Dragon Age: Inquisition - E3 TRAILER

Wooooo! Just giddy over this announcement. I truly believed they had abandoned the idea of MP for DA:I. This just extended my expected gameplay time by another 200 hours. I better start looking for marriage counselors now....
It's okay, we'll be out on the streets together.
For anyone that got an invite to the Keep but was told to wait for an additional time until it was their turn...try to log in daily on their site as I did it last week and got in fine. (Usually you would get a message telling you to wait and you'd get an email telling you you could go in) Just saying as it's been two weeks now and still no email but I can get in successfully so great job on their end /sarcasm.

Grabbing it on x-one. I hate Origin, no one will be buying it on PS4 until a later date but I got friends doing day one on x-one.

Should have my x-one in the next two weeks.

Now Standard vs Deluxe. If the soundtrack was on a physical CD, no question Deluxe. I don't care about the other free in game crap. Decisions...

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The multiplayer trailer looks too sweet. I'm not sure which console I'm going to be playing this on. If I play it on 360, I'll obviously play it again when I do upgrade but I'm considering making a pitch to the wife for the Sunset Overdrive white XB1 bundle. Decisions, decisions...

The multiplayer trailer looks too sweet. I'm not sure which console I'm going to be playing this on. If I play it on 360, I'll obviously play it again when I do upgrade but I'm considering making a pitch to the wife for the Sunset Overdrive white XB1 bundle. Decisions, decisions...
Do it, man. Just go out and buy the bundle.


In all seriousness, that is a great deal if you're looking forward to Sunset OD. I'm loving my Xbox One, bought it Day One and haven't regretted it for a second. Then again....I AM an Xbox fanboy.

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Yeah, Simpsons marathon so this was exactly what I thought of when I view Dragon Age footage on the Xbox One, aaaauuuuuggghhhh. Gonna be sooo sweet, seriously It's extremely hard waiting for this game to come out.

Man oh man. DA:O is one of my all-time faves. Already have this bad boy pre-ordered and paid off. Can't wait for it to drop. 

Hope the MP doesn't wind up feeling like a tacked-on afterthought. 

Do it, man. Just go out and buy the bundle.

In all seriousness, that is a great deal if you're looking forward to Sunset OD. I'm loving my Xbox One, bought it Day One and haven't regretted it for a second. Then again....I AM an Xbox fanboy.
I'm still debating pros and cons but at the moment. If I do upgrade, I'll be joining you guys for some co-op. If I don't, I guess we need to get a 360 co-op list going.

Also, Game Informer released this step-by-step guide to DA:I multiplayer. http://www.gameinformer.com/games/dragon_age_inquisition/b/playstation4/archive/2014/08/27/dragon-age-inquisition-step-by-step-guide-to-multiplayer.aspx

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Have they said if you can use AI bots with you in the MP?  I might only have 1 friend who has this on PC and if you need 4 human controlled players to play the mode at all I may not be able to play it much.  

Could they have found a less enthusiastic narrator for the reveal video?   Some new stuff here that I'm glad they are incorporating though.

I bet it's mid-October before we see this go live.

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I think I said this before here but I'll say it again just in case you don't want to wait later this month...if you applied and got your Keep invitation but was told you have wait until they notify you again when you can get in you might just want to try logging into it. If you can't get in, it will tell you when you log in, otherwise if you can get in then you're good. I forget when my last post about this here was but it's been at least a couple months and they still have never emailed me saying I could go in but upon trying back then I could get in so nice communication Bioware.  So basically if I hadn't just kept trying every once in awhile I'd still be waiting on an email that is clearly never coming.

I think I said this before here but I'll say it again just in case you don't want to wait later this month...if you applied and got your Keep invitation but was told you have wait until they notify you again when you can get in you might just want to try logging into it. If you can't get in, it will tell you when you log in, otherwise if you can get in then you're good. I forget when my last post about this here was but it's been at least a couple months and they still have never emailed me saying I could go in but upon trying back then I could get in so nice communication Bioware. So basically if I hadn't just kept trying every once in awhile I'd still be waiting on an email that is clearly never coming.
Wow. Thanks for this!!!

Glad to help. I think it's just ridiculous to keep people waiting on those invites for so long then FINALLY accept people just to tell them they're in but gotta wait their turn or whatever they said and that they would email you when you could get in there. Yeah, after a few weeks and not hearing anything I just randomly decided to try logging in and sure enough I got in. No email or nothing still to this day, great way to keep us in the know.

It looks like there will be so much depth to the character skill system, weapons, etc. So ready for this.

Debating on if I want the hardcover guide or not.

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Well I'm able to log in but it's not much help, evidently syncing isn't working because it read my achievements from DAO and DA2 but not any of my characters/decisions. Now it wants me to start a world state from scratch. Anyone know how to try and force it to re-sync?

ETA: Ah, looking at the forum this is a scheduled down. They really are cutting it close to the game's release date to get this stuff functional...

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For PC people, Dragon Age Origins is available for free on Origin until 10/14. I just recently joined the master race myself so I guess I'll be playing it again. :)

I really need to play DA2 a few more times to see more outcome as like many others I really didn't like it that much but for the Keep I'll need to know things. There's always the wiki but I prefer to play things out for myself and see as much as I can before consulting the wiki for all the missed secrets. I'm still curious why they made the Keep so expansive as don't get me wrong I'm thrilled it's very deep but some of the things they have in there that you can supply answers to what you did I guarantee will have no impact on 3 so I just wonder why they bothered. It seems like they intend for it to be used for all future games though so I guess that's why they went so in-depth with it as it's not just going to be utilized for 3. I hope this sells better than 2 as I'd prefer they do like they did with Origins and come out with a moderately paced expansion ala Awakening.

I might go back to DA2 as I started Metro 2033, my other back log, and am not liking it. I never beat DA2, something came up like usual, and I'm kinda stuck with going in having forgot how to play or what I was doing at all. I think I'm gonna suck it up though considering DA 3 is coming up.
Well I downloaded the free copy of DAO from Origin just to check it out on PC... ended up rolling a dwarf noble character and playing all night. :lol: Wonder if I can beat it before Inquisition comes out.

DAI runs at 900p on Xbone, 1080p on PS4, which is getting the game some positive attention from Sony partisans. Personally I think it's a little odd to become interested in a game that you wouldn't otherwise be interested in just because of its status as a feather in the cap of your favorite console, but I guess anything that gets the game into more hands and hopefully wins Bioware some new fans is all good. :)

DAI runs at 900p on Xbone, 1080p on PS4, which is getting the game some positive attention from Sony partisans. Personally I think it's a little odd to become interested in a game that you wouldn't otherwise be interested in just because of its status as a feather in the cap of your favorite console, but I guess anything that gets the game into more hands and hopefully wins Bioware some new fans is all good. :)
I'm going to bet it runs on 720p on the 360 at best, which is how I'm going this round with DAI. The resolution difference with 900p on XB1 and 1080p on PS4 is pretty common, though most of the time, the scaler makes it clear enough for not much of a difference save to resolution snobs.

bread's done