Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

WIth Gears UE coming out Tuesday, im guessing i wont be playing much of Destiny, probably only on tuesdays until TTK comes out. Im trying to get all this done before then. Ill just wear the 3rd faction class item to do random things so i dont level up anything important.
Oh, I forgot all about that game since I hated the beta so much. Kinda surprised your old flame, Gears, took you back after how much time you've spent with Destiny over the past year. ;-)
If you missed it, they're rebroadcasting the Rift & Mayhem stream on Red Bull's twitch channel:


Best comment I heard so far... "Two Rockets, Bungie Please :roll: "

The most common primary seemed to be the new Suros pulse rifle.

Hunter's tether can be shot to release you.

Pretty sure I saw arc warlocks chucking lightning grenades (ala striker titans)

And that new Titan Super looks so OP in action

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Does anyone remember what it costs to pull a year 2 exotic out of the blueprint kiosk?
Arent all year one exotics out of the kiosk 1 exotic shard and 2500 glimmer to rebuy? Thats what it said when they hovered over them.

Year 2 versions of year 1 weapons are 150 legendary marks.

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Arent all exotics out of the kiosk 1 exotic shard and 2500 glimmer to rebuy? Thats what it said when they hovered over them.
That is correct. However, you have to level up that new one the same as you would if it had dropped in an activity.

The 125 legendary marks are part of the cost for obtaining the 2.0 upgraded versions of Year 1 weapons.
Hey Matt - Sorry if my kids are/will be spamming you with messages today. They are both looking to do a 34 and I told them that you still need to get your Cipher done. Was I wrong?

Haha, no problem. But yeah, I got my cipher done with the three PoE level 34's we did on Friday. That's all it takes since each boss kill on 34 gives 350 cipher points. I cashed in the cipher for Lord of the Wolves when we went to the reef after that final run.
I dont understand how you are still can buy higher light gear from the tower right now.

Just play the game and you will get drops of better gear...I was 29 when the first expansion came out and played the story missions fine alone. You cant level up if you dont play at all...or you can wait till next month and it will be even easier since they are simplifying everything so you can still level to 40 by doing any activity you want and never have to raid for anything except special gear.
Yeah that's been my problem just not playing. I just bought the 2nd expansion so I've been playing a little bit the last week.

I did my last night fall with lfg 11 coins. The first two nightfalls I got the stupid vanguard scout rifle again and dont touch mes with better stats. 

I ended up getting the shotgun from my cipher but I wish I got the sniper fusion for some reason...even though I have not even used the shotgun yet. Everyone says its most useful but the other thing is more fun and the dreg thing is useless.

I just realized I leave for Denver on the 16th...So no destiny time until the weekend probably by then you will all by level 40.

Think tomorrow I will finally get to try level 35 POE or Tuesday hoping a get in a decent last 2 groups  were absolute trash.

Im done with skirmish, i only need salvage and rumble. Doubles is random between skirmish and salvage. I like it better cos doubles salvage takes half the time normal salvage does. Im up to 37 salvage wins and 28 rumble wins. Played a few rumble games with jimmy and he always came in first, me always second. Except the last game when he said i was good luck, so i joined him and i ran away with the win. ;)

Might try to twitch stream Gears UE campaign tomorrow night. Since its an offline game, maybe my internet will be good enough.

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So tomorrow night, who's doing skirmish with me? Stellar? 7?
Possibly. I tend to not play destiny from Tuesday-Thursday though. I'm only around for trials mostly. Want to get back to dragon age and soul sacrifice. Want to beat those two before TTK sucks my life away.

Also I've been editing all my video captures of random crucible moments. I'll post a video or two of some trials from this week. I want to learn how to edit and make some neat looking videos but who knows when that will be. Also got three more people to the lighthouse for their first time.
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Possibly. I tend to not play destiny from Tuesday-Thursday though. I'm only around for trials mostly. Want to get back to dragon age and soul sacrifice. Want to beat those two before TTK sucks my life away.
I just started DAI (while also trying to beat Batman), the game is great, but for the love of God couldn't they include a run action or something that makes me go faster since most of the time we are walking and walking and walking. I guess the horse helps, but still =\

So, what are the chances that Iron Banner hits at reset this week?

I think it's every 3 weeks, right?

I have all the IB stuff...I guess I could get one etheric light...except I'm at work then.

Getting all that armor was pointless because it all needs etheric light to be competitive in IB and starting in Sept the armor will be new again...and no longer top of the line. I'm having a crisis of not knowing what to bother raising up to current max and if it will matter at all come sept 15. I have 9 etheric lights and like 20 things I want to upgrade.

Oops i did it again, cryptarch played with my heart, i got lost in his game. Yup, i decoded an engram with my titan and leveled it up on accident. :( Now i have my hunter and warlock near leveled up and have to redo my titan. The weekly strikes will help out tomorrow.

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That's beast right there. Shoulda asked for your help this week, lol. 

I frickin hate Widows on Trials.  Keep the vids coming.

Yea Widows Court is easily my least liked map in Trials. And its not the map itself because I think its pretty looking and reminds me of a Gears map but the way people play big maps makes me hate playing them. You are more likely to run into a team of campers on maps like Widows Court or Shores of Time. 

Yea Widows Court is easily my least liked map in Trials. And its not the map itself because I think its pretty looking and reminds me of a Gears map but the way people play big maps makes me hate playing them. You are more likely to run into a team of campers on maps like Widows Court or Shores of Time.
I saw your stream of trials! it was fun to see you and that other guy Stellaressence wrecking noobs
Also like Ive mentioned if any of you want to get to lighthouse I can try my best to help. I just need to have someone else online that can help and it should be near guaranteed. Most my losses come from teams that hide and run away and spam supers or what til you poke out and they triple team shot or triple nade. I hate playing games like that. It takes the fun out of the game.

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Ran into NJMane randomly in a match of skirmish. My first ever random CAG crucible match. :razz:

Ive run into plenty of streamers but never a CAG. Lol.
I've only ran into 7th in the outpost. We waived and went on about our day. It was a really good match too. Came down to the last kill.
Do you guys have a line chat or anything setup or do you just use this thread for getting together?
My friend list is pretty barren and hoping to find new people to play with
bread's done