2001: A Last Movie You Saw Odyssey

Indeed, I am in the "took a short story and stretched it out way to thin over too long a peroid of time" camp. The concept of the piece is well thought out, and quite interesting, man vs. HAL and the like. The execution of the concept for the film is where it falls flat IMHO. It's weird for weird's sake at time, and the pace is horribly slow a great deal of the time. As was mentioned in an earlier post, the real skill in crafting films such as this is to entertain as well as make you think.

It's a bit like the situation of a film called Imposter (2002) staring Gary Sinise, Vincent D'Onofrio, and Madeline Stowe. The original conception of the film, was an anthology of 3 stories, Imposter was one of those stories. The studio liked it so much, they nixed the other 2 stories, went back and tacked on a bunch of inane subplots to triple the length of the movie. The end result, was an underwhelming film which would have worked better as a short film. The short film originally produced as part of the trio of tales was included on the dvd for those interested, and it is much better than the bloated film.

Currently watching Return of the Dead 5: Rave to the Grave while I type this, god, is this awful.

Return of the Living Dead 1 was a thrilling fusion of straight horror and darkly funny comedy. It is a film dripping with a 80's flavor for added little kick of nostalgia. While Shawn of the Dead leans a little more towards humor, Return of the Living Dead 1 leans a little more toward horror in balancing the two styles. The most chilling thing about the film is, the zombies HAVE no easily-exploitable weaknesses, a simple headshot does not take them down, it takes significant effort to stop a RotD zombie. Not to mention the great ending. Highly recommended.

Return of the Living Dead 2 skewed in the direction of humor, campy as hell, mildy entertaining, but ultimately forgettable.

Return of the Livind Dead 3 was a flawed film which took itself seriously and tried to take a serious look at a few problems in society through the guise of a zombie tale. Above average in terms of the usual direct to vhs/dvd movie shit.

These two fiilms released tonight on Sci-fi, are just stupid, soulless, pointless, unoriginal, dreck which will bring the zombie horror sub-genre down again as quickly as it rose into the mainstream.
Earth (1930)

You know, I don't really like silent film much. Maybe it's because of the fact that I've been raised on modern films and can't appreciate it, or that they don't hold my interest. I don't know. But, Earth was pretty good, for a silent film. Not much plot, and what there was didn't make much sense, but beautiful imagery and montage.
[quote name='shawagg']On her majesty's secret service ... had to scratch a Bond itch.[/QUOTE]

I still have a few Bond movies to watch before I've seen them all... maybe I'll watch one this week.
About to watch The Virgin Suicides. As much as I love LiT, I've never seen this one before. :oops:

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']No, they suck and they're annoying.[/QUOTE]

Your poor taste in music is well known. I'll take that as a "Radiohead is the greatest thing I've ever heard and I don't even know it". ;) :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Your poor taste in music is well known. I'll take that as a "Radiohead is the greatest thing I've ever heard and I don't even know it". ;) :lol:[/QUOTE]
Your taste in annoying music is not that surprising. So I take that as "I know they suck, it's just that my taste is soooo good that annoying is a nice change of pace from the norm.

I'm thinking of watching something after Denver sticks it to the Pats, maybe PF or Shaun of the Dead or something. :whistle2:k
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Your taste in annoying music is not that surprising. So I take that as "I know they suck, it's just that my taste is soooo good that annoying is a nice change of pace from the norm.

I'm thinking of watching something after Denver sticks it to the Pats, maybe PF or Shaun of the Dead or something. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]


Both good choices. :cool:
Little Otik

Eh, alright. It's got a strange kind of quirky charm, but it does go on too long, and isn't really very filling. Pun intended? I'm not sure.
Mindhunters, surprisingly good, even if there are a few jumps in logic. Most of these types of films I can figure out who the killer is pretty quickly, but this one plays with you, makes you second guess your choices. And there's a nice amount of gore for those who are into that :)
That Obscure Object of Desire

A great Bunuel film, filled with those wonderful touches of his (having two actresses play the same female lead? Brilliant!)
wallace and gromit: curse of the wererabbit.

ok flick, would have been nice if it picked up the pace sooner, ending seemed convenient and unexplained (i hated the ending). some nice visual jokes, but i could think of better ways to spend 2 hours and 10 bucks.
Unfaithfully Yours

A great, absolutely hilarious Preston Sturges comedy. That guy's gotta be my favorite comedy director, I've loved all three of his films that I've seen.
The End of St. Petersberg

A silent Russian film about workers something something factory blah blah uprising yadda yadda yadda.

I've seen too many of these lately :p
Batman Begins.
Very overrated IMO. I still say that Tim Burton's is better and Michael Keaton still holds the title as best Batman ever.
[quote name='THE DARK KNIGHT']Layer Cake......pretty good. Glad I didn't just buy it though.[/QUOTE]

Mindblowing. Who knew Van Sant could have such creativity, such accuracy, and yet the movie is still heart-wrenchingly powerful. Brilliant.
I just got back from Serenity. Holy shit, that movie rocked my face clean off. I haven't seen Firefly yet, but I watched the first nine minutes of Serenity a week or so ago and was hooked. Five observations:

1. Why the hell was everything written in Japanese?
2. All of the weapons were badly modded modern day weapons- The 'Tex' guy- Jane? - just had a modded Mp5 and Mp5k. Psch.
3. Malcom and the assassin guy were beating each other pretty hard, and Malcom eventually impaled by the katana, yet he manages to pretty much function normally. I can suspend my disblelief for such an amazing film.
4. The space battle was kickass. The fighting (River showing the Reavers what's up was awesome) and the rest of the action was spot-on, too. The spaceship design was sweet. They were elegant, yet intimidating. :drool:
5. Why the fuck did that wuss Simon get to screw Kaylee in the end?! She's too good for him. :lol:

The scene where the Alliance scientist explains the 'malfunction' at Miranda was a powerful scene. Her screams won't soon leave my mind. *shiver* My favorrite characters were River, Kaylee and Malcom. The gung-ho 'Tex' guy didn't do too well for me, and I never really attached to the pilot- Wash?- or his wife, although her character was bad-ass. River was awesome because of the depth of her character and the fact that she could own just about anyone. Malcom had the typical captain look, but he wasn't bad. Kaylee was the best. I mean, she's a hot engineer who can handle a pistol with the best. ( Handle my pistol. :drool: )

Overall, that movie sort of reminded me of Cowboy Bebop, but with better space battles. :cool:
[quote name='Tiphireth']I just got back from Serenity. Holy shit, that movie rocked my face clean off. I haven't seen Firefly yet, but I watched the first nine minutes of Serenity a week or so ago and was hooked. Five observations:

1. Why the hell was everything written in Japanese?
2. All of the weapons were badly modded modern day weapons- The 'Tex' guy- Jane? - just had a modded Mp5 and Mp5k. Psch.
3. Malcom and the assassin guy were beating each other pretty hard, and Malcom eventually impaled by the katana, yet he manages to pretty much function normally. I can suspend my disblelief for such an amazing film.
4. The space battle was kickass. The fighting (River showing the Reavers what's up was awesome) and the rest of the action was spot-on, too. The spaceship design was sweet. They were elegant, yet intimidating. :drool:
5. Why the fuck did that wuss Simon get to screw Kaylee in the end?! She's too good for him. :lol:
1.)Chinese, not Japanesse, and if you noticed the characters spoke Mandarin every once in awhile. The story behind it is in the future there are only 2 Super Powers: The United States and China. So much as English is a language spoken in other parts of the world, Mandarin Chinese becomes just as important (Like a lot of stuff is in Spanish and English in California). In this future 'verse those are the two primary languages.
When it became apparent the Earth could no longer sustain them, the two powers came together and used all their resources to find a new home in space and prepare for the Exodus. An entire generation saw nothing but the inside of the spaceships as the journey was so long. As the technologies used to transport the human race to their new home were primarily constructed by China and the US, the two cultures just kind of blended together.
3.)The show demonstrates Mal's rather...inhuman ability to tolerate pain, see the episode "War Stories" for elaboration :lol:. That and I am not entirely sure where the blade enters in his torso as the film cuts away before the actual thrust.

Glad you enjoyed the movie, if you decide to check on the series it was based on you can rent it online or the best prices are at Deepdiscountdvd.com, or for $1 more you can get it at Amazon.com if you want a more mainstream retailier.
[quote name='guardian_owl']1.)Chinese, not Japanesse, and if you noticed the characters spoke Mandarin every once in awhile. The story behind it is in the future there are only 2 Super Powers: The United States and China. So much as English is a language spoken in other parts of the world, Mandarin Chinese becomes just as important (Like a lot of stuff is in Spanish and English in California). In this future 'verse those are the two primary languages.
When it became apparent the Earth could no longer sustain them, the two powers came together and used all their resources to find a new home in space and prepare for the Exodus. An entire generation saw nothing but the inside of the spaceships as the journey was so long. As the technologies used to transport the human race to their new home were primarily constructed by China and the US, the two cultures just kind of blended together.
3.)The show demonstrates Mal's rather...inhuman ability to tolerate pain, see the episode "War Stories" for elaboration :lol:. That and I am not entirely sure where the blade enters in his torso as the film cuts away before the actual thrust.

Glad you enjoyed the movie, if you decide to check on the series it was based on you can rent it online or the best prices are at Deepdiscountdvd.com, or for $1 more you can get it at Amazon.com if you want a more mainstream retailier.[/QUOTE]

China and America? Wow. Now I have to see the series. :lol:

He was impaled somwhere along the 'x-axis' on the level below his rib cage, meaning it could have been in th middle, or to either side, I think. When he pulls the katana out f his abdomen to restrain The Operative, that's when it shows where he was impaled. :)
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Wayne's World 2. Truly one of the best cinematic experiences ever.[/QUOTE]

HAHAH yes I agree, I live my life like it's wayne's world 3. SCHWING (not originally intended to rhyme it just worked out that way)

last movie I saw?

batman begins

I don't like the new grittier style as much as the old tim burton/comic book style but it was still a solid movie. It was the first batman movie about batman instead of the villains. Wasn't enough scarecrow though.
Not Land of the Dead or Saw Uncut edition as despite the fact the instore pickup said there were each of them in stock at best buy, once I ordered it (using all my best buy bucks) they sent me an email saying they are not in stock :roll:. Guess I'll check the stock system in the morning, then call customer service to see if they got more in stock. Anyone know how often the online stock thing updates? Cause I sure as hell know it's not real time.

I just finished watching it. Its your typical con artist, twist ending movie but its pretty interesting. Definetly worth a rental.
bread's done