CONTEST: Win a Winning Eleven 7 (PS2) prize package

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)

1st Prize is a Winning Eleven 7 prize package which includes:
WE7 game for the PS2
WE7 poster
WE7 soccer jersey.

2nd Prize is CheapyD's used copy of Winning Eleven 6 (PS2)

Simply post on this thread any soccer experiences you may have and/or why you want to win this contest.

Contest ends 2/17/04 at 12:01 AM EST, the day of the release of Winning Eleven 7.

One entry per user, winner will be chosen at random.
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When I was a kid I hated soccer. My mom made me play on a team and we always lost. So I would honestly spend the whole game seeing how many people I could knock down. Little kids running at full speed given a small shove will fall flat on their face.

All the soccer moms hated me, as I did them.
When I was about 9, I got hit in the face by a soccer ball. In conclusion, I like free games.
I have always played soccer since I was 4 years old. Since I came to this country to make my life here, there aren't many plp who like to play soccer. I can gather some plp and play some good inddor soccer in the winter and win some prizes, and in the summer, we play outdoors. WE series I have own since the first one, and it's the most realistic one and it will always be. I'd like to get this game and what other possible way than for FREE!!!!
Most recently I played soccer a few years ago in a corporate event. I played goalie and had a lot of fun. It had been since high school that I last played.

I would like to win this game because I haven't played a good soccer video game since the Sega Genesis era and I hear good things about the series.

My only real soccer experience would be watching the world cup (very entertaining watching the US last time through), and when me and my boys made a good soccer game in Midtown Madness 3 (on Live) with set rules and everything. It was almost more fun that the actual racing and stunts.

I want to win the game because the Winning Eleven 6 rocked, and I would love to own WE7!
I started playing soccer about 7 years old; when it was rag-tag. Two groups of kids and goalies. Little by little, I learned team stratigies, until I played for a bit in High School. To be honest , I wasn't the best player, I was focusing on Football, and more importantly- girls, but I enjoyed the experience playing.

Fast forward to the Winning Eleven Game for the N64; With this game, I was alble to do all the things I wanted to (headers) but couldn't. It allowed me to play professionally and reinvigorated my love of the sport.

After all, that's what game are and should be about- doings things impossible or unrelaistic in real life. Sure, I went to college, got my BA and MA, but I could have concentared stricted on footy. With WE7, my dreams could come true.
I would love to win this contest because I LOVE Soccer!! Ever since i was little i would play soccer with my friends...but it seemed like every time we played i would always get kicked in the junk....or i would always get hit by the ball in my junk. Yes it hurt, but the passion for the game overwhelmed me and i had to continue to play. But now i had to give up the game at age 20 because to many hits below the waist can really mess any guy up. Thank You for listening and Good Day.
the reason i should win is two fold.
1- i am extremely out of shape and would never attempt to play soccer in real life
and 2- the only other soccer game i own is fifa soccer 64... pity me people
So, you sit down to dinner, and you've got this nice roasted chicken in front of you, right? You figure, all I want is a drumstick. So you reach over, grab a leg, and pull it off. You know that sound you hear? The sound of the joint breaking, the cartilege tearing, and the *pop* of the chicken's leg coming completely apart? That's my most vivid soccer memory.

IM soccer in college, we were playing a team that was about as skillful as us - that is, not very. We were just a fistful of guys who got together because we liked the game, not necessarily because we were any good at it. But we all really enjjoyed running around, kicking the ball, and we'd actually won a couple intramural games, disorganized as we were. So, it wasn't like we were overly competitive, it's not like I *meant* to destroy myself for the game, but I did anyway.

It started out so simple. Here comes the ball, sailing across the sky in a beautiful, large arc. I was defending, at the time, and so I jumped up to head the ball back downfield. Not being particularly good, though, I misjudged where the ball was, and didn't get a good hit on it. So it seemed sort of odd that, moments later, you'd hear that crunching, tearing sound.

Of course, it only *sounded* like it was coming out of my head.

There's something odd about breaking yourself, and it's something only someone else who's broken a bone or torn up a joint can relate to. Sound travels through your bones. You can hear a bone break through your own skeleton, you can hear a ligament tear without it making an audible sound.

What I heard was my foot hitting a divot in the ground, twisting my lower leg in one direction, while my momentum carried the rest of my body in another direction. The sound of the chicken leg popping? That was my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) being obliterated, and my knee dislocating.

As I crumpled to the ground, I thought, gee, that's gonna be a nightmare to get back into place, but fate was at least marginally kind. When I hit the ground, my knee popped back into its socket, as if by magic. What wasn't magic, though, was that I couldn't move. Moving my knee felt like pressing shards of glass into my joint, and so I sat there, on the pitch, clutching my knee, and not moving.

Of course, in soccer, there are always overactors - contenders for the Oscar of sports, people who try to get advantage by faking injury. So it always takes a couple minutes to sort those that are really injured, from those that are not. After a few moments, though, the people watching the game, and the rest of the players realized something was actually pretty seriously wrong with me, and they came over to help. I don't remember much after that, except that an ambulance actually drove onto the field to pick me up.

Sure enough, my ACL was wrecked, and that was the last day I ever played a game of soccer. Sadly, I still love the game, and I even like watching it on TV. But that feeling of running down the field, kicking the ball? That was the last day I'd have that feeling.

My leg's ok, now - I had surgery to fix the ruined ligament, as well as repair the cartilege that got damaged as a result. I can walk, I can even run for short distances now, but I'll never feel particularly confident playing a game like soccer again.

Why do I want Winning Eleven 7? Because from everything I've heard, and from friends who have WE6, it's the next best thing to being there. And sadly, that's as close as I'll ever get.

Being an Aussie (but Italian heritage I have played all my life)

Best game I went to was in the late 80s' it was a local club game that was ended when a fan decided to shoot a boat flare into the opposing team cowd area. Result was an fan all-in-brawl that basically sums up fanatical soccer fans

I have been waiting for a great soccer game like WE7

We all know and love Fanboys. Each system has the mighty and loyal Fanboys to defend them when a troll comes to bash their one true love. Well I am the biggest Fanboy ever! I love soccer (football for the rest of the gents in the world) and go every where to see it be played. I pride myself to know as much soccer stats that I can possibly jam in my head. I have visited the last 3 World Cups starting in 1994 which was in the U.S. (1998 in France, and 2002 in South Korea/Japan* only saw games in SK and I got food posioning and wasnt very fun :( ) and I hopefully will attend games in the next World Cup (2006 Germany). I love going to root for the U.S. except for in France where we had one of the worst outings ever. We went 0-3 and scored only 1 goal in 3 games. Also it was a political nightmare when we lost to Iran. I remember all of the Americans at the game wanted to beat up Steve Samson for the terrible coaching job.

I don't just love the World Cup but I love the English Premeirship which is one of the top international leagues in the world. I am a huge Manchester United fan and can tell you anything about them. I was so delighted to see them come to America this past summer. I went to two games. The one in Giants Staduim in NJ against Juventus who we crushed and also saw American Tim Howard play his first game for them. He has become the #1 keeper for them and most likely win the Keeper of the Year. Also went to the Philly game against Barcelona which we also won and booed the hell out of Ronaldohino for picking Barca over Man Utd. How dare he not come to the Red Devils!! Oh yea heads up for everyone, they are coming back this summer!! They are going to Chicago's New Soldier Field, Philly, and Giants Staduim. Rumors are that one of the teams will be Real Madrid and David Beckham (ex man utd). Going to be great matches!

Anyway I am rambling on too much. I am an ex-all state ,county ,conference player in soccer and would love to own the ultimate soccer game. I have heard much about this game about how great it is but I could never find a copy to buy. I would kill for this game. I used to buy the EA Sports FIFA game but I just don't find them realistic. How can I be Roy Keane and dribble from my own goal line down the field and score without anyone stopping me?!?! Not possible especially with Roy's busted hip. Anyway I am a soccer fanboy that fights off everyone else when someone says soccer is for girls. *Bashes head through wall* Anyway PLEASE GIVE IT TO THIS FANBOY and I WILL FOREVER LOVE YOU!! jk :p Good Luck to everyone and Congrats to the winner!

P.S. Just told my boss that I entered in this contest and told him if I win I would take my way over due vacation and spend it playing just this game. So now he is praying that I win. What a jerk! lol Also I feel bad for the gent that has to read all of these posts. Sorry for making my long.
well i really suck at any sports, i really suck at soccer. Since i'm a major clutz i've injured many a fellow team mates, i've even broke my cosin's toe while playing. I went for a scoring kick, missed the ball by a mile and kicked his foot, it dam near broke my toe as well.

what does this have to do with winning 11? well i heard its really good, and well sense i'll never be a pro soccer player, it would be nice to be a virtual one :p
Because I managed to wake up my entire floor in the Italy Vs Korea at the better half of the late, late night yelling


and Jumping up and down like a little boy on christmas morning =D.
I played soccer for 12 years and I suck. During my senior year of highschool, I scored 3 goals - all against my own team. Even though I was never any good at soccer, I still enjoy the sport. I would love a copy of WE7 so I can actually play well for a change...
I don't usually play soccer, but whenever happen to play I play against guys who play every day and they always dominate on me. :(

And I want to win FREE stuff cause...well...who doesn't?
I've heard that this series was very good. it's good that the latest in the series is finally coming out in US. I could wait until the price drop and get it, but being cheapass I am, I'd like to get it even cheaper... FREE.
Please give me this game. Poster and all other stuff is nice too.
I am a big fan of the Everton club (Go Toffees!)who play in the Barclaycard Premiership. European football and their supporters are fantastic.

I am also reading a great story about an American who immersed himself in the world of Manchester United fans so he could learn the dynamics of their intriguing and violent lives. Book is called "Among The Thugs" by Bill Buford.

Winning Eleven has a great pedigree and would be fun to play!

Honestly, I would like to win this prize package not only because I've played Winning Eleven 6 to death, and salivate at the thought of an updated version of the game, but because I would otherwise pay good money for a WE7 jersey. I'd look a tad less ridiculous playing the game in that then decked out in my Tim Howard/Man U gear...

As for my favorite soccer experience, well, that'd of course be the USA's run in the 2002 World Cup. In terms of what I actually accomplished on the pitch...that's a bit less glorious. My defining moment in recreational play (never physically talented enough to make it on our high school team) was a freak play: although I almost always lined up as a center back, one game I was asked to play forward with our team's best scorer. At a late stage of the game, both sides scoreless, our leading striker appeared to have broken free for a shot on goal. However, instead of taking a shot, he sent a cross to me, and after a moment of hesitation, I took a shot that both I and the opposing goalie thought would go high and to the right. Of course, that was not the case, as I kicked up a huge divot of grass, barely nudging the ball along the ground. Although it rolled at a snail's pace, it found its way past the goalie, who was unable to recover from his dramatic dive.

I think they call this "pulling a Homer". :D

Anyway, thanks for the giving us the chance to win this prize, and I love this site...I check it every morning!

There is this one experience with a soccer ball that scarred me for life. It goes something like this:

When your young you always manage to find something to do. Well, this day my friends and I decided to play soccer at the High School soccer field on a Sunday afternoon. There were three of us playing and I ended up playing the goalie for the first half. I don't know what it was but there was some sort of magnet on my nuts because the soccer ball would always home in on that area. I spent most of my time on the ground weeping like a little girl letting that demonic ball fly by. But even on the ground the ball somehow managed to zero in on my balls. You guys should have seen the relief on my face when it was time to change positions.

To my surprise switching positions did not help the cause. I was going in for a goal when out of nowhere these dark gloomy clouds rolled in. I could hear the thunder in the distance and when I looked down at the ball it had changed. It now had on this sinister face of pure evil. I was shocked, but I decided to go for the goal. Just as I took a step forward, I landed on my back immersed in a pain located somewhere on my right ankle. I looked down and there was my ankle swollen to the size of that demonic soccer ball. Oh ... the pain.

At this age we couldn't drive, so my friends called my parents to pick me up. The rest of the day and the next day I spent my time on a couch with an ice-pack on my ankles and one between my thighs. The lesson I learned was never to play soccer ever again and to always watch out for evil soccer balls that are out to get me. That is til the day videogames came around. Which brings me to my point: Just give me the prize package because its the only way I play soccer. No possessed soccer balls in videogames. :lol:

i use to play for a soccer club during elementary then i played for another one in middle school and yet again another one during high school. im going out for our college team come the spring.

i want to win to see the hype about the game. i own fifa 2004 and i would really like to see which is better without having to shell out another 50 bucks because i exemplify a cheapassgamer
I want to win this game because my little brother loves soccer and his Birthday is in 2 months, and it would be a perfect present. I don't have any soccer stories, except I played on a team in 2nd or 3rd grade, and I still have a stupid trophy laying around in storage somewhere.
My last and only soccer experience came in my Freshman year in high school. Gym class.

Teams were being picked and positions filled. Lacking any sort of soccer skills, everyone decided to put me in goal. How I've regretted that decision to this day.

Needless to say, our team lost that game, but that wasn't the only thing I lost. For you see, the ball was struck. It came at me in a flash. With no time to react, I fell to my knees and wept. I wept like I had never wept before. No goal was scored. I had stopped it, but for a price.

Somehow, the soccer ball found its way towards my groin. A sick feeling overcame my stomach, my knees wobbled and I lay there in the fetal position.

I lost the game, yes, but I also lost my ability to have children. Curses on you soccer gods.

I haven't been able to touch a soccer ball since. The closest I've come to doing so is in its videogame incarnation where the fear of a ball striking my manhood is erased. That is when I exact my revenge.

That is why I deserve this Winning Eleven 7 package.

My "package" was damaged...won't you let a broken man have this little victory?

Thank you.
I want to win this contest because I would rather not have to spend $40 to buy WE7 if I don't have to.

Who am I kidding, I'm going to buy it no matter what.

Anyway, a soccer experience. I played soccer for most of my time in school. I wasn't the best player on the field, but I wasn't the worst either. I was an assist machine and helped my team out by putting the ball in just the right spot so someone else had an easy goal rather than scoring one myself. In my ten or twelve years of playing I only scored twice, but that was OK since for most of those years I was on the best team in the area.

It was all good.
I want this game badly because I don't have any soccer games, and can't find any good ones. I've played soccer for seven years now, and am still playing. Also, I can't afford to buy many games anymore, which is why I came here.

Let me have it please!
I always want more games, and probably the best soccer game on the market ain't gonna be to bad of an addition.

haha, this one time, I was playing soccer with my bro's and sis', and my biggest bro was on the other side of the yard, and he kicks it HARD. Straight into my crotch. OMG, it was so funny, and it also hurt like hell. I had to put some ointment on the little guys.
Well, one time i kicked a soccer ball and scored a GOAL!

I have been playing soccer ever since I was four years old and have grown to be a good soccer player. I have played all over the country, from California to Virginia to New York, and else where. I love the sport and am playing intramurals now in college. I would be on the team but I simply cannot find the time to pledge myself to such an intense sport while trying to conentrate on studies.

I have played some soccer games over the years, but none have been that great. The Fifa games are alright, but they still lack a sense of what the game is all about. I am curious about this game if it can be the one that will put all the others to shame or not. Hopefully it will.
I want to win this contest because I have a deaf, retarded, paraphlegic child whose only hope in life is to win a video game. Denying him this opportunity would be denying him all happiness in life, and you would force him to give up all hope.

Hehe, just kidding (if you didn't realize that). I just desperately need a good soccer game! :D
I want to win this soccer game because ever since I was a child, my dream was to become a world famous soccer player. All my friends like soccer also. This soccer game will make my friends and I very happy.
I've bee a huge fan of soccer since the old days of kindergarden.
I even remeber playing many different games as far as the Genesis days.
Soccer Also happens to be my girlfriends favorite sport, so I may be able to get her to pick up a controller if I win this game.
I personally don't like sports games, so winning isn't a big deal for me. I would like to win though so I can give the prizes to my roommate. He currently plays soccer at my college and has been a starter since freshman year. This year he was unable to play for most of the season because he got a pinched nerve in his spine. I figured getting him this would allow him to play soccer, even if he can't physcially play right now (and he may never be able to play again since the pain has still not gone away.) But, to whoever wins, congratualations.
I want to win this soccer game, because a great way to pick up women is to pretend you're British, and to pull that off the first thing you have to do is learn about soccer.

Actually, from now on I'll be calling it "football" and will be refering to women as "birds."
I want to win this contest because I've been a soccer fan since I was 6 years old. I've bought ALL the Winning Eleven's and J.Leagues starting from SNES, PS1, Saturn, PS2. Winning Eleven's the best soccer or even the best sport game in my opinion. The experiences I've had with this game is a huge party game with all my cousins, which was a blast.
The last time I played soccer was when I'm still in high school during PE class. I simply want to win this contest because I've never won anyting.
When I was in HK, every game store have this game for display, but not alot of people notice of this game here.
I want to win this contest because FIFA is god awful and WE is the only soccer game worth owning. :)

I used to play soccer a lot in high school. Been hit in the face dozens of times trying to put a header on the other team's shots on goal. Soccer = fun.
Here's why I deserve this game. Because I am sick.

1) I play soccer on two co-ed rec-league teams at the moment, one of which I coach and manage. During Spring and Fall I am on a third team.

2) I watch an average of three Premiership soccer games per week, sometimes four, depending on what I can squeeze in. I also watch the EPL Review show on Fox Sports.

3) My most checked websites besides this one are and

4) I just started playing fantasy league Premiership soccer on-line.

5) During World Cup 2002 I was waking up at 3:30 and 4:00 in the morning to watch a game before I had to catch the train to work at 6:45.

6) My wife and I are foregoing all vacations for the next two years so that we can take a month off and go to World Cup 2k6 in Germany. No joke.

7) Last summer I went to Limerick, Ireland for a week. The best part of the trip by far was being in a pub (, drinking Guinness, and watching Chelsea and Man U tie up 2-2 with what seemed like everyone in Limerick.

8) I currently have every PS2 edition of FIFA, all played endlessly, as well as WE6.

9) I am currently remodeling my basement rec room into a "sports bar" of sorts with a soccer theme...

EDIT: Now I really deserve this game...last night during a league game, I dislocated my kneecap cutting a guy off after catching up with him on a breakaway. I blocked the shot and made the sacrifice. Now I'll be out of the game for at least two weeks. My dedication should TOTALLY be rewarded...
I want to win this contest for my brother. He's a strange creature, and enjoys simple things. He borrowed his friends copy of Winning Eleven 6 a few days ago, and he's been playing it nonstop. He calls it "Pele" (despite the fact that he isn't in the game), because he is stupid, and can't remember the name Winning Eleven 6. It's quite annoying. The most annoying part is he monopolizes my PS2. It would simply be more bearable if he weren't playing an outdated game. Sometimes I come home to find him on my computer playing something stupid like online poker games, or other fruitless games of poor quality.
I want to win this game first and foremost because I've never won anything in my entire life. It would be a neat experience to win something. And Second of all because my stepdad is a huge soccer fan since he is Ecuadorian and he would get a kick out of playing this game against me.
I played soccer in grade school. On the playground I became a legend amongst my fellow sixth graders. I invented the "butt block", which I taught my companions to utilize during kicks after fouls near our goal. I'd line them up like a general and preach them to bend over and take a blow for the team.

I was called into the vice principal for this.

I want to win this because I've never won anything in my life. No contest has ever blessed me with its prizes. Please, announce me as winner....not for my own glory, but for all of those battles I fought and won on the field. I am the deserving general who never got his just medals and stripes.
I'd love to win a copy of WE7, because I've already nearly worn out my copy of FIFA 2004. I NEED MORE SOCCER!!!
I would want to win this contest because my dad's birthday is in march, and he is a huge soccer nut.

He in fact used to coach my team's when I was younger, and this would be a great birthday gift for him (considering the fact that I'm already low on cash).

Thanks for the contest btw.
wait a minute, i just realized this....if the winner is chosen at random, why should we even bother saying more than "i like soccer, enter me"
I haven't played a soccer game in a while but that's because none of them have appealed to me. I've heard a lot of great things about this series and I'm dying to check it out. I'm sure my family would love it as well since soccer is the only sport they care about.
My best experience in soccer was this...
When I was in an indoor soccer league, I wasn't always that great. I was being made fun of and yelled at by both the other team and my team. We were tied up, close to the end of the game. I was a defender. The ball was kicked by the other goalie to our side of the field. It was meant for one of their players, but I charged up my kick, and kicked the ball as hard as I could. When I kicked it, all you heard was a thundering crack and a sea of red part from the path of the ball(the other teams color was red). It went straight into the goal all the way from the defensive side. I was so proud.
The reason I want to win this game is because I have never played a very good soccer game for videogames, and this game looks like its going to be awesome. Thanks for letting me write my life story.
- Alex
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