Destructoid Reports MGS4 is coming to 360 in 2008

They discussed it on 1up radio. They guessed it probably would eventually happen because MGS4's development costs are significantlly higher than most games.
[Update 2: Che Chou, ex-1UP staffer and developer at Microsoft’s Forza 2 team, has this to say about the whole deal:

It’s simply a rumor that Konami higher-ups are pressuring Kojima Productions to consider making MGS4 a multiplatform game because production costs on the game are unsurprisingly high and only getting higher. With PS3 install base numbers not looking all that rosy due to console cost and manufacturing problems, Konami is scared they can’t recoup their investment on only 1 platform alone.

It’s also a nice way to maybe blackmail Sony into giving Konami an incentive to keeping the game a PS3 exclusive, imo.

Whatever the case, I highly doubt it’s going to happen so quit building yourself a disappointing kiloton bomb.

I like how he thinks it won't happen...because truth be told money drives everything. Everyone has talked about how costs are skyrocketing and I would think MGS4 would be on the higher end of the spectrum. Either it's going multiplatform or Sony is going to pay a boatload to keep it on the PS3 only.
[quote name='bortle']They discussed it on 1up radio. They guessed it probably would eventually happen because MGS4's development costs are significantlly higher than most games.[/QUOTE]

This is actually something I've been saying for a while. Next gen games are just WAY too expensive to produce, to hope there are enough users on one console to buy it. This is why I think within a year you will see pretty much every game that isn't first party go to both systems.
It would be great if it did appear on the 360 at some point.. it'd be a relief.

I don't really care how long it takes, since I have no plans to ever buy a PS3.. I just wanna play that damn game.
[quote name='pinoy530']You don't exactly know your history either. MGS1 already had VR missions in it. The MGS VR Missions that came out later was merely just brand new VR missions, it did not have MGS1 in it. MGS2 substance came out 1 1/2 years after Sons of Liberty and was not value priced. It was the full blown $49.99 whlie Sons of Liberty was Greatest Hits at $19.99. Which is part of the reason why substance's ps2 value held over the years. MGS3 subsistence was also released 1 1/2 years later, although discounted, 18 months is still a pretty long time to wait to play a game. Not to mention that you would have already heard about spoilers by then, I mean Kojima wanted you to be surprised about Raiden or how would you feel if you knew Aeris would die in FF7.[/QUOTE]
Check again.

-MGS1 was re-released in Japan, and given extra modes to beef up its perceived value.... these were the VR Missions. When VR Missions came out as a standalone in the US, it was priced as a full game but really was only the pack-in disc from the game's re-release.
So, price to American gamers who wanted to play the whole game, and reward the developer by buying it new:
$50 for MGS1
$50(?) for VR Missions, and you don't even get the re-released game.
Total: $100

-MGS2: Substance came out 1 year after MGS2.
MGS2 release date: US: November 13, 2001
MGS2 Substance release date (XBox): US: November 5, 2002
So, price for early adopters:
MGS2: $50
MGS2 Substance: $50
Total: $100

Even if I was wrong about the dates (I wasn't), how does this change the "Substance" of my argument? My argument was that if you want the full game, you'll have to wait at least a year, at which point you'll either be buying it for the second time or have curbed your MGS apetite for awhile. I think Kojima is sticking it to his fans, because he charges full price for the "early" version of the game, and then charges full price again for an "enhanced" version of the game.

I'll say it again. MGS4 WILL have an updated version of the game available a year after initial release. If you want to get the full game, then I'd recommend waiting the year, because if you rush out and buy the game the first time around, and then go buy the updated one, you're just helping to encourage this nonsense.
If this rumor does indeed happen it will not doom the PS3. Sony still has an army of loyal fanboys. The only console sales Sony may lose are from the fraction of gamers that were going to purchase a PS3 only for this game - the hardcore Metal Gear fanboys.

Even then, those gamers may still decide to purchase a PS3 if they don't already own a 360 since the game was originally developed and optimized with the PS3 in mind.

If this rumor does happen it's true it will hurt Sony's sales somewhat, but it's certainly not a console-killer. You'd be foolish if you think it would be.
[quote name='Apossum']just like MGS2 Substance really put the ps2 on the ropes. er....[/quote]

Prolly 'cause it still had Raiden in it.

But seriously, you won the thread!
MGS4 on 360 would be nice, but not a huge blow. on the other hand if I saw Shadow of the Colossus 2 on the 360, while most people wouldnt really care, I know I would no longer have a reason to consider buying a ps3
[quote name='the ender']When will you people wake up?

Nothing is going to kill the PS3. NOTHING.

That's not to say that I like the PS3, or even plan to buy one. But the fact remains that Sony is going to sell a fucking shitload of these things.[/QUOTE]

If your definition of "killing" the PS3 is having Sony drop out of gaming hardware, then you're probably right. However, Sony could easy drop from the highest market penitration to second or third. Any loss in market share is a loss for Sony.

They'll sell a ton at launch, but demand may not hold out. Microsoft sold a ton of 360s for months, and now demand is slowing significantly - they just cut sales forecasts this past week.

Sony is not invulnerable, even though they seem to think so. And, unlike the PS2, developers aren't as sure that Sony will come out on top. PS3 will not be the self-fulfilling prophecy that the PS2 was.
[quote name='jkam']I like how he thinks it won't happen...because truth be told money drives everything. Everyone has talked about how costs are skyrocketing and I would think MGS4 would be on the higher end of the spectrum. Either it's going multiplatform or Sony is going to pay a boatload to keep it on the PS3 only.[/QUOTE]

The point he was making seems to be that (and you seem to hint at this a bit), the money's going to make the decision, not alliances. If Sony ponys up, it'll stay a PS3 exclusive; if Sony can exceed their console production estimates, it may stay exclusive without any incentives; if neither of those happen, they'll have to look at the 360 as a means of recouping the cost of making this game.

This post also reminded me that I fuckin' hated Che Chou; he was just a perpetual bitch in his reviews, and something about his photographs in EGM conveyed this smugness that just screamed "hit me with your Buick."
[quote name='alongx']If your definition of "killing" the PS3 is having Sony drop out of gaming hardware, then you're probably right. However, Sony could easy drop from the highest market penitration to second or third. Any loss in market share is a loss for Sony.

They'll sell a ton at launch, but demand may not hold out. Microsoft sold a ton of 360s for months, and now demand is slowing significantly - they just cut sales forecasts this past week.

Sony is not invulnerable, even though they seem to think so. And, unlike the PS2, developers aren't as sure that Sony will come out on top. PS3 will not be the self-fulfilling prophecy that the PS2 was.[/quote]

I am not implying that Sony is invulnerable at all. But before long, the initial shock of the $600 price tag will wear off (it has already begun). A few months after the release of the PS3 and the X360 HD-DVD drive, people will begin to see that these systems cost exactly the same, and that Sony actually offers a little more with a larger hard drive, built in wifi, a memory card reader, and a free online service.

When this happens, it will come down solely to the games available on each system. Some of the big titles have become cross-console, but there are still quite a few system exclusives that Sony possesses. And the X360 doesn't have near as many exclusives to offer.

Also, while I hate to admit it, Sony will sell hundreds of thousands of systems based upon the Playstation name alone. I myself own a 360, and plan to become a faithful subscriber to the "Wii60" mantra come November. Still, I can't deny that Sony is a frickin' Brahma Bull that won't be derailed this generation. If they pull more dumb shit next gen, then yea, they'll be hurting. But this time around, I think they will do just fine.
^ ^ ^

I don't see how the shock of the price tag has gone down since the console has yet to launch; unless you're basing your analysis on the generally reported fact that most pre-orders are spoken for.

Oh, and the optional (keyword there) $200 HD-DVD drive does not make the 360 and the PS3 cost the same, contrary to your belief.
[quote name='captainfrizo']
Oh, and the optional (keyword there) $200 HD-DVD drive does not make the 360 and the PS3 cost the same, contrary to your belief.[/QUOTE]

FTW. Optional.
Plus I'm willing to bet Sony will come out with freaking awesome games, like it did in the PS2 basically annhilating the other consoles fighting for best games in my opinion, and then eventually we'll all have a ps3 :lol:
Historically, it takes successful console manufacturers several generations to "die off." Sega's death began with the Saturn but didn't become final until the Dreamcast. Atari's death began with the 5400 but didn't become final until the Jaguar.

Notice how I am talking about SUCCESSFUL console manufacturers and not the ghetto start ups that didn't make it.

That being said, Sony is well on its way to the grave but they still have time to renew their efforts and fight back.
Note the "?" at the end of the sentence. I bet it is a rumor in their column "the Rumor Mill." Nothing more, nothing less.
[quote name='thorbahn3']Note the "?" at the end of the sentence. I bet it is a rumor in their column "the Rumor Mill." Nothing more, nothing less.[/QUOTE]

Yea. It's interesting how much of a stir this is causing. :lol:
Well wouldn't nintendo be in the same position then from last gen lol, dunno, but the reason its causing such a stir is cause it's so exciting =P
[quote name='daphatty']Historically, it takes successful console manufacturers several generations to "die off." Sega's death began with the Saturn Sega CD but didn't become final until the Dreamcast. Atari's death began with the 5400 5200 but didn't become final until the Jaguar.[/QUOTE]

Fixed. And god damn I loved the 5200.
Tekken, VF, MGS4 and Devil May Cry 4 are the only reasons I want to own a PS3 in It's first year to year and a half life span. If you can remove 25% of my want to get a PS3 (and possibly more if any of those titles get pushed into late 2007/2008) thats a pretty deciding factor for me, and I'm sure for many other people who can't afford a PS3/want one in the near future
[quote name='captainfrizo']^ ^ ^

I don't see how the shock of the price tag has gone down since the console has yet to launch; unless you're basing your analysis on the generally reported fact that most pre-orders are spoken for.

Oh, and the optional (keyword there) $200 HD-DVD drive does not make the 360 and the PS3 cost the same, contrary to your belief.[/quote]

The shock has gone down because we've known for a while now. It's inevitable. "Time heals all wounds" and all that. Also, people are beginning to realize that the BR players cost much more than the PS3 which has one included.

I understand that the HD-DVD player is optional. But if you want to experience the "next level" of HD movies, then you'll need to either buy the 360 HD-DVD expansion (if you own a 360), buy a PS3, or pay much more for a standalone unit. For these people who desire that movie experience, the 360 and PS3 cost the same.

Don't be a smartass. We're talking about game systems here. Put down the gun. ;)
[quote name='the ender']I am not implying that Sony is invulnerable at all. But before long, the initial shock of the $600 price tag will wear off (it has already begun). [/QUOTE]


On teh interweb? No.

On teh reallife? No.

The only people who belive the $600 pricetag is acceptable in any way, shape, or form believed so from the very moment it was announced.

As for BR, if steaming piles of shit were suddenly priced at $1,000 a pile, does that mean that being sold one for $600 is a steal? Until Sony shows us otherwise, BR is a non-factor.

The only thing people got over was Genji 2. It went from a hilarious screwup, to a game no one cares about, Giant Enemy Crabs be damned.

As for this whole MGS4 topic, I personally believe it's just a ruse. Probably an extended preview for the game where they interview Kojima and he confirms that it won't be coming to 360.

Even if the rumor were true, MGS4 doesn't have the same pull that MGS2 did with PS2. It's over huge in europe nations, but sales in both the US and Japan are lackluster (for the series, based off MGS3). The only game that'll have an international impact will be FFXIII, maybe.
$1500-2000 for a ps3 preorder on ebay. hmmm....was there shock to begin with or was an intarnet/game journalist conspiracy?
Wow, this thread is already promoting the demise of the PS3 and the fall of Sony. And all you fucking saw is a PICTURE of a MAGAZINE COVER that says in little writing in the TOP CORNER, "MGS4 for 360?"

You'll probably get that mag and it will say, "Kojima said it would be possible to run MGS4 on the 360". Woopie-doo we knew that.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Wow, this thread is already promoting the demise of the PS3 and the fall of Sony. [/QUOTE]

Nearly every thread devolves into that somehow. Even on the PS3 forums.
[quote name='Apossum']$1500-2000 for a ps3 preorder on ebay. hmmm....was there shock to begin with or was an intarnet/game journalist conspiracy?[/QUOTE]

That is in no way indicative of the general public being receptive of a $600 price tag for a game console. I'd say the people buying those are extremely wealthy early adopters, as you can remember, 360's were going for $1000-$1500 this time last year. I highly doubt the general public even knows how much a PS3 is going to cost right now. Every single one of my "casual gamer" friends, a.k.a. the guys that play pretty much nothing but Madden have no idea. They know that I have a 360, and on numerous occasions they've told me they'll be getting a PS3 because of how superior it will be graphically to the 360. They are shocked when I inform them that the damn thing is going to run them $600+. These are the same guys who still haven't bought a 360 because $400 is too much, and they aren't exactly poor.
That is in no way indicative of the general public being receptive of a $600 price tag for a game console.

in this day and age, it most definitely is (at least, it's a lot more indicative than what a couple of your friends think, no offense :p ) for one thing, it'll help drive up the demand. there will be news stories on it, people will see how much it costs on ebay and talk about it.

the ps3 is going to be the coveted hot item this christmas, just like the 360 was last year. except Playstation brand recognition is even more widespread than Xbox. I'm guessing it'll be worse than the 360, but hopefully they'll be able to meet demand earlier than MS could :roll:

and as for the price-- credit. people spend all kinds of money they don't have. 65% of the U.S. is in debt by a couple grand :lol:
[quote name='gofishn']That is in no way indicative of the general public being receptive of a $600 price tag for a game console. I'd say the people buying those are extremely wealthy early adopters, as you can remember, 360's were going for $1000-$1500 this time last year. I highly doubt the general public even knows how much a PS3 is going to cost right now. Every single one of my "casual gamer" friends, a.k.a. the guys that play pretty much nothing but Madden have no idea. They know that I have a 360, and on numerous occasions they've told me they'll be getting a PS3 because of how superior it will be graphically to the 360. They are shocked when I inform them that the damn thing is going to run them $600+. These are the same guys who still haven't bought a 360 because $400 is too much, and they aren't exactly poor.[/QUOTE]

haha! We must have a lot of the same friends.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Wow, this thread is already promoting the demise of the PS3 and the fall of Sony. And all you fucking saw is a PICTURE of a MAGAZINE COVER that says in little writing in the TOP CORNER, "MGS4 for 360?"

You'll probably get that mag and it will say, "Kojima said it would be possible to run MGS4 on the 360". Woopie-doo we knew that.[/QUOTE]

While what you say is true, the thread has become less about whether or not MGS4 will come to the 360, but more about what exactly (if anything) can bring Sony down?
"Yes, PS deserves to die, and I hope they burn in HELL!"

I hope MGS4 does come out for 360. I've since lost interest in MGS so I won't buy it. But I just hate the PS3 and I don't need a reason. Much like how someone cheers and encourages their own home state sports team and hurls bad luck and discouragement at the other team just for the sake of "because".

...much like how I'll be rained down with heavy blows soon...
I doubt any MGS will be a 360 exclusive, but with the game costing millions of dollars to make, I'm sure Konami will push to have it on the 360. The PS3 isn't going to have the install base to support a game costing as much a MGS4 for at least a few years.

I'm betting it'll be a "timed exclusive" for the PS3, with the 360 getting a version down the road, maybe 6 months after the fact.
While MGS3 is a great game, it didnt do great sales wise. MGS is just not going to make a huge difference among mainstream gamers like GTA.
[quote name='62t']While MGS3 is a great game, it didnt do great sales wise. MGS is just not going to make a huge difference among mainstream gamers like GTA.[/quote]

Yah. MGS2 was the high point in the whole series (assuming, since I haven't beaten MG, MG2, and MG Acid) and should've ended on MGS3, which wouldn't have been a good ending. Kojima could've spawned his own original projects. Imagine if Kojima attempted to make a super realistic ninja stealth game! Splinter Cell/Tenchu pwned!

But no. People rather eat McGames.
[quote name='nintendokid']Yah. MGS2 was the high point in the whole series [/QUOTE]

that's hilarious.
[quote name='Apossum']in this day and age, it most definitely is (at least, it's a lot more indicative than what a couple of your friends think, no offense :p ) for one thing, it'll help drive up the demand. there will be news stories on it, people will see how much it costs on ebay and talk about it.

the ps3 is going to be the coveted hot item this christmas, just like the 360 was last year. except Playstation brand recognition is even more widespread than Xbox. I'm guessing it'll be worse than the 360, but hopefully they'll be able to meet demand earlier than MS could :roll:

and as for the price-- credit. people spend all kinds of money they don't have. 65% of the U.S. is in debt by a couple grand :lol:[/QUOTE]

Still doesn't change any thing, the PS3 isn't worth $600 and people know that.

It's not the coveted hot item this year, that honor was bestowed upon the Wii. TRUs said so, and these are the people in charge of telling the US exactly what they will buy.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Still doesn't change any thing, the PS3 isn't worth $600 and people know that.

It's not the coveted hot item this year, that honor was bestowed upon the Wii. TRUs said so, and these are the people in charge of telling the US exactly what they will buy.[/QUOTE]

nobody knows that besides some tech junkies, forum goers and game journalists i.e. people no one listens to. Just look at the 360 last year...rguably not worth it and even amid tons of reports of the systems breaking, it still fetched way above MSRP on ebay after Xmas.

the difference is that this has "better graphics than the 360" going for it and that'll be the phrase on everyone's tongue.

coveted as in no one can get it and everyone wants it. everyone will be able to get a wii.

it's all speculation, but I think it'll take more than 1 gen to dethrone Sony. I think the hype machine will easily be as big as the 360 and probably bigger.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Still doesn't change any thing, the PS3 isn't worth $600 and people know that.

It's not the coveted hot item this year, that honor was bestowed upon the Wii. TRUs said so, and these are the people in charge of telling the US exactly what they will buy.[/QUOTE]

I seriously hope you are joking.

Working in retail I can tell you the ratio of people asking about preorders for the systems are about 12 to 1, the 12 being the PS3 and the 1 being the Wii. You get too much info from the net.
I could see MGS4 coming out for both the PS3 and 360 in the US and Europe, but it will be PS3 exclusive in Japan.
I don't really care since I don't like the MGS games. I want to see Square Enix releasing FF and Kingdom Hearts for the 360 in the US and Europe.
Man the more and more i read here i just want to kick certain people in the mouth. I think we should adopt a "Potential CAG signup IQ test" it will weed out the jackasses.

And i'm with vanilla guerilla on this, it wont kill the PS3. Grow up.

And i deem this BOGUS.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I seriously hope you are joking.

Working in retail I can tell you the ratio of people asking about preorders for the systems are about 12 to 1, the 12 being the PS3 and the 1 being the Wii. You get too much info from the net.[/quote]

That is very true.

I can vouge for that working at CC.
From Joystick:

Heightened Rumor: Metal Gear Solid 4 not a PS3 exclusive

The rumors that Metal Gear Solid 4 is not a PS3 exclusive continue to snowball. A little over a month ago came the first wave of speculation and the idea even graced the cover of EGM. Fanboys screamed and raged, "Kojima-san owes way too much to Sony to stab them in the back like this, his honour would be tarnished forever and the Japanese care deeply about their honour." Konami's PR simply said, "Metal Gear 4 [sic] is a PS3 title."

Now website Noooz states they have "exclusive" information that MGS4 is coming to Xbox 360. We spoke directly with the editor of Noooz, Daniel Boutros, who has been around the industry for a good bit. He says his source for the information is quite high up, "I rarely run with anything unless I'm 100% confident. I rarely break news stories as you can see." He jokes that from now on he's sticking to opinion pieces after the storm of comments his site received.

Boutros' source says that MGS4 will be coming to the Xbox 360 shortly after the PS3 release. The source says Konami is concerned that there will still not be enough PS3 units out there to make the game profitable. This is the same rationale being used by many publishers, including Ubisoft, to jump off the exclusive bandwagon. Somebody has to pay the bills and the wider the net, the more money publishers will make. We, along with probably everyone else, will be following up with Konami and Microsoft for comment tomorrow. This story isn't going away until somebody sneaks up on it from behind, chokes it senseless and drags it into a storage locker.

If this proves to be true, then all we'll need is the DMC series and we'll be set.
[quote name='CrimGhost']I want a ZOE 3 and an Escape from NY game from Kojima, doooo it![/QUOTE]
ZOE NEEDS a sequel. ZOE2 was one of the coolest games I have ever played.
ZOE3 FTW!!!!! I am still pissed I never bought a copy of ZOE2 to keep, I love that game and imagine what ZOE3 could be like with current gen hardware!

Anyway like others say MGS4 on 360 will not be the death of it, most people were turned off by MGS2 because of the complicated story and MGS3 was a good game nonetheless but didnt do anything too spectacular over the second game.

BUT I do hope MGS4 gets ported because I really wanna play it and dont wanna fork over $600 for one
bread's done