Demon's Souls - Atlus & From Software's Action RPG - October 6

Maybe see something on Amazon around Black Friday as far as a decrease. Being in decent demand and being an Atlus title, I wouldn't expect any official drop for a long, long time. As ludicrous as it may sound I got this and have Brutal Legend preordered. It's Uncharted 2 that is going to have to wait for me. Also, this and Brutal are games I feel NEED my support. Uncharted 2 will be a smash right away.

As far as length... prolly looking at 40-80 hours for your first play... impossible to say as so much depends on your play style. To "do everything" requires multiple plays, but they are shorter the next time as you have your equipment and things. I'd say the game is easily a 100+ hour game and could go on as long as you enjoy it (+ games go on forever, I think. Beat it once a +1 game where enemies are a little tougher, twice +2 etc.)
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I want (need?) this game but don' have the funds right now. Is there anyway to block this thread, I just can't stop myself from viewing it everytime there's a new post.
[quote name='SynGamer']I want (need?) this game but don' have the funds right now. Is there anyway to block this thread, I just can't stop myself from viewing it everytime there's a new post.[/QUOTE]

No, but I could temp ban you so you won't be tempted until you get the funds. How long should I put you down for? ;)
[quote name='io']No, but I could temp ban you so you won't be tempted until you get the funds. How long should I put you down for? ;)[/QUOTE]

Oh, you clever. As soon as GS has a B2G1 sale ;)
Sweet, the game just arrived! Gonna read up on it some more before trying it out this weekend.

And yah, I took a whiff of it. Ahhhh.....
Just beat the game at level 78. I didn't know that I was at the end and I wish I bought all the spells and miracles before I moved to new game +. I think I am going to play it again!.
I had the weirdest thing happen to me. I laid down my blue stone thing to let anyone summon me into their game. As soon as I got into another persons game I watched a cut scene of a devil type character who put a really odd looking tornado helmet on my guy and then I was dropped into a small room as a black phantom with the weird helmet and tons of chairs in the room. I was the only one their and the only door in the room had fog I couldn't get past so I just walked around breaking chairs and eventually it told me the target had been killed and I was teleported back to my world back alive and got to keep the weird helmet. I still have no idea what happened.
Thats the end of world 3 where the demon old monk summons another player to fight for him as a black phantom. If the black phantom octupus guys kill the other player before he gets to you, you win thats what happened there lol.
I got my Fragrant Ring from 4-1! The enemies are surprisingly easy in 4-1. I've only beat 1-1 at this point, and I'm killing all the enemies (aside from the dual welding skeleton) 2 hits with Soul Arrow. The guide that I was looking at recommended not trying to attack said dual welder until level 60, but I beat it just find at level 14. Just had to keep my distance and hit it with like 6 soul arrows.
[quote name='blissskr']Thats the end of world 3 where the demon old monk summons another player to fight for him as a black phantom. If the black phantom octupus guys kill the other player before he gets to you, you win thats what happened there lol.[/QUOTE]
So is that item I got rare? the stats seem really low
[quote name='ChibiJosh']I got my Fragrant Ring from 4-1! The enemies are surprisingly easy in 4-1. I've only beat 1-1 at this point, and I'm killing all the enemies (aside from the dual welding skeleton) 2 hits with Soul Arrow. The guide that I was looking at recommended not trying to attack said dual welder until level 60, but I beat it just find at level 14. Just had to keep my distance and hit it with like 6 soul arrows.[/QUOTE]

What character did you start out with again? That is cool. The enemies in 4 aren't too tough as long as you are a bit mobile. I never had any problems except
on this little stretch where it is very narrow and my camera was being a little crazy targeting the flying ray things and there was also a ground enemy moving in on my tiny ledge. The boss is even pretty easy in 4-1. Before the 4-1 boss you can pick up some mega nice rings throughout the level. :drool:

EDIT - I've been trying to farm some dragonstone which sucks cause the enemy that drops it on 2-2 is a real pain. Not too dangerous, just a tank. Think I need to find it's weakness....
Magician. I was a little too afraid to try to get all the way to the boss.

I got to the boss on 1-2, killed me right quick. I started messing around on 2-1, the magic users get me a lot there.

Also, does armor (excluding shields) have stat reqs? I was looking at the wiki and strategy guide and neither mention stat reqs for any armor other than shields.
I dunno about an outright stat requirement, but it will effect your equipment burden. You can't go over that. Also, the lighter your armor in relation to your overall equipment burden, the quicker you will be. I think it is less than 50% of your equipment burden is super fast and it will decrease the more you weigh it down. For example, I put on some armor and was super slow til I stated up to be able to use it properly... by getting my equipment burden up.

So it is stat related in a round about way.
So I'm already addicted to this... but I HATE that you can't pause it. I had to stop to eat, then again a while later when a friend stopped by, and the whole time I hid my character in a corner and was scared to death that when I came back he'd be dead (I'd have gone back to the nexus, but I was trying to get back to the souls at my bloodstain).

Also, when is it safe to turn off the game? Any time since it autosaves? If I am in level 1-2, have died, and am partway through the level heading back to my bloodstain, if I turn it off will I start reasonably close to where I was and still be able to get back to my bloodstain?
[quote name='Zmonkay']So I'm already addicted to this... but I HATE that you can't pause it. I had to stop to eat, then again a while later when a friend stopped by, and the whole time I hid my character in a corner and was scared to death that when I came back he'd be dead (I'd have gone back to the nexus, but I was trying to get back to the souls at my bloodstain).

Also, when is it safe to turn off the game? Any time since it autosaves? If I am in level 1-2, have died, and am partway through the level heading back to my bloodstain, if I turn it off will I start reasonably close to where I was and still be able to get back to my bloodstain?[/QUOTE]

A page or two ago:

[quote name='Saint Noir']It auto saves on levels... if you are in the middle of a dungeon... and need to quit, go to quit and hit that (IN GAME, not on the XMB). It will save. When you start back up you are back in the middle of the dungeon with all enemies still dead (enemies reset if you die or leave a dungeon to go to Nexus, not leave in real life for a nap). It also saves on its own fairly often, be it in Nexus or a level. It will save that you died. It saves after every death and lots in between.[/quote]
Know where the blacksmith is in the nexus? Miracles are at a guy in the room behind the blacksmith. He is low level seller and you can't get the big ones until later (I'm not there either).

Spells come from a few places, but right off the low level seller is in the room on the opposite side of the miracle seller. So facing blacksmith... room to right is miracles and room to left is spells. There are no doors, just walk through the opening to the next little place and look for NPCs to talk to.
[quote name='jrsmaster411']So is that item I got rare? the stats seem really low[/QUOTE]
It raises magical attack but lowers magical defense, Im not sure on rarity as someone would have to be summoned there to get it. I have one not sure how many people get summoned there though.
Alright bought the game at full price and don't regret it at all. So damn addicting. The first level isn't really all that hard. Also my messages will warn you if stairs are approaching.
I beat 1-2 and 2-1 tonight. Both bosses turned out to be really easy. I sat in one place spamming soul arrow and had no chance of dying unless I really screwed up. I was actually already in body form when I beat the spider.
Now, I'm not sure what to go on to next.
Hey, tonight I also beat 1-2 and then went through 2-1 but stopped just short of the spider. I wonder if we ran into each other :lol:. It was getting late and wanted to save it for tomorrow so my son could watch. So soul arrow works there as well? I did have to do some well-timed dodging on 1-2, but it was pretty easy.

First, though, I tried 4-1 and had a bit of trouble there. Eventually I figured out how to kill the silver skeletons though the first one annihilated me. I didn't go all the way up to get the cool bow though - could use it since I'm going through a lot of arrows with that short bow.

I've also nailed two crystal geckos with soul arrow and it wasn't as hard as it was made out to be (though I missed another in the tower near 1-2 - the online guide didn't mention it). Thief's ring is key of course.
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[quote name='io']Hey, tonight I also beat 1-2 and then went through 2-1 but stopped just short of the spider. I wonder if we ran into each other :lol:. It was getting late and wanted to save it for tomorrow so my son could watch. So soul arrow works there as well. [/QUOTE]

Just make sure to
not leave the passage you first enter in and have the thief's ring equipped. The spider won't know where you are and you can hit it with projectiles until it's dead. You'll probably get hit once in awhile through bad luck, but it isn't too bad.
top of the tower.. the one near where a red eyes guards the falchion +1 (left)

how do you trade with the harpee/crow? i left shiny's by dropping them. but i dont know what to do next.
Oh ok, I know where that is. Thanks. As long as I don't have to fight the red guy, I should be fine.

I was reading you can save Ostrata in all the first world levels. I never saw him in 1-2. Does anyone know if that means he's gone from that level for good now? If so, I'll have to kill him in 1-3 :)
[quote name='enufs8d']top of the tower.. the one near where a red eyes guards the falchion +1 (left)

how do you trade with the harpee/crow? i left shiny's by dropping them. but i dont know what to do next.[/QUOTE]

I played on the import version of the game, but I think it would be the same on the US version. This took me forever to figure this out. You need to drop the item (crow will say something like shiny...sparkly..) you then go and load your game and when it re-loads you will be in the exact same sopt and the new item will be there to pick up.
Thanks gunm. Two other questions (sorry if they've been asked, but I'm trying not to click other people's spoiler tags):
1. Is there any other way (other than items) to recover MP other than the Fragrant Ring? I want to equip the Theif's Ring, and of course the one that extends ur life meter in soul form, but then I find myself running out of MP, and the Fragrant Ring refills it slow as hell anyway. Royals start with the Fragrant ring, but idk how other magic classes handle their MP. Or should I just farm souls for a while and stock up on MP items. I've got tons of HP items, but enemies haven't dropped any MP ones (I've only played 1-1 though)

2. In 1-1,
Ostrava, I think. The guy u were supposed to rescue
died. I picked up
the mausoleum key
though (luckily found it randomly). Is there any other benefit to running into him later, or is it mostly to get that item?
Is there any benefit to holding on to old items or junk armor that is picked up rather than just throwing them out? Things like the slave sheidls and such from the first level.

As far as I know you can't sell anything so not sure if there is anything else that can be done with them.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Thanks gunm. Two other questions (sorry if they've been asked, but I'm trying not to click other people's spoiler tags):
1. Is there any other way (other than items) to recover MP other than the Fragrant Ring? I want to equip the Theif's Ring, and of course the one that extends ur life meter in soul form, but then I find myself running out of MP, and the Fragrant Ring refills it slow as hell anyway. Royals start with the Fragrant ring, but idk how other magic classes handle their MP. Or should I just farm souls for a while and stock up on MP items. I've got tons of HP items, but enemies haven't dropped any MP ones (I've only played 1-1 though)

2. In 1-1,
Ostrava, I think. The guy u were supposed to rescue
died. I picked up
the mausoleum key
though (luckily found it randomly). Is there any other benefit to running into him later, or is it mostly to get that item?[/QUOTE]

The Fragrant Ring is helpful in 1-1 but is less helpful as you progress. There are other MP regen equipment items, but the best is to just eat the MP regen herbs. There is a level (can't remember right now) with a vendor selling cheap herbs if you don't want to farm them. After 1-1 you find MP herbs more often.

And for your second question, if he is left alive then he appears in the next few levels. But some people prefer doing what you did in order to get the item you got sooner than later.
[quote name='AdvOfJet']Is there any benefit to holding on to old items or junk armor that is picked up rather than just throwing them out? Things like the slave sheidls and such from the first level.

As far as I know you can't sell anything so not sure if there is anything else that can be done with them.[/QUOTE]

Some items you find you can trade for other items. The
in 1-1 comes to mind. If in doubt, look it up to see if it has any trade value.
Started playing this last night. I love the feel of the combat.

Died a bunch of times in 1-1 because of
first, jumping into a hole I wasn't supposed to, then a bunch of deaths due to the Red Eyes Knight. I wasn't able to get the "make him fall to his death" trick to work, any pointers?
Playing cautiously I managed to beat 1-1 without dying. I found the boss fight to be really rewarding. I was using the shield/halberd character, knights templar?

Anyhow, melee combat puts your gaming skills to the test:
a) Gotta know how to circle strafe
b) Patience, sometimes you just have to fight a battle of endurance & attrition

I like how it's not like a Ninja Gaiden where you have to memorize whacky combos etc. Everything performs pretty naturally. Except that your character won't really stab upwards if the enemy is on the stairs ahead which is slightly wonky.

The game sort of reminds me of Gothic for the PC (except that it plays infinitely better) in that whatever lurks around the corner might totally stab, you flail you, scare you off a cliff, or blow. you. up.

Looking around for general information about understanding the game better I came across this wiki/faq:

It's good for basic questions like, "Uh, I beat what?"
Thanks seanr1221 and rgd2blck! I actually didn't "kill him", I sorta wandered away, and a blue eye knight killed him, lol. I just happened to be lucky enough to stumble upon the item drop (looking online, I see that a lot of people miss it because if he dies and you exit the level, the item disappears for that playthrough). At work now, wishing I could be playing this...
So where do I find Ostrava in 1-2? I finished the level but never saw him.

I really hope he didnt get killed and I missed on the key :[
[quote name='seanr1221']So where do I find Ostrava in 1-2? I finished the level but never saw him.

I really hope he didnt get killed and I missed on the key :[[/QUOTE]

If you went back to 1-1 after saving him, he respawns which means he fought all the enemies around and was probably killed. That's what happened to me, and I think the key disappears if you leave 1-1 after he gets killed.
[quote name='BlueScrote']Started playing this last night. I love the feel of the combat.

Died a bunch of times in 1-1 because of
first, jumping into a hole I wasn't supposed to, then a bunch of deaths due to the Red Eyes Knight. I wasn't able to get the "make him fall to his death" trick to work, any pointers?

Love this game, spent every free second playing yesterday :p

I fell down the same hole :rofl:
As for the red eye knight (as long as I'm thinking of the right guy with the spear), all I did was shoot him with an arrow, parry/riposte his first attack, then melee the last sliver of health and he was dead in seconds
[quote name='seanr1221']So where do I find Ostrava in 1-2? I finished the level but never saw him.

I really hope he didnt get killed and I missed on the key :[[/QUOTE]

Again, I'm gonna ask how it is even possible for him to get killed in 1-1? He is up on a wall and doesn't move and the enemies are down below. At least that's how it happened with me. Even after I rescued him he didn't move.

But to answer your question about 1-2, he's down to the left as you first enter the level (with the mini-phalanx thingies). He's behind a gate and I guess you can resdue him from the other side. I didn't head down there yet because the guide warned me not to or he might get killed. You get to it from tunnels under the towers (by going the other way from where the merchant is). But now that I've cleared 1-2, I guess I can go save him now.
Yeah, the fragrant ring turns out to be pretty worthless once you get to a higher level. MP just regenerate way too slowly. The ring that regens health seems to work a lot faster (and I have a ton more HP, go figure). Guess I need to upgrade a crescent weapon. It will stack with fragrant ring and make my MP regen sing.

I spent a lot of time farming for Dragonstone last night... ended up getting the Flamemaster's Trophy. One upgrade away from trophy of Sharpness. Really need to look into upgrading a bow and crescent weapon though. That would do better for my character.

Down where Ostrava is in 1-2 is not very dangerous in my opinion. Just go slow, per the usual.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']If you went back to 1-1 after saving him, he respawns which means he fought all the enemies around and was probably killed. That's what happened to me, and I think the key disappears if you leave 1-1 after he gets killed.[/QUOTE]

Damn, so we missed out on the key :/

How fast does that ring regenerate your MP? I can't wait to start using the soul arrow.

Also, can anyone explain upgrading to me? I've been upgrading my swords/shields with the stones I get from the black blobs, but I noticed on the wiki, it mentions this for the Kilij

+0 - Sharp
+3 - Quality, Mercury, Tearing
+6 - Moon, Crescent
+8 - Large Sword of Searching (Hero Demon's Soul)

I want to turn it into a Large Sword of Searching eventually, and I know where to get the Hero soul, but what does the +8 mean? Does it mean I need to get it to +8 with sharp stones before I can use the soul and turn it into the searching sword?
Exactly. Once you get a weapon to +8 with sharpstones the sword of searching becomes available. It showed up for my scimitar at that point. If you upgrade a +6 sharp weapon to crescent it then becomes a crescent +1. Etc.

MP regens at about 1 MP per 4 seconds with the ring.
[quote name='io']Again, I'm gonna ask how it is even possible for him to get killed in 1-1? He is up on a wall and doesn't move and the enemies are down below. At least that's how it happened with me. Even after I rescued him he didn't move.

But to answer your question about 1-2, he's down to the left as you first enter the level (with the mini-phalanx thingies). He's behind a gate and I guess you can resdue him from the other side. I didn't head down there yet because the guide warned me not to or he might get killed. You get to it from tunnels under the towers (by going the other way from where the merchant is). But now that I've cleared 1-2, I guess I can go save him now.[/QUOTE]

Oh cool, I knew there was a lower path, but I didn't use it, I took the high grounds. Thanks!

[quote name='Saint Noir']Yeah, the fragrant ring turns out to be pretty worthless once you get to a higher level. MP just regenerate way too slowly. The ring that regens health seems to work a lot faster (and I have a ton more HP, go figure). Guess I need to upgrade a crescent weapon. It will stack with fragrant ring and make my MP regen sing.

Can you explain this a little more, please? Right now I'm using a Scimitar+3 (upgraded with sharp stones) but I'd like to start upgrading my Kilij soon.

EDIT looks like you just explained, thanks!
Base stones can be upgraded all the way to 10. "Better" stones that give benefits and enchantments etc can go to +5 once you start upgrading them down that path. You can take a weapon all the way back down to it's base weapon with a meltstone, but that seems pretty wasteful.

Try to have a plan when upgrading, ores start to become rarer once you've already looted the corpses and are just hoping for drops.

Hope that's clear... again... if you want to go to the weapons that are at +6 sharp or hard or whichever... upgrade them to +6 with base stones then use the other ore. Or if you want a branching weapon at +3, upgrade to +3 sharp then use the stones to go that way.

And of course all upgrades of any fancy have to be done at Blacksmith Ed in 2-1.
[quote name='BlueScrote']Started playing this last night. I love the feel of the combat.

Died a bunch of times in 1-1 because of
first, jumping into a hole I wasn't supposed to, then a bunch of deaths due to the Red Eyes Knight. I wasn't able to get the "make him fall to his death" trick to work, any pointers?

Go through the fog first, find some Valuable items, beat the first boss Phalanx, and then Try and go after him.
Found a super easy way to kill the Red knight without attacking him.

Just lure him until you reach the pit at the beginning area. And woot 2000 souls. Ezpz
I had to make a new character because I think my priest character is screwed. I can't beat 2-1... I got no long range, and I barely got any more healing items.
You find a crescent falchion +1 in 4-1 relatively close to the beginning behind the black dual-welding katana skeleton.

I saved Freke! I'm sad that you have to play through like 3 times to get all the spells though (and then a 4th or 5th to get all the special weapons).
[quote name='Saint Noir']Base stones can be upgraded all the way to 10. "Better" stones that give benefits and enchantments etc can go to +5 once you start upgrading them down that path. You can take a weapon all the way back down to it's base weapon with a meltstone, but that seems pretty wasteful.

Try to have a plan when upgrading, ores start to become rarer once you've already looted the corpses and are just hoping for drops.

Hope that's clear... again... if you want to go to the weapons that are at +6 sharp or hard or whichever... upgrade them to +6 with base stones then use the other ore. Or if you want a branching weapon at +3, upgrade to +3 sharp then use the stones to go that way.

And of course all upgrades of any fancy have to be done at Blacksmith Ed in 2-1.[/QUOTE]

Gotcha, thanks

[quote name='ChibiJosh']You find a crescent falchion +1 in 4-1 relatively close to the beginning behind the black dual-welding katana skeleton.

I saved Freke! I'm sad that you have to play through like 3 times to get all the spells though (and then a 4th or 5th to get all the special weapons).[/QUOTE]

That looks cool, and is even better it already starts out as a crescent. I'm going to have to pick that up and upgrade that over the Kilij. Thanks!
bread's done