Fallout: New Vegas - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='shieryda']Does the game have a sliding difficulty scale like F3 (and Oblivion) did? I sure hope so...[/QUOTE]

oh sweet, it does! Time to turn it on easy then back to normal and eventually hard once I have my guy built up. I didn't even think to look for it.

Anyone plan on trying Hardcore mode? (stimpaks heal over time and do not heal limbs, rad away cures radiation over time, dehydration is a constant threat and bullets have weight)
Agreed about the difficulty. If it's too hard, change it. I'm playing on Normal, and it's way too easy, I'm kicking major butt. I'll probably bump up to hard when I get back too it. Still no major freezes or crashes. I'm not saying that there aren't any bugs, but I haven't had any major problems with the game.
Well to get 100% trophies and platinum it I started off playing hardcore and haven't had an issue. It's all about strategy I'm kicking ass and taking names.. have a full arsenal of weapons and outfits as well as plenty of caps.. modded weapons .. Love the game!!
Hey can anyone go into detail on how that "BOTTLE CAP GLITCH WORKS ??"


I just didnt understand what the person was doing in the video...
So is "hardcore" an actual mode in the game, or just having the difficulty scale all the way to the right? If you decide to stop playing on hardcore, can you simply scale it bac without having to restart the game?
[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']Hey can anyone go into detail on how that "BOTTLE CAP GLITCH WORKS ??"


I just didnt understand what the person was doing in the video...[/QUOTE]

Boooo! Dont do glitches! It will ruin your gaming experience :)
Hardcore is it's own mode... You play through the game on hardcore ONLY, or you play through getting to adjust very easy/easy/normal/hard/very hard

Edit: you can switch to Hardcore mode anytime during any game, but I'm assuming that you need to play hardcore mode start to finish for the achievement.
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Anyone come across an issue where it says the save relies on DLC that is no longer present and cant be loaded, even if you don't have any DLC? 12 hours of gameplay possibly gone...
Does everyone that has a freezing problem have it installed on their hard drive? I've had no freezing problems in about 5 hours of gameplay, and I've been running it off of the disk...
Yea to get the achievement you have to play from start to finish never having hardcore turned off. I started with it on but decided to turn it off as I plan to explore alot and do everything I can on the first time through. On the 2nd time through i'll go hardcore mode and do whatever I missed the 1st time.

I'm only a couple hours in but i've experienced nothing out of the ordinary and i'm playing from the HD.
Playing it from the hard drive and no problems yet except for a dude being stuck in the ceiling but that was fixed next time I went to that town.
Had it freeze on me once during a loading screen.

Also shot a guy in VATS and he randomly shot about 40 feet straight up in the air, still trying to shoot me as he went up. The fall killed him :)
Hi guys,

Where can I buy a copy of the collector's edition of this game for PC?

I don't live in the U.S. so It has to be on an online store, but t's pretty much out of stock everywhere: Amazon, CDuniverse, Wallmart, BestBuy... you name It.

And in eBay the cheapest one is at $140...

Thank you in advance
Glitches so far:
Gecko stuck in rock
A Feral Ghouls's feet were stuck in the ground, he could only move at 180 degree angles, and couldn't be killed
Massive frame dips, especially when you provoke a large crowd
[quote name='Xtremedandi']Hi guys,

Where can I buy a copy of the collector's edition of this game for PC?

I don't live in the U.S. so It has to be on an online store, but t's pretty much out of stock everywhere: Amazon, CDuniverse, Wallmart, BestBuy... you name It.

And in eBay the cheapest one is at $140...

Thank you in advance
:D[/QUOTE]Well I put up a link where to find it by google price search but I actually checked the links and all say out of stock.. and to think.. I picked The Collector's Edition for the PS3 for lol $56.99 + Collector's Edition Hardback Guide $20.99 - $20 Amazon gaming credit = one sweet ass deal! Both for $57.98 Shipped release day for free!
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After reading a skill book, the skill that has been been augmented wears off (goes back to normal) after just a few seconds. That fucking sucks. Why the hell did they change this from the last game?
I've put probably 200 hours into the original Fallout 3 and now I want to play through it for all the cheevos on my 360. So I guess I'll wait a while and hopefully they'll patch this sucker up a bit.
[quote name='shieryda']After reading a skill book, the skill that has been been augmented wears off (goes back to normal) after just a few seconds. That fucking sucks. Why the hell did they change this from the last game?[/QUOTE]

Are you sure it wasn't a magazine?
[quote name='shieryda']After reading a skill book, the skill that has been been augmented wears off (goes back to normal) after just a few seconds. That fucking sucks. Why the hell did they change this from the last game?[/QUOTE]

The reason for that is because what you read was a magazine and not an actual skill book which still retains their FO3 mechanics to my knowledge. Magazines give you a huge boost for a severely limited window of time which can be extend via perk. It threw me off at first as well until I scoped out some perks thus connecting the dots.

[quote name='pimpinc333']Boooo! Dont do glitches! It will ruin your gaming experience :)[/QUOTE]

Lies, lies, colorful terrible lies indeed. I happily exploited the hell out of FO3 in my initial play-through and it did absolutely nothing to deter its inner utter awesome which is a huge compliment to its entertainment value and length in general.

New Vegas however I won't as Normal is giving me a decent challenge and I'd like to keep it that way.

As for glitches I haven't ran into any of the game breaking variety but I am damn sick and tired of my character psuedo-teleporting every other step I take out in the wastes. It honestly does feel like anything from defending myself to opening a damn door in this game could freeze my console. Not cool. The character creator is absolute atrocious to boot. Very disappointing to note dark skin tones in video games are apparently the most difficult to render even after this many years. My future Nubian Queen of New Vegas looks like she lost a damn fight with a powder keg.
Thanks for the tip about mag vs. book. Eases my mind a bit.

My future Nubian Queen of New Vegas looks like she lost a damn fight with a powder keg.

Too funny. I chose one of those, also, complete with the "elegant" hair-style. I saw the "beard" setting, and chuckled. I didn't give my woman any facial hair, but it would have been interesting.
No glitches yet, been playing for 5 hours.

Question about weapon upgrades...if a gun breaks, you can just apply the upgrade to a new weapon, right?

Also, all Ive found is the scope for the 9mm at the general store. Where are some more upgrades?
[quote name='shieryda']Thanks for the tip about mag vs. book. Eases my mind a bit.

Too funny. I chose one of those, also, complete with the "elegant" hair-style.[/QUOTE]

My pleasure. The inner rocker inside of me couldn't help but go with the angel wings though now I can't bring myself to ever equip her with a helmet. I also chose the glasses trait which HAD been working properly even with Biker Goggles until the game spontaneously decided they didn't count as glasses on its own.

Ugh... I can't wait for the first patch of this game.
My first game changing glitch last night. A scorpion was under railroad tracks when I went to the VATS and it said zero chance to hit him but it wouldn't let me shoot or move off him. It just sat there and I could zoom in or out until finally I had to drop to dashboard. Luckily I didn't lose much..

Enjoying the game, kinda wish i'd not been cheap and grabbed a CE. Hopefully they end up like the FO3 CE. :)
I'm an embarrassing 6.5 hours in already, and no game-breaking glitches so far - knock wood. Did get a gecko stuck in the ground and a couple of brief stutters and few-second-freezes, but that's about it for weirdness.

As much as I loved Fallout 3, I wish the New Vegas interface wasn't EXACTLY the same. I know Obsidian worked real hard to make this a stand-alone game, but I can't help but feel like this is just a giant expansion disc. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but...
I may go back to Dragon Age for a while until they release a patch for this. I love both games equally, but I don't want to have to deal with glitches and bugs in New Vegas.
Can anyone tell me if I can add one of the preorder dlc codes to a game that i have already started?

Also does anyone know if you can have 2 dlc codes entered?

I have the amazon code now and someone gave me a gamestop code but i was not sure if i could enter them both and i already started my game

[quote name='shieryda']I may go back to Dragon Age for a while until they release a patch for this. I love both games equally, but I don't want to have to deal with glitches and bugs in New Vegas.[/QUOTE]
I don't doubt there are issues, but I think they're being overblown/over-discussed a little bit. Now it's getting a reputation for being buggy/glitchy and now everybody's looking for it reporting the littlest things, myself included. But don't let some occasional weirdness keep you away from it. Hell, I put 85 hours into the core game of Fallout 3 and had to hard-reset maybe 2-3 times, max, and never lost more than an hour of progress. Just gotta save early, save often, use new save slots, etc...same for any video game RPG.

I think my biggest gripe right now is probably the story/setting...I enjoyed the post-apocalyptic-punk "leaving the vault to save humanity" sci-fi of Fallout 3 more than this old west pioneer "who killed me" motif, but that may change for me as the game progresses. Also, I really can't explain why, but the in-game art for things like the advertisements, movie posters, billboards, etc doesn't feel as "authentic" as the stuff in Fallout 3.
I agree. I don't doubt that people have run into problems, and from all of the reviews I have read, this definitely sounds buggier than FO3, but it's not gonna stop me from playing. Games this big always have bugs. I ran into my fair share of issues with FO3, which is why I make so many saves.
[quote name='shieryda']I may go back to Dragon Age for a while until they release a patch for this.[/QUOTE]
A game that's even glitchier than Dragon Age is quite a feat. :)
I was excited to get this but it sounds too damn buggy. I may wait until the first patch is released before I pick it up. I do have a game I could finish until then. Hopefully they get their shit together.
I didn't think that the DLC code would be inside the game, specially with no mention of it on the outer packaging. I wish I would have exchanged it for Best Buy's or Gamestop's.

Anyone want to trade their Best Buy or Gamestop DLC code for my Amazon Tribal Pack DLC code?
Also, I've never been a fan of of mission trees getting closed off by helping one faction or another. I would prefer to do as many missions as possible, so I hope this doesn't bum me out too much.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I didn't think that the DLC code would be inside the game, specially with no mention of it on the outer packaging. I wish I would have exchanged it for Best Buy's or Gamestop's.

Anyone want to trade their Best Buy or Gamestop DLC code for my Amazon Tribal Pack DLC code?[/QUOTE]

HAHA! You too? I don't want my tribal stuff, either.

[quote name='shieryda']Also, I've never been a fan of of mission trees getting closed off by helping one faction or another. I would prefer to do as many missions as possible, so I hope this doesn't bum me out too much.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I gotta agree there. I loved tracking down every, single mission that I could in Fallout 3. I don't like the idea of missions being completely shut off to you.
[quote name='shieryda']Also, I've never been a fan of of mission trees getting closed off by helping one faction or another. I would prefer to do as many missions as possible, so I hope this doesn't bum me out too much.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I had to kill a hostile miner in the "sloan" area, now the whole NCR is hostile towards me. Is there anyway to rebuild your reputation once you piss people off?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I didn't think that the DLC code would be inside the game, specially with no mention of it on the outer packaging. I wish I would have exchanged it for Best Buy's or Gamestop's.

Anyone want to trade their Best Buy or Gamestop DLC code for my Amazon Tribal Pack DLC code?[/QUOTE]

I got $30 for my amazon code on ebay...
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I'm an embarrassing 6.5 hours in already, and no game-breaking glitches so far - knock wood. Did get a gecko stuck in the ground and a couple of brief stutters and few-second-freezes, but that's about it for weirdness.

As much as I loved Fallout 3, I wish the New Vegas interface wasn't EXACTLY the same. I know Obsidian worked real hard to make this a stand-alone game, but I can't help but feel like this is just a giant expansion disc. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but...[/QUOTE]

That is what I was afraid of. As much as I loved F3, I think I will be waiting to get this in the $30 price range.
[quote name='bfauble83']I got $30 for my amazon code on ebay...[/QUOTE]


Off to eBay it goes...thanks!


EDIT: It's on eBay now...keeping my fingers crossed for at least $20.
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Outside of the gigantic frame rate dips and a full system lock after it was taking almost a minute to load into certain zones? I love this game. If you loved FO3 you'll love New Vegas most likely. Though it is indeed a large "expansion pack" and It's akin to Left 4 Dead 2 - more stuff, new characters but nothing innovative at all.
I played about 2 hrs worth last night and had fun with it. It's been a while since I've played Fallout 3 but man does this game feel exactly the same to me. I can barely think of any major differences at all after 2 hrs.. That's not exactly a terrible thing, it being so similar to F3, but it would've been nice if there were SOME major differences. Maybe there are and I just haven't picked up on them yet, that's a possibility as well.
ive played maybe 6 hrs so far.. installed to hd and no issues at all with frame rate, glitches or loading times.. i hope i didnt just jinx myself
bread's done