Crackdown - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Roufuss']For those of you who are also wondering, and I know this was a hot subject during the Saints Row demo / game, there is screen tearing in this game, which means the developers turned V-Sync off in order to achieve a steady framerate.

It dosen't bother me, but I know some people got very bothered by it in Saints Row. I'm sure many people didn't notice, but I have an eye for these things.[/quote]

Hmm... and I thought it was my 360 that was causing that. Glad to know it was just the game itself.

I only got to play the demo for about 5 minutes before work (waiting for my mother in law to leave before I start up the 360) and I really like what I saw. I need more hands-on time to really determine if this is a purchase-worthy title. I already have 20+ 360 games to play/beat, so it may have to wait awhile.
[quote name='graf1k']As for gameplay mechanics, they are so vastly different I can't fathom how people are making the comparisons. The closest thing you could say is that "Crackdown is like Saint's Row if in Saint's Row, your character was a super hero and he lived in a comic book."[/quote]
Haha, I told my dad it was like Saints Row meets Spider Man :lol:
Is there a way to throw objects other than hit the right trigger? It's kinda underwhelming to have this huge biologically altered superhuman-ish person be able to throw a dead body about ten feet
Alright, so I found more to dislike

Jumping. Jump normal height, jump 50 feet, the animation NEVER FREAKING CHANGES.

Jumping. You cannot perform a jump kick.

There are "zip lines" in the guise of power lines all over the freaking place... We've been doing the zip line thing for YEARS in the name of Sam Fisher, yet in this "next-gen" game we get nothing but collision detection problems.

The original Prince of Persia had more fluid character movement/interactions.

There's nothing really dynamic about this game, and it's really pissing me off. Get strong, throw stuff, get strong, throw stuff farther. Are you kidding me?

I'm really trying to give this game a chance LOL. The retail copy better add a load of stuff, because other than that, I like this game. The graphics are great, the original ideas were fantastic, I just don't feel like the whole game is here. (And I know it's only the demo :p) Also, why can't we change the camera view in the car? GTA let you do that back in GTA3 (change camera, click thumbstick in, camera would stay put)

This is driving me nuts.
[quote name='Scorch']Is there a way to throw objects other than hit the right trigger? It's kinda underwhelming to have this huge biologically altered superhuman-ish person be able to throw a dead body about ten feet[/QUOTE]

I have the exact same question..

One of my top complaints about the game, although it seems minor is: When I hold in the right trigger to throw something the on screen character doesn't move his arms back like he is going to throw something (this could allow for things like I don't know, the longer you hold the trigger in the farther the car is thrown so that you could have some control over the distance that you throw objects). I keep hearing people say how much fun throwing cars is, but ultimately i felt like i had so little control over my throws that it was no fun. Even doing something awesome like throwing a car 200 feet is not a lot of fun when you don't feel like you're really in control of what is happening on the screen. Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing.
[quote name='ratedpeej']Alright, so I found more to dislike

Jumping. Jump normal height, jump 50 feet, the animation NEVER FREAKING CHANGES.

Jumping. You cannot perform a jump kick.

There are "zip lines" in the guise of power lines all over the freaking place... We've been doing the zip line thing for YEARS in the name of Sam Fisher, yet in this "next-gen" game we get nothing but collision detection problems.

The original Prince of Persia had more fluid character movement/interactions.

There's nothing really dynamic about this game, and it's really pissing me off. Get strong, throw stuff, get strong, throw stuff farther. Are you kidding me?

I'm really trying to give this game a chance LOL. The retail copy better add a load of stuff, because other than that, I like this game. The graphics are great, the original ideas were fantastic, I just don't feel like the whole game is here. (And I know it's only the demo :p) Also, why can't we change the camera view in the car? GTA let you do that back in GTA3 (change camera, click thumbstick in, camera would stay put)

This is driving me nuts.[/QUOTE]

Sounds to me like you should give this game a rental first. In my opinion, you shouldn't buy a game if the cons outweigh the pros.
oh yeah, agreed LOL I'm definitely not plunking down the money.

My impetus for venting here is that I want someone to come out and rightly say "you're an idiot, all that stuff is in the game or will be in the game, this is just an early build we're playing."
Ah well... Bed time
I had no problems throwing stuff. Basically you need to target things and then throw. If you are strong enough to throw that far and hit it, you will. If not, you'll throw it at your target but it will fall short. There is no reason to control how far you throw when you just target what you want to throw at.

My question is, how are you guys playing with your friends? The invite friend option is greyed out and it won't let me invite them through the dashboard.

I'm loving the game so far, have played for a couple hours.
[quote name='Scorch']Is there a way to throw objects other than hit the right trigger? It's kinda underwhelming to have this huge biologically altered superhuman-ish person be able to throw a dead body about ten feet[/QUOTE]

Get your strength up.

I made it to 4 stars and was able to chuck a semi a good 50 feet.

Nothing is more satisfying then taking out 6+ enemies with one well placed throw or kicking a guy 15+ feet in the air.
This game IS a lot like Saint's Row. Except that this game is good. :) I'm liking it so far, though I'm only maybe an hour into it...
[quote name='Scorch']the targeting is HORRIBLE (if you target one guy, you should be able to hit the right thumbstick and it goes to the guy next to him.. this is not the case).[/QUOTE]

I keep fucking flicking the right stick and nothing happens, and then I realize I have to let go of the trigger and re-press it and hope it gets the next available guy.
[quote name='sp00ge']Hmm... and I thought it was my 360 that was causing that. Glad to know it was just the game itself.

I only got to play the demo for about 5 minutes before work (waiting for my mother in law to leave before I start up the 360) and I really like what I saw. I need more hands-on time to really determine if this is a purchase-worthy title. I already have 20+ 360 games to play/beat, so it may have to wait awhile.[/QUOTE]

Nope... what V-Sync does is that, when turned on, it makes the game smooth (no tearing) but it caps the frame rate, and it caps it at even number. So say your frames are at 49 FPS, with V-Sync on it might may lower it all the way to 40 in an effort to smooth out the picture.

It's a common trick that MS and its developers use in order to get things to run at a constant 60 FPS, they just turn the V-Sync off. Some people *never* notice it (the majority, actually), and a few people it bugs the shit out of them.

I got used to it in Saints Row (the other huge offender).
[quote name='Roufuss']I keep fucking flicking the right stick and nothing happens, and then I realize I have to let go of the trigger and re-press it and hope it gets the next available guy.[/quote]

Yup. I hate that.

[quote name='Stormy151']This game IS a lot like Saint's Row. Except that this game is good. :) I'm liking it so far, though I'm only maybe an hour into it...[/quote]

Whatever, Saint's Row is awesome, especially when you do Insurance Fraud and just run around the city.
I hate Saint's Row because it WAS the next step in sandbox games, and it did so much shit right that everything else feels like it's taking three steps back away from everything SR did. It's like, after Saint's Row, it's hard for me to play any other sandbox game because I long for the innovations they brought. The map system in Crackdown blows too.

Like the targeting issue that Scorch brought up... there is no reason to not include that in any game with multiple opponents.

Also... it seems Crackdown is going to be a little short on things to do. Car races, Jumping races, killing gang members, getting strongholds (which is really easy) and that's it?

I hope the full game has lots more shit to do. I already found myself getting bored with the demo. And like I said, this sucks, because I bought my 360 last year on the promise of 4 very awesome games with Crackdown being one of them... oh well, three of the games were awesome so that's better than I expected.
[quote name='Stormy151']This game IS a lot like Saint's Row. Except that this game is good. :) I'm liking it so far, though I'm only maybe an hour into it...[/quote]
Only an hour into it?

I thought it was only a 30 minute demo....

I found myself enjoying this game but It got repetitive really quick....I mean its fun doing all this superhuman things but I found that the controls werent to responsive and kinda felt wierd.....the car driving is horrible (well,....will have to work on that cause i guess it does improve)

I found myself getting confused very often when I would be jumping and wind up in a small crevice where I disappear....I wouldndt know which way i was facing...
[quote name='Roufuss']I hate Saint's Row because it WAS the next step in sandbox games, and it did so much shit right that everything else feels like it's taking three steps back away from everything SR did. It's like, after Saint's Row, it's hard for me to play any other sandbox game because I long for the innovations they brought. The map system in Crackdown blows too.

Like the targeting issue that Scorch brought up... there is no reason to not include that in any game with multiple opponents.

Also... it seems Crackdown is going to be a little short on things to do. Car races, Jumping races, killing gang members, getting strongholds (which is really easy) and that's it?

I hope the full game has lots more shit to do. I already found myself getting bored with the demo. And like I said, this sucks, because I bought my 360 last year on the promise of 4 very awesome games with Crackdown being one of them... oh well, three of the games were awesome so that's better than I expected.[/quote]

Saint's Row is to the GTA genre what Burnout is to the racing genre. Saint's Row killed all free roam games where you had to shoot shit. There's so much stuff to do just dicking around in SR. I bet i've put 75 hours into it and I haven't even done but like three missions. One of my favorite things to do is get to places that you normally can't get to via insurance fraud. Just hop in a huge truck, walk towards it, then jump and hit a trigger. You'll fly up and land on the truck.. from there, just jump off the truck to whereever. That, or jump off high buildings and hit the right trigger and when you hit the ground, you'll have no damage..

Another one of my favorites is to get on the interstate and hop on the back of a car carrier and just shoot at things as you drive by. I have so much freaking fun in that game it's unbelievable.
[quote name='Roufuss']I hate Saint's Row because it WAS the next step in sandbox games, and it did so much shit right that everything else feels like it's taking three steps back away from everything SR did. It's like, after Saint's Row, it's hard for me to play any other sandbox game because I long for the innovations they brought. The map system in Crackdown blows too.

Like the targeting issue that Scorch brought up... there is no reason to not include that in any game with multiple opponents.

Also... it seems Crackdown is going to be a little short on things to do. Car races, Jumping races, killing gang members, getting strongholds (which is really easy) and that's it?

I hope the full game has lots more shit to do. I already found myself getting bored with the demo. And like I said, this sucks, because I bought my 360 last year on the promise of 4 very awesome games with Crackdown being one of them... oh well, three of the games were awesome so that's better than I expected.[/QUOTE]

Totally agreed man. When I was playing the demo all I could think to myself was how I wished I was playing Saint's Row instead. Though I am a pretty big fan of the abilities. Jumping 30 feet into the air and tossing vending machines at people is pretty sweet.
Finally got it downloaded and played it. I think its a rental. The jumping reminded of The Hulk. It was alright. I might buy it for $20-$35. But not $60 for now its a rental.
Targeting blows--why didn't they make it so that you can't target DEAD bodies you just killed?

Fun for awhile, but like others have said I don't know how its going to translate into a $60 game...a little too repetitive for my taste. All you do is run and gun...with the spider man stuff you don't even need the vehicles AT ALL.
[quote name='help1']Who do you have? Cablevision? Optimum online doesnt monitor shit do they?[/quote]

Well I said I was downloading but then I went to the page and second guessed myself. I'll wait and see if they throw it on the OXM disc and I have Wildblue, a satellite provider, and it's the only one we can get out here in the country (no dsl, cable, used to have dial up, I CAN PLAY ONLINE NOW!!!) But yea I really hope they put this on the disc or I'll just have to download it a while from now and everyone will tell me how good it is.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']Haha, I told my dad it was like Saints Row meets Spider Man :lol:[/quote]

I'd say it's more like Saints Row meets Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.

I fainlly got some real play time with it and I am definitely buying it. While the targetting can be sketchy, it's one minor thing that I can live with. Co-op play is fun too. 'Accidentally' kicking the other guy, sending him doing flips is freakin' funny.
I'm not sure I understand all the crying about the targeting. It was obvious to me that holding the left trigger will just target whatever your reticule is closest to. Want to target the next target? Release the left trigger, aim closer to that target, and press the left trigger again. Not very hard. No, it doesn't target like saints row, because it isn't saints row.

I like this game a lot more than Saints Row so far. I like the theme much better. Gangster themes are kind of gay. I especially like how you can target different parts of a car or body with the right stick while targeting.
After having played more than a few demo time limits myself, I'd say that its a great open-world type of game. Although a lot of people have been harking on its lack of story/direction, I did enjoy the little dossier moments whenever the agency would give me a little more data to work with. It's not the greatest game of all time, thats for sure--but when I loaded it up, I didn't think of it as the next GTA or Saints Row.

Crackdown is about being a super cop, and completely decimating everything. Thats why I'm going to buy it. GTA, Saints...Mercs.. Whatever. This game does a lot right in regards to how I play open-ended games. Sure, I can go about my life as a criminal in the aforementioned games, but hell when I need to kill someone, it feels like a turkey shoot.

Crackdown provides A LOT more action than any other open-world game. When I'm playing, I'm having fun because I'm able to do more things, shoot with precision(the targeting takes a bit of getting used to, but after about 10 minutes I was able to get my gun where I needed it to be), and approach firefight situations in numerous and fun ways.

Thanks to Halo, this game will sell extremely well. Almost as if Microsoft/Bungie gave Realtime Worlds a "Get out of Jail Free" card. You may not buy it, but I know for certain I will.
[quote name='Scorch']Saint's Row is to the GTA genre what Burnout is to the racing genre. Saint's Row killed all free roam games where you had to shoot shit. There's so much stuff to do just dicking around in SR. I bet i've put 75 hours into it and I haven't even done but like three missions.[/QUOTE]
Saints Row is above and beyond Grand Theft Auto III... but not for its time, by any means.

Vice City and - especially - San Andreas are head and shoulders about Saints Row, especially in the "things to do" department.

Saints Row's third-person controls and driving controls are way better than the GTA franchise. However, Saints Row doesn't have the same charm or the varied and creative missions.
It's a step in the right direction-- I want a sandbox game where your character is more like a regular videogame action hero with superhuman powers.

but it's still "cops and gangstas" themed, so I really don't care for it. and the targeting is awful. One minute, I'm having a gun fight with a gang, the next minute, all my fellow cops are shooting at me for no reason-- turns out I was killing lots of civilians on accident. the driving controls were not so great either, and last and least, the graphics are not so great.


edit: does anyone know how the halo 3 beta will work? is there a code tied to the disc? cause I'd like to rent this and see if I can get in on the beta.
Saints Row was great, but it was an underachiever.

I was dissapointed with the Crackdown demo. It just wasn't any fun. There seemed to be just too much, while offering too little. I think the city just has no personality.

If the demo is any indication of how the game will be, looks like I'll have to find another way of getting in on the Halo 3 beta.
To all the complainers about targeting DEAD bodies, have you seen the achievements list?

Body Juggler20
Use explosives to keep a body up in the air for 10 seconds
Can't believe they haven't changed the jumping animation. It's embarassing. Jump 2 feet in the air and you look like you've fallen off a cliff.

Anyway something I've been wondering about - about a year ago I saw an interview with a developer somewhere saying that in co-op, you could throw a car with your partner sitting in it, have him jump out of the car in midair and blow up the car as it falls down on a group of people. Anyone try anything like this?
[quote name='zewone']I'd go this route if I was able to download the Halo 3 beta with the Asian version, but if not, I'll have to suck up the $20 difference.[/quote]
I doubt the demo will be in Asian one. Besides, has an MS produced game ever been region free on the 360? None of the ones I can think of ever have been.

Back to the demo. IMO, co-op is definitely a huge selling point of this game so it puzzles me why they blocked out the invite friend option in the demo. Maybe they thought if you could invite your friend, you'd both be less likely to buy the full game and just play the shit out of the demo. Anyway, it's still easy to get in with your friends. For anyone that doesn't already know, just have your friend search for the same option set at the same time you make a game with those options. 9 times out of 10 it works the first time and puts you both together. If not, try switching who hosts and who searches. I've been able to find 5 different friends easily this way.

Anyway I agree with others that if Crackdown really only has rooftop races, car races, and blowing shit up, it definitely doesn't have the variety of other good sandbox games like Saint's Row and GTA. I really hope there is more but even if there isn't, co-op with friends is so goddamn fun, I'm not sure I care. If I want to do insurance fraud or stick ups, I always have Saint's Row to go back to. If I want to do chop shop missions and territory stuff, GTA4 is out later this year. But online co-op trumps that stuff for me and as Crackdown is the only game that has it in this vast genre right now, I will buy it. I'm kind of glad they didn't shoe-horn those urban sandbox stalwart side-missions into Crackdown as a super soldier stealing cars to sell for money, or robbing stores would have been REALLY stupid. Still, they could have other side mission type things that make more sense for Crackdown, but then again I guess that's what they figure the entire gameworld is for. With all the abilities you get and all that stuff and with co-op, you can make your own side missions like juggling bodies or seeing who can climb highest while holding a bus or something.
[quote name='pete5883']Can't believe they haven't changed the jumping animation. It's embarassing. Jump 2 feet in the air and you look like you've fallen off a cliff.

Anyway something I've been wondering about - about a year ago I saw an interview with a developer somewhere saying that in co-op, you could throw a car with your partner sitting in it, have him jump out of the car in midair and blow up the car as it falls down on a group of people. Anyone try anything like this?[/quote]

My friend and I were able to do the first part. I thre him a good, I'd say, 40 feet in his car, and through the gate to the night club bad dude and he jumped out while the car was still in the air. Couldn't blow it up obviously as I don't think the rocket launcher or grenade launcher are in the demo and grenades take too long to blow up.
[quote name='seanr1221']Ryles and I played co-op last night and it was really fun just kicking each other around.[/quote]

How did you setup a co-op match with a friend. Me and Richlough tried last night and I never saw his name come up on the list and he kept getting joined by other people. Since the "invite a friend" option is will be on the final release i'm not too worried about it but I would like to know.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']How did you setup a co-op match with a friend. Me and Richlough tried last night and I never saw his name come up on the list and he kept getting joined by other people. Since the "invite a friend" option is will be on the final release i'm not too worried about it but I would like to know.[/quote]

For anyone that doesn't already know, just have your friend search for the same option set at the same time you make a game with those options. 9 times out of 10 it works the first time and puts you both together. If not, try switching who hosts and who searches. I've been able to find 5 different friends easily this way.
[quote name='graf1k']For anyone that doesn't already know, just have your friend search for the same option set at the same time you make a game with those options. 9 times out of 10 it works the first time and puts you both together. If not, try switching who hosts and who searches. I've been able to find 5 different friends easily this way.[/QUOTE]

scaling buildings was fun, but the game feels dated. i think even 20 would be pushing it for what feels like hulk, with a bit of shooting. the driving, even when upgraded, is so poor i don't even count it as an option when getting around.
I love the base idea of the game, but the demo left me a bit bored. I was waffling on this one and I think I'm gonna pass. Though the demo didn't do it for me, I'm EXTREMELY happy that developers are releasing demos so we can at least try the games before buying them.
[quote name='orntar']is there a way to upgrade your jumping? i couldnt get up hardly an buildings, he could only jump like 6ft in the air.[/quote]

Go for the green markers/orbs. When you get enough, you level up, increasing your speed and jumping. Get high enough level and you can easily jump to the rooftops of smaller/medium buildings.
[quote name='orntar']is there a way to upgrade your jumping? i couldnt get up hardly an buildings, he could only jump like 6ft in the air.[/QUOTE]

Pick up the blue power ups on top of buildings all over.
seems a little bass-ackward to have to get to building tops to upgrade but you need to upgrade before you can get to building tops.
[quote name='orntar']seems a little bass-ackward to have to get to building tops to upgrade but you need to upgrade before you can get to building tops.[/QUOTE]

That way it's sort of like a puzzle. "Can I get that one I see yet by jumping on other stuff first and climbing up?".

You can see most of them, but can only get some of them at certain times.
[quote name='orntar']seems a little bass-ackward to have to get to building tops to upgrade but you need to upgrade before you can get to building tops.[/quote]

There are plenty of ground/low-level orbs to get to first. Just drive around and you will find them. Once you go up a level, others will be easier to access, and so on.
I like it, the targeting is whack, they should allow you to select a different target after locking on (unless i'm somehow mistaken and they do)

Are there only 3 baddies to kill? I got a 4th to appear but he's across the blue wall.
bread's done