Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='GhostShark']It's the females. He cannot draw women at all. They all look the same; ditzy, big-breasted, with that same annoying smile.[/QUOTE]

Thats because he uses the same pictures to trace from for all his women.
I can see that if the pencils don't take a turn for the better, Marvel will find a new, more diverse penciler to take over. However, that isn't the only problem with the book so far. The rehashed extremis plot is pretty boring, and I can't see it getting any better.
[quote name='JP']I figured as much so that's why I'm using my Marvel pull list there. I've got 16 books I pull from Marvel so it should be alright.

I'm not switching to online because of costs really. The savings will be nice to have but the main reason I'm switching is because of the attitude of the employees at my local store. They have this you are beneath me attitude. When I first started going in there, I wasn't sure on a lot of things in regards to collecting comics and they weren't all that helpful and had the attitude of I didn't belong. I chalked it up to the fact that I came around after a big comic book movie release, Green Lantern I believe, and they probably got a lot of jackasses coming through the door. I also didn't want to do online yet as I wasn't sure if I wanted this to be a regular collection I put money in. It kind of steadied off but once I got a regular pull list setup it started to be a pain to get my comics. Some of the books I had on the pull list, about half of my Image and Marvel lists, they give me crap about every time I come in to get them. I get it dude, I don't know quality, shut the hell up and give my shit.[/QUOTE]

That sucks and I'm sorry you have to deal with assholes who think they know everything about anything. Tastes differ for everyone and if they knew what was good for their business they would've gotten to know your reading preferences and made meaningful suggestions.

Do you have any other shops? Honestly I like supporting someone who is local but if they are the only game then too bad for them. At the end of the day everyone is a noob at some point and the good folks will encourage your enthusiasm.

I used to (and still do) get shit for my preference of DC silver age over "the marvel age" but its what I enjoy and ill be damned if some holier than thou douchekabob is gonna give me shit because I prefer it. Hope you enjoy getting the books delivered (and $$$ you save).

And thanks for updating GS thread-- I just realized who I was quoting earlier.
[quote name='GhostShark']
And yes, the new Hawkeye series is fantastic, save for some glaring issues that don't really mesh with his current place in the MU. However, Aja won't be on the book much longer, so there is also that.[/QUOTE]

I think that Aja is just taking a break for the next arc and then will be back for the following two arcs. At least that was the story a few weeks ago?
[quote name='Tsel']Sad to see the current Punisher series end.[/QUOTE]
Especially sad considering how much Warzone fucking sucks. I swear to God, it has the stupidest premise ever.
The premise makes sense, and is a long time coming, but the art is just deplorable. And the characterization of both Tony Stark and Wolverine is just awful. At least learn the characters before you write them.
[quote name='Tsel']Where's the cheapest place to buy bags and boards? I have about 400-500 comics in need of some organization.[/QUOTE]

Usually local comic shop or the convention. Since we have a while before WWC/CCC and C2E2, I would recommend a local store.

Ultra pro can be found anywhere from $4 (extreme cases) to $6 for 100 pack.

Any ultra pro for under $6 is a pretty decent price.

I usually use silver age for everything before 2005ish (whenever they went to the taller/slimmer book design). I use golden age for golden age books (duh), silver age giants, and oversized books like "The Tick".
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New Thor and Fantastic Four series get the seal of approval from me. I really dig Ribic's pencils in the new Thor. And even though Fantastic Four isn't Hickman, it feels very much like Hickman, but Fraction's narrative style. Only the long will tell if it is on par with Hickman's fantastic work.
Hey guys, I'm interested in reading some Deadpool comics, but I searched around and there are so many of them. Any advice on where to starts?
I would just start with the new series that just launched, and maybe Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. DKtMU is only Deadpool series I can stomach. I guess he's ok in the confines of Uncanny X-Force, but he's become such a boring character ever since the end of Cable and Deadpool.
[quote name='Decypher']Hey guys, I'm interested in reading some Deadpool comics, but I searched around and there are so many of them. Any advice on where to starts?[/QUOTE]

I can't speak for the quality since I won't get it till next week, but Deadpool Max just came out. It's currently $19.96 and covers Deadpool Max 1-12, Deadpool Max 2 1-6 and the Deadpool Max X-Mas special all in an oversized (judging by the product dimensions) hardcover.

I just received Spaceman Deluxe Edition, Batman: The Long Halloween, Batman: Hush and the two Walking Dead Compendiums. I blindly bought Spaceman after reading the wiki plot. It wasn't as good as I expected and the slang used takes a bit to get used to. I should probably re-read it. Hush and The Long Halloween were fantastic and definitely books I'll read again soon. As for the Walking Dead Compendiums, after looking at those big boys, I think I'll save them for a rainy day.
I don't ever recall a week where so many good issues came out at once.

All-New X-Men 1
Avengers Assemble 9
Batman 14
Fantastic Four 1
Great Pacific 1
Green Lantern Corps 14
Saucer Country 9
Think Tank 4
Where Is Jake Ellis? 1

Plus, there are several other books that came out that I haven't had a chance to read yet that look promising. Just an incredibly strong week.
[quote name='Sway']I can't speak for the quality since I won't get it till next week, but Deadpool Max just came out. It's currently $19.96 and covers Deadpool Max 1-12, Deadpool Max 2 1-6 and the Deadpool Max X-Mas special all in an oversized (judging by the product dimensions) hardcover.

Deadpool Max is okay at best, imo. I read it but I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it unless you like the Max line or Deadpool is your absolute favorite character. $20 is a great deal on it though, since it's just about a dollar an issue.
[quote name='neocisco']I don't ever recall a week where so many good issues came out at once.

All-New X-Men 1
Avengers Assemble 9
Batman 14
Fantastic Four 1
Great Pacific 1
Green Lantern Corps 14
Saucer Country 9
Think Tank 4
Where Is Jake Ellis? 1

Plus, there are several other books that came out that I haven't had a chance to read yet that look promising. Just an incredibly strong week.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and I'd add Walking Dead 103, Saga 7 (probably the best of the week) and Thor 1. Hopefully it keeps up. The sales are on the rise as well from all publishers, so that is a very good sign.
Oh dear.
ComiXology has a 12 Days of Gifting event going on where they're giving out one comic each day. The comic is free only for only 24 hours until the next freebie is revealed, which looks like it'll be 1 PM EST. Today's comic is Avengers Assemble #1. Unfortunately I didn't learn about this till it was too late since they started yesterday, where they gave out Avengers vs X-Men #0. Check out their blog for updates.
[quote name='Sway']ComiXology has a 12 Days of Gifting event going on where they're giving out one comic each day. The comic is free only for only 24 hours until the next freebie is revealed, which looks like it'll be 1 PM EST. Today's comic is Avengers Assemble #1. Unfortunately I didn't learn about this till it was too late since they started yesterday, where they gave out Avengers vs X-Men #0. Check out their blog for updates.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info, hopefully I remember to check it out each day or people post links to the new books here.
Was recently given the first volume of New 52 Aquaman and man, that was amazing. I never really cared for Aquaman before. The tandem of Johns and Reis is awesome, even if I still think that Johns is bit overrated.
Caught up with a few Marvel NOW issues. Some good stuff. So far I read Unncanny Avengers - #1 & 2, All New X-Men #1 & 2, Thor #1, Captian America #1. All of hem have been solid.

X-Men might be my favorite thus far. I love bringing the orginal team into the future and seeing how they react to what becomes of them. I love Romita's art in Captian America, it fits the book perfectly. Some awesome panels.

I'm the opposite. I am at the point where I can't stand Romita's art, and I really want to read the book. I might get the TBP or Hardcover, but it's hard to warrant dropping 4 bucks a month on a book that I know I will dislike because of the art.

My favorite so far of Marvel NOW is probably Indestructible Hulk, but Thor, FF, Uncanny Avengers and Avengers have all been solid so far. I'm still waiting on New Avengers, since that is the book I want most.
Apparently Dan Slott is getting death threats for his ending to Spider-Man #700. I guess news of a new Spidey was the tip of a fuckberg. All I know is that Superior Spider-Man has a new hero that's not Parker, and that's enough to piss me off. But considering comic books are just as convoluted as daytime soap operas, whatever.
[quote name='GhostShark']I'm the opposite. I am at the point where I can't stand Romita's art, and I really want to read the book. I might get the TBP or Hardcover, but it's hard to warrant dropping 4 bucks a month on a book that I know I will dislike because of the art.

My favorite so far of Marvel NOW is probably Indestructible Hulk, but Thor, FF, Uncanny Avengers and Avengers have all been solid so far. I'm still waiting on New Avengers, since that is the book I want most.[/QUOTE]

Romita's hit and miss with me. His style is too simple for something like the Avengers. He's better suited to a single hero book rather than a team. All his faces look the same and when you get a group of chatracters together they kinda blend. He's got a very classic stylethat fits well for Cap being one of the older Marvel heroes. Besides the cover of Issue #2 has me intrigued.
[quote name='GhostShark']My favorite so far of Marvel NOW is probably Indestructible Hulk, but Thor, FF, Uncanny Avengers and Avengers have all been solid so far. I'm still waiting on New Avengers, since that is the book I want most.[/QUOTE]

I think thus far FF and a close second being All-New X-Men are my favorites of Marvel NOW.

I have been enjoying Indestructible Hulk though (it seems they basically threw out most everything that happened in the last Hulk series which is for the better).

Uncanny Avengers I like, and it has Rouge in it, but I'll be honest the first issue kind of annoyed me a bit because you have two really powerful mutants who are the only females on that team and they are the ones to be captured.

I don't like the direction that Wolverine & The X-Men has taken since Marvel NOW, that was a series I really enjoyed but it just keeps getting wackier and wackier to the point were I have trouble taking anything about it seriously.

I'm still really mixed on Avengers Arena, that series is kind of hard to stomach because of how over the top it is, and because they are probably going to kill off (at least temporarily) some characters I like.

I'm super excited for the new Uncanny X-Force, the previous series made me fall in love with Fantomex (that was actually the first time I'd encountered him, and I totally loved how well integrated his illusions were where it was hard to tell what was real in the comic and what was just one of his illusions) so I'm super stoked that they are putting the girl version of his three brains into the series I hope she has a similarly awesome role. Plus I'm also a Psylocke fan.
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[quote name='moon_knight']I don't know about the ending of spiderman 700, but the idea of another person being spiderman doesn't bother me at all.[/QUOTE]

Honestly the way that it's being told makes me wish they'd do what they did during the 90's. Have the Scarlet Spider(only this time it's Kaine instead of Ben Reilly) take over the mantle until they bring Peter Parker "back". That way Peter could be killed off and eventually brought back, while a character that looks like him takes over the role.

I get that Marvel is trying to refresh their regular universe, but some of the stuff has me wondering wtf they're thinking. This is one you'd think they would've learned their lesson killing Parker off in the Ultimate universe, but I guess not.

I guess until it's back to normal, Captain America will be the only Marvel title I'll read regularly. Seems like DC's reboot is doing a better job(particularly in the Batman family titles) handling a refreshing change.
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I was against the killing of Parker in the Ultimate line but I'll admit I've enjoyed Miles quite a bit. I'm looking forward to them focusing more on him than the recent event. Also interested in the interactions with Jessica Drew.
Haven't read any comics in years but the premise that Doc Ock can utilize Peter's memories, powers, along with his own intellect to be a better Spider-Man is, in theory, insane. For this not to go completely wrong at some point and have Doc Ock go batshit would be a disappointment. I'm banking how soon this happens will depend on how well the book sells.
[quote name='moon_knight']^ Action Comics and Superman[/QUOTE]

Cool, thanks. I was looking up the stuff and kept running into Superman Beyond but didn't know if that was still being run with new issues.

Are there any must-read/follow comics from Image, Vertigo, etc? I got the Marvel and DC stuff down but looking for some new reads to subscribe to at my shop.
To go along with Action Comics and Superman, there is also Superboy and Supergirl in the new 52, and those sometime feature Supes. Also, be on the lookout for Scott Snyder and Jim Lee's Superman series sometime next year.
[quote name='Blackout']Are there any must-read/follow comics from Image, Vertigo, etc? I got the Marvel and DC stuff down but looking for some new reads to subscribe to at my shop.[/QUOTE]

As far as Image stuff that I've been reading. Saga is super awesome (especially if you're already a fan of Brian K. Vaughan). Mind The Gap is fairly good, if you're into supernatural mystery type stuff. And Revival is interesting, but the story still hasn't really progressed far enough for me to decide if it's really good.
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[quote name='icebeast']As far as Image stuff that I've been reading. Saga is super awesome (especially if you're already a fan of Brian K. Vaughan). Mind The Gap is fairly good, if you're into supernatural mystery type stuff. And Revival is interesting, but the story still hasn't really progressed far enough for me to decide if it's really good.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'll check those out!

Any opinions on the new Thor? What about the Punisher and Batman & Robin series?
[quote name='Blackout']Thanks, I'll check those out!

Any opinions on the new Thor? What about the Punisher and Batman & Robin series?[/QUOTE]
I Can personally speak for Batman & Robin and say I enjoy it alot. Unlike Batman Inc. the book is firmly cemented in the relationship between Bruce and Damian and provides an interesting dynamic with how Bruce wants to be a protective father and Damian always wanting to prove himself in the eyes of his father. It gives much needed humanity to both characters and the art from Patrick Gleason is fantastic, especially his rendition of Joker.
[quote name='Javery']Chew is really awesome too.[/QUOTE]

Punisher is awesome but has basically concluded. I'd definitely recommend it.
[quote name='Blackout']Thanks, I'll check those out!

Any opinions on the new Thor? What about the Punisher and Batman & Robin series?[/QUOTE]

I love the new Thor: God of Thunder by Aaron and Ribic. Don't expect it be like Avengers Thor or JMS Thor.

I love the first issue of New Avengers. Any series with the Black Panther is fine by me, but I'm not a big fan of the pencils, to be honest. It won't drive me away from the book like Iron Man, but they could be better.

And Scott Snyder ended his first volume of American Vampire as perfectly as he could, with the right amount of set-up for the upcoming second volume (who knows when that will be).
[quote name='bardockkun']I Can personally speak for Batman & Robin and say I enjoy it alot. Unlike Batman Inc. the book is firmly cemented in the relationship between Bruce and Damian and provides an interesting dynamic with how Bruce wants to be a protective father and Damian always wanting to prove himself in the eyes of his father. It gives much needed humanity to both characters and the art from Patrick Gleason is fantastic, especially his rendition of Joker.[/QUOTE]

That sounds really awesome. Thanks. I'm going to check it out.

[quote name='DestroVega']Punisher is awesome but has basically concluded. I'd definitely recommend it.[/QUOTE]

So there's no longer a monthly Punisher series?

I've been collecting a list of stuff I wanted to subscribe to. It keeps getting larger, but the good thing is comics aren't as expensive as video games.

How do variant cover issues work? Is there an alternative cover for each issue every month? On my subscription options I have the option to also get variant issues, but is it worth it?
Probably not since they will always cost more, though there are some that are basic cover price, but sketch variants and stuff of that nature are always 50-200 bucks.

And yes the awesome Punisher monthly by Rucka is down, and Punisher: War Zone is going on now and it's pretty bad, which sucks because Rucka is better than this story.
bread's done