Employees of All Stores - Post your stupid customer stories - Part II-

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[quote name='nakedsushi']Can't LC ask them for a receipt?[/QUOTE]

We can, And thank you , don't know why I never thought of that. I will start handing out reciepts now. Also this LC is in a K-Mart, and about 45% of the time teh associates at the door will check for reciepts as well. Thank you for the advice!
This kid just came into EB wanting to return NHL 2k6 because "it sucks" and he wanted NHL 2006. He got all mad because the assistant manager wouldnt let him return it. He started asking for phone numbers and names. This kid was rude the entire time. This wasnt as bad as the time this kid came in with a Xbox and was very rude and it ended up he didnt have the power cable. The best part is as he's walking out the bottom of the xbox box opens up and the xbox falls to the floor, what can I say, karma is a bitch.
[quote name='fieldkillah']This kid just came into EB wanting to return NHL 2k6 because "it sucks" and he wanted NHL 2006. He got all mad because the assistant manager wouldnt let him return it. He started asking for phone numbers and names. This kid was rude the entire time. This wasnt as bad as the time this kid came in with a Xbox and was very rude and it ended up he didnt have the power cable. The best part is as he's walking out the bottom of the xbox box opens up and the xbox falls to the floor, what can I say, karma is a bitch.[/QUOTE]

"Karma. You gotta love it!"
I have sooooo many stories of my years in retail (about ten years back), and they're not video game related (I was the electronics supervisor of an office supply store).

Here's one quick one:

I was working my department alone (per usual) and was swamped. When you work in electronics, everyone wants to know about the features, comparisons, etc. I literally had a line of people waiting to talk to me. This one woman comes up to me while I'm in the middle of answering a question and rudely says, "I need help over here!" She had just walked up and skipped the line (it was a high theft store, so even when I was busy, I had an eye on everyone in my department). I explained to her I would get to her as soon as possible and that she should join the line of people queued up for help.

She gets in line for a few minutes and starts swearing and complaining about the lack of help (like I enjoyed being alone - management ignored my same complaints) and finally went off and found a furniture sales guy for help. I found out later from the store manager that she complained that I should be fired because I was racist and ignored her and told her to go away and that I would rather help the white customers. (I didn't even realize that she was the only black customer until it was pointed out to me.) Luckily, the manager and I were friends and known each other for several years, and she knew the girl I was seeing at the time. The manager told the woman that she was sorry to hear how rude I was and the way I acted...and she would be sure to tell my girlfriend the next time she came in. She used my girlfriend's name...a VERY obviously "urban" name. My manager said that she also thought it was odd that a racist would be dating a black girl and told the woman that she'd ask me about that later. The woman stomped off and I never saw her again.

Like the movie, Clerks, said: "This job would be great if it weren't for the customers..."
This isnt so much as stupid customer, as its a "I'm a cheapass dick, and proud of it"

Went to Walgreens. They have a 3 for 1 sale on Mars candy, 1.?? oz to 2.17 oz. While collecting candy, I grab a huge tube of m&m minis. 1.29 normally. I end up making the poor girl scan it all, plus the coupon to make it 2 dollars (6 candy limit). IT doesn't work. So, I had her scan it all again (This is where I figure she's new or was never taught how to void an entire sale). So she voids every item twice, then scans again. This is when I realize one of the candies is a Hersey and not Mars brand (Cruch Caramel). So I neglet to say this, and I ask her to let the other people thru while I get something different. Again she voids one by one. I get another candy, and go back up. Noone behind me, she tries to say that it will only work for the three candies shown in the picture (Snickers, something else, M&M regular). I know this isnt true, as I bought twix, snickers, and starburst yesterday. Finally, I convice her to call a manager. They then manually override the thing. All the while my uncle was willing to spot me the 2.50 difference :D. Finally done, she says to me, uh, it was only candy (Or all this for candy?). Cheap ass sugar addict :D

I also tried this at another store (And I will again), but the manager said it was only for the bars (Yet last I checked, M&M regulars arent bars [I wasn't quick enough to notice it while he was there, and too uninterested to call him back again])
[quote name='Heyricochet']I really hope this was a joke.[/QUOTE]

Its from the TV show 'My name is Earl'...hence the BIG picture of Jason Lee above it...
[quote name='Heyricochet']I really hope this was a joke.[/QUOTE]
Quoth the Pilot of "My Name is Earl":
Randy: What's karma?
Earl: I don't know, it's something Carson Daly came up with.
Several customers at my store: So what's this X-Box 360?

Me: .....

Ironically enough, I'm in Washington...about a 20 min drive from X-Box headquarters.
[quote name='y2kenjination']Several customers at my store: So what's this X-Box 360?

Me: .....

Ironically enough, I'm in Washington...about a 20 min drive from X-Box headquarters.[/QUOTE]
I really don't consider it that crazy, I don't remember seeing any TV commercials for it, and displays and Prints for it are just now popping up at my local Best Buy, but still not at my local Target. If you didn't follow video games on websites or magazines, you likely wouldn't know what the Xbox 360 was either.
I work in the Dairy department of a Kroger's.

Woman: Do you have any more of the fat-free milk in gallons?
me: Well, we actually don't carry fat-free milk in gallons....only half-gallons.
Woman: No, you carry it, i get it here all the time.
me: Ma'am, i've worked here for nearly six months and i stock this stuff everyday. We only carry half-gallons of fat-free milk.
Woman: That's not true, i get it ehre all the time.
me: well can you show me where it usually is?
Woman: it's usually somewhere right in here (points to glass door)
me: Do you usually come to this store, because i know for a fact that we don't carry those in the gallons.
Woman: Whatever (ran off)

She then went up to customer service and asked them to get someone to find out if we had any...and they call me.

Sorry if this bores you, but it was fucking annoying and i needed to vent.
[quote name='guardian_owl']I really don't consider it that crazy, I don't remember seeing any TV commercials for it, and displays and Prints for it are just now popping up at my local Best Buy, but still not at my local Target. If you didn't follow video games on websites or magazines, you likely wouldn't know what the Xbox 360 was either.[/QUOTE]
But the people who asked seemed like avid gamers. o_O
[quote name='Dingleberry']I work in the Dairy department of a Kroger's.

Woman: Do you have any more of the fat-free milk in gallons?
me: Well, we actually don't carry fat-free milk in gallons....only half-gallons.
Woman: No, you carry it, i get it here all the time.
me: Ma'am, i've worked here for nearly six months and i stock this stuff everyday. We only carry half-gallons of fat-free milk.
Woman: That's not true, i get it ehre all the time.
me: well can you show me where it usually is?
Woman: it's usually somewhere right in here (points to glass door)
me: Do you usually come to this store, because i know for a fact that we don't carry those in the gallons.
Woman: Whatever (ran off)

She then went up to customer service and asked them to get someone to find out if we had any...and they call me.

Sorry if this bores you, but it was fucking annoying and i needed to vent.[/QUOTE]

I get that in Grocery @ Meijer (where I work) and I been working there for 4+ years, ya think the guest would know that I would be like an expert on where items are.. Some people are so stubborn :D
[quote name='guardian_owl']Quoth the Pilot of "My Name is Earl":
Randy: What's karma?
Earl: I don't know, it's something Carson Daly came up with.[/QUOTE]

Ahh, missed the pilot. I thought he was calling Jason Lee Carson Daly.
Calls in for weird stuff are happening already, it's a sign that christmas is nigh:

"Hi, do you have any Oijua boards?"


I *know* the store has the word "Game" in it...but...but...*sigh*

Great story of how quick to judge people can be...

The other day I'm going by my store but I stop in the pet store beforehand, now, they have animals of all kinds and yes, it smells like animals in there, but suprisingly it's normally not very bad at all. (for being a pet store, a dozen rabbits and ferrets and dogs and cats and let's see how your home smells). Anyway, I'm fine with a little bit of animal odor but as I'm watching the cute little puppies play this woman in front of me and the person I was with starts talking to the guy working there, she tells him it smells really bad, and he says it smells like barbeque from the restarants, and it's really bad smell of burnt barbeque and you could even see it *he points up to the ceiling*...
he walks away (because she obviously distracted him from what he was doing, he was carrying a not so small dog in his arms) and she starts laying in on him to me and my friend, "Oh god, what a liar!" "they *Never* clean these animals!" "it's disgusting!...barbeque!..*scoff*"...etc, etc...
then I go by my store which is just a couple stores down to pick up my game, and lo and behold, there's a fan in the doorway and an obvious *burnt* odor in the air...apparently the japanese barbeque place downstairs had caught fire earlier, and smoke was coming in the vents of the upstairs stores in that section...

stupid snotty lady, he actually *wasn't* giving you some line. :roll: :lol:

[quote name='tauruskatt']Calls in for weird stuff are happening already, it's a sign that christmas is nigh:

"Hi, do you have any Oijua boards?"


I *know* the store has the word "Game" in it...but...but...*sigh*

Great story of how quick to judge people can be...

The other day I'm going by my store but I stop in the pet store beforehand, now, they have animals of all kinds and yes, it smells like animals in there, but suprisingly it's normally not very bad at all. (for being a pet store, a dozen rabbits and ferrets and dogs and cats and let's see how your home smells). Anyway, I'm fine with a little bit of animal odor but as I'm watching the cute little puppies play this woman in front of me and the person I was with starts talking to the guy working there, she tells him it smells really bad, and he says it smells like barbeque from the restarants, and it's really bad smell of burnt barbeque and you could even see it *he points up to the ceiling*...
he walks away (because she obviously distracted him from what he was doing, he was carrying a not so small dog in his arms) and she starts laying in on him to me and my friend, "Oh god, what a liar!" "they *Never* clean these animals!" "it's disgusting!...barbeque!..*scoff*"...etc, etc...
then I go by my store which is just a couple stores down to pick up my game, and lo and behold, there's a fan in the doorway and an obvious *burnt* odor in the air...apparently the japanese barbeque place downstairs had caught fire earlier, and smoke was coming in the vents of the upstairs stores in that section...

stupid snotty lady, he actually *wasn't* giving you some line. :roll: :lol:


Asian BBQ and Pet Store.... I would have had the wrongest idea ever...
Lmao, that reminds me of the time i went to the Puppy & Kitty Nursery and put up a sign saying 'now serving vietnamese quisine'
[quote name='chaostic_2k1']Asian BBQ and Pet Store.... I would have had the wrongest idea ever...[/QUOTE]

Don't come to my neck of the woods... There's more than one vet located right next to some deli/terriyaki place. We actually had our cats spayed at a place that was flanked on both sides by a terriyaki place and a Pizza Hut...
Now I finally have something to contribute to this thread:

I have to deliver to a customer that lives in a retirement home. Her family just told me to take all of her deliveries to the retirement home instead of their house, which is the billing address on file. I've done this for a while.

Well, today I come to the retirement home and deliver the medication. I get a phone call an hour later from the customer's daughter-in-law. "Where's the medication?! It was supposed to be here by noon!" I calmly told her that I made the delivery to the retirement home as she requested, and as I have done without problems for over a month. "I never told you that! She lives here! Well, you need to get your worthless ass over here and deliver those medicines! But don't come until after 3 p.m. because I have to go run some errands!"

Here's the thing: the billing address on file is for the son and daughter-in-law's home... the phone number on file is for the lady's apartment in the retirement home. I always call her the morning of a delivery to make sure that she is ready for her delivery. I called her that morning and everything seemed fine. It turns out that the son and daughter-in-law decided to bring her home for the weekend, and had just dropped by to pick up the customer about 5 minutes after I made the delivery.

Anyway, after 3, I made the delivery to her son's house, which was about an hour out of town. Normally, I'd charge for a rush/out-of-town delivery for that length (and I'm still contemplating whether or not I should) to the pharmacy that I work for... but I feel bad about the thing and I don't know...

Thankfully, the son was understanding and he apologized for his wife's behavior.

Ugh... this was a terrible day. Was I at fault?
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Now I finally have something to contribute to this thread:

I have to deliver to a customer that lives in a retirement home. Her family just told me to take all of her deliveries to the retirement home instead of their house, which is the billing address on file. I've done this for a while.

Well, today I come to the retirement home and deliver the medication. I get a phone call an hour later from the customer's daughter-in-law. "Where's the medication?! It was supposed to be here by noon!" I calmly told her that I made the delivery to the retirement home as she requested, and as I have done without problems for over a month. "I never told you that! She lives here! Well, you need to get your worthless ass over here and deliver those medicines! But don't come until after 3 p.m. because I have to go run some errands!"

Here's the thing: the billing address on file is for the son and daughter-in-law's home... the phone number on file is for the lady's apartment in the retirement home. I always call her the morning of a delivery to make sure that she is ready for her delivery. I called her that morning and everything seemed fine. It turns out that the son and daughter-in-law decided to bring her home for the weekend, and had just dropped by to pick up the customer about 5 minutes after I made the delivery.

Anyway, after 3, I made the delivery to her son's house, which was about an hour out of town. Normally, I'd charge for a rush/out-of-town delivery for that length (and I'm still contemplating whether or not I should) to the pharmacy that I work for... but I feel bad about the thing and I don't know...

Thankfully, the son was understanding and he apologized for his wife's behavior.

Ugh... this was a terrible day. Was I at fault?[/QUOTE]

No, I wouldn't say you were at fault because you had no knowledge of your customer being somewhere else.

Anyway, my day was rather good, most of it was spent putting games away while watching the Simpsons. I also got a job for tommorrow, a lady came in and asked if I know anything about computers.

"Yes I do."
"Can you get rid of a virus?"

and she proceeded to ask. Well, the virus blocked her anti-virus, and while I was trying to remember what site that allows you to scan from their site, she said that Best Buy wanted to charge 100 for the virus removal and more to put on an anti-virus. Ouch, that's expensive. So I said "Hey, I'll do all of that for half the price." "Ok, I only have 40 bucks though." "That's fine, I can use whatever cash goes my way."

So I gave her my number and she is supposed to call me tommorrow. I'll get 40 bucks for about 30 minutes of work. :D

Also, I got the Simpsons season 4 for 12 bucks today.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Now I finally have something to contribute to this thread:

I have to deliver to a customer that lives in a retirement home. Her family just told me to take all of her deliveries to the retirement home instead of their house, which is the billing address on file. I've done this for a while.

Well, today I come to the retirement home and deliver the medication. I get a phone call an hour later from the customer's daughter-in-law. "Where's the medication?! It was supposed to be here by noon!" I calmly told her that I made the delivery to the retirement home as she requested, and as I have done without problems for over a month. "I never told you that! She lives here! Well, you need to get your worthless ass over here and deliver those medicines! But don't come until after 3 p.m. because I have to go run some errands!"

Here's the thing: the billing address on file is for the son and daughter-in-law's home... the phone number on file is for the lady's apartment in the retirement home. I always call her the morning of a delivery to make sure that she is ready for her delivery. I called her that morning and everything seemed fine. It turns out that the son and daughter-in-law decided to bring her home for the weekend, and had just dropped by to pick up the customer about 5 minutes after I made the delivery.

Anyway, after 3, I made the delivery to her son's house, which was about an hour out of town. Normally, I'd charge for a rush/out-of-town delivery for that length (and I'm still contemplating whether or not I should) to the pharmacy that I work for... but I feel bad about the thing and I don't know...

Thankfully, the son was understanding and he apologized for his wife's behavior.

Ugh... this was a terrible day. Was I at fault?[/QUOTE]

You were definitely not at fault. If there was a change made concerning the delivery but she (the in-law) didn't inform you in a timely manner then the responsibility is on her. If you had to do extra work due to her lack of communication then you are fully justified in charging any extra expense. Remember, that's your time and gas that was used up and that's worth something. You're a nice guy, Jack, don't let her take advantage of you.
[quote name='Kuros']

Anyway, my day was rather good, most of it was spent putting games away while watching the Simpsons. I also got a job for tommorrow, a lady came in and asked if I know anything about computers.

"Yes I do."
"Can you get rid of a virus?"

and she proceeded to ask. Well, the virus blocked her anti-virus, and while I was trying to remember what site that allows you to scan from their site, she said that Best Buy wanted to charge 100 for the virus removal and more to put on an anti-virus. Ouch, that's expensive. So I said "Hey, I'll do all of that for half the price." "Ok, I only have 40 bucks though." "That's fine, I can use whatever cash goes my way."

So I gave her my number and she is supposed to call me tommorrow. I'll get 40 bucks for about 30 minutes of work. :D

I think you are getting more than you are bargining for. If a person is gonna pay $100 for virus removal than you can assume its either a very bad virus, the person is paranoid/a safety freak or its something else other than a virus such as a crashed hard drive. Ever notice how everything that goes wrong in a copmputer will be called a virus by a person who is not computer literate.
Here's a great story.

I'm doing overtime work at the K-Mart, as a favor to my manager. I decide to go to the cafe to get a soda, and it smells HORRIBLE in the cafe. I ask the lady "what is that disgusting smell? Did something burn??" to which she tells me she was about to ask me the same thing.

I go to the front of my store to talk to my store manager, and it smells even worse up there. I ask him what happened, and I never expected this answer: "Well, an old guy shit all over our floors". I was kind of taken back, and I asked him "Are you sure?"

He told me an older guy, I guess just lost control of his bowels, and started shitting everywhere. I guess he didn't realize it, and kept walking around the store as he was taking a shit and leaving a giant trail behind him. Yea, it is the most disgusting story ever, second only to this one:

I heard of a story where a lady took a giant shit in the fitting room. She went in, was in there for about 5 minutes, came out returned her clothes and left. It smelled extremly horrible, and when the employee went to check the room out, there was crap everywhere. No one knows why the lady did this, espically since the bathrooms are right next to the fitting room.

Had a customer walk right by the giant "Herbie Fully Loaded" display the other day, stand RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT, and ask me why I have not yet stocked the movie, that it was 1 pm on a Tuesday and K-Mart is such a shitty store that we haven't gotten our releases. I told her the giant display was right behind her, that she walked by it twice, and our pharmacy dept. had a great deal on glasses for her.

I learned the best way to piss off an angry customer is to ignore her. A lady wanted an item, we were out of stock, she got the manager to lower the price on a different item, and she proceeded to bitch at me while I rang her out. "I bet you'll never get this item in" "I should have went to Wal-Mart" "This is my last trip to this store, I hope you go bankrupt again!!" I just rang her out as normal, helped another customer while she messed with her credit card (still ignored her vile comments) and calmly told her to have a nice day with a smile as she proceeded to bitch.

I had a lady ask me if we sell the cables to hook up systems. I figured out she needed A/V cables, because she won the system in an auction and it only had an RF adapter. She asked me if the kind we carry worked on all systems, I told her yes since it was universal, and she said "even Sega?" I said "Dreamcast? We have not carried those in a few years" and she said "no, older, the genisid i believe (not the way she said it)". She waited until the tail end of the conversation to tell me her system was over 10 years old, and still expected me to sell parts for it?
[quote name='Roufuss']Here's a great story.

I'm doing overtime work at the K-Mart, as a favor to my manager. I decide to go to the cafe to get a soda, and it smells HORRIBLE in the cafe. I ask the lady "what is that disgusting smell? Did something burn??" to which she tells me she was about to ask me the same thing.

I go to the front of my store to talk to my store manager, and it smells even worse up there. I ask him what happened, and I never expected this answer: "Well, an old guy shit all over our floors". I was kind of taken back, and I asked him "Are you sure?"

He told me an older guy, I guess just lost control of his bowels, and started shitting everywhere. I guess he didn't realize it, and kept walking around the store as he was taking a shit and leaving a giant trail behind him. Yea, it is the most disgusting story ever, second only to this one:

I heard of a story where a lady took a giant shit in the fitting room. She went in, was in there for about 5 minutes, came out returned her clothes and left. It smelled extremly horrible, and when the employee went to check the room out, there was crap everywhere. No one knows why the lady did this, espically since the bathrooms are right next to the fitting room.

The woman was just probably being a pig, or she may have been drunk? (The guy probably had no clue what he was doing, and sounds like he needs to get some diapers.) Public restrooms can be pretty nasty in general. The worst that I have seen lately was a nearby kmart where some woman managed to shit on the toilet tank and on the wall. The worst that I remember from working in fast food was someone shitting in the urinal near closing time (and a poor male coworker having to use a garbage bag as a toilet plunger once because the owner, despite owning 5 restuarants, was apparently too cheap to buy a real plunger for us).
[quote name='dtarasev']I think you are getting more than you are bargining for. If a person is gonna pay $100 for virus removal than you can assume its either a very bad virus, the person is paranoid/a safety freak or its something else other than a virus such as a crashed hard drive. Ever notice how everything that goes wrong in a copmputer will be called a virus by a person who is not computer literate.[/QUOTE]

When BEst Buy sees an old lady who is computer illiterate, they get money signs in the eyes. It probably isnt anything more than adware, lol.
[quote name='chaostic_2k1']Asian BBQ and Pet Store.... I would have had the wrongest idea ever...[/QUOTE]
yea, near where I live, they have an occasional barbecue in front of the animal clinic
You get recurrent people in retail. As previously stated I work at a craft store 2 people stand out in my mind....

There's this one lady that works at some Target in the area. This lady comes in at least
once or twice per week and buys an airfreshener. Ok....

Then there's this lady that works at JC penneys. She will come into our store and look for scrapbook stickers. Then if they're on sale, even more than the coupons, she will not buy it unless it's not on sale so she can use her coupons.

About the coupons, you should see how funny people are when something's on sale and they cant use the coupon.

Me: Sorry this is on sale so you cant use your coupon
Customer: Can I raise it to full price and then use my coupon?
Me: No I'm sorry we dont do that
Customer: This is bull----. I ll just go over to Target and buy it
Me: (smiling) have a nice day
[quote name='Venome227']About the coupons, you should see how funny people are when something's on sale and they cant use the coupon.

Me: Sorry this is on sale so you cant use your coupon
Customer: Can I raise it to full price and then use my coupon?
Me: No I'm sorry we dont do that
Customer: This is bull----. I ll just go over to Target and buy it
Me: (smiling) have a nice day[/QUOTE]

1 better- the people who think the coupon is good on the entire purchase. Cuz they never notice until AFTER they've paid and left the store. I got one of those yesterday. Came back in, insisted there was a problem with the coupon. I told them it only worked on one item (Now, I had a line at this point, remember that.) They wanted me to open my till, take out their coupon, and show them where it says it only works on one item. :roll: So I stop everything, get the coupon, and point out the BIG BLACK BOLD letters that read 'one regular priced item'.

I just know tomorrow's gonna such, cuz we put out our Vetern's Day ad today. Which includes a chunk only good on Friday/Saturday (for the actual holiday.) I know I will be arguing with people all week who ingored the 'big red Friday and Saturday ONLY' at the top, and will be angry to earn that no, they can't save 70 cents on their paper yet. Ugh...
[quote name='DuelLadyS']1 better- the people who think the coupon is good on the entire purchase. Cuz they never notice until AFTER they've paid and left the store. I got one of those yesterday. Came back in, insisted there was a problem with the coupon. I told them it only worked on one item (Now, I had a line at this point, remember that.) They wanted me to open my till, take out their coupon, and show them where it says it only works on one item. :roll: So I stop everything, get the coupon, and point out the BIG BLACK BOLD letters that read 'one regular priced item'.

I just know tomorrow's gonna such, cuz we put out our Vetern's Day ad today. Which includes a chunk only good on Friday/Saturday (for the actual holiday.) I know I will be arguing with people all week who ingored the 'big red Friday and Saturday ONLY' at the top, and will be angry to earn that no, they can't save 70 cents on their paper yet. Ugh...[/QUOTE]

My fave is the sales people who told me I could not combine the 20% one item and $10 gift card coupons. I went through the sales person at my register and the gal at the other register. Both were 100% sure that you could not combine the coupons. Then I mentioned the 'letter from the TRU President' that urged me to combine the 2 coupons - it was great. They felt like total dirt.
Here's a great one

Me: Electronics, how may I help you?
Customer: Um...yes... do you guys sell the internet here?
Me: Excuse me?
Customer: The internet, do you sell it, I need to find the internet.
Me: No, sorry the internet is not currently in stock *click*

I wish I was making this up, I really do.

Oh, can't forget the guy who asks me "How much is Xbox 360 gon' be?" I tell him $399. He goes "BULLSHIT" at the top of his lungs, and tells me he knows of a place on "the internet" where he can get the system, 5 games, and an extra controller for $399. I ask him "Are you sure it's the new system" and he goes "fo sho"... I wish I had a witty retory, but I was just so dumbfounded, I just told him "Well, enjoy that great deal that apparently only you know of". I love when people think they know which games / dvd's are the cheapest... I browse CAG EVERY DAY, fuck these people.

A lady called today, screaming into her phone, asking me "WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST POPULARS XBOX GAMES" (Note the word populars). I tell her that "Sorry ma'am, I don't really play games, I only know the new releases" to which she asks me "I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHAT GAMES WERE ON SALE". What the hell, ask that in the first place.

Why does every customer need to tell me their life story? Went to help a guy with microwaves, and he had to explain to me why it broke, how old it was, the thunderstorm that was going on while it broke, how his son once broke it, how the old one heating up their meals so well. Hey, i'm a busy person, shut up, let me help you. It's like, as soon as he found one he liked, and I was getting ready to walk away, he'd start talking AGAIN.
[quote name='Roufuss']
Had a customer walk right by the giant "Herbie Fully Loaded" display the other day, stand RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT, and ask me why I have not yet stocked the movie, that it was 1 pm on a Tuesday and K-Mart is such a shitty store that we haven't gotten our releases. I told her the giant display was right behind her, that she walked by it twice, and our pharmacy dept. had a great deal on glasses for her.

:lol: Nice one.
[quote name='Roufuss']Here's a great one

Me: Electronics, how may I help you?
Customer: Um...yes... do you guys sell the internet here?
Me: Excuse me?
Customer: The internet, do you sell it, I need to find the internet.
Me: No, sorry the internet is not currently in stock *click*

I wish I was making this up, I really do.[/QUOTE]Smells like a crank call to me
[quote name='gokou36']Ever thought that they could be diabetic?[/QUOTE]

I get that crap all the time. We're supposed to enforce a "no outside food" policy, and I have been yelled at for not doing so. We always get these assholes who come and give us their tickets and have a bag of like 20 different candies from Target, and so I tell them they can't go in.
Their excuse?
"I'm diabetic."
I absolutely love it when they say this, too. My reply most of the time is along the lines of "Well, you'll have a seizure if you eat all of that.", and I can look into their eyes and see something snapping in their brain when I say it, like a silent "Oh, shit".
And if it's not "I'm diabetic", it's "I'm not going to eat it".
We sell used games, DVDs, and CDs where I work. Today, a guy walked up to the register with a copy of Anger Management on DVD. We had a few copies, both fullscreen and widescreen, so I ask the man...

"Would you like the fullscreen or widescreen version?"
"Uhh... I dunno, what's the difference?"
"Well... one is fullscreen, and one is widescreen."
"... What's that mean?"
"With fullscreen, the picture the picture takes up all the space on your TV screen. Widescreen has--" (interrupted)
"Oh, yeah, I'll take the fullscreen."

Somebody should kill these people before they breed. I get people coming in all the time that pick fullscreen "because they don't want any of the image cut off", but this is the first one I've encountered that didn't know what either format was. Perhaps he's married to the woman that came in and didn't understand the term "resurface" when I told her that her disc was all scratched to hell. *sigh*
The customers that annoy me the most:

Customers that won't even bother to reply to a hello.

Seriously, fuck them. I hate customers that just ignore me when I'm trying to help them. I ask if they have any questions, they ignore me and then 5 minutes later interrupt me while I'm helping someone else asking a fucking stupid question, such as "How much is this?" when the price is on the damn box.
A couple days ago when I was working a guy comes up to the counter and pulls out his money and says " I'd like to get the new smackdown game please?"
I had a lady come in yesterday and ask for 3 1lb packages of ground beef. It was busy so I told her I'd do it this time but next time she should call ahead of time and order before she came in. Her reply was 'well how am I supposed to know when I'm coming here?'
She's not dumb. She's probably like me - stops whenever she has some free time. You never know ahead of time when that will be.
Me: Sorry this is on sale so you cant use your coupon
Customer: Can I raise it to full price and then use my coupon?
Me: No I'm sorry we dont do that
Customer: This is bull----. I ll just go over to Target and buy it
Me: (smiling) have a nice day

I usually raise the price to full & use the coupon (or tell the person behind the counter to do it). I got a lot of free games from Sears that way. Raise them to $5.00 & then used the $5.00 coupon.
As some others have stated, working a Movie Theatre can be a bit zany too.

- I was doing rounds as an usher, just checking on theatres and such. As I walk in to the hallway I notice like a big mass in the floor. I get a better angle, and see two people lying on the floor, dry humping. So...you'd assume when two teenagers are attempting to have sex in the middle of a theatre entrance they'd frighten away the moment someone walked up on them? Nope, they kept going after they saw me walk up, so I started to walkaway, but then spun around and walked right up and just looked down at them just a few feet away. Immediatly when I was that close, the guy & girl were both like WTF are we doing lol.

They got up and skidaddled RIGHT...back into the theatre and sat down to watch the film lol.

Happens pretty often, another time I was cleaning theatres in a group and I was walking into an empty theatre to clean, and looked clear, so had them flick on all the lights and at the very top some like middle school girl with her head down a few inches from the another kids pants while he had his hands in his pants, we had a good laugh while they stood outside waiting for his mom to pick him up. +1 for the Absitence crew.

On another occasion, where Customers seem to have no regards for employees OR other customers, (I was told this story, but a few other employees) they were working a Busy Friday night with a decent sized release, theatre fit around 300+ and nearly jam packed, they got some custom complaints about lewd conduct in the theatre (manager delegate this shit down), they walk in to find a guy "jackhammering the girl into the seat" she's exposed, everything can be just about seen, and they were in clear site of just about everyone (handicapped section that's infront of regular seats, I'm not sure WHY everyone just didnt walk out of the movie, but then again no one else was in their row, so I guess they could live with it...

Okay, enough with the sex stories.

This past summer, I was working Concessions and some stupid teenager fuck pulled the firealarm during Sunday Afternoon, for some weird reason all of our managers were conviently gone, and even our shift leaders were who the hell knows where, so employees are panicking since our awesome training has yet to kick in :p. and ....suddenly dozens and dozens of customers come up asking to get refunds. yes... at this point all we can hear is the fire alarm and the evacuation stuff, and for all we know there really could be a fire, and so as were turning everything off and literally guiding hundreds of customers out of the theatre we've got angry adults accosting us for refunds as the alarm is spewing. Great fun!

Made even better when people who tossed their food when the alarm kicked in, came back for refunds and our managers told us it would be silly to give them refunds (even with an empty product like drink or popcorn in hands). Not sure about you, but seems like a valid reason for a refund if your being hussled out of the theatres.

Best part is there were a few theatres were NO ONE EXITED for nearly ten minutes as the alarams sounded, because they werent sure if the "(booming voice) Please exit your theatre immediatly, via the exits. This is an emergency)" voice was part of the movie. A valid execuse, except some of the theatres were showing Madagascar...only reason I can think of is, no one was willing to be the first person to stand up and leave lol.

- Some kid came to see a movie and was wearing a backpack (packed bigtime), we cant allow people with backpacks in because of Videocameras and such, so the kid calls his mom whose outside waiting to verify that he can get in. She comes in and proceeds to bitch me out for a bit about how we're stupid not to let an innocent kid with a backpack into our theatre, more so because he has soccer practice later and his stuff is in the bag so when she picks him up they can go straight to the game.

Well why the fuck don't you just leave it in the car? It doesnt even make sense for the kid to carry it.

Finally conceeded and let the kid "lose" his backpack into lost and found. They come back later to retrieve it, and when the manager finds out about it I get in trouble since the kid "Could have had a Bomb". Yes, thats right, a bomb.

I had some great stories with a bit more zeal, but can't recall them off the top of my head. I've never been really accosted by any customers since I'm a BIG guy 6 '5" and the build to match, but I've still had the cocky customer situations.

Top 3 Bitching Topics:
- Movie Prices
- Food Prices
- Underage Kids trying to sneak into R-Movies.

Oh and one more stupid customer(s) thing, if your a punk and you and your punk friends want to do something destructive DONT go to a movie theatre, where cops are regularly on duty, and enter a movie and break seat after seat (pulling them apart, not sure how the heck), and then when a manager chases you around DONT run right smack dab into a cop. Cops dont like punks, and they dont like it when you run into them.

And to finish up, if you want to be a cool person and steal a big movie cutout, don't think I wont use it as an excuse to tackle your stupid ass. We actually do have to return some of that shit, and I'm not getting bitched at because you stole a life size picture of Tom Cruise, which will never see the light of day. If you ask for it, we'll sometimes gladly give it to you once it rotates out. But you take it and your fucked.


While working for Funwerks of Raleigh (Used to be like a putt-putt on steroids type of thing), I was operating some go-karts and had the hellish position of kid-track operator that night. A women came up with a kid in a wheelchair and pleaded with me to have her kid drive the track, under threat of calling management down. Now at most places I've worked I've had semi-competent managers, well in this particular place the owner had final say-so, and he was a jackass of the highest regard do anything for money (place went bankrupt, he was bleeding it dry), SO... she puts the kid in the gokart since she said his condition wouldnt affect him riding it, but I didnt want to lay a hand on the kid and get more involved thenI had to.

I buckle him in, and then as expected, the kid doesnt go anywhere because he has two bum legs. So he's sitting there and his mom is shouting at him to go, and he says he cant and starts to like"freeze up" and shake, and this continues for about ten minutes since his Mom is mad that she bought go-kart tickets that "dont work", and her Kid is frozen in place in the go-kart. I'm getting exteremely irratated now since, I cant even comprehend how a kid with non-functioning legs is expected to drive a go-kart SO... I push the kids legs back put my legs in drive a lap around the track pull in, and congratulate the kid on finishing the lap (Not sarcastically, because honestly it's not the kids fault that his moms a stupid bitch) and let him know it's fine now, and his mom is going to remove him from the go-kart so they can go do something else...................kid remains there.................You'd assume mom would come over and help remove him.....nope.....she's encouraging him to exit the go-kart, but not actually helping him. until finally she gets irratated with him and comes over, forcefully removes him, and puts him in the wheelchair.

Moment he's back in the chair, they are suddenly both extremely nice and appreciate for my help, so I sympathize with the situation and let her know that their are other things in the park that they can do as mother & son that don't involved the use of legs (Also wanted to confirm she wasnt a clueless caretaker or somethign), but they decline and leave the park.

One week later their back....rinse and repeat :p

Bearable though since, majority of my time at the job consisted of go-karting, sleeping, and dippin & dot eating.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']We sell used games, DVDs, and CDs where I work. Today, a guy walked up to the register with a copy of Anger Management on DVD. We had a few copies, both fullscreen and widescreen, so I ask the man...

"Would you like the fullscreen or widescreen version?"
"Uhh... I dunno, what's the difference?"
"Well... one is fullscreen, and one is widescreen."
"... What's that mean?"
"With fullscreen, the picture the picture takes up all the space on your TV screen. Widescreen has--" (interrupted)
"Oh, yeah, I'll take the fullscreen."

Somebody should kill these people before they breed. I get people coming in all the time that pick fullscreen "because they don't want any of the image cut off", but this is the first one I've encountered that didn't know what either format was. Perhaps he's married to the woman that came in and didn't understand the term "resurface" when I told her that her disc was all scratched to hell. *sigh*[/QUOTE]

Drives me fucking crazy! I do whatever I can to make sure people pick widescreen. I explain how widescreen is better, I printed out pictures from some Pro-Widescreen website, hell I even stick all the foolscreen in back and only stock widescreen :)

No matter how shitty a day I am having, if I can convert someone into understanding and accepting widescreen, then that can bring a smile to my face.
[quote name='Scahom1']Drives me fucking crazy! I do whatever I can to make sure people pick widescreen. I explain how widescreen is better, I printed out pictures from some Pro-Widescreen website, hell I even stick all the foolscreen in back and only stock widescreen :)

No matter how shitty a day I am having, if I can convert someone into understanding and accepting widescreen, then that can bring a smile to my face.[/QUOTE]

:applause:You are one excellent human being sir!
Ugh, these stories are making me dread going to work tomorrow. Anyway, I work in a hardware store. Small store, privately owned, and I do a little bit of everything. Some of my favorites:

(While ringing up a customer)
Me: Ok, your total is $10.80.
Him: Is that in U.S. dollars?

We had one guy come in one very bad morning, with a plastic tub filled with various electrical bits and pieces. Many of them were out of their packaging, and some weren't even ours in the first place. When I asked for a receipt, the asshat flings a stack of stapled-together receipts in my face, most of which were from last year. Now, we have a 30 day return policy, so I told him I couldn't take the return. He (of course; don't they always?) asked to see a manager, who came up and got into a shouting match with him because he just knew we should take this crap back. When he threatened to call corporate on us, we just laughed and told him that all Ace stores are privately owned. In other words, there is an Ace corporate, but they exert NO control over individual stores. Then he wanted to talk to our owner, who was out of town on a tradeshow, as was our other manager. The yelling at this point was scaring all the other customers. He finally stormed out, saying that we hadn't finished with him yet. It's been at least a month, and I haven't seen him since.

Other miscellaneous things:

We don't keep backstock at this store. We just don't. I can understand a customer asking if we do once, but when you keep coming back to it and asking, over and over again, I just want to ask you if you expect me to just crap it out or what. Really, what is so hard to understand about 'not in stock'?

Our owner believes that Hawaiian shirts are festive (God help him), so our uniform is a store-provided Hawaiian shirt, jeans, and a big freaking radio that we all carry since the store has no intercom system. And people will still insist on wandering up to us and asking if we work here? No, I just daydream about working here, so I like to dress up like the employees. And if I hear one more person come in saying 'Must be Hawaiian shirt day! Haw Haw Haw!,' I'll be sick. Really.

I'll try to think up more later to share. Great thread!
I must have gotten at least 100 calls today asking about the 360 launch. Almost everyone was asking whether we would carry it tomorrow for non-preorders and I almost laughed in their faces. This one particular bitch (who didn't really speak english) got on my nerves today:

Me: greeting, blah blah blah...
Bitch: Hi, how much your used cube of games?
Me: What?
Bitch: I SAID, how much your used cube of games?
Me: Err...gamecube?
Bitch: YES (in a very angry tone)
Me: $69.99
Bitch: Who hire you dumb? I can't hear
Me: $70!!!!!!
Bitch: How much if I sell?
Me: $25
Bitch: That almost 400% profit! You take money!
Me: Err...I don't set the prices ma'am.
Bitch: You take money from people who work hard! You sit and answer phone and take money!
Me: Have a nice day.

Later after we closed...
Me: [goes through greeting]
Bitch: How much new Playstation tomorrow?
Me: You mean the XBOX 360?
Bitch: YES
Me: $400
Bitch: Too much! Other places more cheap
Me: It's the retail price, every place sells it at the same price.
Bitch: You lie. When you sell?
Me: If you dont have a preorder, then we don't have any extra systems tomorrow.
a couple of "what???"'s later...
Bitch: What "preorder"? I go buy eBay. Cheaper and no lie.
Me: Actually, it's going to be more expensive on eBay since everyone is sold out
after a few more "what???"'s...
Bitch: When you sell again?
Me: Probably after Christmas
Bitch: How I know you sell again?
Me: Give us a call
Bitch: I have no time! You call me!
Me: Sorry, I can't really do that
Bitch: You call me! Your job!
Me: No ma'am. Have a nice day.
Bitch: I get cheap on eBay

Okay, so I might have exaggerated how bad she was at English but I was seriously gonna strangle someone, lol.
[quote name='Scahom1']Drives me fucking crazy! I do whatever I can to make sure people pick widescreen. I explain how widescreen is better.[/QUOTE]

Ya know... maybe some people just don't care about losing the sides of the screen. Who are we to tell them they are wrong?

If I was selling tvs or videos, I'd cut out a piece of cardboard shaped like a movie (wide) and hold it over the TV. "You see how you lose the sides of the picture?" But if they still say they prefer fullscreen, then I'm not going to call them stupid. That's just rude.

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