hoping this is just as good.[/QUOTE]

Cool, I read the first series. Will check out this one as well.
[quote name='Rodimus']The way Greg Land draws his characters makes me want to punch them in the face.[/QUOTE]

It's the females. He cannot draw women at all. They all look the same; ditzy, big-breasted, with that same annoying smile.
[quote name='GhostShark']It's the females. He cannot draw women at all. They all look the same; ditzy, big-breasted, with that same annoying smile.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='advanced']Gambit has his own monthly now. Rogue can be seen in Uncanny Avengers. There's a few X-Men titles a part of it too. Wolverine and the X-Men is focused on Logan's new school and there's All-New X-Men which features Magneto, Cyclops, Emma and Magick (I think). That's supposed to go into the new Uncanny X-Men (volume 3, because they decided they had to relaunch it twice now) in February 2013. The last X-Men title that's part of Marvel NOW is Cable and X-Force.[/QUOTE]

Man, I am lost. Everything has changed since I last bought them lol Is there a good site to catch up on what's, what?

Is the Gambit series any good?
The Gambit series is pretty lame. Poor characterization and think plotlines make it forgettable. Gambit has and always will be better in a team book than a solo book.

And yes, the new Hawkeye series is fantastic, save for some glaring issues that don't really mesh with his current place in the MU. However, Aja won't be on the book much longer, so there is also that.
[quote name='slofton']Man, I am lost. Everything has changed since I last bought them lol Is there a good site to catch up on what's, what?

Is the Gambit series any good?[/QUOTE]

You could read a few Wiki pages to get caught up. Follow the major storylines until you get to today.

Personally, I like Wolverine and the X-Men. Uncanny Avengers seemed good and it just started. Gambit is meh. Uncanny X-Men and All New X-Men are going to be written by Bendis, so if you like him, you'll probably like those.
bread's done