Dang Gum! Mizzari Has The New Nintendo Playstation!

hey look the other fanboys can point out your spelling errors, what are friends for huh?
If you think that I didnt get his stupid joke then you are the victim Sony is looking for.
[quote name='David85']This place is still called Ceap Ass Gamer right? Because I love all the people who make it seem like $600 is nothing.

For $600 I will build a computer that will have more games than the PS3 ever will.[/QUOTE]

Didn't you get the memo? It was changed to Cheap Ass Gamer a little while ago.

[quote name='DeathDealer']hey look the other fanboys can point out your spelling errors, what are friends for huh?
If you think that I didnt get his stupid joke then you are the victim Sony is looking for.[/quote]
I like how fanboys can call other people fanboys.
Ah be quiet ya Plano pansy!
your level of maturity goes down with every post. How low can it go? you are almost trying to be a tough guy now. At least now its becoming entertaining. At first I sort of felt bad for you.
As for a fanboy, how the hell am I a fanboy? I dont think Ive even mentioned any system other than the ps3 in this thread. Like most people I will get a ps3, next year. The difference in me and you is im not a fanboy so Im not gonna defend Sony when its obvious they are doing some things wrong and they obviously arent doing as well as everyone wouldve expected.
Welcome to CAG "where your opinion is wrong"
damn youre a douchebag.
[quote name='DeathDealer']your level of maturity goes down with every post. How low can it go? you are almost trying to be a tough guy now. At least now its becoming entertaining. At first I sort of felt bad for you.
As for a fanboy, how the hell am I a fanboy? I dont think Ive even mentioned any system other than the ps3 in this thread. Like most people I will get a ps3, next year. The difference in me and you is im not a fanboy so Im not gonna defend Sony when its obvious they are doing some things wrong and they obviously arent doing as well as everyone wouldve expected.
Welcome to CAG "where your opinion is wrong"
damn youre a douchebag.[/quote]
I love how you get so worked up.
Do you really think I'm taking any of this seriously. haha.
I have the Mavs game on watching them kick some Sonics ass, and I check back here to see how people react.

Yes! Cleveland has tied the Spurs. I hate the Spurs.

I'm a Mavs fanboy.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Didn't you get the memo? It was changed to Cheap Ass Gamer a little while ago.



Good one! I must have missed that memo. Ok carry on with the "$600 is a bargain" talk. :)
[quote name='mykevermin']Actually, looking back at your post, you have some tautological thinking going on in that last sentence. It is not the failure of one that determines competition; as a matter of fact, that is the very moment that the competition, which we both agree is good for gamers, ends. It is competition that is good, not because it ends in failure, but because it provides choice. I'm not sure you understand how having choices in the marketplace works.[/QUOTE]

Competition is good because it leads to improvement, not just because it provides choice. The way this happens is of the different choices available, some are more successful than others. The products that are worse must improve or die. Since the PS3 can't be changed too much and still be called a PS3, I want the PS3 to fail so that Sony learns from their mistakes when they make the PS4.
[quote name='rickonker']Competition is good because it leads to improvement, not just because it provides choice. The way this happens is of the different choices available, some are more successful than others. The products that are worse must improve or die. Since the PS3 can't be changed too much and still be called a PS3, I want the PS3 to fail so that Sony learns from their mistakes when they make the PS4.[/QUOTE]

Nevertheless, all three consoles have mistakes. Some are in their hardware, and some in the software, and all three have potential points of contention in their cost. XBL costs $$$ and offers potential for exploitation via microtransactions and "disposables"; the Wii has higher prices on VC titles that reduce the likelihood of impulse purchases (on VC, not of the Wii itself), and the PS3's up front cost is $100 higher than the 360.

camoor summarized other points above. I fail to see why Sony has made enough mistakes that it deserves to fail in your eyes, but the Xbox 360 does not (or would you only like to have the Wii for your entire next generation of games?).

Something to consider is that Microsoft is having such a hard time catching a foothold in Japan that the PS3 has already outsold it. Blue Dragon has given it a major boost the past three weeks of game sales (where 360 console sales are literally 10x what they were for the typical week), but it hasn't yet helped the system get a lead over the PS3, a system that's been on the shelves for 52 fewer weeks. The "PS3 is dead" scenario is overblown for that one reason alone, though there are plenty of others if you really need them.

I like my Wii, but I don't quite feel it's "next-gen." I look at it differently than my 360 and PS3 - I see them as competing directly with each other, while Nintendo is competing with a different strategy entirely (though fighting for the same dollar). I, for one, don't want the next generation of games to be dominated by a system with the same capacity of the last gen, save for a new way of playing. That's merely my opinion, though, and one you're welcome to disagree with.
[quote name='mykevermin']Nevertheless, all three consoles have mistakes. Some are in their hardware, and some in the software, and all three have potential points of contention in their cost. XBL costs $$$ and offers potential for exploitation via microtransactions and "disposables"; the Wii has higher prices on VC titles that reduce the likelihood of impulse purchases (on VC, not of the Wii itself), and the PS3's up front cost is $100 higher than the 360.[/quote]

I agree with this. I've complained about all three consoles, in fact I started a thread that said all three consoles were a disappointment but from what I remember everyone disagreed with me.

camoor summarized other points above. I fail to see why Sony has made enough mistakes that it deserves to fail in your eyes, but the Xbox 360 does not (or would you only like to have the Wii for your entire next generation of games?).

Actually I've probably been more critical of the Wii's last gen power than any other Wii owner on CAG, and I get flamed constantly for it. Anyway, I do think all three consoles should fail at their current prices. The difference is, Nintendo and MS are in a better position to lower their prices and thus are more likely to do so in the near future. Sony on the other hand is losing something like $250 on each PS3 sold and Krazy Ken wants to release a $2500 PS3 model.

If a PS3 cost half what it does now, it would still have the flaws you pointed out but I wouldn't be criticizing it nearly as much.

In other words, if we knew Sony could afford to cut the PS3's price in half right now I would be calling on them to do that. Since we know that's not the case, I want it to fail instead. So when they start working on the PS4, they learn from the mistakes they made when developing the PS3 and focus on creating a powerful console that's still cheap.

I don't want competition just for the sake of competition, I want competition so that better consoles are made. The failure of the PS3 would be a part of that.
[quote name='rickonker']I agree with this. I've complained about all three consoles, in fact I started a thread that said all three consoles were a disappointment but from what I remember everyone disagreed with me.

Actually I've probably been more critical of the Wii's last gen power than any other Wii owner on CAG, and I get flamed constantly for it. Anyway, I do think all three consoles should fail at their current prices. The difference is, Nintendo and MS are in a better position to lower their prices and thus are more likely to do so in the near future. Sony on the other hand is losing something like $250 on each PS3 sold and Krazy Ken wants to release a $2500 PS3 model.

If a PS3 cost half what it does now, it would still have the flaws you pointed out but I wouldn't be criticizing it nearly as much.

In other words, if we knew Sony could afford to cut the PS3's price in half right now I would be calling on them to do that. Since we know that's not the case, I want it to fail instead. So when they start working on the PS4, they learn from the mistakes they made when developing the PS3 and focus on creating a powerful console that's still cheap.

I don't want competition just for the sake of competition, I want competition so that better consoles are made. The failure of the PS3 would be a part of that.[/quote]

You need to stop trying to half-ass an intelligent conversation with mykevermin and just admit you're pissed that Sony released a console that is out of your budget.

For that they must die? Are you nuts?

Just wait for a price drop, and play your current games.
[quote name='The Crotch']Did... did you just call me a fanboy? Specifically, a Sony fanboy?*

Wow. Motherfucking wow. Didn't see that one coming. I, who neither own nor want a PS3, am a Sony fanboy? I, who haven't purchased a Sony machine since the original PS1? I just want to be clear on this one. Did you just call me a Sony and/or PlayStation fanboy?

*Normally, this is where I'd apologize for going so far off-topic. Mercifully, this thread sucks so much, my derail is actually improving it. Not even my excessive use of bold could drag this E-Cesspool down any further.[/quote]

well shit, if it makes you feel better I got called a fanboy also, but I dont even know what kind of fanboy Im supposed to be. The jackass avoided the question. If I called you a fanboy and youre not then congratulations and I am sorry. I never shouldve doubted your intelligence. I guess you seemed to take the side of the fanboy which made me assume you sympathize with him. The non-Sony fans are a rare breed in this thread so I was surprised when you werent backing me up. Which caused me to assume the worst.
Again, sorry.
[quote name='rickonker']I agree with this. I've complained about all three consoles, in fact I started a thread that said all three consoles were a disappointment but from what I remember everyone disagreed with me.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you. I didn't read the posts but I agree with that all three consoles have huge issues. Some are easier to fix than others.
[quote name='mykevermin']Rather than start *yet another* fucking thread, this seems like a good place to ask my question: there are two camps of people who are playing the "PS3 is dead" trumpet: those people who think Sony doesn't stand a chance to stay at the top this generation, and those who *want* Sony to lose this generation.

So, to those who desire the demise of Sony's gaming division, let me ask you this: what do you stand to gain, what do gamers stand to gain, if the PS3 is a major league failure?[/QUOTE]

I don't want Sony to fail, I want the PS3 to fail. I don't want $600 consoles to become the standard. I don't want future game systems to be next generation movie players with gaming functions. I don't want systems that take ideas from competitors and call it "innovation" to be market leaders. I do want to be able to play most of this generation's good games on my 360 and not worry about things being developed only on PS3.

Don't always get what you want, but that's my reasoning. Might be selfish, but it's true.

I think Sony has a good chance this generation, just because people buy things based on name first, quality second, but I don't encourage their success.
[quote name='jer7583']I don't want Sony to fail, I want the PS3 to fail. I don't want $600 consoles to become the standard. I don't want future game systems to be next generation movie players with gaming functions. I don't want systems that take ideas from competitors and call it "innovation" to be market leaders. I do want to be able to play most of this generation's good games on my 360 and not worry about things being developed only on PS3.

Don't always get what you want, but that's my reasoning. Might be selfish, but it's true.

I think Sony has a good chance this generation, just because people buy things based on name first, quality second, but I don't encourage their success.[/quote]

You're exactly right. It all comes down to people being selfish.
[quote name='Kayden']So, if Sony crapped out, we'd be left with MS's "Gaylo" and Nintendos continued raping of the Mario franchises.


lol @ gaylo
[quote name='jer7583']I don't want $600 consoles to become the standard.[/quote]
Fair enough.
[quote name='jer7583']I don't want future game systems to be next generation movie players with gaming functions.[/quote]
Part of me wonders if the contention is because there is a format war at the moment; I don't recall many people shitting themselves over the PS2's DVD player, making arguments that we didn't need the storage capacity, games could fit on multiple discs, etc. I truly wonder, if there was a universal next-gen video format, if this would be a big deal at all. Just a thought.

[quote name='jer7583']I don't want systems that take ideas from competitors and call it "innovation" to be market leaders.[/quote]
That's the way the world works. Recall how reluctant Nintendo was to adopt a disc-based format for their games (and how it subsequently cost them dearly)? Innovation comes from a few sources, and when successful, is widely adopted. You can see that in the genres that move from system to system, things like the EyeToy (XBL Camera), the Wiimote (Sixaxis), and probably several dozen other places I can't think of. Innovation is what it is, and while I'd argue that the Sixaxis is not the Wiimote at all (it's a poor attempt to stave off the Wii's innovation, sure, but it's not the be-all-end-all of the system), if a company wants to protect its property, patents do exist. Sony found that out last gen, and now they have no rumble in their controller. Speaking of which, what console was the first to feature rumble technology (the technology that was in all three previous gen consoles)?

[quote name='jer7583'] I do want to be able to play most of this generation's good games on my 360 and not worry about things being developed only on PS3.[/quote]

You can substitute any number of console names in there. I'm sure there are plenty of people who want all three systems to fail so they can rely on their PS2 or Xbox for gaming. It is selfish, and foolish as well (see my other post where I argue that fewer consoles does not imply, by any stretch of the imagination, that you'd see those awesome IPs from that console on the one you prefer - if the PS2 died, that wouldn't mean that you'd have seen Kingdom Hearts on the GC or Xbox).

[quote name='jer7583']Don't always get what you want, but that's my reasoning. Might be selfish, but it's true.

I think Sony has a good chance this generation, just because people buy things based on name first, quality second, but I don't encourage their success.[/QUOTE]
What is low quality about the PS3? Their games? Sure, some of them don't stack up to the 360 - yet. If you examine the Wii's launch lineup, there's some fun stuff, but nothing mindblowing (and before you even type out that first "Z" in Zelda, let me say that it's a circumstantial release, no matter how good it is, because it had been in development for the GC, and was released on the GC as well; it's akin to SquareEnix releasing FFXII on a BluRay disc, in my opinion, and calling it a launch title). Launches are always kinda dim in that way. Likewise, there are some fun games on the PS3, but ultimately, when you think of what your game collection will be like in 5 years (and we hypothetically assume you'll get a PS3), I don't think you'll see any of the current crop of PS3 games still in your collection - likewise, the only long-term keeper for the Wii is Zelda, which shouldn't even be considered a launch title (in my opinion).
All but 8 of them remain.

Walmart has 6 in for about 4 days now.

And my Blockbuster got their only 60 GB PS3 at all, strike that, only PS3 at all and no one has bought it for 3 weeks.
[quote name='Kayden']

So, if Sony crapped out, we'd be left with MS's "Gaylo" and Nintendos continued raping of the Mario franchises.

Yeah, I'm starting to hate the Mario franchise because of that. I want a real Mario game, not the quick cash in sports games that they are currently making.

SOMETHING CHEAP IS OUTSELLING SOMETHING EXPENSIVE?!? WHATTTT!!!?!??! NOOOO WAYYYY!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next tell me mustang matchbox cars are selling more then real mustangs!!
[quote name='DarkNessBear']WOAHHH! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!??!

SOMETHING CHEAP IS OUTSELLING SOMETHING EXPENSIVE?!? WHATTTT!!!?!??! NOOOO WAYYYY!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next tell me mustang matchbox cars are selling more then real mustangs!![/QUOTE]

Matchbox suck , Hot Wheels are better .
[quote name='mykevermin']
That's the way the world works. Recall how reluctant Nintendo was to adopt a disc-based format for their games (and how it subsequently cost them dearly)? Innovation comes from a few sources, and when successful, is widely adopted. You can see that in the genres that move from system to system, things like the EyeToy (XBL Camera), the Wiimote (Sixaxis), and probably several dozen other places I can't think of. Innovation is what it is, and while I'd argue that the Sixaxis is not the Wiimote at all (it's a poor attempt to stave off the Wii's innovation, sure, but it's not the be-all-end-all of the system), if a company wants to protect its property, patents do exist. Sony found that out last gen, and now they have no rumble in their controller. Speaking of which, what console was the first to feature rumble technology (the technology that was in all three previous gen consoles)?[/QUOTE]

You make some great points. As for the rumble, the first one I can remember is the N64 with the "rumble pack" that you inserted into the back of the controller. Followed by Sony's Dual Shock. Then stupid copycat Microsoft had to come and steal the idea! Just playing, I have no problems with Microsoft, or anyone else, doing whatever they need to do to improve their products. Like not tailoring their controller-size to NBA players or changing those horrible black and white buttons to shoulder buttons.
[quote name='gizmogc']To be fair, 360 has been out for over a year and has sold 8 Million systems. PS3 has not. 360 has little to no demand at the moment, PS3 still SHOULD have some demand to it.

Anyone see any GameCubes? Do they still make those?[/quote]

12 people I know got the 360 for Christmas this year. Only one of my friends got a PS3-but he already had a 360. There was a demand this year for 360 systems (largely due to software (GOW)) but there are still many for sale because Microsoft is able to pump them out easily by now. It should be impossible to get a PS3 at this time. It took much longer than this before 360s were easy to get your hands on.
;) Dang Gum the Best Buy near me sold the whole stack of PS3's they had this week. They were sold out so I guess Sony is back on track!!!;)

Since we're strickly judging Sony's success and failure by the PS3 sales we see in our local stores...
i think Sony just stopped shipping out units because no store wants them.

And heaven forbid we base Sony's fuck up on facts and not fanboyism.

I love this pick, lol, even those kids can care less about the PS3s being there. But think about how many scalpers put there greasy, filthy, grimy, sweaty body parts on those returned PS3s with a bonus arm pit smell.

At one of my local WM you can never find a PS3. this dumb hick ass employee still thinks PS3s are worth alot. She probably still puts them aside for her hubby for the sake of her Twinkie Funds.
[quote name='Dhuk']At one of my local WM you can never find a PS3. this dumb hick ass employee still thinks PS3s are worth alot. She probably still puts them aside for her hubby for the sake of her Twinkie Funds.[/QUOTE]

Mmm. Twinkie Funds.
[quote name='jer7583']I don't want Sony to fail, I want the PS3 to fail. I don't want $600 consoles to become the standard. I don't want future game systems to be next generation movie players with gaming functions. I don't want systems that take ideas from competitors and call it "innovation" to be market leaders. I do want to be able to play most of this generation's good games on my 360 and not worry about things being developed only on PS3.

Don't always get what you want, but that's my reasoning. Might be selfish, but it's true.

I think Sony has a good chance this generation, just because people buy things based on name first, quality second, but I don't encourage their success.[/quote]
hmm name and quality i guess would go to PS3 because everyone and thier grandma has heard the storys of the 360 crashing but there has been no widespread problems with ps3
A fanboy is a person who bashes other consoles because they can not afford to have them, so they must bash so much to the point they believe that thier console of choice is the only right choice. None of these consoles suck, if you believe so then you are not a gamer.
[quote name='panasonic']A fanboy is a person who bashes other consoles because they can not afford to have them, so they must bash so much to the point they believe that thier console of choice is the only right choice. None of these consoles suck, if you believe so then you are not a gamer.[/quote]

Can't afford to have a PS3? Why am I seeing that over and over and over again. Because someone doesn't like the system or bashes it for whatever reason, it must mean they can't afford it? Give me a break.

And no, none of the consoles suck, I will agree with that. I won't agree with the fact that the PS3 is a superior system to the XBOX 360 or the Wii though, and ESPECIALLY not a $200 or $300 more superior system.
[quote name='Genocidal']Look at his XBL tag and his custom title and then realize the irony of his posts.[/quote]

and then realize that he actually owns a xbox and that his title is of another completely unrelated brand.

What's this all supposed to mean?!
[quote name='schuerm26']Can't afford to have a PS3? Why am I seeing that over and over and over again. Because someone doesn't like the system or bashes it for whatever reason, it must mean they can't afford it? Give me a break.

And no, none of the consoles suck, I will agree with that. I won't agree with the fact that the PS3 is a superior system to the XBOX 360 or the Wii though, and ESPECIALLY not a $200 or $300 more superior system.[/QUOTE]

That's my main problem. This is cheap ass games and it seems that the site is being overtaken by rich pigs that want to save 5 cents.

Right now there is no winner, the leader is the 360. Right now there is a clear lower and that's the PS3. People don't see any reason to spend an extra few hundred on a system that hasn't proven it's worth it.
I just think PS3 is gonna sell slower just because it's the highest priced console out. I have one, and so far enjoy all the features it has to provide. I bought one knowing all the other features it was going to provide, but I was surprised that it also came with a multi-card reader and wi-fi capabilites.

Wii would obviously sell better on launch seeing as how it's substantially cheaper than a PS3. Backwords compatibilty and because the Wii has connections for Gamecube Memory cards and Controllers would allow you to get rid of your gamecube, making that convenient.

Xbox 360 has been out for awhile, so it's only fair they would have the advantage over the 2 new consoles. The fact that the 360 has been out for over a year has given game developers time to get used to programming for the Xbox 360, thus a game like Gears of War =O. I read an article somewhere that ASSUMED Microsoft was planning a release with a second version of the 360 which would include a 65 nm Processor, HDMI outputs, and 120 GB hardrive. I never saved the link to the article, so....sorry >.> The biggest drawback I saw in the xbox 360 compared to PS3, no HDMI output, so NO 1080p picture quality, just 1080i.

Just throwin in my observations of the consoles. I can't say much about the Wii, other than that I'd sell my gamecube and grab one when Wii's become readily available. I wasn't expecting them this hard to come by, well, in California anways =/.
I just think PS3 is gonna sell slower just because it's the highest priced console out. I have one, and so far enjoy all the features it has to provide. I bought one knowing all the other features it was going to provide, but I was surprised that it also came with a multi-card reader and wi-fi capabilites.

Wii would obviously sell better on launch seeing as how it's substantially cheaper than a PS3. Backwords compatibilty and because the Wii has connections for Gamecube Memory cards and Controllers would allow you to get rid of your gamecube, making that convenient.

Xbox 360 has been out for awhile, so it's only fair they would have the advantage over the 2 new consoles. The fact that the 360 has been out for over a year has given game developers time to get used to programming for the Xbox 360, thus a game like Gears of War =O. I read an article somewhere that ASSUMED Microsoft was planning a release with a second version of the 360 which would include a 65 nm Processor, HDMI outputs, and 120 GB hardrive. I never saved the link to the article, so....sorry >.> The biggest drawback I saw in the xbox 360 compared to PS3, no HDMI output, so NO 1080p picture quality, just 1080i. I've played on my cousin's xbox 360, I think its an awesome console, I'll get one when I can.

Just throwin in my observations of the consoles. I can't say much about the Wii, other than that I'd sell my gamecube and grab one when Wii's become readily available. I wasn't expecting them this hard to come by, well, in California anways =/.
[quote name='schuerm26']Can't afford to have a PS3? Why am I seeing that over and over and over again. Because someone doesn't like the system or bashes it for whatever reason, it must mean they can't afford it? Give me a break.

And no, none of the consoles suck, I will agree with that. I won't agree with the fact that the PS3 is a superior system to the XBOX 360 or the Wii though, and ESPECIALLY not a $200 or $300 more superior system.[/quote]

Now where did i say superior. You have to realize it is $500 for the extra $100 more than a 360 premium because of the blue ray player. The $600 version is $200 more than a premium 360 because of blue ray, a larger hdd and wireless built in.
I just think PS3 is gonna sell slower just because it's the highest priced console out. I have one, and so far enjoy all the features it has to provide. I bought one knowing all the other features it was going to provide, but I was surprised that it also came with a multi-card reader and wi-fi capabilites.

Wii would obviously sell better on launch seeing as how it's substantially cheaper than a PS3. Backwords compatibilty and because the Wii has connections for Gamecube Memory cards and Controllers would allow you to get rid of your gamecube, making that convenient.

Xbox 360 has been out for awhile, so it's only fair they would have the advantage over the 2 new consoles. The fact that the 360 has been out for over a year has given game developers time to get used to programming for the Xbox 360, thus a game like Gears of War =O. I read an article somewhere that ASSUMED Microsoft was planning a release with a second version of the 360 which would include a 65 nm Processor, HDMI outputs, and 120 GB hardrive. I never saved the link to the article, so....sorry >.> The biggest drawback I saw in the xbox 360 compared to PS3, no HDMI output, so NO 1080p picture quality, just 1080i. I've played on my cousin's xbox 360, I think its an awesome console, I'll get one when I can.

Just throwin in my observations of the consoles. I can't say much about the Wii, other than that I'd sell my gamecube and grab one when Wii's become readily available. I wasn't expecting them this hard to come by, well, in California anways =/.
[quote name='schuerm26']Can't afford to have a PS3? Why am I seeing that over and over and over again. Because someone doesn't like the system or bashes it for whatever reason, it must mean they can't afford it? Give me a break.

And no, none of the consoles suck, I will agree with that. I won't agree with the fact that the PS3 is a superior system to the XBOX 360 or the Wii though, and ESPECIALLY not a $200 or $300 more superior system.[/quote]

Now where did i say superior. Hell i didn't even mention your name or call you a fanboy. You have to realize the $500 ps3, is a $100 more than a 360 premium because of the blue ray player. The $600 version is $200 more than a premium 360 because of blue ray, a larger hdd and wireless built in. I don't see any valid reasons to bash the PS3 besides price and if your really love shoving rumble down your pants i guess you could say ps3 sucks because no rumble in the controller.
[quote name='schuerm26']Can't afford to have a PS3? Why am I seeing that over and over and over again. Because someone doesn't like the system or bashes it for whatever reason, it must mean they can't afford it? Give me a break.

And no, none of the consoles suck, I will agree with that. I won't agree with the fact that the PS3 is a superior system to the XBOX 360 or the Wii though, and ESPECIALLY not a $200 or $300 more superior system.[/quote]

Now where did i say superior. Hell i didn't even mention your name or call you a fanboy. You have to realize the $500 ps3, is a $100 more than a 360 premium because of the blue ray player. The $600 version is $200 more than a premium 360 because of blue ray, a larger hdd and wireless built in. I don't see any valid reasons to bash the PS3 besides price and if your really love shoving rumble down your pants i guess you could say ps3 sucks because no rumble in the controller.
[quote name='schuerm26']Can't afford to have a PS3? Why am I seeing that over and over and over again. Because someone doesn't like the system or bashes it for whatever reason, it must mean they can't afford it? Give me a break.

And no, none of the consoles suck, I will agree with that. I won't agree with the fact that the PS3 is a superior system to the XBOX 360 or the Wii though, and ESPECIALLY not a $200 or $300 more superior system.[/quote]

Now where did i say superior. Hell i didn't even mention your name or call you a fanboy. You have to realize the $500 ps3, is a $100 more than a 360 premium because of the blue ray player. The $600 version is $200 more than a premium 360 because of blue ray, a larger hdd and wireless built in. I don't see any valid reasons to bash the PS3 besides price and if your really love shoving rumble down your pants i guess you could say ps3 sucks because no rumble in the controller.
[quote name='schuerm26']Can't afford to have a PS3? Why am I seeing that over and over and over again. Because someone doesn't like the system or bashes it for whatever reason, it must mean they can't afford it? Give me a break.

And no, none of the consoles suck, I will agree with that. I won't agree with the fact that the PS3 is a superior system to the XBOX 360 or the Wii though, and ESPECIALLY not a $200 or $300 more superior system.[/quote]

Now where did i say superior. Hell i didn't even mention your name or call you a fanboy. You have to realize the $500 ps3, is a $100 more than a 360 premium because of the blue ray player. The $600 version is $200 more than a premium 360 because of blue ray, a larger hdd and wireless built in. I don't see any valid reasons to bash the PS3 besides price and if your really love shoving rumble down your pants i guess you could say ps3 sucks because no rumble in the controller.
I just think PS3 is gonna sell slower just because it's the highest priced console out. I have one, and so far enjoy all the features it has to provide. I bought one knowing all the other features it was going to provide, but I was surprised that it also came with a multi-card reader and wi-fi capabilites.

Wii would obviously sell better on launch seeing as how it's substantially cheaper than a PS3. Backwords compatibilty and because the Wii has connections for Gamecube Memory cards and Controllers would allow you to get rid of your gamecube, making that convenient.
[quote name='schuerm26']Can't afford to have a PS3? Why am I seeing that over and over and over again. Because someone doesn't like the system or bashes it for whatever reason, it must mean they can't afford it? Give me a break.

And no, none of the consoles suck, I will agree with that. I won't agree with the fact that the PS3 is a superior system to the XBOX 360 or the Wii though, and ESPECIALLY not a $200 or $300 more superior system.[/quote]

Now where did i say superior. Hell i didn't even mention your name or call you a fanboy. It is not $200 and $300 more unless you are comparing to a core. It is $100 and $200 more to a premium. You have to realize the $500 ps3, is a $100 more than a 360 premium because of the blue ray player. The $600 version is $200 more than a premium 360 because of blue ray, a larger hdd and wireless built in. I don't see any valid reasons to bash the PS3 besides price and if your really love shoving rumble down your pants i guess you could say ps3 sucks because no rumble in the controller.
I just think PS3 is gonna sell slower just because it's the highest priced console out. I have one, and so far enjoy all the features it has to provide. I bought one knowing all the other features it was going to provide, but I was surprised that it also came with a multi-card reader and wi-fi capabilites.

Wii would obviously sell better on launch seeing as how it's substantially cheaper than a PS3. Backwords compatibilty and because the Wii has connections for Gamecube Memory cards and Controllers would allow you to get rid of your gamecube, making that convenient.
[quote name='schuerm26']Can't afford to have a PS3? Why am I seeing that over and over and over again. Because someone doesn't like the system or bashes it for whatever reason, it must mean they can't afford it? Give me a break.

And no, none of the consoles suck, I will agree with that. I won't agree with the fact that the PS3 is a superior system to the XBOX 360 or the Wii though, and ESPECIALLY not a $200 or $300 more superior system.[/quote]

Now where did i say superior. Hell i didn't even mention your name or call you a fanboy. It is not $200 and $300 more unless you are comparing to a core. It is $100 and $200 more to a premium. You have to realize the $500 ps3, is a $100 more than a 360 premium because of the blue ray player. The $600 version is $200 more than a premium 360 because of blue ray, a larger hdd and wireless built in. I don't see any valid reasons to bash the PS3 besides price and if your really love shoving rumble down your pants i guess you could say ps3 sucks because no rumble in the controller.
[quote name='schuerm26']Can't afford to have a PS3? Why am I seeing that over and over and over again. Because someone doesn't like the system or bashes it for whatever reason, it must mean they can't afford it? Give me a break.

And no, none of the consoles suck, I will agree with that. I won't agree with the fact that the PS3 is a superior system to the XBOX 360 or the Wii though, and ESPECIALLY not a $200 or $300 more superior system.[/quote]

Now where did i say superior. Hell i didn't even mention your name or call you a fanboy. It is not $200 and $300 more unless you are comparing to a core. It is $100 and $200 more to a premium. You have to realize the $500 ps3, is a $100 more than a 360 premium because of the blue ray player. The $600 version is $200 more than a premium 360 because of blue ray, a larger hdd and wireless built in. I don't see any valid reasons to bash the PS3 besides price and if your really love shoving rumble down your pants i guess you could say ps3 sucks because no rumble in the controller.
I just think PS3 is gonna sell slower just because it's the highest priced console out. I have one, and so far enjoy all the features it has to provide. I bought one knowing all the other features it was going to provide, but I was surprised that it also came with a multi-card reader and wi-fi capabilites.

Wii would obviously sell better on launch seeing as how it's substantially cheaper than a PS3. Backwords compatibilty and because the Wii has connections for Gamecube Memory cards and Controllers would allow you to get rid of your gamecube, making that convenient.

Xbox 360 has been out for awhile, so it's only fair they would have the advantage over the 2 new consoles. The fact that the 360 has been out for over a year has given game developers time to get used to programming for the Xbox 360, thus a game like Gears of War =O. I read an article somewhere that ASSUMED Microsoft was planning a release with a second version of the 360 which would include a 65 nm Processor, HDMI outputs, and 120 GB hardrive. I never saved the link to the article, so....sorry >.> The biggest drawback I saw in the xbox 360 compared to PS3, no HDMI output, so NO 1080p picture quality, just 1080i. I've played on my cousin's xbox 360, I think its an awesome console, I'll get one when I can.

Just throwin in my observations of the consoles. I can't say much about the Wii, other than that I'd sell my gamecube and grab one when Wii's become readily available. I wasn't expecting them this hard to come by, well, in California anways =/.
I just think PS3 is gonna sell slower just because it's the highest priced console out. I have one, and so far enjoy all the features it has to provide. I bought one knowing all the other features it was going to provide, but I was surprised that it also came with a multi-card reader and wi-fi capabilites.

Wii would obviously sell better on launch seeing as how it's substantially cheaper than a PS3. Backwords compatibilty and because the Wii has connections for Gamecube Memory cards and Controllers would allow you to get rid of your gamecube, making that convenient.

Xbox 360 has been out for awhile, so it's only fair they would have the advantage over the 2 new consoles. The fact that the 360 has been out for over a year has given game developers time to get used to programming for the Xbox 360, thus a game like Gears of War =O. I read an article somewhere that ASSUMED Microsoft was planning a release with a second version of the 360 which would include a 65 nm Processor, HDMI outputs, and 120 GB hardrive. I never saved the link to the article, so....sorry >.> The biggest drawback I saw in the xbox 360 compared to PS3, no HDMI output, so NO 1080p picture quality, just 1080i. I've played on my cousin's xbox 360, I think its an awesome console, I'll get one when I can.

Just throwin in my observations of the consoles. I can't say much about the Wii, other than that I'd sell my gamecube and grab one when Wii's become readily available. I wasn't expecting them this hard to come by, well, in California anways =/.

Somethin must've freaked out on CAG forum cuz I had 5 posts of the same thing....went through and deleted the copies...apparently panasonic had the same problem >.>
I was at Walmart and I walk to the electronics section and lo and behold I see a Wii sitting behind the glass. I get someone to get it for me and as I get to the counter, the cashier starts telling me this story. For a long time (not sure if it was launch or 2nd shipment) there inventory has been telling them they had 1 Wii left in the store. They couldn't find it so they just thought the inventory was off. Where did they find it? Hidden behind the pile of PS3's they have in the back room. Those are exact words from him. I thought it was pretty humorous.
bread's done