Dragon Age: Inquisition - E3 TRAILER

Watching more of this game, one thing that really just has me so excited is for the variety of environments in the game. Having different forests, deserts, is a nice touch and not just one full environment like Skyrim. Don't get me wrong, I love Skyrim but I miss the diversity of the map.

I guess it is the same reason I was a huge WoW player back in the day. Each area felt different.

First off, I have my shipping notice on my GS Inquisitor Edition. :whee: Sans guide, of course, though I saw that "combo" version they were pushing with the guide. Woof.

The game looks good on the 360. If I hadn't seen the X1 version, I'd probably not have much to say. But, HAVING played the Xbox One version..holy smokes, the 360 version just doesn't compare. The current gen version just looks amazing and like I told a couple friends the other day, it's delivering on the promise of the next gen along with AC Unity, in terms of graphics.
Good to hear that the 360 version isn't complete ass, at least. I wonder how the PS3 version compares. Also nice that the XB1 seems to be that much better and be worth the "upgrade" as it was to a XB1. The bigger question is if the PS4 version is that much better looking than the XB1, save the obvious 900p/1080p difference.

The hair looks really, I don't know, shiny and rubbery in the 360 version. Other than that it did look pretty decent.
Probably the same type of hair differences on Tomb Raider there were with X360/PS3 versus XB1/PS4, where they stole the TressFX bits from the PC version on the Definitive Version.

Let's hope it's not delivering the same level of bugginess as Unity ;)
Agreed. One review I read this weekend did have some issues with PS4 and XB1, though from the two systems mentioned in the review, XB1 seemed to be the least problematic. It was the EGM review:



Being a BioWare game, a Dragon Age one in particular, Inquisition is not without its fair share of technical problems that must unavoidably be addressed. The PlayStation 4 version I received, most notably, was basically unplayable, frequently seizing up and locking the system completely, forcing me to unplug the system while still active. I eventually switched to the Xbox One version, which was considerably less dysfunctional but did crash out to the Dashboard two or three times. Other known bugs include failure to load the next part of a dialogue scene at times (this happened to me maybe twice), buttons randomly not working (such as up and down on the D-pad no longer shifting between characters), and what I call Dead Man Walking glitches, in which a character dies but remains on their feet and so is unable to be resurrected (this happened to me during the final boss fight, no less, leaving my mage unavailable during the last leg of the battle). All of these annoying, sometimes irritating, but outside of the system-threatening PS4 problems—caused by PlayStation’s buggy 2.00 firmware but repaired through the 2.02 update—weren’t enough to detract from or damage the overall experience.
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I did have one crash during the demo that just returned me to the home screen and I had to start the game again. Didn't notice any other issues with the game aside from some janky animations here and there, but it's a BioWare game, so. :) Hopefully the day one patch will address everything.

Any official word on when the preload will unlock? Does that typically happen at midnight?

I did have one crash during the demo that just returned me to the home screen and I had to start the game again. Didn't notice any other issues with the game aside from some janky animations here and there, but it's a BioWare game, so. :) Hopefully the day one patch will address everything.

Any official word on when the preload will unlock? Does that typically happen at midnight?
Midnight Eastern aka 11pm for me! : D

Took 10 minutes or so. Basically you have to watch four trailers, then watch them again and either click certain areas that light up, or step through frames to find a frame with a hidden weapon. There's a dagger, sword, and staff, and it said they were delivered to my Origin account (I was already logged into Origin when I opened the page). I'm not sure where to check that anything actually happened.

Took 10 minutes or so. Basically you have to watch four trailers, then watch them again and either click certain areas that light up, or step through frames to find a frame with a hidden weapon. There's a dagger, sword, and staff, and it said they were delivered to my Origin account (I was already logged into Origin when I opened the page). I'm not sure where to check that anything actually happened.
The weapons look kind of cool. Plus they are level 7 which works nicely because I believe my character left off just about to turn 6. Plus since we can transmogrify the aesthetics of everything once we have the item itself these do look cool to keep for later, especially that dagger.

Any PS4 users that are updated to 2.02 firmware should have no problems. Would be funny if the reason Alien Isolation is borked is b/c of 2.02. :)

Shrike if you're tracking is same as mine, we should have our CE Wednesday night with the free shipping! Gotta love my tip, right. :)

Also I think the Inquisitor's Edition w/guide sold out over the weekend. It was just MSRP for both items. I have the guide paid off at Fenton.
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Any PS4 users that are updated to 2.02 firmware should have no problems. Would be funny if the reason Alien Isolation is borked is b/c of 2.02. :)

Shrike if you're tracking is same as mine, we should have our CE Wednesday night with the free shipping! Gotta love my tip, right. :)

Also I think the Inquisitor's Edition w/guide sold out over the weekend. It was just MSRP for both items. I have the guide paid off at Fenton.
I have the same tracking and see the same thing on my end for Wednesday night, though my shipping wasn't free. How did you end up with free shipping from GS? They hit me with $6.50 for free shipping.

I'm waiting on my hardcover guide to ship from Amazon and it's supposed to be here tomorrow since I preordered it. If not, I'm raising hell with Amazon over it.

Any PS4 users that are updated to 2.02 firmware should have no problems. Would be funny if the reason Alien Isolation is borked is b/c of 2.02. :)

Shrike if you're tracking is same as mine, we should have our CE Wednesday night with the free shipping! Gotta love my tip, right. :)

Also I think the Inquisitor's Edition w/guide sold out over the weekend. It was just MSRP for both items. I have the guide paid off at Fenton.
I have the same tracking and see the same thing on my end for Wednesday night, though my shipping wasn't free. How did you end up with free shipping from GS? They hit me with $6.50 for free shipping.

I'm waiting on my hardcover guide to ship from Amazon and it's supposed to be here tomorrow since I preordered it. If not, I'm raising hell with Amazon over it.

Any PS4 users that are updated to 2.02 firmware should have no problems. Would be funny if the reason Alien Isolation is borked is b/c of 2.02. :)

Shrike if you're tracking is same as mine, we should have our CE Wednesday night with the free shipping! Gotta love my tip, right. :)

Also I think the Inquisitor's Edition w/guide sold out over the weekend. It was just MSRP for both items. I have the guide paid off at Fenton.
I have the same tracking and see the same thing on my end for Wednesday night, though my shipping wasn't free. How did you end up with free shipping from GS? They hit me with $6.50 for free shipping.

I'm waiting on my hardcover guide to ship from Amazon and it's supposed to be here tomorrow since I preordered it. If not, I'm raising hell with Amazon over it.

I have the same tracking and see the same thing on my end for Wednesday night, though my shipping wasn't free. How did you end up with free shipping from GS? They hit me with $6.50 for free shipping.

I'm waiting on my hardcover guide to ship from Amazon and it's supposed to be here tomorrow since I preordered it. If not, I'm raising hell with Amazon over it.
The weapons look kind of cool. Plus they are level 7 which works nicely because I believe my character left off just about to turn 6. Plus since we can transmogrify the aesthetics of everything once we have the item itself these do look cool to keep for later, especially that dagger.
Oh sweet, I dinged level 6 just before my demo time ran out. 5.5 more hours...

Holy crap this is awesome, my new job has me off work Tuesday and Wednesday. Score! Let's hope the Microsoft Store kept their end of the deal with free release day shipping (like I'll believe it when I see it lol).
Saver didn't work for me since it was a pre-order. I tried and was told that it didn't apply when ordering on GS.com.
Hmm. Maybe there was free shipping over X going on when I ordered or something else?

Anyway, even $6.50 isn't bad for 2-day UPS.
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Hmm. Maybe there was free shipping over X going on when I ordered or something else?
Anyway, even $6.50 isn't bad for 2-day UPS.
I got SAVER to work, got hit with that bogus $6.50 handling fee though. I'm more than happy that it's two day shipping. If it wasn't for that, I'd probably be bitching about the handling fee.
So it sounds like the XB1 version is the way to go here instead of PS4?
PS4 has higher resolution, otherwise identical. Xbox One has EA Access so you can get a 10% discount on the game and DLC, and it had the 6-hour early access last week which is kind of moot at this point. Also Xbox is supposed to get the DLC earlier but there's no details on that yet.

So does anyone know where in Haven we're supposed to pick up the preorder and CE bonuses? Only thing I've found so far is the Bog Unicorn which was a mission on the war table.

How big is this day one patch?

I am dying to get home and enjoy this. Just need to decide on lightning or fire wizard.

Also to those stuck at work for 8 hours, the Dragon Age Inquisition soundtrack is on spotify right now if you feel the need to get your fix. It's damn good btw.

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Not nearly as impressive as some of her other game videos but it is still Lindsey Stirling nonetheless hahah

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I got SAVER to work, got hit with that bogus $6.50 handling fee though. I'm more than happy that it's two day shipping. If it wasn't for that, I'd probably be bitching about the handling fee.
I re-checked my order and that's what it was, the stupid "handling" fee. :roll: Shipping was free, though the $6.50 "fee for the privilege of ordering from Gamestop" was what I was seeing.

They are the only company I deal with that has an explicitly stated handling fee in an order.

In other news, my hardcover guide did show up today from Amazon. Looks pretty good.

Not nearly as impressive as some of her other game videos but it is still Lindsey Stirling nonetheless hahah
She's a graduate of the Elijah Wood School of Acting, with a major in Making Big Forlorn Puppy Dog Eyes at the Camera At All Times.

Anyones best buy preorder dlc weapons code not work?

The DLC seems a little wonky. In the chest in the house where you first wake up after the prologue, I found the Flames of the Inquisition armor, greatsword, and maul. No helmet, and none of the other weapons. I'm not sure if it only gives the weapons for your class, or you're supposed to get them all but it's messed up, or what. The mounts show up as missions on your war table, you select the mission and it instantly completes and you get the mount at the stable. I haven't seen any sign of the Red Lyrium Reaper weapons at all.

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She's a graduate of the Elijah Wood School of Acting, with a major in Making Big Forlorn Puppy Dog Eyes at the Camera At All Times.

The DLC seems a little wonky. In the chest in the house where you first wake up after the prologue, I found the Flames of the Inquisition armor, greatsword, and maul. No helmet, and none of the other weapons. I'm not sure if it only gives the weapons for your class, or you're supposed to get them all but it's messed up, or what. The mounts show up as missions on your war table, you select the mission and it instantly completes and you get the mount at the stable. I haven't seen any sign of the Red Lyrium Reaper weapons at all.
Double post because I am lazy sorry.

I read that you only get the weapons for your Inquisitor.

The Red Lyrium are level 7 weapons so maybe they just will populate in your chest once you hit that level? Though I would imagine it is just simply screwed up haha

Didnt get a chance to play last night at all because I was so busy and now today the Iron Banner is up and so once I get back from work and school I will be tempted to just play that seeing as my Hunter still needs Gauntlets...

Damn you time, I need more of you! Or... damn you responsibilities! I need less of you!

Didnt get a chance to play last night at all because I was so busy and now today the Iron Banner is up and so once I get back from work and school I will be tempted to just play that seeing as my Hunter still needs Gauntlets...

Nah I'm addicted to Destiny too, but it's taking a backseat for the foreseeable future.

I played through the prologue last night after my digital pre-order unlocked. Pretty good so far, but I might have to start over to redo my character. I thought she looked pretty good in the character generator, but then once animated... bleh. I always seem to have that problem in Bioware games, there's something just a bit off once my character is actually shown in cutscenes. I wish this was like Sunset Overdrive where you can change your character at-will in the pause menu (at least the aesthetic qualities, I don't expect to change class and gender here).

So how's the multiplayer? What do actually do in it? I'm just asking as I've stayed away from most info on this game including that and am likely not going to play it yet. If it's something I can just start up and fight some AI baddies with some randoms I might be willing to try it out.

Unless I'm mistaken, the regulars in here are getting it/have it on XB1, save MSU and Anexa, who are going PS4, and Tha X, who is going PC. 

Is that right? 

Hey, Question:  I got as far as installing the game and creating my character earlier today.  Went with a human mage and there was a backstory screen that looked liked it might offer me some different origins.  I tried to select something else or change screens, but all I kept getting was a human noble backstory.  I feel dumb for asking, but are we suppose to have other options and did I overlook something obvious?

In any case, for my first play-through, backstory doesn't matter since they are all the same to me at this point.  Just wondering if there were other options.

Anybody want the Target preorder bonus code for the :xb1: and/or :360: versions?

I went with PS4 for this game but I have a couple extra codes available so PM me if interested.

Also, is the whole Dragon Age Keep in game or do I have to do it online?

Well this is bullshit, in order to get the pre-order shipped with free release day shipping I had to pre-order in October. When I was talking with the Microsoft Store CS chick she told me that it varies between items and that the information would be on page that's not there anymore since the item, in this case the game, has been released. Talk about a convenient fucking loophole.
My copy from the MS Store came.

My review. They made Dragon Age Origins fully open world and improved on it. If you haven't played DA:O, if you like Western RPG's with a fantasy style, then you will enjoy it.

In other words, Bioware made a damn good game that actually improves upon everything. They had a few years of me hating their existence but they are back in great shape.

Got an email this morning from Best Buy saying that the shipping on the strategy guide has been pushed back until Friday.
Luckily my store had a couple of the hardcover guides, so I picked one up. I had to have the guide tonight....I really wanted to check it out.

Glad I paid a little extra for the Deluxe Edition, I like the look of the Flames of Inquisition Armor.
What do I need to do to let others on my console use it? is it set mine to Home, and they do not set theirs to Home?
bread's done