Dragon Age: Inquisition - E3 TRAILER

Yeah I'd go through the Keep but I have to wait for my bandwidth cap to reset in 2 days, need to update the system, so I'm going with the default world (as so far it seems the same as what I picked before). Pretty cool way to start the game, I just got past the title sequence, and I can't wait to play more today. Told the guys I work with how awesome the game looks and plays. :p
Is there a way to disengage your party while they're attacking the enemy?
Hold LB, command is on the radial UI. I just use it to drink potions lol. Glad you can replenish simple health potions (I should really stay on the beaten path haha).

Just got to the Oasis, agree on how cool it is to have varying environments - and how great those environments look too.
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Just had my first Cole Phelps moment of the game... A mission that Sera brought to me didn't go the way it was supposed to and I had to clean up the mess. I wasn't mad but I did want to express my disappointment over what happened, but my Herald yelled at her so bad I was afraid she was going to quit the Inquisition right then and there.


Herald, you have a mission from the Advisors.  It seems, well, it seems you have a bit of a temper.  We need you to go to an anger management course. 

Party her up with Iron Bull for the best chatter in the game that I have heard so far!!
I would but I'm having too much fun with Cassandra, Varric and Vivienne. I speced Vivienne all lightning lol, ohh and I'm at the Storm coast right now.

I could run around and find iron all day. I'm seriously overusing the search feature haha.
I just met Sera too.  Not what I expected, but wow, she'll make up for Solas' lack of interesting chatter.  My initial impressions can best be summed up by replacing "He's" with "She's" in the image below:


My party now consists of Iron Bull, Sera, and Vivienne.  I'll probably be swapping Varric and Sera a lot, but Broly is right, IB and Sera have some awesome banter.  This is getting to be a very strange crew for my straight-laced, do-gooder human mage.

The comments from Iron Bull and Sera when you come upon the giant and dragon at the Storm Coast are priceless.

In terms of banter I've had fun pairing up Cassandra with pretty much anyone-- everyone makes her mad. :lol: I wish I could take everyone all of the time. So far my go-to party has been Cassandra, Dorian, and Varric. I've been trying to mix it up based on the missions though, like if it involves Grey Wardens I'll bring Blackwall, if it's about elves I'll take Solas and Sera.

So, true to typical X fashion, I'm calling it a night now with close to 80 hours logged into the campaign so far.

This fucking game, man.

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So, what is the minimum level you need to be at to even consider taking on a dragon?  I am only level 8 and I know I must have a way to go because each time I encounter one it goes like, "Oh look everyone, a drag...." [horrible firery death from above]

So, true to typical X fashion, I'm calling it a night now with close to 80 hours logged into the campaign so far.

This fucking game, man.
Man, and I thought 33 hours was a lot to put in so far. This game is so epic. It's crazy how things ramp up after "In Your Heart Shall Burn." It really feels like the final chapter of Dragon Age, or at least cleaning the slate for whatever's next.
I dissolved the Templar order! No more Templars!
But I like how this game handles the cameos, it's more subtle than Mass Effect 3 which sometimes felt like a big reunion tour. Question,
Anyone know who is Hawke's Grey Warden contact if Loghain died in Origins?

I finally watched Dawn of the Seeker last night. What an ugly movie, that CGI style was just awful. But the story was all right and it was some nice background into Cassandra's history.

So, what is the minimum level you need to be at to even consider taking on a dragon? I am only level 8 and I know I must have a way to go because each time I encounter one it goes like, "Oh look everyone, a drag...." [horrible firery death from above]
I killed my first dragon last night at 14, it was the one in Crestwood.

So, what is the minimum level you need to be at to even consider taking on a dragon? I am only level 8 and I know I must have a way to go because each time I encounter one it goes like, "Oh look everyone, a drag...." [horrible firery death from above]
The one in the Hinterlands is like level 12 or 13 & is the lowest level one.

IGN showed how to respec Vivienne to be a 1-woman wrecking crew once the specializations unlock at the start of Act 2.

I guess YT links aren't working again? Just search "Dragon Age Vivienne IGN" & it's the first result.
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The one in the Hinterlands is like level 12 or 13 & is the lowest level one.

IGN showed how to respec Vivienne to be a 1-woman wrecking crew once the specializations unlock at the start of Act 2.

I guess YT links aren't working again? Just search "Dragon Age Vivienne IGN" & it's the first result.
Damn, just looked that up.

I was actually looking at making my Inquisitor do exactly that and so now I am even more tempted. I created mine however with the original intention of making her a Necromancer and have tailored her to that both visually and personality wise... hmmmmm...

Yeah I've got a couple of days off work before I'll be doing 9 & 10 hour shifts at Best Buy - I'm working in the auto tech bay - during Black Thursday/Friday. Time to sink some time into this glorious game!
Lol, I think they could make a few panels where random NPC are coming across a slew of empty potion bottles. That would be me, quite the litter bug haha.
I can confirm that going Knight Enchanter (Battlemage) makes the game absurdly easy. As long as you spam the melee attack in that tree, your Barrier never fully depletes. I had a chest piece for the longest time that gave my Inquisitor Guard each time he got hit, so I constantly had max Health, Guard, and Barrier.

Saving the world hasn't been this easy since the Blood Mage/Arcane Warrior class combo from Origins.

Another protip for "hard to beat" areas: I strongly recommend having at least two Mages in the group that both know Barrier. Yes, yes, I know Dorian's spec tree is awesome and fireballs are sweet, but Barrier is a life/potion-saving machine, especially when you double up on the spell. When you have one or more Mages with this ability, be sure to go to the Tactics screen and set Barrier to "Preferred" and not just "Enabled". This helps your AI prioritize damage prevention above all else.

Are there any comparison images/maps between Redcliffe in Origins and in Inquisition? Because it doesn't seem like the same place at all. Or are we supposed to be in a different area of the village that we didn't have access to in Origins?


From BioWare's Facebook... Absolutely love this. In my experience, some of those people would not be able to stand being in the same room with one another, much less relaxing around the table... I have had two companions who started out hating each other come to an understanding and start being friendly though, which was super interesting (
Cassandra and Dorian

Are there any comparison images/maps between Redcliffe in Origins and in Inquisition? Because it doesn't seem like the same place at all. Or are we supposed to be in a different area of the village that we didn't have access to in Origins?
I thought the area near the (now ruined) windmill felt familiar, except I remember there being a long road up to the castle from there in Origins. Other than that, I think they built a completely new Redcliffe.

Wow.wow. I'm having so much fun, I am grinning from ear to ear and I just teared up from such an emotional scene/score. God this game is Epic!
When after I sided with the Templars the Rebel Mages and the villain attack Haven. The aftermath and unison of song listened in with my headset was euphoric.
My endless side quest wanderings did kinda throw off my difficulty though as 99% of the time I was overpowering due to being a higher level - aside from being a badass. I only died a few times and that was because I happened upon way higher enemies. Gotta love checkpoints though, they've really come a long way with that in game design. This was a struggle with Fallout, a slighty flawed RPG imo. You could loose hours and hours of time searching an open world or get stuck in a death loop in that game. The way I don't have to manage my saves all the time, contrary to say Farcry 2, is most likely caused by being current gen and really helps immerse you into the trawling epic that you're in.
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Just completed What Pride Had Wrought. Feel like I must be coming up on the end of the story soon. But I still have soooo much optional content to do!

Also I wish there was a way to invite your love interest up to your quarters like in Mass Effect 2. I spent all that money on a fancy new bed...  :twisted:

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Yeah, I'm kind of deliberately not doing everything in this playthrough, so I'll still have "new material" for future characters to experience. I'm just kind of doing whatever I feel like at the moment, and not worrying about, for instance, exhausting all party member conversations before moving on to the next story chapter.

I thought I was set on my party being Vivienne, Sera, and Iron Bull because...well they are all so much freakin' fun. However, today I realized that while this is the "fun" crowed, they are not really fitting in with the tone of how I play the Herald. I was thinking about swapping Sera and Iron Bull out and going back to Varric and Cassandra as my primary rogue/warrior combo.

Solas can sit at Skyhold and polish his staff. He's still a dud.

Ditto, going goodie two shoes first playthrough and I'd use them for when I just don't care in P2. :p

I love the banter between Varric and Cassandra.
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Anyone know how to get past the locked mechanical doors in the Western Approach? One of Cassandra's Seeker targets is in there.
Deal with the Venatori in that area (the main mission of the Western Approach). Eventually you'll be led to a fortress that will open up into that area and you can deal with the rogue Mages there.

What is this deft hands perk that I need?
It's an Inquisition Perk, something you gain a point in with each level of Influence that you unlock. Go into Leliana's tree once you get a point, and it's in there. It requires 4 other points to be spent in that tree before it unlocks, if I remember correctly.

Lol, in relation to Cassandra, I caught her
reading Varric's smut book. The look on her face when she saw me seeing her with it.

I just hit the 77th hour mark and with Black Friday coming up I don't think I'll be getting any DA in working retail and then crashing afterwards.
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Lol, in relation to Cassandra, I caught her
reading Varric's smut book. The look on her face when she saw me seeing her with it.

I just hit the 77th hour mark and with Black Friday coming up I don't think I'll be getting any DA in working retail and then crashing afterwards.
her reaction at the end of that quest chain is priceless

she's definitely grown on me

Just beat the main story. Unsure if I want to continue with this Inquisitor or start over with a new character. I think I may start over. :)

I'm having a hard time romancing any of the females as it seems most of them hate my pro-mage stance lol. Cassandra, even though she has accepted mages ages ago, still doesn't seem to like most of my statements regarding them. Vivienne isn't a fan of my opinions either and she's an enchanter. Josephine I think I'm doing alright with or rather I have at least not pissed her off yet and haven't seen any loss of approval. I wanted to get with Cassandra but I suppose I'll end up with Josephine this playthrough. No big deal since by the time I get to my "canon" playthrough which will be a long time from now there will be guides on what to do and say for everyone so you can get who you want. fucking Bioware had to take out the approval bar as if that would stop people from referring to the internet to see what they have to do to win certain romances.

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I'm having a hard time romancing any of the females as it seems most of them hate my pro-mage stance lol. Cassandra, even though she has accepted mages ages ago, still doesn't seem to like most of my statements regarding them. Vivienne isn't a fan of my opinions either and she's an enchanter. Josephine I think I'm doing alright with or rather I have at least not pissed her off yet and haven't seen any loss of approval. I wanted to get with Cassandra but I suppose I'll end up with Josephine this playthrough. No big deal since by the time I get to my "canon" playthrough which will be a long time from now there will be guides on what to do and say for everyone so you can get who you want. fucking Bioware had to take out the approval bar as if that would stop people from referring to the internet to see what they have to do to win certain romances.
My pro-Mage Mage who does everything in his power to support Mages has had no problems reeling in Cassandra. Just because you rack up the "slight disapprovals" doesn't mean you're doomed, per se. Stick with it. Cassandra is so worth it.

Should the various service medals be sold or not? No warning about them like with the research materials, but someone on Twitter told Shipwreck not to sell them but didn't know why, just that he had "read that."
bread's done