This is an epic WIN! Not only will there be more trade and sell opportunities... but we also are rewarded with a free game! CAG... simply the greatest!
[quote name='Hostile']Highlight over the "games & collections" tab and submit a game to CAG yourself. I guess this would be one way to add all future releases.[/QUOTE]
Sweet, thanks for the heads-up. I think I entered everything properly. I just added Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Saw an article this morning it's releasing 5/14 (a Friday...for the movie going public). Which is the day before my b-day. C'mon CAG b-day gift!
Cheapy, you're awesome! And CAG's wishlist is pretty cool. It's really fast searching and doesn't require loading page after page. I'm going to start using it! It'll replace my crappy .txt file of games.
I have two import games on my wishlist that would have to be ordered from Play-Asia. There'd be no problem with that, as long as they stay under $60, correct?