Enlist in the Wombat Liberation Army! *** UPDATED 10-NOV-2006 ***

[quote name='Tiphireth']Nice job, comrades. This thread is officially the best of the OT. The battle has been won, but the war still rages.

(vote down the Cheapy thread all sneaky-like)[/QUOTE]

The Cheapy thread has already fallen to page 2. Wouldn't voting it down kinda be like rubbing it in?

Ah hell, what I am I thinking.

If I get time (and that's a big if considering my current situation), maybe I'll make a mini-comic.

For added fun, I'll do it in the same manner as my first picture - no real pre planning, all in scribbly Sharpie pen. :)

VIVA. *hits chest, extends hand frontward*
[quote name='Maklershed']Here ya guys go .. not great but it gets the job done:


Hate to be picky, but I like moving flames.
[quote name='Strell']If I get time (and that's a big if considering my current situation), maybe I'll make a mini-comic.

For added fun, I'll do it in the same manner as my first picture - no real pre planning, all in scribbly Sharpie pen. :)

VIVA. *hits chest, extends hand frontward*[/QUOTE]

Please do, I've made the 1st sketch my wallpaper.
really this is great everyone, thanks.

I mean, VIVA LA WLA!!!!
Comrades! The OP has been updated with a WLA Wall Of Heroes, dedicated to those brave soldiers who provided their talents to the establishment of the WLA and to their fellow soldiers in need of bandanas for their avatars! Cheers to you all!

Viva le Wombat!

BTW, Strell, a WLA comic would be *awesome*!
[quote name='spamfree2']

Here's the easier one.... *Yawn* gotta get back to work before the boss gets back...[/quote]

hahaha! that's awesome--thanks!
Zounds, they've sabotaged our rating and are trying to improve their's! ATTACK, COMRADES, ATTACK. Diminish their weak thread rating and restore our's proper!

Here, have a flag to fly as you go on your mission. I made it myself in MSPaint all quick like.

[quote name='Tiphireth']Zounds, they've sabotaged our rating and are trying to improve their's! ATTACK, COMRADES, ATTACK. Diminish their weak thread rating and restore our's proper!

Here, have a flag to fly as you go on your mission. I made it myself in MSPaint all quick like.


They're main base of Operation has became a OTT, they have no members joining, and they talking about stuff from Tony Hawk to jimmiemac. We have won a small battle.

It is the vision of all WLA members! ( All the peasants in the background are wearing masks... you just can't tell from the lo-res. ;) )

Thanks to Graystone for the inspiration. :lol:
[quote name='Tiphireth']It is the vision of all WLA members!:[/QUOTE]

Okay, that one really had me laughing!! But let's not lose sight of the fact that we're not here necessarily to beat up CheapyD. The primary aim of the WLA is to give a big pop to Wombat who is one of the most consistently hilarious guys I've ever known. And in doing so, I'd like to think that we're forming a tighter CAG community and solidifying the CAG boards as some of the best around.

Again, I wanna say that I've had an absolute ball doing this, and really, really appreciate everybody's creativity and energy!
[quote name='Scobie']But let's not lose sight of the fact that we're not here necessarily to beat up CheapyD. The primary aim of the WLA is to give a big pop to Wombat who is one of the most consistently hilarious guys I've ever known. And in doing so, I'd like to think that we're forming a tighter CAG community and solidifying the CAG boards as some of the best around.[/QUOTE]

That's what I thought this was for, not to attack CheapyD in any way. I guess some people just had to ruin it and take things too far.
[quote name='Scobie']Okay, that one really had me laughing!! But let's not lose sight of the fact that we're not here necessarily to beat up CheapyD.[/quote]
Exactly. Cheapy's a totally cool guy, and obviously without him, CAG wouldn't be here. Having been a fan of Wombat since the first time i listened to the CAGCast (I believe it was the fourth one?), and feeling he doesn't get the, er, props he deserves is why I joined. The pictures are just in jest, sort of a metaphor for Wombat taking the limelight, I suppose. Although it was fun to do, the last picture was a little too far. I'd never advocate really overthrowing Cheapy.

Plus I love how Wombat laughs. Even if I didn't find whatever joke funny, he still gets me to chuckle. :oops:
[quote name='Tiphireth']Exactly. Cheapy's a totally cool guy, and obviously without him, CAG wouldn't be here. Having been a fan of Wombat since the first time i listened to the CAGCast (I believe it was the fourth one?), and feeling he doesn't get the, er, props he deserves is why I joined. The pictures are just in jest, sort of a metaphor for Wombat taking the limelight, I suppose. Although it was fun to do, the last picture was a little too far. I'd never advocate really overthrowing Cheapy.

Plus I love how Wombat laughs. Even if I didn't find whatever joke funny, he still gets me to chuckle. :oops:[/QUOTE]

Right on, bro! Now, onward with more WLA hilarity! (And, Wombat-willing, there *will* be more to come this week!)
That's fantastic, Strell! I'm glad you're on our side! No way in hell we could hope to win the war if you weren't! :D
[quote name='Strell']Like I said, I might mini-comic it up here soon.

And I've got some photoshopping ideas in the works...[/quote]

Woot. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
[quote name='Strell']Like I said, I might mini-comic it up here soon.

And I've got some photoshopping ideas in the works...[/QUOTE]
Wow, I'm staying up for this one :lol:
[quote name='SMMM']The Kyo side-fire in my sig didn't turn out as clean as I wanted it. Anyone think they can make a cleaner one for me, por favor?


Considering I'm absolutely brand new to photoshop, and the Cosby bandito gif was my first creation in it, I was surprised how well this came out:

talk about ego boosting material. Wait till you hit mid-life. you wish you were back doing this.

glad to see some sort of thing move cags to change things up, though I don't know what I mean by that... and by no means will I join this. I'm still strapped for the "non-dropped balls" manifesto.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']
glad to see some sort of thing move cags to change things up, though I don't know what I mean by that... [/QUOTE]

That's okay, none of us do either. ;)
[quote name='captainfrizo']That's okay, none of us do either. ;)[/QUOTE]

yep, I'm not really even sure what a machine gun looks like. :) (especially after 15 years of gaming) :D
[quote name='Strell']Mini comic initiatlizing in 3...2....


(The text could be a little better.)[/quote]

Awesome, very nice job Strell. :applause:

Lets see some more. ;)
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']I think this is all a viral stunt by Wombat and Cheapy to raise CAGCAST awareness.[/QUOTE]

...or pure evil:


PICTURED: Wombat and CheapyD in 30 years.

(note, I'm republican, but don't give a crap about bad steak)
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']I think this is all a viral stunt by Wombat and Cheapy to raise CAGCAST awareness.[/QUOTE]

Nope Scobie started this Army
I hope this is still all in fun and good humor--sounds like some folks are trying to make this out to be more than what it is.
Random and off topic, Strell: Have you read mouse gaurd? If not check it out... It looks just like what you did for your comic...

Anyways carry on WLA....carry on
As a Guardian of Peace, and a neutral party as evidenced by my non-bandana'd/non-bald avatar, I must insist that Diplomatic Negotiations take place immediately!!

P.S. I've read both fourm topics, and they're hysterical! Keep up the good work!
So I was walking down a dark alley, and I saw someone in the distance. I wasn't sure who it was, because he was masked, but he sure looked familiar. I took a quick pic to see if anyone else here can identify him.

[quote name='Lice']Random and off topic, Strell: Have you read mouse gaurd? If not check it out... It looks just like what you did for your comic...

Nope. I'm not much on the comic scene.

I did google around for this and I do like the art style. It has a very vintage look to it, with strong lines, dark backgrounds, and vibrant foregrounds.

(OT: Is this in the same vein as Watership Down/Redwall? I am only vaguely familiar with those, and I dunno if all these medieval anthropromorphic comics are interwoven or not. I'll google some info on a possible correlation.)

Anyway, today I will be quite busy, and probably won't really return until tomorrow night or so. I'll try to make some more things by then.
bread's done