EB GAMES Summer Sale 7/15-7/31 B&M & Online (mostly)

The 50% off classic games is nice. My local EB doesn't officially sell those games (they send them back), but I have them holding battletoads and ducktales for me.
So with Bard's Tale... are EB going to get new copies of these games in?

The local EB near me hasn't had a new copy in months, along with the other two near here. Are they going to restock for this sale?

I know when the EA PC games went on sale, EB got in a new shipment of Battle for Middle Earth, and got about 15 copies of it.
My EB has lots of boxed NES stuff in the back of the store - and some decent SNES games too ^_^
I figure I'll be jumping on this DC/N64/PS buy 2 get 1 free as well :cool:
If they don't honor Black Monday's gift voucher, It could be time for a class-action lawsuit. EB should clean up their act, and get their programs straight. They mislead customers far too often.

I've been burned on:
- Close Combat, like another poster stated, I used a gift voucher for part of the purchase, and was denied.
- Paper Mario. as I didn't buy it at full price. The store manager told me it was $20 with a $20 voucher...

Others got shaq-fu'ed on Syphon Filter.

Maybe we'll have to start another thread for these tactics? I wonder how many CAG'ers got burned?
I can't even find Bard's Tale for the X-box up on the ebgames website right now. I was hoping to at least check their website to check local inventory instead of calling each store.

Hopefully it will be listed by the 15th...
[quote name='tenzor']-Star Wars Galaxies Total Experience PC $19.99 after $10 EB Gift Voucher

Where do you get this gift voucher?
[quote name='mick16']I can't even find Bard's Tale for the X-box up on the ebgames website right now. I was hoping to at least check their website to check local inventory instead of calling each store.

Hopefully it will be listed by the 15th...[/QUOTE]

Same here... and no stores close to me have a new Bard's Tale, last I checked.

Here's hoping for a new shipment to hit on the 15th.
anyone here got a link that talks about the EB gift vaulture, how it suppose to work and what the eb people actually do to burn you? Im thinking of getting the SWG : TE but im i paying 30 bucks now or 20 bucks now with that vaulture?
Hmm, there are some SNES games at a local EB I'd get at half price. And while it's disappointing to hear that the B2G1 isn't good for current-gen games, there's bound to be some PSX and N64 games that are worth it.

Thanks OP!
Yeah I sent out an offer for a $10 voucher (bought Max Payne 2). I waited for a couple of months and when I called and inquired on my $10 voucher, since none was emailed to me. They questioned me on my order numeber, what I've sent, etc. and the final word was we don't have your order on our records. And we will call u if we get any info.

[quote name='rallen']I told myself, I won't bite on a voucher deal ever again. I've been burned too many times.

Paper Mario
Close Combat (excluded as paid for part of the game with a voucher)
A number of vouchers from last year that were sent from the store, and DENIED.[/QUOTE]
Does anybody have the Halo 2 strategy guide? How is it? I don't need help with the game or anything, I just think it would be a cool item to have to add to my Halo collection.
[quote name='Roufuss']So with Bard's Tale... are EB going to get new copies of these games in?

The local EB near me hasn't had a new copy in months, along with the other two near here. Are they going to restock for this sale?[/QUOTE]

Probably not. Usually EB has these types of clearence sales to free up some shelf space. Considering the game's been out of print for awhile now, I really doubt EB will be getting restocked.
[quote name='Scahom1']Probably not. Usually EB has these types of clearence sales to free up some shelf space. Considering the game's been out of print for awhile now, I really doubt EB will be getting restocked.[/QUOTE]

Yaeh, these deals normally are just to get rid of leftover inventory like with one of the last sales where Custom Robo and 1080 Avalanche were $10. No store in my area had a 1080 left on the first day but I did manage to get a sealed *shock* Custom Robo without any stickers on it.

For some previous sales I've heard that they actually will get sometimes shipments in, but very small ones of only one, maybe two, or sometimes they'll just shift the inventory of stores so Roufuss and everyone else that wants one, keep your hopes up.
So, no one knows anything about this preplayed Gamecube? The supposed sale price is the same as the current price online. $59.99 refurbished.

I could get it for $35 used because I've still got credit, so it's something I'd think about.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']BTW, they do have over 100 copies onine for $14.99 (PS2)[/QUOTE]

How can you tell how many are available?
Add the number 100 or above to the quantity slot, hit update quantities, and then it will either go to the number you put in, or say there are only "X" amount available, and it will show you that amount instead.
It's weird, I swear I've never seen SNES/NES cartridges at the one EBgames near me that lists them on their website as being in stock.

Maybe they keep them in back like others are saying?

Bard's Tale @ $9.99 sounds pretty tempting. Anyone know the difference between the Xbox and the PS2 versions?
Hmmm... The guide deal for Halo 2 is very tempting. Maybe I'll finally go pick up Halo 2...

Nah. I'll just pick up the LE version somewhere else and wait for my local BB to drop their Halo 2 guides to 0.01.

About the gift vouchers, it may depend on who you are dealing with. Last year when I brought my Metroid Prime bundle Gamecube with Tales of Symphonia (and memory card), I used two $20 gift vouchers I got from before. At the same time EB have a promotion on GCN buying a GCN and a $50 game will get you a $20 gift voucher. The gift voucher thing went through, and I got my $20 gift voucher in a couple of months. So I pretty much only paid $150 (or $130 depending on how you are looking at it) for a new GCN, Metroid Prime, Tales of Symphonia ($50 value), and a 1019 memory card.
[quote name='GreenMonkey']It's weird, I swear I've never seen SNES/NES cartridges at the one EBgames near me that lists them on their website as being in stock.

Maybe they keep them in back like others are saying?

Bard's Tale @ $9.99 sounds pretty tempting. Anyone know the difference between the Xbox and the PS2 versions?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'd just ask. I know that the EBGames nearby keeps only half of their PS1 titles on the shelf. Totally gay since they are "hiding" Xenogears, Suikoden 1, and other stuff. Then again they had both the Lunars on the shelf the last two times I've been there.
[quote name='alfonsosoriano']So, no one knows anything about this preplayed Gamecube? The supposed sale price is the same as the current price online. $59.99 refurbished.

I could get it for $35 used because I've still got credit, so it's something I'd think about.[/QUOTE]

Its been $60 in store for a little while. They're just advertising the price. Must have a lot of used GC's lying around.
Went to the EB at 3rd/71st Street in Manhattan and for some reason it wasn't open today. Really peeved me as I blew part of my lunch getting there. Really wanted to finally get Bard's Tale.
It's weird, I swear I've never seen SNES/NES cartridges at the one EBgames near me that lists them on their website as being in stock.

Maybe they keep them in back like others are saying?

Bard's Tale @ $9.99 sounds pretty tempting. Anyone know the difference between the Xbox and the PS2 versions?

Mine has them in plastic storage boxes behind the counter. You have to ask to see them and absorb the eye roll, sigh, and disgusted look from the EB employee that has to drag them out. I'm not sure what the deal is with getting those games out, they are pretty nice until they have to get those out.
It figures that they do 50% off SNES games when the EB gameworld near me which had a ton of them closed last week. I think there may still be some at one nearby, but damnit, the other one was easily my favorite store.
That's a hot deal on pre-played PC games... EB usually has a ton in stock, from the new games all the way down to some classic ones.
does ebgames even price match? someone asked that a page ago, and no one responded......
y'know like buy it today for 14.99, and get diff back on friday?
the way alot of us did the circity deals........

I am getting really turned off of ebgames in general, and their whole open games policy. They seemed to be trained to not make that distinction. Open means open, and if its new and sealed by the factory, witha security strip, its there to protect the customer gets it that way. They circumvent this, and then try to BS customers into thinking its new. I doubt they would see it the same way, if I bought a game, sealed, took it home, opened it, didnt play it, brought it back, and wanted to return it. They would cry foul, but its okay if they do it. Sometimes they have good prices like this, but its questionable if its worth the hassle dealing with them to find an acceptable copy. (ie. calling four stores, hearing gutted copies only left everywhere). does anybody else feel this way about them?
I think I'll be picking up Bard's Tale :)

Although if you check their site right now the XBX version is OOS. It would suck if that deal is DOA. But if I can get a flier from the local EBX with that deal listed, I should be able to PM it somewhere else.
does anyone else think there will be a flier with this posted? the 2 for 30 deal with ratchet and clank 3, was in the book as a coupon......and didnt work for price matching well..........not an advertised price, but a coupon.
A flier with this would be awesome......could just hit circity and get a non-gutted version.....
[quote name='fitzcain']does anyone else think there will be a flier with this posted? the 2 for 30 deal with ratchet and clank 3, was in the book as a coupon......and didnt work for price matching well..........not an advertised price, but a coupon.
A flier with this would be awesome......could just hit circity and get a non-gutted version.....[/QUOTE]

That worked fine for pricematching... all the games were marked 19.99 individually, and Circuit City had no problem selling R&C UYA for 17 dollars after the 10% difference.
I got turned down at CC on that one, but was able to get 2x RC3 at best buy for 30........got one for me and one for a friend, went hafsies on the deal 15 a piece, but took a while, pricematching isnt easy at best buy, they question everything and involve 6 people before doing it. (exageration, but you get the picture)
my wife tried to get the extra 10% at circuit city the other day, on full spectrum warrior for me...bought last week at 20, on sale this week for 10......should get 10 diff plus 10%.....they wouldnt do it, even thought it states it the green sign rightbehind them..."if you find a price anytime in the next 30days, including our own prices, we will give you 110% diff.", wouldnt budge. Price matching has some at least some small element of YMMV to it..............(not crying over a buck, but dont like it when managers make up their own rules to deny stuff....especially if there is a 3 by 4 ft sign right behind them stating otherwise.)
I DID however get my extra 10% dif on my CC purchases from the big sale, that was worth it........
Saw the trailer for this game, looks good, cary elwes is always a hoot. And it looks like fun, and apparently you adopt a dog which sounds kinda cool too.
I am thinking might just try best buy and largesize coupon this one.......
50% off all SNES, Genesis, and Nintendo 8 Bit Games

I just noticed that!
I went to EB today and bought Megaman 3 for 5.40 , but while I was there I noticed Megaman 5 , Lufia, and Chrono Trigger! I very sneakily hid them in place through out the store - and yes oh yes will I be back to pick them up when this %50 off deal is on. I thought it was already going on, but MM3 for 5.40 is alright I guess...

Chrono Trigger - 39.99 - %50 = 19.99
Lufia: 25.99 - %50 = 12.99
MegaMan 5: 24.99 - %50 = 12.49 (Still seems like a bit much...)

Yay ^_^
I just can't bring myself to buy any of the NES Megaman games anymore since the Anniversary Collection was released... Plus, they work on the first try on the PS2 >_>.
bread's done