Dragon Age: Inquisition - E3 TRAILER

Just killed my first dragon, what an epic fight! It was the fire one in the Hinterlands. Despite my whole party dying, I finally killed him...but then I accidentally stepped in a flame pool and died. Second time went much smoother haha...
Ha.   After complaining about DA "glitching" and Blackwall vanishing, a friend tipped me off about what was going on.  Back on track and I'm glad I did not revert to an earlier save as that would have been a waste of time.   I'm such a pessimist that I automatically cried, "Glitch!"  

How is the deluxe edition content?  Thinking about trading in my PS4 disc and buying the deluxe digital edition since its $45 on PSN this weekend, would break even if I trade in the disc.

How is the deluxe edition content? Thinking about trading in my PS4 disc and buying the deluxe digital edition since its $45 on PSN this weekend, would break even if I trade in the disc.
The armor you get will last you till like level 7, and the "bog unicorn" mount is pretty weak IMO. If you're a completionest...and you break even, it's probably worth it. Otherwise I wouldn't worry too much.

The armor you get will last you till like level 7, and the "bog unicorn" mount is pretty weak IMO. If you're a completionest...and you break even, it's probably worth it. Otherwise I wouldn't worry too much.
ah, so its just extra gear...no bonus missions? In that case it's an easy pass. Already level 8 so the gear would be useless probably. Thanks!

At level 18, still rockin' the dragon armor you get from the DE.
What's the armor level? My Mage armor was only like 80. I was able to craft something significantly better. Especially if you add an inquisition point to your desired class and get those exclusive plans.
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Yeah with the schematics the armor rating is 203, an item level 17 piece, Strong Enduring Dragon Armor (Bonuses of Bleed on Hit, Constitution, Spirit Resistance, Strength and Berserk). I just leveled up to 19 and found the dragon in the Hinterlands. Lol, can't believe I missed that location.

I'm over 200+ hours in my first playthrough now.

Edit: Ohhh, that's what those shards are for. :p
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For the life of me I can't find the Venatori camp north of the Cove in the Hissing Wastes (I'm pretty sure my camp is ontop of it now). I'm trying to do Sand and Ruin.

Update: Nvm I found the lousy piece of paper.
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What's the armor level? My Mage armor was only like 80. I was able to craft something significantly better. Especially if you add an inquisition point to your desired class and get those exclusive plans.
You get upgraded plans for the Dragon Armor (from the LE code) automatically at level 10 & 15. The Level 15 armor by that point allows you to use Dragon bone for the strongest I've seen in the game.
How is the deluxe edition content? Thinking about trading in my PS4 disc and buying the deluxe digital edition since its $45 on PSN this weekend, would break even if I trade in the disc.
The code is available seperately as a $10 DLC now. I think it's worth it for the soundtrack & getting upgraded schematics of the armor but that's just me.
I can't kill the thing. It's that and then the last tomb for me in the Hissing Wastes.

Ever since I got to level 20 my warrior is super fragile. I take a few hits and I'm down. I might need to make or buy stronger armor.
Been on vacation this week and finished The Masked Empire and Asunder. Both were great and both shed a lot of light on the events of Inquisition and make me want to replay the game with the events of the books in mind. One thing I was a little unclear on in terms on continuity: At the end of Asunder, Val Royeaux is described as being in chaos and largely burned down, yet when you visit at the beginning of Inquisition it seems fairly calm and normal? Anyone know what went on there?
And you have to activate x amount to trigger Solas friendship quest.
I did not know this, after checking around turns out its because there is a bug that causes the quest "What lies dormant" to never start. So I have actually never finished his Friendship quest...

Been on vacation this week and finished The Masked Empire and Asunder. Both were great and both shed a lot of light on the events of Inquisition and make me want to replay the game with the events of the books in mind. One thing I was a little unclear on in terms on continuity: At the end of Asunder, Val Royeaux is described as being in chaos and largely burned down, yet when you visit at the beginning of Inquisition it seems fairly calm and normal? Anyone know what went on there?
I think they got a little bit ahead of themselves at the end of Asunder....or we just happened to be in a maintained or repaired part of the city when we got there in Inquisition. I wouldn't think on it too much.

Hey, here's a cool article about Solas at Kotaku. Or at least, I bet it's cool. I haven't read it yet since I had a hiatus from Inquisition for most of December.


I'm going to get back to Thedas this weekend and I'm fittin' ta play the nugg nuts off of this game!


Well I'm doing everything but yeah I'm now thinking I might do all the dragon slaying on a separate playthrough - one that's a ranged attacker.

Also what do you receive after you collect all the mosaic pieces and bottles?

Collecting all the shards now and yeah hmm, guess I should have done that throughout as the armor and weapons I'm getting are crap compared to my/teamates' current level gear.

Also I ran into a weird glitch where my mission time on the war table was like 13567:32:24. Connected to Live today and then disconnected (as I can't stay online for to long), went back to DA:I and all my reports were in...
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Just tried multiplayer for the first time, it's actually not that bad when you get four people. Played with a buddy and two randoms. Kinda sucks when your level 1-4 but once you get to 6+ we were able to complete all 5 areas of the dungeon and clear most mobs without too much hassle. Upgrading system seems a bit tedious though so we'll see how long it holds my attention.

Anyone else play this yet? I'm a level 6 archer.

Well I'm doing everything but yeah I'm now thinking I might do all the dragon slaying on a separate playthrough - one that's a ranged attacker.
Are you using Vivienne with her Knight Enchanter abilities? Play as her because the KE is indestructible and tears up any dragon. Just keep hacking away; it ain't exciting, but it gets the job done.

I just finished the game on PC, really enjoyed it overall.  There were some things I wasn't crazy about but overall I liked it quite a bit, it's a helluva lot better than DA2.  I actually enjoyed the ending too, which was great after the garbage that was the ME3 ending.  It's nice to know that Bioware can still make a good game with a good ending.

Finishing up stuff to do in Emprise de Lion. All war table missions are done except the last story mission.

Oh I think the game time might be inflated as I leave my system in instant on mode for when I'm playing Dragon Age and coming back from watching sports/tv. The war table missions pass time so that helped with that but I'm not really playing then. I wish I was still online as Raptr could tell me how long I've been playing.
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What's a good build for Iron Bull? I like him but he is also the first one to go down. Damn guy abuses my potion like a druggy.

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Just made it through the initial trip to Val Royeaux, then off to the Storm Coast, so I now have Sera, Vivienne and Iron Bull in tow. 

Holy poop on a poop cracker, that's some funny dialogue with those characters in the party.  Especially Sera + Vivienne.

Oh I think the game time might be inflated as I leave my system in instant on mode for when I'm playing Dragon Age and coming back from watching sports/tv. The war table missions pass time so that helped with that but I'm not really playing then. I wish I was still online as Raptr could tell me how long I've been playing.
Raptr doesn't track Xbone games. At least not for me.

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10 out of 10 Dragons slain! Huzzah


Yeah, I just needed 1 or 2 levels more to contend with them, as well as the preventive elemental gear.

I did everything, and I mean everything (aside from a few mosaic pieces and one bottle), and finished the game at around 300 hours.

Yeah I was hoping after I beat the game that the Dragons' achievement would pop but no it didn't. I heard that it was glitched :(

As for my choices
Vivienne became the Devine even though yeah I pledged for Cassandra. Let's see, I let Morrigan access the Well of Sorrows and I reported on both the responsible parties of Celine's assassination. I'm trying to think of what else. I chose the Reaver specialization even though I was mainly trying for the champion quest - hadn't found all the duels though. I romanced Cassandra and thought they handled that PG but after the fire they had with the media I'm not surprised. Still would have liked to call up my lover when you put in an upgraded bed in your castle quarters but instead you get couple watching the sunset lol. Not even a low shot of Cassandra's legs, with like armor on the floor (which she never takes off lol), implying they're gonna celebrate saving the world. Hmmmm, watched too much Game of Thrones I suppose.

That was a benevolent two handed warrior playthrough. Now for the ass Mage one haha.
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I finally fired this game up after spending December with Destiny and damn, this game is so good.  I just got to Skyhold and went to Fallow Mire after leaving my fortress.  The Mire is a cool area, very spooky. 

Tell a brother from another mother on how to do screen caps? :D
Lol, well all I do is use my 13 MP camera on my Galaxy S4, which is tied to my Google account, then I go onto my laptop to copy paste the photo url, which was auto-backed up into my Google+ account. Do wish we could take screens though. I've seen some amazing ones for DA:I, it really is a pretty game.
Lol, well all I do is use my 13 MP camera on my Galaxy S4, which is tied to my Google account, then I go onto my laptop to copy paste the photo url, which was auto-backed up into my Google+ account. Do wish we could take screens though. I've seen some amazing ones for DA:I, it really is a pretty game.
Aha. Just camera phone pics. Here I was thinking it was something X1 was doing.

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I'm siding with the Mages this time, last playthrough I never made it to Redcliff village so it's pretty cool to see things from this perspective too. My party atm is Cassandra (may swap her out with Iron Bull once I recruit him), Sera (swapping out Varric) and Solas (swapping out Vivienne). It's been pretty funny listening to Sera and Solas' discussions. "There used to be Elves here." "Oh you say that about everywhere."  :rofl:

Yeah I love Sera's giggle.

Just finished up In Hushed Whispers as I sided with the Templars last time as my character was a warrior.
That's some Chrono Trigger homage right there right? I mean you travel through time and see how the world would be with the baddie in control. Also quite enjoyed Dorian's company on this mission.
Yeah I enjoyed that mission a bit more than the other one I had done. I'm also on hard now so that mission was a challenge - died before and at the boss.
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Fired up the game last night and ran into an issue with it.  When I launched it, I received an error that an autosave couldn't be created because all of my 50 save slots were in used.  It reported this another time, then when I went to manually save over one of my save slots, I found that there were no save games listed there, like it is at the beginning of a new game. 

I tried to make a new save, thinking they were all gone and I couldn't, as it reported the same type of error about all 50 save slots being in use.    Closed out of the game then found where in the storage settings is to clear out the local cached copy of the cloud saves, did so, then had it resync the local cache copies once I went back into DA: I.

Seemed to be OK from that point forward, though I cleared out three of my oldest save points and left them open with less than 50 total.  That way, the auto save should continue without issue, shouldn't it?

Also, was tooling around on the Storm Coast and at some point, I think I had my first dragon sighting. Something took off from somewhere, flew down and buzzed my party on its way out to sea.  As it went by, it did look quite big and very dragon-like.    Was quite cool and I remember Sera making some comment about the dragon once it flew by.

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bread's done