Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

I am almost rank 3 in IB. As soon as that happens I will be level 34 and can do the 34 POE. I'll be on tonight, tomorrow and will be available during the weekend
I played 1 full match today and 3 that it made me join in progress. So fucking annoying. Rank 2 now. Once I get to Rank 3, I still wanted to run 34 PoE with you guys. Should have no trouble getting to 3 tonight when we do Iron Banner.
So I don't usually mess with the reforge business, but I've received 3 or so guns in a row with the "Icarus" perk, and that just seems dumb. For me at least.

If I start re-rolling my Silimar's Wrath, or any of the many, many other legendary pulse and or scout rifles I have, what should I be looking for? Is it all a matter of preference or are there just out-and-out "best rolls" for these items? If it were up to me I'd want faster reload, larger magazine and .....

well, something good, that's for sure.
Best advice would be for you to check Planet Destiny and see what perks are even available for the weapon you want to roll.

If you see some things you'd want then go for it. They also give advice on the better perks you should aim for.

I've gotten a few scout rifles that could be good, but don't really care now that I've ascended my VoC.

The shotgun I re-rolled was more about maintaining parity in those crucible matches, where it just turns into a shotgun fiesta.

I also re-rolled an Efrideets Spear just to get Void.

Our third just got kicked from PoE 34. We are at the final boss if anyone is interested in joining right now. Easy trip to the treasure room!


So......The perks on my Her Benevolence just randomly changed. From one of the best fucking rolls to a crappy one. I had Hidden Hand and Firefly. Now I have Firefly and Clown Cartridge. I just got it and went to equip it before turning in bounties and the damn perks changed. Screw this game sometimes! 

Just a heads up for those playing ToO tomorrow, no more backing out before the match starts.

From the latest weekly update..

Everyone Fights. No one quits.

We’ve seen you backing out of matches on final approach in your ships because you saw formidable opponents on the other team. That tactic could earn you a restriction from future Trials of Osiris events. Please stick it out and fight – even if you know you’re about to be visited by tourists from the Lighthouse.
Good day for me as a Titan. Xur finally has the helm I want most!

Xur inventory:

Titan: Helm of Saint-14 (118 Intellect)
Hunter: Young Ahamkara's Spine (114 Discipline)
Warlock: Obsidian Mind (75 Intellect/53 Strength)
Weapon: MIDA Multi-Tool
Exotic Engram: Body Armor
Got to about 2.5 after a couple more hours last night of IB. Finished up my thorn void kills in record time. IB really is the best time to do those as a lot of people are playing that dont do pvp much LIKE ME :p

I went from winning some games and being like 6.0kdr in one in the afternoon to some slaughter lag fests in the night. I guess the servers are busy or the cheaters are on later. I mean whole teams of teleporting shoot three times in the face with fellwinters and walk away type lagging.

Also once we had a team of 6 and when the game loaded the whole other team quit so we won without firing a shot.

Did iron banner yesterday and got iron wrath bounty done in 55 seconds. (10 kills without dying)
Considering that you walked up next to a lot of these guys without them noticing/shooting, I think your red internet connection may have had something to do with it (or maybe they just sucked that bad). I've had something like this happen a few times (not the Iron Wrath) where I was bewildered why no one was shooting at me. Turns out Comcast decided I didn't really need ALL of my bandwidth. Haha. Congrats on the quick bounty.

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Did iron banner yesterday and got iron wrath bounty done in 55 seconds. (10 kills without dying)
Considering that you walked up next to a lot of these guys without them noticing/shooting, I think your red internet connection may have had something to do with that. I've had that happen a few times (not the Iron Wrath) where I was bewildered why no one was shooting at me. Turns out Comcast decided I didn't really need ALL of my bandwidth. Haha. Congrats on the quick bounty.

Yesterday was a pretty good Destiny day. I finally received the Bittersteel shader from Dead Orbit and with the help of a few Crucible bounties I got another God of War shader.

While trying to reach rank 4 in the IB a Thunderlord dropped for the umpteenth time and a bit later I got my 2nd Monte Carlo in a week from a NF reward. I saw someone get a Hawkmoon in IB earlier in the day, so jealous. 

If anyone's up for ToO or even a PoE 32 run I'd be up for it when I get on later this evening.

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Did 9-1 on a Trials card. Hard to waste my mercy because we came up against a team with a dude that was definitely pulling some shady connection shit. He'd rush us, start dancing, we'd all unload into him and then he'd just melee us to kill us all. No matter what we did we just couldn't kill him. During heavy round, he was nowhere near us but all of a sudden his nova bomb was on the heavy box while we were waiting and then he just appeared next to us to t-bag. Reported, even though I'm pretty sure it does nothing despite Bungie's claims that it does.
Same here. I won my first 3 today and then lost 3 of 5 by less than 1,000 points each time. With the buff/shaded/ass-cape/emblem, I'd estimate I need 3 more wins. Maybe 2 since I'm 1 machine gun kill away from finishing that bounty.
I usually don't really hit it hard with the Iron Banner til Saturday anyway due to the buff, but I want to get the Etheric Light to make myself 34 for that level of PoE without wasting a shard on ascending my Exotic boots.
Last night was my Hunter's turn to run Iron Banner and got it about a 1/4 of the way from hitting Rank 3.

Since I've been rotating my toons out, I'll be going back to my warlock tonight and see how close I get to rank 4.

Finished leveling up my Party Crasher and I do like it more than my current Matador.  The RoF may not seem like that big of a deal between the two, but I seem to notice it and it bugs me.  Plus, PC seems to have better range even though they look identical. 

Got another Matador and decided to roll it just because... got Field Choke, Shot Package, reinforced barrel & Army of One.  Only difference between this and my other one was Small Bore instead of reinforced barrel.

Gonna try this new one out for a bit and see if I like it.  Otherwise, I'm gonna dump all Matadors and focus only on Party Crasher.

Oh, can't forget to mention that I got my first ever Felwinter's Lie... yay me?  Got it now that it can't be as snipey as it used to be... I'll probably hold onto it as long as I have the room.  Bungie's shown they'll mess with stats & perks so might be smart to save it for the future.

Otherwise, still need to do my 35 PoE's and Queen bounties.  If anyone wants to group up, shout out.

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Meant to post this before but forgot.

Scatter Grenade with Nothing Manacles + Bloom = Win.

Wow had a good day in trials today. Already got all three characters gloves. Sad part is we got to 6 wins 0 losses, so needed to win only two more games with the 1 win = 2 win buff, but we lost the next match, which was our second loss since the first one was forgiven. I think its going to be even harder now to get to the lighthouse since you might be banned if you keep backing out. Overall i dont really like the map much. Maybe ill get better on it the more i play. Got to open the 8 win package twice, got another chest piece for my hunter... alll strength -_- but i did get a cool machine gun on my titan. So far im really liking it too. Also got my titan to rank 3 in iron banner. I need to do a 34 POE and farm the end boss for my cipher, just kill him and let the target reach its destination untill my 1000 points are full to get my queens breaker bow!

Ended up having to play Iron Banner by myself last night. After a couple times getting thrown into (losing) games in progress, I proceeded to play 3 or 4 straight games in which my team lost by 500-1,000 points at the last moment while I led the teams in score every game. So frustrating.

After a long day, people not joining up, and dealing with all that, I was sick of the game. I got to Rank 3 after finally getting 1 more win, then I bought my Etheric Light (applied to Crota's End boots) and signed off. This has been a bad week for Destiny.

I still have to do Prison of Elders at Level 34 this weekend somehow. That's the whole reason I was grinding through all this. NJMane, do you still have any left to do?
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Ended up having to play Iron Banner by myself last night. After a couple times getting thrown into (losing) games in progress, I proceeded to play 3 or 4 straight games in which my team lost by 500-1,000 points at the last moment while I led the teams in score every game. So frustrating.
After a long day, people not joining up, and dealing with all that, I was sick of the game. I got to Rank 3 after finally getting 1 more win, then I bought my Etheric Light (applied to Crota's End boots) and signed off. This has been a bad week for Destiny.
I still have to do Prison of Elders at Level 34 this weekend somehow. That's the whole reason I was grinding through all this. NJMane, do you still have any left to do?
Yes'r. I have one 34 left with my Warlock.
I'm willing to play with any of you guys. What time would work? I'm good after noon Pacific with some advance notice. Did grab Helm of Saint-14 from Xur but only leveled up the first node so far since I was using an already maxed helm for Iron Banner.
I'm willing to play with any of you guys. What time would work? I'm good after noon Pacific with some advance notice. Did grab Helm of Saint-14 from Xur but only leveled up the first node so far since I was using an already maxed helm for Iron Banner.

I'm available any time after 12 PST (I.e. 3 pm EST). The third member can dictate the time since we are both flexible. Who else is in?
I was kicking butt in IB today, that scout rifle I got a few posts back with full auto is basically a un-nerfed suros...I gotta get another one to reroll with exploding rounds and firefly...I rolled this one like 15 times to get full auto. I'm a couple wins from rank four I think, but I'll probably try and get my titan going tonight so I can get the arms for him and that sweet etheric light. 

Did 34 Prisons with Matt and NJ, then jimmy came in when NJ gave up on it. Of course then we finished it right away. That always happens. Anytime I would quit hard crota someone would tell me they did it on the next try!

I didnt get anything great as a reward though...Are any of the weapons he sells worth using the weapon core on or should I just save them for the package?

Anyone thats played with me will know this isnt the usual lol

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I sent you a couple of invites yesterday Matt. I was helping my son on crucible for a bit
Oh. I invited you when I got on since I thought we were going to play at that time. Then you messaged me 30 minutes later asking if I was getting on, which confused me. Then I replied immediately saying I was on. It wasn't until a full hour after we were supposed to play that you invited and then joined me. By that time, I was in the tower buying my Etheric Light before signing off due to frustration over getting put on shitty teams for about 7 straight Crucible matches.

Now I can use the Etheric Light from the PoE to boost one armor piece for my Hunter (who's 31 now) and hopefully earn 1 more Etheric Light from Iron Banner. I am not feeling the joy from IB this time around and can't see myself playing enough to earn more than 1 more EL. Saving my weapon core from PoE to see what the dude sells next week.
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Almost hit rank 4 for my Warlock last night.  Couldn't get the machingun spree bounty done.  Teammates kept getting the final blow on guys, so I'd get stuck with assists :bomb: .

Then I switched over to my titan with about an hour left before reset. Knocked out 3 bounties in 3 matches and turned them in just in time.  Hit rank 3 and have a fresh set of bounties available today.  So that was roughly 2200 XP in an hour all thanks to the catch-up buff they implemented for this IB.

Think I'm gonna go back to my warlock tonight and see how close I get to rank 5.  Then do the same thing and switch to the other toons in order to knock out a few quick bounties.  That should easily allow my hunter to hit rank 3 or my titan to hit rank 4

I've now got 7 etheric light saved up.  So first thing I'll do is ascend my old Queen's helm for my titan (still think it's cool).  Then, if I fail at getting this week's ToO armor for my Hunter, I'll Ascend 2 armor pieces there since my current 34 light level setup makes me overloaded on Strength and very light on Intellect or Discipline.

That'll leave me 4 EL's, with the likelihood of getting at least 2 more from IB.  And if I can get a group together, at least 1 more from a 35 PoE.

I was kicking butt in IB today, that scout rifle I got a few posts back with full auto is basically a un-nerfed suros...I gotta get another one to reroll with exploding rounds and firefly...I rolled this one like 15 times to get full auto. I'm a couple wins from rank four I think, but I'll probably try and get my titan going tonight so I can get the arms for him and that sweet etheric light.

Did 34 Prisons with Matt and NJ, then jimmy came in when NJ gave up on it. Of course then we finished it right away. That always happens. Anytime I would quit hard crota someone would tell me they did it on the next try!

I didnt get anything great as a reward though...Are any of the weapons he sells worth using the weapon core on or should I just save them for the package?

Anyone thats played with me will know this isnt the usual lol
My 33 Warlock was bringing you 34's down. Don't know what it is about Warlock but I just don't like them. If it wasnt for the selfrevive feature, I never would have made one. Glad you guys were able to get it. Jimmy owes me one for the first 4 waves :).

EDIT: The first match of IB I played (while you were finishing the PoE), I got the Party Crasher +1 to drop. I count that as a win.

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Oh. I invited you when I got on since I thought we were going to play at that time. Then you messaged me 30 minutes later asking if I was getting on, which confused me. Then I replied immediately saying I was on. It wasn't until a full hour after we were supposed to play that you invited and then joined me. By that time, I was in the tower buying my Etheric Light before signing off due to frustration over getting put on shitty teams for about 7 straight Crucible matches.

Now I can use the Etheric Light from the PoE to boost one armor piece for my Hunter (who's 31 now) and hopefully earn 1 more Etheric Light from Iron Banner. I am not feeling the joy from IB this time around and can't see myself playing enough to earn more than 1 more EL. Saving my weapon core from PoE to see what the dude sells next week.
Sorry I never saw your invite. I had told my son I would help him for a bit until you got on. He is only lvl 24 and is still wearing a lot of light blue gear and didnt want to due IB as a result. I didnt want to do Crucible since I needed IB as well. However he wants to play more and I'm trying to get him up to speed so we would have a 3rd person in our group more often during the summer.

Judging by how quickly he completed the crucible part of the Thorn bounty, he should be able to easily reach 32 soon. Not sure how soon due to the cap on marks earned per week... but soon.
I reached rank 5 on my Titan this morning and what happens while I was finishing up the remaining IB bounties? Another Thunderlord drops. Please RNGesus, no more Thunderlords. Thanks for another exotic shard, but good grief man.

My Warlock is rank 4 so I'll be on in a bit to try to hit rank 5 and collect another Etheric Light. I haven't played IB with my Hunter yet, but hopefully with the newly implemented IB buff from the other two being rank 5 will help move things along a bit faster.

I've been alternating between using the Party Crasher +1 and Felwinter's Lie (both with the shot package perk). I can't tell too much of a difference in range/impact, but you can tell the PC has the faster reload & RoF which comes in handy. I have a Matador 64 but it came with a bad roll so I haven't used it much. So many Shotguns.

Ok I played IB late like 11pm until about 1:30am and it was total trashfest. The lag is unbelievable, so many unkillable people or whole teams. Its amazing that you can go from winning all afternoon to playing matches were you literally cannot kill anything after midnight. Is it me or lag or cheating? Maybe my reflexes become crap after midnight, but it was so annoying after having a good afternoon and feeling like I was getting the hang of pvp. My average k/d is still over 1 on all three characters, so I guess I shouldn't feel too bad, but ending a match with a .3 or something at the bottom of a losing team is annoying when you know it doesnt make any sense that you played that shit without something out of your control happening. Do you guys bail on sessions that are hopeless lag fests or stick it out?

^^^ if it's only 1 or 2 I generally stick it out. Last night I had entire teams of red connections. Those matches I back out of. It seems since the DLC, the connection have been getting worse...especially in ToO
It sucks and has ruined Iron Banner for me. Lag in Destiny used to only be some rare, mythical beast, like a unicorn, that I only read tales of in 7th Number posts. Lately, it's all the damn time in Crucible. My connection is great, so I know the problem isn't on my end.
It sucks and has ruined Iron Banner for me. Lag in Destiny used to only be some rare, mythical beast, like a unicorn, that I only read tales of in 7th Number posts. Lately, it's all the damn time in Crucible. My connection is great, so I know the problem isn't on my end.
It only takes one bad connection to ruin an entire match. It has an effect on the everything. I can deal with it in IB (leave match, find new lobby, etc), I just hate it in ToO. Nothing pisses me off more than getting a loss in ToO due to a bad connection. It's funny how it's always people who have the exotic emblem.

EDIT: If someone has a bad connection, use the report feature to tell bungie about the bad connection. From my understanding, this will eliminate that particular player from being matched with you again (along with letting Bungie know about possible cheating).
Motiv said:
I reached rank 5 on my Titan this morning and what happens while I was finishing up the remaining IB bounties? Another Thunderlord drops. Please RNGesus, no more Thunderlords. Thanks for another exotic shard, but good grief man.
You must be the "me" of the PS4. It is a running joke with me and the people I play with on the Xbox One that I will always get Thunderlords. I've lost track but I've gotten at least 8-10 (or possible more) of them. I had a stretch where I got 4 or 5 in two weeks. More recently I got one with my first PoE chest opening on day 1 of the DLC, and then got another from a Nightfall. It is by far the exotic I have gotten the most of - even more than No Land Beyond and Dragon's Breath. I've gotten at least twice as many Thunderlords than anything else.
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Got my 3rd Thorn bounty after being killed by the gun 834 times this week. Maybe this time I can actually rack up the void kills. Probably not, though, because I have no void primary besides Atheon's Epilogue.
bread's done