FGT XX isn't as good as Guilty Gear XX

I found a picture of Mr Beef when he was a little kid:

[quote name='kainzero']oh yeah.

i played nba jam and nba jam te

in akihabara

on sanwa sticks/buttons

C. Webb was so good.
[quote name='JEKKI']whooo~!!! I went on vacation! now Im back from vacation!!

here are sum pics to share with yallz:


also fukk the haters!! Killer Instinct 2 is awesome!!

shyt has like no balance and weird azz hitboxes, but it's fun as all hell!!

I couldnt stop playing it lol[/QUOTE]
Chicken looks delicious. :drool:
[quote name='distgfx']Hmm... this makes things more difficult since I play on PS3.[/QUOTE]
Count me in on the BlazBlue for 360 crowd as well. Unfortunately I don't have a PS3. I'm still undecided if I'm going to get BBCSE right away or wait a bit.
Went looking for a better DHC for Nova and because Hawkeye doesn't really fit my playstyle. Ended up with a new team I've been playing at sessions for about a week or two now.


I still like my original team of Nova/Hawkeye/Sentinel, but this new team fits me more, it also has the better anchor. The assists all work well with each other, IMO. Really fun setups.

Nova H Loop xx Supernova DHC Hawkeye= ~811,000 2 Bars
Nova H Loop xx Supernova DHC Taskmaster= ~911-915,000 2 Bars

It's extremely satisfying to land an air S with Joe and convert it into Mach Speed, which then leads to Level 3 Frank if my opponent botches the TAC counter.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']It's extremely satisfying to land an air S with Joe and convert it into Mach Speed, which then leads to Level 3 Frank if my opponent botches the TAC counter.[/QUOTE]

It's probably just me but I have Team Aerial Exchanges. They always feel ridiculously scrubby even though a character like Frank needs that. The idea that Frank teams need just one hit + a 1/3 1/4 guess to get a Level 4+ Frank is a little ridiculous on some teams. It's still also relatively risk-free for the aggressor.

I've been practicing more with the whole holding Down-Right, Up-Left, Down-Left that a friend of mine told me about to counter Team Exchanges a larger percentage of the time.
[quote name='asianxcore']It's probably just me but I have Team Aerial Exchanges. They always feel ridiculously scrubby even though a character like Frank needs that. The idea that Frank teams need just one hit + a 1/3 1/4 guess to get a Level 4+ Frank is a little ridiculous on some teams. It's still also relatively risk-free for the aggressor.

I've been practicing more with the whole holding Down-Right, Up-Left, Down-Left that a friend of mine told me about to counter Team Exchanges a larger percentage of the time.[/QUOTE]

I do all of that, plus I use Ryu so I do the THC into Denjin Mode, then swap Frank back in and get another photo and possible Hyper. It's so damn good.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']I do all of that, plus I use Ryu so I do the THC into Denjin Mode, then swap Frank back in and get another photo and possible Hyper. It's so damn good.[/QUOTE]

Every Frank does that (TAC into Non-Hitting Super) :)

A friend of mine plays Zero/Frank/Ryu, so I'm used to all of it. It's just so damned annoying (having to always guess those whack ass TACs)
hahah, that reminds me of a gamertag I ran into the other day

it was BilboSwaggins69 or something like that. Super nasty
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']frankie, do you use Nova on anchor now or am I reading that wrong?[/QUOTE]

For the Wesker/Taskmaster team? Nova Anchor. You weren't reading that wrong.

Centurion Rush M Assist gives:

-OTG/Hard Ground Bounce/Re-Launch
-Unblockable setups in block strings/pokes
-Unblockable setups for characters coming in (anywhere)
-Crossup/Unblockable setups for characters coming in (anywhere)

-OTG/Hard Ground Bounce/Re-Launch
-Unblockable setup in block strings/pokes
-Unblockable setups for characters coming in (anywhere)
-Crossup/Unblockable setups for characters coming in (anywhere)
-Makes it harder for characters to constantly crouch Taskmaster Air M Arrows. If they do they get hit Overhead with the Assist xx Hit Confirm X

-Level 3 XF Infinite Loop (one time activation) to kill one character (off throw or BnB hit confirm). Hitting this means I can setup Gravimetric Pulse Guard Breaks/Crossups + 50/50s with that and Energy Javelin on characters coming in.
-Level 3 XF Nova on characters coming in, high damage output, only needs 1 meter to kill most.
-Energy Javelins get better/faster. The gap between Javelins is smaller and can be used for lockdown/pressure/hits overhead

I'm having a little more fun with this compared to my other team of Nova/Hawkeye/Sentinel, mostly because Nova is a better anchor and Hawkeye gets boring to play after a while. Taskmaster's damage output with 1 bar is too good.
[quote name='asianxcore']
For the Wesker/Taskmaster team? Nova Anchor. You weren't reading that wrong.

Centurion Rush M Assist gives:

-OTG/Hard Ground Bounce/Re-Launch
-Unblockable setups in block strings/pokes
-Unblockable setups for characters coming in (anywhere)
-Crossup/Unblockable setups for characters coming in (anywhere)

-OTG/Hard Ground Bounce/Re-Launch
-Unblockable setup in block strings/pokes
-Unblockable setups for characters coming in (anywhere)
-Crossup/Unblockable setups for characters coming in (anywhere)
-Makes it harder for characters to constantly crouch Taskmaster Air M Arrows. If they do they get hit Overhead with the Assist xx Hit Confirm X

-Level 3 XF Infinite Loop (one time activation) to kill one character (off throw or BnB hit confirm). Hitting this means I can setup Gravimetric Pulse Guard Breaks/Crossups + 50/50s with that and Energy Javelin on characters coming in.
-Level 3 XF Nova on characters coming in, high damage output, only needs 1 meter to kill most.
-Energy Javelins get better/faster. The gap between Javelins is smaller and can be used for lockdown/pressure/hits overhead

I'm having a little more fun with this compared to my other team of Nova/Hawkeye/Sentinel, mostly because Nova is a better anchor and Hawkeye gets boring to play after a while. Taskmaster's damage output with 1 bar is too good.

Pretty interesting. Haven't seen him on anchor before. I also have barely played U though. As much as I enjoy the game I just simply don't have the time right now. By the time I do TvSF will probably be out haha.

Also, wtf? Never heard of this till I was looking at the new Blazblue..

[quote name='JEKKI']shutup your face!!

I was indirectly complimentin' you.

been so fucking busy with grad school and building a big ass touch screen table from scratch

every day I get home late and all I can do is watch "How It's Made" and end the night with some Heroes and Heralds randomness before I hit the Zzzzs, which I gotta do now.
[quote name='JEKKI']fukk yo indirect!!

come to Evo and do that shyt directly!!

the only way to do it![/QUOTE]

I'll be there. I expect it to go from fists to hugs.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Pretty interesting. Haven't seen him on anchor before. I also have barely played U though. As much as I enjoy the game I just simply don't have the time right now. By the time I do TvSF will probably be out haha.

I know Yipes and Richard Nguyen played him Anchor for a little bit. I haven't been watching too many East Coast or SoCal streams, so I'm not sure if they've kept him there.
[quote name='JEKKI']


@axc - i haven't been watching like any streams. i think i'm officially done keeping up with marvel, and reverting back to casual fan....
Teh Big Windz in da HiZZOuUUSE! :D


MarkyMangggz :wave:, we haz teh gootz okonomiyakiz n monjayakizzz todayz.
PLZ come 2 next CAGaroooz food gatheringz. ^_^

LOLz, I am wonder wat your Xmas card from Jekkiz is like, plz 2 get from him n poast teh pix if possiblez.
BTW I iz not hipster foodie. :cry:
[quote name='asianxcore']I know Yipes and Richard Nguyen played him Anchor for a little bit. I haven't been watching too many East Coast or SoCal streams, so I'm not sure if they've kept him there.[/QUOTE]

Riiiiishaarrrd Nahoooohoooohgoooohooooyenz dropped teh NOVAz (CENTURIONnnn!!!!!)
*put ur bowz up n do teh Nova Force*

He got body-ied at SCR / randomed out, n he going back 2 dat Magnetoz.

He be rollin' wif dem' Sparda BROSz n Magnuszzz.
He said he found sum new dirrrty azz shit wif Dantez, he be in dat labz. :bouncy:
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[quote name='muzras']MarkyMangggz :wave:, we haz teh gootz okonomiyakiz n monjayakizzz todayz.
PLZ come 2 next CAGaroooz food gatheringz. ^_^

LOLz, I am wonder wat your Xmas card from Jekkiz is like, plz 2 get from him n poast teh pix if possiblez.
BTW I iz not hipster foodie. :cry:[/QUOTE]
thanks for yesterday!

cag community knows how to take care itself
i need to contribute more to the foodz next time.
[quote name='distgfx']Has anybody played this? If so, how is it?[/QUOTE]

Lame. Like Blazblue.
[quote name='Paco']Lame. Like Blazblue.[/QUOTE]

You think KoFXII's netcode is good, your opinion is forever discredited for anything and everything.
[quote name='distgfx']You think KoFXII's netcode is good, your opinion is forever discredited for anything and everything.[/QUOTE]

Said the shit is serviceable. Your opinion is discredited for liking that animu $$$$$$ry shit.
[quote name='distgfx']

Funny, that's the same thing about Blazblue.

Only thing is Blazblue is dying and people are mad at Capcom for shitting on everything. SNK actually did something right with KOF XIII, then did the hater dance with GSS netcode. Ugh.......

Damn GameSyncSofts. They should be banned.
[quote name='Paco']Funny, that's the same thing about Blazblue.

Only thing is Blazblue is dying and people are mad at Capcom for shitting on everything. SNK actually did something right with KOF XIII, then did the hater dance with GSS netcode. Ugh.......

Damn GameSyncSofts. They should be banned.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='distgfx']

Too lazy to click on that spoiler. I was under an overpass selling oranges all day. :booty:
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I had the money to buy KOF XIII, but I spent it on Patron and tacos instead. ^__^[/QUOTE]

Delicious. I'm going to get myself a boss tomorrow. Putting some delicous porks in there with eggs. Hungry as hell just waiting for it.
I have created the ultimate marvel team consisting of Phoenix Wright, Frank West and Tron. Who's jealous of my team selection prowess?
[quote name='distgfx']Yo, axc, what games do you play regularly? An XBL GT does not tell all.[/QUOTE]

On XBL? Just UMVC3 since it came out. Like 60 hours offline and almost 100 online.

I played an hour of AE 2012 a couple days ago since a friend asked and I've barely played the copy of KOFXIII I have.

On PS3? I haven't played much since more people that usually are up for playing UMVC3 that I know are on XBL.
[quote name='asianxcore']On XBL? Just UMVC3 since it came out. Like 60 hours offline and almost 100 online.

I played an hour of AE 2012 a couple days ago since a friend asked and I've barely played the copy of KOFXIII I have.

On PS3? I haven't played much since more people that usually are up for playing UMVC3 that I know are on XBL.[/QUOTE]

XBL or PSN, it doesn't matter to me, even PC would have sufficed. The only game we have in common is KoFXIII, but I rarely touch it myself. =(
Where's all the hype for Soul Calibur 5? I'm stoked on it. Really looking forward to trying out the new characters, especially that chick with the claw and orb. Also stoked to see how my old staples have held up (Ivy, Voldo and Astaroth).
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Where's all the hype for Soul Calibur 5? I'm stoked on it. Really looking forward to trying out the new characters, especially that chick with the claw and orb. Also stoked to see how my old staples have held up (Ivy, Voldo and Astaroth).[/QUOTE]

I had it pre-ordered, but then I saw dampierre was Best Buy exclusive and went "Naaaaah." Stuff like that annoys me to the point of not wanting to buy a game.
bread's done