Demon's Souls - Atlus & From Software's Action RPG - October 6

Finally rented the game to see what the fuss was about. Not quite my thing.

It's a beautiful looking game, but I'm too impatient about multiple dying and having to restart a level to appreciate what others like in an action RPG.
[quote name='Hibiwa']Finally rented the game to see what the fuss was about. Not quite my thing.

It's a beautiful looking game, but I'm too impatient about multiple dying and having to restart a level to appreciate what others like in an action RPG.[/QUOTE]

I actually appreciate games like this nowadays. They stopped making games challenging enough these modern days. This game is one of the few that worth the $60 price tag these days. Challenges are what make this game fun to play actually lol otherwise it will just be like any other RPGs out there.
[quote name='Jodou']Lol, no wonder you can't block the dragon's flame buffet. Your endurance caps at 160 once you have 40 into it, so that's why I recommended getting it to at least that far. It makes a huge difference and is absolutely necessary if you're melee.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='salty tbone']This would be my answer to. Of course, I leveled up endurance and ignored vitality (with the strategy of not getting hit) and faith (once I reached a certain number of slots). I think if you plan on doing a lot of melee, endurance is key for the reasons Saint Noir mentioned.

Also, it's nice to be able to sprint nonstop across half the maps. :) Once you hit level 40, though, the stamina boost stops.[/QUOTE]

I don't think I ever tried to block the fire with my shield, Jodou - I just assumed it wouldn't work since it seemed to go all around me when I did get hit. However, like I said before, running through that part was no problem at all.

I have been doing a lot of melee with the shield/spear combo and I just back away when my endurance runs down. I suppose, though, that if there is a cap at 40, I might as well go for it. Then maybe I can use some better armor as well.

It's funny, but the one attribute that was so critical early on, strength, has really not been something I've needed to touch for a long time. I guess I'll go with endurance for my next several levels, anyway.
[quote name='io']I have been doing a lot of melee with the shield/spear combo and I just back away when my endurance runs down. I suppose, though, that if there is a cap at 40, I might as well go for it. Then maybe I can use some better armor as well.[/QUOTE]

When you get your endurance up, you'll be backing away a lot less often too. Most enemies I just stab stab stab and not worry about the endurance bar getting drained.
[quote name='gunm']Isn't it that most game's platinums pretty much symbolize you've done all you can do with it? At least, I don't think anyone would fault you for stopping after achieving a platinum in this particular game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I suppose you're right. I really enjoy games with New Game +, cause usually there are a few trouble spots that you want to run through again and rape face with your upgraded equipment.

The fact that each NG+ gets harder and harder makes it more sweet and gives you a bigger incentive to keep running through the game. That, and the 712 level cap.

I do enjoy getting trophies because you end up playing the game in a way that you might not have thought of before. Running through Dead Space using just the Ripper weapon, running through a Bioshock challenge using just a wrench & plasmids.

It seems like more and more games are getting rid of 'cheats' and the like. Of the games I've seen come out in the past few months, I can only name 2 or 3 that have 'cheats' that alter gameplay. IMO, those should be the rewards you get for getting trophies. You should get an in-game reward other than just an extension of your e-penis.
Got the Sage's Trophy just a bit ago.

I am now a blueblood sword and an insanity catalyst away from the platinum.

In my current game I need to beat all of 4 and 1-4 ... will do that and just have to beat all of 3 (easy) and then all of 5 in the next game... I hate 5.

Oh... and 2 due to red hot demon soul. Boo.
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I just started NG+ - it really is harder. I've made it through 1-1 and 1-2 without much trouble, but the ninja things in 1-3 crush me with a single roundhouse kick (even with my shield up). The red dual katana guy in 4-1 also destroyed me there, so looks like I'm going for either 2-1 or 3-1.

Looks like I should get endurance up to 40 to start wearing some good armor while still rolling. I may try to start using a bow too - I hate to waste souls on arrows though...
[quote name='Thomas96']damn, the game has ninja's too! I'm so on the fence with this game, I want it so bad.. but I'm so scared of it![/QUOTE]

Dude, if I can make it to the end of NG+ then I think most CAGs should have little trouble.
I hate 5-2....literally....3 deaths so far.....none of which I should have endured....and the level is so slow moving. Arrows are easily least the regular ones. Go to 4-1, kill the first reaper and you can get 400+ of them.
Does anyone think the design of this game is a ploy to get gamers to buy strategy guides (especially ones included in expensive deluxe editions)?
[quote name='yoshi9784']Does anyone think the design of this game is a ploy to get gamers to buy strategy guides (especially ones included in expensive deluxe editions)?[/QUOTE]

I don't understand why anyone would ever buy a strategy guide.
Working through +++ now. Something oddly satisfying in one shotting a boss.

io, if you go through +++, Flamelurker is a real jerk. My tactics don't work as well. Best bet is to do the same thing, just use homing soul arrow (as long as you get 5 bullets) from on top of the big piece of rubble over and over. The time between shots is enough of a buffer. Doing that coupled with my +5 Kris Blade and Ring of Magical Sharpness allowed me to take him out in just a handful of casts.

Prior to that victory I died a few times on him, ruining my record against that boss.
Thanks for the tip. But I have a question. I have never been able to use homing soul arrow - it just makes the dots and then they go away without firing. What's the trick to getting it to actually work?
Be in range of a target and they should fly. As long as I am a little closer than targeting range, I've never had a problem.

Some enemies they won't go after... like I tried using them on the Blue Dragon, but they would never fire off. Eventually they just disappeared. But most of the time they went off without a problem. I would practice with them a bit... better out in a level than at a boss.
Platinum. Woo. This one felt really good!

io, if you want to hold any weapon, just let me know. I will say past few days I have been having some issues logging into the PSN. Dunno what is going on.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Platinum. Woo. This one felt really good!

io, if you want to hold any weapon, just let me know. I will say past few days I have been having some issues logging into the PSN. Dunno what is going on.[/QUOTE]

Cool, yeah, the Insanity Catalyst and whatever that other one is that is the 4th use of a demon...

I thought I'd have tons of time to play games over the long holiday weekend but I actually ended up playing less than I did before Thursday. This was partly due to family things, partly due to Amazon sale watching, and partly due to the HWV $4.99 sale ;). But in any case, I've made no progress on DS since we last met up and I still have to finish this play and most of the next one just to get the spells - would be nice not to have to worry about those last 2 weapons as well.
[quote name='io']Dude, if I can make it to the end of NG+ then I think most CAGs should have little trouble.[/QUOTE]

thanks! I'm buying this game.... I can't wait to play it.
Finally finished up all of 5...have Maneater left in 3-2 and then 3-3 to finish off before I mop up 1-3 and 1-4.

Nothing like showing off the game to your friend and have the auto-aim feature mess up on you. Never had that happen when I was trying to melee before...not sure how I missed 3 consecutive spears (misses, not blocked) and proceeded to die by a big sword knight in 1-3 after the first fatty minister. Talk about embarrassing....
[quote name='io']Cool, yeah, the Insanity Catalyst and whatever that other one is that is the 4th use of a demon...

I thought I'd have tons of time to play games over the long holiday weekend but I actually ended up playing less than I did before Thursday. This was partly due to family things, partly due to Amazon sale watching, and partly due to the HWV $4.99 sale ;). But in any case, I've made no progress on DS since we last met up and I still have to finish this play and most of the next one just to get the spells - would be nice not to have to worry about those last 2 weapons as well.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, just let me know when. I went in and messed with my router and everything seems to be back to normal now. I think I am 157 or somewhere there about in terms of level at the moment.
[quote name='happy']

I don't understand why anyone would ever buy a strategy guide.[/QUOTE]

The strategy guide was extremely helpful with finding upgrade materials and which crystal geckos you need to get as well as their specific locations. It was also great in showing me all the tendency events I needed to do. I'm not a huge fan of the Wiki, although I did use it to see which weapons I should upgrade and to get other strategies on any bosses that were giving me trouble. I loved the official strategy guide though.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']The strategy guide was extremely helpful with finding upgrade materials and which crystal geckos you need to get as well as their specific locations. It was also great in showing me all the tendency events I needed to do. I'm not a huge fan of the Wiki, although I did use it to see which weapons I should upgrade and to get other strategies on any bosses that were giving me trouble. I loved the official strategy guide though.[/QUOTE]

The official guide also has more info on upgrades than the Wiki. Both have been really useful for me.
That reminds me I have to finish the last two levels to complete my game... and mail in my guide cover for a replacement guide!!

damn other games...

Oh well I am coming back to this one now.
[quote name='souljiro']I have one more boss fight which is in 1-4 then whatever happens after that[/QUOTE]

May the force be with you... hopefully you don't lose some levels! :lol:
correct, and you actually need to to unlock all the items etc.

Its called New Game + or NG+ for short.. if you see mention of ++ well those people are on their 3rd play through.
[quote name='orbit18']once you "beat" the game, can you still keep on playing the same character?[/QUOTE]

Yeah. You keep everything except keys and that sort of thing. The levels reset, but you have all your weapons and items. Which is good as NG+ is pretty hard, but ++ on it is a lot easier and levels out/doesn't jump as high in difficulty (least for me).
[quote name='souljiro']I have one more boss fight which is in 1-4 then whatever happens after that[/QUOTE]

What level are you? I have 1-3 to finish (want to get Biorr first before I forget) then 1-4 and the finale.....can probably help you with 1-4 after I do 1-3.

DOH! Forgot I have to finish up 3-3 also.....just finished up 1-3 tonight....Biorr makes that an easy win.
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Alright level 11! I'm going to be caught up to you guys again in no time. And by in no time I mean not until a while after finals. fuck I have to get studying.
[quote name='blueweltall']Anyone got there replacement guide yet?[/QUOTE]

I've yet to get mine and I sent it in about a day after they had it offered. Irvine is only 20 minutes away from where I am now so hopefully they will start coming soon for all of us. the 1-4 dragon, the boss, and the finale. Although I do want to go farm some spiderstone for my sticky bow.

3-3 end boss is easy offline with the dark silver shield...for those that don't know and care.
I was able to pick up Demon's Souls for $37 dollars. I was wondering where can I get tips for playing this game? I was reading and watching a review and it seems that a player will get his butt kicked. I thought that Dragon Age was a little unfair until I saw Demon Souls. It seems that it is rough. I guess I can remember it to Zelda 2 where you die for the most reckless things. Well, I hope to play this Western Style game by Atlus.
[quote name='blueweltall']Anyone got there replacement guide yet?[/QUOTE]

Oh crap! I guess I should have been paying attention to this thread since I completely forgot about the replacement program and even this wonderful game :cry:
[quote name='aosora13']I was able to pick up Demon's Souls for $37 dollars. I was wondering where can I get tips for playing this game? I was reading and watching a review and it seems that a player will get his butt kicked. I thought that Dragon Age was a little unfair until I saw Demon Souls. It seems that it is rough. I guess I can remember it to Zelda 2 where you die for the most reckless things. Well, I hope to play this Western Style game by Atlus.[/QUOTE]

Here is a good start...

And anyone here who comments regularly can answer things for you too if they aren't clear in the wiki.
I really want to play this but am tempted to sell my sealed deluxe and just buy the regular version. Is the guide worth anything? I would essential make at least $60 on the DE after the $37 I paid. I don't really care for collecting anymore so keeping it sealed is not really my thing I just don't know if the guide is worth it when I could use the money for other games down the road.

Thanks for the link. I hope to start playing soon since I just ordered it. It seems to be a brutal game but it does look good and I have not seen games like this recently.
[quote name='jacknicklson']I really want to play this but am tempted to sell my sealed deluxe and just buy the regular version. Is the guide worth anything? I would essential make at least $60 on the DE after the $37 I paid. I don't really care for collecting anymore so keeping it sealed is not really my thing I just don't know if the guide is worth it when I could use the money for other games down the road.


I found the guide to be very cool and incredibly useful. Ultimately, it is up to you of course. I don't really collect, but I do like the DE editions box and everything.
Anyone know what the deal is on this fabled sixth world? Was there supposed to be some DLC planned that opens the broken archstone?
Man... land of giants... I wish this would come out. Many people were hoping for DLC with the Japanese release, but seeing as that version is 10 months old and not a peep, it may be unlikely.

Perhaps they will though, given the fairly strong US sales. We can hope. Seems like a huge waste to just let it go untouched.
Finally picked this up. I kept wandering in here and you guys always made the game seem so interesting. Can't wait to try it out!
I thought that sixth world was just part of the story. I don't think it pertains to anything specific to this game's design, but it could very well be something that could be used for a sequel or future game. Wouldn't it be cool if you could port your charcters over from this game to the next, if they ever made one?
Just bought this game today and already having trouble on the first world. I guess 1-1 boleteri palace. I keep dying and then rushing my way through, since I already know where a good majority of the enemies are. i put maybe 30 minutes into it, and go to the part where you are supposed to get a "valuable" ring, or so every message says, but I have trouble a lot with the combat. I block but thats not helping very much, and the enemies keep throwing fire at my feet. Any tips for beginners?
bread's done