Dragon Age: Inquisition - E3 TRAILER

I really do not want to let graphics decide my console purchase but the 1080p vs 900p stuff is starting to sway me.  I have a 42 in TV so I doubt I will notice the difference but the PS4 does seem like it will have the better looking games.  

I am would consider myself an Xbox fan and I have been planning on buying the Xbox One first.  I like my PS3 but the only exclusives that I absolutely adore are the Uncharted games.  Infamous, Killzone, LBP and Resistance are fine games but not really ones I have to play.  I would say Xbox has a lot more games that I would like for me but it just sucks that a next gen system is having so many issues getting to 1080p.

New footage.


Dat Cassandra.


[quote name="Ryuukishi" post="12152043" timestamp="1412972579"]Yeah, I'll be playing on 360 as well. Hopefully it looks halfway decent. God knows when we'll see last-gen footage though.[/quote]
Problem I have is that I keep saying that I was going to wait on V2 hardware after all the 360 debacle, though as we have not heard anything on 360 footage nor having save files for DA, DA:A and DA2 on-console making a difference for DA:I start state makes me think about jumping up to a XB1 or PS4. :( That and I have a bunch of SYWR points to use and a bunch of surprise points that expire on Monday. :(

I really do not want to let graphics decide my console purchase but the 1080p vs 900p stuff is starting to sway me. I have a 42 in TV so I doubt I will notice the difference but the PS4 does seem like it will have the better looking games.

I am would consider myself an Xbox fan and I have been planning on buying the Xbox One first. I like my PS3 but the only exclusives that I absolutely adore are the Uncharted games. Infamous, Killzone, LBP and Resistance are fine games but not really ones I have to play. I would say Xbox has a lot more games that I would like for me but it just sucks that a next gen system is having so many issues getting to 1080p.
Internal scaler will bring 900p up to 1080p without much issue, though 1080p native is always preferable. PS4 doing 1080p with the XB1 doing 900p on the same game is nothing new. The PS4 has better HW than the 360, so we will be seeing this for a while.
Ended up making the plunge, as $135 off a X1 was too much to pass up.  Canceled my 360 Deluxe copy and switched it out for a X1 Deluxe copy.

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Go big or go home haha.
You're not helping. :shame:

I normally would have waited on v2 hardware with a 1TB drive in it, though as it seems with external drives being at least as fast as the internal drive, if not faster, I can deal with the wrinkles of v1 hardware. I might end up going with a Squaretrade warranty on the console instead of a MS warranty to try and future-proof it a bit for v2 hardware.

Also ended up getting a certain invite via email, though it looks like that won't be useful until tomorrow at the earliest.

I just built myself a new computer so a new console is not in the cards for the time being...

( wife ->  :twoguns:  :joystick: 
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For Ryu & others I hope EA doesn't pull a Forza & not put the DLC out for the 360/PS3 version of Dragon Age.

FYI Origins & DA 2 are on sale this week on 360 for $3.75 & $5 respectively. No DLC on sale except for Exiled Prince (Sebastian) for DA 2 for 1/2 off.

KoA: Reckoning is on sale also for $6.75.
From what I understand, Forza Horizon 2 is pretty much two different games on 360 and Bone, the content and features are different, so it sort of makes sense that the DLC wouldn't just slot right into the other version.

DAI is content- and feature- complete on last gen, the only thing different is the graphical fidelity. So I'm not expecting there to be any issue with the DLC. That would suck though!

From what I understand, Forza Horizon 2 is pretty much two different games on 360 and Bone, the content and features are different, so it sort of makes sense that the DLC wouldn't just slot right into the other version.

DAI is content- and feature- complete on last gen, the only thing different is the graphical fidelity. So I'm not expecting there to be any issue with the DLC. That would suck though!
The way I took it (about Forza) they said it would take longer since the games are different & they just weren't going to do it, inferring they wouldn't make their money back. Also it made it seem like they weren't even going to patch it.

Back to Dragon Age I feel for the GS employees that are going to have to deal with all of the people wanting this game on 360 that don't have HDD's b/c they got the 4GB Slim. Always an issue for all of the non-sports EA games.
Oh yeah, it requires a HDD install? Is it going to be a GTA/Wolfenstein type deal where it has to stream data from the disc and HDD simultaneously to run?

Oh yeah, it requires a HDD install? Is it going to be a GTA/Wolfenstein type deal where it has to stream data from the disc and HDD simultaneously to run?
I won't know until the midnight release, but every non-sports retail EA game since BF 4 has required a HDD on 360. (BF 4, NFS: Rivals, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Titanfall.)
I won't know until the midnight release, but every non-sports retail EA game since BF 4 has required a HDD on 360. (BF 4, NFS: Rivals, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Titanfall.)
No reason why they would need that unless they're worried about DVD drive transfer rates on the 360 not being enough to keep up vs the BD-ROM drive on the X1. Either that or coding it once for both platforms by making the install mandatory, like it is on the X1.

No reason why they would need that unless they're worried about DVD drive transfer rates on the 360 not being enough to keep up vs the BD-ROM drive on the X1. Either that or coding it once for both platforms by making the install mandatory, like it is on the X1.
Most of the games I mentioned have an actual install file, but Titanfall does a weird thing where it temporarily caches something to a 360 drive but if you look there's no file on the actual HDD. The symbol on the front of the box is even different.

And unlike other games like GTA V, Watch Dogs, & Wolfenstein it has to be the HDD & not a USB stick. Talk to any GS worker in the last year & they'll tell you all about it.

Edit: In other news, all of the Dragon Age DLC that really matters (Awakening, Leiliana's Song, Warden's Keep, and Witch Hunt for Origins, plus all 3 for DA 2) are on sale for 1/2 off this week. Would make sense to get them now if ever since Dragon Age Keep, from the videos publically out, does read decisions/data from those when forming your Thedas for Inquisition.

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Well I beat Dragon Age 2 so I'm officially ready for Inquisition! I came across a strange bug fighting against Orsino though. Redoing the boss fight fixed it (initially I thought my autosave screwed me but then I killed my party and thankfully restarting with the auto save right before the boss fight saved the glitch loop) - he was outside the combat area, down in the depths of the chasm off the main platform - I couldnt hit him but he could hit me, pfft figures. The game also initially didn't give me a cutscene finishing him off but gave me the XP and acted like I finished it. After looking up this strange glitch online I realized this so I went with the suicide/start over fix. I was surprised with all the glitches, esp for how long the game has been out.

Yeah DA2 feels just like what Bioware did with Mass Effect 2, being a slight but epic side story. Oh man I can't wait for Inquisition... well I will wait until Black Friday but I'm really looking forward to DA's 3rd iteration.
I liked DA2's story and the characters were quite good, though as an overreaching story like DA: O, it fell a bit flat.    The recycled environments were a bit annoying at times, though it certainly could have been a lot worse.

In related news, I just started reading Asunder, picking that up as well as Masked Empire.  Seems good so far, though I'm only a few chapters in.


Trailer focusing on Iron Bull, Sera, and Dorian. Hope we get more like this for the other followers as well!

Inquisitor Edition is back in stock @ GS for XB1 and PS4 as of the time of this post:



EDIT: And since there was a lot of peer pressure in the CE thread that I'm not likely to find this again post-release, I put in a pre-order for an XB1 version, since it was still here two hours after it was available again.  I can always cancel before it ships out, I suppose.

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[quote name="chubbyninja1319" post="12175757" timestamp="1413933041"]Yep.....this sums it up......

Shrike, buddy, I don't know if I should thank you or curse your name.[/quote]
Chubby, my friend, we are in this together. Curse me all you want.
Nah, I'm actually very thankful. I've been refreshing that gamestop page every couple of days for months. I'm pretty excited to be able to get that.

Also, I'm happy to hear you're getting an xbox one! Hit me up if you want to play some of the MP!
Question - I was planning to get a One for this but now that the release is so close I'm considering just getting the 360 version and just getting the One editions sometime next year as I think I might wait until then to upgrade instead of now. To get to the question, all the extra stuff (DLC) that I get with the Deluxe version, that is tied to my Gamertag right? So if I do this and get the 360 deluxe version next month can I reacquire all the goodies I got extra with that when I get the One version by redownloading the DLC assuming I'm sticking to the same Gamertag? I know with Live credit it stays with the Gamertag so I'm assuming this will work too? I'm just asking about the extra content as I know obviously my saves won't work from a 360 to a One but that's fine as I just want to play the game when it comes out and my "ultimate playthrough" won't be done until I get the One version anyway.

So if I do this and get the 360 deluxe version next month can I reacquire all the goodies I got extra with that when I get the One version by redownloading the DLC assuming I'm sticking to the same Gamertag?
I don't think anyone knows this yet. It could go either way. If the codes for the bonuses are EA/BSN codes, then it's possible that the same code will unlock the content for multiple consoles, since they've done it that way in the past. If it's XBLM codes, it will probably unlock the content only for Xbox 360.

Destiny is a recent example of both setups happening for the same game. Some of the bonus codes were codes that you enter on Bungie.net, that unlock content for your character regardless of what console you're playing on. But for instance the Red Sparrow preorder bonus from Gamestop was console-specific. I can use it on Xbox 360 but if I play the same character on Xbone my Red Sparrow won't be there.

I don't think anyone knows this yet. It could go either way. If the codes for the bonuses are EA/BSN codes, then it's possible that the same code will unlock the content for multiple consoles, since they've done it that way in the past. If it's XBLM codes, it will probably unlock the content only for Xbox 360.

Destiny is a recent example of both setups happening for the same game. Some of the bonus codes were codes that you enter on Bungie.net, that unlock content for your character regardless of what console you're playing on. But for instance the Red Sparrow preorder bonus from Gamestop was console-specific. I can use it on Xbox 360 but if I play the same character on Xbone my Red Sparrow won't be there.
I think that with Bioware, some of the DLC that was pre-order was mutli-console, some of it wasn't. I think a number of the DLC items that were tied to the season pass for ME2 were unlocked on PC as well as X360 when you added it to your X360, though they didn't unlock on PS3. Any paid DLC was console-specific, so the only way to find out for sure is wait until Nov 18th.

Okay, thanks for the answers. I guess I'll just try to get the deluxe in a store so if I need to do a return I can do so without paying shipping. I still might end up getting a new console by next month if I find a good deal but I'm feeling I'm just going to wait until next year when Arkham 3 comes out since this will be the only game I'll really be playing until then.

Okay, thanks for the answers. I guess I'll just try to get the deluxe in a store so if I need to do a return I can do so without paying shipping. I still might end up getting a new console by next month if I find a good deal but I'm feeling I'm just going to wait until next year when Arkham 3 comes out since this will be the only game I'll really be playing until then.
What about Witcher 3? That is new-gen/PC only also and it comes out in February. Just curious as generally speaking it would also appeal to fans of Dragon Age.

Who is getting this game on 360? I teased my podcast co-host with some of the info from the Bioware streams (since he was trying to keep a blackout/wait for reviews) and he wants to get the game, but I'm going to be on PS4 and he's still on 360.

What about Witcher 3? That is new-gen/PC only also and it comes out in February. Just curious as generally speaking it would also appeal to fans of Dragon Age.

Who is getting this game on 360? I teased my podcast co-host with some of the info from the Bioware streams (since he was trying to keep a blackout/wait for reviews) and he wants to get the game, but I'm going to be on PS4 and he's still on 360.
I was about to get this on 360 and ended up caving on getting a XB1 for it after using a large number of SYWR points from Sears on the XB1.

I have Witcher 1 + 2 on PC, though I may pick up Witcher 3 on XB1 if it works out good enough on a console. I heard Witcher 2 was pretty reasonable on 360.

Yeah I crossed DA2 off my backlog but have Witcher 2 now. Lol, no way I'm going to start that any time soon though. Planning on picking up DA:I and Witcher 3 on Xbox One.

Was finally able to check out that companion trailer, man that looks good.

Based on a tweet from Bioware today, it looked like anyone who applied for the Keep beta was let in.  But I get an error message when I try.  Did you guys see this or am I high on red lyrium?

EDIT: I'm In!!!!  YAY!

EDIT, Pt 2:  Holy good grief, this Keep is cool!  Reliving my entire DA story, as narrated by Varric was just great.  My hype-o-meter is going nuts now!

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How do you make it sync again? When I first logged into the Keep syncing was down, but now that it's back up I don't know how to trigger it.

Okay, so I figured out how to start the sync over from the beginning, but it's still not actually syncing anything except my characters' name, race, and gender. All of the actual choices are empty or set to the default. Am I missing something or was it supposed to import all of the actual gameplay choices?

Yeah I crossed DA2 off my backlog but have Witcher 2 now. Lol, no way I'm going to start that any time soon though. Planning on picking up DA:I and Witcher 3 on Xbox One.

Was finally able to check out that companion trailer, man that looks good.
I just finished Witcher 2 about 5 days ago. Very good RPG that is more adult friendly. It's got great replay value as the 2nd (of 3) chapter takes you completely different directions to wind up at the same 3rd chapter but with some differences obviously. Memorable characters, rewarding combat that Is more enjoyable the more you commit to learning/mastering it, and great dialogue make it very appealing to Dragon Age fans. That said, I found myself not wanting to dive deep into the lore for some fear that it would confuse the hell out of me with all the Dragon Age lore lingering up in that organ inside my head. I treat Elder Scrolls lore the same way.

FWIW, my playthrough of Witcher 2 was ~41 hours so no too long when compared to the 80-100 Dragon Age Origins took on my initial run in Thedas. A huge part of that is my interest in reading codexes and having every conversation possible in DA. Not sure how much gaming time you have on a daily/weekly basis so I can't say whether you can get it done before February, but it's definitely shorter than a Dragon Age/Elder Scrolls game.

I tried the Witcher 2 three times. I just could not get into it. It looked pretty and I liked the vibe Geralt gave off, but the combat was not fun at all. Count me among those that just don't get the Witcher.
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So, my conflict as I have been using The Keep.  When I play RPGs, my first playthrough tends to always stick in my head as my true trip through the story.  No matter what I do differently, or better, in subsequent outings, I always feel that first time was the "real" one.  Now, with the Keep, I have a chance to change some of the choices I made with my first character in DA:O to align with what I now think of as the better decisions.  But then, when I import that character, I am afraid that it won't feel right.

Meanwhile, heads of state and villagers in war-torn nations are dealing with real conflict...

I had the same feeling. With the Wardens Keep DLC I originally decided to drink the blood, not really realizing the horrible nature of blood magic. Now having a vastly better understanding of the overall DA story, I don't want that on my record!!! But I couldn't bring myself to change that decision, that's what Chubbs the Grey Warden of Ferelden did, for better or worse.
So, my conflict as I have been using The Keep. When I play RPGs, my first playthrough tends to always stick in my head as my true trip through the story. No matter what I do differently, or better, in subsequent outings, I always feel that first time was the "real" one. Now, with the Keep, I have a chance to change some of the choices I made with my first character in DA:O to align with what I now think of as the better decisions. But then, when I import that character, I am afraid that it won't feel right.
I know what you mean. I tried to stick with my original Warden even though he was kind of an idiot at times. :lol: The only thing I just had to change was picking Harrowmont vs. Bhelen. I had gone with Bhelen as a human noble but after playing the dwarf noble origin and finding out what a turbodouche he is, I couldn't bring myself to choose him again.

Dragon Age: Origins is great and stands right next to both Witcher games. Dragon Age 2 is a borderline turd that just isn't in the same class as those 3 games I mentioned. I am really hoping DA:I is a nice rebound for the series and can stand proudly next to The Witcher 3 as great rpg's for this gen (assuming TW 3 will be great of course).
I'd say they've learned their lessons, just from everything I've seen design and visuals wise from Inquisition. DA2 a turd, no, but a misstep, yes.

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I'd say they've learned their lessons, just from everything I've seen design and visuals wise from Inquisition. DA2 a turd, no, but a misstep, yes.
DA 2 was in their phase of lets make games for everyone. Not realizing people who buy Bioware games know they are buying a Bioware game and expect something deep.

They seemed to fix that.

Just finished Asunder last night and started on Masked Empire.   Asunder was fantastic.  Masked Empire seems like a little slower burn in the beginning, though we'll see until I get about half-way through it.

I did have a couple of points that I wasn't sure about, though the DA wiki cleared up most of them.  One does stick out there and leads into DA Inquisition:

If Cole was a spirit as it appeared and took the form of the real Cole that the templars forgot about in the White Spire, what happened to Lord Seeker Lambert at the end in the epilogue? He said to look into his eyes, though did he kill Lambert or possess him?

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Will everything reset since this is beta or will things stick? I don't want to start the process of making all my decisions again if things will be reset.

bread's done