Everything and Nothing All OTT Once

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DarthPuma, does the documentary make sense in your inebriated state?

[quote name='Wolve11']wow that's a lot of guides....GS near me never has older guides anyway...
I'd be mainly interested in Xbox 360 guides, so I can check them at a pricechecker and they'll ring up as $.01 or what? How old are these games usually before they penny out?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, except I don't think BBs have price checkers.

I'd say games usually take a year to penny, but it depends on the publisher of the guide and the game popularity, I'd say. It isn't like every guide pennies after it's been out for a year.

Edit: You think it's 6 months, zew? I don't really pay attention, but I know SMG and LoZ:pH were like a year old when those CE guides pennied so I just went off of that.

I do have some God of War:CoO guides here though, that's definitely not a year old. Same with Army of Two. So yeah, not a year.
But.. a tap and she was the one who overreacted. There is nothing potential about a tap. That is just someone who isn't happy in their life.
[quote name='lilboo']But.. a tap and she was the one who overreacted. There is nothing potential about a tap. That is just someone who isn't happy in their life.[/QUOTE]
But spitting at them? :nottalking:
That was pent up frustration when I worked at Kohls for 9 months. TOO many fat women like her made my life a living hell. :lol:

Puma, you should have seen how she looked. ::shudders:: She was like a fat house wife from 1988 in her 1987 minivan.
Going to the grocery store a few hours before a snowstorm = worst idea ever.

Tons of fat people there too boo, none of whom know how to move out of the middle of the aisle.
Should have just handed her this:

and sped off and be done with it
[quote name='Wolve11']thanks Rocko, so I just take all the store's guides to the front and have them scanned.....awww yea.....[/QUOTE]
Odds of you finding anything are slim to none, the last drop was a while ago. Wait for the next drop or take a list of recent drops so you know what you're looking for.

Also, they're not technically supposed to sell you the guides, so don't make your first trip a price check on 50 guides. Test it to see what employees will let it go (if any). I've identified one particular employee at my BB that won't sell them to me, but most others know me and sell me 40 guides in one transaction.
[quote name='lordwow']
Tons of fat people there too boo, none of whom know how to move out of the middle of the aisle.[/QUOTE]

And they walk SO SLOW :(

[quote name='DarthPuma']I understand boo. I do not look forward to having to deal with assholes when I start working.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's pretty bad. The fatter the female customer = the more horrid experience.

[quote name='HumanSnatcher']Should have just handed her this:

and sped off and be done with it[/QUOTE]

:lol: Exactly. Like I said in a comment.. no one has ever TOUCHED a car with their door since they parked so close? I mean, really. I would be the first to go "OOPS MAH BAD" (he's the one who opened it, btw).
You know I can understand the 80 year old grandma taking it slow, but when 30-something women can't move at a reasonable speed, at least like, get out of the middle of the aisle.
Someone parked literally an inch away from my driver side door once so I got in through the passenger side and backed out. After that, I surrounded their entire car with shopping carts.
[quote name='Rocko']Odds of you finding anything are slim to none, the last drop was a while ago. Wait for the next drop or take a list of recent drops so you know what you're looking for.

Also, they're not technically supposed to sell you the guides, so don't make your first trip a price check on 50 guides. Test it to see what employees will let it go (if any). I've identified one particular employee at my BB that won't sell them to me, but most others know me and sell me 40 guides in one transaction.[/quote]

I'll have to start going there again as I quit for a while because about a year ago when the 32 gig Itouch came out I went to BB and asked the chick who works in the electronics department if they had any and she said that they don't exist. This is after I had looked on their website for them....I went to a manager and she pulled one out. Chick was giving my wife a horrible attitude as well. So yea needless to say haven't been there in a while.
All I can think about right now is that story Brak told about muscling some motorcycle guy out of a McDonald's parking lot, or something. :lol:
[quote name='Rocko']All I can think about right now is that story Brak told about muscling some motorcycle guy out of a McDonald's parking lot, or something. :lol:[/quote]

what happened?
Reminds me: I had to throw some beligerent asshole out of a Gamestop once because he was of some stupid shit. There was one female manager and one really skinny dude at the door in the back and I was the only other customer aside from the asshole who just started hollering and stuff at the female manager. When he started the threatening I put him in a headlock and escorted his ass out. He never even saw me as I snuck up behind him and got him. It was weird cause it started off all calm and then the dude just started hollering...I wish I remembered what the dude was so upset about...I think they wouldn't take back some game or whatever.
Brak told some story about a dude on a motorcycle somehow getting angry at him on the road, so he followed Brak into a McDonald's parking lot or something looking to beat him up but Brak scared him away.

I dunno, I forget the details, but it was really noir, and it's all I can think about while lilboo is talking about his parking lot experience.
Oh yea, I think I remember him telling that story. Something like when he confronted the guy, the dude said something like "it's cool man" and got back into his car and left. :lol:
fuck, I have ~10GBs worth of PSN downloads queued up. This bitch is going to have to be on all night. I'll be nice an toasty. :mrgreen:
fuck you UPS. My cables should have been here yesterday, and now the status is "Billing Information Received" AGAIN? What the fuck.

At least I beat Half Life 2 again.
I took some workout supplement earlier that had caffeine and some other shit in it. I took my normal 15mg dose of Adderall a few hours later. I figured I'd be fine if I spaced the two apart.

Man, I'm wired. I feel even more focused than normal, which is to be expected, but everything's just more enjoyable- especially Rock Band 2, LOL. But I wouldn't try this again. My hands are trembling a bit. Could be not quite so enjoyable if there was a next time.

Thus concludes my random sharing of crap no one cares about.
I took 2 Adderall when I was driving to NJ in the middle of the night and I was up for 26 hours. I was rocking out all the way there though. Cranked some tunes and drove the whole 320 miles without stopping once. I had to piss like a race horse when I got there :lol:.
Do you know if there's any way to make gadgets invisible in Windows 7, Zew? I have a few RSS feeds, which is really nice, but if I want to add anything else, shit's gonna get cluttered.
LOL, yeah... Speeding up your metabolic rate also has diuretic effects. How much did you take? My Adderall is prescribed to me- 2 doses per day of 15 mg each (a 30mg pill split in half). I wouldn't recommend recreational use, no matter how enjoyable previous experiences may have been.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Do you know if there's any way to make gadgets invisible in Windows 7, Zew? I have a few RSS feeds, which is really nice, but if I want to add anything else, shit's gonna get cluttered.[/QUOTE]

Gadgets don't work at all for me on 7. I click on it and nothing happens.

Not a big deal since I don't use 'em. Sorry, can't be of help.
Oh, okay. And just to clarify, I wasn't criticizing or anything... Just saying it could be dangerous, as a word of caution. Not that you needed me to say anything, apparently.
I need a job so I can buy some new games. Finding a decent job has been hella hard, I might have to fall back on doing inventory for a while :bomb:.

Did that guys eye just get bigger as he blew his nose? That's CRAZY.
I'm not even tired and it's nearly 5 a.m. This is rough.

I found out today that Dexter married Deb in real life. That's kind of strange, but I guess working together for so long brings you close. I wonder if it's weird when they play siblings on the show. Also, whoever said season 3 is crap was wrong.
lol @ boo.

Some guy randomly challenged my dad to random-ass roadside road rage, one time, and my dad spat in his face.

The best part was, my dad saying "TOOIE!" as he spat. :rofl:
[quote name='lordwow']Morning OTT, up early to feed littlewow :cool:[/quote]
While you're up you can come and help me shovel snow.
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