Fallout: New Vegas - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Upon reading Giant Bomb's review, I can confirm that the site hurts my eyes. :shock: I just...couldn't finish reading it. :rofl:[/QUOTE]
I don't get it. Is this a dig at GB in general or at the literal color scheme/look of the site?

Anyways, excerpt from Joystiq:

No, I can only point to one real, genuine, unequivocal misstep Obsidian has made here (OK, two if you count the soundtrack): It's a technical embarrassment. Three times the game locked up on me completely, forcing me to restart the 360. Entering the outside world is more often than not accompanied by 20 seconds or so of the framerate slowing to an absolute slide show. Load times regularly hover between 25 and 50 seconds, in spite of a full hard drive installation. That's not so bad when you happen upon the occasional building in the Mojave Wasteland, but quest lines that take you in and out of several buildings in a row are utterly demoralizing.

Obsidian hasn't even fixed the kludginess inherent to Fallout 3. The camera still gets stuck in the wrong location for dialog sequences and A.I. pathing is still comically unnatural. If I were looking at Fallout: New Vegas as a product, I'd say it's shocking that it's being released to the public in this state.
Unfortunate to see a lot of these reviews talking about so many technical issues. Impressions on NeoGAF seem to be more positive in that regard, though.

Just hope this does well. I'm a big Chris Avellone fan.
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I got my game at GS at midnight and supposedly GS was giving out a classic pack that came with exclusive outfit, canteen, gun and 5 stimpacks... It wasn't on the receipt or a card though but inside the game itself was a card. Are all games coming with this code? I wasn't excited about the extras and already put my card on Ebay. Just wondering if it really was an exclusive...
I was curious so I checked out Ebay for the various pre-order bonus packs and some of them are going to $20, one for the PS3 is going for $42. I mean I love Fallout but I'm not willing to pay that much for this dlc.

@$hady - Was the card in your game from a sealed copy? If not then GS probably just put it in the case.

I got my game from Yourfree360games.com so no pre-order bonus for me.
It doesn't seem to be a pre-order bonus. I got my Sealed copy from Gamestop at midnight and inside was the paper insert with the code. Mine wasn't pre-ordered, just went in, got the game, came home and inside there was the code.

Oh, and there were maybe 15 people total there at midnight. No special posters, keychains, or anything else. Just get in, get the game, get back out.
Yea it was on a card inside the sealed case. Maybe people buying now just haven't gotta a physical copy of the game yet?

My GS copy was sealed case with a cardboard slip sheet over it. Same UPC just cutout in the cardboard to scan UPC. I preordered Monday afternoon lol.
[quote name='shosh']anyone know how long this game is gonna be? the achievements look pretty easy and hopefully can be done in one run through, but i dont really want to invest like 100 hours into a game[/QUOTE]

Joystiq reviewer said it took him about 28 hours to beat the game (he didn't say it in the review but responded to a question in the comments.)

From what I've heard there's "preorder" DLC paper slips in the first print run of the game for Gamestop, then nothing after that for Gamestop. We'll have to see what's in the copies at non-Gamestop stores.
Does anyone have the CE yet? Does it come with a normal copy of the game inside or is the game inside in a special case?
[quote name='TeamUnderdog']Here's an unboxing video of the collector's edition.


Thanks man! Looks like the regular edition of the game inside. :)
[quote name='keithp']what reason could they possibly have other than to not *discourage* people from buying it? [/QUOTE]

And I guess the answer to my question is: bugs and technical glitches. Hooboy. Hopefully most can be fixed with patches.
I'm still (slowly) working my way through Fallout 3 and the idea of a slightly brighter and less destroyed setting sounds nice. But I'll probably wait a while for this to get patched and maybe see what the DLC situation looks like.

I've read a lot about the hardcore setting and it sounds anathema to me; fiddling around with crafting, repairing, and inventory management is my very least favorite part of this kind of game. Without that setting on, is the gameplay comparable to Fallout 3? (Personally I would love a "streamlined" mode to complement the hardcore mode that simplified all that stuff even more. I'm totally spoiled by Mass Effect 2.)
How are the "dungeon" areas? That was one of my complaints with FO3, they were very bland and had a randomly generated feel to them.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']Any guesses as to price drops between now and January?[/QUOTE]

u can count on perhaps some BF deals
[quote name='LordVila']How are the "dungeon" areas? That was one of my complaints with FO3, they were very bland and had a randomly generated feel to them.[/QUOTE]

Part of what is keeping me on the fence about buying is the contrast in locale.

Fallout 3 made such excellent use of set pieces, like the National Mall, Washington Monument, Capitol and Rivet City. For me, the tunnel system linking all of the areas in metro DC added a dark, atmospheric twist compared to the brown, expanse of the Capitol Wasteland.

I'm curious how the experience plays in New Vegas, where the tunnel system is gone and the set pieces are reduced to the Strip. Anyone got any impressions on this difference?
Reviews seem to say that this game has some major technical issues, but I'll probably still pick it up after I finish Fable III after next week.
Despite the technical issues, it seems like it's still a damn good game. Glad it's coming today. I can live with technical issues in a game this big. I am use to making a lot of saves in massive RPGs, so it should be ok.
[quote name='Fjordson']I don't get it. Is this a dig at GB in general or at the literal color scheme/look of the site?[/QUOTE]

The color scheme. The white text hurts my eyes when I read a big review.
Can anyone tell me if they have any problems with rear surround sound during gameplay? It's driving me bonkers. I have no problems with surround sound during other games (such as Call of Duty WaW). I put FO:NV in and there is absolutely no rear sound. Using HDMI if it matters...
Just had my first game breaking glitch - asked me if I wanted to revise my character before venturing out further into the wasteland. I said yes so it took me to character customization. I could zoom in and out of the guy's face, but I couldn't advance the menus or change anything. Hit every button on the controller multiple times.. nothing happened. Had to re-load an older save.

mtx - playing via optical cable, no problems with rear surround.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']The color scheme. The white text hurts my eyes when I read a big review.[/QUOTE]

They have a whitepage option with black text. I've been using it for so long that I had forgotten that their default is black with white text. To be honest, the page layout has changed enough in the interim, I don't know where the button to switch back and forth is any more.
[quote name='Scorch']
mtx - playing via optical cable, no problems with rear surround.[/QUOTE]

For whatever reason, it was only in that first house in the game. I went outside, went to another house where a radio was playing and surround sound activated.

Second game breaking glitch - climbing a rock and couldn't progress forward... and suddenly couldn't go backwards, left or right. Could only duck.

Yeah, that's how I am, too. I must have over a hundred Fallout 3 saves. It does sound, though, like there are a ton of glitches in this, though, which is unfortunate.
Well, I think I'm going to hold off getting it until at least the first patch. I'll bet the developers announce something pretty damn quick now that the word is out it's a bug-fest.
I placed my preorder at Walmart.com and got 99cent release date delivery, but the tracking number shows it won't arrive until Friday. I sent them a email explaining how unhappy I am with them promising release date delivery and not going through with it. The only reason I preordered from them was because I had a $40 gift card I was saving for this.

I will not be preordering from them anytime in the near future.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yeah, that's how I am, too. I must have over a hundred Fallout 3 saves. It does sound, though, like there are a ton of glitches in this, though, which is unfortunate.[/QUOTE]

this game actually has a limit of 100 saves..

For those that have encountered the town of Primm, you know that there's an entrance to the city, then one part is safe, the other part isn't. Whenever you fast travel, it doesn't teleport you to the entrance of the city (that'd be logical), it teleports you inside the part that isn't safe. Awesome.

This game is hard as hell and I'm not even playing on Hardcore mode. I'm not enjoying it so far. I had been until the first two game breaking glitches, and now it seems I'm struggling to get caps and find health.
[quote name='Duddy07']I placed my preorder at Walmart.com and got 99cent release date delivery, but the tracking number shows it won't arrive until Friday. I sent them a email explaining how unhappy I am with them promising release date delivery and not going through with it. The only reason I preordered from them was because I had a $40 gift card I was saving for this.

I will not be preordering from them anytime in the near future.[/QUOTE]
Call them.. if you haven't already and talk to a manager.. they'll usually do something more
[quote name='Scorch']this game actually has a limit of 100 saves..

For those that have encountered the town of Primm, you know that there's an entrance to the city, then one part is safe, the other part isn't. Whenever you fast travel, it doesn't teleport you to the entrance of the city (that'd be logical), it teleports you inside the part that isn't safe. Awesome.

This game is hard as hell and I'm not even playing on Hardcore mode. I'm not enjoying it so far. I had been until the first two game breaking glitches, and now it seems I'm struggling to get caps and find health.[/QUOTE]

So you'd rather be an unstoppable badass than have a challenge?
I did find that after posting. I just got off the phone and basically was told that it was suppose to be delivered today, but it can take 2 days. Hopefully my email will get a better response.
I've been playing for about three hours, so far not one glitch, except for an upside-down coyote and the rare framerate dip. This game rocks!
[quote name='drktrpr1']I've been playing for about three hours, so far not one glitch, except for an upside-down coyote and the rare framerate dip. This game rocks![/QUOTE]

It'll happen.

I played for 3 hours, then I fell through the world. Had to restart.

JUST had an incident where I did nothing but walk towards a location in the distance. It hard locked up my system to the point where I couldn't even get back to the dashboard. I had to get up and power off the console by hand.
[quote name='Scorch']this game actually has a limit of 100 saves..

For those that have encountered the town of Primm, you know that there's an entrance to the city, then one part is safe, the other part isn't. Whenever you fast travel, it doesn't teleport you to the entrance of the city (that'd be logical), it teleports you inside the part that isn't safe. Awesome.

This game is hard as hell and I'm not even playing on Hardcore mode. I'm not enjoying it so far. I had been until the first two game breaking glitches, and now it seems I'm struggling to get caps and find health.[/QUOTE]

Does the game have a sliding difficulty scale like F3 (and Oblivion) did? I sure hope so...
[quote name='shieryda']Does the game have a sliding difficulty scale like F3 (and Oblivion) did? I sure hope so...[/QUOTE]

F3 had a sliding difficulty? You sure about that one? I put 150 hours in and never once did the difficulty increase. Later in the game I was a walking God. I imagine the same is true here with FONV.
[quote name='mtxbass1']F3 had a sliding difficulty? You sure about that one? I put 150 hours in and never once did the difficulty increase. Later in the game I was a walking God. I imagine the same is true here with FONV.[/QUOTE]

I believe he means "sliding" as in easy, normal, hard, super-hard...and yes, it does from what I've read.
bread's done