Epic Mickey - $10 bonus credit @ Amazon - November 30th, 2010

I'm torn on this...it's Warren Specter, so I'd like to get the collector's edition, except the regular one has deals with it...and more to the point, I don't want to buy this and then find out it's hitting current gen hardware next year or something :whistle2:/
[quote name='Achilles00']

Interestingly, Amazon does not offer the $10 gaming credit for this edition. [/QUOTE]
I always wondered the same thing. It makes ZERO sense. I remember when I ordered the GoW3 Ultimate Edition I didn't get any credit but people that ordered the regular $60 game did. Dumb.
[quote name='ravens52bears54']I always wondered the same thing. It makes ZERO sense. I remember when I ordered the GoW3 Ultimate Edition I didn't get any credit but people that ordered the regular $60 game did. Dumb.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it makes lots of sense. You paid $100 for the Ultimate Edition because you were afraid that it would sell out or become impossible to get if you didn't buy it at release. Similarly, there is a significantly lower chance that you will buy a collector's edition used, so they know if you want a collector's edition, you're willing to pay full price for it. There is literally no reason to give you an additional financial incentive. Regular editions on the other hand are plentiful and a lot of consumers will wait until the price drops or the game goes on sale somewhere, so the credit gives them motivation to buy now rather than wait.
[quote name='crodz']we seriously need a fucking forum called
"video games announcements and releases"

or make a damn single thread that will hold all these msrp "deals" on the sticky section so we stop this bullshit

that way, i can either ignore the failures of ces that are just coming out or praise a single developer who actually did it right.[/quote]

[quote name='cRodz']we seriously need a fucking forum called
"Video Games Announcements and Releases"

or make a damn single thread that will hold all these MSRP "deals" on the sticky section so we stop this bullshit

that way, i can either ignore the failures of CEs that are just coming out or praise a single developer who actually did it right.[/QUOTE]
For an example of a collector's edition announcement done right, see exhibit A. I know, I know; hold your applause, please.
[quote name='Achilles00']
If you feel like flaming because this isn't a deal, please just pass and let the thread die. I just wanted to give a heads up to those who might be interested.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='the_legend_of_drtre']That's not on sale brah.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='the_legend_of_drtre']That's not on sale brah.[/QUOTE]

I think it's funny that people ALWAYS flame announcement threads. I like them. Sometimes I miss hearing about certain CE's and whatnot and I like to see them. The flamers would be better off just not saying anything because the thread would die faster. Of all the people who posted here, like half or more were flames (thus bumping the thread even more).

Quit whining and posts like this will die off like they should.

As far as this CE goes. Meh... I like that nunchuck tho, it's awesome. The Tron CE is WAY cooler, but WAY too expensive. I'd rather just get the CoD Prestige Edition.
[quote name='Achilles00']:shame:[/QUOTE]
Then next time put this where it belongs: in the Wii forums. I have those blocked on my searches because I don't give a shit about Wii games.
[quote name='Jodou']Then next time put this where it belongs: in the Wii forums. I have those blocked on my searches because I don't give a shit about Wii games.[/QUOTE]

I bet the figure is this line of toys that's all the rage (at least I found out on my week long trip to disney two weeks ago) called Vinylmation or something like that..basically, every figure is a Mickey Mouse figure and it can have all different kinds of designs and artwork on it, there are also "mystery" ones. Some are even blank that you can decorate yourself..lame.
For the price, I was pretty disappointed with the Epic Disney and the Tron CEs. As a rule, I like game and anime figures, so I'm all for game CE's or LE's to include a figure. But Mickey is so dang common, so for a little Mickey figure to be the highlight of a collectors edition is lame in my opinion.
[quote name='Jodou']Then next time put this where it belongs: in the Wii forums. I have those blocked on my searches because I don't give a shit about Wii games.[/QUOTE]

If you feel like flaming because this isn't a deal, please just pass and let the thread die. I just wanted to give a heads up to those who might be interested.

[quote name='Jodou']Then next time put this where it belongs: in the Wii forums. I have those blocked on my searches because I don't give a shit about Wii games.[/QUOTE]

n00b gamer is n00b...

Let me guess: You are younger than 20 years old, student, live with your parents and your first gaming experience was with the Playstation brand, right?

Typical newbie behavior...
[quote name='cRodz']we seriously need a fucking forum called
"Video Games Announcements and Releases"

or make a damn single thread that will hold all these MSRP "deals" on the sticky section so we stop this bullshit

that way, i can either ignore the failures of CEs that are just coming out or praise a single developer who actually did it right.[/QUOTE]

So much this. This MSRP crap in the deals section is getting really fucking annoying.
I cannot explain it to anyone way I want to get this game. Most everyone I've talked to though agrees with me: they can't say why they want this game, but they do. One person said it was the little kid in me wanting the game.
That said, it does look pretty sweet, and I would love to pick this up (not the CE though, too expensive for me). I'll probably end up getting it from Amazon and use my $20 credit from Other M.

Unfortunately for me this year, Nintendo's line-up is looking kick ass. I love that, but my wallet won't.
I put a pre-order down for it, but granted for the regular version. I rather have $10 off a future game in Amazon then a toy figure I'll never use lol :p

With that said, I do look forward to the game! That and DKC: Returns (And Call of Duty...and maybe Goldeneye, potentially anything else...) is going to take up my time in November. :D

so this was also shown at Pax but
I haven't seen any pre-order news about it.
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Yeah, the paintbrush has been up for a while. I really want the Wii Remote holder though. Hopefully that wasn't abandoned.
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[quote name='Corvin']Huh. I had no idea it was a charging station. I thought it was just a statuette that held your wiimote.[/QUOTE]
Same here.

Haven't seen it either. I've already got a charging station though so I probably wouldn't get it anyway.
[quote name='Altanis']Same here.

Haven't seen it either. I've already got a charging station though so I probably wouldn't get it anyway.[/QUOTE]

Pretty cool though; that should be in the LE if they really want to do Epic.
It's really cool, yeah. I wonder why the collector's edition of the game is so bland. They see what others release in their CEs. Then they go out and give us... Wii Skins! Alright!

Played for a couple hours. This is the best looking Wii game I've ever played, I usually think Wii games look like crap on my 40 inch Samsung so this really impressed me. It feels like a less platformy version of Mario Sunshine with paint instead of water. The game is fun but the pacing is bad. The game is constantly stopping to tell you something or point out the obvious so the game play is always interrupted. I don't know if its for loading or if its cause this is aimed for all ages, but its like every doorway the game would stop to tell me to do that same thing I just did.

My other complaint is that the spaces are so small and confining so far, which combined with the crappy camera makes it frustrating. Hopefully the spaces open up more soon. I'll put it more time because I'm enjoying it regardless of my complaints. The cutscenes look great too, shame they didn't record voice overs for them.
The camera is horrid! So far the game is nice to look at and pretty fun but CouRageouS is right it's annoying to take a few steps and be interrupted.
I'm interested in this game and, in fact, had a pre-order from gamestop for a long while, with the something or other % off coupon that once worked, but I canceled it in spite of that because I just wasn't sure, and because every time I pre-order a game it ends up sitting for so long that it would have been cheaper to wait until I was ready to play it anyway - so trying to break that cycle...). Your comments make me further unsure. I hope that Red Box finally brings game rentals to my area. This seems like an obvious candidate for being available from rental from one. Then could try before buying. Damn you Red Box!
Tried as a rental from Blockbuster. I was pleasantly surprised. The camera is just as bad as others have described it, but the graphics and atmosphere are nice.
Not being a Wii hater, since I own all systems, but I'd love to see what they could've done on the ps3 with the move controller (added voices, and slap a nicer coat of paint...)

I'd say, if you can find it for $30.00, go for it.
Guess I'll post here instead of a new thread, since it's sort of about the game itself...

What do you guys think...do I keep playing? I just started tonight, and...I don't know, I'm not feeling it.

I LOVE Deus Ex, I like Mickey, I like 3D platformers okay, but this is just kind of "meh" so far for me.

The graphics are awful-just pointlessly dark and murky, with a lame run down theme park theme. Not only do the 3D Mario games on Gamecube/Wii look way better, so does Sonic 1 and Castle of Illusion (and Kingdom Hearts 2, and...) on the Genesis.

So far I don't see anything real to the morality system. The paint mechanic was done better on Super Mario Sunshine (which has better controls...and graphics...too).

I'm not actually having FUN with it, and (for example) I had a BLAST with Super Mario Sunshine, and also The Munchables, and Rabbids Go Home right away...this is ugly, the basic gameplay isn't doing anything for me so far...

I don't know...do keep at it? This is one of those weird things where I don't hate it, but nothing is making me care about it, and I just enter a level glad to see it end, and go through the next lame level, glad to see it end too...

Yeah, sleepy Ryan:


"Epic Mickey's brief moments of cleverness and knowing affection for obscure Disneyana are mired by clunky, perfunctory platforming and a general lack of followthrough."

That PERFECTLY describes what I'm feeling about it so far just a couple hours in....and having to REPLAY parts of this? Do fetch quests? That would make it more yucky still.

I'm tipping towards just quitting...what do you guys think?

AND WHERE THE FRAK are all my high end Rare platformers!?! Hello? Microsoft? Did you guy Rare just to snuff them out? I couldn't even finish either Banjo game, but I at least had fun while I was trying. Starfox Adventures remains my favorite Rare game :whistle2:/
Beat the first boss (that clock), but...

It's my understanding you're really supposed to beat them with paint instead of thinner...but how do you do that? Paint didn't seem to have any effect on him?
I've had the above ^ experience with a lot of parts of the game so far. Beat Cyber Pete the "good" way because it was obvious how, but like I just spent an HOUR or two trying to find these stupid flowers to give to this pirate so he could give them to this cow he likes. Well, could not find them ANYWHERE in either place they were supposed to be-spent at least an hour talking to everyone, doing everything. Finally gave up and just bought ice cream, which killed that quest and let me just buy the stupid thing I needed from the pirate for 50 tickets, which let me continue on.

Still playing at any rate, but it's still not blowing me away, that's for sure. Not awful either though.
As per my other thread, I guess I'm quitting. I've never really had FUN per se with it, it's just sort of been "okay" at best (and seemingly I should be an ideal target market, enjoying every piece that makes this game up).

I'm probably mostly through the game, but can't find any faqs for getting through this stupid "turn the gear" puzzle in the haunted mansion. I guess I could keep screwing with it, but I'm not really having FUN fun with it even when it's going smoothly, and I have WELL IN EXCESS OF 100 GAMES TO PLAY :lol:

I think my review of this would mirror Ryan Davis' 2/5 stars. I didn't particularly like it, but didn't hate it either.

* Art Design is amazing
* Writing and plot = worthwhile / interesting / understated
* Some of the level designs* are absolutely ingenious - esp. with the paint/thinner mechanic.
* Sense of history - as someone who owns most or all of the Oswald and Mickey short films, seeing these films "in action" via the portals is nothing short of a gift. Despite their simplicity, I don't ever get sick of traversing the portals. This was worth the price of admission alone for me, actually.
* The musical score is really, really good. The main tune from Ventureland is particularly noteworthy. Good stuff here.


* Horrible, broken camera in most of the smaller areas
* Cramped levels / routes that make the camera even worse - it's not always clear what terrain is supposed to be traversed or ignored until you fall to your death
* Ridiculously dark levels (even with brightness up)
* Stiff, unresponsive menu and dialogue system (dialogue interrupts gameplay often) - IMO, a fluid, responsive user interface is just as important as a fluid, responsive main character. And from the title screen you can tell that traversing the menus feels slow and unresponsive.
* The game is a bit buggy. A few music bugs (two soundtracks playing at the same time) and I encountered a crash bug very early in the game that forced me to reset my system. Thankfully that was the only time.
* Moving the pointer around the screen feels slow and stiff. It should be smoother, like the pointer in Super Mario Galaxy.

I'm going to finish this game, and the rewards are outweighing the many flaws for me. Still, unless you're an old-time Disney aficionado like me, you might have trouble sticking with it.

Definitely a missed opportunity.
Okay, so I had finally started playing this (along with a friend), and we're pretty far in (I think).

What everyone says is true. The camera is HORRIBLE. It's god awful. I can deal with bad camerawork, but this takes the cake. The game itself was pretty good, but the damned camera ruined it.

Epic Mickey was supposed to be a Wii GOTY challenger. IMO, it's the biggest 2010 disappointment on the Wii.
I'm not saying the game is bad. I have gotten used to the camera. I just think that it was a huge design flaw, and from what I understand, everyone at E3 said they needed to fix the camera before release.

But apparently Disney knows better :roll:.
I think much of the disappointment here comes from the high expectation that came from this being a Disney title. Put that on a platform with a lot of strong platformers and it has a lot to live up to.

While I agree it falls short in some areas, I don't think any of them are gamebreakers, IMO. They do knock down what could have been a great game into one that is probably on the level of "OK". If you are a big Disney fan and like all the references that are stuck throughout the game, you are going to get more out of the game than someone who is just looking for a good game. For the latter, you will get more reward out of playing SMG.
I'm really glad I decided to get rid of my (discounted) pre-order for this game. I hate fighting the camera in 3D games. It's no fun at all. I might try this if I can pick it up really cheap, but I can do without that.
[quote name='TheLongshot']I think much of the disappointment here comes from the high expectation that came from this being a Disney title.[/quote]

That doesn't do anything for me since most of Disney's games are pretty terrible (although they're trying to change that). What blows me away is that this is Warren Spector. He seemed really defensive about it in Game Informer...and it's like dude, your game sucks.

If you are a big Disney fan and like all the references that are stuck throughout the game, you are going to get more out of the game than someone who is just looking for a good game. For the latter, you will get more reward out of playing SMG.

You'll get far more out of a competent game either way.

And I don't know about the Disney fan thing. MAYBE if you have knowledge of all these obscure 20s, 30s type Disney shorts? I don't have that much knowledge about them so I can't judge.

But that's not what you think when you think "Disney Fan". Disney fans are going to get a lot out of Kingdom hearts, where you've got stuff the average person has actually seen, from 40's stuff clear through to stuff from the past decade or two. On top of that Kingdom Hearts looks and sounds great, with all the voice actors they could get.

This has basically no voice acting, and if the graphics look like anything, they sure don't look like anything from the 40's on, and are horrible judged on their own merrits.

In fact for that matter, Kingdom Hearts 2 had this awesome sequence from like Steamboat Willie type era, and IT was awesome and looked awesome...

So...MAYBE Epic Mickey is cool for some VERY specific fans of Disney, but for most it's just entirely generic.

[quote name='Altanis']What everyone says is true. The camera is HORRIBLE. It's god awful. I can deal with bad camerawork, but this takes the cake. The game itself was pretty good, but the damned camera ruined it. [/quote]

I actually wasn't that annoyed by the camera...I though that was about the least of the game's problems.

Epic Mickey was supposed to be a Wii GOTY challenger. IMO, it's the biggest 2010 disappointment on the Wii.

Biggest disappointment of the year period IMO.

[quote name='bluesyncopate']Plusses:

* Art Design is amazing[/quote]

I think it's awful. It's dark, murky, doesn't look like anything, has this lame "theme park" vibe to it, etc.

* Some of the level designs* are absolutely ingenious - esp. with the paint/thinner mechanic.

Mario Sunshine did more and better with this IMO, and I'm sure I've seen something similar to it before, though I can't place where (sort of De Blob, but I know there's more than that too). I don't remember seeing ANYTHING interesting with that mechanic in Epic Mickey, as far as I got. And the control for it was super frustrating, far more so than the camera IMO. Just moving around in this game sucked.

Also nothing's saved when you exit an area and come back, making it feel even more pointless.

* The musical score is really, really good. The main tune from Ventureland is particularly noteworthy. Good stuff here.

I barely remember the music, and wasn't impressed by any of it.
[quote name='TheLongshot']I think much of the disappointment here comes from the high expectation that came from this being a Disney title. Put that on a platform with a lot of strong platformers and it has a lot to live up to.[/QUOTE]
Not at all. The high expectations really were from the fact that on the shrinkwrap of the game was a sticker that claimed that it was deemed the GOTY for Wii at E3, yet it can't compete at all with Nintendo's top 3 releases of the year- SMG2, K:EY, and DKC:R.

I have pretty low expectations of every game. It's a psychological thing, so that I can end up feeling great about 90% (at least) of the games I play. Yet even with expectations of the camera being complete shit, I was still disappointed.
bread's done