Everything and Nothing All OTT Once

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Yeah I know I'm pretty sad.
I mean I asked my ex out on a date and he said he's not ready yet. Not Jonathan, the other one.

I told him I wouldn't be waiting forever and then he told me maybe I should go out on dates with other people and see if that made him jealous. Yeah, that makes me feel real good.
[quote name='strummerbs']You know, at the end of the day, it will be better to just show up with the hickeys, tell their parents they are together, and be done with it, then try to obviously hide it with make-up, turtlenecks or whatever, and then have to suffer both telling their parents they are together along with ridicule for pathetically trying to hide it.[/QUOTE]
I just totally wanted to put makeup on him. They are just going without covering it up.
[quote name='Brak']I actually did find out that he was... so, yeah.

... let me just put these shades on real quick...


I guess you could say that.[/QUOTE]

God, thats so noir
[quote name='strummerbs']I'm in Ohio, Cleveland area. Moved here in June for my new job, but I haven't been able to actually practice law, because I haven't taken the bar yet, and I was too late to take the July one. They only offer it twice a year.[/QUOTE]

Ooooooooh yeah. I forgot 'cause you haven't been posting much recently.
Whoa. I haven't thought of that commercial in years.

I'm too afraid to wear my Ray-Bans.
[quote name='senorwoohoo']Can I assume that I should check them out since I've always been infatuated with Nina?[/QUOTE]

The first album was kind of an indie-pop / alt-country infusion. If that sounds interesting to you, check it out.
[quote name='Brak']Definitely.

The first album was kind of an indie-pop / alt-country infusion. If that sounds interesting to you, check it out.[/QUOTE]

Definitely interested. I'll be adding it to my list for sure.
DarthPuma, who is Chippendale?


Like the male stripper place.

It was the name of me and my friends joke band poking fun at the local indie kids.

Well, I should say attempt at a joke. We got lazy and didn't follow through with it.
I had the most rediculous dream last night. It might have been all the vodka, maybe.

It was my first day back at school. I think it was my freshmen year of college. When I dream about college, it's usually a very colossal place. It's alot more vertical and less horizontal. I remember there was one way of getting upstairs, and that was via a black, wet (it was wet from some dudes in letterman jackets spraying water on it. I suspect it would be so freshmen would trip and be subject to ridicule, and sequentially death.) balance beam to get to the stairs. Once up the stairs, it looked as if I was in a library. This library in particular is a reoccurring theme in my dreams. It's where I end up when I'm completely lost. During this time there was a surgery going on in the library, so the surgeon escorted me out. Outside the library I met with a girl. I have no idea who she was, and I don't think I've ever met anyone that resembled her. She was thin, had black hair and had a very earthy voice. Earthy as in soothing, but could absolutely be very menacing. I told her what class I was looking for (it was a PE class) and she said she knew where it was. She repeated everything aloud and with such authority that I had to believe her.
Anyway, somehow we end up outside and we start walking towards something, I couldn't see at the time. She was walking right besides me, and I could feel some sort of sexual tension between us. Anyway, I could see her staring at me, but suddenly we were confronted with some sort of hedge, and there was a gigantic flaming skull telling me to leave. He was alongside other celestial monstrosities. I assumed all of this was standard procedure, so I walk passed it and told it I was going to my PE class. At this point is where a behemoth emerged (I don't recall what it looked like) and told me to leave. He then proceeded to throwing me, and took me through various dimensions. Usually you would stop and appreciate another dimension, but I was actually falling through them in about 2 second intervals. This went on for quite awhile, and I stopped looking at the situation as me going through several dimensions, and more like some sort of grand light show. I could tell when it was going to stop, because the colors became colder colors.
Then I ended up hitting some sort of ground and woke up.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']I had the most rediculous dream last night. It might have been all the vodka, maybe.

It was my first day back at school. I think it was my freshmen year of college. When I dream about college, it's usually a very colossal place. It's alot more vertical and less horizontal. I remember there was one way of getting upstairs, and that was via a black, wet (it was wet from some dudes in letterman jackets spraying water on it. I suspect it would be so freshmen would trip and be subject to ridicule, and sequentially death.) balance beam to get to the stairs. Once up the stairs, it looked as if I was in a library. This library in particular is a reoccurring theme in my dreams. It's where I end up when I'm completely lost. During this time there was a surgery going on in the library, so the surgeon escorted me out. Outside the library I met with a girl. I have no idea who she was, and I don't think I've ever met anyone that resembled her. She was thin, had black hair and had a very earthy voice. Earthy as in soothing, but could absolutely be very menacing. I told her what class I was looking for (it was a PE class) and she said she knew where it was. She repeated everything aloud and with such authority that I had to believe her.
Anyway, somehow we end up outside and we start walking towards something, I couldn't see at the time. She was walking right besides me, and I could feel some sort of sexual tension between us. Anyway, I could see her staring at me, but suddenly we were confronted with some sort of hedge, and there was a gigantic flaming skull telling me to leave. He was alongside other celestial monstrosities. I assumed all of this was standard procedure, so I walk passed it and told it I was going to my PE class. At this point is where a behemoth emerged (I don't recall what it looked like) and told me to leave. He then proceeded to throwing me, and took me through various dimensions. Usually you would stop and appreciate another dimension, but I was actually falling through them in about 2 second intervals. This went on for quite awhile, and I stopped looking at the situation as me going through several dimensions, and more like some sort of grand light show. I could tell when it was going to stop, because the colors became colder colors.
Then I ended up hitting some sort of ground and woke up.

No way. I had a dream about college too. My room mate was bald in my dream, which was kind of weird. Don't remember much else.
[quote name='Rocko']DarthPuma, who is Chippendale?


One of them is Chip, the other is Dale. No idea which is which.

Why does everyone have Maks avatar?
Because I was doing it to other people yesterday. :oops:

Interesting. My dad just finished watching Run, Lola, Run and says its awesome and I have to watch it right away. High praise from a person who is more ADD with movies then me.
I legit think it did. The seat belt hurt my insides, and I've had diarrhea ever since. :[
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