Demon's Souls - Atlus & From Software's Action RPG - October 6

[quote name='ChibiJosh']He's
hiding up on a wall away from the enemies like a little girl, so he shouldn't have been killed.

If you're talking bout that big dude in armor that's 'hiding' on that one wall, I think he's actually chained up on that wall. He thanks you for saving him or something or at least he did in the import version.

I just let him roll through all the enemies in front of us once I freed him. He kicks some serious ass. Of course, if he dies you get the Mausoleum Key from his corpse.:D I stabbed him in the back accidentally the first time I played the game.
[quote name='seanr1221']Now that I've finished 1-2, where should I go next?

I read world 4 is good.[/QUOTE]

There is a good grinding spot at the beginning of 4-2.
[quote name='Saint Noir']There are slight differences. You still lose souls when you die in soul form (but as always can regain them by making i to your bloodstain without dying). You do not effect world tendency when you die in soul form (but do if you really die). It also changes the multiplayer aspect a bit. You do have less health in soul form... lots of different things.[/QUOTE]

Thanks alot, didn't realize there were such differences between soul and live forms, I thought it was just the health penalty. Man I cannot wait for this game
World Tendency question... I may have overlooked this. So to improve tendency, what can you do? I know it says you can gain points by killing big demons and black phantoms who invade your game... any other tips? Once you beat the bosses, is there any way to up the tendency (sans getting invaded)?

EDIT - I beat all of 2 after 1-2... messing around in 1-3 at the moment.
I went to 4-1 for a little bit and got a few items I needed to use my evacuate miracle.
Some advice for character build? I'm playing a mage, and I've obviously put most of my points into magic and intelligence plus a couple into vitality. I haven't really found any armor or weapons that I can equip aside from what I started out with, so should I put some points into strength and such?
[quote name='Snake2715']how are you guys labeling them 1-2 and such? Am I missing something that says that?[/QUOTE]

If you look at your tendency map... Palace 1. Stonefang 2. Latria 3. Storms 4. Valley 5. I said it wrong before.. Just for our sakes... doesn't actually say that.
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so the palace is 1-1?

i have wasted too much time on the red eye knight here in the palace... short of cheating and trying to get him to fall off a ledge..
[quote name='seanr1221']I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but how do you use magic and miracles?

I have them memorized already.[/QUOTE]

You hit right on the d-pad to switch to your catalyst/tailsman.

[quote name='Snake2715']so the palace is 1-1?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Snake2715']so the palace is 1-1?[/QUOTE]

Whoops... yeah... Palace 1. Stonefang 2. Latria 3. Storms 4. Valley 5. I said it wrong above.

And for spells and such...
you need a catalyst (wand) to cast magic and a talisman to do miracles, I messed up and tried doing miracles with my catalyst. That's a no go.
I'm spending mostly on levels. I get a few items. I've found most of my good ones... haven't started upgrading to awesome just yet either. I definitely spend my souls when I got 'em... better than losing them for good.
[quote name='camoor']Game looks cool, but noway am I touching a game that is this high in frustration.[/QUOTE]

You know, for all I read on here before I got the game about how "hardcore" it was it didn't turn out to be nearly that bad. There are three key things that I didn't hear much about that make it not nearly as bad as it sounds:

1) When you die you do keep all your items. I do believe I had heard this one at least before. But I didn't realize how important that was till I played. You get a lot of healing items and you can keep those once you die and restart the level.

2) Passageways and events you trigger STAY that way when you go back. This is a big one I didn't hear about before (or didn't notice). But for example, on 1-1 you go through all the work of opening this big door to the boss and even if you die on the boss you can just restart, fight a few easy guys on the way to the door, and go right in. You do NOT have to repeat all the actions you took on the level. So all this "restarting the level" nonsense was a bit overblown.

3) You can retreat out of the level and go back to the Nexus and spend you souls on items, upgrades, levels, magic, etc and then jump back in. So any time you feel you scored a lot of souls you can generally just back up and get back out.

Granted, I've only plaed 1-1 so far so some of these things (in particular, backing out of a level) might be more difficult later on. But I found dying not really to be that big of a deal in that first level and I'm susprised so many people had so much trouble with that level. Like I said before I'm by no means the best action gamer and I had very little trouble. I did play as the Royalty class though and the ease with whcih you can pick off low-level enemies with soul arrow cannot be overstated ;). Of course, even with my weak-ass rapier and buckler I can hack most of them too so I'd think a stronger warrior type wouldn't be that hard either.
So, how does saving work on this game? If I tried to get the ring from 4-1 and die, will it save that I died or does it only save when you go out to the nexus?
Yeah, I haven't figured that out yet either.

So it seems like now that I'm back in body form I need to commit suicide in the Nexus if I want the pure white tendency to remain, correct? I guess I'll do that when I start back up in a few minutes. Now I see why there are so many people doing that ;).
It auto saves on levels... if you are in the middle of a dungeon... and need to quit, go to quit and hit that (IN GAME, not on the XMB). It will save. When you start back up you are back in the middle of the dungeon with all enemies still dead (enemies reset if you die or leave a dungeon to go to Nexus, not leave in real life for a nap). It also saves on its own fairly often, be it in Nexus or a level. It will save that you died. It saves after every death and lots in between.

Yeah, if you are worried about tendency, prolly best to stay in soul form (per suicide in the Nexus). I know it will take me a handful of plays of the whole game to get all the stuff done (due to tendency and the good/bad stuff).

EDIT - The guide tells how to turn it to pure black and then to pure white. It does require some stones, but seems very doable. I will make sure on my next plays to due this. That's why I am saving all my ephemeral stones.
The white ghosts of other players and bloodstains are fucking awesome features. I kinda wish I could see what was killing players in certain areas, though.

Any tips for killing those Red Eye Knights in 1-1? I'm up on top of some wall where there are a bunch of siege weapons set up. As far as I can tell I have two paths to take at the moment, each leading to what looks like one of these knights. Both killed me so I'm putting the game down till tomorrow. Haven't played a whole lot so far.

Also, apparently it's possible to dual wield shields. Would love to see how far someone can get with that strategy. :lol:

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']BTW, how many of you went down past where the blacksmith is in the Nexus and read all of the hint messages on the floor? In the Asian version, there were literally like 100-150 messages just down the hall from where the blacksmith is. Some were good and very informative, while others were just more of the 'harsh, evaluate me' ones.[/QUOTE]
I went there tonight and I'd guess I saw 20 or fewer messages, but almost all of them were pretty helpful.
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[quote name='io']Yeah, I haven't figured that out yet either.

So it seems like now that I'm back in body form I need to commit suicide in the Nexus if I want the pure white tendency to remain, correct? I guess I'll do that when I start back up in a few minutes. Now I see why there are so many people doing that ;).[/QUOTE]

why do you want pure white in the nexus?
[quote name='TruthinessFC']The white ghosts of other players and bloodstains are fucking awesome features. I kinda wish I could see what was killing players in certain areas, though.

Any tips for killing those Red Eye Knights in 1-1? I'm up on top of some wall where there are a bunch of siege weapons set up. As far as I can tell I have two paths to take at the moment, each leading to what looks like one of these knights. Both killed me so I'm putting the game down till tomorrow. Haven't played a whole lot so far.

Also, apparently it's possible to dual wield shields. Would love to see how far someone can get with that strategy. :lol:

I went there tonight and I'd guess I saw 20 or fewer messages, but almost all of them were pretty helpful.[/QUOTE]

Do you have some sort of a projectile weapon(bow and arrows, Soul Arrow), Truthiness? If you do, you can 'lock on' by pressing the right stick down from a distance and just peg those red eye knights with a couple Soul Arrows or whatever.

However, whatever you do, DON'T try and take on the third red eye knight which is on another walkway on the same level as those two. He's a tough one and seems able to block everything you can throw at him.

He's on a walkway that's through a doorway through one of the rooms at either end of the area with the two current red eye knights.
Finished up my session. I defeated the
red dragon
in 1-2. While it wasn't all that difficult once I knew what to do, it definitely requires some sort of guide to get there. Not only do you need to obtain a
bow somehow
, which are not for sale at that point, but you have to know where to station yourself (which is not all that tricky). But more importantly
you have to know how many shots it takes (nearly 100 - and arrows aren't cheap and you could waste a lot of time by coming without enough of them) and how to tell you are even hurting it. It is really really hard to see that health bar that appears for a split second when you hit it and nearly impossible to see if it is down or not. Occasionally - like every 20 shots or so I would see a glimpse of the red part and see that it was getting smaller and just when I was about to give up (and run out of arrows) I killed it :lol:. Nice reward of 7000 souls though. And now I can go back and get the treasures from it's roost which I missed out on last night when I played and the dragon wasn't around but I passed on going there because of a warning on the ground.

And from my understanding that is just a "mini-boss" for that level. I still have to fight something else!

IATCG - there's only one red eye knight in that whole section (1-1) as far as I know (and the guides indicate). The others are blue-eyes which are much easier to kill. As for the one (I'm talking about the one guarding a locked door), instead of going with the whole lure him a mile away to a tower so he can fall trick, which seems time consuming and frought with danger, I just blasted him with soul arrows. You can do that pretty easily once you get the Thief's ring.

I did go back and save Ostravus. It was a bit strange because the guide I read (forget if it was the official one or a FAQ I was reading) said he might get attacked by a blue-eye knight and that you should escort him out of the area afterwards. I found this very odd because when I got to him he was standing on a wall (not chained) and waving his sword around. He continued to do so even after I killed everybody and talked to him and got his reward. He showed up in 1-2 as expected when I went there though. He never moved in 1-1 though and was never near any enemies. That whole encounter sounds a bit glitchy. Does he go down below where all the enemies are usually?
Is the guide packaged in the deluxe edition useful or not? I don't mind paying extra, but only if it's worth it - it seems like a lot of this game is trial-and-error.
[quote name='io']

IATCG - there's only one red eye knight in that whole section (1-1) as far as I know (and the guides indicate). The others are blue-eyes which are much easier to kill. As for the one (I'm talking about the one guarding a locked door), instead of going with the whole lure him a mile away to a tower so he can fall trick, which seems time consuming and frought with danger, I just blasted him with soul arrows. You can do that pretty easily once you get the Thief's ring.

I did go back and save Ostravus. It was a bit strange because the guide I read (forget if it was the official one or a FAQ I was reading) said he might get attacked by a blue-eye knight and that you should escort him out of the area afterwards. I found this very odd because when I got to him he was standing on a wall (not chained) and waving his sword around. He continued to do so even after I killed everybody and talked to him and got his reward. He showed up in 1-2 as expected when I went there though. He never moved in 1-1 though and was never near any enemies. That whole encounter sounds a bit glitchy. Does he go down below where all the enemies are usually?[/QUOTE]

Interesting. I have a Thief's ring(and now I have a 'ring of Herculean Strength' or something to that effect. I'll have to see how the boss battle plays out when I have the Herculean and Thief rings on.:D

As for the red eyed knight, I killed him once, but then I got killed myself and had to do that battle over. :cry: Needless to say, I got killed the second time around.:roll:
[quote name='coolz481']Is the guide packaged in the deluxe edition useful or not? I don't mind paying extra, but only if it's worth it - it seems like a lot of this game is trial-and-error.[/QUOTE]

I'm wondering the same thing. Although it's $10 extra for the Deluxe Edition but still... That's $10 I could be using on something else :p
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Interesting. I have a Thief's ring(and now I have a 'ring of Herculean Strength' or something to that effect. I'll have to see how the boss battle plays out when I have the Herculean and Thief rings on.:D

As for the red eyed knight, I killed him once, but then I got killed myself and had to do that battle over. :cry: Needless to say, I got killed the second time around.:roll:[/QUOTE]

I literally probably spent 2 hours or more going after that red knight. I tried twice to get him to fall, and that didnt work.

I almost beat him a few times, but he would wack me and I would not be able to recover quick enough...

I beat the boss last night about midnight and left there with close to 10,000 souls... not too bad. I also have about 6 soldier souls and those are worth anywhere from 400- 2000 if I am reading it right. I have a few of each... I am probably close to the 20,000 soul mark on just level 1.. I did waste some time... but I found some cool stuff too.
I got the burned victims treasure, rings, sheilds, etc, also followed the lower ledge there where this red dragon is supposed to be, and found another piece. Also on the top by the seige stuff there is an area you can drop over and get a crossbow, that can come in handy.

Anyone know when you start in level 1-1 near the end of that bridge as you are about to clim the first set of stairs there are some corpses and some items on them... yet I cannot get over there. The door is locked and its below me. I have been through that level probably 15+ times and cannot find a way down... Maybe it opens later. maybe its world tendancy.

What characters are you guys running with?

I am a hunter and have been pretty happy so far. He starts with a bow and an axe.
Decided to keep this game from my Gamefly rental for $47. Very hard and frustrating at the beginning, but once I selected a better character (Royal) and knew more then half the 1st level, this game shines in how good it is and from all the crazy stuff and enemies I have heard, it seems like a good value for the whole game. Now just grinding until I can level up some and go to 4-1 so I can get the Talisman of God and use my Heal miracle spell.

I so wish I had the Guide from the deluxe version, I would have bought it at a store. (haven't bought a guide since Halo 2 launch night cause of hype to buy everything Halo related at my local midnight launch)
[quote name='io']Also, I have a more immediate problem. After finishing 1-1 the candle maiden said I'm supposed to talk to the Elemental or something? I ran all over the Nexus - went upstairs, to the Pantheon, all over. I can't seem to find this person/thing at all and apparently I can't level up until I do so? I have 3000 souls saved that I don't want to lose by going back in somewhere. WTF!? Nothing at all about that in the guide either. It just says "talk to her" or something.[/QUOTE]
I had the exact same problem and it doesn't help that it's called 'The Monumental' when there's a giant fucking statue in the middle of the room. That's not actually it, as I'm sure you figured out but you can find him on the third floor after taking a left on the balcony. It's the thing with a lit candle in front of it.
[quote name='io']Ah, that might explain the battle bloodstains in the Nexus then. They do seem to die rather rapidly. I also saw one on the approach to the hidden merchant in 1-1. I didn't know it was a merchant but I saw a replay of some dude biting it pretty quickly so I went in really cautiously and all I saw was this gollum-looking guy just squatting there and staring at me. Luckily I didn't attack ;).

Man, I know this is a good game because I played till really late last night and could barely get to sleep even though I stopped at 4am and had dreams about the game. I even got up early wanting to play more (though I can't till tonight). I'm really anxious to get back to that Ostravus guy and see if he's still there. Apparently if he dies it cuts off a major sidequest.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, be careful with the merchants. I just rescued a guy
last night and while searching for him in the Nexus I actually fell on top of him. For a moment I was like 'SHIT!' but luckily he was just mildly miffed. Guess you have to full out smack them to start a fight. Just remember, you can't reload so if you kill a guy, they're dead for the rest of the current game.

As for Ostravus
you will keep running into him throughout level 1 and each time he gives you a reward for saving him. I've not done 1-4 yet, so I'm not sure how this will all play out.
[quote name='seanr1221']Now that I've finished 1-2, where should I go next?

I read world 4 is good.[/QUOTE]
I just went 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 1-3, 3-1, 3-2 so far. You can really attempt them in any order, but it's been nice for me to be able to roll through stages one and two of each new level since I'm soul level 40+ now.
[quote name='Snake2715']So is everyone going crazy on leveling up or saving it for items etc?[/QUOTE]
Don't buy any items, you can farm everything yourself. Use souls in this order: repair equipment, upgrade equipment/spells/miracles you want, level up primary stats. I wouldn't waste stats on luck personally, since most of the best gear comes from quests/guaranteed drops.
[quote name='io']You know, for all I read on here before I got the game about how "hardcore" it was it didn't turn out to be nearly that bad.[/QUOTE]
Some levels will still require a lot of backtracking to get to the boss (2-2 comes to mind) and it's rather shocking how big of a difference the difficulty of bosses are. Some of them you just blow past on your first try and are idiot proof. Then you suddenly hit a roadblock of a boss (again 2-2) that can kill you easily.

I'm actually stuck on 3-2 right now because the fight is incredibly cheesy. Anytime I'm given no chance to recover and keep getting hit while I'm down is bullshit. It's the first fight I'm really not enjoying because it really comes down to luck on where the boss decides to position itself. In fact, I've actually come so close to beating it twice now only to get robbed by uncontrollable events that I hate the designer who came up with it. The boss isn't even that hard and it's not like the strategy I'm using doesn't work great, but it's just too easy to get a cheesed death.
OK, need some advice from a veteran.

I want the Large Sword of Moonlight, but it's in 5-2 from what I hear. Is this something I should pursue now that I'm SL 40+? I have 24 faith, but I've never used a very large sword yet and I'm hesitant about using it over sword 'n board for boss fights. I'm a temple knight and haven't touched my strength stat since it will have no effect on said sword, but should I level it up some to use bigger shields? I'm still using the Heater +7 for now and it bests any shield I could use until around 22 strength.

Lastly, is this sword a guaranteed drop from the slug pile? I already fucked up Keel Smasher by drawing it early, so I do not want to miss out on this amazing sword, especially since I'm going to do some PvP later.
Deluxe Edition guide is actually pretty great. I find myself looking through it more and more. I would recommend it, if you can afford it. Also, the box itself is fairly nice and not just a thin slip sleeve (thicker cardboard).

Anytime you "save" Ostravus he should walk around on his own and pick fights if he sees anyone around. He can handle little guys no problem, bigger ones, who knows. I never babysat him though and he was fine.

The Herculean ring adds to your equipment or item burden... it won't give you extra power to kill a boss.

The gate on 1-1 right at the start is open in really good or bad WT. It hasn't been open for me, except for maybe my first time through, when I didn't know to look down there.

Boss wise...
1-1, 2-1, and 2-2 (gotta be quick) were fairly easy for my character. I died a handful of times on 1-2 (first strategy seemed to be prop his shield up with my face). 1-3 was also a cake walk so long as you free Biorr OF THE TWIN FANGS! Sorry.. I probably died the most so far on the archdemon god dragon, which is lame as he isn't that hard.
I'll second on the guide being worth the extra money. Its very well put together and it doesn't give away too much but it helps with alot of stuff you'd miss otherwise.
[quote name='fizzywix']Pretty sure reading this thread has made me decide to go out and buy this tomorrow so I can play it, now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah me too! I ordered mine last night, should be here by Tuesday. I can't wait to share stories in here and play this damned game.
Thanks saint Noir.

Taking off this weekend and thats a bummer. I probably wont get anytime in till next week.. Itching to play the game, it was hard to come to work today, since I knew I would be wrapped up for the next 4 days... but then reality set in and I have responsibilities. Sucks too.

Well, I decided to go gather some items in level 4 as I wasn't strong enough/didn't have the right equipment for where I want to go. So, I jump in, and right at the gate/archstone I get invaded. Nowhere to hide...

Panicked... didn't think I had time to work through the blue stone to call help. Enemies all over as I had only just entered... my guy is built to fight enemies. I am not super slow, but do carry a nice shield. I am heavy on magic, but can do massive damage with my stabbing sword.

The PVP was shieldless. Going for speed. Had his stabbing sword held in both hands. I was able to handle this no problem. My magic wouldn't get him (too quick), but I could block and counter attack. It looked like it would be a long fight.

Then he busted out some big spear or something... that set me on fire (my sword does the same). He was quick and his spear thing broke my stamina and left me open constantly. I was getting reamed.

With almost no chance at this point I ran into a group of enemies and let them deliver the final blow. I was not giving him the kill. Don't know how this effects his attempt etc...

Oh well. In short... get invaded... call for back up and go light for speed... and hope you aren't at the entrance.

EDIT - and in my panic forgot to even try to parry with my shield... that would have been good... DOH! Now I know... and knowing is half the battle.
Just picked this up from Fry's. They were all out of Deluxe editions, but had plenty of regular editions w/ artbooks and soundtrack for 49.99. Really excited to start playing
saw the review on ign this game sounds damn interesting and i like that its challegning most games nowdays do feel too easy so this may be something worth getting. how long is the game?
This game sounds interesting to me. How fast do you think this will drop in price? I was thinking of picking it up this weekend, but on tuesday Uncharted 2, Brutal Legend and a boy and his blob all come out, so this game might not get any real play time for a month or so. Think it would drop in price by mid nov?
There's no way to tell when this game will drop in price. It seems to be doing well on word of mouth alone. If you don't need the deluxe edition, I'm sure you can wait it out.
bread's done