Do we really need a Paul Bearer Memorial Thread? Ohhhhhhhhh Yeeeeessss

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(I too am a fan of Fandango's debut promo. Classic heel antics. Curtis has a lot of sleazy charisma.)

And I dunno if I'm a fan of turning legit heels into babyfaces. First, Bully Ray. And now, apparently, Kevin Steen. However, I totally understand that they want to keep their characters fresh, and that when they do return to heel, it'll give them bigger heat.
Did anyone happen to watch The Simpsons this past Sunday?


Seems like it's popular to flame on The Simpsons so I didn't comment.

But yeah I liked it at lot. Having Burns teach Abe how to be a heel was pretty funny. And with all the wrestling memorabilia Burns owned, no wonder Bret Hart bought his mansion when he did. :p

Why do they constantly have Cesaro facing Ryback when we know he's always going to lose?
Internet smarks on Flair mentoring AJ Styles: "HOW STUPID!"

Internet smarks on Flair mentoring The Miz: No criticism at all.

Not talking about you guys - The "IWC" as a whole.

Let's pear pair up this apple and orange.
Seems like they are trying to channel Monsoon-Heenan tonight with some of the crap they are having king say.

"I tried talking to Aj earlier today and she didn't like what I said. She hit me with a coffee cup. I was MUGGED!!!"

"Dolph may be about the fastest guy in the WWE. I said it befroe and I'll say it again.. Speed KILLS!!!!"

I keep waiting on Cole to yell at him "WILL YOU STOP!!!!"

Also, there is something I need to get off my chest. Ric Flair as a "face" type persona does not work for me at all. Maybe it is because I grew up watching him as a despicable bastard in the early to mid 80's when I lived in South Georgia, or because he was one of the all-time greats as a bad guy. I don't know. However, I do know when someone is the self-proclaimed "Dirtiest Player in the Game," it really makes it hard to think of them as a good guy.

I know that heel/face really depends on the crowd you are playing to, but honestly, some people were never meant to be faces, and some were never meant to be heels. Flair was never ever meant to be a face, and the best never meant to be a heel example is Sting. I think that is why their matches and confrontations always had such magic to them. That type of thing is missing today. To many people get flip-flopped back and forth and I think that is one reason why the product is so bland lately, at least in the WWE. Even TNA is making some of those mistakes with Bully Ray being turned face by circumstance. I do have a feeling that will be corrected soon though.
[quote name='Brak']Internet smarks on Flair mentoring AJ Styles: "HOW STUPID!"

Internet smarks on Flair mentoring The Miz: No criticism at all.

Not talking about you guys - The "IWC" as a whole.

Let's pear pair up this apple and orange.[/QUOTE]

I personally think Flair/Mix pairing is not good, but i can see why they are doing it. Both suck as faces, but were great and despicable as heels. Flair mentoring the group in TNA was a good thing, and I think the best thing to come from it was the development in Bobby Roode and his new persona. For a long time when I saw him i was constantly reminded of classic Flair. Aj, not so much.
What's sad is that I think he just brought his own table to NYCC and propped it up in front of Ashley Massaro's booth uninvited. Should have set up shop next to Kelly Kelly and the Bella Twins...big crowd the entire time.
Probably one of the best RAW shows since RAW 1000. I entered the night with low expectations (really expecting a throwaway show) and the Buffalo crowd got a really great show tonight. I'm a little jealous since OKC always gets shit on, then the following week that city gets a beast of a show.
[quote name='Brak']Internet smarks on Flair mentoring AJ Styles: "HOW STUPID!"

Internet smarks on Flair mentoring The Miz: No criticism at all.

Not talking about you guys - The "IWC" as a whole.

Let's pear pair up this apple and orange.[/QUOTE]

It's not quite that simple. I don't think it was him putting over Styles as it was "betrayal" (for lack of a better word) for not sticking to his retirement. Miz isn't worth getting bothered over, and any "dignity" Flair had is long gone. Any rub Miz might get won't last - he still has to be Miz no matter what.
As "smarky" as this might sound, the difference between Styles and Miz is that Styles is good in the ring but bland on the mic and Miz is just all-around bland. I have seen Miz try to work in Thai plum knees. Nice try, but moves are nothing without psychology, which Miz lacks primarily due to WWE's ring style. And Flair- Well, Flair adds nothing to anything anymore. Oh the late life of wrasslers. Never ceases to be depressing.

Thinking about buying the ROH 11th Anniversary PPV. I have been playing catch-up, watching ROH like I do most wrasslin: Fast forward through most of the show. From what I gather, ROH's roster is a lot sparser than its glory days. I like this Elgin guy, tho. Reminds me of a smaller Gary Albright or Stan Hansen.
I think everything surrounding Miz as a face has been shit on by the IWC, including the Flair pairing.

AJ/Flair was just odd given how damn average yokel he seems to be. I don't see limousine riding and jet flying, I see a lawn chair and a six pack when I look at AJ. I expect it'll look just as awkward if he's part of/the leader of Aces & Eights.

See also that period when they tried to make Christopher Daniels super dark...but then they'd still show him backstage in his polo shirt and khakis looking like he's trying to sell me a washer/dryer combo.
Have to say I love where they've gone with him in the past few months though. The appletinis, the scarf, the dancing. All fantastic. I'm still amazed they let him get that win over AJ.
[quote name='Chase']Thinking about buying the ROH 11th Anniversary PPV. I have been playing catch-up, watching ROH like I do most wrasslin: Fast forward through most of the show. From what I gather, ROH's roster is a lot sparser than its glory days. I like this Elgin guy, tho. Reminds me of a smaller Gary Albright or Stan Hansen.[/QUOTE]

Well to be honest ROH is missing a few people lately due to injury (ie: Tommaso Ciampa, Mike Mondo). The 11th Anniversary iPPV is certainly worth $15 in my book. Lots of great quality wrestling and every match on the show is at least good to great.
This discussion is in regards to ROH 11th Anniversary so if you haven't watched and don't want to be spoiled then don't read.

[quote name='Aldogg']I regret not ordering this after reading the results

Cole losing the TV title was a shocker. Either his tryout with the WWE went very good and he is gone or he is getting moved up in the food chain and maybe going after SCUM with Fat Hardy now there.

Don't like the Briscoes losing the tag belts to Fish and O'Reilly. Coleman and Alexander or the Wolves would be better choices if they wanted the belts dropped. Fish and O'Reilly bore me to be honest.

And how long until Steen turns face and goes after SCUM? After beating Lethal there is nobody left for him to beat IMO. I bet soon, maybe even next iPPV Steen either quits SCUM or because he has been acting like a face lately Corino boots him, nobody from the ROH roster comes out and Steen basically is a champion without a country for a few months going after SCUM and the ROH roster doesn't trust him thinking it is a SCUM set up for a few months maybe until December when Steen and ROH finishes SCUM for good.

My thoughts on what you wrote Aldogg...

I'm thinking Cole losing the title was done also to help justify further Hardy joining SCUM. It cements that Matt's conspiracy that ROH is keeping him away from the title since in his mind he probably already thinks that Cole will get the first title shot. My guess at this point.

I'm not a huge fan of the tag title change since I'm not a fan of Red Dragon either. However I'm willing to see where ROH goes with this before calling it success or fail.

One thing did occur to me in regards to Steen in all of this. Jay Lethal did say during his final promo on ROH TV before the iPPV that Steen has a way of getting inside the minds of his opponents by playing mind games. I almost have to think that Steen's current reaction - or lack of reaction - is him playing mind games with Team ROH down the road by making them think he's on their side after him showing a change of colors by turning face. This will setup some kind of swerve where he'll eventually turn against Team ROH and reveal he was really with SCUM all along. Yeah it's something we've seen in wrestling before (and elsewhere) but it kinda makes sense to me given Steen's character in the past. I could be wrong but we'll see where ROH goes with this.
I've always had a place for ROH. :) I remember the hype around their first show. Of course, I recognize people like Steen, Jacobs, Strong, Richards, and The Briscoes. The bigger names. I began to fall away from ROH somewhere in 2009, so I honestly can't remember seeing Cole or Titus prior to this recent visit. This Bennett guy is a star, tho I'm partial to redheads so Maria might be influencing my opinion. And good lord, Truth Martini is a surprise. Still looks like a Troll doll. I remember watching him at some promotion that had a bright red website in the mid-2000s. And this Matt Taven guy needs a haircut and a non-FCW-sounding name. But yeah, ROH has that late-1980s NWA/WCW feel. Sorta dates them but I'm a fan. Definitely gonna watch the PPV tomorrow.
To be honest I actually do like the look ROH has. It's a bit more dirty and down to earth to me compared to the shiny/glossy look and feel that both the WWE and TNA has. Also thankfully for myke's sanity ROH has finally ditched the "sides of wheat toast" graphics they used for the title cards on the show at the beginning of this year.

As far as newer stars Rhett Titus worked mostly dark matches from 2006-2008 then started to get pushed in the company from there. He then became known for being one half of the All Night Express tag team with current TNA X-Division champ Kenny King. Adam Cole only had started getting pushed in ROH in 2010 after working some dark matches in 2009. Cole's most memorable match so far in ROH so far has been his match against Kyle O'Reilly during the Mania weekend when O'Reilly kicked Cole right in the mouth which caused him to have several teeth knocked out which lead to.....


Mike Bennett has surprised me quite a bit. I didn't think much of him when I saw his debut during the HDNet days. The most memorable thing back then was making fun of his Mickey Goldmill wannabe manager "Brutal" Bob Evans. Of course Bennett has developed quite a bit in the past few years and had a pretty good trilogy against Lance Storm this past year.

I'm not really into Matt Taven at this point. He kinda seem generic to me at this point in more ways than just his NXT-ish name. But we'll see how things go for him in the next year or two. There's a few decent names that ROH is starting to push on TV as of lately such as ACH (very fast moving, does lots of aeriel spots), Caprice and Coleman (decent tag team that helps solidify the ROH tag team division), and it also looks like the company might finally get behind having some kind of women's division soon.
Good for ROH. I'm thinking about ordering their PPVs, so they have that going for them (something neither TNA nor WWE have).

[quote name='diddy310']AJ/Flair was just odd given how damn average yokel he seems to be. I don't see limousine riding and jet flying, I see a lawn chair and a six pack when I look at AJ.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Miz being brash and lavish is fitting, but he's just dog-ends boring in the ring. Or simply such a magnificently unlikeable personality that it's hard to see anything positive in him (and it's not the kind of unlikeable where a repackaging will fix him - like Ricky Steamboat, it appears endemic to his personality).

AJ does come off as herp derp trailer trash, but I see him as a bible-thumpin' mouthbreathing Alabama queer stomper more than I do a beer-guzzler. Which, as it turns out, Flair is like that, too (when he's not standing on the bar swinging his dick around, he's chastising Orlando Jordan for kissing his boyfriend in a bar and upsetting people - not quite the "Naitch" you see on tv, of course, but still who he is as a lifelong scumbag, hypocrite, and moral crusader).
With Wrestlemania around the corner, I figured I'd put this out there for anyone who wants to see Independent Wrestling!

No matter where you are located - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go support your local (CREDIBLE NOT BACKYARD) Wrestling Promotion! If you don't know any good local ones to you, Message me and I can see if I can help!

^ Please see the link above!
[quote name='pitfallharry219']

So sad, yet so very hilarious.[/QUOTE]

Yeah he's been doing this for years. I remember seeing him like 9 or 10 years back in Virginia, with a booth near the food court. There were so many people, I mean it's the damn food court. And no one seemed to know, or care who he was. Poor guy lol
This Flair being Miz's mentor crap is pretty awful. Maybe I just don't get Miz, but I don't see him as being "must-see" at all. I think if Flair is going to mentor someone, he would be much better suited for the guy Miz wrestled last night (Ziggler).

I can't believe I never thought of something until I saw them around the ring together. DiBiase being the manager for Prime Time Players could be absolutely amazing. But unfortunately, managers don't really exist anymore....
I see Flair backing Miz as a pretty clear admission by WWE that they know Miz needs help. Flair and Ziggler makes more sense, yeah, but he doesn't need it. As much as Ziggler hasn't been pushed to the moon yet, I think they have a decent level of confidence in him... they're just waiting to the pull the trigger. Still, just like Styles, Flair won't really add anything to Miz. Honestly, the whole thing was pretty shot to shit the first time Miz fucked up the Figure Four. There's no recovery from that.
ehhhh, maybe. I see that, but I also see them thinking that Ziggler might get a face pop if Flair aligns with him (enough of a concern as is). Also, if Ziggler adds one more person to his entourage, he'll rival ECW-era Steve Corino.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Kurt Angle was just referenced on Jeopardy.[/QUOTE]

As an Answer, Question, or random "Alex Trebek bullshits with the contestants" subject?
[quote name='ced']As an Answer, Question, or random "Alex Trebek bullshits with the contestants" subject?[/QUOTE]

As an answer. It was about his gold medal in ATL.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Does Jeopardy really come on at 7 in your area?

In just about every market I've seen, it's always the Wheel at 7 and Jeopardy at 7:30.[/QUOTE]

Unless you are talking a different channel, Jeopardy comes on at either 4 or 4:30 and WOF comes on at 6:30 here in Kansas City
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Does Jeopardy really come on at 7 in your area?

In just about every market I've seen, it's always the Wheel at 7 and Jeopardy at 7:30.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. It comes on a 7 and Wheel comes on at 7:30.

When we lived in Dallas, Jeopardy came on at like 3 or 3:30.
[quote name='mykevermin']
AJ does come off as herp derp trailer trash, but I see him as a bible-thumpin' mouthbreathing Alabama queer stomper more than I do a beer-guzzler. [/QUOTE]

Come on man.

Unless I missed some major incident with AJ, he's guilty of having an accent and some very questionable tattoos, nothing more.
[quote name='4thHorseman']Unless you are talking a different channel, Jeopardy comes on at either 4 or 4:30 and WOF comes on at 6:30 here in Kansas City[/QUOTE]

It's 3:30 for Jeopardy & 6:30 for Wheel in STL. (Different channels)
[quote name='bg88']This Flair being Miz's mentor crap is pretty awful. Maybe I just don't get Miz, but I don't see him as being "must-see" at all. I think if Flair is going to mentor someone, he would be much better suited for the guy Miz wrestled last night (Ziggler).

I can't believe I never thought of something until I saw them around the ring together. DiBiase being the manager for Prime Time Players could be absolutely amazing. But unfortunately, managers don't really exist anymore....[/QUOTE]

Well they had a great one until he made a R-rated joke on an open mic on a PG prime time show and refused to apologize.
[quote name='mykevermin']ehhhh, maybe. I see that, but I also see them thinking that Ziggler might get a face pop if Flair aligns with him (enough of a concern as is). Also, if Ziggler adds one more person to his entourage, he'll rival ECW-era Steve Corino.[/QUOTE]

AJ looks a little Asian, so I assume the next logical progression is cripple. :whistle2:k
[quote name='Halo05']Come on man.

Unless I missed some major incident with AJ, he's guilty of having an accent and some very questionable tattoos, nothing more.[/QUOTE]

AJ's homophobia and proselytizing Christianity are pretty well documented. As far as the former is concerned, I've seen him (as the babyface) refer to his opponent as a "$$$$$$" at a number of ROH shows. Shows I attended, mind.
I'm hearing a lot of rumors that William Moody, aka Paul Bearer, has passed away.

Oh, please.. please don't let this be true.

/edit: Confirmed by

RIP Percy Pringle III. Blew my mind that I didn't realize they were the same guy until he began talking normally during the initial Kane saga.
[quote name='Chase']Absolutely heartbreaking. Just a dagger to the soul.[/QUOTE]

There's been a few deaths in the wrestling world that have actually made me sad. Owen Hart's was one - I met him less than a year prior to him passing away. Savage was another. But Paul Bearer..

as I have told a few people, I got into wrestling in the mid-90's. Managers were on their way out. Between WCW and WWF, I knew of only a handful - Sherri, General Lee, Hillbilly Jim, Sunny, Sable, Michael Hayes, Marlena, Paul Bearer, and Jimmy Hart. From age 8 or 9 and on, I was a pretty big Undertaker fan. I grew up with Undertaker and Paul Bearer. I marked harder for Paul Bearer's return at Wrestlemania 20 than I did Undertaker returning to the deadman gimmick.

A huge piece of my childhood has died. This is awful. Thoughts and prayers to the friends and family.
Had no idea that he had recently had a gastric bypass and had lost a lot of weight. Jerry Lawler tweeted this photo out tonight, said it was taken just ten days ago:

The Internet is too sad for me to continue on tonight. Bret Hart's tweet made me even sadder than I already was

@BretHart: Goodbye to a good friend, Paul Bearer. Say hi to Owen for me.
Wow.. just.. wow. I was having a great week and then I come home from Lakers/Thunder to read that Bearer has left us. The other day I was just watching some of the shoot he and Cornette did together, telling some really hilarious stories about Taker and Co.

RIP. :cry:
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